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Didn't mean to...

Confuse you. I was thinking it was going to take twice the time to study and rest to gain the lvl. So I was going to cut the time in half just to rest and gain the lvl.

Posted on 2009-04-08 at 14:35:11.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3140 Posts

Post up

Ah . . . that is not how I first read T'Sal's post. That makes more sense.

Ok, I made a group post. It seemed the choice was to stay and move up a level. We'll do that, then see if we can see well enough at night to continue. We might want to offer opinions on what to do once we have rested. Following the tracks seems like the obvious choice. But what if we can't see them well at night? Do we then wait until morning to follow them, or just head out in that general direction, which was North towards the bridge and likely ruins - which is where we were headed anyway. Opinions?

Posted on 2009-04-08 at 15:43:02.

Karma: 3/4
202 Posts


looks good. Rat thinks we can track at night; it will merely be a little slower, but we aren't exactly in a hurry.
The HP et al will be invaluable. Sprinkles looks pretty tired.

Rat, whistling "How Much Is that Doggy In The Window".

Posted on 2009-04-09 at 10:17:33.

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Good to me. I will be out of town this weekend so I will check back in on Tuesday. Have a good easter all.

Posted on 2009-04-10 at 15:22:08.

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Karma: 3/2
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storm damage

sorry guys real life again!! storms got us pretty good down here. trees and powerlines down everywhere power still out in alot of places. blew away our truck shop so things are alittle slow going on this end. read the group post sounds good. Well just jump ahead and say the rest period was uneventful and everyone is up to level 2 stats now. go ahead and give me a new group post for the night's foray. Do any of you have the tracking prof.?

Posted on 2009-04-14 at 20:11:16.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3140 Posts

Bummer about the storms

I sympathize with Mother Nature's moods - she has been trying to wash my entire town down stream for the better part of three weeks now. Good luck.

As for the group - Anvil does not have tracking, although he was thinking about it during the rest period and is a quick study . . . that counts, right?

Ok, group. I will post again shortly because I think we already have this next stage figured out. Follow the tracks as best we can. March with Sprinkles in back with the Rat. Head off into the woods.

Posted on 2009-04-15 at 14:17:31.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 4/1
121 Posts

Limited Connectivity


The hunt for a job continues and as such I have limited connectivity to the internet. I have access at school, but gaming sites, this one included (as well as RSI and my own DJI site) are blocked for me. I'm at the in-laws at the moment, so I have unfettered access.

Trillian has a bow, longsword, and sleep spell at his disposal. He will not use the spell on the undead, but orcs beware! He will always shoot first and melee second as a general rule.

Sorry to inconvenience any of you. Hopefully I will find a job soon and be back to normal.


P.S.--My email addy is rebel nerf herder at yahoo dot com or r gibson at baptist seminary dot edu (there are no spaces in the email names, so squeeze them together for the actual address-I just hate spammers!! )

Posted on 2009-04-15 at 18:46:55.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3140 Posts


Hey! Even with no good news on the job front it is good to hear from you. Good luck with everything.

Posted on 2009-04-16 at 13:43:12.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 3/2
173 Posts


question. To follow the tracks and look for signs of passage y'all will have to have a torch. Infravision will not allow you to notice much on the cold ground since the tracks are old. So who has it and what state of readiness is the group(weapons drawn, spells ready etc.)?

Posted on 2009-04-16 at 17:23:32.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3140 Posts

Details . . .

Without hearing yet from the others - I suspect that Anvil will have the torch. If he is leading he would probably need it to see the tracks. Again, this assumes no one else can match his recently augmented tracking skills.

Can he hold the torch and his shield in one hand? Or would the torch replace his shield? He wants his sword out and at the ready.

Also - having looked at the ground during the daylight - was it possible to garner any ino from the tracks?
How many are we following? What type(s) of creatures?
Is the woman likely in the group?
Do they start from where we saw "mystery wand dude?"
They head generally northward, correct?

Posted on 2009-04-16 at 18:41:46.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 3/2
173 Posts


Yes, torch replaces shield. In the field there are many tracks muddled together as you make it into the wood line your only following 1 main set, an odd shaped track that is almost birdlike. yes it is the "myster wand dude's " tracks no signs of the woman but as i said you are just entering the wood line. and yes the tracks are generally north. it is a dark night with a few clouds comming in and only a sliver of a moon. there is a dampness to the night air. a storm may be approaching.

Posted on 2009-04-16 at 22:15:02.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 2/0
115 Posts

According to...

my charater sheet T'Sal does not have a tourch or any other light giving item. I guess she was just relying on her infravision.

Hope things turn around for you MD.

Posted on 2009-04-17 at 01:18:03.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3140 Posts

Movin' On

I'm not sure if we are delayed by real life issues or if SD is waiting for a group post. So in case it is that - I don't believe the answers to my questions change our actions at all. So just go by my last group post.

Anvil (w/torch in one hand sword in the other)
Sprinkles holding Rat

Anvil will do his best to track. We will try to move as fast as we reasonable can without losing the path - speed seeming to be a potential issue with rain coming. t'Sal is responsible for looking forward more than normal because Anvil will be looking down a lot, depending on how clear the tracks are.

Posted on 2009-04-20 at 18:10:02.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 3/2
173 Posts

post up


Posted on 2009-04-21 at 20:24:51.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3140 Posts


Well, Anvil is pretty sure he wants to find the necklace. Yep, that seems like a really good idea.

This doesn't seem like something "evil wand dude" wanted to happen. I'm guessing that is who "Jon" is anyway.

To the group:
I suggest we investigate the area - see if anything of use was left behind. Perhaps Rat should look for traps? Before we do that we should make sure we don't obscure a path leading out of the area if we wish to continue to track Jon. And, do we want to bury the poor young lady? Or find the necklace and then return and bury her?

I'm assuming the plan is to search then continue, correct?

Posted on 2009-04-21 at 23:59:54.


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