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Karma: 186/13
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Pirates Ahoy

I do have a major love for pirates, as anyone who knows me can attest for. The peg leg thing is pretty neat for effect... but not so much in practicality.
I actually had a pirate themed wedding and my husband and I are seriously considering a pirate themed nursary when we have kids (for a boy or girl)...
oh.. and I win... arrghh!

Posted on 2009-05-05 at 14:22:40.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 64/11
1427 Posts


I can go with the pirate too, they are equally as campy as the dandy - well maybe not equally, dandies are pretty campy.

Posted on 2009-05-05 at 17:21:46.

Wee Grugglet
Karma: 57/27
1669 Posts

I dunno...

In the only fight I can think of where pirates are involved, I believe that they are at a deficit. Of course, this is a fight with a ninja however... so there's not much chance for the pirate to win.

Posted on 2009-05-07 at 00:32:55.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 64/11
1427 Posts


I'll give you that ninjas definitely get lots of points for sexiness, but pirates are hilarious and much like the dandy they are quite fond of the booze.

Posted on 2009-05-07 at 02:53:54.

RDI Staff
Karma: 357/190
6192 Posts


Pirates have a marked superiority over ninjas, it's not hard to figure out.

All arguments of ninjas being better are simply incorrect.

Posted on 2009-05-07 at 02:56:17.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 64/11
1427 Posts


But nothing truly tops the dandy. They're just a roller coaster of flamboyant campy fun!

Posted on 2009-05-08 at 03:47:30.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 27/4
539 Posts

Pirates vs. Ninjas

Ninjas win. Pirates aren't the only ones with guns. In fact, every ninja was trained in it, ever since the Portuguese introduced them to Japan during the Sengoku Period.

Pirates have guns and booze. Ninja have guns and stealth.

Drunk pirates versus sneaky ninjas. You think about it.

Posted on 2009-05-08 at 07:38:08.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 64/11
1427 Posts

But still...

My vote goes to the dandy. Campy hilarity takes the cake.

Posted on 2009-05-09 at 04:12:07.

Wee Grugglet
Karma: 57/27
1669 Posts

My 2 cents...

Actually, Miko, I'll have to agree and disagree with you there. It is true that during the Sengoku Period (1500 or so) in Japan, Ninja had guns. However, they had also learned of the use of gunpowder, and primitive firearms slightly before that. Ninja were not only trained in combat and stealth, but also in herbalism. This came from their background, as many ninja started as farmers, and used farming as a cover job.

That being said, Ninja had gunpowder around (if I remember correctly from my visit to Iga city...) 1300 AD... Roughly 200 years before the Portuguese brought their firearms over. It's true, that the European guns were more advanced... but they weren't the only black powder firearm in Japan at the time.

But still. Ninjas PWN.

Posted on 2009-05-09 at 04:25:01.

Karma: 12/6
394 Posts

so u say

well idk how many posts I lost, but I plan to regain them. and btw......

Romulins Rule!!

forget the ninjas and pirates

Posted on 2009-09-07 at 04:20:06.
Edited on 2009-09-07 at 04:21:43 by Oko

TRSG 2.0
Karma: 113/94
1606 Posts


But not for a long time yet, I am merely winning.

Posted on 2009-09-07 at 16:58:24.

Karma: 12/6
394 Posts


Sorry Loki, I posted after you

Posted on 2009-09-09 at 00:26:15.

Trilogy Master
RDI Staff
Karma: 181/119
6817 Posts

Oops I win


Posted on 2009-11-09 at 06:19:36.

Den Mother
RDI Staff
Karma: 111/12
1188 Posts

Sorry Tann

I must disagree...I am both full of pneumonia and WIN!

And Meri....I found the most adorable knitting pattern for a pirate teddy bear...for the nursery, hehe

Posted on 2009-11-09 at 13:36:42.

RDI Staff
Karma: 357/190
6192 Posts


I wonder if mentioning it here will help.

I am looking for a pirate themed blanket I can order online and have shipped to the UK. Yes.

Posted on 2009-11-11 at 19:54:59.


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