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back in action

new post is up. Y'all take your time with your characters vitals and just post what your doing and any questions.

Posted on 2009-02-13 at 20:56:44.

Karma: 3/4
202 Posts

Rat feels BIGGER and cleaner!

So what happens as we go up a level?
Muffin licked me clean of the blood and guts!

Posted on 2009-02-13 at 21:29:30.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 3/2
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level up

i will consult my players manual this weekend and check for all. basically you gain Hit points, have better attacks, more spells, new skills, etc. not quite sure what everyone will get depends on character class. I will get back with you on monday with details.

Posted on 2009-02-13 at 21:38:30.

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Karma: 3/2
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role play

please feel free to write about your character's feelings at this point. It would make a good diversion while i plot out the next phase of the adventure, plus it would give your guy a little more depth and it would also be interesting to read about how you see your PC through your eyes. also explain any actions you wish to initiate before you leave the battlefield. i.e. look for treasure, study new spells, that sort of thing. thanks. SD

Posted on 2009-02-13 at 21:49:50.
Edited on 2009-02-16 at 17:47:32 by ShadowDragon

Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts

Hey Gang

Got internet logged into my laptop last Thursday, but my mouse cursor froze up, so had to take it to Tulsa where I bought it last July to get it fixed.

Some kind of software problem.

Anyway, I have meetings to attend all this week and just stopped by here to read the PM from ShadowDragon.

Long ways to go before getting settled over here!

But I did manage to mail in my Arena 47 Duel Sheets a couple days ago!

Posted on 2009-02-15 at 02:05:16.

Karma: 3/4
202 Posts

Rat says he heard Oz say

Hammer, sorry to hear that. You should simply have gone on maintenance in 47.

I wonder what that Oz Character meant?

Rat is thinking to himself that this adventuring stuff is cool. He has done gymnastics with a chanted tree and saved a briefcase. He has watched T'sal's booty wiggle fo a long way. He has seen and befuddled a bunch of hot zombies. He has watched Anvil guzzle nearly 99 bottles of beer. He has been licked clean by a dog. Huzza!

NOW he wants some booty (either kind) of his own, and he is ready to rock and roll. (whistling I've Been Working On The Railroad .....)

Posted on 2009-02-15 at 12:32:52.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 2/0
115 Posts


Descriptive post there SD. I hadn't checked these boards in like a week glad we made it through that battle and gained a level!

I can't wait to see what lvl 2 brings us!

Posted on 2009-02-16 at 20:23:25.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3140 Posts

Zombies, a hangover . . . wait, Dwarves don't get hangovers!

First of all, Anvil is quite sure that Rat must have done something to that beer, because he has never failed to get to the end of the 99 bottles song . . .that he can remember anyway . . .

Glad to see the game afoot again - this must mean things are truly looking better in the real world as previous posts had indicated. Awesome.

The game is great also. And a new level . . . I'm likin' that.

So what do we do guys, besides admire the creative writings abilites of our DM? I would think we follow the original plan and head off towards the ruins - but we could try and head off after that stupid priest. Nowbody is hurt, I don't think and all spells should be up and ready - depending on what level two means for us.

Posted on 2009-02-17 at 01:13:07.

Karma: 3/4
202 Posts

Rat is thinkin' (again)

that if pursuit of priest takes us closer to Hammer Hing's oracle, perhaps ....... but the original plan seems fine also.

Posted on 2009-02-17 at 10:13:45.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 3/2
173 Posts

level up

the mages will have to rest and study to memorize the new spell. I will allow a double memorization if that is what the casters want. i.e 2 magic missles. All the party will need to rest for 12hrs to get their new Hit Points and skills. still trying to find my player's manual for how many percent thieves skills go up. will get back when have additonal info.

Posted on 2009-02-17 at 16:11:47.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3140 Posts

Manuals for download

Someone found this site earlier that has downloadable copies of many of the D&D manuals. The players handbook is there.

Ok group - what do we do? I would think we want to rest (and burn daylight unfortunately) to get the new levels. Others agree?

Where to rest? I'd love to stay in the camp, but the bad guys obviously know where we are and it kinda, well, reeks...

Posted on 2009-02-17 at 16:30:54.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 2/0
115 Posts

With the

New level how many new spells do we get? 1 @ lvl 1, 1 @ lvl 2? Do we get to choose it? Do we need to roll any dice? Do any stats increase?

Sorry for so many questions but its been a long time.

Posted on 2009-02-17 at 22:13:27.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 3/2
173 Posts


Magic users @ 2nd lvl can memorize 2 1st level spells. These spells must be in your spellbook to memorize them so you will have to look at your character sheet and see what spells you have in your book. To get new spells you will have to find scrolls and then put them in your book, find a spellcasters spellbook, or you might possible find some spells for sale in larger cities. have'nt had time yet to go over everyones character to give you all the stat raises and skills but hopefully will by tomorrow.

Posted on 2009-02-19 at 17:52:47.

Karma: 3/4
202 Posts


agrees we need to rest somewhere else "safe".

is excited about the level up

is going to be off-line the next 5 days

is whistling "Dream The Impossible Dream"

Posted on 2009-02-20 at 12:30:15.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 3/2
173 Posts

level ups

thieves get an additional 30 percentage points to add to skills no more than 15 points can be added to any one skill no skill can be higher than 95%. Thieves and magic users get and additional 1d4 plus constituion bonus to hit points. Fighters get and extra 1d10 plus Con. bonus to hit points. will have to double check on CLerics think it's 1d8 plus Con bonus to HP. Cleric also get and additional 1st lvel spell.

Posted on 2009-02-20 at 18:07:39.


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