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Eol Fefalas
Lord of the Possums
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Karma: 470/28
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So glad... hear that all of you in the tornado whipped sections of our country are safe and sound! Much love to all of you from all of me! We got some pretty wicked straight line winds here over the past couple of days but no twisters, yet. I'll be radiating good vibes and happy thoughts in hopes that all of us Innmates can dodge that severe weather bullet, this year.

AAAAAAaaaaaaaanyhooo! I'm giving thought to a post or two, today (another for Tochi and, perhaps, an additional one for other FC personnel). If anyone needs the XO before the staff meeting, feel free to give me a nudge.

P.S. Amara - loved the little elbow jab and "pay up" bit between Pierce and Finnley. Not sure exactly what it was all about, but, it had me chuckling.

Posted on 2016-04-01 at 07:08:29.
Edited on 2016-04-01 at 07:10:26 by Eol Fefalas

Karma: 61/1
931 Posts


My workplace is intact, but there's nearby damage to other places. We're all taking the day to help folks with cleanup at neighboring businesses that got damaged, so will now be off the air until most likely tomorrow.

Have a good day, all.

Posted on 2016-04-01 at 08:29:34.

Fun is Mandatory
RDI Staff
Karma: 371/54
7067 Posts


I agree, the "pay up" part was subtle, and really well done.

No problem, Duncan. Glad that you and yours are okay, and kudos to you for helping out.

I'm likely about to roll us on to the staff meeting later today.

Posted on 2016-04-01 at 09:29:08.

Eol Fefalas
Lord of the Possums
RDI Staff
Karma: 470/28
8759 Posts

All righty

Little scene from the shuttle bay, there, that includes a soft toss for Arcani (I figure you're maybe itching for some interaction with something other than a weight bench )... Run with it as you will.

Posted on 2016-04-01 at 10:24:13.

Karma: 61/1
931 Posts

Further update...

I have been a doofus and whanged mah cranium, cutting it open and offering a plethora of stars to count. Boss told me to come on home. Want to nap but am not supposed to for a while, so I am aboot. Not in much shape to come up with posts, though.

Posted on 2016-04-01 at 10:26:30.

Eol Fefalas
Lord of the Possums
RDI Staff
Karma: 470/28
8759 Posts

I think...

...that cracking one's dome should be referred to as "pulling a Horatio" from here on out.

Feel better, brother!

Posted on 2016-04-01 at 10:28:48.

Fun is Mandatory
RDI Staff
Karma: 371/54
7067 Posts


Horatio! Horatio!

Posted on 2016-04-01 at 10:38:20.

Karma: 4/0
24 Posts


When Dox told me there was a post calling Hebert, I didn't believe him. I'll have a post up within the hour, hopefully.

Also, @ "Pulling a horatio" LOOOL. I"m so going to use that.

Posted on 2016-04-01 at 10:55:22.

Eol Fefalas
Lord of the Possums
RDI Staff
Karma: 470/28
8759 Posts

Glad you're pleased!

Honestly, I've been looking for ways to engage Hebert since he came aboard, unfortunately, I didn't find an in until I was scrawling that post out, this morning. Glad I could finally get him in the loop.

If you need any input from me on anything, you know where to find me. Have fun with the post!

Posted on 2016-04-01 at 11:00:11.

Boo Boo
RDI Fixture
Karma: 27/1
673 Posts

Home Sick

Well I wasn't feeling well today so I took a day off and went back to bed. Now I am up and looking for something to post.

Hmmm Maybe do something with the new medical staff.

Pulling a Horatio huh? I love it!

Duncan I hope your head is ok. Survived a tornado by an overhead obstruction. Take it easy but stay awake. Just in case. Not having any nausea or blurred vision are you? Had a concussion one time. Was not fun at all.

Get well Duncan.

Posted on 2016-04-01 at 11:30:08.

Eol Fefalas
Lord of the Possums
RDI Staff
Karma: 470/28
8759 Posts

Living arrangements

Just fielded a question regarding living arrangements aboard the Peregrine. If you're curious as to where your character(s) might rest their heads in their off hours, detailed information can be found here. Should let you know, based on rank, where your quarters are located and whom (if anyone) you may be sharing them with.

Since the question I fielded had specifically to do with Ensigns, I took the liberty of imagining that the quarters were assigned as follows:




Posted on 2016-04-01 at 11:43:27.

Boo Boo
RDI Fixture
Karma: 27/1
673 Posts

Living quarters

I had already assigned a room mate for PO Cook. She shares quarters with Petty Officer 2nd Class Leah Finnley who works in the Observation lounge. I hope it was alright to do so. No one has complained so far. Well maybe PO Finnley. She cant hold her liquor it seems. Strange for a Irish person.

Posted on 2016-04-01 at 11:54:38.

Regular Visitor
Karma: 8/0
55 Posts

Be safe!

Duncan, glad you're OK.....but seriously take it easy and be safe. Concussions shouldn't be messed with.

Aw, glad you like the little background npc notes. Pierce and Finnley will one day reveal what they were betting on.

Question for t_catt11 - How much staff does the OPS department generally have? Just curious.

Posted on 2016-04-01 at 12:35:45.

RDI Staff
Karma: 36/1
171 Posts

bang your heaaaaad

Hahaha @ pulling a Horatio! Take care Dunkel and Boo Boo!

Slowly getting the doc out and about. Moore and Cook will start getting crewmen in for physicals. Moore will bring it up in the ol' meet n greet coming up soon!

May post more tonight, only had a quick moment for lunch.

Posted on 2016-04-01 at 12:37:04.

Fun is Mandatory
RDI Staff
Karma: 371/54
7067 Posts

ops staff

We have a document on the first page of this thread with the full breakdown by department, but for brevity's sake, here ya go:


Chief Operations Officer
Assistant Operations Officer
*Operations Systems Specialists (6)
*Supply/Catering Specialists (3)
2 officers
10 enlisted

Which means that the roster, as it sits, is full. However, you can certainly edit NPCs or swap them out entirely. We're still at Starbase 118, so they could simply be part of the fruit basket turnover.

Posted on 2016-04-01 at 12:41:56.


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