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Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts

Well Tuned

As far as I know there is No Heavy Armor that is floatable!

Hopefully an Update will be posted by sometime Friday!

Posted on 2013-08-01 at 15:12:10.

Regular Visitor
Karma: 4/5
84 Posts


Gotta wear your water wings!

Posted on 2013-08-01 at 17:17:49.

Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts

Okay Gang

I took some liberty with NPCing the Cleric and the Knight, but the other characters not mentioned by name in the Game Post were doing whatever exploring or defending they chose to do!

So Brundel and Archangel and anyone else can fill in the blanks whenever they Post in Game!

The area outside 'The Map' would be anywhere from 20 to 30 feet (North, South and West) and the Pool of Water surrounded by Mud is about 50 feet to the East, revealing nothing in the way of hidden staircases, tunnels, traps etc; Meaning that any such connection to any other caverns are Under Water! How far under water is not discernable by any of the Seekers!
This would suggest that the only Survivor was Faldian Misirim, but that is up to the characters to figure out given the current Game Post

Posted on 2013-08-02 at 23:48:40.

Khash Munee
Karma: 47/0
707 Posts


Cool, thanks Hammer. Kind of what I expected, but just had to be sure since the treasure stole the scene.

I'll have a post up accordingly; Jaufre will accompany the rest of the seekers back without any complaint.

Posted on 2013-08-03 at 07:28:52.

Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts

Important Info Needed

I will need to know where every character is at this point and what each character does!

Any connecting caverns, tunnels etc. are obviously under the surface of the Pool of Water, but you do not know how deep the Pool of Water is!

Mud is undisturbed, but who wants to chance to find out if the Mud has quicksand possibilities ?????

Bartimeous has an extremely heavy large sack of gold to show to Dagger, Captain Crayfish and the Stout Hearts!

So let me know how you Players plan to play your Characters from this point in the adventure ???

Posted on 2013-08-03 at 14:38:46.

Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts


Archangel, Angelic, Tann and Brundel have sent me PM Messages and I know that Ziklag, Ody and Tuned are pretty much active!

I do realize that Kamina is wrapped up with a busy August and I am NPCing Vincent; just not heard anything from Jozan nor Salvator (am NPCing Bartimeous).

We will see who has posted by the end of the week and I will cobble together an Update, depending upon the responses in the Game Thread and QnA also!

Posted on 2013-08-07 at 04:13:53.

Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts

Departure Order ???

Okay Gang

Gonna need to know roughly where each Character will be in the order of Departure ?????

Which two (2) Characters are carrying the Treasure Chest of the Human Round Gold Coins?

From what I have read, Elyra is at the end of the line, probably with Areldor and Mylos (he may be right behind the Treasure Chest, but I need some clarity here!)

Did Amur choose to go to the head of the line to check for Traps, Ambushes etc.?

Will Crow go to the Head of the Line to lead the Seekers back out, or will he continue to stand guard with his bow and arrows until the Treasure Chest has been carried up the final flight of stairs and outside?

Bartimeous is carrying a Heavy Large Sack of Assorted Gold Treasure and Vincent will probably be accompanying him!

So is Ody's Druid (Shaman) carrying one end of the Treasure Chest, leaving either Tuned's Paladin to carry the other end or Jozan's Fighter to carry the other end (have not heard from Jozan in a while!) ?????????

The Order of Departure needs to be Clarified before I can properly put together an Update!

Thank You

Posted on 2013-08-08 at 01:35:25.

Trilogy Master
RDI Staff
Karma: 181/119
6817 Posts


Crow will keep the party covered until everyone is out of this cave. Once everyone is out I'll lead them back to the ship without retracing our route in to minimize any traps having been set behind us.

I will have a post up hopefully by Sat nite to this effect. I've been really busy this week with a lot of different time consuming projects

Posted on 2013-08-08 at 01:54:54.

Karma: 158/25
6327 Posts


So is Ody's Druid (Shaman) carrying one end of the Treasure Chest, leaving either Tuned's Paladin to carry the other end or Jozan's Fighter to carry the other end (have not heard from Jozan in a while!) ????????? YES!

I'd guess Amur first. Vincent and Bart next. Crow in the middle to protect either forward or back. Tohmas and someone carrying the chest. The bard and the Illustionist last. The other in between them and Tohmas.

Posted on 2013-08-08 at 02:44:57.

Karma: 7/0
224 Posts

Bring up the rear

Well I think this is a first. The magic user gets to be rear guard. I will go with this if there is no objections.

Posted on 2013-08-08 at 03:06:34.

Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts

Well Ziklag

Angelic is having her Bard stay well behind the Treasure Chest and since Areldor enjoys her company, plus may need her encouragement if he pulls out his newly acquired 'Fire Stik' (Wand) it would seem to be the place for him to be!

Also, the Bracers of Armor are +2, so your Character is not quite so vulnerable now!

Posted on 2013-08-08 at 03:38:56.

Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts

No Problem Tann

I know you were testing this week for your Permit, so I will wait for your Post this weekend before I do any type of Update!

Posted on 2013-08-08 at 03:52:14.

Khash Munee
Karma: 47/0
707 Posts

Things got busy... I apologize.

I'll assist Ody with the chest.

Depending on the weight, if I can lift my end with one hand then Jaufre will carry the left side of the chest so as to be able to weild his sword in his left hand.

If it requires both, so be it. More time toward inner reflection of the situation than defensive vigilance.

I will back-post to catch up.

Posted on 2013-08-08 at 07:58:51.

Karma: 17/2
213 Posts


Well, since skinny little Amur isn't carrying the chest, and Crow is covering the party's departure, Amur will take the lead and, being ever cautious, will check for any traps and such as they depart. Once topside he will scan around before popping out and then he will pause there covering the group as they exit the hole. Once topside, I imagine he will relinquish the lead to the Ranger, but will bring up a close second, being ever alert.

Any more clarification needed, let me know.

Posted on 2013-08-08 at 13:08:32.

Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts

Treasure Chest is Heavy

So it will take Both Hands to Carry!

Also, there is No Lock to secure the Treasure inside without the lid possibly opening while carrying!

Posted on 2013-08-08 at 15:47:26.


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