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Feeble Attempt at Humor is now ...

..... posted after ShadowDragon coaxed our wagons beyond our immediate reach and into the next chapter of our adventure!

This post was to afford some role play response and to let you all know I am back in the flow of things!

Also good to know that Rat and the "Old Man" are still with us!

Posted on 2008-08-13 at 21:33:14.

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Karma: 2/0
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Welcomes and such..

I am fine with another joining the fun.

Welcome back Hammer.

Looks like we missed our ride. If we really want to let the villagers of Oaks Heart know of the possible impending invasion, Trillian or myself could use the red potion to summon Finneous. It's just a thought.

Posted on 2008-08-14 at 02:37:17.

Karma: 3/4
202 Posts

Rat says ...

who would have guessed it? The whole idea of the diversion was to get us off and to miss the "train". He wonders if it is closer back to town or to the camp? Is the wagon trail so obvious that we cannot miss it? How do we blend the new member into the team?

Thoughts from the youngsters?????

Posted on 2008-08-15 at 10:12:52.

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Karma: 3/2
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The wagon trail is very obvious it's more of a road now anyway due to the traffic over the last few years. distance to town is a fair walk for stubby legs and might have to spend the night in the woods before you get back you have no idea how far the logging camp could be. I will work Abraxis in when i feel the moment is right so it may take a little while before he's brought in.

Posted on 2008-08-15 at 13:37:32.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3140 Posts

Welcome Abraxis

Abraxis is welcome.

And need to feel chastised. Anvil wasn't chastising, merely laughing at you . . . Is that any better?

I would assume we want to chase the wagons. First, they are slow and we might catch them. Second, if they get attacked we might catch up and join the fun. Third, the wagoneer said to follow the path to find their camp tonight. I would not waste the scroll on this when we don't have an emergency and have a mode of communication available. We could send sprinkles or Muffin racing ahead to let them know we are following - if we just missed them they can't be far ahead. But I doubt I'd bother.

I'm just going to post a follow order for the group to keep things moving. It seems obvious enough with SD's answer about town vs. camp. Respond if you want to argue.

Posted on 2008-08-15 at 19:09:52.

Karma: 3/4
202 Posts


Rat knew Anvil wasn't chastising him and was merely jealous of the halfling's cunning, aggressiveness, and dexterity.

Posted on 2008-08-15 at 20:49:08.

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Karma: 4/1
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Follow dos wagons

Yeah, I think going back to town is a waste at the moment. When we get to the logging camp, we can decide if we need to send someone back to the town. Finding out what is in the scroll and if anyone recognizes the seal will probably be our best bets for moving forward and finding out who/what we are dealing with in Oaks Heart.

Posted on 2008-08-15 at 23:15:30.

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Karma: 2/0
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Looks like...

the wagons didn't faire so well. I suggest we keep our mouths and noses covered and obviously our eyes peeled for any danger/movement as we approach the wagon.

Posted on 2008-08-18 at 19:49:28.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3140 Posts

To speak or not to speak?

It seems Degotti's post suggest we not respond to the call to identify ourselves? Did I read that right?

I'm not sure that is wise. First, I get the impression that the speaker is human - one of the woodsmen. (SD - what do we notice about the voice? Do we know it? Is it human?) Second, they seem to already know that we are out here - since they asked us to identify ourselves. This is assuming that they are calling to us.

SD - 1. Can we see anyone through the smoke? If they saw us, can we see them?
2. The smoke - it appears to be a lot, is it obviously more than campfires,etc.. would suggest?
3. Is there reason to think we have not been seen yet?
4. Is the caller calling in our direction - can we see him?

Ok, group, I'd hate to accidently be attacked by our friends. Plus, I'd like to help them if they are in trouble. I'm not sure if hiding helps with that. Of course, that doesn't mean that we should ALL show ourselves. Perhaps Anvil answers while the rest stay quiet and back - Rat could even hide in the woods just off the road.

What says the crowd?

Posted on 2008-08-19 at 00:39:36.

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Karma: 2/0
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Not exactly...

I am just saying to keep our noses & mouth covered so we don't get exposed to anything else in the air. There is fog mixed with smoke it says. Just a safety precaution!

Posted on 2008-08-19 at 01:13:30.

Karma: 3/4
202 Posts

Rat suggests

fanning out - two left, one right (Rat?), and Anvil + 1 responds from the middle of the road to the "camp". If OK, we all go in. If not ..... Anvil's call. Dogs with Anvil.

T'Sal's suggestion is as invaluable as her fine lookin' body. (sigh)

Posted on 2008-08-19 at 04:25:25.
Edited on 2008-08-19 at 04:26:55 by Consortium

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 3/2
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The smoke is everywhere and is getting thicker, common sense tells you that there is a major fire somewhere near. You can see dark shapes moving around what appears to be the wagons but visability is getting worse. there is a lot of movment in the surrounding woods as well although the forms are just dark shapes. Infravision allows you to pick out 4 fiqures in the wagon area but they are ill defined as the heat from the smoke is causing not only interference due to it's heat but also making eyes water and sting. The voice is most certainly human and seems to be afraid, it seems unlikely that anyone has seen you directly more like the voice is calling out to it's surroundings due to the sounds and movements in the area. it's hard to really pinpoint anything in the woods though could be most anything from woodland creatures to something more sinister or just the trees and underbrush moving from the waves of heat and smoke. your infravision does not help in locating the direction of the fire. you guy's are still on the outer edges of the smoke but are quickly getting enveloped as it gets worse.

Posted on 2008-08-19 at 16:39:22.

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Karma: 4/1
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Need a good wind gust. . .

Walk circumspectly, but I'd suggest calling out to them. At least identifying ourselves if nothing else. I would suggest everyone call out, perhaps only Anvil, but feel it would be best.

Posted on 2008-08-19 at 18:32:10.

Karma: 3/4
202 Posts

The more Rat thinks,

the more it seems time may be of the essence, so perhaps a verbal answer and movement to save the wagons and supplies nd people, etc..... is in order. Let's adventure!

Posted on 2008-08-19 at 22:51:53.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3140 Posts

A call to those in need

I think we need to let these fine folk know we are here. But perhaps not everyone around. That seems to be the consensus. I would not suggest people go off ot the sides much as we risk getting seperated in the smoke and chaos and we don't know who all of those figures are. We do need people looking to the sides. As always, feel free to speak up if opposed...

For now I think only Anvil speaks. None of you have any spells that can help with visibility or any thing do you? That little gust of breeze that was mentioned. It would probably just fan the flames anyway . . .

But covering our mouths and noses does seem wise.

Posted on 2008-08-21 at 03:38:15.


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