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Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts

Current Active Players

The Deadline (Saturday November 23rd) has now passed for Players to remain Active in this Game!

Active Players Raven = Damar (Elf Ranger) worships Oercus
Ziklag = Areldor (Half Elf of Human Lineage Illusionist) worships Minerva
Odyson = Tohmas (Human Druid) worships Atira
Tuned_Out = Jaufre (Human Paladin) worships Cedrus
Brundel = Mylos (Gnome Bard) worships Amber O' The High Woods
Archangel = (Half Elf of Elf Lineage Rogue) worships Hermes

Players Removed From Game
[No Longer Able To Post To The Game]
Angelic = Elyra (Elf Bard) worships Brigit
Salvator Navaar = Bartimeous (Human Cleric) worships Toft
Kamina = Vincent (Human Knight) worships Mars
Jozan1 = Willem (Human Fighter) worships Baldur
Tann'Talas = Crow (Elf Ranger) worships Betula

Fate Of Inactive Player Characters Aside from Crow (Tann'Talas) having his departure already posted, the remaining four characters will be written out of the storyline via my Dagger Interlude which will be written and posted in the next few days!

None of the five PC characters will die, but will depart with a bit of dignity (perhaps) or however I choose to have them written out of the adventure!

Tann has already written out Crow, but the other four original Players have failed to meet the Saturday November 23rd Deadline for Posting in Game to Remain Active!

I realize that things happen in Real Life that interfere with the best of intentions, but with the addition of Raven (and his character Damar) I now have a more manageable group of Six Players and I will NPC Dagger for as long as he lives, or is suited to the current storyline!

Game Recruitment Is Closed

Posted on 2013-11-24 at 06:53:13.

Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts

Monday November 25th Deadline

Deadline for the Six of You to Agree upon where The Toothless Dragon will take you is Monday November 25th
Ody posted in the QnA I was thinking to Orgstall and then up river to Dunlag (deephome).

*** Seems to be a Good Choice ***
[Dagger does not vote upon a destination!}

As far as I am concerned, this is where you all are heading, unless you all Post an 'Agreed Upon Destination' by Monday November 25th that changes the direction of what I am writing and posting!

[Hopefully over the Thanksgiving Holiday, but the depth and substance of the writings have produced such a wealth of creativity and possibilities, that it may take me a bit longer to get the adventure properly underway!]

Posted on 2013-11-24 at 07:04:47.
Edited on 2013-11-24 at 07:10:10 by Hammer

Karma: 158/25
6327 Posts

Almost Done.....

I'm about half done with my post. Got a late start, but I'll try to have it done tomorrow night.

Posted on 2013-11-25 at 05:22:57.

Resident Finn
RDI Staff
Karma: 77/3
1131 Posts

Where to go

Sounds ok to me, although I've no idea what would await our heroes in Orgstall. Fontenouq is the land of elves and especially High Elves, if my memory works ok. And they might not be very welcoming.

But works for me.

Posted on 2013-11-25 at 08:55:21.

Karma: 158/25
6327 Posts


Sorry.. I got busy tonight so I've posted the first half.

I'll get to the post the meeting with the Druids up tomorrow ...I hope!

Posted on 2013-11-26 at 03:28:15.

Karma: 7/0
224 Posts

I vote

on going to where Ody has suggested. Areldor will get info from the temple about the evil coming and share that in the evening at the tavern with the group. Hope everyone comes to the show.

Posted on 2013-11-26 at 04:06:34.

Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts

So Be It

Orgstall and then up river to Dunlag (deephome)!

EDIT: How Fitting! Post 3100

Posted on 2013-11-27 at 00:34:00.
Edited on 2013-11-27 at 00:35:07 by Hammer

Karma: 158/25
6327 Posts

More Info......

So I guess we need to post some about heading to Orgstall so we can get information about the area.

We need to learn about the Land of the Vlgars, Twilight Wood, Gelderland and Mount Norling. We should know of Renuel-Aet-Faus, Dunlug and Castle of Spires.

Are these held by Elves, Humans, Dwarves or Evil?
General knowledge, even old knowledge would give us options if we need to run.

There should be tales of the evil, where it seems to be come from and the direction it seems to be going. Even stores of how information has stop coming from areas, this could imply the spread.

Posted on 2013-11-27 at 18:49:29.

Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts

Hey Brundel

Mylos is a Bard who should know some of the info@that Ody has raised in the above Post so PM me some ideas so I can give you a green light or weave them into my Update !

Posted on 2013-11-27 at 23:46:30.

Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts

Ha Ha Ha

Looks like this adventure is getting more depth and dimension than I realized when I first began!

I am working on the Sixth Interlude a bit before getting ready to celebrate Thanksgiving with a neighbor (watching Football and Eating Turkey!)

As for the Opening of the Next Adventure, I am Not Sure how far it will get written over the weekend (see First Paragraph) so Please Bear With Me On This!

What I am beginning to write today for Jaufre will vaguely answer some of Ody's questions regarding the Map!

If anyone wants to add some ideas, Please Feel Free to PM Me!

Some of these things will be revealed aboard ship in the context of my Game UpDate!

Posted on 2013-11-28 at 14:26:14.

Karma: 158/25
6327 Posts

Hey, Jack.....

Ody will always BEAR with you!!!!!

Posted on 2013-11-28 at 15:48:16.

Karma: 158/25
6327 Posts

Late Edit.....

I made a mistake in my last post, Jaufre's sister is Gale. I've edited to correct the name. Got my G's switched.

Posted on 2013-11-28 at 15:52:57.

Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts


Too Many Holiday Phone Calls interrupting my writing!

Posted on 2013-11-28 at 16:08:52.

Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts

Jaufre Interlude

I got info on regions etc listed n when posted will be the Friday evening of the Dagger 'Interlude' post.

You will be aware that armed warriors have been meeting with Mad Dog n they are arming with items you previously got to choose from !

They are going to the cites south of Orgsdall (sp? am on phone away from laptop) to investigate n fight the rumored Dark Forces of thThe Taint !

Posted on 2013-11-28 at 18:24:11.

Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts

Orgstall and Tuned Interlude

The correct name is Orgstall for the place where the Seekers are going!

As for the Tuned Interlude aka Jaufre, there are still several details to include and I do have some other things to do this Friday!

Obviously, the Game UpDate is looking to be delayed a day or two beyond what I had planned, but that was before I got caught up with all these detailed 'Interludes'!

Posted on 2013-11-29 at 15:18:47.


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