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'I am Thäoran,' he introduced himself quietly. 'I hail from the elven forest in the east. I am travelling with my companions to help them eradicate the evil that lurks in these lands.' He refrained from divulging anymore of his quest as of yet. After a pause, he added 'a pleasure,' and gave a curt nod reminiscent of a bird dipping its head.

The monk bowed her head in reply to Thäoran, “Greetings Noble Elf,” she said and bowed her head. 

D’harum listened as the group discussed future plans, she liked the general ideas they were throwing about, and she would consider throwing in her support, but she was waiting for someone in the group to ask her to join them; this had yet to actually happen. 

Posted on 2023-03-13 at 19:06:42.

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“Hello my name is Fenris Kaine, happy to meet you” Standing he offers his hand and after a strong shake returned to his seat. With really, for the moment with nothing to say, he'd await the party's next destination.


"Well, I am Sir Gerdar Cordorehk, third of my name", the dward nodded whilst once again stroking his beard, "Though just Gerdar's fine."


D’harum listened as the group discussed future plans, she liked the general ideas they were throwing about, and she would consider throwing in her support, but she was waiting for someone in the group to ask her to join them; this had yet to actually happen.


"What about you, silent one? Where would you be heading?"

Posted on 2023-03-17 at 14:35:23.

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Karma: 1/0
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Hit the road!

Uthal clapped his hands together, "Well, I am all for hitting the road." He turned to D’harum, "Will you join us?" 
Returning his attention to the others, "I will retire and meet those of you who wish to join us on this quest to find and vanquish these troublesome bandits, here at dawn. "Until morn." Uthal leaves to find a suitable place to sleep and recoup. He will be here at first light with those who wanna go chasing bandits.

Posted on 2023-03-18 at 02:45:50.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 64/11
1427 Posts


Morning had come and Soledad joined her companions as they made their way to the Barren Woods in search of the band of bandits. Sunlight shone from above and the with drew upon it. Speaking a word a power, she wove the life-giving essence of the sun around her like a second skin to offer some protection against whatever might lay ahead. They would all be ready. 

((OOC: Mage Armor))

Posted on 2023-03-19 at 10:13:01.

Karma: 24/0
404 Posts

So it begins

"Well, I am Sir Gerdar Cordorehk, third of my name", the dward nodded whilst once again stroking his beard, "Though just Gerdar's fine."

"What about you, silent one? Where would you be heading?"

D’harum smiled at the dwarf and inclined her head to him, “Well met, Sir Gerdar.”  

The monk’s forehead crinkled slightly at the dwarfs last question, she shrugged and said, “I have no plans for when I leave here.  I just go wherever fate takes me.”

She had been asked to go with this group and while she had listened to them discuss their plans, she heard them discuss going to deal with some bandits that had been reported in the area. 

“If you go to fight bandits,” she finally said, “I would accompany you to fight people who would prey upon innocent travelers.”

If their were no objections to her joining, she would shortly retire for the night with plans to meet the group in the morning to leave for their destination.  

Posted on 2023-03-21 at 17:49:54.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
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On the Road Again, I Just Can't Wait to Get on the Road Again

After extensive discussions about options and plans the group made final preparations before they left.  For a few silver spent at second-hand shops you were able to procure a reasonable ensemble of various garb.  You could likely look like peasants – or a slightly lower class of merchant if you desired.  Would it hide armor well?   Likely not.  But someone not armored or only in light armor should be well concealed.  But a goliath would be hard to hide.  And a dwarf was likely to look like a dwarf.  Their wealth and weapons might be concealed but not their race. 

               The group was also loaned a small cart and pony by Captain Rambolt who seemed eager to have someone finish off the bandits.  He took 15 gp from the party as a retainer – you would get it back when the cart and pony were safely returned.  He even tossed an empty chest into the back of the cart for you to make it look like you had something with you.  It wasn’t much, but it was there.


**The above was added based on discussion to give you options.  If you don’t want it – say so.  If you want to bring something else not normally on your character sheet say so – before my next post.**


               The party left town by the Field Gate along Field Lane early on a sunny day.  The road quickly turned to the Northwest and followed along the river.  For the first few miles there were open fields and pastures where the locals had cleared the Barren Woods and made room for agriculture.  But after a couple of miles the woods started encroaching on the road again.  Soon the settlements became sparse (and then non-existent) and the geography simple – to the left was the Barren Woods and to the right was the river.  It usually was about 15-50’ from the road to the woods but sometimes the road seemed to pass through it and there would be trees on the riverside of the road as well.  The Hreusen River was a large and relatively slow-moving river that flowed southward. (In the opposite direction the party was travelling.)  The road was generally about 50’ or so from the river but you could find spots that were a few hundred feet if you wanted them.  Between the road and the river was usually just light growth – bushes and such but sometimes there were small trees.  Essentially – the roads passed between the woods and the river.  While there was generally some distance between the two, within the space of a few miles you could probably find any distance and setup of woods and river you wanted.

               Before leaving town Captain Rambolt had given you a little information on the road.  There were several locations of interest worth commenting on. 

  1. About 15 miles from town there was an area where the woods went all the way down to the river and the road passed through dense woods for about ¼ mile. A couple of reported attacks had happened here. 
  2. About 22 miles from Ludensheim there was a small hill, really several small hills, just a short distance to the woodward side of the road. They were mostly in the woods but the road curved around the base of the mounds.  They were less than 40 feet high at most – not really hills but notable only since this side of the river was fairly flat.  (Compared to the Blacktooth Ridge opposite.)  At least one bandit attack was know to have happened here.
  3. In the 30-40 mile range several attacks had happened. There didn’t seem to be any specific location although the bandits seemed to like locations where the woods came close to the road. 
  4. About 45 miles down the road is the RiverRush House – an inn for travelers that had a wooden wall around its yard and which employed several guards. Its owner was Sven Folkenberg who captain Rambolt indicated was a “good man” who guarded his possessions well. 
  5. A few attacks also occurred Northwest of the RiverRush House but Captain Rambolt know no details about those attacks.


**If you want to ask Captain Rambolt any further questions you are welcome to do so.  If you have questions about anything along the road, let me know. 

Posted on 2023-03-22 at 20:17:54.

Karma: 24/0
404 Posts

The next morning, D’harum gathered her few belonging, and met with the other party members out front of the Inn and prepared to get underway on their current journey. 

The monk was dressed in her simple clothes, with a plain brown and worn cloak that covered most of her slim form.  When the party got underway, she simply walked along next to the cart that they had decided would be their ‘cover’ in their quest to draw out the bandits and get them to attack the party, much to the bandits trepidations. 

While she wasn’t sure this deception was going to work, D’harum went along with the groups plan.  She was a newcomer to this group, and while she got a good feeling about them, they had yet to show any true good intentions to her. She would hang around, and lend her support to them, until they proved unworthy of her assistance.

She walked along next to them, trialing slightly behind near the rear of the group so she could observe and place herself where she could lend assistance as needed.

The only ‘visible’ weapon, might be the short 5’ hardwood staff she carried in her left hand as a sort of walking staff.  While she seemed at ease, D’harum was on full alert as they moved down the road in search of the bandits they had mentioned were about.

(OOC: she will follow along with the group, on constant alert ready for any sort of attack or counter attack. Since she has'nt been completely filled in on the mission, she isn't sure what to expect so she is on constant alert. )


Posted on 2023-03-25 at 20:08:59.

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Alas, the heir to the Cordorehk clan emerged in what almost passed for a peasant disquise; his simple tunic, wide as it was, bulged on the armor and the the sizeable axe probably wasn't even worth trying to hide.

"Maybe if you guys stand around me the bandits won't notice and think we're a bunch of regular folk?", Gerdar pondered, fingers within his beard again, "Just let me through if they attack."

Posted on 2023-03-29 at 09:37:06.

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Stay alert!

Uthal joins Thäoran and the ambush party.

As they travel parralel to the bait party in the woods, he manipulates some burnt leaves and twigs in his hands while muttering some words to himself (casting 'Pass without Trace' on the ambush party, group stealth check?)

Posted on 2023-04-20 at 19:17:11.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3141 Posts

A plan of sorts

I don’t really have details of your plan, so I ended up making a best guess.  I just got my computer up and running so it is good to be able to post. 


The group set out from Ludensheim hoping to bait the bandits into an attack.  A cart with a horse walked along the road with a few of the party walking next to it hoping to look like merchants.  Gerdar was there with his armor stretching the peasants clothes he was wearing.  Next to him walked D’Harum whose clothes naturally matched the “peasant look” the group was going for.  Fenris was also there – his recent time in the custody of the goblins had left his clothes looking less than fancy.  Looking at the group, they were perhaps more a group of peasants than merchants, but the cart had a tempting chest riding in it. 

               As the group moved along Uthal, Thaoran and Soledad followed.  When possible they moved through the woods to the side of the road but most of the time they were simply forced to keep their distance behind while trying to stay out of sight.  For the first 15 miles nothing happened.  This was no great surprise as for these miles the woods kept their distance to the west and farms could sometimes be seen.  But at the 15 mile mark the road passed into the Barren Woods.  The party knew at this point that the woods would be close to the river and surround the woods for the next ¼ mile or so.  At this point Uthal cast Pass Without a Trace on those following behind.  This section of the woods was known to be a potential ambush site for the bandits.  The spells cover would hopefully allow the trailing group to stay closer to the bait.  But they still followed 100 feet behind while attempting to stealth their way down a road through the woods.


***Uthal was going to cast Pass Without a Trace but the spell only has a one hour duration.  Instead of having him burn all of his spell slots in more settled territory I decided it made more sense to have him cast the spell when a more likely target site was in range.  This casting ought to last through the wooded section and a bit beyond, but not much further.


               As the group with the wagon moved through the woods the road took several turns around boulders and massive trees.  Despite it being full noon, the road took on the look of dusk as the trees closed overhead.  About 1/3 of the way through the wooded area as the group approached another turn in the woods a shout rang out in the woods.  “Halt!  This road is closed!”

               As the group in front came to a halt in response to the call it became clear that they had found the bandits.  A tall man stood out on top of a large boulder to the left of the road.  The gloom made it hard to get a good look at him as did the cloth covering his face.  Atop the boulder he was  20’ in front of the horse and about 15’ off the ground.  “Do not move.  We have you surrounded and must determine your purpose upon this road!  If you attempt any action your life will be forfeited!  You are surrounded. Don’t you know there are bandits in these woods!”

               That last statement seemed to get a small laugh that let you know that he was not alone.  A very large ½ orc with a greatword stepped into the middle of the road even with the boulder – so about 20’ in front of you.  A few feet behind him you took note of a couple of archers.  A young human woman quickly stepped out and grabbed the lead of the horse pulling your cart to keep it from bolting.  She seemed intent on keeping the horse between herself and you.  A quick glance behind showed that two more archers had stepped out of the woods about 50’ behind you. 

               While the group by the wagon halted at the sudden appearance of others, those following slunk into the shadows for cover.  They could easily hear what was being said.  Nobody seemed to have moved to surround them so perhaps they had passed without a trace so far. 


Situation Overview

I will attempt to get out a map soon.  But for now, the following description should be enough to allow you to decide how to react to the newcomers.

You are in an area that is heavily wooded.  The road is a hard track about 15’ wide that here is fairly straight until reaching the turn before which you were confronted.  The trees come within a few feet of each side of the road.  You can move through the woods fairly easily if desired, but they will block the view of anything more than 20’ away from you and provide plenty of hiding places.  As far as you can tell the trailing group (Thaoran, Uthal and Soledad) remains undetected.  For the new group – six figures are visible. 

The order of figures is as follows (From front to back) – starting at the point where the road bends to the left.  All of the figures below are before the turn in a tract that is fairly straight. 

Two archers – 25’ in front of the horse

½ orc in middle of road – 20’ in front of the horse

Speaker on boulder – 20’ in front of horse a bit to the left of the road.

Young woman – at the front of your horse holding its lead.

Your cart with Fenris, D’Harum and Gerdar.  Fenris is the only one on the cart – he was driving. 

Two archers – 50’ behind the cart.

The trailing party members (Uthal, Soledad and Thaoran) – 50’ behind the archers.  100’ behind the cart.

Posted on 2023-04-23 at 17:26:15.

Karma: 24/0
404 Posts

The Encounter

D’Harum had been walking next to the cart on its right side, as it made it’s way down the road; her short staff in her right hand she used like a walking/hiking stick.   Her pack was sitting in the cart within reach if she needed it, but it really didn't contain anything should would need often.  While they had walked she would only access the pack to take a drink from her water skin occasionally.  Often she would hum a tune, and while she wasn’t much of a singer, her voice wasn’t terrible in and of itself.

The monk’s senses were always alert for trouble even when she seemed at ease and humming aloud.  She was especially alert when they trail reached a spot which gave rise to many places to hide, and just as she started to feel that something would happen soon, a voice rang out.

“Halt!  This road is closed!”, said a tall man who appeared atop a boulder ahead of them.   “Do not move.  We have you surrounded and must determine your purpose upon this road!  If you attempt any action your life will be forfeited!  You are surrounded. Don’t you know there are bandits in these woods!”

D’Harum stopped and turned her head slowly to look around briefly noting the positions of other bandits as they appeared around the wagon and it’s companions.  When a girl stepped out and grabbed the cart horse’s lead, the monk slowly moved forward and reached out slowly with her left hand to grab the horse’s halter and made gentle soothing sounds to the horse.  Her eyes passed over the woman and came to settle on, what she assumed was, the bandit’s leader while keeping the girl in her peripheral vision.

“Who are you,” said said aloud to the leader, “to accost holy monks of the great Helm, God of Vigilance and Protection?   Have you no honor?”

Her stance and demeanor were such as belongs to someone who was not used to such blatant disregard of station and honor.

She grasped her staff tightly in her right hand, and while her muscles appeared relaxed, she was a coiled snake preparing to strike.  Her words were meant to distract the bandits, or at least the leader, in the hopes they would focus up their gaze, and possibly weapons, on her while she awaited whatever actions the rest of the following party planned to do.

If things started to happen, her first target would be the girl holding the reins of the horse, she would use her staff for a full attack upon the girl.  If the archers fired upon her, she would attempt to deflect the arrows with her hands or staff, depending upon how many arrows come her way.


(OOC: not sure how the actions work in this game, but if you need further details of her actions, let me know. If only one archer fires on her, she would attempt to deflect the arrow with her hand, and attack the girl with her staff.)

Posted on 2023-04-26 at 16:01:41.

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Karma: 1/0
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Before kicking off...

Uthal, still concentrating on his spell, moves as close as possible to the two rear archers (stealth check), indicating to Soledad and Thäoran his intention.

Should the veil be lifted from Himself, Soledad or Thäoran, he will cast 'Ice Knife' at the farthest bandits in range without risking any of his companions.

(ooc: I changed up the target of Uthal's Ice Knife spell so as not to tread on Soledad's sleep spell and not to risk any of our party.)

Posted on 2023-04-27 at 20:41:36.
Edited on 2023-05-01 at 19:45:22 by Jim

RDI Fixture
Karma: 64/11
1427 Posts

Edging closer...

Soledad followed along close to Uthal and Thaoran, moving with fey stealth and hoping the aid of the spell would hide them until they are close enough to strike. The witch had more than a few nasty suprises for the band of bandits waiting at her fingertips. The lone woman amongst these brutes concerned her, there had been rumors of a mage and if any fit the description it would be her. She hoped those in closer proximity held their cautions as well.


The trio is still beyond the range of spells. Once they are close enough, Soledad will unleash offensive spells to take a number of opponents out of action. The focus will be on those directly in front of the wagon group. The goal will be to affect as many opponents as possible within the area of effect. 

Stinking Cloud - assuming she can hit nearly all opponents and avoid hitting allies

Web - if a smaller amount of opponents are within effect she will throw web anchored between the rocks. Again hit as many enemies as possible without catching allies. 

Sleep Cast at Level 2 - final option to avoid hitting allies. If combat breaks out before she is within range of those at the front she will hit the archers in the back with this. 

Posted on 2023-04-29 at 10:53:06.
Edited on 2023-05-12 at 11:10:00 by Nimu

RDI Fixture
Karma: 16/1
884 Posts

Inching Ahead...

Thäoran took stock of the bandits positions and noted Uthal's intent as Uthal intended to use Ice Knife should he be discovered. Thäoran gave brief nod in acknowledgement. He then crept as quietly as he could, inching closer to the bandits while still keeping to the cover of trees and undergrowth at the side of the road. ((OOC: Moving forward 15 feet))

The elf raised his bow, nocking an arrow, and awaited his companion's actions before he made his move.

(OOC: In the Q&A thread, Nimu said she would cast the sleeping spell on the bandits. So Thäoran will target the nearest bandit who ISN'T affected by her spell after she casts it, if there are any unaffected. Hope that made sense))

Posted on 2023-05-01 at 07:36:21.
Edited on 2023-05-01 at 07:40:39 by dragon-soul92

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Trying to look as he were just scratching the back of his head nervously, Gerdar began to slowly reach at the greataxe underneath his baggy disquise just in case as he waited for what was to come.

Posted on 2023-05-05 at 08:29:56.


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