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Odyson PUN-dit Karma: 158/25 6327 Posts
Better than Happy Hour.
Gee, do I need to start providing entertainment at the DragonChat?
Posted on 2010-09-24 at 01:46:36.
Grugg Gregg RDI Staff Karma: 357/190 6192 Posts
This thread explains how to spell words that are fish.
Posted on 2010-09-24 at 01:48:35.
lifespring Resident Karma: 33/3 385 Posts
just sayin
i like fish, iz tasty
Posted on 2010-09-24 at 09:37:39.
DragoDorn Veteran Visitor Karma: 11/1 168 Posts
which fish (not witch fish)
i bet ody's fav is salmon
Posted on 2010-09-24 at 09:46:04.
Eol Fefalas Lord of the Possums RDI Staff Karma: 475/29 8872 Posts
Fish is spelled...
I promise...
Posted on 2010-09-24 at 11:13:17.
Grugg Gregg RDI Staff Karma: 357/190 6192 Posts
You know what's amazing, when I was in highschool we had an english teacher who used that explanation, and there was a kid in our class who was primarily spanish, and he used that as his spelling of fish for a while.
Then we were moon rockets. Was goodtimes.
Posted on 2010-09-24 at 13:06:54.
Eol Fefalas Lord of the Possums RDI Staff Karma: 475/29 8872 Posts
Oooooo! Moon Rockets!
I was a fire engine once... then a prairie dog... and a three-handled, moss covered, family credenza...
Posted on 2010-09-24 at 13:10:50.
Grugg Gregg RDI Staff Karma: 357/190 6192 Posts
I am the greatest man who ever lived (oooooooooooooooooh) I was born to give and give and give.
Posted on 2010-09-24 at 13:36:19.
Merideth Muse-i-licious RDI Staff Karma: 186/13 3273 Posts
Thank Goodness
You guys stopped talking about fish... it is still depressing to me that I can't even stand the smell of seafood right now.
Ohhh... but that does remind me of the PB Hampster Experiments...
I wonder if they tried to PB the Hampsters to moon rockets
Posted on 2010-09-24 at 13:41:18.
Eol Fefalas Lord of the Possums RDI Staff Karma: 475/29 8872 Posts
I think...
...they PB the hamsters in the moon rockets, don't they?
Or maybe that has something to do with the ISS... I can't remember... I ate the blue pill and the red pill and now I'm stuck in a mobius loop...
Posted on 2010-09-24 at 14:10:28.
Merideth Muse-i-licious RDI Staff Karma: 186/13 3273 Posts
Next time try taking it with milk instead of water.
You get stuck in an MC Esher work with David Bowie instead of a Mobius Strip that way...
Posted on 2010-09-24 at 14:12:39.
Eol Fefalas Lord of the Possums RDI Staff Karma: 475/29 8872 Posts
...would that make me, like, the Goblin Prince?
Meh... who cares... as long as it's an Escher work with David Bowie and not an Usher work with Justin Beiber...
Posted on 2010-09-24 at 14:57:40.
Merideth Muse-i-licious RDI Staff Karma: 186/13 3273 Posts
You might be Sarah actually. Or maybe Toby, that was one cool baby, although that red and white stripped outfit was a little weird.
But certianly no Justin Beiber... if he does show up I give you full permission to PB to him the ceiling... or the floor depending on your current view.
Posted on 2010-09-24 at 15:15:36.
Odyson PUN-dit Karma: 158/25 6327 Posts
I'm sooooooooooooooooooooo confused!!!!!!!!!
Oh you kids!!!!!! No wait O.U. kids. No even better OSU kids.
But for me, "FEAR THE ROO"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted on 2010-09-24 at 16:49:59.
DragoDorn Veteran Visitor Karma: 11/1 168 Posts
Fear the Roo???????
Are there killer kangaroos running loose around the Inn that no one warned us about?? 
Posted on 2010-09-28 at 08:13:10.