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My little Rat. . .

. . . that is just because an orc hasn't hit you yet.

Posted on 2008-09-11 at 12:41:55.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3140 Posts


Ok, those last comments were great.

A general post will be up momentarily. As usual I will incorporate your characters in the manner expressed when clues were given. If something is disagreeable - speak up and post away.

Posted on 2008-09-11 at 14:46:46.

Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts

Post looks ...

..... good to me!

Hingatuli Hammer is firing a Bolt from a Crossbow [Not an Arrow ]

Re-thinking my options I decided to save the Spells and fire a Crossbow Bolt and then utilize the Battle Axe since there will not be time enough to reload the Crossbow!

I am also commanding Muffin to stay until the Orcs pose a threat to Rat and the lady at close quarters!

Posted on 2008-09-11 at 15:55:40.

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Karma: 4/1
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No offense

No offense was meant by post of coure to Rat I was just pointing out to Scott that there is no reason to be discouraged, all classes have their place, some just come into their own later than others.

Fighters, Paladins, and Rangers--Every group needs them. They are the brute strength of the group. Can't beat their hit dice, to hit numbers, etc. Paladins and Rangers when played well also add a lot to a group. Pretty good at all levels of the game.

Clerics and Druids--The quintessential healers, also needed in every group. They are also, and often forgotten, the second best meleers of the classes. Add that to pretty lenient armor restrictions (in some cases none) and the ability to cast spells and you have a powerful class at higher levels.

Wizards--Pretty poor when it comes to physical assets and combat, but that is why they are wizards. There shortcomings seem insurmountable in the early stages, but once you cast that first Fireball and wipe out an entire war band of baddies in a single flick of your finger, you feel pretty good.

Thieves--Great class all around. They are the skill monsters of the game. They have a plethura of skills and nothing beats a nice back stab. Their combat skill is so-so early on and they'll never be as good as fighters in that area (as well they shouldn't) but they can give any class a run for their money just on their varied skills (when used properly).

Bards--Jack of all trades. The only thing they seem to lack is healing ability. They get theif skills and magic-user spells. Due to their skills at inspiration and negating certain spell types, I think they are a really party friendly class.

Thus ends my unprovoked editorial...LET'S KILL SOME ORCS!!

Posted on 2008-09-11 at 16:19:43.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3140 Posts

Hammer . . .

If you are going to hold Muffin back until those in the back are directly threatened - I think that is a bit different from my original post. I THINK if you want to change that course of action you should post it on the game thread, just to make sure SD knows it is officially what your doing and not just part of the discussion.

And yes, as was so eloguently stated, Lets go kill some orcs!

Posted on 2008-09-11 at 17:57:36.

Karma: 3/4
202 Posts

Darque ...

offense? No offense was taken or even considered. It was a fun give and take of words creating a cute conversation. I loved your "comeback"! (As you can see from my formal post, it made an impression!)

Rat loves this group and the conversations.

Palin for President. T'Sal for VP

Posted on 2008-09-12 at 10:11:20.
Edited on 2008-09-12 at 10:14:06 by Consortium

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 2/0
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T'Sal dosen't have any throwing daggers. She has the silver dagger that was given to her at the beginning of the adventure only along with her staff.

I guess she will have to wait ti fire her MM spell or club one of the orcs if they get to close to the wagon.

VP Consortium?

Posted on 2008-09-12 at 14:23:54.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3140 Posts

No daggers

Well, there you go. I guess you won't throw them. In that case I would definitely hide until you use the spell - then hide again. Fight only when directly attacked, or circumstances dictate. A dagger would have at least given you a little distance, a staff doesn't.

Lets not show the Rat what it feels like to be hit by an orc.

Posted on 2008-09-12 at 15:03:01.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 3/2
173 Posts

the end of the world????

hey guy's please be patient with me the world has gone crazy down south. I'm in the fuel business here and just in the last 48hrs. gas has shot up to around $5.40 per gal. People are lined up at all the stations several have already run out of gas. My fuel terminals are shuting down, I'm running out of diesel fuel, My hairs turning white, I'm getting hundreds of phone calls from people mad, out, crying, all my drivers are upset. I tell you it's one hell of a day and the hurricane hasn't even hit yet. It may take me a little while to have the time to get to post so just bear with me and pray for my sanity. Thanks, SD

Posted on 2008-09-12 at 17:25:04.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 2/0
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gas has shot up to around $5.40 per gal

Talk about your price gouging! Hope you stay safe SD!

Posted on 2008-09-12 at 17:49:12.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3140 Posts

Another excuse!

First the flu, now hurricane enduced insanity! What will this guy come up with next?!

Seriously, though, good luck getting through the day - or however long it takes. That does sound like some fun.

I probably won't be back on-line until Sunday night/Monday anyway.

Posted on 2008-09-12 at 17:59:47.

Karma: 3/4
202 Posts


just got a note from relatives in upstate SC where gas lines are long, pumps are out and 10 gallons cost $51, He said, "By the gods! That's 10 rollup teams!)

Posted on 2008-09-13 at 01:02:36.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 3/2
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O.K. guys here we go. those of you with missle fire are first. I will take your init. rolls and place them against the missle rolls of the orcs. This will happen at almost the same time on a case by case basis. next will come any magic you wish to cast and then we will get into the hand to hand stuff. ask away on your question concerning distance and placement. i didn't go into a lot of detail will handle most of the detail here on the Q & A and mostly post results on the main sight.

Posted on 2008-09-16 at 17:21:29.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3140 Posts

Charisma check? Remember Dwarfs are very charming!

Anvil rolls a 2 for initiative.

For a charisma check - I assumed that it was a d20. Is that right?

Our very charismatic dwarf rolled a . . . 2!

Gosh I'm hoping a low roll is good here.

As previously stated, Anvil has his sword and shield out. He will stay out of the way of missile fire, but try and make sure he is in front of the archers/spellcasters before the orcs reach them. He will attempt to clobber the first Orc to reach the group around the wagons. He will also release Sprinkles to attack. The goal is to protect archers and spellcasters. Hopefully his actions are coordinated with the strong-hearted and stout woodsmen!

Uhmmm....I like the idea of a sleep spell!

Hopefully the horsemen can cover their own (and out) rear for now, I don't think we can deal with that front just yet.

Posted on 2008-09-16 at 18:10:45.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 4/1
121 Posts

Reaction Adjustment?

Do we add reaction adjustment (from DEX) to the roll or will you do that?

I rolled a 2 for Init by the way, this isn't looking good for the home team

I will be firing at the spear-throwing orcs first. Two arrows at contestant number 1. I figure they'll be in range of my bow before I'm in range of their spears.

Posted on 2008-09-16 at 18:18:18.
Edited on 2008-09-16 at 18:20:14 by Darque


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