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Post Up

My post is up. Hopefully we can make it to the camp quickly enough and still find everyone safe from harm.

Posted on 2008-09-10 at 12:31:50.

Karma: 3/4
202 Posts

Uh, Anvil,

a good manager offers proper bribes to the RUGs and always gets a good roll. I think we NEED the initiative.

On the other hand, with the 5 of us, and the 5-8 wagoneers and two fierce dogs, we can take 8-10 of Slugbait-type Orcs!

Posted on 2008-09-10 at 17:50:44.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 4/1
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Slugbait type orcs....

No, no, no...these are probably more Mannequin minded types or better yet....relatives of Black Orc who like to take their work home with them.

Either way, something is going to die. I'll post after we know initiative order.

Posted on 2008-09-10 at 18:05:59.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3140 Posts

A roll of the dice.

A quick question to start off ... I haven't rolled init in D&D in many years. To make sure I know what I'm doing - which dice am I throwing?

And, do you want that role posted here or in the game thread?

I think it is time to break out the dice and stick them in my workbag. Wonder what my students will say if they notice?

Posted on 2008-09-10 at 18:21:21.
Edited on 2008-09-10 at 18:26:50 by Nomad D2

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 3/2
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init roll

roll 1d6 and posting here is fine/ this will determine which group acts first after group actions are decided if combat insues then it will play out indivdualy although i may still have you roll for the woodsmen.

Posted on 2008-09-10 at 18:35:20.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3140 Posts

This post is brought to you by the number . . .


No dice, but has a nifty little random number generator. Tonight I get out my dice for future rolls.

Posted on 2008-09-10 at 19:54:32.

Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts

These are the Spells that ...

..... Hingatuli Hammer currently has:

First one is Magical Stone and it looks like it takes 4 rounds to manifest them!
Magical Stone


Sphere: Combat

Range: Touch Components: V, S, M

Duration: Special Casting Time: 4

Area of Effect: 3 pebbles Saving Throw: None

By using this spell, the priest can temporarily enchant up to three small pebbles, no larger than sling bullets. The magical stones can then be hurled or slung at an opponent. If hurled, they can be thrown up to 30 yards, and all three can be thrown in one round. The character using them must roll normally to hit, although the magic of the stones enables any character to be proficient with them. The stones are considered +1 weapons for determining if a creature can be struck (those struck only by magical weapons, for instance), although they do not have an attack or damage bonus. Each stone that hits inflicts 1d4 points of damage (2d4 points against undead). The magic in each stone lasts only for half an hour, or until used.

The material components are the priest's holy symbol and three small pebbles, unworked by tools or magic of any type.

The Second is Bless that can be reversed to Curse!



Sphere: All

Range: 60 yds. Components: V, S, M

Duration: 6 rds. Casting Time: 1 rd.

Area of Effect: 50-ft. cube Saving Throw: None

Upon uttering the bless spell, the caster raises the morale of friendly creatures and any saving throw rolls they make against fear effects by +1. Furthermore, it raises their attack dice rolls by +1. A blessing, however, affects only those not already engaged in melee combat. The caster determines at what range (up to 60 yards) he will cast the spell. At the instant the spell is completed, it affects all creatures in a 50-foot cube centered on the point selected by the caster (thus, affected creatures leaving the area are still subject to the spell's effect; those entering the area after the casting is completed are not).

A second use of this spell is to bless a single item (for example, a crossbow bolt for use against a rakshasa). The weight of the item is limited to one pound per caster level and the effect lasts until the item is used or the spell duration ends.

Multiple bless spells are not cumulative. In addition to the verbal and somatic gesture components, the bless spell requires holy water.

This spell can be reversed by the priest to a curse spell that, when cast upon enemy creatures, lowers their morale and attack rolls by -1. The curse requires the sprinkling of unholy water.

The Third Spell is Command and might not be worth using right now!


Sphere: Charm

Range: 30 yds. Component: V

Duration: 1 rd. Casting Time: 1

Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None

This spell enables the priest to command another creature with a single word. The command must be uttered in a language understood by the creature. The subject will obey to the best of his/its ability only as long as the command is absolutely clear and unequivocal; thus, a command of "Suicide!" is ignored. A command to "Die!" causes the creature to fall in a faint or cataleptic state for one round, but thereafter the creature revives and is alive and well. Typical commands are back, halt, flee, run, stop, fall, go, leave, surrender, sleep, rest, etc. No command affects a creature for more than one round; undead are not affected at all. Creatures with Intelligence of 13 (high) or more, or those with 6 or more Hit Dice (or experience levels) are entitled to a saving throw vs. spell, adjusted for Wisdom. (Creatures with 13 or higher Intelligence and 6 Hit Dice/levels get only one saving throw!)

My Initial Thought is to Cast a Reverse Bless Spell since Hingatuli Hammer is in the front and it only takes one round to do!

Then I could take cover and grab 3 pebbles and cast the Magical Stone to give Rat some ammo for later!

Any thoughts?

Posted on 2008-09-10 at 19:59:57.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 3/2
173 Posts

your 5 to my 4

your group has the init please post what action each member is taking and an idea of your instruction to the woodsmen. you've got approx 3/4 to 1 1/2 mins till encounter. make it count. oh and don't forget the dogs.

Posted on 2008-09-10 at 20:00:21.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 2/0
115 Posts

I think I asked but...

I can't remember the answer or find a post with the info I need. I have Magic Missile memorized how many times can I cast in a combat situation? Will I have to memorize it again if we have another battle before the end of the day or is it in my head the entire day?

Posted on 2008-09-10 at 20:12:35.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3140 Posts

What to do when caught in the middle

Generally, unless otherwise specifically stated it is safe to assume that Sprinkles is with Anvil and Muffin is with Hingatuli Hammer.

Hammer - your call on the spells. Does the stones spell make sling stones more powerful than normal? Your spells - your call. I'm not sure it is worth takin your bow/axe out of the fight for long unless you can cast the spell before the orcs get here.

SD - I believe there are some woodsmen at the rear - do they have bows?

So, how do we inform those at the front of the caravan of the problems at the back? A shout? Send a messenger such as the Rat to tell them? We don't want the horses charging to the rear - they need to keep an eye out for whoever/whatever created the bodies. We need to know if Carus is among them - I'm guessing it is more likely that some are still alive if he isn't.

SD - How many men went this way with Carus? In other words, is it more than the 2-3 bodies that might be in the road?

I would think everyone gets ready to blast away as soon as they emerge from the smoke - and we can donfirm that they are orcs. Most with bows/spells. Anvil will probably hold onto his sword and wait for close quarters - it takes awhile to switch - and I don't think he will have time to shoot and then switch before they close. (SD - is that right? How much space do we have?)

I would think we:
-send Rat forward to inform the front group
-Line up using the wagon for semi-shelter wherever possible to shoot
-Bring Hammer and the other dog to the back to fight.
-Leave the horsemen up front.
-Wagon drivers stop and fight in back.

Anvil's not the boss, merely the mouthpiece. Tell him what to say.

Posted on 2008-09-10 at 20:15:53.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 4/1
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I'm Firing

When I see the first orc break through the smoke, I'm firing at him. 1 shot will hopefully drop him, if not, I'll do two. If the first shot drops one of them, the second shot will be at a different target, preferably beside the first.

If more than 10 orcs break through the smoke all at once, I'm casting sleep once they close within 30 yards. It affects 2d4 HD of monsters for 5 rounds. If it comes to this, don't attack the sleeping orcs until you finish off the awake ones first. I'll yell this information in a post if it comes to me casting this spell.

Scott, I'd hold onto the magic missile until you see a weak orc. It is 1d4+1 damage, but its an automatic hit, unless they have shield spell (doubtful).

Posted on 2008-09-10 at 20:29:00.
Edited on 2008-09-10 at 20:32:37 by Darque

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 3/2
173 Posts


1. 2 woodsmen in rear with you 1 has bow 1 has woods axe

2. you recall at least 5 other men with the group when you first left the wagons

3. you could put up sword an shield and get bow out and arrow nocked but that would be all you had time for. once combat started you could fire and draw another arrow or fire and drop bow and start to draw sword. but that would depend on personal init.

Posted on 2008-09-10 at 20:48:39.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 2/0
115 Posts

So does that...

mean the spell is a 1 x use only spell? I am pretty useless if that is the case. I have a staff and the silver dagger for weapons.

Posted on 2008-09-10 at 23:34:26.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 4/1
121 Posts

Don't fret T'Sal

At 1st level, everyone wishes they were a fighter. By 5th level, everyone wishes they were a magic-user (fireball and lightning bolt, etc, etc).

Posted on 2008-09-11 at 02:21:47.

Karma: 3/4
202 Posts

"How discriminatory!" thinks Rat.

Not everyone wishes to be a fighter or a mage!

Posted on 2008-09-11 at 10:59:38.


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