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RDI Fixture
Karma: 64/11
1427 Posts

On and on and on

"Yes, lead on," Soledad spoke quicky, "we can better make introductions when there isn't a pack of goblins biting at our heels. Let us go, now!"

With that, the witch joined Dok and Hornet in following the newcomer into the foggy night. 

Posted on 2022-01-02 at 11:39:50.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 1/0
111 Posts

A stealthy escape

Responding to Thäoran, Uthal replies "I am Goliath, call me Night Walker!" he bows his head.
"I suggest we head this way" gesturing towards the woods.

ooc: Uthal casts "Pass Without Trace" on the group.

Posted on 2022-01-02 at 21:58:59.

Trilogy Master
RDI Staff
Karma: 181/119
6817 Posts

Keeping quiet

As Sliver watched the newcommers interact with the rest of the original party, she still had her doubts about both of them. A Golitith and a battle ready Dwarf were indeed good companions in a fight, but she was not one to trust right away. However they had shown only the want to help and with her wounds severe she was glad for thier company. Following the rest of the party as they headed out she placed a few bandages from her healing kit on her words and did her best to stop her bleeding.

Posted on 2022-01-03 at 01:36:36.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3141 Posts

Out of the River and into the Forest

The group saw the three goblins in the river as the large newcomer revived Dok.  Members of the party were unsure exactly how to respond.  Some started to ask questions.  Others were immediately ready to follow.  The first to act was Hornet who sent a bolt straight at one of the goblin archers.  It took the creature in midscream and silenced it.  The creature staggered backward, clutching the arrow in its throat as it disappeared back into the fog. 

               Gerdar stepped forward a few steps and swung his axe at the sword wielding goblin in front.  The axe slammed into the creature’s rib cage and flung it like a rag doll to the side.  Technically it wasn’t in two pieces, but the pieces were no longer connected the way they were supposed to be.  It landed with a splash in the water and didn’t move.  The dwarf then retreated with the rest of the party.

               As the remaining goblin howled in anger Uthal cast Pass Without Trace on the party.  Even as he was casting it Dok was already sprinting towards the woods.  Uthal followed the hurrying dwarf and led the group directly away from the river.  

               You hadn’t gone more than 5’ when suddenly the fog around you simply disappeared.  It didn’t fade out, it was simply gone.  Spinning around and afraid that the fog that gave you cover was all gone you realized that an incredibly thick wall of fog still coated the river.  It appeared to stretch some distance both down and upstream, but you can’t tell how far – the forest blocks your vision.  The fog came about 10’ onto the riverbank and then . . . stopped.  Around you the forest is dark.  It is nighttime and through the leaves above you can barely make out the light of a crescent moon.  Out on the prairie perhaps it would be fairly easy to see, but in a woods as dense as the Barren Woods, little light shines through and those without dark vision are nearly blind. 

               Goblins, however, do have night vision and the goblin archer from the river chased after the group, never losing sight of them.  He fired an arrow as he ran, barely missing Gerdar who remained in the back.  As the group retreated you see a gnoll burst through the wall of fog by the river, drawn by the goblin’s screams.  He appears to be one of those who had earlier taken a nap courtesy of Soledad as the group can still see one of Hornet’s bolts and one of Thaoran’s arrows sticking out of the creature.  Drawn by the screaming goblin it spied the party and howled.

               In the darkness as the group moved back from the river Soledad feels her Dancing Lights spell go *pop* as she exceeds the spells range and the incantation collapses.  The little sound in her head is accentuated by loud screams from the river. 



You are now 25-35’ back from the river.  About 10’ back of the party are both the gnoll and the goblin.  Please be aware that Pass Without a Trace makes you impossible to track.  But someone who can see you does not need to track you.  It gives you +10 to stealth checks, but it is very hard for a group of 7 to get stealthy on someone that can see you.  Back in the river there continues to be a lot of noise.

Posted on 2022-01-04 at 21:10:50.

Keeper of Dragons
Devil's Advocate
Karma: 59/18
2581 Posts

Hornet watched his bolt strike tue in the goblin and end its miserable life. As second goblin fell to an axe but one still remained.  Its screams of rage soon attracted a gnoll as well.  If they continued their howling others would surely follow.  "Kill them quickly before they bring help."  Hornet sent a bolt toward the gnoll.  His mind was still trying to understand how the fog simply vanished then he thought about Boris.  "If you can here me Boris, we thank you for your help"  It seemed at the moment that safety was still just out of reach.   

Posted on 2022-01-05 at 07:14:52.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 16/1
884 Posts

Will These Enemies Never Cease?

Thäoran was just beginning to think they had finally deceived their foes and left them behind after Hornet and Gerdar defeated two of the pesky fiends, but yet two more arrived. Gritting his teeth in annoyance and longing for this tedious battle to end, the elf once more knocked an arrow and aimed at the space between the gnoll's menacing, beady eyes. He hoped his night vision would aid him in his attempt to swiftly deal his enemy a death blow.

Posted on 2022-01-05 at 10:37:13.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 3/0
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"I don't exactly have smite juice left for this one!", Gerdar snarled as he let the axe hang in his off hand for a while and threw a javelin at the gnoll before continuing the retreat.

Posted on 2022-01-08 at 10:19:18.
Edited on 2022-01-08 at 10:20:07 by WhomstHasSummonedTom

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 1/0
111 Posts

Uthal, notices that some of the group are still injured and the unrelenting foes still in pursuit. Thinking to himself that we need to shake this enemy and find these folk a place to recoup. 
He falls to the back of the group as they are head into the woods, putting himself between the party and the gnoll and goblin. As soon as he is close enough to get his target right, he casts "Ice Knife" (using a 2nd level spell slot) at the gnoll.

Posted on 2022-01-08 at 23:38:44.
Edited on 2022-01-08 at 23:44:39 by Jim

RDI Fixture
Karma: 64/11
1427 Posts

Oh the sweet smell of burning knoll hair

While the fight had depleted much of Soledad's magical energies, the witch wasn't completely defenseless. She hurled another bolt of white flame at the gnoll as she joined the others in their escape into the forest night. 

((OOC: Firebolt at the gnoll, if the gnoll dies first then she will target the nearest goblin.))

Posted on 2022-01-09 at 10:42:24.

Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts

Dok Looked Around

Dok looked around for Silver to make sure that she was still alive and capable of fighting.

As soon as he located her, the Hill Dwarf Cleric of Helm approached Silver with a Prayer to Helm, reaching out to touch her as he cast Cure Wounds, hoping that it would be enough to keep her alive with enough strength to make it to safety, or stand and fight if necessary!

((OOC: Dok casts Cure Wounds as he touches Silver)) 

Posted on 2022-01-09 at 13:49:19.

Trilogy Master
RDI Staff
Karma: 181/119
6817 Posts

Short but posted :)

As Dok placed his hand upon her shoulder, not for the first time did she feel the warmth and pleasure of a healing touch. However this time for some reason the healing carried it with a warmer feeling as if given in thank you. Silver could not help but smile at the Dwarf.

Thank you my friend I surely did need that.”

Following the rest she continued with them swords still at the ready.


Posted on 2022-01-12 at 22:43:41.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3141 Posts

Blessed darkness and silence

The far side of the river felt much safer, but the group was not out of danger yet.  Two of the vicious humanoids still confronted them – out of the concealing fog and now screaming to attract the others.  Already the screams of the goblins had brought one of the gnolls.  Now the remaining goblin and gnoll raged at the party.  All in the party seemed to realize the danger.  In order to escape they needed the creatures to be silenced.  As a group they took aim at the noisemakers.

              Thaoran drew back his bow string and let loose – his arrow nailed the creature in the chest and buried itself to the fletching.  The creature staggered but did not have time to fall before Hornet had sent a bolt of his own into the creature’s bowls.  The creature collapsed to its knees while attempting to keep its life’s blood from flowing to the ground.  But it Gerdar didn’t give it the chance as he launched a javelin at the creature and took it full in the throat.  Pierced multiple times the hyena-like beast toppled to the ground in blessed silence.

              Soledad had been ready to hurl a firebolt at the gnoll, but seeing it fall she quickly redirected her fire at the last goblin.  The quick change of plans was not a good idea as she completely missed her target.  Instead, the bush next too it burst into flame and lit up the nighttime forest like a torch.  (Crit fail – natural roll of 1.)  The now brightly lit goblin was an easy target for the newcomer to the battle.  Uthal hurled an ice knife at the creature and hit it square in the chest.  The creature staggered from the initial blow.  Then the ice exploded, blasting the goblin and the gnolls corpse with jagged shards of ice.  Goblin chests were not built to withstand ice explosions from up-close and it was blasted backwards in a bloody heap. 

              All of the visible enemies were now gone – but the burning bush lit up the night like a beacon and was sure to draw the attention of any enemies still around.  And from the sounds that could be heard there were still quite a few out there.  Howls, yells, splashing and screaming could all be heard out on the river and some of it seemed to be headed in the direction of the party.  As Dok cast a cure wounds spell on Silver (+7hp) the party quickly slipped backwards into the forest and out of the light.  As a group they moved quickly away from the river and the light, hopeful that their new, strange friend’s spell would cover them. 

The woods around them rapidly got darker and darker. For a little while they could make out the light of the burning bush, but then that was swallowed by the trees.  For a bit longer they could still hear the shouting, but that was also soon lost in the silence of the night.  It wasn’t far before they found themselves moving through the dark and the silence with no noticeable sign of being followed.  They kept moving.



Congratulations – you seem to have finally escaped the great battle of the Vargolg.  Pass Without a Trace makes you impossible track – so having escaped the visual contact of the enemy they can’t follow you.  As you left the river side you did have the sense that they were looking around in the area of the burning bush.  But you are gone.

              The next post needs to address how far you want to go, what you do when you get “there” and anything else you are up to.  The spell lasts for up to 1 hour.  You can’t be tracked and get +10 to any stealth checks.  So where do you go and what do you do?  Assuming you take a rest of some sort you could also consider what you do after that.  (Assuming nothing happens while you rest.) 

Posted on 2022-01-13 at 20:28:07.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 16/1
884 Posts

Alive But Barely...

Thäoran exhaled an audible sigh of relief and gratitude that they had emerged from that terrible conflict while managing to cling onto their lives.

'Thank you for your most timely and welcome aid, my friend,' the elf smiled warmly at the goliath towering above him. The being was hulking and, Thäoran admitted, rather intimidating but he seemd to be of a friendly and good hearted temperment. To the group at large, he adressed them, raising his voice slightly:

'We must make haste before any of the fiends discover that we still linger near their lair. I rather hoped we would encounter our friend Boris the otter nearby. Perhaps he could have assisted us in locating a safe area to make camp for the night.'

Posted on 2022-01-18 at 11:57:36.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 16/1
884 Posts

Alive But Barely...

Thäoran exhaled an audible sigh of relief and gratitude that they had emerged from that terrible conflict while managing to cling onto their lives.

'Thank you for your most timely and welcome aid, my friend,' the elf smiled warmly at the goliath towering above him. The being was hulking and, Thäoran admitted, rather intimidating but he seemd to be of a friendly and good hearted temperment. To the group at large, he adressed them, raising his voice slightly:

'We must make haste before any of the fiends discover that we still linger near their lair. I rather hoped we would encounter our friend Boris the otter nearby. Perhaps he could have assisted us in locating a safe area to make camp for the night.'

Posted on 2022-01-18 at 11:59:19.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 1/0
111 Posts

Uthal bows his head at Thäoran, "Looks like you folk took a beating. Perhaps some rest?" he remarks and offers healing to those most in need of it.

Posted on 2022-01-18 at 18:26:26.
Edited on 2022-01-19 at 05:44:13 by Jim


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