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Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts

Hit Points

Characters receive the Maximum number of Hit Points each time Characters Level Up!
First Level Hit Points by Class Cast Rogue 6
Druid 8
Fighter 10
Ranger 10
Knight 10
Cleric 8

Posted on 2013-05-25 at 00:42:13.

Karma: 17/2
213 Posts


Being the thief of the bunch I imagine that greed is my greatest motivator.

So then, you have no objection to someone buying their missing equipment and say stashing the rest as long as we have 0gp on them when we get underway?

I have no problem Rping the purchases either way. Looking forward to the start of the game; so when do you think that might be?

Posted on 2013-05-25 at 00:49:02.

Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts

Hmmmmmmmmmmm Archangel

Am actually working on the Character Thread right now!

First character I am working on is 'Nimblefingers'

Some of the equipment PMed by Players cost way more than 50 Gold, so we will sort that all out, but basically the Gold is for paying debts or starting an account for your futures!

Posted on 2013-05-25 at 01:14:24.

Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts


Treasure Seekers
Cast & Characters
Amur 'Nimblefingers' of the Red Buttons [played by Archangel] a level 1 (Half Elf of Elf Lineage) Rogue
Tohmas Goodwood [played by Odyson] a level 1 (Human) Druid
??????? [played by Jozan1] a level 1 (???????) Fighter
Maithias Crowmarhte aka Crow [played by Tann'Talas] a level 1 (Elf) Ranger
Vincent Wysman [played by Kamina] a level 1 (Human) Knight
Bartimeous Dathier [played by Salvator Navaar] a level 1 (Human) Cleric
??????? [played by Brundel] a level 1 (???????) ???????
??????? [played by Tuned_Out] a level 1 (???????) Paladin

Posted on 2013-05-25 at 01:24:43.

Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts

Bump The Idea was ...

..... ..... that because your characters are just 1st level and new to adventuring, there would probably be some family or personal debts that would motivate your character to join!

Also, since you have to bring the Treasure and Info back to Mad Dog Muldoon to receive your payment on Treasure, opening some type of account would start a 'nest egg' for your character to buy land, build a home, have funds laid up to get married and start a family etc.

You will all board the ship with 0 Gold, so if that means you gambled away the money or drank it away, or gave it away or paid debts or started a savings ... well ... that is all part of what you will be posting when the Game Thread is open in a few days!

Posted on 2013-05-25 at 01:26:59.

Trilogy Master
RDI Staff
Karma: 181/119
6817 Posts

Party Looks good

Fighter heavy but we got a Healer, a Semi-Healer, and a lay on hands kinda dude so we should live a little longer then the 1st LvL norm .

Still no Mage huh Hmmmm

Posted on 2013-05-25 at 02:03:07.

Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts

Hey Folks About Equipment

No Way does 50 Gold pay for some of your stuff you have already PMed to me! (Which I am sorting out the next couple of days!)

Leather Armor 10 gp
Hide 20 gp
Studded Leather 25 gp
Shield, Small Wooden 3 gp
Shield, Med. Wooden 5 gp
Dagger 2 gp
Hammer, War 6 gp
Hatchet 1gp
Mace, Heavy 12 gp
Mace, large7 25gp
Mace, Light 5 gp
Sap 1 gp
Sword, Broad 12 gp
Sword, Long 15 gp
Sword, Short 10 gp
Arrows (20) 2 gp
Arrow, Silver (2) 2 gp
Bolts (12) 1 gp
Bow, Long 75 gp
Bow, Long Composite 100 gp
Bow, Short 30 gp
Bow, Short Composite 75 gp
Crossbow, Light 35 gp
Crossbow, Hand 100 gp
Crossbow, Heavy 50 gp
Backpack 2 gp
Belt Pouch, Large 1 gp
Belt Pouch, Spell Component 10 gp
Canteen (1⁄2 gallon) 2 gp
Case, Map or Scroll 1 gp
Chain (20 feet) 2 gp
Flint and Steel 1 gp
Grappling Hook 1 gp
Holy Symbol, Silver 25 gp
Holy Symbol, Wooden 1 gp
Holy Water, Flask 30 gp
Marbles (bag of 25) 1 gp
Rogue’s Tools 30 gp
Tent, large 45 gp
Tent, medium 25 gp
Tent, small 10 gp
Tinder Box (10 fires) 1 gp
Waterskin (1 gallon) 1 gp
Rations (1 week) 3 gp

My point in all this is that the 50 Gold to sign on was a payment in good faith for your character to possibly do as Mad Dog Muldoon suggested in the opening post.

True, your character may not have a clue about starting a 'nest egg' but the 50 Gold was never my intent to have your character buy supplies.

Just from the above list, some of you would not be able to purchase all the items that you want your character to have, that is why I am editing your stuff and it will be up to you to write up some clever ways as to how you got the stuff and weapons that I am allowing for you to have!

Each character will be equipped within reason and you do not have to travel very far to get your first taste of dealing with adversity to gain some loot and treasure!s

Do not forget, you have to return to the Toothless Dragon Inn to give your info and treasure to Mad Dog Muldoon so you can get your cut of the treasure!

Posted on 2013-05-25 at 02:31:29.

Trilogy Master
RDI Staff
Karma: 181/119
6817 Posts

No Probs from me :)

I'm perfectly happy with my 50gps. I plan to hold on to them rt now in case I need them for a room, a good meal and so on.

As for gear I'm good with what I have or what you leave me Hammer.

However I do have one question. I have been looking through the PHB you sent us and have seen nothing about kits so I can assume we do not have such available to us?
If so I will need to rework my weap pro's as I specialized in one weapon due to the Ranger Kit I used.

I hope I'm not annoying you with all these questions its just never played this system so trying not to make mistakes

Posted on 2013-05-25 at 03:04:16.

Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts

No Problem Tann

I will work on your Character probably Saturday and there are No Kits!

No Caltrops either, but you can make some improvising during the adventure (Rangers can set simple traps), not just carrying them!

Your Characters board the ship with 0 Gold in your possession, but I guess I must let a cat out of the bag, because when you put into Port somewhere Captain Crayfish has Gold to provide for accomodations etc to give to everybody! Courtesy of Mad Dog Muldoon!
Since this part of my setting has become a small issue regarding Gold and what characters are doing with their Gold, I have to tip my hand now and mention you will all have Gold if you put into Port at a town along the way!

And While I Am Thinking About It, There Are No Mounts (Horses etc) Boarding The Ship!

Posted on 2013-05-25 at 03:38:45.
Edited on 2013-05-25 at 03:42:09 by Hammer

Trilogy Master
RDI Staff
Karma: 181/119
6817 Posts

Duh I'm so feeling blonde rt now

You keep saying no gold on ship and I keep reading over that not paying attention to it for some stupid reason.

My Apologies Hammer just call me a non understanding Nerd ok

Hey whatever changes you make to Crow go for it no argument from me

Posted on 2013-05-25 at 03:46:16.

Salvator Navaar
Karma: 6/0
333 Posts


I blame my computer. well, my room mates computer to be honest. Neither the handbook, nor the map will open for me after DLing them.

If this is becoming too much of a hassle for you hammer, i can withdraw. But I am also good with whatever you give me.

Posted on 2013-05-25 at 04:50:43.

Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts

No Problem Salvator

We can work with it, no need to withdraw from the Game!

Posted on 2013-05-25 at 04:57:25.

Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts

Just a Suggestion

Your Characters are Only a First Level group of Inexperienced Warriors!

The journey to the Ruins at the Broken Fingers will prove to be Long and Treacherous (Possibly) and I Guarantee that what Lurks There will Prove To Be More Than Level One Adventurers Can Handle!

No Sense Getting Killed on the First Exploration!

May I Suggest going to one of the nearby Islands south of Eluythus where your characters can get their feet wet in battle, learn to work as a group, grab some sort of Treasure, report back to Mad Dog Muldoon in a reasonable length of time, get a share of the loot and Level Up ?????

Your Characters Need to get Comfortable with Captain Crayfish and His Crew, Find Out if Mad Dog Muldoon is True to His Word and Explore Somewhere Near Enough for Muldoon to send others to establish some Treasure Trade for His Business Endeavors!

My Other Suggestion is to go across the water either a bit northwest or southwest of Eluythus to Explore!

You Probably Need to Be Level 3 before attempting a Longer Journey to the Ruins by the Broken Fingers!

Caution: Make Wise Choices!

Posted on 2013-05-25 at 15:11:36.

Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts


Take a look at what I have provided your character Crow, especially with Equipment (Good Idea for Everyone to Take a Look in case there is something else you may think you may need for your first journey!)

Tann, your Deity named Betula requires all First Level Worshippers to give their income to the Betula Temple (located somewhere in the Detmold Forest) so you can have your 50 Gold sent there!

Betula Temple is more like a Weapons Hall where worshippers hone their skills with Sword, Hammer or Axe!

Crow chose the Sword of course!

You can work this into your back story at a point in time after the tragedy you described in his life!

Your 50 Gold goes to the Betula Temple, but the Elven War Priest (or whatever name you want to use!) has outfitted you with your current supplies!

This accounts for why you have so much in relation to some of the other First Level Players at this time!

When you return to the Toothless Dragon Tavern and receive your share of the Treasure from Mad Dog Muldoon, you will be a 2nd Level Character and therefore no longer bound to give all your income to the Betula Temple!

This is another reason why it would be prudent to go explore a place nearer to Eluythus, than to head straight for the Ruins near the Broken Fingers!

Party Needs Level 3 Casters for Exploring There!

Posted on 2013-05-25 at 19:48:34.

Trilogy Master
RDI Staff
Karma: 181/119
6817 Posts

Looks good Hammer

Character looks good to me Sir Hammer. God is ok, Betula Temple is not a problem as far as my 50 gold is concerned. I like the idea of a place I can go to train.

Only a couple questions, I can still give some of my gains to the temple if I choose to rt? I assume yes but want to be sure. When in a town that has a temple can I get free room and board as a member? Does not have to an actual room, hell a cot is good

Also will you be putting up Pictures of our characters like the one I sent you.? I use them as do other DM's on the Inn to give us some idea what each of us looks like?

Other then that I guess I'm good to go.

Posted on 2013-05-25 at 22:56:05.


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