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RDI Fixture
Karma: 64/11
1427 Posts

I think not...

Seeing the bugbear try to rouse its companion from the curse only brought a smile to Soledad's lips. Caught up in the illusion, the beast was utterly covered with biting spiders. An unending deluge of the venomous creatures crawled along every surface of the bugbear's body. As the beast screamed they crawled into its mouth biting its lips and tongue, and every surface they crawled upon. If the beast opened its eyes, they attacked, crawling into any opening they found to bite and bite and bite. They were in its ears, so all the bugbear could hear was the terrible, terrible clatter of their spindley legs. The swarm of spiders had become the beast's world. Nothing would change that. 

((OOC: Maintaining Phantasmal Force))

Posted on 2021-01-30 at 11:28:13.

Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts

Dok Warily Moves

Dok warily moves within 20 feet to the left of the Otter as Silver cuts the ropes, keeping aware of any unexpected danger, while making sure that the Otter does not attack Silver, once it has been set free!

EDIT: Dok stands ready to unleash Spiritual Weapon if Silver is in danger!

Posted on 2021-01-30 at 18:02:16.
Edited on 2021-01-31 at 11:14:07 by Hammer

RDI Fixture
Karma: 16/1
884 Posts

A Change of Target...?

Thäoran cursed under his breath in Elvish as the beast yet still refused to be slain. This, coupled with the fact that only its leg was visible from the shelter of the tree trunk made the elf consider changing targets as he was clearly getting nowhere with this current one.
But maybe if he moved around a bit he could position himself so that he was able to see more of the bugbear. But would that be too risky? Would he end up exposing himself instead? Unsure of what action to take, Thäoran studied the scene before him carefully. Then his keen elf eyes spied a bugbear that was crawling to the aid of its companion who was writhing on the ground due to Soldad's Phantasamal Force incantation.

Finally deciding upon his next course of action, Thäoran shifted his aim to the beast crawling along the ground. Sight along his next arrow, the elf lined up the tip of the shaft with the left eye of the fiend. With steady aim and practised ease, the elf released the arrow at his new target.

((OOC: Hope I'm not aiming at a bugbear somebody else is. If I am, please tell me and I'll edit my post))

Posted on 2021-01-31 at 13:58:37.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3141 Posts

On the freeing of otters and shooting of bugbears.

                   Silver moved quickly and quietly forward – at least she hoped it was quietly, it was impossible to move quickly in these woods at night and not make noise.  She reached the tree and whispered to the otter, “Stay quiet I’m here to free you, give me a few seconds to cut your bonds.”  She could tell that the creature had been watching her approach and was eyeing the dagger she had pulled to cut the bonds cautiously.  It surprised her by quietly responding, “Bless you lady, they are a vile lot.”  She had heard it conversing earlier with the bugbear, but actually conversing with an 8’ long giant otter was still something outside her experience – especially as it was upside down and spinning as it hung from a tree.  Putting her surprise aside she quickly realized that getting the otter down would be a little harder than she had expected.  It was held but a rope around its paws and that went up into the tree, over a branch and was then tied to the trunk on the far side of the tree – where one of the bugbears was writing in the effects of Soledad’s spell only a few short feet away.  Plus, given that the otter was upside down and yet was looking Silver in the eyes – its eight feet length stretched up into the tree and its bound hind legs were well out of Silver’s reach.  For the moment she settled for attempting to free the creature’s forepaws.  She had to stand on her tiptoes to reach, but she carefully started to cut the rope holding its paws.  Unfortunately, the ropes were both tough and slick as well as almost out of reach.  She got partway through, but didn’t quite get through the bindings.  (Failed roll) As she cut, she kept her eye on the bugbears and looked straight into the face of the one that was crawling to this tree to rouse the enspelled creature.  The creature’s eyes grew big and it clearly saw her – it was less than 10 feet away. 

                   As all of this transpired Dok moved forward behind Sliver and prepared to defend her in case anything, otter or bugbear, attacked her.  He shared her frustration as he saw her fail to cut the ropes.

                   Hornet was pleased to see his shots landing, but frustrating that the large beasts seemed to be only hurt by them, not killed.  They were tough.  The one he had just plugged was now moving towards the other tree, apparently intending to rouse the third creature from the throws of Soledad’s spell. That would not do.  Hornet quickly drew and fired again.  But perhaps it was too quickly as the arrow hit the creature’s armor and not the vulnerable place a couple of inches to the right that he had been aiming for.  The arrow glanced off into the night leaving only a slight mark on the armor, but no damage.  But the creature knew it had been close and turned and looked directly at the place the arrow had come from with a glare. 

                   Thaoran wanted to hit the creature behind the tree for a fourth time.  That leg was looking more and more like a pincushion.  But for the moment it did not reveal itself and so he switched targets to the other beast as it made its way to the other tree.  Almost simultaneously with Hornets bolt, Thaoran’s arrow also glanced off of the beast’s armor.  He let out his breath in a hiss of frustration. 

                   Soledad focuses on her spell.  Spiders crawled all over the bugbear.  Or, at least, they did in its mind.  Biting, crawling, biting some more and inflicting pain over every part of the creature’s body.


                   The bugbear moving along the ground had already had an adventurous few seconds – first feeling Hornet’s arrow bounce off its armor and then looking up to find Silver only a few short feet away and attempting to free the otter.  It seemed to hesitate for a second and then with a snarl at Silver it dashed behind the tree the otter was hanging from and started to smack the bugbear there that was writhing in the effects of Soledad’s spell – invisible to this creature. 

                   The creature enjoying the wonders of Soledad’s spell was concealed by the tree from the group so they could not see exactly how it reacted to this attempt.  But while it wasn’t visible, the effects were clear to the witch who felt the force of her illusion snap.  The creature was no longer held by her spell.  It got to its feet and prepared to rejoin the fight. 

                   Meanwhile Luna continued to circle in the woods and watch the surroundings.  Holding his hound shape limited his ability to join the fight.

                   The dragonborn Constantine however, was done waiting and charged forward towards the enemy.  Enough with the arrows!  Running through the woods over uneven terrain at night in the rain, however, is not as easy as it sounds and his movements were slowed.  He got to within 20’ of the enemy and was ready to take action next round. 

                   The final actor was the bugbear alone behind the tree without an otter in it – Thaoran’s personal pincushion.  Few targets had presented themselves so far but now it saw Constantine crashing through the woods towards it and it stepped out from behind the tree long enough to hurl a javelin at the dragonborn.  Neither armor nor shield of faith was enough to stop such a powerful throw which scored a critical hit.  Twice now the big guy had taken a javelin.  (-10 HP) 


The Bugbears and otter

BB #1:  Has been hit twice.  Behind the tree with the otter in it – has partial cover since the tree is only so big.

BB #2:  Has been hit three times.  Has partial cover behind a tree.

BB #3:  A little damage from the illusion three times – no longer in the spell. Full cover behind the tree.

Otter:  Spinning in his bindings – forepaws not yet free.

Posted on 2021-01-31 at 18:47:50.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 19/2
193 Posts

Constantine's vision was in a tunnel, hyper attuned to his breathing, instinct overtaking his senses. He paid no mind to the weeds pulling at his clawed feet, the ebbing burn of his injury in the shoulder, the arrows whizzing past his head. All-consuming was the thought of seeing his foes ended, as he barreled towards the bugbears.

OOC: Still Dashing, aiming for getting as close to the bugbears as possible, though preferably not in a spot to be flanked.

Posted on 2021-02-06 at 14:25:27.

Keeper of Dragons
Devil's Advocate
Karma: 59/18
2581 Posts

It appeared that the bugbears were part cat as they seemed to have nine lives.  Dispite looking like pinchusions they continued to live.  That would not do.  Once more Hornet loaded a bolt and sent it on its way then disappeared back into the vegetation.

OOC: Aiming at BB #2 and then using bonus action hide

Posted on 2021-02-06 at 17:17:56.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 64/11
1427 Posts

Why don't you just go to sleep...

Why that stinking, wretched cretin!!Soledad cursed silently to herself as she felt the bugbear snap free of her illusion. It was unfortunate that profane litany remained in her mind alone, for this was a truly creative combination of words that surely would have drained the color from any that hear. Cursing, in its many forms, gave her a unique bit of joy. In an effort to hold onto that joy, the little witch spun another curse. Spitting a word of power, Soledad once again unleashed a sleeping hex upon the bugbears. However, now each of the beast had been injured greatly weakening their resistance to her fey magic. If things went her way, in a short moment she would be slitting the mongels throats as they slept. 


((OOC: Sleep aimed at bugbears and to avoid all allies.))

Posted on 2021-02-06 at 17:29:22.
Edited on 2021-02-06 at 17:39:39 by Nimu

Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts

Dok Positioned Himself

Dok positioned himself at a better angle as he unleashed his Spiritual Weapon spell against the Bug Bear that was closest to Silver, concentrating his effort to focus on the danger closest to his companion, while readying himself to fight with his Battle Axe, if it became necessary!

It was his prayer that Silver would find a way to free the Otter, while he provided the means to give her the time to get the job done!

Posted on 2021-02-07 at 23:46:15.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3141 Posts

Battles get harder when some fall asleep - on both sides?

Dok, having been moving forward to protect Silver, finally got in on the action releasing a spiritual weapon in the shape of his axe.  Targeting the creature closest to silver the glowing spectral weapon clove into the beast and staggered it.  It didn’t drop, but it clearly was close to it. 

                   Despite the Dwarf’s best efforts Silver had placed herself in harms way by getting so close.  The monster that had been writhing on the ground in the thrall of Soledad’s spell stood up, free from the hex at last,  and swung its monstrous morning star at Silver – the closest target to hand.  Luckily for Silver the tree and swinging otter made the attack difficult.  The large weapon was partially deflected and a blow that could have crushed her lost some of its momentum before hitting her shoulder.  It hurt (-5hp) but didn’t end her.

                   Hornet lined up his shot on one of the Bugbears threatening Silver – the same one Dok had just struck.  As the creature staggered from the spectral axe’s blow, Hornet’s bolt caught it square in the throat.  The creatures eyes grew big as it’s knees sagged and it dropped to the ground, out of the fight.  One finally down, was the thought on everyone’s mind.

                   Now it was time for Soledad to work her magic again.  She had been practicing her curses with the fool creature’s breaking of her spell.  But now instead of just colorful language she hurled another sleep curse at her enemies, hopeful that their wounds would make them more vulnerable. Frustratingly, and drawing another stream of colorful words from the witch, her spell seemed weaker than her earlier attempt.  Even weakened, only one BB fell victim to her spell.  But one did fall – the one partially hidden by a tree away from the otter.  One remained upright.

                   Constantine charged forward – he had been aiming for the one that was now asleep.  Being alone it was the one least likely in getting him flanked.  But now he would have to redirect towards the last one standing.  He was eager to do more than just stand there and be a target.  He now stood only a few feet from the sleeping creature and easily within range of attacking the last monster next round.

                   Meanwhile, Thaoran, Luna and Silver all seemed stunned by the action and did nothing.


The Creatures

BB#1 – Has been hit a couple of times.  Asleep

BB#2 – Dead

BB#3 – Took damage 3 times from the illusion.  Partial cover from the tree.  Last one standing.


Otter:  Spinning in his bindings – forepaws no yet free

Posted on 2021-02-13 at 12:09:22.

Keeper of Dragons
Devil's Advocate
Karma: 59/18
2581 Posts

Hornet smiled as he watched his bolt lodge in th throat of his target.  The bugbear slumped to the ground never to rise again.  He was just about to load another bolt when he heard a familiar spell and oneof the bugbears slipped into slumber.  Draeing his dagger, Hornet moved quickly to end its life.

OOC:  Going to slit the throat of BB1.  Will dash if I have to in order to get there.

Posted on 2021-02-13 at 16:46:51.
Edited on 2021-02-13 at 20:33:12 by Keeper of Dragons

RDI Fixture
Karma: 16/1
884 Posts

Getting there...

Rousing and cursing himself from his momentary lack of action, Thäoran took stock of the current situation. Finally, one of the acursed beasts had been felled by a well-placed arrow and he saw Hornet move in to finish another that had drifted into a deep slumber from the effects of Soledad's sleeping hex. That left only one other, but, like the one he had tried to slay before, this too had taken shelter behind the sturdy trunk of an ancient pine, giving the elf little to aim at. The creature was large, however, and Thäoran's sharp eyes spied an exposed leg jutting out from behind the gnarled wood. However, the Eldritch Knight's mind flashed back to the failed attempt of before and he knew he much change his tactics if he was to have any success of finally vanquishing his foe.

Slowly, he crept around the edge of the clearing, hoping to position himself so he could see the face of his target so more of the creature was visible, thus, with a little luck, increasing his chance of scoring a more damaging hit.

((OOC: Nomad, I'm not sure if Thäoran was close enough to the bugbear last turn to be able to both sneak up and attack him this turn. Can I do both this turn, or do I have to wait until the next turn to attack while using this turn to sneak up?))

Posted on 2021-02-14 at 17:46:42.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 64/11
1427 Posts

I will set you on fire!

With one of the wretch's asleep and the other dead, it was time for Soledad to focus her attentions on the miscreant that had the audacity to escape her nightmare illusion. The bugbear would pay dearly!!! Taking care to remain hidden within the wooded cover, the witch moved to a vantage where she could better see the beast. Flinging out her hands before her, Soledad released a mote of white flame that sped towards the still waking beast. She dearly hoped the fire burns hurt.

((OOC: Firebolt targeting BB3))

Posted on 2021-02-20 at 19:17:00.

Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts

Dok Continued

Dok continued to protect Silver by focusing his Spiritual Weapon against which ever Bug Bear was the greatest threat to Silver.

Posted on 2021-02-20 at 23:33:27.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3141 Posts

Getting Close

The group was cheered to finally see two of their enemy on the ground, one of them apparently for good.  Hornet, knowing that the beasts had already twice escaped the effects of Soledad’s spells, moved forward quickly to try and finish it off before it could rise.  But the woods made movement slow and the distance was not short.  As he approached he saw the wounded creature asleep at the base of the tree, but even if he hadn’t seen it, he couldn’t have missed it – the beast’s snores could probably be heard back in Botkinburg.  He was only about 15’ away from the creature and drew his blade to soon finish the job.

                   Dok, continued to wield his spiritual weapon to try and protect Silver who could only dodge around the tree.  His axe swept towards the last bugbear, but missed and thunked into the tree.  But even in a miss it drew the attention of the creature who didn’t appear to like being attacked my a flying axe. 

                   Thaoran had trouble targeting the creature from his position because of the tree the creature was using for partial cover.  Hunting a better shot he moved to the left through the trees.  Between his moves and the bugbear’s circling the tree after Silver the creature emerged into his sites.  Taking the opportunity provided he quickly drew and shot.  It was a beautiful shot.  Or it would have been had there not been a small branch that deflected his shaft and sent it careening off into the night nowhere near his target.  The lucky creature, he thought as he gritted his teeth and moved a little further to find a less obstructed shot.

                   Soledad was angered over the monster’s breaking of her spell.  Such things should not be!  Furious she offered the creature another gift of fey magic – a bolt of pure fire streaked through the night and struck the creature as it was attempting to swing at Silver again.  It was singed and furious, but not down.  

                   Silver meanwhile just kept dodging around the tree, hoping to have another chance to free the otter.  Her dodging proved useful, however, as the creatures large morning star this time missed.  But it continued to chase the one target it could see. 

The Creatures

BB#1 – Has been hit a couple of times.  Asleep

BB#2 – Dead

BB#3 – Took damage 3 times from the illusion.  Damage from firebolt.   Partial cover from the tree.  Last one standing.

Posted on 2021-02-24 at 20:50:20.

Keeper of Dragons
Devil's Advocate
Karma: 59/18
2581 Posts

So close yet so far

   Hornet closed the gap on the sleeping bugbear.  It was a matter of seconds before he would end its life.  Drawing his dagger, Hornet focused on the task at hand.  Putting the blade through its vile heart.

Posted on 2021-02-26 at 05:45:27.


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