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Karma: 158/25
6327 Posts

A guy thing..............

Obviously a man of great taste and insight. To know the mythical and ancient combination of GRAVY and ketchup.

Posted on 2010-11-06 at 16:17:20.

Pit F(r)iend
Welcome Waggin'
Karma: 115/3
1245 Posts

Honestly. . .

I lost my taste for ketchup many years ago. I discovered Heinz 57 goes much better on french fries. I like mayo (sparingly) better than ketchup on fries. Mustard (brown). . .steak sauce. . .ranch dressing. . .barbecue sauce. . .I just no longer "get" the connection between tomatoes and potatoes.

Posted on 2010-11-08 at 14:41:39.

RDI Staff
Karma: 186/13
3273 Posts


Do you use catsup on other things?

I personally only really use it on burgers, hot dogs and fried potato products (fries and tatertots). And even then I prefer BBQ sauce on my burgers or mustard on my hot dogs. I cringe whenever I serve brat's at my house and the rest of the family slathers them down with catsup instead of the stone ground brown mustard that belongs on them.

Actually I guess catsup is one of those things that I use because it is easy and available most of the time, but if another option is available I usually skip out on it. There are so many other wonderful sauces to be using...

umm... ranch, honey mustard, BBQ, the myriad of mustards, sweet and sour, horsey sauce, relish, tartar, steak sauce... I could go on and on...


Posted on 2010-11-08 at 15:45:56.

Mats The Swede
Karma: 3/0
24 Posts


I like my sauce hot and spicy.

Thai style, preferably.

India spiced works too.

Posted on 2010-11-09 at 18:09:30.

Eol Fefalas
Lord of the Possums
RDI Staff
Karma: 475/29
8872 Posts

I'm still...

...trying to get past 'catsup on brats'... ... Mustard only on the bratwurst (and some grilled onions, maybe, if you're the onion liking sort), folks... Not catsup...

Doesn't that border on sacrilege or something?

Posted on 2010-11-09 at 18:13:50.

Pit F(r)iend
Welcome Waggin'
Karma: 115/3
1245 Posts


I chalk it up to odd cravings brought on by Meri's delicate condition--hopefully it'll pass with the new Innmate's arrival.

(got any names picked yet?)

Posted on 2010-11-10 at 00:49:55.

RDI Staff
Karma: 186/13
3273 Posts

Not me!

My husband and step daughter do the catsup.

I prefer stone ground brown mustard... I'll settle for yellow French's if I'm at a BBQ or something. And if they don't have that... plain. Catsup does NOT belong on brats.

My strange pregnancy taste buds have made eating seafood sound like catsup on brats... and eating anything with cheese nearly heavenly.

As for names... we keep debating between Connor or Gabriel.


Posted on 2010-11-10 at 00:55:42.

Pit F(r)iend
Welcome Waggin'
Karma: 115/3
1245 Posts

My two cents

"Connor" 110%! 'Tis a strong masculine name! Not like Hunter or Taylor or Dakota or these names from the 90's that both boys and girls had Yes, yes, a thousand times yes! Oh, you could compromise and name him Connor Gabriel. . .


My only caveat about "Gabriel" is the last consonant sound of that is the same as the first consonant sound of the last name and that grates against my sense of aesthetics. Just my little opinion.

Posted on 2010-11-10 at 12:57:05.

Karma: 158/25
6327 Posts

Beware of nicknames...........

Don't forget the chance for cruel nicknames. A boy being called Connie or Gabby might not be fun.

I've always liked David as a strong guy name.

Posted on 2010-11-15 at 00:23:08.

RDI Staff
Karma: 357/190
6192 Posts


This is not an argument. She's naming it Grugg.

Posted on 2010-11-15 at 02:25:16.

Pit F(r)iend
Welcome Waggin'
Karma: 115/3
1245 Posts


Grugg must fight the Gazebo alone. . .

Which is Ancient, and Humongous, and Enraged. The Gazebo is now Level 33. I've been holding on to those three cards for the longest time!

Grugg must do so with a chicken on his head, unless he has a Ring of Wishing.

Posted on 2010-11-18 at 13:23:02.

Eol Fefalas
Lord of the Possums
RDI Staff
Karma: 475/29
8872 Posts


Hmmm... no ring of wishing... will an Athletic Supporter of Earnest Hope do?

Posted on 2010-11-18 at 14:22:19.

Karma: 80/28
3600 Posts

part II ???

...Eol just couldn't let this thread die with dignity I see

Posted on 2010-12-01 at 23:55:59.

Cheshire Cad
Karma: 107/3
1206 Posts

*arches an eyebrow*

dignity is over-rated... and often much less fun

Posted on 2010-12-03 at 13:50:35.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 7/2
132 Posts



Posted on 2010-12-06 at 12:47:19.


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