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Karma: 24/0
404 Posts

Stardate: 2365.05.15

USS Peregrine, Deck 4 - Sickbay - 00:35


Chief Dana Cook sat at her workstation going over the duty roster and thought that it needed some adjusting.  She only had two shifts, and some people, such as PO Miraan, had some days back to back.  Picking up her PADD, she began to make some of those adjustments before submitting it to the new Doctor for approval.


Dana still didn’t know what to make of the new Doctor; Lt Veen had good credentials, but he was a Betazoid and she had a severe distrust of people who could read your thoughts or emotions.  To her, these things were sacred and though they were not supposed to pry into others heads, Dana wasn’t sure about working closely with one.


 PO Miraan was on duty now, and was busing herself with checking inventory and equipment status, since they didn’t have any patients at the time.  She left the Chief alone, as she had noticed how the Chief had changed since the ‘incident’.  Not a big surprise as just about all of the survivors who had returned could be expected to be affected in one way or another.  The Chief hadn’t yelled at anyone since they had launched, and that in itself was a surprising change of character.


Miraan looked over at the Chief out of the corner of her eye; the scar that now ran down the right side of the Head Nurse’s face was a constant reminder of what had happened.  She wondered why the Chief hadn’t had that repaired, as it was easily doable with a dermal regenerator.  She hadn’t asked her why she chose to keep that scar, but she was sure the Chief had her reasons.  


“Nurse,” Cook spoke up, and make Miraan just slightly.  


“Yes Chief?”


“Do you have any objections to moving from Tuesday Beta shift to Wednesday Beta?”  the Chief asked, “I notice you have two days back to back, and I think we should spread it out and have PO Varin on Tuesday Beta instead.”


Miraan was taken aback a little.  She had worked that schedule for a long time and while she didn’t like having two days back to back, she had never considered asking the hard nosed Head Nurse to change her schedule.  


“Ah..,” Miraan stuttered out, “no, that would be fine with me, Chief.”   Fine, it would be great, but she wouldn’t say that.  


“Very well,” Cook said looking back to her PADD as she tapped, “I’ll run it by the Doc for his approval, but I don’t expect it to be a problem.”


Miraan just nodded, though Cook wouldn’t see her nod, and still a little stunned, she picked up an equipment case that she had been working on and headed back to the rear of Sickbay to store it in a cabinet.


Posted on 2021-02-13 at 14:55:18.
Edited on 2021-02-13 at 14:56:04 by Altaira

RDI Staff
Karma: 186/13
3273 Posts

A request for help...

Stardate: 2365.05.15

USS Peregrine, Deck 4 - Sickbay - 00:40

Thankfully, once the turbolift had gotten underway it had worked properly and Sa’eidron had been properly deposited on Deck 4.  She made her way down the abandoned hallway to the Sick Bay.  

The doors slid open for her and she stepped inside.  She wasn’t sure what to expect at this time of night, as a general rule she tried to avoid going to the Sick Bay, and had thus normally only gone when she was injured.  The place was quiet, and almost peaceful, the lights were up but weren’t too obtrusive and there was a soft beeping noise in the background that was almost soothing.  None of that immediately got rid of her headache however.  

Behind her the doors closed and she looked around the room for whoever was on duty.  The only person she noticed was a tall well built woman.  She knew her, by reputation at least, as Nurse Cook.  They had both been through the Chimera and come out on the other side with their pulses still beating and their brains still functioning enough to work.  However, she did not know much about the Nurse personally.  

“Good evening Nurse Cook…” Karri greeted her, and brought her fingers up to her throbbing head again and let out a small growl.  “I’m going to need some assistance tonight, I’m afraid.”  

((OOC:  Assuming a greeting and response to her request here))

The cat-like woman moved over to the nearest bed and sat down, smoothing out the green silk on her robe a little bit and began speaking.  “It’s this headache…” she winced a little and continue to rub her temples.  “It’s been with me all day, but it’s gotten worse in the last few hours.  I can’t sleep.  I’m on duty tomorrow and I need to get some sleep.  Anything you can do to help me out?” 

Posted on 2021-02-13 at 22:26:35.

Karma: 24/0
404 Posts


Stardate: 2365.05.15

USS Peregrine, Deck 4 - Sickbay - 00:40

Dana sighed as she noticed that she would have to make another adjustment to Miraan’s schedule as by moving her Tuesday to Wednesday, it still gave her a back to back with Thursday.  She would also have to move her Thursday to Friday to clear up that situation.    

She was considering changes to the other Beta shifts, when the door to the Sickbay opened; Cook looked up to she the Caitian officer walk in.  She hadn’t had the pleasure of meeting this officer directly, but she knew that the Caitian was the Assistant Chief Engineering Officer.  

The sight of the officer brought a slight smile to the corner of her lips. She had met a couple of Caitians throughout her career, and she found the race to be a very alluring, exotic species. She had seen this one about the ship, but they had never interacted; not a surprise since Cook didn’t deal with many of the crew outside of Sickbay.

“Good evening Nurse Cook…” Karri greeted her, and brought her fingers up to her throbbing head again and let out a small growl.  “I’m going to need some assistance tonight, I’m afraid.”  

“Evening Lt Sa’eirdon,” Cook responded as she rose and gestured over to the nearest Medbed. 

The cat-like woman moved over to the nearest bed and sat down, smoothing out the green silk on her robe a little bit and began speaking.  “It’s this headache…” she winced a little and continue to rub her temples.  “It’s been with me all day, but it’s gotten worse in the last few hours.  I can’t sleep.  I’m on duty tomorrow and I need to get some sleep.  Anything you can do to help me out?” 

“Hmm,” Dana said as she picked up a medical tricorder on her way over, “let’s take a look shall we?”  She passed the scanner around the head of the Lt, and studied the tricorder readout.

“I don’t see anything serious,” Cook said lowered the device and set it on a table, “looks possibly stress related.  Not surprising, as we’ve had a lot of .. stress lately.” 

Cook walked over to another table and picked up a hypospray, and selected a vial from rack of colored vials.  Setting the vial into the hypo, she came back to the Caitian.  

“Normally I would give someone Metorapan, for a headache,” Dana said slowly as she stopped before the Lt., “but I recall that Caitian’s are allergic to it.  So I suggest we use Bicaridine, which is a suitable substitute.”

With the Hypo ready, Cook looked the Lt in the eyes and tilted her head slightly and held up the hypo, apparently asking her permission to administer the medication. 

(OOC: Feel free to fill in any where you like, I can adjust if needed.))

Posted on 2021-02-14 at 08:11:55.
Edited on 2021-02-14 at 08:14:53 by Altaira

RDI Staff
Karma: 186/13
3273 Posts

she wants those drugs...

Stardate: 2365.05.15

USS Peregrine, Deck 4 - Sickbay - 00:42

Karri watched the nurse go about treating her.  The woman was proficient and good at her job, that was obvious.  She listed off what sounded to Karri like a litany of medical concoctions as if they should mean something to the engineer, but of course they didn’t.  In the end when she was offered the hypospray the cat woman nodded. 

“Whatever is going to work, nurse.  It will help get me to go to sleep too right?”  She found herself nibbling slightly on her bottom lip.  “Sleep hasn’t been easy recently.  I’d imagine most of the old crew is having the same issue still… I just really need a full night’s rest you know?  Tomorrow we are supposed to intercept with some navigation beacon, and I’m on duty, I want to do a good job.  The new CEO, Kennedy, is going to be reviewing the work and I don’t want to let her down…”  The cat realized that she was rambling a little bit to the nurse.  She just hadn’t had too many opportunities to talk openly to someone and the quiet patient nurse had her in a vulnerable position.  

“I’m sorry, you aren’t the ship’s counselor I know.  I just need some sleep too.  So… spray me up with whatever you want, just as long as it’s actually going to help some tonight.  I really appreciate it.”  

Posted on 2021-02-14 at 12:03:35.

Karma: 24/0
404 Posts

Drugs R Us

Stardate: 2365.05.15

USS Peregrine, Deck 4 - Sickbay - 00:43

Dana took the Lt’s nod for permission and reached out slowly and pressed the hypospray to her neck.  She listened as the woman began to ramble about her duties tomorrow, and turned to walk back over to the table where she picked up her PADD and tapped a couple things, looked it over then set it down again.   Moving to the rack with waiting colored vials, she studied one and inserted it into the hypospray.

“Well,” Cook said as she returned to her patient, “I can give you something to help you sleep as well.  The Bicaridine I gave you should help ease your headache within a couple minutes, and this Improvoline is a very mild sedative which is compatible with your species.”

Dana set the hypospray and pressed it again to the woman’s neck.  

“I gave you only 5ccs which will help you relax and you should have no trouble sleeping.” Cook said as she returned the hypo to it’s proper place.  

Unseen by the Lt, Cook’s smile had dropped, and she sighed and putting her smile back in place, turned back to the Lt.   

“If you continue to have these headaches,” Dana said as she walked back over to her patient, “you can come back and we’ll get you to see the Doctor for something long term.”

Dana took a step back and looked at the Lt for a long moment as if studying her.

“Is there anything else we can do for you Lt.?” she asked, “something troubling you?”

Her smile increased a little bit as she continued, “I’m not a counselor, but I know how to listen. Sometimes just talking about ... problems can help.”  

Dana said these things, but inside she wished she could take her own advice when it came to talking about her problems.  She just didn’t think she had anyone to talk to about them though.  Most of those she considered friends were dead or gone now.  The new Doctor was just too new, and she hadn’t yet figured out if she could trust him with her issues.

Posted on 2021-02-14 at 12:58:38.

RDI Staff
Karma: 186/13
3273 Posts

Thanks Nurse!

Stardate: 2365.05.15

USS Peregrine, Deck 4 - Sickbay 00:43


“I gave you only 5ccs which will help you relax and you should have no trouble sleeping.”

Thanks by the Gods.  I need to sleep so badly.

“If you continue to have these headaches,” Dana said as she walked back over to her patient, “you can come back and we’ll get you to see the Doctor for something long term.”

Karri nodded, and wondered if she would ever bother with that.  For now though, the drugs were already starting to work, the pinching pain in her head was easing.

“Is there anything else we can do for you Lt.?” she asked, “something troubling you?”

Troubling me?  No… everything’s been just right as catnip.

Her smile increased a little bit as she continued, “I’m not a counselor, but I know how to listen. Sometimes just talking about ... problems can help.”  

Karri sighed and her whiskers drooped as she frowned.  “Troubling me?”  She laughed slightly.  “Troubling me… aren’t we all troubled?  Honestly Nurse Cook?  Are you sleeping well right now?  Are you dealing well with the memories, and with trying to move on to something normal?  How about reporting to a superior officer who has no clue what you’ve been through?  

“More than anything else I want to move on from…” she shook her head.  “But I can’t.”  She looked over at the nurse, and at the long line of scar tissue that ran down her face.  “I’m not sure any of us really can.  Starfleet said we are okay to return to duty, and sure I get my job done.  But, yes I’m troubled.  My people… we understand honorable death and I’ve dealt with that before.  None of what happened feels honorable though, and I’m not sure how to cope with it.”  

She was speaking more than she had in a long while, even with Reid she had not really been this open, and she wondered if perhaps it was the drugs making her feel more relaxed and at ease.  Karri sighed heavily. 

“Time… I suppose we all just need more time…” 

Posted on 2021-02-14 at 13:37:32.

Karma: 24/0
404 Posts

Stardate: 2365.05.15

USS Peregrine, Deck 4 - Sickbay - 00:44

Karri sighed and her whiskers drooped as she frowned.  “Troubling me?”  She laughed slightly.  “Troubling me… aren’t we all troubled?  Honestly Nurse Cook?  Are you sleeping well right now?  Are you dealing well with the memories, and with trying to move on to something normal?  How about reporting to a superior officer who has no clue what you’ve been through?  

“More than anything else I want to move on from…” she shook her head.  “But I can’t.”  She looked over at the nurse, and at the long line of scar tissue that ran down her face.  “I’m not sure any of us really can.  Starfleet said we are okay to return to duty, and sure I get my job done.  But, yes I’m troubled.  My people… we understand honorable death and I’ve dealt with that before.  None of what happened feels honorable though, and I’m not sure how to cope with it.”  

She was speaking more than she had in a long while, even with Reid she had not really been this open, and she wondered if perhaps it was the drugs making her feel more relaxed and at ease.  Karri sighed heavily. 

“Time… I suppose we all just need more time…”


As the Lt spoke, Cook’s face lost it’s smile, her gaze became haunted as if all the things the officer was saying were also running through here mind.  She stayed quiet, and motionless as the Caitian continued to speak.  

Dana hadn’t realized that her exact thoughts were echoed in the minds of the other survivors who were still aboard ship.  When the Lt was finished, Dana took a shuttering breath that couldn’t be hidden from her patient.

“Yes..” she breathed softly, “ .. time.”   She took a deep breath before continuing.

“You are right,” Dana said slowly, “none of what happened was honorable.  It was useless and pointless, and people died, and there was....”

Cook paused as if she were struggling to go on, but eventually she did.

“There was nothing I could do about it,” she said as she closed her eyes a moment to block out the vision again of Sandra laying there with her neck broken. 

Dana’s head came up and her eyes open as she straightened up and looked at the Lt again.  

“Time..” the nurse said as she turned to her desk and picked up her PADD and began entering her treatment of the Officer, “I guess we’ll both have to wait and see.”  

Turning back to the Lt, the Head nurse didn’t look up as she continued to tap quickly into the medical log.

“That sedative should kick in soon,” she said, “make sure you get back to your quarters soon.  You don’t want to be found sleeping in the hallway.”  A faint smile lifted the corner of her mouth.  

“Have a good night Lt.,” Dana said as she looked up and met the Caitian’s gaze, “I hope everything goes well tomorrow.” 

Posted on 2021-02-14 at 14:30:54.

RDI Staff
Karma: 186/13
3273 Posts

Time for slumber...

Stardate: 2635.05.15

USS Peregrine, Deck 4 - Sickbay 00:45


“You are right,” Dana said slowly, “none of what happened was honorable.  It was useless and pointless, and people died, and there was....”

Cook paused as if she were struggling to go on, but eventually she did.

Karri let the woman pause and gather herself a little, but found that she recognized the look in her eyes all too well. 

“There was nothing I could do about it,” she said as she closed her eyes a moment to block out the vision again of Sandra laying there with her neck broken. 

Dana’s head came up and her eyes open as she straightened up and looked at the Lt again.  

“Time..” the nurse said as she turned to her desk and picked up her PADD and began entering her treatment of the Officer, “I guess we’ll both have to wait and see.”  

Turning back to the Lt, the Head nurse didn’t look up as she continued to tap quickly into the medical log.

“That sedative should kick in soon,” she said, “make sure you get back to your quarters soon.  You don’t want to be found sleeping in the hallway.”  A faint smile lifted the corner of her mouth.  

Karri returned the smile tentatively.  “No… that would be most embarrassing, especially with me in my robe.  I’m afraid I wouldn’t ever hear the end of that…”

The cat-like woman rose up off the medbed.  “Thank you, already my head is feeling better, I believe that elusive sleep will be forthcoming.”

“Have a good night Lt.,” Dana said as she looked up and met the Caitian’s gaze, “I hope everything goes well tomorrow.” 

“Same to you.  If by chance we are both in the Aerie at the same time perhaps we might share a drink sometime… It might be nice to talk to someone who isn’t in Engineering now and then.”  

((OOC:  Assuming a positive response to that.))

“Until then…” and with that she strode out of the bay, feeling better and looking forward to curling back up in her own bed.

Posted on 2021-02-14 at 15:16:05.
Edited on 2021-02-15 at 20:12:18 by Merideth

Resident Finn
RDI Staff
Karma: 77/3
1131 Posts

So this is Peregrine...

Stardate 2365.04.01

USS Peregrine; Deck 5 - Aft Docking Port - 0915

The aft docking port’s hatch hissed open with a chime to alert anyone nearby to the fact that someone was entering the ship. Johan Berg, a Starbase 118 craftsman repairing burned couplings behind an LCARS-screen he’d just replaced, turned his gaze from the laser welder, pushed up his mask and stood up. In the doorway stood a handsome, bearded and brown-haired human of perhaps 40 years. He was wearing the black trousers of a Starfleet officer’s outfit, a grey and black turtleneck and an half-open hoodie in the black and blue of the medical department. 

Johan noticed two golden pips on the collar of the man’s shirt. His mind worked furiously trying to figure out the officer’s rank, but in the second or three he had, it just didn’t happen. He unconsciously switched off the welder in his right hand, clipped it in his utility belt and took a step closer to the officer. Johan was confused. His boss had told him and his teammates that they’d be able to work in peace without any interruptions from the Starfleet.

The terrible incident that taken place only a month or so ago had been so traumatising that even the Peregrine’s Engineering Chief would not be overseeing the repairs. There were some rumours about a quarantine due a virus or something. Johan didn’t know the details and didn’t really care to either. All he wanted was to be able to do his work to the best of his abilities. 

“Sir…” The craftsman raised his hand as if to stop the other man.

But the officer wasn’t actually moving. He was looking around entrance saying nothing. His gaze scanned the hallway to the right, then it passed over Johan to the hallway on the left before finally turning forward. His eyes were looking straight at Johan and yet they seemed to be looking straight through him.

Something compelled craftsman Berg to look directly into those penetrating eyes and what he saw shocked him, if only for a heartbeat. Whatta hell? The irises of the officer’s eyes were completely black! Johan then noticed the man’s mouth was slightly open and his head was cocked to the side as if he was listening to something.

“Excuse me… Sir?”

The black eyes closed slowly, the mouth closed and the head straightened. Johan half-expected the irises to be “normal” when the eyelids retracted once again from in front of them. But they were still just as black as they had been. A betazoid…, he thought. Aren’t they supposed to be mind readers? Anger flashed through Johan and he clenched his fists. A smile appeared to the officer’s face, a somewhat sad smile. He raised his hands with open palms towards Johan and spoke with an even, if not also a bit sad voice.

“I can sense your anger, my good man. Please, there is absolutely no need for that. I assure you. It is… forbidden for my people to enter anyone’s mind uninvited.” The betazed looked down the port-side hallway again. 

“I… Entering this ship, I.. I felt echoes of what happened here.”  The black eyes returned to the electrician. “You know… It is as if there are still ghosts of the crew’s feelings still lingering inside of these walls, behind the corners, in the air… I know it cannot be so, so it must be just my imagination.”

Craftsman Berg didn’t know. He had no clue what the other man was talking about. But nevertheless, he nodded. The smile broadened on the betazetan face and the sad black eyes glinted with kindness and love.

“Once again, please do not worry. I would never violate your privacy.”  The officer opened his arms to emphasise his words and Johan felt somehow at ease. His fists opened and the tension in his shoulders went away. He was still somewhat confused, but found himself smiling too.

“But sir… I was under the impression that your kind… I mean you… Starfleet people wouldn’t come here before the 20th?”

The betazoid nodded and then shook his head with a smile still on his face. “Yes you are correct, and yet I am here now... But please forgive me my manners. I am Amris Veen, Peregrine’s new doctor. Pleased to make your acquaintance.” Dr. Veen offered his hand to the younger man who hesitated for a second before grasping it.

“Berg is my name, Johan Berg.” Indicating at the sad-looking LCARS on the wall, he continued: “I’m an electrician with the 118’s MX.”

“If you don’t mind me asking Sir, why are you here now when the re-launch is still three weeks away?” Johan knew it wasn’t his business and even if something had changed in the schedule, he’d probably be the last one to know. Management never speaks to grassroots… The bastards. Yeah, yeah… we don’t need to know… But the sudden appearance of the doctor was a nice change to his boring daily rhythm. The LCARS could wait a while, they wouldn’t go anywhere.

The doctor nodded to Johan. “No no. Sure… Sure. You know, I just felt that I needed to come and have a look at the ship and especially the Sickbay. I like to prepare for a new job as well as I can. Yeah… I have seen the blueprints and it is not the first medical department I will be working in. But nothing beats seeing the thing with your own eyes, right? Say, you would not mind taking me there, would you? I mean, I know where it is located on Deck Four, but I think I would feel much safer with an expert leading me there in the middle of this worksite. Just so that I do not break anything, yeah?”

The betazoid’s familiar, even chatty way of talking took Johan totally by surprise. This dude wasn’t one of those tightasses the Starfleet people usually were. Cool. “Yeah sure, I can take you there. It’s my coffee break anyway and we can grab a brew on the way. We’ve setup a temp canteen in the lounge on this deck. The replicator makes pretty bad coffee, but it’s black and hot, you know. Oil for my engine. I hear the tea’s pretty ok though.”


Stardate 2365.5.14

USS Peregrine; Deck 4 - Sickbay - 1030

Amris was sitting in his office next to the Sickbay as he felt the ship accelerate into warp speed. He raised his black eyes from team roster in the screen embedded his desk, closed them slowly. He then undid the blocks he had built around his mind in order to get a general feel around the ship. Sensing no noticeable anxiety or fear, the Doc kept his eyes closed for a moment longer and forced his mind shut bit by bit. It was not easy for the betazoid to completely close his mind from all the emotions around him, but since the re-launch of the Peregrine he had felt the need to do so.

There were too many damaged souls and crying hearts on board. Taking in all the pain from all the loss simultaneously could prove to be devastating for him. Yes… he was fairly certain he could handle it. The power of his mind made him stronger than most of his kind, even if he was far from being the strongest. So yes, he probably could endure the pain… for some time. But it would certainly inhibit his ability to work in the long run.

Opening his eyes, Amris let out a deep sigh and pulled up the current situation report on his LCARS. He preferred operating the touch screen to voice commands just because it felt strange for him to talk to someone or something without any feelings. A repair mission to Calican system? Good. It will help ease the crew back into a mission mode and give them something else to think about instead of the terrible fate of their former teammates and friends… And it will help us newcomers fit in too.

Dr. Veen turned his attention back into the roster. The medical department had four new names out of its total of nine, himself included. As the CMO, the Doc had had the power to hand select the best from the list of applicants. Well, if he was totally honest with himself, he had no absolute certainty that they really were the very best on all counts. But Amris knew they were the absolute best for him and his new team as he had worked with all three of them before. 

Before being appointed to the Chief Medical Officer position on the Peregrine, Lieutenant Veen, Petty Officers Varin and Barrett as well as Crewman Postma had all been part of the crew of Surgery Unit 2 on the Hiawatha-class hospital ship USS Jigonsaseh. Both the SU2 and ICU on Jigon had been overseen by Amris. His total team had been much larger than what the whole of Peregrine medical department was, but he had applied for the job nevertheless. And he had been able to convince three of his trusted team members to do the same.

The hospital ship probably would’ve offered the betazoid better advancement opportunities in the future, but that would’ve meant staying in the same job and in the same environment for decades longer. Amris had not fancied the idea. The idea of serving on a light cruiser on missions around the known space had sounded a lot more exciting than what the huge flying hospital ever could offer.

Now that the four of them had been serving on the Peregrine for roughly three weeks, they’d had the chance to get to know the team a bit. As he had expected, Amris had noted varied reactions towards himself and the other “replacements”. For that was all they seemed to be for some of the team at the moment; Amris, Neiman, Yaanna and Peter were people who were trying to replace their dear friends and colleagues, but would never be able to do that.

That was how some of the team clearly felt, even if none of them let it show. They were too professional for that. But the Doc could “see” deeper than anything anyone appeared to be on the surface. He could feel the mistrust and suspicion. 

Most of the distrust was aimed at himself, as he had known would and as was only natural. Just like craftsman Berg a few weeks back; just like nearly everyone he ever met, the team along with Chief Cook felt uneasy around their new CMO. Amris had avoided that conversation with the team as he did not enjoy trying to convince people again and again and again that their fears were needless and that his intentions were pure. But he would have to have that talk very soon, preferably first with the Chief as she knew the team far better than anyone and only after that, with the rest. 

But far stronger than the feelings of mistrust, the medical team like just like the rest of the surviving crew of the Peregrine, also felt pain, sorrow, despair, longing and guilt. All were quite common in a situation they were in especially after the horrendous thing they had gone through, even the guilt. Some of those feelings might ease up during time, some even fade away, but the sorrow would always remain in one way or another. The first four most people could deal with or at least push enough into the background to allow them get on with their lives. But guilt… guilt was another matter. It was uncalled-for and if untreated, it could eat up a person inside. Something needed to be done about it… at some point.

So far Amris Veen had mostly been avoiding socialicing with the rest of the crew. He’d been spending his off-duty time in the gym training his kata or meditating in his room or on the holodeck or studying Peregrine’s medical records. Having gone through the whole crew’s roster many times, he had noted that he was not the only betazoid on board. There were actually three others. There was one in TAC, another in Engineering and a third in the Operations department. Perhaps he would have a chat with at least one of them before walking before his own team, unarmed and with his guard down, or perhaps he would not. Now was not the time to decide.

Moving from the roster to the day’s schedule, the Doc noticed there wasn’t much for him to do. He swiped his hand over the screen to lock it, stood up, checked his blue and black outfit from the mirror on his office’s wall and walked through the door on the right to main stage: the Sickbay. The always smiling PO Varin was chatting with Lab Specialist Bachman who held a PADD in his hand and was clearly explaining something on the screen to the beautiful Risian. The human was standing with his back towards the CMO office and didn’t immediately notice Dr. Veen who stopped to observe the interaction for a few seconds. 

Neiman raised her eyes from the PADD without moving her head and flashed Amris a conspiratorial smile. Oh how he loved her. Well, to be fair, he loved many people. Amris’s love for PO Varin wasn’t the true love -type shared between partners. Sure, they were both single and quite open-minded, and they had had a relationship of sorts back in the day, but nowadays the two were more like best friends forever, as human younglings had a habit of saying.

The Doc grinned back at her and gave her a two-finger salute. Neiman’s chuckle alerted Bachmann to the doctor’s presence and he straightened up into attention and turned around. “Sir! I didn’t notice you there. Is there something I can help you with?” 

Amris shook his head and gave the Specialist a smile. “At ease, Bachmann. Carry on.” He cast a quick look at the PADD. “Sub-molecular analysis? Very useful for picking out strain neutrons in say… tropolisine atoms before they start breaking out in a patient’s blood stream and release toxins. A very interesting technique. Make sure you listen carefully Petty Officer.”

The betazed took a couple steps towards the door into the hallway before turning back. “I am going to grab myself a brew and a bite, would either of you want anything? Risan Red, Neiman? With a couple of chocolate biscuits?”

Nurse Varin nodded with a smile. “I would love one. Doesn’t seem to be programmed into our own replicator. Yet.” She turned her blue eyes to Bachmann. “You should try it Ryan. It’s the best tea you’ve ever tasted.” Not waiting for the man’s reply, she looked back at the Doc and Risian grinned. “Make that two, Sir.”

Posted on 2021-02-14 at 17:37:16.
Edited on 2021-02-14 at 17:46:49 by Raven

Karma: 24/0
404 Posts

Checking out

Stardate: 2365.05.15

USS Peregrine, Deck 4 - Sickbay - 00:45

Same to you.  If by chance we are both in the Aerie at the same time perhaps we might share a drink sometime… It might be nice to talk to someone who isn’t in Engineering now and then.” 

Dana seemed taken aback at the offer, and she opened her mouth automatically to gracefully refuse, but then her mouth snapped shut as she thought perhaps she might benefit from sitting with a fellow soul who had endured the same tragedy.  If nothing else, it might beat sitting in their quarters as she drank alone.  

“I would ... like that, Lt.,” Dana said and nodded her thanks.

Until then…” and with that she strode out of the bay, feeling better and looking forward to curling back up in her own bed.

Dana watched the Caitian officer leave the sickbay, hopefully on her way to her quarters to sleep.   The amount of sedative that she gave her would be enough to make her quite drowsy very soon.  

She turned and saw PO Miraan return to the main area, she tried to look like she hadn’t been listening to the conversation that had taken place just a minute ago.  Cook looked down at her PADD and finished her log entry concerning the medication that she had administered to Lt. Sa’eirdon.  Tomorrow the Doctor would be able to review her assessment of the Lt condition.

When she was done, she switched screens on her PADD and brought up the work schedule again for Beta Shift.

“Nurse Miraan, ” she said, “I switched your Tuesday Beta to Wednesday, but I would also like to switch your Thursday to Friday.  I assume this won’t create a problem for you?”

Miraan took a moment to consider it before answering, “No Chief, that will be fine.”  

Dana finished up her schedule adjustments, then saved them and sent them on to Doctor Veen to review.  Once she had that done, she got up and headed towards the door.  

“Nurse,” she said, “I’m going to call it a night.  Any emergencies, give me a call.”   She finished as she stepped out the door and it closed behind her.  

Miraan didn’t respond as the Chief was already gone.  She just picked up her own PADD and continued with her studies on medicines and treatments.


((OOC: Cook’s proposed changes to the Medical staff, all on the Beta shift, are as follows:  Switch Miraan on Tuesday to Wed and move Varin to Tuesday.  Then move Miraan from Thursday to Friday and move Cook to Thursday.  This should spread them out sufficiently so there are no back to back shifts.  The Doctor has several during the day, but that is his prerogative.  Cook is only on the schedule twice, but she often spends time on either shift as she wishes.  It the Doc approves, the new schedule can start the next week.))

Posted on 2021-02-14 at 17:47:24.

Regular Visitor
Karma: 3/0
65 Posts

A long overdue introduction

Stardate 2365.05.10
USS Peregrine; Turbolift - 1505


Tochi had spent most of his time at the CONN, today, silently chastising himself for having purposefully avoided a meet and greet with Lt. Ch’ronnoss for as long as he had. The two men had interacted with one another since the Peregrine had put SB-118 in her wake, of course, but those interactions had been brief, in passing, and largely in the line of duty; nothing like the more personal and cordial approach the Trill XO had taken with the other twenty-six new crewmembers...


And we finished those introductions last week, he sighed, lifting a hand to rub at his stubbled chin as he blinked at the featureless door of the lift.


...Tochi’s avoidance of the new CSO wasn’t borne of some sort of animosity toward the man, himself, nor was it due to the fact that his name had replaced Asovil’s on the roster. Not really. If he was to admit the truth of it, he imagined, it was that another Andorian was, now, heading up Sciences and, every time Tochi thought about it, it served only to drive home the fact that Asovil was gone and he would never again have the pleasure of being in her company, seeing her face, hearing her voice…


“...or laughing with her after she butchered yet another idiom,” he chuckled forlornly. When that chuckle threatened to deteriorate into a tremulous sigh, his fingers went from his chin to the bridge of his nose and, then, swabbed at the dampness that had begun to collect on his lashes.


In that same moment, the computer chirruped for attention, reminding him that he had yet to give the turbolift a destination. “Frill,” he muttered, his hand falling from his face as he sucked in a slow breath.


“Computer,” he called, tugging the hem of his jacket and regaining his composure, “Locate Lt. Ch’ronnoss.”


No sense in putting this off any longer, Tochi told himself for perhaps the twentieth time since he’d gotten out of bed.


=/\= Lt Ch’ronnoss is currently located on Deck 4 main corridor =/\=


“Deck Four, then,” Tochi ordered, at last setting the lift into motion.


As the turbo lift doors swooshed open, Esel stepped into the lift, still looking at the PADD in his hand, deep in thought regarding what was on the screen.


Hmmmmm personnel/ professional or unprofessional, where does this sit, where do I want this to sit? His thoughts were interrupted when a subconscious reaction warned him of an unexpected presence close by, instinctively he brought his hands up into a defensive posture. His face paled and he dropped his guard when his eyes met the hazel colored eyes of Lieutenant Commander Zai, who was standing in the turbo lift with a look of shock on his face.


“Apologies Commander” Esel managed to stammer, his face quickly blushing into a deep azure blue . “I was lost deep in thought and completely lost awareness of my surroundings.” 


Blinking away the initial shock of the Scientist’s reaction, Zai lifted a hand by way of waving off Ch’ronnoss’ apology. “Sial’alachua, Lieutenant,” he said, hoping that he had pronounced the Andorian greeting properly. It had been some time since Asovil had taught it to him, after all. “No apologies necessary.”


Esel stepped backwards into the corridor, and gestured to let the Commander past him

“After you Commander”. Damm Esel how stupid you, letting your guard down like that, you have gone soft. In front of the XO as well, at least I didn't break his nose, how would that have looked? It's bad enough we have not spoken to each other outside of the bridge but then to threaten him. Esel shook his head maybe this assignment was not such a good idea.


Again, the Trill XO waved away the other man’s polite offer. “Actually,” he confessed, stepping aside to allow Esel room to board the lift, “we were on my way to find you and, perhaps, steal a few minutes of your time if possible.”


“Me…. Oh...Then of course sir” he stammered “Will my office be suitable?..” the sentence died on his lips as he stretched out his arm, guestering down the corridor towards the CSO Office. A creeping sort of dread climbed up the back of his neck, the familiar building of tension he normally felt just before the opening volley of a firefight. Fight or Flight. 

Breath slow and steady. He reminded himself They is not the enemy, they are a rational sentient being, who knows, even if they have not come to terms with the fact, I am currently the ship CSO. 

“Unless of course you had another destination afterwards? We could walk and talk to kill two birds with one stone, as the terren saying goes perhaps?” He quickly injected into the tension hoping to save the Commander any pain.


Tochi’s gaze tracked the Andorian man’s gesture and, at the suggestion of making his way to the CSO’s office, swallowed a lump and then cleared his throat. “Perfectly acceptable,” he lied…


I haven’t so much as looked in the direction of that door since I’ve been back on board.


...He offered a smile that, he hoped, didn’t look too forced. Then, after parroting Esel’s previous gesture toward the office, clasped his hands behind his back and began walking down the corridor. “I’m afraid I owe you an apology, Lieutenant,” he offered after a few steps. “I typically pride myself on welcoming new crewmates aboard in a timely fashion but, in your case, I’ve been lax in that regard.” He glanced sidelong at Ch’ronnoss, then set his eyes back to the corridor ahead. “We want to assure you that it was nothing personal.”


Commander Zai held his tongue until a pair of crewmen, heading in the opposite direction, had passed them by and, with a glance over his shoulder to ascertain they were out of earshot, continued; “I know how scuttlebutt can be aboard a ship this small but I can’t be sure of what you may have heard so, I’m just going to say it. I have… had… a special affection for your predecessor. We’re afraid it’s that particular closeness that has kept me from seeking you out before now.”


Esel quickly fell into step with the Commander as they made their wall along the corridor, and listened to what he had to say.


“Sir, If you will allow me to be blunt, your Andorian is much better than my Trill and you are correct in that, I am aware of the off duty affections you had for my predecessor, and from what I understand she had for you. In such circumstances I understand your reluctance in that regard, doubly so that by cruel michariams of fate we not only share an Office but also a Species.” He looked across to the Commander


“It pleases me to know that you can look beyond that though and treat me as the individual professional I am” Esel stopped and held out his hand, “Lieutenant Junior Grade Esel Ch’ronnoss, it's a pleasure sir.”


A sense of relief coursed through Zai at the Andorian’s acceptance and understanding. He felt all the more foolish for having put off this introduction, as well, now that it had finally been made. “Tochi Zai,” the Trill smiled congenially, reaching out to accept the proffered hand and give it a firm shake. “The pleasure is ours, Esel,” he returned as the two of them fell back into step and continued on toward the Lieutenant’s office, “Thank you for your diplomacy in all of this.”


“Think nothing of it Commander”


They had reached the door to the CSO’s Office and Esel stopped and turned to the Commander

“One last thing Commander, she is a hero of Star Fleet and Andoria and I am humbled and honored to continue her legacy aboard the Peregrine.” 


Commander Zai’s head bowed at that but he did manage to stifle the sigh of longing that threatened to escape him. “She is,” Tochi acknowledged softly, a wan smile playing on his lips as he lifted his gaze from the toes of his boots and recentered it on the new CSO, “and we are humbled and honored to have you carry on that legacy, as well.”


Esel turned and opened the door, as it swooshed open, he waved inside “It might not look as pretty as you remember it, I have a poor sense of interior decor.”       


Tochi involuntarily hesitated as his eyes took in the space beyond the now open doorway to the office. When Esel mentioned his poor sense of decor, though, Tochi let loose a chuckle that freed his feet.”Honestly, Lieutenant,” he remarked as he stepped over the threshold and let his gaze sweep the place, “it looks very much the same as when Asovil occupied it. She was fairly utilitarian in her sense of decor, as well.”


Of course, in my eyes, a room didn’t need much decoration if she was in it, he reflected as he waited for the Andorian man to make his way around the desk and take his seat. 


Esel sat down at his desk and chuckled, He began filling a pair of glasses from a water pitcher on his desk.  

“Thank the heavens it must be a species trait, and not just me being awful. So Tochi please sit, have a drink and let me know where you would like to begin?”

Posted on 2021-02-15 at 17:16:42.

Occasional Visitor
Karma: 5/0
30 Posts

Saturday night fever

Stardate 2365.05.08
USS Peregrine, Bridge - 1915

The bald humanoid appeared deeply involved in the readouts at the science station, though in actuality, all of the useful data had already been gathered, and the complex computations necessary had been quickly and accurately completed. In truth, the research he was currently working on could have been conducted from the labs down on deck four, but Science Officer Eilal enjoyed the environment of the bridge; it was a small allowance to vanity that prompted him to work in that environment instead of the designated science area of the ship.

Not that anyone would have given a moment's pause to question his presence to begin with; the Deltan was of course authorized to access the bridge science station at any time. However, this vessel was not science-focused, and Eilal knew that some more military-minded commanders were not always as welcoming to what they might consider to be extraneous personnel on the bridge. As such, Eilal tended to avoid the times when the highest ranking officers were on bridge duty when he made such visits.

The current shift was as close to perfect for Eilal's purposes as he could possibly get. Saturday evenings were seen as undesirable times to work, for reasons that to this day made the Deltan chuckle. Why would humans put such emphasis on an arbitrary date based upon the position of one planet relative to its moon, especilly when that planet was light years away? But relevant or not, that schedule meant that those with less seniority would draw this type of shift; as a matter of fact, Eilal was technically the highest ranking member on the bridge at this time.

The only other officer was the acting Assistant Flight Control Officer, a younger human woman who the Captain had given a field commission to. The other duty stations were manned by a handful of enlisted personnel.

This particular shift was slightly amusing to Eilal on one level; both the officer of the watch and the petty officer manning the Operations console were human women with extremely interesting (and somewhat similar) accents that apparently traced back to their home regions. As a matter of fact, the operations petty officer manning the helm and the petty officer at tactical were also female, though the helmsman was Betazoid.

Eilal allowed the very slightest hint of a grin to grace his features. The women were all consumate professionals, of course, but even a child could have felt the emotions that suggested attraction - or, at the very least, curiousity - directed towards him at more than one point.

Deltan sexuality was extensively developed, was an integral part of the species' culture. While this had the frequent effect of instigating curiosity among other species - after all, Deltan physiology was very compatible with many Federation species, and most humanoid species tended to find them pleasing to the eye - any such interspecies contact was forbidden. The simple fact of the matter was that most species lacked the sexual development to stand on even ground with a Deltan partner, especially once one considered the telepathic and chemical compounds included in those sex acts. As a result, any such contact was actually quite dangerous for the non-Deltan partner; obsession and outright insantity were *always* the outcomes of such dalliances.

As had all Deltan starfleet members, Eilal had taken the Oath of Celibacy that helped to ensure the safety of others, and he had willingly taken medical treatments to help reduce his secretion of pheremones that could cause others to lose self control. He understood the actual threat he presented to the safety of other sentients, and was very careful to respect those around him.

However, Eilal did possess a wicked sense of humor, and a boundless appreciation for practical jokes that often took others by suprise. The Deltan was soft spoken and factual in most of his dialogue, causing many to overlook his dry humor or to mistake him as boring and only concerned with his duties.

As he wrapped up his work, Eilal felt eyes on him from across the bridge, felt the idle curiosity behind the look, and the temptation to play a favorite joke grew too strong.

An important part of Deltan foreplay involved placing sexual images into a partner's mind. When he heard the sharp intake of breath from Petty Officer O'Connor, saw her blush and cut her eyes to the side, he allowed the tiniest ghost of a grin to tug at the corners of his mouth, knowing that some vivid - and extremely explicit - imagery had interrupted her shift.

Eilal waited several long moments, pretending to check various figures and readouts, while silently playing at the game a time or two again.

Then, he casually turned and saluted Ensign Owen where she sat at command. "Have a good evening, sir," he spoke mildly. "I believe that my work here is done."

OOC: assuming any response that doesn't prevent him from leaving...

Eilal pretended to not notice the blond-haired human woman slightly squirming in her seat at the Operations console as he kept his expression bland and neutral. Petty Officer Amai caught his eye and arched an eyebrow at him, but Eilal simply gave a bland smile to the Betazoid as he made his way to the turbolift. After all, he would hardly ruin the game by admitting its existence that easily.


Posted on 2021-02-15 at 18:11:29.
Edited on 2021-02-15 at 22:18:41 by Ragnar

Karma: 24/0
404 Posts

The end of the day, but soon there will be...

Stardate: 2365.05.15

USS Peregrine, Deck 3 - Chief Cook’s Quarters - 00:55


Dana entered the living area of her quarters and looked about at the stark furnishings.  She had yet to be assigned a new room mate to share these quarters, so the other bedroom remained empty.  She had not brought much with her since returning to the ship; there were no pictures, or other knickknacks adorning the room.  She had no desire for such things right now.  

She went to a cabinet in the central living area, and opening it withdrew a heavy tumbler glass and a bottle of bourbon.  She pour herself a hefty double and tossed it back quickly.  Inhaling sharply as the strong whiskey burned it’s way down her throat.  She pour another large draught as she walked over and  collapsed into the couch.  She sat the bottle on the table in front of her, for she was sure to need it again soon.  

Dana sipped on the second glass and savored it; she looked at the glass of amber liquid and realized that she was drinking more than usual.  Or more than she had previous to the Incident. She knew that she drank too much, but it helped to calm her nerves and helped her sleep and avoid the horrible nightmares that plagued her sleep.

She knew it was about 0100hrs, and that she had to work her shift tonight starting at 1900hrs.  She would be ready for it; she had never let her drinking interfere with her work, and she wasn’t about to start now.  

Dana rose from the couch as she took another sip and stepped in front of the oval mirror which adorned one of the walls in the shared living area.  She hadn’t brought it, but it had come with the place.  She looked at the right side of her face; at the ugly scar that ran down her cheek from the outer corner of her eye to her jawline.  If she were a vain person she would probably get it repaired, but she wanted it where it was for now.  It was a mark to remind her of her helplessness to stop the death that had befell her staff and crew.  

She downed the rest of her glass as she turned away and returned to the table, where she poured another hefty dose of her self-medication.  With slow deliberate movements, she placed the stopper back in the bottle and returned it to the cabinet.  Returning to the couch, Dana sat and slowly sipped on her drink.  She let her mind relax, in an attempt to clear it before she would try and get a restful night’s sleep.  She silently prayed that she would be successful tonight, and her sleep would remain peaceful, for just one night.


Posted on 2021-02-15 at 19:57:25.

Karma: 158/25
6327 Posts

Getting to know you......

Stardate 2365.05.13; 12:30
Deck 3, Mess Hall

The door to the mess hall slide open and John, head down, briskly stepped in nearly running over another crewmate exiting.  “Excuse me,” John muttered as he turned to avoid the collision.

A low pitch feminine voice in a near growl, “You should be more careful, Mister Reid.”

Startled John looked up, “Kar…Uh..Lieutenant Sa’eridon..oh forgive me but I seem to get lost in my thoughts if I’m not concentrating on the job.”

“So it would seem, lost indeed.” The Caitian officer winced ever so slightly as she continued out the door.

Sa’eridon started to move quickly down the hall, raising a hand to the side of her face. John watched her for a second and hurried after her.

“Lieutenant..,” he hurried to her side.."Lieutenant, I’m glad I ran into you..that is.. nearly ran into you.” K’arl paused, looking at him with a blank expression, except for a raised left eyebrow.

 “Yes Mister Reid, what is it?” She had noticed that the usual mirth was missing from his voice.

“Would you be available to meet in the Aerie later?”

As she absently rubbed slightly at her temple, “I’m not sure..I have not been resting well and I doubt I’d be much company.”

“I understand, but if you change your mind I’ll be there in about 14:00 after I eat and change.” Karri heard the disappointment and noticed the usual twinkle was absent from his eyes.

John ate his meal alone, as he had since returning on board.

USS Peregrine; Deck 5; The Aerie 14:45

A quite figure in a loose fitting Stewart plaid flannel shirt, faded jeans sinched up with a hand tooled leather belt sporting slightly oversized oval silver buckel with an embossed scene of rolling mountains, sat alone peering out the view port at the passing dots of light.

The room lights were lowered as was usual latly in the Aerie, Leah took great care in trying to provide a place for the crew to relax. There were times when this was also a bright raucous place filled with revelry, but not recently.

Ice clinked in a short tumbler of creamy pale brown liquid as the man swirled the glass between sips. John had never been much a drinker of hard liquors.  Straight Whisky or Scotch tasted harsh, but the smooth mellow softness of a good Irish Cream offered a pleasant taste and a gentle warmth.  

He’d been watching door for about an hour since he’d arrived, but hope was now drained just like his glass. Straitening in his chair  he started stand just the door whooshed open.

A tall slender felinesque lady in shiny black patent leather boots, a form fitting black leotard and tan open front tunic, embroidered in what may have been tribal designs, stood in the opening.  Her voluminous long white hair flowed out encircling her face like a main. Piercing heterochromic blue eyes scanned the room until they feel upon the young man at the table by the view port. A soft but tired smile crossed her lips and she moved with simple agile grace as she crossed the room.

“I’m sorry if I kept you waiting, I was just so tire and time slipped by.”

John rose and pulled the chair out for her. “Nothing to be sorry for Lieutenant.”

“John, I thought by now you would call me Karri, at least here.”

“Right..Karri…I wasn’t sure…I’m not too sure about a lot things recently.” He sighed heavily as he sat. “Would you like a drink or something?” John waved to Lean. “I’m afraid I have no idea what to order for you.”

Eyeing the dregs in John glass, “Is that an Earth drink made from milk?”

John missed her subtle reference to him quite commonly sitting enjoying a tall cold glass of milk with his meals.

“Oh no this is a cream liqueur, based on Irish whiskey, cream and other flavoring.”

“I’ve heard of Earth’s whiskey but never with cream…I might like to try this..something Earthly..or is Earth type?”

John chuckled, “Yes..Earthly..I like the sound of that.” Raising his glass to Lean and showing two fingers she got the meaning and soon brought two fresh glasses.”

Karri lifted her glass and sniffed it slightly. The pungent whiskey aroma made her whiskers twitch. “This seems quite..interesting.”

Lifting his glass, “But first..May the road rise up to meet your feet!”, he then reach over and clinked her glass.

Karri looking a bit skeptical, “ And just what was that?”

John laughed, actually it was first time he remember laughing in months. “That was a bit of an old Earth toast. The Irish people of Earth were and are quite colorful in their folk language and sayings.”

Furrowing her brow, “And does that have any particular meaning?”

“Well as I remember is it a wish that your travels be easy.”

“ And why did you tap my glass with yours?’

“Ah..that was one of Earth’s toasting traditions or superstitions that the clicking sound was that of church bells and they were to ward off any evil spirits.”

“I see….” Karri then took a cautious sip. ‘Oh my…that has a most uncommon taste.” The corner of her mouth curled up in a smile and a gentle purr seem to rise from her throat as she took a slightly larger sip.

“I’m guessing you approve of this “Earthly” thing?”

Tilting her glass a bit more Karri took a sightly deeper sip and setting her glass down she proudly displayed her milk mustache, giggled and licked it away. John also missed this gentle poke of his rather famous milk mustache so often flashed in the mess hall.

They sat and sipped for a while engaging in ideal conversation. As they finished their drink John smiled across to Karri, “I want to really thank you for coming. I haven’t had this much fun since…well since we were in the holodeck. I have been spending so much time alone. Too much time trying to forget. After all that has happen I wanted to be with someone…fun.

A sad smile returned to Karri’s face and a small wince as the headache seemed be returning as she remembered the past month.

They sat in silence for a bit as the gloom seemed to be returning, then John reach out his hands palm down on the table. ” I just remembered, I owe you a trip to Earth. You seemed to like this Earthly thing,” gazing at the empty tumbler. “How about we go there now? I finished one of my holodeck programs of the wilderness area near where I grew up. I’d love to take you for a walk among the fall foliage of the Cuyahoga Valley. No man eating plants but maybe a pleasant, peaceful walk in the forest?”

“A peaceful walk? That may be something I need, yes I would love to visit your Earth.”

(To be continued: A walk along the “crooked river”.)

Posted on 2021-02-15 at 23:57:50.

RDI Staff
Karma: 186/13
3273 Posts

Well someone is excited...

Stardate: 2365.05.15

Starbase 118, Lt. Collin’s Personal Quarters 08:15


John Collins finished tidying up in the bathroom, stepped into the living area of his quarters and up to the replicator built into the wall.  

“One cup, raktajino, hot.  Add a teaspoon of cream.”  He commanded the machine.  Like the music raktajino was one of the things he had learned to appreciate about Klingon culture during his studies.  The teaspoon of cream made it more palatable to his tastes, even if a true Klingon would have snubbed him for it.  

The machine made a few beeps and then a cup of steaming raktajino in a glass mug sat on the tray.  He took it into his hands and let his fingers warm a little as he settled into the couch in front of his viewscreen. 

“Computer, pull up the specs for the Class 6 Mining Shuttle.”  

=^=On Screen.=^= She chimed back in her soft gentle voice. 

He relaxed back into his couch and began reviewing the data.  A Mining Shuttle had been dropped off a few days ago by a freighter for repairs.  The conduits had a mineral build up he needed to remove. Just as he was digging deeply into how the conduits in question were associated with the life support system the computer interrupted him. 

=^=Incoming Transmission:  USS Peregine - Commander Kennedy.=^=

John couldn’t help himself, her name came out of the computer and he found himself smiling.  “Yes.  Put her through.”  

It had been days since they had spoken and he was pleased to hear from her.  The viewscreen switched from the internal blueprints of a mining vessel to a view of Kennedy’s personal quarters.  She was sitting on her couch cross legged in a pair of grey sweatpants and sweatshirt, each with a faded MIT logo on them.  Her hair looked slightly damp.  Next to her a little tan colored fur ball was curled up.  

“Good morning John!”  She beamed, and he was taken aback for a moment, it was the first full smile he had seen on her in weeks.  “Look!”  

Before he could answer her greeting she had leaned forward and picked up the potted plant off the coffee table.  Proudly she held it up to the view screen so he could see the bright blue flower.  “It isn’t dead yet!  And actually…” she pulled it closer to herself and poked her fingers amongst the petals.  “Actually… I think it might have a new bloom growing down in there.”  

He laughed lightly, and remembered haggling with the Frengi over the price of that flower, which of course went up the moment he tried to take the pot with it.  Apparently their initial negotiations had only included the flower.  “Good morning, Cal.  I’m glad you haven’t managed to kill it… or Pudding yet.”  

“No.”  She smiled back to him and put the pot down.  “And you haven’t accidentally blown up the Starbase.  We’re both doing great.” 

Yes, you are… finally.  What’s changed for you, I wonder?

“You have such faith in my capabilities as an engineer.”  He desperately wanted to ask what had been happening on board the Peregrine, but at the same time he was a little fearful of the answer.

“Just going by what I saw.”  She shrugged.  “Anyways… how are things going John?”  When she spoke his name it sounded soft and affectionate to him still, which eased his mind a little, but only a little. 

“Nothing much to tell here.  Ships come, they go… I get yelled at by their captains for not working fast enough… the usual.”  He took a sip of his drink, which by now was cooling. 

“Sounds about right.  Well guess what!?”  The excitement on her face told him that he was about to find out what had caused her sudden change in mood.  He simply shrugged.  

“You remember the XO of this ship right?  The Trill?”  

John nodded and found that unease creeping back.  Sure he remembered the XO.  A bit informal sometimes, likes to be called Tochi, handsome devil. 

“Yeah, seemed like a good guy from what I recall.”  He said out loud.

“That remains to be seen… however, he isn’t as important as what he’s working on.  John… it’s amazing.  He’s got this side project that he had been working on, I think for years, with the old CEO.  It’s this ship… and… we spent all of last night going over her.  I found the plans buried in some computer files.  The Aurora Angel he calls it.  It’s spaceworthy, kind of… it still needs a ton of work.  But… Lord is it beautiful already.  I’ve never seen anything quite like it.  I haven’t felt this excited about working on an engine since I was an Ensign...”  

She’s in love alright… at least it’s not with the Trill… yet… I’m happy for her, I am.  He listened to her babble, sipping his Klingon coffee as she tried to describe it, going into details about it’s systems and set up.  It was great to see her so vibrant again.  Although, he had to admit that somewhere deep down he was a little disappointed, if she was finding her stride on the Peregrine she wouldn’t consider a transfer if a position ever opened up on the SB.

“... so I should have the whole day to work on her.”  She finished off finally.  

“She sounds amazing Cal.  I wish I could have seen her.  I’ll definitely want the tour when you swing back my way.”  

“Hopefully by then I can take you out on a cruise!”  She waggled her eyebrows playfully at him.  

‘By then’, how long will that be?  I miss you…  “It’s a date.  It’s been good to hear from you.  I’ve got to get going, I’m supposed to meet Berg in the holodeck soon.  I think we’re playing squash.”  

“Of course!  I didn’t mean to hold you up.  I just… I had to share with someone.”  

“Keep me updated.”  He smiled warmly, he was at least glad that she had thought of him when it came to sharing her good news.  

“I will… good luck on the courts.”  She gave him a wave and then was gone.  That was how she almost always closed off their communications, just gone, never gave him a chance to say goodbye.  Never gives you the opportunity to say ‘I miss you… I love you… please call back soon…’  

He finished his coffee and decided that hitting a ball around a court was just what he needed this morning.  

Posted on 2021-02-16 at 23:36:02.


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