Here is a quick note on the current government and political climate of the sylvari.
The current empress is from Londelirinen, the central kingdom. She is a believer in isolationism, which is also the most popular political position in the empire. As such, the sylvari have very little trade or diplomacy with other nations.
The king of the northern kingdom, Alloryen, is a fan of pursuing more trade and relations with the humans. This is the least popular political position, but there is growing sentiment for it. The younger generation tends to be progressive in this way.
The king of the southern kingdom, Maelamin, buys into the old hard line approach that the "civilized" humans today live largely on stolen sylvari lands. It does not help that several human cities are built on top of the ruins of ancient sylvari settlements; this is viewed by a decent number of syls as an affront, an abomination, etc. He - and those like him - dream of liberating these ancient ancestral lands, though the sheer numerical advantages of the humans make this a very impractical dream. Those of this viewpoint obviously oppose any sort of trade or diplomacy.
Each kingdom has a council made up of nobles from the great Houses. The empress has her own council, as well, and there is the equivalent of an impreial senate that does a great deal of the lawaking.
You should know that there is constant subtle intriugue among the various great houses as they struggle for superiority. This is mostly a game of face and public honor and positioning, but there absolutely are darker steps taken. Apparently, one entire Alloryen House perished in a terrible fire whose source could never be traced. Whispers suggest that more than one House benefitted from such a tragedy.
Sylvari words and definitions used in this game:
Adaron - Kith-Jora, god of nature, patron of the Sylvari
aikanaro - hell fire
alta-koronio - big balls
Arwenamin = My Lady (familiar/informal)
arwen en amin - My lady (formal)
atta - two
ba-seldarine - dead gods
cora - leader, lord/lady of a Great House
enque - six
er - one
Dor’ghen Loth - Stag's Grove, a village in Alloryen
diola lle - Thank you
dulin - bird
edan - man
edainme - woman
erestor - lawmaker, senator
Helkaer = icy one
heru en amin - My Lord (formal)
kainen - ten
k'goth - evil people, specifically a slur towards Anathari and their descendants
kinta - four
lempe - five
Lissentoria - Lysora, goddess of healing and health
lle ai’thost - (slang, vulgar) you little sh*t
mellon - friend
mellonamin - my friend
megilindar - bladesinger
minque - eleven
morko - bear
neld - three
nerte - nine
otso - seven
quel - good
quel amrun - good morning
quel marth, melloneamin - good luck, my friends
quel undome - good evening
ratse - twelve
sarigraamin - (expletive, slang) f*ck me
Taudor Salka - Vilathera, goddess of the hunt
tal'en - cities, settlements
taur'ohtar - ranger, woodsman
tolto - eight
Bófir words and definitions used in this game:
Bófir - [BO-fihd] plural term for the race
Bófear - [BO-farr] singular term for a member of the race
Ruadhrí - [ROO-ree] a bófir warrior
Tréad - [TREED] herd, family
Marching order:
Single file:
Isilmewen / Arathea
Mae'rel / Rosariel
Seleneniel / Dak