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    Messages in Star Trek: The Scales of Eternity
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Oh no..............

Stardate 2365.05.15
USS Peregrine; Deck 2, Lt. Reid’s Quarters – 1630

Reid had made his way back to his quarters after conferring with Chief Brooks on the Watch Desk rotation and protocol training. Brooks had confirmed that he would gather the crewmen and NCO’s immediately for the protocol review. It could be handled quickly and he would have the training recorded in the crew’s records and with any luck he had already completed it. With as small a crew as they had he didn’t want complicate duty assignments any more than necessary. Blomstedl out of the rotation would muddy things up a bit, but perhaps it was for the best. John asked Chief to assign Blomstedl to partner up with a more experienced crewman until she was able promote out of Crewman Apprentice. He hoped that the watched pot would not boil..again.

The ping of his PADD brought him out of his thoughts. A secured message from the system notified him that all department had gathered in one location. It was standard protocol to let security know when all leadership was in one spot in case of attack or emergency. Normally he got the notice for the Captain’s daily briefing but this was out of the ordinary.  

John could only guess that something in their assignment had changed. He ran the most recent area scan data and it still did not indicate any alien probes or crafts.

Then he noticed that an organic object had changed location, an asteroid was moving in the direction of Calican II. “Oh this can’t be good.” John did a quick plot of the asteroid and it was on a collision course with the planet.

“No.. all those people..“ John now guessed why the Captain has called his staff. All of John's protective instincts kicked in, “We can’t let this happen.”

Posted on 2021-02-28 at 12:22:36.
Edited on 2021-02-28 at 12:29:38 by Odyson

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Karma: 3/0
65 Posts

Waiting, Checking and more waiting.

Stardate 2365.05.15

USS Peregrine; Deck 1, Bridge - 1606

After his dismissal by the Captain Esel made his way to the Science console on the Bridge and checked in with Eilal, making sure things in the lab where still running smooth, but no matter how he tried to busy himself, he couldn't shake the image of the Captain that had etched itself into his mind, the look of haunted shock that had fallen across his face.

Understandable, I had just dropped a massively shocking piece of data in his lap but.. He glanced across the bridge at the door to the Captains ready room. He is still in there, unmoving, indecisive. He was not sure if it was the lack of immediate action on the Captains part or the fact, he had no power to change things and had to wait.

An urgent message flashed up on his LCARS - Requesting Mandatory Attendance to a Department Heads at 16:30. Well that's something at least he thought. Checking the clock, he had little over 20 minutes to get to the offices lounge, enough time for a quick drink and a plan of action.

As he got up and walked to the turbo lift, he thumbed his comm badge.

 "Ensign Eilal"

(OCC assuming acknowledgement)

"There will be a heads briefing at 1630, please prepare all information you have found and make it available for then, also make yourselves available should a line of questioning be asked that we have to research on the fly."

He made his way to the mess and grabbed himself a drink before making his way to the Officers Lounges, he liked to be early get the lay of the land, and an advantageous position, he smiled to himself, old habits and patterns do die hard. As he took a seat, he pulled out his PADD and reviewed the data once more while he waited, when a sudden thought occurred to him.

"Ch'ronnoss to Gaultier, how's that analyzation going on the sample?"

=/\= Sir, it appears to be made up of the same material as asteroid 2365 C41A3 DN17, Im running some simulations alongside crewman West to see if we can work out when/ how it was broken off and sent into the side of the probe, but it does beg the question of how long its been here and if it's part of a larger debris field passing through this area? =/\=

 "Roger that. Keep up the good work and keep me informed via my PADD."

Lieutenant Esel Ch'ronnoss took a sip of his drink and sat back into the chair, and tried to do something that was very much against his nature and just relax and wait for the others to join him.

Posted on 2021-03-01 at 11:36:22.
Edited on 2021-03-09 at 14:43:22 by Alverstar

Fun is Mandatory
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the Cleric and the Prophet

"The day is almost upon us, my friends!  Repent!  Repent now, as eternity is nigh!"

With the final line spoken, the cameras were switched off.  The Cleric nodded humbly and stepped away from the studio, even as his message was rebroadcast all over the planet.  No longer clad in dirty clothing, no longer looking the part of a street preacher, the Cleric's garb was nevertheless muted, if tasteful. 

The message had caught on, spreading like a grassfire, ever since that fateful day when the spacecraft sent to stop the asteroid had failed in its task.  The ship couldn't make enough thrust to change the trajectory.  Even the explosion which consumed the craft and ended the lives of her crew hadn't been enough to stop the rock of doom.

Society had teetered on the brink of total collapse; truth be told, it still did in some places.  But a street preacher had revived talk of the old gods, had spoken of repentence and cleansing... and the message had resonated with a doomed world. 

The preacher had cared nothing of money or fame, he just wanted the word to spread.  And so it had; even now, his message was broadcast and rebroadcast, translated, shared around the globe.  Everywhere he walked, the preacher - now known as the Cleric - had throngs attend him, follow him, hang on every word.  All he ever asked of them was for them to use these final days to clear their consciences, to make things right with their families, their neighbors - and their gods.

Indeed, makeshift shrines to the old gods now peppered the countryside.  Places of public entertainment had become places of worship.  People cried, hugged one another, supported one another.  Did the best they could to prepare for the inevitible end.

The Cleric's serene face showed heavy fatigue as he slowly walked away from the studio.  He waved off offers of refreshment.  For now, he wanted to catch a few short hours of rest before returning to spread the word again.  Even that small nod to his own frailty felt like a failing; all life would end in days, and here he was wasting some of it in sleep.  Yet he understood that chosen or not, his body could only go so far.

At the end of the hall, he entered an office converted to a bedroom.  The lights inside were dimmed; he did not bother to adjust them before closing the door, as the intent was to immediately throw himself upon the bed and seek oblivion for a few hours.

Before he could do so, a low, feminine voice called out.  "Please forgive me, Cleric, but I must speak with you."

The Cleric sighed.  With his notoriety had come an unexpected side effect; women threw themselves at him with amazing frequency.  Apparently, the idea of carnal contact with one they viewed as a favorite of the gods - right before they were to all meet the gods - had an aphrodesiac quality to it.

He regarded the trespasser in his quarters.  She was young, almost painfully so; little more than a girl, barely a woman.  In another life, the idea of the sort of attention would have been greatly pleasing, but it felt like sin to waste his final hours thusly; given that he was spending his time imploring other to repent their sins, he could not abide the hipocrisy, no matter how alluring the idea might be.

Gently, he spoke to rebuff her.  "Sister, I am flattered, but with eternity upon us, I must rest and return immediately to sharing the message.  Please allow me to sleep now."

The young woman's face screwed up in confusion before her expression indicated understanding - and embarassment.  "No, brother!" she protested.  "I did not come to seek your company thusly.  No, I had a vision from the gods themselves.  I believe that you should hear it.  Please."

The Cleric sighed heavily.  In these final days, many were desperate to delude themselves - or others - that the gods had spoken to them.  He began to redouble his attempt to have her leave, but something in her expression caught his eye.  She didn't have the look of an attention seeker or a lunatic.  She seemed very sincere.  As such, he decided to hear her out.

"Very well, sister," he spoke.  "Tell me of your vision."

She nodded, brushed a wisp of hair away from her face.  "Yesterday, I was looking to the sky, imagining the asteroid, reflecting on my sins.  When all at once, it was as if I were carried away into space; the soil fell away below me."

She paused.  "It was there, in the blackness above, that I saw it.  Brother, I heard a voice cry out; it was deep, ancient, unknowable.  I felt it in my bones.  I could not understand the words, yet the meaning was clear - the sun itself was calling for aid."

The young woman continued.  "A wounded dragon appeared.  His wings were fearsome, but he bore terrible scars, some of them bloody and fresh.  He examined the stone, and he roared; he was joined by the mighty children of birds.  Together, they encircled the fearsome stone, rent it to pieces, cast them away.  The sun shone brigthly in thanks, the dragon and the birds vanished into the blackness.  But I knew it then, brother.  I knew it beyond any shadow of a doubt.  Even as the world returned to me, I knew it to be true."

The Cleric regarded her carefully.  "What did you know, sister?"

He expression was soft, joyful.  "The threat was gone, brother!  We will not perish, after all!  The gods have heard your faith, have seen our people's restored belief, and have chosen to reward that with mercy.  Life will continue, brother."

It sounded like something out of a fairytale, a children's story brought to life.  It flew in the face of everyting he had been preaching.  But a voice inside whispered that this was the truth, and he realized with a start that this was undeniable fact.  This was no story, this was no dream.  This girl had been chosen to receive the rarest of gifts.

She was a Prophet.

Posted on 2021-03-01 at 13:57:40.

Resident Finn
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Stardate 2365.05.14
USS Peregrine; Deck 4 - Sickbay - 18:50

Today’s shift had been a fairly tedious one work-wise. The Sickbay had gotten only four visitors, three of which had been patients of sorts and the fourth one the catering assistant Natasha from the Observation Lounge. She had, despite of his attempts to reassure her it was totally unnecessary, insisted on bringing Amris the takeaway breakfast he had ordered. Yes there were replicators in both his office and around the Sickbay, but once he had found out the Obs Lounge had Uttaberry Crepes and Jestral Tea on the menu, doctor Veen had made it his habit to enjoy both as his Friday shift kick off. …If one could call something that had occurred once a week for just three weeks a habit, that was. This had now been the second time Miss Pierce had offered to deliver the meal. 

Stardate 2365.04.31
USS Peregrine; Deck 4 - Sickbay - 07:05

On his first Friday on board, Amris had woken up early. He’d decided to stop by the Aerie after his morning gym just to see what they had available for breakfast. The food served at the Mess was just fine and he didn’t mind eating it most of the time. But sometimes Amris wanted to taste a bit of luxury instead. He’d already visited the place once before and had been pleasantly surprised by the variety of meals they offered. But that Friday morning, the Doc had to his great disappointment learned that the lounge staff had mistaken the sweet crepes and the simultaneously sweet and savoury tea, a dessert, while they in fact formed together a traditional breakfast meal. Therefore neither was listed or available for breakfast.

But Amris Veen was not one to give in so easily. It had been close to the start of his shift and the end of Natasha’s, but the Betazoid had decided to risk being late from work to correct the terrible wrong. Blabbering in his customary way when he was really excited about something, the handsome doctor had barely given the catering assistant a chance to comment. But in the end, whether it had been just to get the black-eyed man off her face when her shift finally came to an end, or because she actually wanted to do the “right thing”, Natasha had given  in and added the Doc’s favourite meal also on the breakfast menu.

Stardate 2365.05.07
USS Peregrine; Deck 4 - Sickbay - 18:50

A week later, Amris had called the Aerie at 6.30 and asked Natasha to prepare him another set of Uttaberry and Jestral for pickup. But she had probably feared the Doctor would start another senseless prattle, as she had suggested she would make a delivery instead. Her shift had been ending, so she had offered to bring the food over on her way to her quarters to save them both the time and the trouble. Natasha’s offer had taken the doctor so much by surprise, that he hadn’t been able to bring himself to decline it. He knew some people considered him handsome and that his voice was soft and, at least according to one Marsian nurse, velvety. But he couldn’t really imagine his looks or the sound of his voice were the reason why Natasha wanted to be so kind to him.

Stardate 2365.05.14
USS Peregrine; Deck 4 - Sickbay - 18:50

Both today and week before, the Doc had sensed anxiety in the woman. She had clearly felt the need to speak with someone, perhaps even with Amris himself. But despite him asking Natasha about it, even if not so directly, she had admitted nothing and he hadn’t pushed it. Before she had left, Doctor Veen had made sure that Natasha understood she could come back to talk to him about anything at anytime.

The three patients of the day hadn’t had any serious injuries, which was naturally a good thing, but they hadn’t really employed the doctor much either, or frankly at all. The staff of his department was very, very skilled and certainly didn’t need him getting involved in taking care of a sprained knee ligament or a minor concussion. No matter how much his fingers ached for something to do, Amris would never willingly undermine the nurses’ work by taking over when there was absolutely no need for him to do so. 

The third patient had come for an appointment with the Doc. He had, like so many on board, felt terrible pain and sorrow for the loss of his team members and colleagues. Amris had of course studied psychology in the university, but it was not his specialty. And yet he had an advantage over most psychiatrists and psychologists, his ability to sense or feel what his patient was going through. Once the patient accept that fact, the acceptance seemed to open the flood gates of speech and made talking to him much easier. And in this case, like so very often, simply talking to or with someone was enough to ease the troubling thoughts.

Walking around the Sickbay to examine its general state, but in all honesty more just to pass the last minutes of his shift, Amris was going through the discussion with his patient. He felt very good about the end result of the chat and the fact that they had agreed on a second session in a couple of weeks time. It was very important for him to get to know the whole staff, not just the officers and what better way to do it than a private talk.


Posted on 2021-03-01 at 15:17:16.
Edited on 2021-03-02 at 08:20:24 by Raven

Bromern Sal
A Shadow
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Karma: 158/11
4402 Posts

Stardate 2365.05.15
USS Peregrine; Deck 1, Bridge - 1500

"Understood, Lieutenant Sa'eridon.  I will have Lieutenant Ferrero provide those once we have made the determination.  Drake out."

Even before the captain called his name directly, Ander was sending the coordinates he'd already prepared as a likely repositioning over to Drake's PADD for approval. Petty Officer O'Connor stands nearby waiting to take their shift.

"Lieutenant Ferrero, double-check the probe's sensor ranges and identify a safe spot for our beacon that hides it from Calican scans. Double-check to ensure that there are no further probes to concern ourselves with, and perhaps consult with Science as a sanity check on your plan."

"Aye, Captain," Ander responds. There's no need to add that he's already done the calculations and scans while giving O'Connor and Moriden a chance to stretch their wings a little and confirm his calculations. Instead, the Chief Operations Officer shunts the report he's compiled over to Science as well, with the added note, Please confirm and deliver to Engineering.

In the background, Silas continues, "Tochi, if you are planning to stick around for a bit, you have the Conn. If not, I believe that Ensign Owen is the scheduled officer of the watch?"

“Aye, sir,” Tochi returns, glancing over his shoulder to regard Silas, “She’s on her way. We told her to put her studies first given today’s circumstances, but she should be arriving straight away.”

Drake nods, "Very well."  He then cut his gaze to the Orion lieutenant at Tactical. "Lieutenant Taissud," he says, indicating the junior TAC personnel, "it appears that your station is well in hand for the time being. Would you mind joining me in my ready room, please?"

Ander doesn't hear her reply as he steps back from the conn and motions O'Connor in. "She's all yours, Mr. O'Connor," he adds with a slight smile. "Keep an eye on those long-range scans. We've already had one surprise. Don't much need another."

"Yes, sir," Aoife responds, smiling back with a slight blush to her freckled cheeks that Ferrero attributes to humor more than anything romantic. 

He's no longer needed on the Bridge and the Latino is happy to be free to pursue his own interests. After all, it's usually his day off and Saturday's Beta shift is reserved for some good ol' fashioned poker. This game is played with commodities and hasn't been running for long enough to cause anyone concern. That it's only for officers is another plus.

Turning in the lift, he looks out at the Bridge and wonders who would be joining him in his quarters tonight and what little delights they are bringing with them.

Stardate 2365.05.15
USS Peregrine; Deck 2, COO Quarters - 1606

Whistling, Ander steps back from the hexagonal poker table he's placed center in his quarters. The decks are laid out, the chairs in place... Now all he needs are his players.

=/\= Lieutenant Ferrero, an emergency staff meeting has been called in the Officer's Lounge at 1630 hours. Attendance is mandatory. =/\= 

Ander closes his eyes for a moment, allowing the imagined aroma of cigar smoke and the flavors of various drinks to pass out of reach as disappointment numbs his body. 

"Acknowledged," he grumbles registering the beep from the computer as it accepts his answer. "Computer, what's the time?"

=/\= The time is 1607 hours, Lieutenant Ferrero. =/\=

Peering about his room with much the same expression as a lost child, he breathes inwardly in deep resignation and makes his way to his closet. Trading his loungewear for his uniform, he spends a few minutes tidying up before making his way to his desk. Pulling up department reports, he scans for any sign of what they might be discussing in the meeting. Narrowing his eyes and furrowing his brow at the report filed by O'Connor, he switches his screen over to other departments, gathering what little information about the situation that he can before he has to calmly make his way to the Officer's Lounge.

Stardate 2365.05.15
USS Peregrine; Deck 1, Officer's Lounge - 1620

Lt. Ferrero casually but purposefully walks into the room where the senior staff is meeting. Glancing about, he smiles and says his hellos to all who are present before taking his seat to the left of the captain's chair. Setting his PADD on the table in front of him, he quietly observes those who are already present and thoughtfully considers the impact of what they are going to be discussing. 

Posted on 2021-03-01 at 18:34:48.
Edited on 2021-03-01 at 21:45:35 by Bromern Sal

Karma: 158/25
6327 Posts

Team Building............a Collab C2P & Ody

Stardate 2365.04.19
Lt. Ried, Personal Quarters


The gloom in John’s mind only felt darker as he sat staring at the glowing screen of his com port. 

For the past few days strangers had been coming aboard the Peregrine, twenty seven strangers. 

Strangers saluted as he passed. 

Strangers came to attention when he entered the Ward Room. 

Stranger’s names were placed on duty rosters. 


John had reviewed the jacket of the six new replacements to the security department. He had met  Ensign Kustrar, introduced him to Chief Brook and teamed him up with Ensign Blackmon to review the ship. He has seen to it the five new crewmen were presented to Chief Brooks for department orientation and assignments. That left one more stranger to meet.


In preparation for the new CTO to transition in he had opened the service jacket to familiarize himself with his new department CO. Two things stood out as he read, the officer was an Orien and a large portion of the information was redacted. There was no personal information prior to her entry into the Star Fleet academy and most of the service information was redacted as was much of her medical records. 


Orion’s were not common in Star Fleet, they had been more for slave trade and piratcy. The females were said to use the pheromones they excreted to control the males around them. 


Now John’s new CO was both.   


On the screen was the research he found on Oriens that seemed to often confirm the rumores. But John didn’t live by remorse and reminded himself of the family creed, “I believe...that all things change but truth…. “. He would soon enough learn the truth.


Stardate 2365.04.19
USS Peregrine, Deck 2, Officers' Quarters - 1448


Navigating the halls of the Peregrine was less of a feat than the Calypso in terms of size, as a Saber barely compared to a Steamrunner in that department, but the ship was brand new to her and that made locating Zhay-la's quarters all the harder. Deck 2 seemed to sprawl on forever, hardly helped by the ongoing repairs and shuffling labels on doors, but given that she had doubled back twice now, it seemed impossible a task to find her suite.


Pinching the bridge of her nose, Zhay-la was only thankful she had omitted her luggage on this trip; trailing up and down the hallway with her bags, even for how few they are, would have been an extra workout she didn't need. Though them sitting in the loading area on the Starbase was hardly better. Forget it if any of the crewmen wandering about looked in and saw her knife collection...


The looming dread of having to answer questions on why she had 235 knives was quickly washed over by relief at the sight of another humanoid on the Deck. Zhay-la half-sprinted towards the male figure, noticeably in a yellow Starfleet uniform, and tapped him on the shoulder.


"Excuse me," she said, hoping this encounter would be brief and helpful. "I'm looking for the officers' quarters, specifically the CTO's. Would you happen to know which room that'd be? They haven't gotten around to updating my nameplate, I'm afraid."


John turned and saluted, “Lieutenant Taissud, I was hoping to meet at the gangway, but your ETA was not posted... I am Lieutenant Ried, your ACTO.”


Zhay-la took in the pips on the officer's collar, his large frame, and the steely look in his eyes. He at least looks to be in shape, she appraised. Better than the ACTO on the Calypso. She returned his salute as she attempted to recall the dossier she had read on the Peregrine's stalwart lieutenant.


Remaining formal in his manner, “Your quarters are on starboard passage way, forward nearer the Captain’s and XO's…..I had heard from Ops that you had not left any instructions on decor so I saw to it the room was cleared and simply freshed.” 


"Clean and sterile works just fine for me, lieutenant," she assured with an air of gratitude. In truth, she had little in taste or decor to offer any more requests than basic amenities. Maybe this posting she could change that...


Turning toward the fore John walked Lt. Taissud door of her quarters that was off the aisle.  “I have taken the liberty to also have your office refreshed also. The CTO’s is across from the Ward Room in the Security Section of level 5...If you wish I could provide a tour of the ship.”


"Clearing my belongings from the gangway first, then a tour, please," the Orion requested. She gave her suite a cursory glance, mostly interested in seeing how stark it would continue to look even after she moved in. "Walk with me, lieutenant," she halfways ordered to Reid.


“Sir we can have Ops deliver your belonging to your state room, when they are sorted we can have your office items transferred.
Tapping his com badge, “Operations, Chief Palmer.”

=^= “Operations here.”=^=

“Lieutenant Reid here… Lieutenant Taissud has boarded; her effects are by the main gangway, would have them delivered to her stateroom?”

=^= “Yes Lieutenant that will be taken care of immediately. If you are with Lieutenant Taissud please inform her we will be contacting her soon to arrange completion of the transfer paperwork.”=^=

“We will relay the message, thank you.”

Turning back to Taissud, “When you have sort your effects we can have Ops deliver your office material to your office in the Security section….let me show you a bit of Peregrine. The bride is up on deck one so I see little need to go there now, so let us go to level 5 then work our way back?”


Taking the now familiar route back to the turbolifts and the docking port beyond, Zhay-la walked with her hands clasped behind her back, eyeing her ACTO out of the corner of her eye. "I appreciate your thoroughness, lieutenant," she commented after a moment. "From your service record it seems I can expect much the same on the bridge. You've been with the Peregrine since her launch, correct?"


“Thank you, Sir.” John acknowledged the compliment. “Actually Sir I have only been aboard a year. I was previously assigned to the USS Mandela for about four years.”


John hoped the Lieutenant didn’t think his demeanor wouldn’t seem too stuff but this was his new CO and she need know he respected Star Fleet’s choice and that respected far.


They entered the turbo lift, “level five”.


When the doors slid opened John direct them to the security section. “May as well get business out of the way first….this is the Ward room.” As they entered Chief Brooks was manning the watch desk. Chief Brooks is an African American with a lanky build. He keeps his head clean shaven. The Chief rose and saluted. “Chief this is Lieutenant Taissud our new CTO.”


Returning the salute, Zhay-la gave Brooks an appraising look before the name came to her. 


“With your permission, sir…As you were Chief.” John nodded to Reg, “The Chief has been on Peregrine since Lieutenant Commander Zai brought her from the Utopia Planetia Shipyards Saber Project. He has been a most trusted advisor and the Chief runs a tight ship. I am sure you will find most valuable in any situation.”


Zhay-la offered Brooks a small smile and a nod, pleased at the glowing review. "I look forward to seeing you in action then, Chief."


Looking about the room, “As with most Ward Rooms this is where your staff will gather for both formal and informal department meeting.”


Pointing to a large picture on the wall of  a bird with wigs fully spread and talons extended in attack, “ That is the Earth bird that the ship is named for, that is a Peregrine Falcon. The Peregrine is also one of the toughest and fastest birds of prey. So we have a lot to live up to.”


The Orion stepped forward, skimming a hand over the mural. It was an impressive beast, especially for the more... boring animals she had seen from Terra.


John allowed Zhay-la to take in the room for moment then continued. “Your office is across the passage.” As they exited the Ward Room he point down the passage,” The brig, Armory and phaser range are down that way, your office is here,” as they cross the passage.


Zhay-la hummed her approval. "Appropriate accomodations. The Peregrine is looking especially good. Do you know if she received any upgrades with the restoration effort?"


John replied with a short "no," and Zhay-la gritted her teeth. She could abide by his formalness - the Academy certainly did their damndest to instill it in their officers, from her experience - but her patience was wearing at the impending questions. Her race was clear and she knew the large redactions to her dossier always rose questions - Shaw had had several questions for her while Zhay-la was her Chief of Security - but if she could preempt that, it would be ideal.


"Step into my office, Lieutenant," Zhay-la didn't quite command but left no room for argument. She pressed her lips together as they entered the sterile space, taking a seat on the desk rather than behind it - maybe inappropriate, but she hoped to appear more approachable than sitting behind a desk with "Chief" on the plaque would inspire.


"I'll take a shot in the dark and guess that you've read my file," Zhay-la opened with. "And seen that I'm hardly a 'typical' Starfleet officer, let alone that I'm Orion." She sighed, readying herself for the routine a decade in Federation space had prepared her for. "I'm aware of my people's penchant for slavery and general barbarism, also that we are not Federation members. I've no illusions that my dossier, for all its redactions, hardly inspires confidence either. I've a... checkered past and make no excuses for it, but I also don't let that stop me from serving with pride in Starfleet." She looked to her ACTO, expression stern but not unkind. "I trust that the concerns you have can be assuaged by this little speech until you can see me in action, Lieutenant?"


Stepping into the CTO’s office John noted the air of informality that Lieutenant Taissud was attempting to display. “Sir, permission to close the door and speak freely?”


She nodded her assent, commanding the door closed herself.


“Lieutenant, it is my job to prepare myself and my crew for a change in command. I read as much of your packet as my clearance allows; I found it… concerning. There was little to no information prior to your attending Star Fleet academy. Your rise in rank is not unusual but your movement from assignment to assignment seem to accompany medical treatments with redacted causes.”


John watch the Orion tense as he enumerated transfer from the Stalker, the Ulysses and the Niagra with various injuries. He continued, ”There were numerous reprimands redacted that I would guess followed the same timeline.”


John could see that Taissud’s jaw was clinching and her breathing was becoming heavier, but the Lieutenant remain restrained.


“Then you transferred to Starbase 40, a marked change in your career and status began to unfold. You had rapid promotion to Lieutenant JG and then to Lieutenant along with command positions of responsibility.”


John let that hang for a moment before continued. “ Some could say that kind of rise could be attributed to the ability of Orions to use their natural chemical discharge to influence others.’


John knew he was pushing it and the narrowing of Taissud’s eyes warned him he had nearly gone too far.


“This crew is..was in top shape before the incident. Now we have to rebuild half of it. So little is known of Orions other than the rumors and stories that it will put you at a disadvantage.  Some will jump to conclusions…. as I nearly did.”


John watched for a reaction but the Lieutenant held her calm, ”Good,” John thought.


“Your commendations that companied your rise tell me you have been defeating your demons. That along with I hope that you do not take offence to my candid remarks or my delving into your packet. Not doing so would not be doing my job. My duty is to Star Fleet, my Captain, my crew and my CO. We need to rebuild a department that is ready, willing and able to step into harm’s way to protect and defend Star Fleet and this ship…. I have only been with this crew a year and you are the fourth CTO I have reported to in that time. I hope you will stay longer; your leadership, talents and skills will be needed to pull this department together again. And I hope I can learn from you… Sir.”


John tried to hold his calm as he awaited a reply.


Zhay-la's eyes flicked back and forth over the ACTO's face, trying to gauge at what he was aiming for here. She was rather ticked over the insinuation of her pheromone ability getting her to this place, but spouting off about that anger did little to help her here. So, she said tersely, "Allow me to clear the air on two issues, Lieutenant. There is nothing on my record before Starfleet because I had nothing before Starfleet, and everything I have earned since joining has been of my own merit or with the promise of making it worthwhile later. I intend to do that here, on the Peregrine, whether you and the rest of the entire crew believe in me or not." She took a breath to calm herself. "I can appreciate someone who does their job thoroughly and makes use of that. Pending his approval, I had already submitted to Captain Drake to have you promoted to Chief of Security. Enjoy the title, Lieutenant."

John saluted as Zhay-la approach, "Sir, I only know one way to do this job.... I will always tell you the truth; I will always tell you exactly how I see things and I will always have your back." 

With that, the Orion made for the door, intending to pick up her own belongings before Ops could upset her knife collection across the ship.

Posted on 2021-03-01 at 19:45:53.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 19/2
193 Posts

This Round's on Me...No, You... Or was it You? (Collab with Eol and Meri)

Stardate: 2365.05.15
USS Peregrine, The Aerie - 15:25

Tochi strode through the doors of The Aerie and, as usual, was greeted by a series of friendly nods and more vocal greetings. He returned each one as he made his way to the bar and noted that Zhay-la’s face was not to be found anywhere in the lounge, yet. Commander Kennedy was present, however, settled in on the bench before one of the wide windows that looked out upon the Calican system. The Trill offered the CEO a friendly smile and the wave of a hand in greeting before drawing to a stop at the counter where Leah was waiting expectantly.

“Afternoon, Toch,” she chirped, bobbing her head in Kennedy’s direction, “Come ta jibber-jabber with yer greasemonkey, ‘ave ye?”

“Hello, Leah,” Tochi grinned in reply, “I imagine we will, yes; but we’re actually here to meet Lt Taissud.”

“Ah! I see,” the barmaid’s eyes sparkled with a mischievous light, “What is it with ye an’ the exotic colored birds, anyway?” She leaned across the counter and laid a flirtatious hand atop Tochi’s; “When’re ye gonna give a human girl a go, I cannae help but wonder?”

The spots at the Trill’s temples flushed purple and he offered Leah a wink. “It’s not like that,” he chuckled softly, patting the woman’s hand before slipping his from beneath it, “and, if there was ever a time you weren’t working, we’d certainly entertain the notion of buying you a drink.”

“So ye say,” it was Leah’s turn to blush, “Charmer!” She lifted a brow, then, and draped a towel over her shoulder; “What’s it ta be fer ye, then, luv?”

“Just an Altair Water, to start,” Tochi shrugged, “We don’t want to put on a buzz before this beacon is floated back.”

“Altair water it is, then,” Leah nodded, setting off to fetch the beverage, “if ye decide on somethin’ stronger, jus’ gimme a nod.”

“We will,” Tochi answered as the glass was slid across the bar and into his hand. He glanced in Kennedy’s direction, then, and took note of the potted flower that sat on the table before her. “What’s with the plant,” he asked Leah.

“I reckon she’s jus’ takin’ it fer a walk, aye,” Leah tittered, “Why don’ ye ask ‘er yerself?”

“I suppose we should,” Tochi returned, taking up his glass and pushing away from the bar.

He wove his way through the tables between the bartop and where Kennedy sat. “Good afternoon, Kennedy,” he smiled, gesturing at an empty seat, “okay if we join you?”

Kennedy glanced up from another examination of the delicate blue flower and smiled at him.  “If you don’t have a better option, you are more than welcome to join me.”  

“We’re not weighing options,” Tochi grinned behind a sip of his water as he settled into the seat, “Though I was expecting Lt Taissud to have beat us here. What better way to pass the time than with the woman who’s been poking around on my ship all day, though, eh?” He set his glass on the table, let his eyes fall to the plant between them, and then lifted them back to Kennedy; “How did you and the Angel get along? Uncover any more of my engineering blunders?”

“She’s doing well.  Spent the day recalibrating the asymmetrical E-M converters.  Had some help… in case you hadn’t heard.  I might have gotten more work done, but your little red headed pilot talked my ear off.”  She smiled and laughed lightly at the thought of Megan jabbering all afternoon.

Tochi grinned and nodded.“She’s good at that,” he chuckled softly, “Don’t get her too excited, though, or else you’re likely to find yourself being climbed at some point.”

Kennedy took a sip of her drink and laughed.  “Oh… she was pretty excited when we first made introductions, didn’t get climbed… but… let’s just say it was… memorable.”  

“Memorable,” the Trill repeated the word with no small amount of amusement coloring it, “That’s certainly one way of describing Megan. We’re just happy that her flying isn’t as bouncy as she tends to be… although, there was that instance when she danced a WorkBee around the shuttlebay…” He shook his head, recalling the various accounts he had heard about that unbridled moment of excitement and lifted his glass, again. “...Nice flower,” he nodded to the plant, then, “I might have expected you to take your cat on a walk as opposed to a plant, though.”

A shrug lifted her shoulders momentarily.  “Pudding isn’t wilting.  This little critter is… she was fine this morning and now…” she touched the edge of the petal with her finger lightly and gave a dismal sigh, “she’s all wilty.  Thought maybe a change of scenery?  I don’t know what I am doing with plants…”  she laughed at herself. 

“We don’t do terribly well with them, either, I’m afraid,” Tochi smirked, “You might want to check with Petty Officer Crane in Sciences, though. She worked pretty closely with a former CSO who was an absolute magician with plants; could be she could offer some advice.”

Kennedy nodded and then leaned over to talk a little softer, not wanting anyone else to hear what she was about to say, “To be honest… it’s a Crey, a Ferengi luck flower, and… well… if she’s wilting, that cannot be a good sign.  I’m not superstitious generally, but..”  she shrugged and gave him an awkward smile.  

“...But, given Peregrine’s recent history, you can’t help but wonder,” Tochi finished the thought for her with a faint nod.

She spread out her hands in a gesture of understanding then leaned back against the bench to look around the room, then tipped her head toward the door.  “Is that your little green friend?”  

“If she’s green,” Tochi said even before his eyes tracked Kennedy’s to the door, “I’m sure it is. There’s only one Orion in all of Starfleet, after all.” 

When his gaze found the door and the scowling emerald-skinned TAC officer who had just stormed through it, he got to his feet, and lifted a hand to catch her attention. “Zhay-la,” he called, “Come join us.”

Kennedy noted the energy coming off the Orion now, and brought her hand protectively around the base of her plant and pulled it a little closer to herself.  She wondered if every introduction she was going to experience today was going to be potentially violent, but couldn’t stop herself from a light chuckle at the thought.  

Anger radiating off of Zhay-la as she stomped towards Tochi, and it looked for a moment that she was about to yell, when her eyes darted to Kennedy, back to the Trill, and twice more back and forth before she settled into a more neutral expression. “Hello, Commander,” she said, steel in her voice.

Kennedy watched the Orion’s eyes dance back and forth between her and the spotted man and it was all she could do to hold back any smart-alec comment she had bottled up inside of her.  Instead she simply tipped her head a little to her in a greeting, a bit of a smile already tugging at her lip.  

Zhay-la’s anger… or was it irritation… was palpable and, though he thought twice about it, Tochi did, in the end, reach out a comforting hand to rest on the woman’s shoulder. “It’s Tochi,” he reminded her in little more than a whisper, “there is no rank here.” Gently, and not before he thought she was ready, he exerted a bit more pressure in the hand that rested on her shoulder and, by way of that, guided her into the seat next to his.

We take this to mean that being called into Silas’ ready room was not a good thing, he mused as, reluctantly, she followed his subtle goading.

His eyes stayed locked to the Orion woman’s even after he had coaxed her to sit and he smiled gently. “Zhay-la Taissud,” he offered with a cant of his head toward the engineer sitting on the bench on the other side of the table, “I’m sure you recognize Callie Kennedy; the Peregrine’s CEO?

Kennedy?” Tochi continued, casting a furtive glance toward the engineer, “This is our CTO and my friend, Zhay-la.”

The Trill’s gaze danced back to the CTO then and his smile warmed a bit; “What are you drinking?”

Lips pressed tightly in a half-assed smile, Zhay-la offered the human woman a small nod of her head. “Greetings, Commander Kennedy.” She raised an eyebrow at Tochi, trying to gauge at what this introduction here was meant for.

The CEO returned with a smile.  “Kennedy is sufficient in here.  One day perhaps Zai will fill you in my first and middle names and you’ll get as much of a kick out of them as he apparently does, but Kennedy will do for now.  Glad you could join us.”  

Tochi let his fingers slip from Zhay-la’s arm, then, and, reclining into his seat a bit, he took up his glass and indulged in a sip. “We take it that the Captain’s summons left a sour taste in your mouth,” he probed gently, “and that you didn’t drop kick him as a result?”

Colour came to her cheeks at that, though her eyebrows snapped in a glower just as quickly. “No,” Zhay-la dismissed with a scoff. “That hardly helped the one time I did do it.”

Tochi chuckled a bit and poured another sip of Altair Water past his lips. “Good,” he grinned, “Silas is a stickler for protocol but, over the years, we have found that he is understanding.” Depositing his glass on the tabletop, once more, he lifted a brow and prompted the green-skinned woman once more; “Drink, Zhay-la?”

She scoffed again. “Like I need ‘drunk on duty’ on my service record, too.”

Tochi lifted his glass and shook it so that the ice within tinkled against the glass; “Just water.”

Kennedy raised her own and took a sip of the orange liquid, “Orange juice, straight up… not even on the rocks.”  She shrugged a little.  

Slightly miffed, Zhay-la crossed her legs and looked pointedly between the two. “Is this a department head meeting I wasn’t aware of?”

Kennedy glanced over at Zai and shook her head.  “Not that I was aware of.  I’m off duty.  I was simply taking my plant for a walk down here on the Aerie and in walks Zai…”  she shrugged, “I was filling him in on my lack of botany skills and what I had been doing with his Angel all day.”  

Tochi’s spots went vaguely purpled and he blinked between the two women for an instant. “No,” he chuckled, swallowing another slug of water against the hitch in his voice, “no meeting. Just crewmates enjoying a drink with no expectations toward anything else... “ 

Why are our palms sweating?

“Your what?” Zhay-la looked between the two, this time perplexion written on her face.

The look of puzzlement on Zhay-la’s face struck Tochi as comical and he couldn’t help but chuckle. “The Aurora Angel,” he explained, “She’s a ship we’ve been building for some time, now. It started out as something of a pet project with my friend, Erik, but, following Chimera, she’d been gathering dust until Kennedy, here, discovered her.” He offered a shrug and a smile; “I can show her to you some time, if you’d be interested.”

“She’s gorgeous!”  Kennedy lifted her brows a bit suggestively along with her interjection.  “I can’t keep my hands off her to be honest.  You really should get the tour Zhay-la.”  She smiled warmly at the Orion and then took a sip of her drink again.  

“I wasn’t aware we were capable of hauling more than ourselves around,” Zhay-la said, relaxing a little. “Is she space-worthy?”

For a brief moment Kennedy ticked her eyes over to Zai then gave a noncommittal shrug, “Technically, she is space-worthy yes… but she needs a good deal of work yet until she’s ready for any long flights.  I’ve been working quite hard on her though, so hopefully it won’t be too much longer.”

Spreading his hands toward Kennedy by way of acknowledging her expertise over his where such matters were concerned, Tochi offered a shrug of his own. “She’s made precisely one trip outside of the shuttlebay, to date,” he said, ghosts playing at his features, “Not precisely the maiden voyage I’d had in mind… but she did her job…”

Tapping her foot to an unknown rhythm, Zhay-la glanced between the group, finding her hackles dying a little bit quicker than she’d expected after her talk with Drake. She waved to the bartender whose name escaped her still despite at least two meetings with the woman, and ordered an Altair Water to match the XO. “You just can’t help yourself in your off-hours, can you, Commander?” the Orion said jokingly, leaving the point off of his title. “To think you were sparring with me last night and doing busywork on your spacecraft hours earlier.” She gave Tochi a wry smile. “You’re almost as bad as me.”

The Trill blinked, snapping his gaze from where he had been absently staring out the window and turned his eyes to Zhay-la, then. The congenial smile returned to his lips as he cleared his throat a little and took another sip of his water. “It helps to stay busy, we suppose,” he chuckled, “Mentally and physically. Sit around too much and dwell on things and the Peregrine tends to get smaller than she actually is, hm?”

Kennedy leaned back and listened to them, sipping on her orange juice and casting an almost knowing glance down at the plant with the wilting leaves.  “So you two have been beating each other up then?  I cannot say I ever understood the desire to do that, but…” she shrugged a little, “what do I know besides warp engines?”  

Tochi laughed at that and gave a faint shake of his head as, once again, his spots flushed vaguely purple. “More like she’s been beating me up,” he grinned, tipping his head toward Zhay-la, “but, to be fair, she stepped on my holodeck reservation and I made the not so wise decision to challenge her to a duel.”

“Got what you deserved…” Kennedy nodded then tipped a wink over at the green skinned woman, “kudos.”

Zhay-la, slightly flushed, smiled at the wink. “Hardly broke a sweat.”

“We suppose so,” Tochi smirked, following it up with a teasing wink at the engineer, “Thank you, Eugene.”

Kennedy nodded and took a sip of her drink.  “There it is… and I deserved it.”  She tried to change the subject then, “So… Zhay-la, you do anything other than beat up your superior officers in your time off?”

The Orion gave a low hum, warding off her lingering anger taking offense to the CEO’s comment. Most definitely was not about your service record, Zhay-la. Cool it. “I collect knives, read some literature, do yoga… and I’m realizing I’m a rather uninteresting hobbyist at the moment,” she smiled. “In truth, training is about all I do, since it’s one of the things I’m best at and know the most about. Starfleet leaves me with little enough free time that I fall into old habits when off-duty.” She looked about the Aerie, soaking in the details of the rather pleasant surroundings. “This may be the first time I’ve sat in here for more than twenty minutes, as well.”

“Yoga… that bendy thing, right?”  Kennedy smiled, “I won’t judge you on uninteresting hobbies.  I listen to ancient music, hang out with my cat, kill plants, and on my free time I bang around on other people’s ships,which is what I do when I’m on duty as well.”  She laughs.  “I think it’s a hazard of the fleet, we love what we do, so we do it constantly.  At least that’s how it is with me.  However… the Aerie is a nice break, you’ll have to wander back sometime.”  

Nodding her thanks to the bartender, Zhay-la took a sip of water and agreed with Kennedy, “Indeed, it’s a rather comfortable place, compared to the sterility of even my quarters. Though that could be my sparse furnishings.” She pointed with her glass to the wilting plant on the table. “Is this one of your victims now? You’re rather an inefficient killer if that thing is meant to be dead by now.”

“Maybe a plant would liven it up,” she laughed and the nodded down at her plant.  “Yes, this is the plant in question right now.  She’s doing alright, only been with me a few weeks, though, and now she’s a bit wilty…”  Kennedy frowned and touched the petal lightly, then shrugged.  “I thought she might enjoy a change of scenery.”  

“Wouldn’t the holodeck be better suited for ‘scenery’?” the Orion offered.

Kennedy laughed in return, “Probably… Zai suggested the Science Labs, find an actual botanist to take a look… but… obviously I’m not a good plant mother, so I brought her to the bar.  I’d offer her to you, to spruce up your quarters, but she was a gift and I’m not ready to part with her just yet.”  

Regarding the plant sentimentally for a moment, Zhay-la felt a strange pang of homesickness looking at it. “It would bring a touch of life to the place,” she said contemplatively. “Feel free to gift me another at some point.” She sipped her glass, nervously diverting her eyes to the viewscreen beside her; how she hated feeling awkward in new company.

“If I run into another I shall consider it.”  Kennedy noted the look in the Orion’s eyes and noted to herself her earlier feelings, This ship is haunted, even by those who are new to her…   

As the conversation lapsed for a moment there was a sudden interruption.  All three of their Commbadges went off.  

=^=Commander Kennedy, an emergency staff meeting has been called in the Officer’s Lounge at 1630 hours.  Attendance is mandatory.=^= the computer’s voice rang out, replacing the beginning with each of their own names.  

“Well, frill,” Tochi muttered, tapping his badge to acknowledge the hail, “so much for a peaceful evening.” He downed the remains of his water, then, and getting to his feet, turned for the exit

Kennedy rose a brow and sighed.  “I haven’t heard any issues from Sa’eridon.”  She frowned and rose herself, she glanced down at her grey and olive outfit.  “I’ll need to go change I’m afraid.  I guess I’ll see you both there… save me a spot.”  She picked up her potted plant and started for the door as well, leaving the rest of her orange juice on the table. 

“Of course,” Tochi nodded even as he strode for the door, “see you soon, Commander.”

Downing the rest of her water in one gulp, Zhay-la gave a brief nod to the retreating human woman, then looked to the Trill. “Walk me to the Bridge? I could use some restraint going back so soon.”

Tochi nodded his consent, offered a hand to the Orion for getting out of the booth - which she batted away with a playful smirk - and they headed to the Officers’ Lounge, uncertain about what was in store for them.

Posted on 2021-03-01 at 21:08:26.

Karma: 24/0
404 Posts

The Doc is in.

Stardate 2365.05.14

USS Peregrine; Deck 4 - Sickbay - 18:50


Chief Dana Cook walked into Sickbay at her usual 10 mins prior to the start of her shift, and paused in place.  The new CMO was walking about the sickbay looking at everything as if appraising the readiness of the Medical equipment.


Look all you want, you will not find anything out of place. She thought as she continued into the room; her pride in the efficiency and training of her medical staff was shown in the rising of her shoulders slightly.  If anything were out of place, she knew it would be the newly arrived staff.  She had instructed them on what she expected of them in regards to the Sick Bay and staff's readiness, but thus far they had proven themselves just at reliable as the old staff.


“Evening Doctor,” Cook said as she walked in and approached her workstation. 


((Response, if any))


Logging into her station, she looked over the day’s medical log of patients and saw that it had been mostly minor injuries, and such. Her eyebrows narrowed as she saw the appointment of one crewmember with the Doctor for a ‘consoling’ session.  Her eyes darted up to glance at the Doctor then quickly back to her screen.  She wondered if his sessions consisted of his probing the patients mind; though that might help in the treatment, if given voluntarily, but she suspected that Betazoids often did it without permissions.  This was the reason she was uncomfortable with the new Doctor; he seems a decent fellow so far, but she had a distrust of people who could read your thoughts.  She took her privacy, especially her thoughts, very seriously. 


“Any instructions,” she spoke up and said to him, “or anything I should be aware of before you leave?”

Her tone might give it away; but she seems anxious to have him gone from sickbay. 


Dana had not really interacted much with the new Doctor, only seeing each other at meetings or shift changes, since he came aboard.  Her behavior at their first meeting was not the warmest; she had not wanted a new CMO, she did not want to lose Dr. Reine, and then she had learned the new Doc would be a Betazoid.  She did not like that one bit. 


Their first meeting had been professional and punctual, and she no doubt knew the Doc could not miss her stiff demeanor when talking with him.  They had not discussed the ‘issues’ yet, but Dana knew that the Doc could not put it off for much longer.  He was not blind, even without his ‘abilities’, and if he had even once ‘scanned’ her emotions, he would know that he had a problem with his Head Nurse.  A personal problem.


((OOC: Whenever you can Raven, I know you have to prepare a post for the Senior Staff Meeting. No Rush. ))

Posted on 2021-03-02 at 12:22:55.
Edited on 2021-03-02 at 12:29:29 by Altaira

Resident Finn
RDI Staff
Karma: 77/3
1131 Posts

Stardate 2365.05.15

USS Peregrine, Deck 2, CMO Quarters - 1415

Saturday was doctor Veen’s day off. He loved his free time, but he also hated it. No, hate was too strong a word for it;  Amris Veen disliked his free time as it was the time he got to spend alone, without his friends, without his colleagues. He was a man who savoured the company of others, even if it was just to share the space, or a cup of coffee, or a meal… even in complete silence. 

Sitting on the edge of his bunk, eyes closed, shower fresh and stark naked, Amris thought the times he had spent naked with an Earther colleague and friend of his time on the USS Jigonhsasee. Somehow the devious and persuasive Dr. Katariina Sorri had managed to convince their boss, the captain of the medical frigate Commodore Sho’wan, of the importance of having a traditional Finnish steam room or sauna on board. Sure, the enormous starship had numerous holodecks that could’ve easily simulated the experience, but the Jigonhsasee also had a ton of storage rooms and not all of them were really needed.

The lieutenant shook his head and laughed at the memory. He really, really missed Katariina, her wife Aki and even their silly dog, Jussi. The sauna had become an instant success and after only two months of use, the Commodore had ordered three more to be built. Hailing from a subtropical part of Betazed, Amris had spent the earlier part of his life in a nearly sauna-like environment. So the humid and hot air wasn’t anything new to him. And yet, the relaxing, gentle heat of the room accentuated by a scoopful of water on the hot stones of the stove every now and then had totally taken him by surprise. He loved the sauna.


Stardate 2365.05.15

USS Peregrine, Deck 2, CMO Quarters - 1417

“Maybe I should…”, the thought was cut off by a sudden, though soft, deceleration as the Peregrine dropped out of warp. The second the slowing down ended and could no longer be felt by the doctor, he was hit by a cacophony or a storm of emotions. The Betazoid’s whole essence was invaded by waves of hopelessness, desperation, panic, anxiety, sorrow, pain… 

Amris felt actual physical agony and fell on the floor shaking in a fetal position. A searing hot pain stabbed his brain again and again and again, and he wasn’t even able to cry. He had never in his life felt anything like it. Little by little, Amris managed to force his breathing to settle down to an even, though still very quick rhythm. With great effort he transformed the exhales first into syllables and then into the words of the mantra his mother had taught him as a child. 

The Doc knew that by concentring on the mantra, he would be able to push out and block all emotions around him. So he tried and tried again until he got the words through the chaotic mass of emotions. “I… I… I am… I am the f… I am the fire.. I am… burning brighter.. I roar… like the storm.. I am… the one I have been waiting… for.. I am alive… I am… burning brighter… I am the FIRE!”

With the last fire-word, the emotions died around him, all emotions, all-around him, even those of the crew of the Peregrine. Amris was still shaking and now also covered in cold sweat. He pushed himself on his back on the cool floor of his room and took a deep breath, all the while chanting the mantra. The words became clearer, the pace slowed down and his voice got quieter with every recitation. 

Some time, what felt like a quarter of an hour or more to him, later, the Doc was back to pretty much his normal self. He didn’t have to recite the mantra anymore, but part of his presence was still concentrating on keeping the world (literally) of emotions at bay. Lying on the floor in his birthday suit, Amris heard his communicator badge call out: 


=/\= Varin to Veen. =/\= 

=/\= Varin to Veen. =/\=


Even without his empathy, Amris could hear the anxiety in Neiman’s voice. After the second call, there was a chime at the door. 


=/\= Amris. It’s me. Are you ok? =/\= 


He didn’t feel like getting up yet, so the Doc sighed and called out to PO Varin: “Yeah… I guess. Come on in.” Amris pushed himself up to a semi-seated position against his bed just as Neiman entered the room.

“Oh you’re… naked. If everything’s ok, I can come back later? It’s just that the computer alerted us… Well, nurse Adama and nurse Miraan really… to you having what looked like a stroke… ” If the Risian was in anyway embarrassed by his nakedness, neither her voice nor her face revealed anything. And right now Amris had really no other way of knowing for sure. But having known the woman for a long time, quite intimately even, he trusted she wouldn’t be shaken quite so easily.

“No, no. Please stay. If you are not in a hurry, please make us some tea. I will put something on and explain.” Amris got up, rolled his shoulders a couple of times, grabbed his towel and headed to his closet. 

A couple of minutes later he was wearing the dark grey pants of his gi and a fairly tight-fitting Starfleet t-shirt as he made his way to the lounge/kitchen area of his quarters. Amris sat down beside Neiman and gave her a big, fake smile. “So the computer thought I might be dying and Petty Officer Adama, despite of being in charge, thought he could not be… how is that the humans say it… arsed? to come and decided to send you in his stead?” 

The Doc was trying to make it sound like a joke, but failed miserably. If anything, his tired voice made him sound like he meant it. Shaking his head, Amris raised one hand to stop Neiman’s comment before she said it. “Yeah… I am sorry. That was just… bad.”

He looked the deep into the beautiful Risian’s bright blue eyes and sensed her worry even without his super powers. The Betazoid wasn’t sure if he’d ever felt so weary before in his whole life. “This place… The Calican system. There is something terribly wrong in here. When we dropped out of warp, I heard… no, what I felt was like the fear of thousands or even millions or of souls all at the same time.” He took her hand softly and a single tear ran down his cheek. “Neiman, they were all afraid and in despair! But… but it is not possible! Nothing could make so many people feel the same way so powerfully at the same time... Right?”

Neiman squeezed his hand. “Amris, it’s your day off. Maybe you should drink that tea and try to rest for a while. Maybe it was some kind of an anomaly? There’s very little info in the Starfleet’s archives about the Calican system.” She smiled to Amris and very genuinely. “Take some Triatsolame, half a Halcion should be good for a Betazoid, right? It’ll help you sleep and you’ll be just fine in a couple of hours, yeah?” The nurse pulled a small pill case from her pocked, fished out a blue pill and cracked if half. “Doctor’s orders?”

Amris was too tired to object and nodded. She was right of course. He was tired, but there was too much going on inside of his mind for him to get any sleep done without the drug. The Doc washed the Halcion down with the tea and sighed again. Neiman touched his cheek and stood up. 

“Ok into the bed with you, mister. Chop chop.” She helped the sluggish Betazoid shamble into his bedroom and practically pushed him into his bed. She didn’t look strong, but just like all nurses, she knew how to move people twice her size. Neiman covered up Amris like a child and gave him a kiss on the head. “You gave a proper scare for me there, Amris. Don’t do it again, you hear?”

The Doc mumbled something unintelligible as a response and closed his eyes. The Traitsolame was pretty effective, especially for Betazoids and soon he drifted away into the dark and fell deep into slumber and dreamed… But the dreams created by the combination of the recent memories of the terrible attack of emotions and the Halcion were anything but peaceful. As he slept, some of Amris’s blocks fell away and a bit of the emotions of the Calican people slipped through his guard into his mind. 


He was floating in a star-filled black sky. Below him was a surprisingly Earth-like world and he could hear quiet voices calling him from its surface. But as he tried to concentrate on those voices, something else caught his attention. He turned his gaze into the darkness, but it was no longer dark. There was a tiny flaming sphere coming towards him from the depths of the space at great speed. “Amris…”, a voice called again from below.

And suddenly he was on the surface of a low-tech, by Starfleet’s standards at least, world. The voices he had heard earlier were now louder and they were all crying… Some where afraid, others disappointed or anxious. Everyone’s heart was crying out for something to save them…

Glancing up to the sky, Amris saw the ball of fire grow and grow until it’s heat felt warm to his fa….


Stardate 2365.05.15

USS Peregrine, Deck 2, CMO Quarters - 1540

The LCARS beside his bed kept on ringing. It was probably the third or the fourth time it rang, before Amris managed to open his eyes. And it took a couple of more chimes for him to understand what was going on. He jumped of the bed and immediately fell on the floor as his legs were still somewhat weak from the sleeping medicine. That was when it happened again. A slight pain in his ankle removed any traces of concentration that he may have had unconsciously left on the sense blocks he had built. The terrible tsunami of emotions hit him immediately and pushed him back to the floor. 

“I am the fire… I am burning brighter..” This time the chant came more easily and Veen managed to block out the emotions once more. He then did something he almost never did. Lieutenant Amris Veen swore. He uttered the worst words he had learned during his service in the BAF and they were pretty bad. Pushing himself up, he called the computer:


“Computer. Where is the Captain?”

=/\= The Captain is in his Ready Room =/\=


“Thanks.”, he said to no one really as the computer was not listening. 

Amris made his way to the bathroom and took a quick shower. He dried his hair and beard and for some reason felt like brushing his teeth too. As he wasn’t on duty, he put on the casual attire instead of the Starfleet uniform. On his way through the door, almost as an afterthought, he grabbed his blue and black light suede leather jacket from the hanger and put it on top of the grey and black turtleneck. He then removed the Starfleet pin from the shirt and clipped it into the front of his jacket instead.


Stardate 2365.05.15

USS Peregrine, Deck 2, Starboard corridor - 1606

“Computer. Is the captain still in his Ready Room?”

=/\= Affirmative. =/\=


Lt. Veen walked towards the turbolift and wondered what he would say to the Captain. Would Drake even believe him? Naturally the Captain knew of the Betazoid abilities and the level of his own, but he couldn’t help the feeling of unease. His empathy probably sounded like a fairy tale for members of species who did not have telepathic abilities. 


=^=Lieutenant Veen, an emergency staff meeting has been called in the Officer’s Lounge at 1630 hours.  Attendance is mandatory.=^=


“Huh.” Amris checked the time from the LCARS on the wall beside the turbolift doors. The meeting would start in 24 minutes. There would be plenty of time to visit the Captain’s Ready Room before the emergency meeting, but the Doc could imagine the Captain was busy right now. He could also imagine what the emergency was. Calican II was in danger. 

Amris didn’t really believe in premonitions and he certainly hadn’t experienced one before. But he believed that what he had seen in his dream was real. His empathic skill could not have read the vision from anyone’s mind, but perhaps the overwhelming amount of emotional pressure had broken his control over his telepathic abilities as well. Maybe he had invaded the thoughts of the Calican people, even if not on purpose or even consciously. The thought made Dr. Veen shiver with fear. Losing control was the worst thing that could happen to him as a Starfleet officer and as a representative of his people. He would have to let the Captain know about it, even if it meant that he had somehow broken the Prime Directive… or especially in that case.

Waiting would be difficult, but Amris decided to postpone his announcement to the meeting. He turned around and headed to the mid section turbolift instead. Going up to the Bridge and then leaving it right away would have seemed strange, so he would be taking the detour instead.


Stardate 2365.05.15

USS Peregrine, Deck 1, Officers’ Lounge - 1610

(OOC: Please correct if this is wrong.)

Doctor Veen was the first to arrive. It was the first time he had been in the Officers’ Lounge officially. He had visited the room once on his visit a month and a half ago, but there had still been repairs going on and hadn’t really gotten a proper view of the lounge. Too nervous to sit down, the Betazoid walked around the room and ended up standing by the viewport looking at the space around them. 

As his fellow officers poured in, Amris stayed by the viewport, but greeted everyone accordingly. There was fear and worry written clearly on his face and from the way he moved it was clear he was very anxious about something.

Posted on 2021-03-02 at 17:44:46.
Edited on 2021-03-03 at 01:51:22 by Raven

Fun is Mandatory
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Karma: 378/54
7166 Posts

spilling of beans

Stardate 2365.05.15 - Impact minus 73:12
USS Peregrine, Deck 1, Officers’ Lounge - 1630

Captain Drake entered the Officer's Lounge to find everyone present, as expected.  His expression was heavy - something clearly weighed on his mind.

"Thank you all for coming on short notice," he opened, his voice husky.  "I apologize for intruding upon your leisure hours.  Unfortunately, it could not be helped."

The holoprojector on the table sprang to life, focusing on asteroid 2365 C41A3 DN17 and its trajectory.  "Lieutenant Ch'ronnoss and his team," Drake spoke, "have identified this asteroid as being on a collision course with Calican II.  In just over seventy-three hours, it will impact the surface of the planet and cause an extinction event."  His words hung heavy in the air.  "All life on the planet will be extinguised.  Seven billion sentients will die."

"The asteroid itself," Drake continued, "is challenge enough.  It is more than thirty-two kilometers in diameter, and rather dense.  We cannot simply tractor it away, for instance." 

He paused, lines of worry evident on his face.  "But I trust that there are likely several viable solutions to prevent this catastrophe.  The problem, though, is the complex question - CAN we do anything?"

Silas sighed.  "The Prime Directive is very clear.  All of us have sworn on our lives to uphold it.  We cannot interfere in the natural course of a primitive planet's development, no matter how terrible and grim that development may seem to be." 

Even as he spoke the words, Drake had to fight to keep the bile down.  The very idea of sitting idly by was anathema to the Captain.

"That said," he continued, "I am not willing to let seven billion lives end when I could have prevented it.  My ideal scenario would be to come up with some way to save the inhabitants of the planet and still uphold the Prime Directive.  So I have called you here to help me figure out how we can do both."

He glanced around the table.

"Commander Kennedy," he spoke, "I need to know how much longer the beacon repairs will take.  You know the capabilities of the ship better than anyone, so I certainly want you brainstorming solitions to the asteroid."

His gaze turned to Ander.  "Lieutenant Ferrero," he stated, "I want a deeper understanding of the situation on Calican II.  I want thorough, ongoing scans of the system - work with Lieutenant Ch'ronnoss on this.  Furthermore, I think that we need to analyze the communication on the planet itself, see if we can find out what they are saying.  I understand that their communications are more primitive than ours; if we need to get closer to pick them up properly, let's develop the best strategy for that." 

Silas now regarded the Tactical chief.  "Lieutenant Taissud," he spoke, "I want you to set up simulations to determine the outcomes if we used various weapon-based apporaches to destroying or deflecting the asteroid.  Phasers, torpedoes - both launched or remotely detonated.  Get creative in your approach."

He looked around the room.  "Again, though, the big question remains.  Tractor beams, weapons, shuttles, engines... none of that matters if we cannot figure out a way to make this work with the Prime Directive.  So let's start talking." 

Posted on 2021-03-02 at 18:10:12.

Eol Fefalas
Lord of the Possums
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Karma: 475/29
8867 Posts

After a few centuries of consideration...

Stardate 2365.05.15 - Impact minus 73:12
USS Peregrine, Deck 1, Officers’ Lounge - 1630

In response to the Captain’s summons, Tochi and Zhay-la swept through the door to the Officers’ Lounge together. After returning Dr. Veen’s greeting with a cordial nod and a restrained but friendly ‘Good evening, Doctor,’ the XO saw the TAC Chief to her seat and, then, took his customary spot to the right of where Silas sat. “Captain,” he said, offering a clipped but friendly nod to the CO but, noting the look of concern on the man’s face, said nothing more as he settled into his chair. Zai sat in silence, fingers laced together atop the table before him, and his gaze slowly panning the room as the remainder of the senior staff filed in. When the last of them had arrived and everyone was in their place, the Trill turned his eyes back to Drake.

“Thank you all for coming on short notice,” Silas began, his voice husky, “I apologize for intruding upon your leisure hours. Unfortunately, it could not be helped…”

Here comes the proverbial ‘other shoe,’ Tochi sighed inwardly, not failing to miss the rather dismal tone of Silas’ voice that often followed complications of Admiral Harding’s orders, We might have anticipated this.

“Lt Ch’ronnoss and his team have identified this asteroid as being on a collision course with Calican II,” Drake continued as the holoprojector sprang to life, displaying the object labelled ‘2365 C41A3 DN17’ and its calculated trajectory, “In just over seventy-three hours, it will impact the surface of the planet and cause and extinction event. All life on the planet will be extinguished. Seven billion sentients will die.”

Frill… A soft but heavy sigh shushed over Tochi’s lips as he slumped back into his chair, his hands coming off the table, fingers steepling before pursed lips, and his eyes narrowing a bit as he studied the projection with more than a little intensity. His mind poured over numerous calculations regarding distance, trajectory, intercept options, and other concerns as the Captain continued with the briefing. 

"The asteroid itself is challenge enough.  It is more than thirty-two kilometers in diameter, and rather dense.  We cannot simply tractor it away, for instance.

But I trust that there are likely several viable solutions to prevent this catastrophe.  The problem, though, is the complex question - CAN we do anything?"

Silas sighed as Tochi continued to scowl thoughtfully at the holoprojection.  "The Prime Directive is very clear.  All of us have sworn on our lives to uphold it.  We cannot interfere in the natural course of a primitive planet's development, no matter how terrible and grim that development may seem to be.

That said," Silas said, coming to the end of the actual briefing portion of the meeting, "I am not willing to let seven billion lives end when I could have prevented it.  My ideal scenario would be to come up with some way to save the inhabitants of the planet and still uphold the Prime Directive.  So I have called you here to help me figure out how we can do both."

As the Captain’s gaze started ticking around the table and requesting time-tables, data dumps, and likely options from the various department heads, Tochi leaned forward, again, and with a few taps of his cool fingers, began to overlay probable and discrete approach vectors for the Peregrine along with other variables atop the display. The Trill had dismissed several options and plotted in a handful of others by the time Silas wrapped up his directives to the others and sat, now, still in rapt consideration of the modified display, the fingers of one hand stroking thoughtfully at his stubbled chin.

"Again, though, the big question remains,” Drake intoned, wrapping up his assignments, “Tractor beams, weapons, shuttles, engines... none of that matters if we cannot figure out a way to make this work with the Prime Directive.  So let's start talking."

“I believe we might have an angle, of sorts, Captain,” Zai offered, his gaze flitting to Drake after another moment’s consideration of his review of the holo and its overlays, “at the very least where operating within the Prime Directive is concerned…”

Rising from his seat, Tochi cued the display to zoom out and show a system-wide representation of Calican wherein a number of Starfleet and UFP markers were highlighted.

“...Other than the nav-beacon we were tasked with repairing, there are a number of Federation assets within the system and at its fringes that bear consideration. We have semi-permanent culture study probes in these locations,” he said, a few markers flaring brighter at his gestures toward the display, “trained not only on Calican II but, also, a planet or two in neighboring systems…” He tapped the console before him and another marker lit up, “...This is a dilithium processing and transfer station which might be adversely affected depending upon the magnitude of the asteroid’s impact with the planet; and these…” Tochi stroked a finger over the console, once more, to display a handful of trajectories through and around Calican, “...are trade routes which might feasibly be disrupted should the planet be destroyed in its entirety, resulting in a far-reaching debris field that might be troublesome for decades, if not centuries to come.

We’ve plotted a number of intercept vectors that could possibly keep Peregrine and any support craft out of view of anything Calican II’s technology is capable of picking up on…” The holo shifted, again, to show the results of his initial calculations, “...but I’ll need further input in several areas to ascertain the effectiveness of any of these scenarios.”

His eyes turned to Callie at this point. “Commander Kennedy, we need to know the impact and ramifications that a combined tractor-tow and pressor-beam push from the Peregrine and our full contingent of Heavies might have where altering the asteroid’s course is concerned.”

“Lieutenant,” his gaze ticking to Zhay-la, then, “I need to know what sort of yield your department can coax from a controlled spread of torpedoes in order to assist and/or enhance such an effort.”

“Mister Ferraro, Mr Ch’ronnoss,” Tochi’s attentions went to the OPS and SCI Chiefs, “estimations as to what sort of visibility and ramifications all of this might incur planet-side, if you please.

And, Doctor,” he finished, a sigh escaping him again as he turned eyes to Veen, “We imagine this might get touchy, so if you could have Medical prepped for quick response and triage if required?”

Posted on 2021-03-02 at 22:15:46.

RDI Staff
Karma: 186/13
3273 Posts

Buying Time and Finding a Plan

Stardate: 2365.05.15 

USS Peregrine, Deck 1, Officers’ Lounge - 16:30

Kennedy had been one of the last officers to find her way into the Lounge, she was still adjusting the lines of her freshly pressed uniform into place as she slipped into one of the last chairs.  She bobbed her head to everyone and moments later the Captain began to speak.

With each word her heart grew heavier, and she found her eyes wandering out toward the view screen and into the darkness where the planet in peril sat.  

“Commander Kennedy,” he spoke, “I need to know how much longer the beacon repairs will take.  You know the capabilities of the ship better than anyone, so I certainly want you brainstorming solutions to the asteroid.”

She gave her Captain a slight nod, then rose, putting up a finger to excuse herself momentarily from the table.  As she wandered over toward a corner in the room memories of a situation on the USS Gallant where the Prime Directive was up to debate came back to her.  She recalled that they had needed three things to do what needed to be done:  First, time to make the right decisions - then, a well thought out plan to follow through with - finally, after it was all said and done, deniability.  Without hesitating she tapped on her Commbadge and spoke quietly into it from her position in the corner. 

“Kennedy to Lt. Sa’eridon.”

=^=Sa’eridon here sir… what can I do for you?=^= Her aCEO spoke up quickly, sounding almost slightly surprised to be contacted at that moment. 

“I wanted an update on the progress of the beacon repairs.”  She spoke calmly and evenly. 

=^=We are making good progress, sir.  The casing has been removed and we are working on the internal repairs, Toporov is doing the rewiring right now.=^=

“Good to hear.  Go ahead and finish the wiring requirements.  Once that is done, you simply need to reprogram the unit and install the new casing?  Correct?”

=^=Yes Commander, this has been going well.=^=

She nodded to herself and then continued, “Very good to hear.  However, the replicators are malfunctioning again, I’m afraid that you won’t be able to replace the casing at the moment.  We are going to need to hold off on the new location programming right now as well.”

There was a slight pause on the other end, Kennedy stood there, her head slightly bent as she waited for the cat-woman to reply.  =^=Sir… I was unaware--- =^= Sa’eridon’s voice was laced with confusion, and Kennedy could almost see her pulling up her PADD and furiously picking at it, looking for work orders, complaints and diagnostic information on the replicators.  Before she could finish, however, Kennedy interrupted her.  Kennedy’s words came out slowly and with a firmness she hadn’t used before this point. 

“Lieutenant.  The replicators… are malfunctioning.  You will not be able to finish the repairs… for now.  Please finish the wiring.  You and your team have already gone past your shifts.  You have done an exemplary job.  Once the wiring is done you are relieved… for the evening.  I will handle anything else that comes up tonight.”

This time the pause from her assistant was longer, but finally she spoke back to her commander.  =^=Yes sir.  I understand sir.  If you need any help with the replicators let me know.=^=

“Assuredly.  Good evening.”  Kennedy finished up and then moved back to the table.  

She sat down and folded her hands neatly on the table.  A pallid expression was still on her face, any poker players in the room were surely taking note.  “Captain.  It seems that there is an issue with the replicators and a new casing for the navigation beacon cannot be fabricated at this time.  I will begin working on a fix to this problem as soon as I can.  In the meantime I believe we will need to stay in the system until the repairs can be completed, it could be a day or two.”  Now we have time to figure out our plan.

Unblinking she looked directly at Drake as she finished up.  While she had spoken to Sa’eridon she had done her best to keep up with the conversation going on behind her, and thus was ready when Zai turned to her. 

“Commander Kennedy, we need to know the impact and ramifications that a combined tractor-tow and pressor-beam push from the Peregrine and our full contingent of Heavies might have where altering the asteroid’s course is concerned.”  

Again she bobbed her head.  “Yes Commander.  I will begin looking into all of this immediately.”

Posted on 2021-03-03 at 10:12:36.

Karma: 158/25
6327 Posts


Stardate 2365.05.15
USS Peregrine; Deck 2, Lt. Reid’s Quarters – 1800

(Assuming Taissud contacted Reid to start investigating.)


General Order 1: "No starship may interfere with the normal development of any alien life or society."

From the time John had joined Star Fleet he had had the “General Order 1” drilled into him. He understood well that interference into the natural technological development of another life form or society could easily be seen as colonialism.

He understood that a world’s growth through trial and error was the proper way for them to advance. That handing technology and solutions to an underdeveloped world would deprive them of understanding and knowledge it required to attain such things and would change their natural advancement.

He also understood Star fleet’s mission; “To seek out new life, to boldly go where no one has gone before.”

John believed that the seeking out of “new life” also carried responsibilities. Foremost of that responsibility was protection of that life to allow it grow and develop. His family had carried this belief of protection of the incent for over 500 years so just standing by and watching this planet die will not stand with him.

The screen of his data port glowed as he scanned through information. Averting the collision of the asteroid was not “interfere with the normal development” nudge it then it could pass the planet. One such article appeared.

(OOC: Information from Wikiedia and Memory Alpha)

“Collision avoidance strategies

 Initiating an explosive device above, on, or slightly beneath, the surface of a threatening celestial body is a potential deflection option, with the optimal detonation height dependent upon the composition and size of the object.[65][66][67] It does not require the entire object to be vaporized to mitigate an impact threat. In the case of an inbound threat from a "rubble pile," the stand off, or detonation height above the surface configuration, has been put forth as a means to prevent the potential fracturing of the rubble pile.[68] The energetic neutrons and soft X-rays released by the detonation, which do not appreciably penetrate matter,[69] are converted into thermal heat upon encountering the object's surface matter, ablatively vaporizing all line of sight exposed surface areas of the object to a shallow depth,[68] turning the surface material it heats up into ejecta, and, analogous to the ejecta from a chemical rocket engine exhaust, changing the velocity, or "nudging", the object off course by the reaction, following Newton's third law, with ejecta going one way and the object being propelled in the other.[68][70] Depending on the energy of the explosive device, the resulting rocket exhaust effect, created by the high velocity of the asteroid's vaporized mass ejecta, coupled with the object's small reduction in mass, would produce enough of a change in the object's orbit to make it miss the planet.[5

Comet deflection possibility

Following the  Shoemaker-Levy 9 comet impacts with Jupiter, Edward Teller proposed, to a collective of ex- War weapons designers in a planetary defense workshop meeting at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), that they collaborate to design a one-gigaton nuclear explosive device, which would be equivalent to the kinetic energy of a one-kilometer-diameter (0.62 mi) asteroid.[88][89][90] The theoretical one-gigaton device would weigh about 25–30 tons, light enough to be lifted on a rocket. It could be used to instantaneously vaporize a one-kilometre (0.62 mi) asteroid, divert the paths of extinction event class asteroids (greater than 10 kilometres or 6.2 miles in diameter) within short notice of a few months. With one year of notice, and at an interception location no closer than Jupiter, it could also deal with the even rarer short period comets that can come out of the Kuiper belt and transit past Earth orbit within two years.[lease_clarify">clarification needed] For comets of this class, with a maximum estimated diameter of 100 kilometers (62 mi), Charon served as the hypothetical threat.”


“Well we don’t need to vaporize it, just move it”.

 John checked the specification of the MarkXXV torpedos in hope there was enough power there to divert the asteroid.

“Photon Type: Type-5, Mark XXV photon torpedo, capable of pattern firing as well as independent launch.  Each has independent targeting packages once launched from the starship, with detonation on contact unless otherwise directed by the ship.  The warhead is a controlled matter/anti-matter explosion yielding 18.5 Isotons and a maximum rated yield of 20 isotons. This type of warhead is loaded with a maximum yield of only 1.5 kilograms of antideuterium. Due to the premixed reactants, the released energy per unit time was greater than in a rupture of a storage pod containing 100 cubic meters of antideuterium. The torpedo has a dry mass of 247.5 kilograms. By using standard physics calculations, a payload of 1.5 kilograms was equal to about 64.4 megatons. The second type, at maximum yield, generated the destructive effects greater than in an antimatter pod rupture. Antimatter was stored as liquid or slush on starships. Density of mere liquid antideuterium was around 160 kilograms per cubic meter.”

“A full salvo of six torpedos would yield 386.4 megatons might make a dent.”

Reading on “an antimatter pod rupture: Antimatter was stored as liquid or slush on starships. Density of mere liquid antideuterium was around 160 kilograms per cubic meter. According to this comparison, the high annihilation rate energy release would be comparable to the effects in a 690 gigaton explosion.”

Well we don’t want to blow ourselves up, but the Type -10 shuttle has a 250 cochrane warp engine. Though smaller the sacrifice of  that could very possibly do the trick.

John summarized the information and sent his finding to Lt. Taissud. He figured she would make the choices or ask for more information.

Posted on 2021-03-04 at 15:55:46.
Edited on 2021-03-09 at 17:22:19 by Odyson

Regular Visitor
Karma: 3/0
65 Posts

Stardate 2365.05.15 - Impact minus 73:12

USS Peregrine, Deck 1, Officers’ Lounge - 1630


Esel sat and politely greeted the others as they arrived for the briefing and settled down to await the Captain.

Captain Drake entered the Officer's Lounge to find everyone present, as expected.  His expression was heavy - something clearly weighed on his mind.

"Thank you all for coming on short notice," he opened, his voice husky.  "I apologize for intruding upon your leisure hours.  Unfortunately, it could not be helped."

As he sat listening to the unfolding brief, he could not help but notice the Captain still wore that heavy, grim expression, his voice can husky and strained from withholding his emotions to deliver as a professional. As the brief continued he noted the small gasps of disbelief and shock that flashed over the faces of the assembled senior staff.


Silas sighed.  "The Prime Directive is very clear.  All of us have sworn on our lives to uphold it.  We cannot interfere in the natural course of a primitive planet's development, no matter how terrible and grim that development may seem to be."  

"That said," he continued, 

Esel held his breath, Here it comes he thought, What sort of a man is our captain? How far from the book will he stray? How much more can or will he risk?

 "I am not willing to let seven billion lives end when I could have prevented it.  My ideal scenario would be to come up with some way to save the inhabitants of the planet and still uphold the Prime Directive.  So I have called you here to help me figure out how we can do both." 

And there he is our Captain Drake, Silent, Somber but  a man of character, belief and courage. There is the man we...would follow to the very gates of Terran Hell.

Captain Drake looked around the room.  "Again, though, the big question remains.  Tractor beams, weapons, shuttles, engines... none of that matters if we cannot figure out a way to make this work with the Prime Directive.  So let's start talking." 

As Esel started to relay the orders to the rest of the Science team via his PADD, the XO stood and started to add his take on proceedings, skillfully planning and communicating useful resources and pinch points within the system and started to galvanise the other Officers present into action. Esel smiled it was hard not to like the XO, his easy manner, friendly smile and welcoming demeanor, even through his own demons. He was the perfect counterpoint to the Captains grim visage.  

Esel Stood “Captain with your leave”

(OOC Assumes meeting conclusion)

Leaving the Officer’s Lounge Esel made his way to the Holodeck 

"Computer run simulation Ch’ronnoss Alpha, random pattern" 

Time to create some thinking space

Posted on 2021-03-04 at 17:17:28.
Edited on 2021-03-09 at 14:44:10 by Alverstar

Bromern Sal
A Shadow
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Karma: 158/11
4402 Posts

Stardate 2365.05.15 - Impact minus 73:12
USS Peregrine, Deck 1, Officers’ Lounge - 1630

“Thank you all for coming on short notice,” Silas begins, his voice husky, “I apologize for intruding upon your leisure hours. Unfortunately, it could not be helped…”

“Lt Ch’ronnoss and his team have identified this asteroid as being on a collision course with Calican II,” Drake continues as the holoprojector springs to life, displaying the object labeled ‘2365 C41A3 DN17’ and its calculated trajectory, “In just over seventy-three hours, it will impact the surface of the planet and cause an extinction event. All life on the planet will be extinguished. Seven billion sentients will die.”

Ander raises his eyebrows in response though he's already seen some reports and knew about the asteroid, he hadn't seen the time frame to impact. Chewing on the inside of his right cheek, the COO slowly turns his PADD about on the table considering everything Captain Drake is saying; devouring it and consuming the data as though it is Mother's Milk. 

"The asteroid itself is challenging enough," Silas continues, "It is more than thirty-two kilometers in diameter, and rather dense.  We cannot simply tractor it away, for instance.

"But I trust that there are likely several viable solutions to prevent this catastrophe. The problem, though, is the complex question—CAN we do anything?"

Should we do anything? Ferrero adjusts the captain's question. To him, the rules have always been bendable but he had never been a department head before now and the weight of the pips on his collar and the title hanging over his head is enough to make him really consider the idea. 

Silas sighs. Tochi scowls thoughtfully at the holoprojection. Ander masticates the cowboy nature of Captain Silas Drake and how he's now witnessing first-hand the behavior that's landed the man in hot water before. He's not asking if we should. He's already made up his mind that we're going to. He's just trying to determine if it can be done while coloring in the lines, Ander concludes.

Silas presses, "The Prime Directive is very clear. All of us have sworn on our lives to uphold it. We cannot interfere in the natural course of a primitive planet's development, no matter how terrible and grim that development may seem to be.

That said," Silas says, coming to the end of the actual briefing portion of the meeting, "I am not willing to let seven billion lives end when I could have prevented it. My ideal scenario would be to come up with some way to save the inhabitants of the planet and still uphold the Prime Directive. So I have called you here to help me figure out how we can do both."

Drake glances around the table, pausing on each individual department head as he relays his orders.

"Commander Kennedy," he says, "I need to know how much longer the beacon repairs will take. You know the capabilities of the ship better than anyone, so I certainly want you brainstorming solutions to the asteroid."

His gaze turns to Ander and the COO leans forward in anticipation. "Lieutenant Ferrero," the Captain states, "I want a deeper understanding of the situation on Calican II. I want thorough, ongoing scans of the system. Work with Lieutenant Ch'ronnoss on this. Furthermore, I think that we need to analyze the communication on the planet itself, see if we can find out what they are saying. I understand that their communications are more primitive than ours; if we need to get closer to pick them up properly, let's develop the best strategy for that."

Ferrero dips his head without adding any further statement. Judging from the technology built into the satellite that he detected earlier, he doesn't imagine they need to worry about the residents of Calican II discovering them while the Peregrine's long-range scans can reach 17 light-years away, which is some 160,836,661,043,596 kilometers putting the planet well within their scope. He shelves his thoughts for the time being while focusing back on the conversation. 

"Lieutenant Taissud," Silas regards the Tactical Chief, "I want you to set up simulations to determine the outcomes if we used various weapon-based approaches to destroying or deflecting the asteroid. Phasers, torpedoes—both launched or remotely detonated. Get creative in your approach.

"Again, though, the big question remains,” Drake intones, wrapping up his assignments, “Tractor beams, weapons, shuttles, engines... none of that matters if we cannot figure out a way to make this work with the Prime Directive. So let's start talking."

Ander settles back into his chair and considers Silas's last declaration. Maybe I judged too harshly, he considers while picking upon the beginning of Tochi's suggestion. Maybe el jefe is interested in coloring within the lines this time around.

“I believe we might have an angle, of sorts, Captain,” Zai offers, his gaze flitting to Drake after another moment’s consideration of the holo and its overlays, “at the very least where operating within the Prime Directive is concerned…”

Rising from his seat, Tochi cues the display to zoom out and show a system-wide representation of Calican wherein a number of Starfleet and UFP markers are highlighted. Ander's casual gaze passes from Zai to Drake and back to Zai again as he continues to elaborate. The Captain's expression is unreadable... or, perhaps there's a little bit of hope. Ferrero has often felt a bit like a third wheel when it comes to command meetings since boarding the Peregrine. It hasn't been because the XO and Captain aren't friendly; they just have a lot of history and it is very clear to Ander that Tochi has Silas's complete trust.

“...Other than the nav-beacon we were tasked with repairing, there are a number of Federation assets within the system and at its fringes that bear consideration. We have semi-permanent culture study probes in these locations,” he says, a few markers flaring brighter at his gestures toward the display, “trained not only on Calican II but, also, a planet or two in neighboring systems…” He taps the console before him and another marker lights up, “...This is a dilithium processing and transfer station which might be adversely affected depending upon the magnitude of the asteroid’s impact with the planet; and these…” Tochi strokes a finger over the console, once more, to display a handful of trajectories through and around Calican, “...are trade routes which might feasibly be disrupted should the planet be destroyed in its entirety, resulting in a far-reaching debris field that might be troublesome for decades, if not centuries to come.

"We’ve plotted a number of intercept vectors that could possibly keep Peregrine and any support craft out of view of anything Calican II’s technology is capable of picking up on…” The holo shifts, again, to show the results of his initial calculations, “...but I’ll need further input in several areas to ascertain the effectiveness of any of these scenarios.”

His eyes turn to Callie at this point. “Commander Kennedy, we need to know the impact and ramifications that a combined tractor-tow and pressor-beam push from the Peregrine and our full contingent of Heavies might have where altering the asteroid’s course is concerned.

“Lieutenant,” his gaze ticks to Zhay-la, “I need to know what sort of yield your department can coax from a controlled spread of torpedoes in order to assist and/or enhance such an effort.”

“Mister Ferraro, Mister Ch’ronnoss,” Tochi’s attention turns to the OPS and SCI Chiefs, “estimations as to what sort of visibility and ramifications all of this might incur planet-side if you please.

And, Doctor,” he finishes, a sigh escaping him again as he turns eyes to Veen, “We imagine this might get touchy, so if you could have Medical prepped for quick response and triage if required?”

Kennedy returns to the table from where she has been conversing with her team and folds her hands neatly before her. A pallid expression is still on her face, any poker players in the room are surely capable of reading her tell. “Captain. It seems that there is an issue with the replicators and a new casing for the navigation beacon cannot be fabricated at this time. I will begin working on a fix to this problem as soon as I can. In the meantime I believe we will need to stay in the system until the repairs can be completed, it could be a day or two.”

Unblinking while speaking to Drake she finishes up by turning her stare on the XO.  

Again she bobs her head, “Yes Commander. I will begin looking into all of this immediately.”

It's now or never, Ander ruefully prepares himself, and then as casually as he can, he states, "I'm not happy about the potential genocide of an entire planet of sentients, but I'd be derelict in my duty if I didn't ask... Are we, in fact, acting within the bounds of the Prime Directive by working towards diverting the asteroid? There are certainly smarter and wiser beings in the galaxies who would be better suited to banter about the finer points of morality in our Prime Directive. Where do morality and law intersect? Especially in this case."

Ander brings his left hand up and scratches at the stubble beginning to grow on his chin as he considers the ramifications he's heard thus far. He's a people person and the idea of allowing a whole lot of people to just turn to space dust doesn't sit well with him, but risking his recently acquired position by not following the rules is also something he can even entertain. The picture of his mother's face when he had told her of his promotion is still fresh in his mind and he hates the idea of seeing that pride turn to disappointment. 

As the meeting draws to a close, Esel stands and states, “Captain, with your leave.”

Ander flows out of his seat as well accepting the dismissal of the department heads without anything more than a thoughtful dip of his head. Catching up with the CSO on their way out, Ander says, "Long-range scans will easily pick up any communications from this distance. I'll filter through the feeds and take the Calicanian's temperature. If you want to run the math on any large visual interference with the asteroid by Calicanians, we can compare notes tomorrow."

As there are no sound waves in Space, they don't need to worry about setting a disastrous sonic explosion Calican II's way that would hit the planet hundreds of years in the future. As far as Ander is concerned, the potential for disrupting the night skies was much more of a concern. 

Posted on 2021-03-04 at 17:57:03.


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