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Looks good to me....

ALL--I vote for Nomad to be our party leader.

Wayne--Hope all goes well for you in Indiana. My family will put your mother in our prayers this week.

SD--I'm all behind Rat's post. Will probably add a more detailed post for my meeting with the others though sometime tomorrow or Thursday.

Posted on 2008-06-11 at 03:35:28.

Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts

Fine with ...

..... me about the posting!

I will wait upon Darque to get his post up so I can role play off from what he writes!

Wayne your mother is in my prayers as is the rest of your family and of course you!

As this particular mystery seems to call for the instincts of a fighter then I too cast my support in favor of Nomad and his tallish Dwarf to lead the way!

Glad this adventure is now underway!

Anyone in the group feel free to Email or PM me any ideas as the adventure progresses!

Posted on 2008-06-11 at 08:48:02.
Edited on 2008-06-11 at 09:06:17 by Hammer

Karma: 3/4
202 Posts

leaving momentarily

thanks for the prayers, guys.
I agree with a big-hearted dwarf warrior leading this party!
see y'all Sun eve late.

Posted on 2008-06-11 at 11:18:52.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 2/0
115 Posts

Nomad ..

I am fine with Nomad being leader. SD did I send you my spell list?


Posted on 2008-06-11 at 14:33:40.

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Karma: 2/0
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T'Sal's Background

This is what I wrote as my background...

Lady T’Sal Ixix is the 3rd girl of 8 children of the noble house Ixix. As a young girl she loved to read and the arcane arts. Her Father set her up in the finest Drow schools of the arcane where she excelled and progressed rapidly. With her success came an ego and a know-it-all attitude. She left her last school and decided she would seek adventure even though she was young to do so for an elf.
Her light grey skin and jet black hair are accented by brilliant green eyes. She has an ample bosom and an hour glass shape that she will use to her full advantage. She carries a polished black staff and is always wearing silk robes that have green in them and grey knee high boots.
She is rather sassy and rebellious and hates when people tell her she has to do something a certain way.

Posted on 2008-06-11 at 14:36:16.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 4/1
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Trillian is the son of a Priest of Erevan Ilesere, Elven God of Mischief and his mother is a Wizard. Not wanting to expose Trillian to the chaos of his father's lifestyle (Erevan's clerics never worship him in the same place twice), Trillian's mother decided magical study was his best course.

Not willing to argue with his stern wife, Trillian's father agreed and sent him to train in the Art.

It was while studying under the tutelage of the Elven Mages, his mother among his teachers, that he briefly met T'Sal. They only have a passing acquaintance because T'Sal was a bit more advanced than Trillian when she passed through his homeland.

Trillian does not have the elitist attitude of most high elves, but is loyal to his family and his people as a whole. Due to his mother and father's positions, Trillian is comfortable in social situations and knows much about other cultures and races, even a few of their languages.

Trillian has been sent out by his Wizard magisters to further his training. Trillian is approaching the idea of adventure as a means of scholarly pursuit. He knows a lot about realms, but he also knows that only so much can be gained from reading, you have to experience them too.

Posted on 2008-06-11 at 15:01:21.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3140 Posts

I think I have been elected....

And I didn't even know I was running.

Ok, I can certainly speak for the group for now. Obviously, this still means make your own posts whenever possible, I can simply put in the general group comments.

As for the first one, I think the Rat did an admirable job. (And good luck with your family issues, Consortium...) There doesn't seem to be much more to post until SD responds to our willingness to go hunting.

Assuming we will be wandering off into the woods, perhaps we can get started on a marching order right now. I am guessing we want Anvil in front, fighter and such. Hammer's cleric is probably the second toughtest fighter and might be our best rear guard. (?) That leaves the other three in the middle. Thoughts?

As a smaller group without a lot of "muscle," we may want to be sneakier than many groups, which may push the Rat into a leading role.

It is nice to see things beginning to role.

Posted on 2008-06-12 at 19:12:09.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 4/1
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Covering the Rear

I'll cover the rear if that is okay with our party leader.

Posted on 2008-06-12 at 19:45:18.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 2/0
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The middle

T'Sal would prefer to be in the middle of the group!

Posted on 2008-06-12 at 21:17:32.

Karma: 3/4
202 Posts

Heeeeeeee'sssssssssss back!

Rat agrees with all posted. Would be glad to be "in the mid pack - prefers followig the dark elf - that babe can wiggle her a.......

Thanks all for your thoughts, prayers , and comments - all is on a well and even keel with my Mom for the while.

Posted on 2008-06-15 at 21:14:01.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 3/2
173 Posts

father's day

hope everyone had a great weekend! sorry wasn't able to post had to keep the chicken from burning. spent the weekend grill'n and chill'n hope to get a new post in Tuesday evening.

Posted on 2008-06-16 at 13:23:11.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3140 Posts

Try, try again

Well, I tried to post a long note and lost it. So, the abreviated version:

There are only a few things to do before we go:

1. Marching order.

Anvil - Rat - T'Sal - Tingatuli - Trillian

Anvil & Tingatuli
Rat and T'Sal

Single file and double file as needed. Thoughts?

2. What, if anything should we buy or request before going? Two thoughts: A.) Should we look into buying a war dog or two? They cost 20gp and would add some badly needed muscle to the group. B.) Anvil thought he might spend his evening asking around for info on the monsters of the woods, particularily the buggy ones that were mentioned. There might be info available.

Ok, I will try and post something tonight. It is a quick turnaround, but I probably won't have a computer tomorrow and I want to give SD soemthing to work with to keep things moving since I don't see a whole lot that we need to respond to in the latest posting.

Posted on 2008-06-17 at 23:50:02.

Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts

War Dogs sound ...

..... like a good investment to me!

Marching Orders are fine with me!

Hingatuli Hammer [not Tingatuli] which is kind of funny to me at the moment as Hingatuli in Vassayan means "an instrument for removing the wax from the ears"

Looking forward to the adventure!

Posted on 2008-06-18 at 11:55:37.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 2/0
115 Posts

Find Familiar

T'Sal has this spell in her repertoire so she can gain a creature but I don't know how long it will last nor how strong the creature will be.

Posted on 2008-06-18 at 15:58:43.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 4/1
121 Posts

Find Familiar

The creature will stay with you as long as it lives, unless you mistreat it or dismiss it.

It's main benefits are to the caster who gains whatever hit points the creature has as his/her own. The caster can also communicate with the creature.

The drawback is that the creatures are typically small, non-offensive animals that will get easily squashed if they get hit. This doesn't sound too bad to the strong hearted, but the caster suffers when that happens. Most casters are very protective of their familiars.

Degotti, shoot me an email (its in my profile) and I'll send you the spell description.

Posted on 2008-06-18 at 16:53:26.


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