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    Messages in Star Trek: The Scales of Eternity
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Crooked River..........Con't From Getting to Know You..

Stardate 2365.05.13; 15:15
Deck 5, Holodeck

The evening light was still a bright although the sun had past its zenith and was moved slowly into the west. The warm rays cast an amber glow on many of the leaves that still clung to the many hardwood tress and those that had fallen along the well maintained wide path that gently spread in front of them. The quite movement of water could be heard not far to their left and a slight smell of burning leases mixed with the rich earthy fragrance of the forest around them.

John gestured for Karri to follow, “Welcome to the Towpath Trail.”

Taking deep breath John let the memories flood into him. “We won’t come across any person eating plants or fierce dangerous animals..perhaps a few tiny curious furry rodents we call chipmunks.”

Karri glanced around at multicolored fall foliage and took in a deep breath too. “ Yes ..this does have the feel of peace…. Where is this place? It doesn’t seem to match the descriptions I have read of your Earth.”

“You may not have been looking for the right things..this is a protected area in the northeast section of what is called North America, just some miles south of the Great Lake called Erie. When so much had been destroyed by wars and industry this park survived.’

“I may have to look this area up again, but was there something special about this area…was the path made wide for peaceful wandering?”

“Perhaps it was luck that saved this area but it is rich in history…..the original inhabitants of the area lived off the land. They believed that the land is not a thing to be possessed, but rather something sacred and alive. They use that waterway over there to travel from the Great Lake Erie down to here. They called the river Cuyahoga, which meant “crooked river”.

The two keep walking in the peaceful quiet.

“That does not seem to be such a grand river…” Karri mused.

“No not grand but flows from here north to the Great Lakes that link up and provided a waterway from eastern ocean to nearly half way across the continent… in times of primitive foot travel that allowed for great exploration… This little waterway extends a few mile more to the south where it turns east to its origins, the natives found that by crossing the land south of the bend they came to another river that flowed south, it was called the Tuscarawas. That flowed into the Muskingum….which flowed into the Ohio which flowed into the Mississippi and eventually that flowed to the ocean to the south of the continent.” John laughed and waved his hands as he talked.

“So this is an ancient crossing of your tribes?”

John was silent for a moment, “Well I guess that is a good way describe it.”

“So these natives must have traveled much to forge such a wide path?”

John could feel the tension easing in his shoulders as they walked and talked. “Well this path is for modern foot traffic but what made the path originally wide were the horses.”

“You did not say the natives had horses, if they had horse then why did they use the water boats?”

John seemed to see the daily concerns melting away from the Caitian as she walked, the questions bringing a brightness to her voice.

“The horses were not from the natives, early settlers from Europe had moved to this continent and steadily pushed westward, unfortunately driving the native west off these lands. I am not saying it was right but it seems the histories of many worlds show as one group evolves it pushes out those that they can.”

Seeing the question still in Karri’s eyes, “The settlers brought need for more trade and more goods. Eventually larger barge type boats were used to bring in goods from the Great Lakes. Because the river flow was north the barges were pulled south by teams of horses. That required a path to be cleared along the shore and that is how this became known as the Tow Path.”

Karri laughed, ‘Of course..progress must happen.”

They walked along with Karri listening as John told of the sights along the way, of the locks used to raise the barges, the Brandywine Falls and the path beyond the Tow Path known as the Portage Path. Karri sensed John needed to talk, to ramble, to let his mind wonder and to bring her along. And it was as he has promised, it was peaceful. After all that had happened to their friends and crewmates peaceful was something to cherish.

Coming to a resting area near a rapids in the river they sat for a while, quietly just listening to the river tumble over the rocks; smelling the freshness of the air as the water sprayed ever so slightly cleaning it as it rose. Karri, her eyes closed taking in the nature senses and blending them with her own memories of forest and river asked, “How do you know so much about this little spot on such large planet?”

“This is where I was born. My home was only a few miles to the west. I took this all so much for granted.”

“So that is why you made the program; to visit?”

A slight tremble entered John’s voice, “I have been here a hundred times but it was only for a lark or some exercise. I heard the information over and over again, I learn the facts, but I had missed the feeling.” John hunch over steering at his shoes, “I have been alone before, it comes with our job, but after what happened to our crew, my crew, I realized I didn’t really know my people, I knew of my people. That became of evident when I wrote the families. I could recall each crewmate; being with them; but I will never know if they knew.” John paused, “Look I didn’t mean to turn this sad, I…” His words just faded.

Karri, took a deep breath, “It’s like being alone in a crowd..I know the feeling. You have made a difference even if you don’t know….You are not alone..and now I don’t feel so alone either. This was so nice of you to share with me. Perhaps we will walk here again.”

Posted on 2021-02-21 at 21:53:22.

RDI Staff
Karma: 186/13
3273 Posts

Repairs Underway Sir!

Starbase: 2365.05.15

USS Peregrine, Shuttle Bay 1 - 14:25


“Sir…” Peers spoke up from the transporter console. 

“Yes crewman?” Sa’eridon looks up from her PADD… heart already beginning to pound a little at the tone in Peers’ voice.  

“Sir… I think there has been a mistake.  We had pulled up the specs for a Type 7A navigation beacon, but I’ve located the beacon and it’s… well sir… it’s larger than what the specs say it should be.  I think it’s a Type 8-12.  I’m not sure how… perhaps Starfleet replaced it and didn’t update the files…. Or…”  Peers faded off, afraid to say that perhaps it was the Lt. that made a mistake about what beacon it is. 

Internally Sa’eridon begins cursing in her native tongue.  “Alright Peers.  I’ll get the new specs pulled up.  How does that affect our ability to transport it into the bay?”

“Technically it doesn’t, sir.  We can beam her up… it’s just that it might put a drain on the power systems, due to the size.  We were pushing the system as it was with the calculations for the 7A, but with the additional size in the 8-12 we’d be straining it.”  

Karri sighed a little bit and put her hand to her head, why was the headache tension threatening to return already?  “Okay, Peers…” she took a long deep breath to center herself again.  “We don’t want to put any unnecessary strain on our systems.  Let’s look into a tractor beam then…”  

“Yes sir, I think I can get that set up…” 

“You think?  Or you can?  We really only have about ten minutes or so… can you do it?”  Sa’eridon snapped a little harder than she would have liked, but she was so terrified of letting Kennedy down.  

Peers straightened up at her post.  “I can sir.  I’ll get it calculated and done.”  She piped up quickly and bent her head back down over the console to get to work.  

Sa’eridon began punching at her PADD, pulling up the specs for the correct navigation beacon with obvious angst. 


USS Peregrine, Shuttle Bay 1 - 14:35


“The beacon is now within range, sir.  Shall I begin the tractor beam?”  Peers said with a firmer confidence than she had spoken earlier.

“Yes… let’s go ahead and get that thing aboard.”  Sa’eridon replied and put aside her PADD.  She hoped that crash course on the beacon was going to be enough, it wasn’t that different from the 7A that she had been studying for the past day.  

“On it…”  Peers said and began to work on the console.  


USS Peregrine, Shuttle Bay 1 - 15:00


The tractor beam had worked well and the navigation beacon sat secured in the shuttle bay now.  It was decent sized, just a bit larger than one of their shuttles, but for all the fuss that it wasn’t causing her Sa’eridon had almost expected something a bit more ‘majestic’.  This machine was little more than an oversized tin can with spokes sticking out from it and a single control panel.  The seams were filled with space dust and the surface had been dented in many places by flying debris.  

As soon as it had been secured her team had begun their diagnostics.  They crawled over the machine with their tricorders like an army of ants on a freshly fallen grasshopper.  It hadn’t taken them long to determine what the issue was.  Instead of just denting the side of the beacon like most of the space debris had done it appeared that one rather self-important rock had punctured the outer shell and tore through it’s internal workings.  The magnetic interface field had been hit the hardest.  The beacon was still technically functioning, however, it’s messages were getting nowhere.  It was like a lighthouse with curtains drawn over it’s glass.  

The crew had carefully removed the offensive rock and placed it in an isolation container.  Sa’eridon was still nervous about bringing anything new on the ship without a full inspection first, she could hardly be blamed for that.  

While the crew continued to work on pulling out the affected sections of the beacon she stepped away from the clatter to make her reports.  

“Lt. Sa’eridon to the Bridge” she spoke into her commbadge. 

((OCC:  Assuming the Bridge responds))

“We’ve determined the malfunction on the beacon, sir.  A piece of space debris has punctured it and taken out the magnetic interface field along with some other wiring.  I anticipate another hour for those repairs.  I would also like to recommend replacing the outer casing while we have it on board.  We could simply patch the current hole, but the whole thing appears to have taken quiet a beating out here and I think a new outer casing is prudent for continuing function.  I believe we can replicate the necessary parts and have it ready to go with another two hours of work.  

“I’m sending the bit of rock to science.  My initial readings indicate that it is simply a piece of meteor, but a second inspection of it might not be a bad idea. 

“Have we determined if the beacon needs to be relocated to a more secure position in the system?” 

((OCC:  Assuming positive responses to all of this))

“When you get the new coordinates please send them over and we will get the unit reprogrammed.  That task should be relatively easy.”  

When she was finished with the bridge she tapped her commbadge again and this time called up another department. 

“Lt. Sa’eirodn to Science.” 

((OOC: Assuming a greeting from science.))

“I have a bit of rock here that we found in the beacon.  I’ve got it in an isolation container, and believe it to simply be flotsam and jetsam, but if you would like to send someone to shuttle bay 1 and collect it for further inspection that would be appreciated.”  

((OOC:  Assuming more positive responses))

“Good, I’ll see you shortly then…”  

She turned back to the beacon, her tail swishing slightly behind her as she looked it over.  Twice she clapped her hands together and moved to get back to work on the repairs.  Except for the slight glitch about what version of the beacon they were using things were going well.

Posted on 2021-02-22 at 09:36:17.

Fun is Mandatory
RDI Staff
Karma: 375/54
7089 Posts


Stardate 2365.05.12

USS Peregrine; Deck 1, Captain’s Ready Room - 0630

For a woman who had faced down Klingon insurgents, beasts of the Orion jungles, and the best of Starfleet’s Tactical division, Zhay-la was more nervous over a meeting than anything. In her defense, a political showdown like what she expected this to be was far and away from the battlefields she was used to; a knife to the throat wouldn’t save her from Commander Drake’s judgment anymore than trimming a Vulcan’s eyebrows made them human.

A nervous habit, Zhay-la pulled at her cuffs, smoothed down the bulge in her sleeve from her knife holster. Her veil felt akin to a choker, for how smothered and uncomfortable her nerves were making her. Nevermind this damn heat-trapping uniform -

All thoughts and last-minute preparations were cut short when the doors slid open, and in walked Commander Drake.

“Sir.” Zhay-la immediately stood at attention. She was rather proud at the stillness of her arm while she saluted him.

Drake glanced up from the PADD on his desk and crisply returned the salute.  “At ease, Lieutenant Taissud.” He gestured to the chair opposite his own.  “Please, have a seat.”

The Orion looked between the captain and the seat, perching on the edge of it after a second.

“Welcome aboard the Peregrine,” he continued amiably.  A glance down at the PADD caused the slightest hint of what might have been a grin to touch one corner of his mouth.  “A trip through your jacket suggests that you will be a wonderful fit for our misfit cruise.”

The instinct to raise an eyebrow at that was battered back by Zhay-la schooling her expression into neutrality.

The Captain drew a breath and leaned back in his chair.  “Your service record is… interesting, Lieutenant.  I see commendations, I see reprimands.” He paused and made long, meaningful eye contact.  “I see a warrior spirit.  That is something that I not only can respect, but identify with.”

Drake folded his hands neatly in front of his chest.  “The Peregrine is not like many other vessels you may have experienced.  She is a warship, and makes no apology for that.  We exist to enforce the Federation’s power, to bring fear to her enemies.  I can make great use of a true warrior.”

SIlas let his gaze wander the room until it came to rest on a model ship hanging on the wall.  The model was not of a spacecraft, but of an ancient seafaring vessel.   The detail to the tiny wooden vessel was exquisite; it was clearly a prized possession of some sort.

The captain’s pause in his monologue gave Zhay-la a moment to catch up with his words. In truth, she had expected a more confrontational interaction, never mind this rather warm welcome. Her spine still tingled with nerves, but at the least she hadn’t needed to use the speech she had prepared yet.

“My concern, naturally, is discipline,” he continued.  “It would appear that this is an area you have struggled with at times in your career.  And quite frankly, it is an area that you cannot afford to struggle with here.  This ship is small, agile, strong - as such, we have no capacity here to carry those who cannot contribute fully as part of the team.”  His eyes narrowed.  “I trust that will not be a concern here.”

Grey eyes narrowed at Drake, lips pursed, but Zhay-la bit down any retorts that came to mind.

The Captain relaxed slightly, and his expression softened.  “Again, Lieutenant, I can identify with anger.  I, too, have a temper.  I too, struggle with the suffering of fools.  I too, have been known to be eager - perhaps too eager - to correct foolishness.  But you are the Tactical Chief now.  You set the example for the fighting crew of this ship.  As you go, so do they.  Anger can be good; passion is better.  But you must harness these, use them to our benefit.  As CTO, there is no room for petty personal vendettas.  There is less room for lack of discipline.  I must know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I can count on you at all times.”

He paused, fixing Zhay-la with an iron gaze.  “Can I count on you, Lieutenant?” 

“Of course, sir,” was the steely response he received.

Drake nodded.  “Very well. Know this - I don’t give a damn what you did or didn’t do in the past, or by what others may say about you.  I judge people by their actions - and nothing else.  You’ve earned this posting, so what you accomplish with that is entirely up to you.”

We’ll see about that, Zhay-la thought to herself; she’d heard as much from other superior officers, but at the least Drake seemed genuine.

The Captain’s expression softened to something approaching a smile, extending an open hand for a shake..  “Again, welcome aboard.  I am glad to have you, Lieutenant Taissud.” 


Posted on 2021-02-22 at 10:36:33.

Karma: 158/25
6327 Posts


USS Peregrine, Shuttle Bay 1 - 14:35

“The beacon is now within range, sir.  Shall I begin the tractor beam?”  Peers said with a firmer confidence than she had spoken earlier.

“Yes… let’s go ahead and get that thing aboard.”  Sa’eridon replied and put aside her PADD.  She hoped that crash course on the beacon was going to be enough, it wasn’t that different from the 7A that she had been studying for the past day.  

“On it…”  Peers said and began to work on the console. 

Reid had been checking the progress of engineering and noted a concern.

"Reid to Engineering"

=^= Engineering=^= , replied Sa'eridon.

"I may be a bit paranoid but please be sure the beacon is scanned for any anomalies before it is pulled into the bay . See to it there are no nanites detectable or other oddities. We are still not sure where the nanites originated and we don't need to be infected again."

(OOC: assuming Merideth replies.)



Posted on 2021-02-23 at 14:46:44.
Edited on 2021-02-23 at 14:47:47 by Odyson

Fun is Mandatory
RDI Staff
Karma: 375/54
7089 Posts

bumpity bump bump

Stardate 2365.05.15
USS Peregrine; Deck 1, Bridge - 1430

"Sir," Lieutenant Ferrero piped up, "The probe's capabilities aren't much different than Voyager II 's. It's been flying a long time, Captain.  The report is on your PADD."

Drake nodded and consulted the device.  "Very good, Lieutenant,  he resonded.  "Interesting... this probe has been in flight for much of the time that the Calicans have possessed spaceflight.  It would appear that it lacks much in the way of sensor technology... which would be expected.  I still think that the best course of action would be to reposition the beacon, unless there are any specific objections."

OOC: assuming there are none...

Silas sat back and waited for the Peregrine to reach proper positioning.


Stardate 2365.05.15
USS Peregrine; Deck 1, Bridge - 1500

The beacon had been brought aboard via tractor bay without incident.  Presently, the intercom chimed.

=/\=Lt. Sa'eridon to the Bridge.=/\=

"Drake here.  Go ahead, Lieutenant," the Captain replied.

=/\=We've determined the malfunction on the beacon, sir.  A piece of space debris has punctured it and taken out the magnetic interface field along with some other wiring.  I anticipate another hour for those repairs.  I would also like to recommend replacing the outer casing while we have it on board.  We could simply patch the current hole, but the whole thing appears to have taken quite a beating out here and I think a new outer casing is prudent for continuing function.  I believe we can replicate the necessary parts and have it ready to go with another two hours of work.=/\=

Silas nodded in agreement.  "That seems like a prudent course, Lieutenant.  It would reflect badly on us if we had to turn around and come back to fix the beacon again; go ahead with a full repair, including the casing."   

=/\=I'm sending the bit of rock to science.  My initial readings indicate that it is simply a piece of meteor, but a second inspection of it might not be a bad idea.=/\=

Another good idea, Silas mused.  "Agreed.  A chunk of space rock is hardly malignant, but if we have it on hand, we may as well analyze it," he reponded.

=/\=Have we determined if the beacon needs to be relocated to a more secure position in the system?=/\=

"I would think that would be the wisest decision here," Drake replied.  "We of course are bound to uphold the Prime Directive; relocating the beacon is fairly trivial in terms of effort, but rather vital when one considers the Prime Directive.  Knowingly putting Federation technology in the path of a pre-warp culture would be a gross violation.  No, we will determine a safe spot and relocate the beacon." 

=/\=When you get the new coordinates please send them over and we will get the unit reprogrammed.  That task should be relatively easy.=/\= 

"Understood, Lieutenant Sa'eridon.  I will have Lieutenant Ferrero provide those once we have made the determination.  Drake out."

As caught up in the beacon proccess as he had been, Drake hadn't initially noticed the Beta shift personnel filtering to standby positions around the bridge.  Now that the bulk of the bridge responsibilities had been handled, the Captain took his feet.  "Liuetenant Ferrero, double check the probe's sensor ranges and identify a safe spot for our beacon that hides it from Calican scans.  Double check to ensure that there are no further probes to concern ourselves with, and perhaps consult with Science as a sanity check on your plan."

OOC: assuming a positive response...

Turning his attention to the helm, Silas continued.  "Tochi, if you are planning to stick around for a bit, you have the Conn.  If not, I believe that Ensign Owen is the scheduled officer of the watch?"

OOC: assuming a reasonable reply...

Drake nodded.  "Very well."  He then cut his gaze to the Orion lieutenant at Tactical.  "Lieutenant Taissud," he spoke, indicating the junior Ops personnel, "it appears that your station is well in hand for the time being.  Would you mind joining me in my ready room, please?"

OOC: assuming agreement...


Stardate 2365.05.15
USS Peregrine; Deck 1, Captain's Ready Room - 1510

As the hatch hissed shut, Captain Drake took a seat behind his desk, but conspicuously did not offer for the tactical chief to join him.  When he spoke, the tone was cold, with an edge to it.

"Lieutenant Taissud," he intoned, "would you care to explain to me what I witnessed on my bridge?"

OOC: assuming a reasonable reponse.

Drake nodded slightly.  "That is correct.  I witnessed a frankly surprising breach of protocol from one of your people."  The emphasis on "your people" was slight, but carried heavy meaning.

He continued.  "I shouldn't have to explain this, but I will do so, anyway.  Any contact with the bridge should be treated with the assumption that lives depend upon it - because, as you well know, they sometimes do.  I did not recognize that woman's voice, so I'm assuming that she is one of your new transfers.  That said, whether she has ten days or tens years aboard, she should have the good sense to treat a call from the bridge with the gravity it deserves.  The fact that she did not reflects poorly on you."

Silas chuckled ruefully.  "In my day, I'd have been terrified to find myself over the barrel for THINKING of talking like that where the Captain could hear me.  It would be one thing were we on deck five and she did not realize that I was around.  On a bridge call..." his voice trailed off.  "I trust that you will properly handle this one time protocol exception," Drake spoke meaningfully.

OOC: assuming an affirmative

Drake nodded.  "Very well.  Disnmissed." 


Posted on 2021-02-23 at 18:37:26.

RDI Staff
Karma: 186/13
3273 Posts


Stardate: 2365.05.15

USS Peregrine, Shuttle Bay 1 - 14:35


“The beacon is now within range, sir.  Shall I begin the tractor beam?”  Peers said with a firmer confidence than she had spoken earlier.

“Yes… let’s go ahead and get that thing aboard.”  Sa’eridon replied and put aside her PADD.  She hoped that crash course on the beacon was going to be enough, it wasn’t that different from the 7A that she had been studying for the past day.  

“On it…”  Peers said and began to work on the console.  

=^=Reid to Engineering=^= a familiar voice pipped up.  

“Engineering.”  She responded, keeping her conversation professional, even if hearing his voice did bring a small smile to her face. 

=^=I may be a bit paranoid, but please be sure the beacon is scanned for any anomalies before it is pulled into the bay.  See to it there are no nanites detectable or other oddities.  We are still not sure where the nanites originated and we don’t need to be infected again.=^=

We’re all pretty paranoid right now… She thought to herself, outloud she replied. 

“I will Reid.  We’re going to be extra cautious with this one.  Glad to know you are on duty right now.  If anything comes up I’ll be sure to let you know.”



Posted on 2021-02-23 at 22:17:54.

Eol Fefalas
Lord of the Possums
RDI Staff
Karma: 473/28
8780 Posts

Shift change

Stardate 2365.05.15
USS Peregrine; Deck 1, Bridge – 1504

Turning his attention to the helm, Silas continued.  "Tochi, if you are planning to stick around for a bit, you have the Conn.  If not, I believe that Ensign Owen is the scheduled officer of the watch?"

“Aye, sir,” Tochi returned, glancing over his shoulder to regard Silas, “She’s on her way. We told her to put her studies first given today’s circumstances, but she should be arriving straight away.”

"Very well," Drake nodded, prompting Tochi to return his gaze to the viewscreen and the helm where PO Amai had already relieved him. The Trill had just started backing toward the Big Chair when Drake’s receding voice called out and snatched at his attention, once more.

"Lieutenant Taissud, it appears that your station is well in hand for the time being.  Would you mind joining me in my ready room, please?"

Tochi’s brow furrowed and he flicked a quick glance at Zhay-la… Did we miss something? he wondered as the Orion woman acknowledged the Captain’s request and, dutifully, fell into step behind Silas. Nothing too serious, we’d imagine, he mused, his eyes following the pair for a moment longer before returning to the activities on the bridge, nothing she can’t handle.

For a short while, as he stood before the Captain’s chair, he simply watched the goings-on in silence. After a time, though, Lt Reid’s earlier call to Engineering echoed in his memory…

"I may be a bit paranoid,” the Security Chief had hailed, “but please be sure the beacon is scanned for any anomalies before it is pulled into the bay. See to it there are no nanites detectable or other oddities. We are still not sure where the nanites originated and we don't need to be infected again."

…at the time the call was made, Tochi had agreed with the man’s own assessment that the request might have been borne of little more than a survivor’s paranoia. As the time had lapsed, though, and Reid’s request worried at the base of Zai’s skull, the XO could see where such a thing might be a valid concern. They, along with Starfleet Command, had assumed that the threat of the Chimera Nanites had ended with the scuttling of the Serapis and the Peregrine’s subsequent scrubbing, quarantine, and refit… but, what if???...

His gaze swung toward TAC. “Petty Officer,” he called to blonde Terran who manned the station, now, “What were the results of the scans that Lt Reid ordered?”

“Those scans were completed as part of updated Chimera protocols, Commander,” Tabitha Wright responded following a quick scan of her console, “No indication of nanite infestation; just a serious pelting by debris, sir.”

Tochi nodded his satisfaction with the answer; “Thank you, Tabitha.”

“Aye, sir.”

With a faint sigh, Commander Zai clasped his hands behind his back and turned his attention back to the viewscreen; content to lose himself in the serenity of the planet dotted starfield there for a time. His gaze only broke away when the turbolift doors squelched open and, at last, spit Ensign Owen onto the deck.

The tiny woman briefly cast a disdainful eye at the still glitchy lift before ensuring that the tight plaits restraining her hair were still in place. “When’re they bloody well gonna fix that?” she grumbled under her breath as she made her way to the bridge’s center, her eyes scanning the faces that populated the various stations as she went. When she reached Tochi’s side, she took up a similar demeanor to the Trill XO’s and, on the back of a sigh breathed; “Sorry I’m s’late, C’mmander. Go’ tangled in m’ studies an’ ‘elpin’ Kennedy wi’ wha’ she were doin’ on th’ Angel.”

“Quite alright, Ensign,” Tochi smiled faintly, “We did tell you to take your time, today, after all.”

“Aye, sir,” she returned quietly, “ya did. Still an’ all, if ya don’ mind me sayin, this distance lairnin’ business es fer th’ birds! Comman’ courses’ve nothin’ on th’ hands-on I get, here.”

Grinning, Tochi glanced sideways at Megan and acknowledged her assessment with a scant nod. “There’s nothing in that statement I’m inclined to disagree with, Meg,” he said, “Ready to take the Conn?”

“Yessir,” she nodded, her eyes sparkling as she tore them from the viewscreen and turned them up to meet the XO’s, “What’ve ye got fer me, sir?”

The next few moments were consumed by Tochi briefing Megan on the day’s activities and feeding her the reports she needed to start her turn in the Big Chair. The copper-haired ensign had only a few questions in the whole proceeding and, at the end of it, she simply offered that brilliant smile of hers and bobbed her head in final acknowledgement. “Got it, sir,” she beamed, “Thank’ee.”

“Of course,” Tochi grinned back as he gestured to the command seat, “Your chair, Ensign. Enjoy your shift.”

“Thank’ee, Commander,” she repeated taking a step toward the chair, “I hereby stand as your relief, sir.”

“I stand relieved,” the Trill tipped his head and winked discretely before stepping away and making for the lift.

“A’right,” he heard Megan call out behind him, “Gimme some updates, people!”

He glanced back and saw the waifish girl wriggling herself into a comfortable position on the edge of the big chair, her enormous eyes dancing expectedly from station to station as the reports she’d requested started coming in. Something of a proud smile danced across his lips, then, and, with a nod, he stepped onto the turbolift. “Deck Two,” he commanded as the doors whispered shut.

The computer blipped in acknowledgement and set the lift in motion and, as it did, he found his thoughts turning to what Zhay-la might have prompted Silas to summon her to his ready room. “Computer,” he called before the lift doors opened again, “extend an invitation to Lt Taissud to meet me for a drink when she becomes available.”

=/\=Acknowledged,=/\= the computer said, =/\=Location?=/\=

“My office,” he returned, “or the Aerie, at her discretion.”

The computer beeped, again, and then responded; =/\=Invite sent.=/\=

Stepping off the lift and striding for his office, Tochi tugged his jacket open and considered what he might do with the rest of his waking hours.

Posted on 2021-02-23 at 22:21:00.

RDI Staff
Karma: 186/13
3273 Posts

Just a lady taking her plant on a walk...

Stardate: 2365.05.15

USS Peregrine, The Aerie - 14:45

Kennedy stepped into the Aerie, tucked into the pocket of her grey sweater was her PADD, and in her hands was a small pot with a blue flower sitting in it.  The place was still quiet, everyone was in the middle of shift change, which made it the best time to arrive.  

Across the room Leah seemed to be taking advantage of the few minutes of quiet as well, she was moving around the room straightening chairs and wiping down tables.  She looked up and waved to Kennedy as she entered.  “The Grease-monkey…” she smiled affectionately at her.  “I’ll be back at de bar in a jif if ye don’ mind waitin’...”  

Kennedy placed the pot on the counter and moved to go behind the bar.  “Don’t worry about it.  I can help myself, don’t trouble yourself with me.  I just want a juice anyway.”  

“No… no… deary.  It’s my job to tend to de bar.  Yer job is to sit back an’ take a load off… Juice ye say?  Wha’ kind ye thinkin’ of?”  Leah bustled over, slapping the rag against her leg and then tucking it into the band of her skirt as she came back to the bar, shooing Kennedy away from the backside of it.  As she moved around to the back she raised a brow at the plant sitting on her counter.

“I’ve been off all day, so I don’t know that I need to take a ‘load off’ per say… I’ll just take an orange juice, no pulp please.  And thank you.”  She offered courteously.  

“Been off?  Relaxin’?  Takin’ a spa day in the holodeck?  Gardening?”  Leah inquired as she went about getting the woman her order. 

Kennedy shook her head and let out a small laugh.  “Not really my scene.  No I was with the Angel all day…”  

“Ahh… see ye weren’t relaxin’ ye was workin’.  I had a feelin’.  How’s de lady doin’?”  Leah pushed over a tall glass filled with the orange liquid and leaned against the bar.  

“She’s lovely.  Making some good progress on her.  Megan helped me out, she’s a sweet girl.”  

“Megs!  Ah yeah… dat lass is a sprite, did ye get any work done, er did ye spend most o’ the time listenin’ to her talk?”  Leah looked up momentarily as another crew member stepped into the bar, she gave him a smile and a wave.  

Kennedy grinned and laughed.  “I forced her to get some work done, even made her study for her exams some…”  

“Good fer her!  Anything else fer ye, or fer yer… date?”  Leah poked lightly at the plant and grinned.  

Kennedy laughed again.  “Do you have peanuts back there?  I could go for some roasted peanuts… my ‘date’ isn’t in the mood for much of anything.”  Kennedy frowned just a little and looked at the blue flower.  “She’s wilting a bit, she’d been doing so well, just this morning in fact she was doing great, but now her petals are starting to fade a bit.  It’s probably ridiculous but I thought maybe she could do with a little time in the window…”  Kennedy glanced out at the windows, their dark maw’s open to the darkness and the stars of the Calican system.  “So here we are... “  Kennedy shrugged and turned back to Leah who had gotten out a bowl of nuts, but was not laughing at the woman in front of her who just might be more nuts.  

“Yes… that’s probably the craziest t’ing I’ve heard in awhile!  Ye should probably take ‘er to science, not de Aerie…” Leah kept up her warm laughter.  

“I know… I know… but the bar always perked me up.  Figured it couldn’t hurt.”  She shrugged again and realized that she was going to have difficulties taking the pot, the drink and the nuts to her table.  

Leah noticed this problem as well and wiping at her eyes with the back of her hand she grinned.  “Ye get de plant, I’ll take yer order to yer table…”  

A few minutes later Kennedy was settled at the same table she had been the other night.  The plant was perched on the back of the bench cushion, soaking up whatever rays might make it through the window (so basically doing nothing).  Kennedy was splayed out on the bench comfortably again, occasionally popping a peanut in her mouth while she looked over her PADD.  Throughout the day she had popped onto it and checked on the progress of Sa’eirdon, there were reports being passed around the ship, which she glanced over.  Once or twice, or perhaps three times, she had spied in on the cameras in the Shuttle Bay to make sure things were running smoothly.  If anything had been going amiss she wanted to be able to step in.  It seemed, though, that everything was going smoothly, the beacon had gotten on the ship and diagnostics were nearing a close.  She smiled, pleased that her aCEO seemed capable of handling this on her own so far.  

Posted on 2021-02-23 at 23:54:33.

Occasional Visitor
Karma: 5/0
30 Posts

science doing science things

Stardate 2365.05.15
USS Peregrine; Deck 4, Science Department - 1430

Lieutenant Ch'ronnoss gave his orders, and Eilal bobbed his head in acknowledgement. "Aye, sir. I will prioritize according to your requests. The probe will be the primary concern, analysis of Calican II secondary, further system study tertiary."

The Deltan turned and met the gaze of a tall, lanky human male. "Crewman West, shall we get to work?" The blonde man nodded and fell into step with Eilal as the two of them made their way into Lab two.

The pair delved into a couple of terminals and called up the data. "Mister West, it seems to me that we should divide the labor," the Deltan stated. "I will analzyze the probe itself. You start with the Calican II analysis; please follow the Lieutenant's instructions and start working on models to estimate the technology level of the Calicans, then expand your work to further examination of the planet and anything that may be relevant to our orders. From there, we can move into overall system analysis. Agreed?"

Tanner West nodded. "Sounds like a plan, sir," he responded in a deep baritone.

A hint of a smile touched Eilal's features. He personally had little concern for titles or rank, though he understood the need for such. If everyone involved was doing their part, he was content. The smile widened ever so slightly as he began to dig into the data.

Stardate 2365.05.15
USS Peregrine; Deck 4, Laboratory 2 - 1535

The Deltan science officer frowned, the marks creasing his normally neutral face.

"Crewman West, please review the data I just shared with you," the Science officer stated. "While I feel confident in my analysis," he continued, "it would not be seemly to share my conclusions without independent verification."

Puzzled, the lanky human nodded as he hunched over his own terminal. "Aye, sir, he replied."

Thus far, the analysis had gone entirely as expected. His own analysis of the probe was quite synergetic with that of the Operations department; the probe had low speed, zero maneuverability, limited sensor and communications capabilities. West's findings likewise had the Calican system within the expected range of scientific development. They still used fossil fuels, they still had pollution issues, their technology barely provided craft that could break the speed of sound; they were generations away from anything apporaching impulse power, let alone warp.

Eilal and West had detected one other probe, but the recommended relocation coordinates of the beacon would provide complete invisibility to the second probe, as well.

No, the item causing the frown on Eilal's face was ouside of the orbit of Calican II.

The Deltan felt West's reaction even as the emotion touched the lanky man's face. Apprehension. Concern.

"Sir," Tanner began, "you are looking at 2365 C41A3 DN17?" he asked.

"That is correct," Eilal agreed. "I assume that you are seeing the same outcome that I see?"

The tall human's face was pale. "I do. Just under seventy-four hours, at the current velocity."

The bald humanoid let out a low, uncharacteristic curse under his breath.

Stardate 2365.05.15
USS Peregrine; Deck 4, Science Department - 1550

"Lieutenant Ch'ronnoss," Eilal began, "Crewman West and I have made a sobering discovery."

OOC: assuming a prompt to continue...

"We agree with the Operations assesment of the probe; it is a primitive device, easily evaded." Eilal stated. "The technology levels of Calican II are likewise within expected parameters. However, this discovery is what concerns us." The Deltan keyed a control, causing a holoprojector to spring to life.

"This," Eilal indicated, "is asteroid 2365 C41A3 DN17. As you can see, it is relatively large - over thirty-two kilometers in diameter." The display zoomed to a cratered, roughly spherical body. "It is rather dense, with an unusual composition. While the bulk of the asteroid is largely silical in nature, the core has a great deal of iron, nickel, and similar dense metals. The concern, as you see, is the orbit of 2365 C41A3 DN17."

The display zoomed out, with directional overlay and elapsed motion simulation features engaged. "In just under seventy-four hours, this asteroid will impact Calican II. This will cause an extinction level event; little beyond particularly hardy microbial life will have any chance whatsoever to survive. The estimated sentient population of Calican II is currently in the vicinity of seven billion life forms, all of which will die. The probability of survival is zero point zero percent for any of the sentients. They lack the technology to prevent the impact or to evacuate any life forms from the planetary surface."

The Deltan science officer blocked out the raw emotions radiating from those around him, ignored the sharp intakes of breath. "Obviously, sir, the Captain needs to be informed. As the Chief Science Officer, it seems that would be more appropriate for you to do."






Posted on 2021-02-24 at 00:10:49.
Edited on 2021-02-24 at 00:19:01 by Ragnar

Karma: 158/25
6327 Posts


Stardate 2365.05.15
USS Peregrine, Bridge – 1455

The shift had run smoothly. John had let his security concerns be known to Engineering about checking the beacon before bringing it on board. It had been a similar innocent act or recovery when the recovered the escape pod. Little did they expect the chaos and horror such a routine act would predicate.

The lift doors opened and P.O. Wright entered the bridge and approach the TAC conn lifting a salute to Lt. Taissud and John, “Ready to relieve the TAC, Sir.”. John returned salute. He was glad that Wright had used the expected bridge protocol, one faux pax from his department enough. “I stand relieved, Petty Officer.” Lt. Reid took a few minutes to the action of the day including the boarding of the beacon and remained waiting the Captain to clear the bridge.

Drake had been caught up in the beacon proccess as he had been and hadn't initially noticed the Beta shift personnel filtering to standby positions around the bridge.  Now that the bulk of the bridge responsibilities had been handled, the Captain took his feet.  "Liuetenant Ferrero, double check the probe's sensor ranges and identify a safe spot for our beacon that hides it from Calican scans.  Double check to ensure that there are no further probes to concern ourselves with, and perhaps consult with Science as a sanity check on your plan."

“Aye Sir.”

Turning his attention to the helm, Silas continued.  "Tochi, if you are planning to stick around for a bit, you have the Conn.  If not, I believe that Ensign Owen is the scheduled officer of the watch?"

“Aye, sir,” Tochi returned, glancing over his shoulder to regard Silas, “She’s on her way. We told her to put her studies first given today’s circumstances, but she should be arriving straight away.”

Drake nodded.  "Very well."  He then cut his gaze to the Orion lieutenant at Tactical.  "Lieutenant Taissud," he spoke, indicating the junior Ops personnel, "it appears that your station is well in hand for the time being.  Would you mind joining me in my ready room, please?

John nearly flinched at the Captain’s request. “Oh that can’t be good.”, he thought. John knew how much the Captain put into proper protocol and he could only guess this would have to do with Crewman Blomstedt’s reply to the bridge.

Reid give Drake and Taissud time to leave the bridge.

As he approached the torbo lift he caught the XO’s glance. Giving Tochi a weak knowing smile he nodded. mouthing “On it”.

John entered the lift.“Level five.” He spoke as the doors whoosed shut.

While making his way to the security section he tapped  his Comm badge, “Reid to Chief Brooks”.

=^= Brooks here, sir.=^=

“Chief be ready, it looks like the CO may be being called on the carpet. Crewman Blomstedt’s response tothe  Lieutenant’s call from the bridge was heard by the Captain. I’d like to get a protocol training session ready for the watch desk for all the new enlisted crew…I’ll leave any disciplinary actions up to the Lieutenant.”

=^=”Aye ,sir…fool rookies.=^=

“Thank you..Reid out.”

John headed to security expecting to be called to Taissud’s office.

Posted on 2021-02-24 at 13:18:51.
Edited on 2021-02-25 at 10:04:34 by Odyson

Regular Visitor
Karma: 3/0
65 Posts

Bringer of death and old habits..

Stardate 2365.05.15

USS Peregrine Science bay - deck 4 -15:00


The beep of his comm broke his revive.


=/\=Lt. Sa’eirodn to Science.=/\=


“Ch’ronnoss here, go ahead Lieutenant”


=/\=I have a bit of rock here that we found in the beacon.  I’ve got it in an isolation container, and believe it to simply be flotsam and jetsam, but if you would like to send someone to shuttle bay 1 and collect it for further inspection that would be appreciated.=/\=  


“Roger that, I shall send down PO Gaultier immediately for collection, thank you Lieutenant”


=/\=Good, I’ll see you shortly then…=/\= 


After he had briefed and dispatched the PO he set about setting up lab one to receive the sample and start running the normal procedural tests.


Analyzing space rock, forever in the forefront of space exploration and discovery. He chuckled to himself, fondly thinking back to his student days at the Academy. 


As he was finishing up and preparing to exit the lab, he noted a sudden change in the atmosphere, a tangible heightening of adrenal production, the calm before the storm, the silence before the first phaser blast. 


USS Peregrine Science bay - deck 4 -15:50


"Lieutenant Ch'ronnoss," Eilal began, "Crewman West and I have made a sobering discovery."

“Oh, please go on Ensign”

"We agree with the Operations assessment of the probe; it is a primitive device, easily evaded." Eilal stated. "The technology levels of Calican II are likewise within expected parameters. However, this discovery is what concerns us." The Deltan keyed a control, causing a holoprojector to spring to life.

"This," Eilal indicated, "is asteroid 2365 C41A3 DN17. As you can see, it is relatively large - over thirty-two kilometers in diameter." The display zoomed to a cratered, roughly spherical body. "It is rather dense, with an unusual composition. While the bulk of the asteroid is largely silical in nature, the core has a great deal of iron, nickel, and similar dense metals. The concern, as you see, is the orbit of 2365 C41A3 DN17."

The display zoomed out, with directional overlay and elapsed motion simulation features engaged. "In just under seventy-four hours, this asteroid will impact Calican II. This will cause an extinction level event; little beyond particularly hardy microbial life will have any chance whatsoever to survive. The estimated sentient population of Calican II is currently in the vicinity of seven billion life forms, all of which will die. The probability of survival is zero point zero percent for any of the sentients. They lack the technology to prevent the impact or to evacuate any life forms from the planetary surface."

The Deltan science officer blocked out the raw emotions radiating from those around him, ignoring the sharp intakes of breath. "Obviously, sir, the Captain needs to be informed. As the Chief Science Officer, it seems that would be more appropriate for you to do."

And there it is … Doors open, go lights lit, time to jump. He thought as the familiar calm of action settled into his body, finally a purpose, a use of this pent up energy.


"Computer locate Captain Drake"


=/\= Captain Drake is currently occupying his ready room =/\=


“Ok, you two prepare that data and make it available on my PADD, also prepare post impact information such as debris fields, velocities, headings etc I want to know are we in danger from anything physical or energy based, should we remain in system, also check any possible damage that may occur to the probe we are repairing as it may be prudent to take it out of system until after this event.” He called over his shoulder as his mind started to spin up. 


He needed information, the safety of the Peregrine and her family was paramount


He was at the turbo lift before he realised it, Ensign Eilal left standing in the Science lab behind him.


 “Also Eilal might be worth putting together telemetry details in case it misses for some as of yet unknown reason, or gets blown into a million pieces by tech we have not accounted for, never underestimate the genius and resourcefulness of a species in blind panic. They may have seen this coming years ago. Oh and good work.”


"Ch’ronnoss to Captain Drake."


(OOC: Does not wait for acknowledgement before carrying on.) 


“Sir a major incident is in progress, requesting immediate permission to carry out briefing on current data in person”


 “Computer Bridge” 


As the turbo lift doors closed around him, he took some deep breaths and tried to centre his calm, using the terren techniques he had to learn as part of his rehabilitation into StarFleet.


There is no enemy, Noone is boarding us, there is no fight or flight scenario.  He let out a long hiss, sounding more like an agitated cat than someone trying to calm themselves.


The turbolift door opened onto the bridge and without a second glance Lieutenant Ch’ronnoss crossed over to the Captain's ready room and without breaking stride crossed over the threshold, only stopping a polite distance from the desk where Captain Drake was currently sat, obviously engrossed in whatever data he was reading on his screen. Standing to attention he didn't wait for permission to begin.


“Sir, apologies for the impolite nature of this meeting but in under seventy four hours an asteroid approximately 32 kilometeres in diameter with impact with the planet Calican II, we have determined that an impact of this magnitude will cause an extinction scale event, with a probability of survival sat at zero point zero percent. At the current determined technology level, they have no recourse but to accept their fate. The planet will go into an almost immediate Ice Age along with the destruction of the current atmosphere. I have asked Ensign Eilal to determine possible outcomes that may have a negative effect on the Peregrine, but if I may, Sir, I feel it would be safest to leave the system and bring back the probe post event, if it is still required in the system.” As he finished up he transferred the information from his PADD onto the Captains and stood quietly to attention waiting for his Captains response. 

Posted on 2021-02-24 at 16:22:13.
Edited on 2021-03-09 at 14:46:57 by Alverstar

Fun is Mandatory
RDI Staff
Karma: 375/54
7089 Posts

the fate of a world

Stardate 2365.05.15
USS Peregrine; Deck 1, Captain's Ready Room - 1606

Captain Drake sat alone in stunned silence as he reviewed the data on the PADD provided by Lieutenant Ch'ronnoss.  He had no reason to doubt the CSO's claim, but the words had made him feel hollow, numb.  The sheer scale of the coming destruction was almost too much to even comprehend, and he combed trough the data, trying to make sense of it all.

Calican II was a pretty enough world, as such things went.  A little warmer than Earth, a little larger, a little dryer.  The humanoids there were primitive by Federation standards, certainly, but they are unquestionably intelligent.  With that intelligence came creativity, emotion, abmition, and so much more - the aspects that made up personhood.  No one could say when, but given time, the species would surely join the Federaton among the stars, bringing their own contributions, their own perspectives to the tapestry of the galaxy. 

Except there would be no time for them.  In three days, the story would end for every member of the Calican species.  It would end for every animal, every plant on the surface as well, for that matter.  Seven billion lives would come to an abrupt, violent conclusion.  There would be no contributions, no collaboration, no legacy.  Thanks to an incredible stroke of bad luck on a truly cosmic scale, the species was doomed to inescapable extinction.

Even in his numb state, Silas felt an internal rift.  He well knew and embraced the Prime Directive.  Everyone in Starfleet knew it by heart; primitize civilizations must be left alone to develop naturally, with no interference by Starfleet.  This was to be upheld, even if it required the death of any Starfleet personnel - even if it required the death of everyone aboard a starship.  Drake was willing to lay down his own life, even willing to sacrifice the Peregrine; such was duty, and everyone aboard knew that.  But to allow seven billion lives to end?

How could a cvilization develop if they were wiped out... particularly through no fault of their own?  Yet, was that not the natural development?  Sometimes, species went extinct.  In rare cases, it happened to planets, to star systems.  Who was Silas James Drake to play God, to intervene?

Who was he to let that many innocents die?

A wave of nausea began to combat the empty numbness inside.

Drake took a deep breath before speaking.  "Computer," he ordered, "send a priority message to all department head officers.  We will hold an emergency staff meeting in the Officer's Lounge at 1630 hours.  Attendence is mandatory." 

=/\=Acknowledged,=/\= the feminine voice of the computer repied.  =/\=All department heads have been so notified.=/\=

Silas shook his head slowly and tried to ignore the mental image of Michelle's face.  This wasn't her burden to bear.








Posted on 2021-02-24 at 18:46:14.

Karma: 24/0
404 Posts

Sleight of Hand

Stardate: 2365.05.15 (Saturday)

USS Peregrine, Deck 4 – Sick Bay – 1505


“Petty Officer Adama,” Cook said sharply as she walked briskly into the Main Sick Bay area.

Adama jumped at the sudden unexpected interruption, and rose to his feet.  He had been staring into monitor for one of the microscopes, and had not noticed the entrance of the Head Nurse.  His mind had been focused on his studies, where he was examining the difference of cells between human and Andorian.  He was fascinated in the cell structures, especially in the pigments causing the major color differences between the two species.

“Chief Cook,” Adama responded after composing himself again.

Cook noticed his state of agitation as she stopped before him; she sighed slightly and her rigid posture relaxed.

“Forgive me, Peter,” Dana said as she glanced to the monitor he had rose from and seeing what was presented there, “I don’t mean to interrupt your studies”

She knew that PO Peter Adama, had high hopes of returning to Starfleet Medical and completing his education and coming out a Doctor.  She had no illusions of that herself, she was happy with where she was in her career, and while she increased her knowledge of medicine, she did not want any further responsibilities.  If she were any more responsible for people’s lives than she already was, she did not know if she could bear the guilt of losing any more crewmembers.

“That’s alright Chief,” Peter responded, “nothing I can’t pick back up later.  Is there anything I can help you with?”   He knew she had been spending a lot of her free time her in sick bay, even if she just read or studied on one of the monitors.

“No, Peter,” Dana said softly as she grimaced slightly as she twisted her upper body a little to the right, “seems I strained a little muscle in my workout this morning.  I thought I might get a little Asinolyathin to help the pain.”  Asinolyathin was a mild analgesic commonly used to relieve minor muscle spasms and pain.

“Oh, alright,” Adama said and gestured towards the table where the common medications were kept along with the hyposprays, “you want me to grab it for you?”

“No,” she said with a faint smile, “I think I can manage it, Thank you!”

“I also wanted to check up on what is going on here,” Cook continued and looked around seeing the empty med beds, “looks quiet.”

“Yes, nothing all day,’ Peter said with a shrug as he followed her gaze, “but I don’t mind, lets me catch up on some studying.”

“I heard that we have arrived in the Calican system where I mission has directed us,” Dana said, “I don’t know what our mission is here, as they have not informed me, but make sure everything is ready in case we have any emergencies while here.”

“We’re ready Chief,” Adama said, “always are, as you require.”  He smirked a little, and saw her lips curl up into a slight smile.  They both knew how the Chief required things to be orderly and in their right place.  No time would be wasted during an emergency in searching for anything that was not where you needed it.  It had been drilled into the medical staff; at least the older staff.  So far, the new people had not been any trouble, but he hoped none of them got on the Chief’s bad side in questioning how she liked ‘her’ Sickbay.

“Good, glad to hear it,” Dana answered as she turned and approached the table where the hypos and common medicines were kept.  Grabbing a hypo, she examined the vials there, picked up one, and inserted it; she set the dosage and pressed the hypo to her own neck.  Some tension in her posture was eased as the pain in her back muscle was relieved. She glanced down at the vial as she removed it from the hypo and turned to Adama.

“This is low,” She said as she took the vial with her over to the medical supply room, “I’ll get a replacement.” Saying this she entered the door as it opened before her. 

Adama did not respond, he only nodded to himself and sat back down at his monitor and continued in his studies as he had been doing before the Chief’s arrival.

Stepping into the room where supplies and medicines were safety stored, Dana looked around at the secure racks holding vials that served to protect them against damage in the case of violent ship maneuvers.

Dana looked over the vials and removed a replacement vial for the Asinolyathin, she glanced at the used vial, where it still had over half of its contents yet to be dispensed.  Taking a glance towards the closed door to the Main room, she turned and threw that vial in a disposal unit.  Then she reached out and quickly grabbed another vial from the racks; glancing at the label and seeing the word “Felicium”, she slipped it into her pocket before leaving storage.

PO Adama looked up at the Chief as she walked out of storage, walked over to the medicine table where she slipped a new vial of the Asinolyathin into its place.  She ran the hypospray through a sterilization field on the table, before returning it to its place.  She turned and looked at the PO before heading for the door.

“Well,” Dana spoke to Adama as she walked towards the door, “Carry on, PO, If anything comes up, call me immediately.”

“Yes Chief,” was his reply as she walked out the open door and it closed behind her.

Posted on 2021-02-25 at 11:40:08.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 19/2
193 Posts


Stardate 2365.05.15
USS Peregrine; Deck 1, Captain's Ready Room - 1510

A shiver had run up Zhay-la's back at the captain's icy tone, feeling like all eyes in the bridge were on the back of her head as she trailed after Drake to his ready room. She hadn't been here since her initial meeting with him, had spoken little with the man since her boarding, in fact. Based on his demeanour, this wasn't about to be the almost-pleasant talk she had had with him a handful of days ago.

As the hatch hissed shut, Captain Drake took a seat behind his desk, but conspicuously did not offer for the tactical chief to join him.  When he spoke, the tone was cold, with an edge to it.

"Lieutenant Taissud," he intoned, "would you care to explain to me what I witnessed on my bridge?"

Zhay-la schooled her expression before her eyebrow could inevitably arch. "Tactical answered my call, sir, admittedly with less... formality than I was expecting."

Drake nodded slightly.  "That is correct.  I witnessed a frankly surprising breach of protocol from one of your people."  The emphasis on "your people" was slight, but carried heavy meaning.

Nostrils flaring, Zhay-la could all but feel that stubborn pride turning into indignation. She knew exactly where this was going - had all but anticipated this being an inevitability, given her track record - but doing this on three hours of sporadic sleep was not her ideal.

He continued.  "I shouldn't have to explain this, but I will do so, anyway.  Any contact with the bridge should be treated with the assumption that lives depend upon it - because, as you well know, they sometimes do.  I did not recognize that woman's voice, so I'm assuming that she is one of your new transfers.  That said, whether she has ten days or tens years aboard, she should have the good sense to treat a call from the bridge with the gravity it deserves.  The fact that she did not reflects poorly on you."

Silas chuckled ruefully.  "In my day, I'd have been terrified to find myself over the barrel for THINKING of talking like that where the Captain could hear me.  It would be one thing were we on deck five and she did not realize that I was around.  On a bridge call..." his voice trailed off.  "I trust that you will properly handle this one time protocol exception," Drake spoke meaningfully.

Through a clenched jaw, Zhay-la gave a tense, "Yes, sir."

Drake nodded.  "Very well.  Dismissed."

The Orion didn't let her footsteps become heavy with rage, instead falling into the silent step she had learned with assassin training. If she had to make this walk of shame, she would be doing it with her head held high, especially since she didn't get to bloody her fists this time.

A vein was popping in her forehead by the time Zhay-la reached the hallway, fingers flexing in an attempt to keep from balling. Ops officers passed by her, and Zhay-la gave them no mind save keeping her stormy expression straight ahead. Her hackles were raised and she was liable to bite, so best to keep her eyes downcast until she reached her room and could vent her anger on a punching bag.

The chirp of the Computer hailing her on her comm caught her off-guard. =/\= Lt. Taissud, Commander Zai has invited you to the Aerie or his office, at your discretion, for a drink when you become available.=/\=

Stopping in her tracks, Zhay-la considered for a moment her options; going to get sloshed with her XO whose an admittedly close friend of the captain that just reamed her out, or go yell at the crewman apprentince that got her into trouble?

The answer there was rather obvious.

Rounding to the turbolift - the one at the midpoint of the ship, rather than right off the bridge, Zhay-la growled "Deck Five" to the Computer before it could ask and glowered at the lift doors as she descended.

Stardate 2365.05.15
USS Peregrine; Deck 5, Security - 1525

Jonna Blomstedt bobbed her head along to the playlist she had going on in the background of her boring-as-hell shift at the Security desk. Volume low and the music player beneath the desk surface, she mouthed the words along to the song she had had her first kiss to. What a night that had been, so much more preferable to this detail on the most uninteresting desk to man on the Peregrine. She almost hoped the beacon repair mission went awry just so she could see Shaw in action on the ordinance, or even have to go on an Away mission.

Excitement came a bit quicker than she was expecting, when Lt. Taissud appeared before her. Jonna hadn't even heard the doors' hydraulics engage, let alone the CTO's footsteps.

Standing to her feet, Jonna saluted her superior. "Sir."

The Orion gave the human a steely look, lips pursed in a thin line. Her predatory gaze reminded Jonna of a lion sizing up its meal in the savanna - or the glares her resident assistants gave her the time she swapped the dorms' toliet paper for wrapping paper at Christmas.

A minute ticked by before Lt. Taissud spoke. "So you do know what discipline is after all."

The human's brows furrowed at that before straightening out, arm raised a little higher in her salute. The CTO still hadn't told her "at ease."

"Blomstedt, allow me to make this clear as trigonic glass," the Orion said slowly, enunciating each word carefully. "You embarrassed me and the entire Tactial department with your chipper little response to the Bridge. As your CO, that reflects poorly on me," her grey eyes flashed, "and in front of the Captain, no less."

Jonna's eyes didn't move from the point above Taissud's head that that they had been affixed to since the CTO's tone had taken on its edge, didn't dare let her elbow drop below eye level in the salute. This was much worse than the resident assistants at the Academy.

"For this misconduct, you'll be spending the remainder of your shifts guarding the brig until we have left the Calican system, rehearsing the line 'Security to Bridge, Blomstedt here.'" The Orion woman's eyes shifted downwards to where a new pop song had begun playing on the tablet Blomstedt had hidden beneath her workspace. "And save the tunes for your off hours. This is a warship, not a dormitory with phasers."

Spinning on her heel, Lt. Taissud left the watch desk and turned down the hallway towards her office. Jonna didn't dare move until the "At ease" came echoing down the corridor. She took a shaky breath in, dabbed at a bead of sweat that had bothered her eye for half of Taissud's speech, and sat back down. Feeling thoroughly like a child in timeout, Jonna tapped open the tablet, swiped for the playlist to end, and sat in silence.

Stardate 2365.05.15
USS Peregrine, Deck 5, CTO's Office - 1523

Behind closed doors, Zhay-la let out a short, frustrated sigh. 

Bad enough to have a crewman being sarcastic on the comms, a whole other matter for it to have been in front of Drake, their first full day in space, no less. The lecturing from her CO she could have done without on the Peregrine's first mission; so much for leaving that behind with her promotion.

Turning to the starfield outside, Zhay-la commanded the viewscreen to a reflective surface, taking a moment to touch up her bangs, straighten out her uniform, and retie her veil's knot. Her fingers brushed the barcode on her neck, lingering for a breath, before she fixed her eyes on her reflection and told herself, "Get a grip."

=/\=Taissud to Reid,=/\= Zhay-la hailed her ACTO.

OOC: Assuming a response

=/\=Blomstedt has been dealt with, please be aware that she will be on guard duty to the brig for this mission. If any further incidences happen with my staff, do inform them that they can join Blomstedt at the door of, or in the brig.=/\=

Hand dropping from her comm, the Orion breathed for a moment, then took her leave of the deck, barely acknowledging Blomstedt's speedy, scared salute on her way out. She returned to the turbolift, requested the deck the Aerie was on, and made a B-line for the waiting invitation Tochi had sent her.

=/\=Taissud to Zai,=/\= she said. =/\=Hope you're picking up the tab on this one.=/\=

Posted on 2021-02-26 at 17:45:25.

Karma: 158/25
6327 Posts

All shook up.....

Stardate 2365.05.15
USS Peregrine; Deck 5, Security - 1525

Reid had been pacing the passage way and had just stepped into the armory as Lt. Taissud entered the security section and marched into the Ward Room. John had figured Taissud would be down straight away to address Crewman Blomstedt, so he had not spoken to the women, who seemed quite distracted as she sat at the Watch station.

From his location he could hear the exchange between Taissud and the crewman.

 "Sir." came Blomstedt’s voice.

A minute ticked by before Lt. Taissud spoke. "So you do know what discipline is after all."

"Blomstedt, allow me to make this clear as trigonic glass," the Orion said slowly, enunciating each word carefully. "You embarrassed me and the entire Tactical department with your chipper little response to the Bridge. As your CO, that reflects poorly on me…and in front of the Captain, no less."

John could only imagine the expression on Blomstedt’s. This was her first assignment out of Star Fleer boot camp after growing up in the relative calm of a star base and seeing mostly laid back Science personnel.

Lt. Taissud continued, "For this misconduct, you'll be spending the remainder of your shifts guarding the brig until we have left the Calican system, rehearsing the line 'Security to Bridge, Blomstedt here.'"

"And save the tunes for your off hours. This is a warship, not a dormitory with phasers."

Lt. Taissud left the watch desk and turned down the hallway towards her office. An "At ease" came echoing down the corridor. The music emanating from the Ward Room came to an abrupt halt.


The CTO went into her office and closed the door. John waited for the inevitable call. It didn’t take long.

=/\=Taissud to Reid,=/\= Zhay-la hailed her ACTO.

“ Reid here.”

=/\=Blomstedt has been dealt with, please be aware that she will be on guard duty to the brig for this mission. If any further incidences happen with my staff, do inform them that they can join Blomstedt at the door of, or in the brig.=/\=

“Roger that…I will get her replacement on duty immediately. Until Watch Desk protocol training review can be completed only P.O.3’s or higher will man the watch. “

John figure the P.O’s have more to lose so they should set a better example.

John tapped his comm. Badge. “Chief Brooks.”

=^= Brooks here , sir.=^=

“ Lt. Taissud has addressed Crewman Blomstedl and she will no longer man the watch desk until further notice, her duty station is to guard the brig. Get PO Shaw to the watch to finish the shift and escort Blomstedt to her new duty station…..Reset the watch with PO 3’s or higher only until we can get all the Crewman through watch desk protocols, the sooner we complete the protocol training the sooner we can get back to stable rotation…and Reg be sure when Blomstedt is allowed back on the Watch Desk it is not when the Captain is on the bridge….Reid out.”

Posted on 2021-02-27 at 17:08:37.


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