Odyson PUN-dit Karma: 158/25 6327 Posts
Take Two Aspirins and get the heck outta there....
Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch.
Physician heal thyself!
Number Item Quantity
1463600 Sulfanilamide, Crystalline, 12 5-Gm Envelopes 1
7624000 Pencil, Lead 1
7878000 Pin, Safety, Medium 1
9102500 Ammonia, Aromatic, 10 Ampules 3
9112200 Iodine Swab, 10-minim, 10 2
9115500 Morphine Tartrate, 5 Tubes 2
9201000 Bandage, Gauze, Compressed, White, 3-Inch by 6 Yards, 72 10 Bandages
9204000 Bandage, Triangular, Compressed, White 6
9206000 Dressing, First-Aid, Small, White 4
9705000 Case, Instrument, Medical Officer's, Complete 1
9707500 Kit Component, Insert Type II 1
9708000 Kit Component, Litter Strap 1
9708500 Kit Component, Pouch 1
9767500 Container, Metal, No. 1 1
9961500 Vial, 1/2-oz: 1 each for the following 6
1006000 Acetophenetidin, 1000 Tablets 16 Tablets
1010000 Acid, Acetylsalicylic, 1000 Tablets 16 Tablets
1084500 Atabrine, 100 Tablets 50 Tablets
1150500 Compound Cathartic, 1000 Pills or Tablets 36 Pills or Tablets
1223000 Glycyrrhiza and Opium Compound, 1000 Tablets 25 Tablets
1463700 Sulfanilamide, 1000 Tablets 16 Tablets
Form 52b Emergency Medical Tag (20 in Booklet in Duplicate) 1
9705100 Case, Instrument, Medical Officer's, Empty 1
9705200 Case, Instrument, Medical Officer's, Metal Container for 2 Knives 1
3008500 Bistoury, Sharp-Pointed, Straight 1
3228800 Forceps, Hemostatic, 4 3/4-Inch, Straight, Abbey 1
3229500 Forceps, Hemostatic, 5-Inch, Straight, Jones 1
3269500 Forceps, Tissue, Spring, 4 1/2-Inch, Straight 1
3335600 Knife, Operating, 1 1/4-Inch Blade 1
3393500 Needle, Surgeon's Regular, Size 6, 3/8-Circle, 6 1
3394500 Needle, Surgeon's Regular, Size 10, 3/8-Circle, 6 1
3401100 Needle, Uterine, Size 5, Half-Circle, 6 1
3474500 Scissors, Operating, 4 1/2-Inch, Straight, 1 Point Sharp 1
9377000 Suture, Silk, Braided, Non-Capillary, 3 Sizes 1
That what's in Doc's Med. Kit.
It sounds like he has multiple puncture or rip wounds to the left should, possible dislocation. The wounds should be checked, medicated with Sulfanilamide powder, bandaged as best as possible to stop the bleeding. Doc needs to takes about 5 sulfanilamide tablets to prevent infection from the claws. This could be a good place for Brutal to pop Doc's shoulder back in place. At least then Doc will be able to hold stuff. Then he needs to take about 8 Acetylsalicylic Acid (Aspirins) tablets for the pain. We'll save the Morphine for later.
I'll post this self diagnosis in my post.
Posted on 2011-08-22 at 02:33:37.