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RDI Staff
Karma: 186/13
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there is already a liquid Thanksgiving dinner... so it isn't that far fetched!


Posted on 2010-01-27 at 14:16:55.

Pit F(r)iend
Welcome Waggin'
Karma: 115/3
1245 Posts

ICK! No thanks

I like chewing! I like the visceral feeling of chewing solid food! It's one of the perks to having a decent dental plan. Chewing is awesome. Chewbacca is awesome. Chewing on Chewbacca results in arms ripped unceremoniously out of sockets and is by definition not awesome. Not recommended. Ever. Drinking a thanksgiving dinner, is likewise not awesome as chewing. I don't care if it's a ninja turkey I'd rather chew than drink and am ever so thankful I can.

(You can PM about ninja turkeys if you want the full scoop)

Posted on 2010-01-27 at 14:29:27.

RDI Staff
Karma: 186/13
3273 Posts

Hey I wasn't endorsing it, just stating a fact...

And did you have a tramatic turkey experience one Thanksgiving or something?


Posted on 2010-01-27 at 14:38:27.

Pit F(r)iend
Welcome Waggin'
Karma: 115/3
1245 Posts

No, not really

It's just that I greatly prefer chewing over drinking a meal. I know that there are some legitimate medical conditions requiring pureed or liquified foods, like when Dad was recovering from throat cancer, but for me the simple act of chewing is just inseparable from the enjoyment of a meal.

Posted on 2010-01-27 at 14:52:47.

RDI Staff
Karma: 186/13
3273 Posts

I agree

Food should be chewed.

Nothing better than the crunch of a chip!

Speaking of which I tried the Baked Tostito's last night, and the whole wheat Tostito's this weekend, both are surprisingly good. I've tried some of the other Baked chips, like the potato chips and they taste like cardboard and I refuse to eat them. So I was pleasantly surprised to find that my favorite chip actually converts well into a 'healthier' version.

But... don't try the Tostito's with Lime...


Posted on 2010-01-27 at 14:58:19.

Ion Kired
Tapped Out Bullywog
Karma: 45/4
758 Posts

Hehe Star Trek reference

Where no butty (buddy) has gone before I liked that. It was clever. Tostitos with lime were meant to be eaten while you drink Margaritas. I think it even says so on the package. And of course I wanna know about ninja turkeys. Ninjas are awesome and therefore by comparison ninja anything is awesome. Except maybe a ninja pirate. He would just be a confused individual with a serious crisis of identity.

Posted on 2010-01-28 at 01:33:17.

RDI Staff
Karma: 186/13
3273 Posts


You know even with a margarita they would be bad. Now REAL tortilla chips with lime, like they have at Qdoba... those are amazing, but the Tostito's lime flavoring is gross. Then again, enough margarita (which in my case means 2 tops) and I wouldn't care.

Posted on 2010-01-28 at 01:39:59.

Ion Kired
Tapped Out Bullywog
Karma: 45/4
758 Posts

Light weight LOL

They probably use to much lime in the chips. You should order a Grand Golden Margarita next time you're drinking Margaritas.

Posted on 2010-01-28 at 01:42:09.

RDI Staff
Karma: 186/13
3273 Posts


It's this weird powdery fake lime stuff they sprinkle on the chips, gives them green speckles... and makes them

And yes I'm a lightweight...


Posted on 2010-01-28 at 01:46:54.

Ion Kired
Tapped Out Bullywog
Karma: 45/4
758 Posts

eew lime buggers

So you can knock the powder off and just have the chips. Or you can douse them with tequila and triple sec and call them Margarita chips.

Posted on 2010-01-28 at 01:50:59.

RDI Staff
Karma: 186/13
3273 Posts


I fed them to the birds in the front yard. I should have doused them in tequila first and watched the birds get drunk, that would have been funny.


Posted on 2010-01-28 at 01:53:59.

Ion Kired
Tapped Out Bullywog
Karma: 45/4
758 Posts


That's always funny

Posted on 2010-01-28 at 01:55:01.

RDI Staff
Karma: 186/13
3273 Posts


We had to put my kitty down when I was like ten. She loved anything peppermint, so my mom gave her a saucer of peppermint schnappes the night before they took her in. (my mom figured she wanted to go drunk so she would grant the same request to kitty)

Watching Tapi wander around the house drunk was pretty entertaining.

(and yes the cat's name was Tapi, short for Tapioca Pudding Head. I was traumatized when I found out that Tapioca was really a food and not just a goofy name my mother made up for the cat... )

Posted on 2010-01-29 at 19:01:13.

Pit F(r)iend
Welcome Waggin'
Karma: 115/3
1245 Posts

Trust me, this fits here rather than NFL Football 2009

Presented for your approval, portrait of a nervous man stuck in traffic and held hostage by the malfunctioning horn of his friend's car which he borrowed to travel to. . .The Limits Of the Imagination.

*Honk!* Yay! Go my favorite sports team, go!

*HonK* Alright! They just scored, er, a Goal Unit! Whoo!

*Hu-HoNk!* Yes, defeat the opponents! Soundly! In the Skirmish!

*HooonnnKk!!* aw jeez--Achieve the Pennant--In the Conference of Divisions!

and now we rejoin my mind's regular programming, already in progress. . .

"Brian?" "Whaaat?" "Give me the plural of 'Moose'." "MOOSEN!! I saw a flock of Moosen eating the grass, no the greese! In the woods--the WOODSEN. Many much Moosen eating the greese in woodessin. In the woodedessin." "What are you an imbecile, Brian?" "Imbesullin." "What, are you speaking German now?" "German, Germane, Germaine Jackson! Michael, TITO!!"

Yes, I'm just one of the few, the nuts, the Fans Of Brian Regan!!

Posted on 2010-02-04 at 13:00:32.
Edited on 2010-02-04 at 13:07:53 by Pit F(r)iend

RDI Staff
Karma: 186/13
3273 Posts

I'm not sure what happened there...

I'd just like to say:


'I've never had anything quite like a moosen'?


Posted on 2010-02-04 at 14:22:36.


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