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Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts


A Ring of Sustenance for each party member and Dagger too!

Posted on 2013-12-04 at 01:36:20.

Resident Finn
RDI Staff
Karma: 77/3
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Terribly busy at work this week, but I'll try to drop in something tomorrow or Friday.

Posted on 2013-12-04 at 11:25:17.

Karma: 7/0
224 Posts

Looks like trouble

I have been busy. I will have write up that gets me to where we are i hope by monday if that is not to late. I wonder if I will have to use the fire stick if that is ok with Ody.

Posted on 2013-12-07 at 16:53:15.

Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts

Snowed In a Little

Yesterday we were snowed in a little and I was going to update the character info, but ended up writing the UpDate as you all have hopefully read by now!

Anyway, post your game updates in the next few days, there is plenty of info for backstory writing, plus you all managed to weather the storms at sea!

Looks like you may be in the remains of Orgstall for a while, depending upon what you find surviving there?

However, it does look like you may have to Fight your way in, but I am not giving away any clues

Just trying to post an observation from a Lurker point of view!

Posted on 2013-12-07 at 17:01:02.

Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts


The new post 'Soaked at Sea was originally planned to be all inclusive in my first UpDate, but it seemed to be getting a bit lengthy; plus I wanted to post so everyone was aware that the adventure was continuing!

Anyway, it should be noted that Orgstall is currently under siege, but you do not know exactly how long the city has been under attack, because you are still at sea!

Thankfully, you are bringing Food and Weapons that will aid the populace in defending their city!

Assuming of course that you heroes are able to reach them!

Posted on 2013-12-07 at 17:12:58.

Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts


Dagger, Captain Crayfish and the crew of Stout Hearts have all been to Orgstall numerous times, so whatever questions you may have that would help you in your posting, then Please Feel Free to Go Ahead and Ask Here!

First Hint During the voyage you have been informed that The Toothless Dragon has been riding much lower in the water, because the hold is filled with loads and loads of food, farming tools, mining tools and forestry tools (such as axes) as an act of good will from Mad Dog Muldoon and the city of Heristat, along with a couple of sacks of gold coins to be distributed to the poor and needy!

Priority here is to help establish or re-establish the trade between Orgstall and Heristat ie Mad Dog Muldoon, because the treasures sent to him have steadily dwindled over the past two years!

This act of kindness will benefit the Seekers with ready made allies who are willing to help them!

Creates a Bond of Trust between the Seekers and the populace!

[They already favor the Stout Hearts and especially Dagger, along with Captain Crayfish]

Reason is because they have aided this Port City in times past, when evil was afoot and Dagger was there a few times during The Great Wars (as your characters will discover soon enough when you reach the surviving populace with the supplies!)

Hint Two You have been informed that a natural harbor surrounds the city on three sides!

The ship has to anchor, or be tied up, near some stairs that ascend to the natural stone walls at the top of a small cliff, overlooking the bay and the surrounding woods, where the populace gets their wood etc.

It has been about 3 years since the Stout Hearts have been to the Port City of Orgstall with the captain and first mate (Dagger), so they do not know exactly how things are faring now!

Posted on 2013-12-07 at 17:53:12.

Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts

Third Hint

Hint Three There were two ships that went to Orgstall a couple of weeks before The Toothless Dragon got underway!

Those two ships had armed warriors who were sent by Mad Dog Muldoon to help garrison the Port City of Orgstall and possibly help secure the surrounding area, in case there were any evil forces approaching, or trying to surround or lay siege to the city!

As you approach the harbor from a great distance, well aware that the ORCS On ROCS are fast approaching The Toothless Dragon, you can tell that the two ships (that bore those warriors in the employ of Mad Dog Muldoon) are slowly sinking into the bay!

This gives you a clue that perhaps the current siege against Orgstall has only just begun ???

Also, there are no other boats in the bay!

No Cargo Ships and No Fishing Boats!

Therefore, providing a clue that Orgstall has been plagued by several previous attacks, or the other boats in the bay have already sunk, as these two aforementioned ships were much larger than any of the other boats here!

Hope that helps set the scene, because there is No Map!

Posted on 2013-12-07 at 18:31:46.
Edited on 2013-12-07 at 18:38:49 by Hammer

Karma: 158/25
6327 Posts


So much to work with! Preminition to evil in the water of the harbor, Evil in the sky, city in dire straits, need to get in and help, get to stairs, fight to the somewhere to get the goods to the folks, dealing with the heavy seas.

So its taking a bit to pull together ideas of where to start, so bear with me.

As for Tohmas and the fire stick, the use that would go against the Shaman's beliefs is if was used setting fire to lands on purpose. Setting fire to evil critters won't upset him. He just stresses careful use. And him cannot use fire as a weapon.

Posted on 2013-12-08 at 19:45:47.
Edited on 2013-12-09 at 17:48:10 by Odyson

Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts

Have a Holly Jolly Christmas

I do realize that the Christmas Holiday is about two weeks away and that everybody will be busy in one way or another!

Tuned has exams probably and others are busy too!

So the above information was provided with the Hints to give everyone plenty of info to work with on Posts and also to hopefully provide me with some tactics in your Game Post and here in the QnA section!

I will be busy getting the Character Info updated over the next few days, so please post at your convenience!

Ideally, my preference is for everyone to have a Good Quality Post submitted in Game before the Christmas Holidays and also that I have enough info to go ahead and write the outcomes of dealing with the ORCS On ROCS and at least getting ashore to make the climb up the stairs, possibly finding out what the party is facing!

As mentioned earlier, I am not rushing you or pressuring you to write a post, but I would prefer having a Good Quality Post to work with before Christmas arrives!

Posted on 2013-12-09 at 17:44:50.

Karma: 158/25
6327 Posts

OK so No Map.....

When I enlarge the World map at the location for Orgstall it shows an inlet/bay with a lighter green on the lower and upper peninsula. Could we assume that is the City and the harbor is the three sides around the lower peninsula?

If so then are their stairs on the outer sea side?
As a tactic it would allow us to bring the supplies in that way which is protected from land attack. We fight off the flying Rocs an then supplier the garrison from the sea.

Supplies can be hauled up the outer wall if anchor out there if there are no stairs.

Where we land and where we have to go changes tactics. If the city is on the north side of the bay then the same idea could work. But if we must supply the garrison from the land side then all the supplies need to be carried in. We have to defeat the enemies before we can unload.

So id Dagger knows the port then he knows how we need to approach and attack.

Also the river is south of that and if we were going to sail up river we are ready.

So first which side has the garrison?

Posted on 2013-12-09 at 18:36:05.

Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts

Answers to Ody Questions

Rough Description of Orgstall
Consider the light green area on the south side more like a fishing village and a center for cargo trade.

[This is due to its close proximity to both Orgstall and the Unkwood River, from whence goods are sent downriver from the Elven Commuity at Renuel -Aet-Faus on Lake Faus and from the Dwarven Communities around Dunulag (Deep Home).

Likewise, consider the light green area on the north side a combination of fishing, farming and hunting (for food and furs).

Both areas have been devastated: what village building structures are visible are burnt down and obviously have been laid waste longer ago, rather than recently!

The plume of smoke is emanating from behind the natural stone walls at the top of the cliff noted by the black circle labeled Orgstall.

The actual Port City of Orgstall is comprised of about One Third of the Black Circle.

Buildings are made of Stone and Timber, because the other two thirds of the Black Circle comprise areas where Timber has been harvested for Trees and in turn becomes Farm Land.

A much wider area at the back end of the Black Circle is a Quarry where Stones for Building are harvested and also a vein of Gold and Jewels are excavated by a Community of Dwarves and other Races who work together in harmony with the landscape!

Orgstall is governed by a Mayor (mainly a spokes person) who presides over a committee that is representative for each of the Races in the city and the commerce representatives.

So even though the Map does not exactly show the boundaries, it should be understood that the Port City of Orgstall is surrounded on three sides by the water in the Harbor and separates the Trees and Light Green Areas mentioned above!

Also, the Quarry is actually set in a small mountain that protects the rear of the main city.

The Stairway leading up to the walled city is located on the south side and there are also Gated Paths from the Quarry area that lead to the west and northeast of the city into the forests!

Any Survivors from the Light Green Areas have retreated to the Walled City for refuge to help defend the city, or have banded together to carry the fight into the forests to the north and south.

Also, some have set out to fight their way to the Elven City of Renuel-Aet-Faus to reinforce their neighbors, while trying to keep the trade route open!

However, all their boats have either been sunk, or have made a journey up the Unkwood River to aid the Elves and Dwarves to the west of Orgstall.

Some of this is speculation by Dagger, Captain Crayfish and the Stout Hearts from their personal experience in battles past that they have lent their aid to!

Any Other Questions ???

Posted on 2013-12-09 at 19:50:42.

Karma: 17/2
213 Posts

Couple questions

How many ship-mounted Ballista does The Toothless Dragon have aboard?

How many Roc-killing ballista bolts are in stock?

Posted on 2013-12-10 at 00:00:13.

Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts

Ballista ???


Posted on 2013-12-10 at 00:49:11.

Karma: 7/0
224 Posts


How big are these ROC's and how many does Dagger see?

Posted on 2013-12-10 at 15:07:36.

Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts

Number of Rocs

There are Only 4 Rocs total my friends!

I will have to get back with you later on how big they are, but there is room for only One Full Grown Orc Rider to be carried at a time!

Posted on 2013-12-10 at 16:05:28.


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