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404 Posts

Is it over?

D’Harum heard no reply to her inquiry, so she waited a couple seconds more than noticed the absence of battle sounds.  She assumed the the conflict was over, so taking her staff in her left hand, she reached down and grasped the bound hands of her prisoner and began to drag her towards the road where the she hoped to find the rest of the party.  

The Monk’s thoughts were, to check on the status of the group and her intentions were to take this prisoner back for questioning, either with the group, or with those back in the town they had been preying upon. 


(OOC: In dragging the prisoner back, the woman wakes up, she will give her a chance to get to her feet, which she will free, but she will keep her hands bound behind her and in the Monk’s grasp.  She will be ready to rap the woman on the head again with her staff if she resists.  Once back with the others, and if the battle is over, she will suggest that they take any prisoners back to town for questioning.  If they can find out where these bandits are encamped, they can plan a raid on them and capture more for the town’s justice).

Posted on 2023-07-06 at 15:24:46.

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"I see those gits one more time they'll become my height", the dwarf scoffed as he tucked the axe back behind his back then turned at the monk and the captive, "Well at least we got something out of this farse."

Posted on 2023-07-09 at 06:36:54.

Karma: 24/0
404 Posts

Continued, since you asked.

D'harum dragged her prisoner towards the rest of the group, or allowed them to walk, hold them strongly by the behind the back bound hands, she encountered the Dwarf who seemed very much excited by the recent combat.

"I see those gits one more time they'll become my height", the dwarf scoffed as he tucked the axe back behind his back then turned at the monk and the captive, "Well at least we got something out of this farse."

 The monk stopped and raised an eyebrow at the Dwarf's statement, and looked at her prisoner, "This one will be no more problem," she said to the prisoner, "Cooperate and you will not be harmed." 

She continued to drag them along, keeping an eye out for any signs of tensing prior to an escape attempt.

When they arriving at the rest of the group, assuming they do without incident, she presents her prisoner.

"This one needs to be returned for questioning about her companions," she said, and looked about at the other captives. "They will lead to these foul bandits." 

(The monk will stand behind returning the captives to Ludensheim, and let them do the questioning and possibly hunting down the rest of the bandits.  She won't resist too much of others want to question them, but she will strongly oppose any one performing violence against them in order to get answers.  If necessary, she will step in, if things go too far, and stop any form of torture on captives.  She cares nothing about the dead bandits, as she finds looting of the fallen to be disgraceful most of the time. Maybe for information, but not for spoils.)

Posted on 2023-07-16 at 13:38:41.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3141 Posts


The group gathered the three prisoners on the road by the cart.  The several dead were allowed to stay where they had fallen.  The first to speak was D'Harum who promised them that they would not be hurt if they cooperated.  The others did not exactly jump up and support this claim, but neither did they refute it.  The monk took up a position behind the prisoners.  Fenris, seeing nobody else take the lead, stepped forward and started a brief interogation.  

"Ok, that little ambush didn't go very well for you or your companions."  Here he briefly indicated the dead that lay on the road.  "And it appears that your companions abandoned you when the going got tough.  You don't really want to suffer for them, do you?"   At this point the monk seemed to catch his eye but the half-elf didn't seem to be making a direct threat - just a general one and he hoped the monk would let it slide.  "What we need from you is information.  What can you tell us about those who abandoned you?  Where did they go?"

The three prisoners looked at Fenris and then down at the ground.  Then they looked at each other.  After the half-elf prompted with a rather grumpy, "Well??" one, an older woman who had been put to sleep by Soledad's sleep spell, looked up and spoke.  "That other one, the one behind us, she said we wouldn't be hurt.  Those who who fled - they would hurt us if they knew.  Will you free us if we tell you?  What will happen to us?"

At this point there was some discussion amongst the party and "bring them back to town" was mentioned.  This got their attention.  The young woman who D'Harum had knocked out grabbed the arm of the older woman who quickly spoke.  "Please, don't send us back to town.  The one behind us promised we would not be hurt.  If you accuse us of banditry in Ludensheim we will quickly dance the Grim Fandango."  When several of the party looked oddly at this expression she replied with exasperation, "We will get the gibbet, get strung up, get HANGED!"  She spun to look at D'Harum.  "That sounds like getting hurt to me."  

She looked up a bit more definatly after a moment.  "We'll help, but not if you are going to bring us back to that town.  Let us go and we will tell you all."

**It seems there is a bit to decide before going directly back to Ludensheim.

Posted on 2023-07-17 at 20:52:47.

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Karma: 1/0
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What to do with these three?

Uthal wanders around the bound prisoners for a while, before walking off to the side of the road and toward the scrub, where he starts muttering to himself. Shortly after, he turns and from behind him, out of the woods appears two dire wolves on either side of him. He whispers to the beasts before they silently bound over to the three prisoners and slowly circle them in an intimidaing way. He walks back and stands nearby as the others interrogate them.

Posted on 2023-07-20 at 05:30:06.
Edited on 2023-07-20 at 05:34:32 by Jim

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Karma: 3/0
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"Well as far as I know, banditry is a croime. I'm not gonna be the judge but I still think criminals should be dealt with by the people in charge of the local law - if the law says to hang ye I'm not going against it but that'll be beyond me."

Posted on 2023-07-21 at 08:24:30.

Karma: 24/0
404 Posts

At this point there was some discussion amongst the party and "bring them back to town" was mentioned.  This got their attention.  The young woman who D'Harum had knocked out grabbed the arm of the older woman who quickly spoke.  "Please, don't send us back to town.  The one behind us promised we would not be hurt.  If you accuse us of banditry in Ludensheim we will quickly dance the Grim Fandango."  When several of the party looked oddly at this expression she replied with exasperation, "We will get the gibbet, get strung up, get HANGED!"  She spun to look at D'Harum.  "That sounds like getting hurt to me."  

She looked up a bit more definatly after a moment.  "We'll help, but not if you are going to bring us back to that town.  Let us go and we will tell you all."

D’harum raised an eyebrow at the young woman captives words, and she stepped forward and looked the woman in the eyes as she spoke.

“You are criminals,” she said in an impassive tone, “you preyed upon helpless people, and now you expect to go free without facing justice?”  

A sad, pitying look came to her face as she slowly shook her head, “we will not harm you, but we will not set you free, instead we will return you to Ludensheim authorities who will deal out the punishment you deserve.  Once you are out of our custody, what happens to you is not our concern.”

The look in the monk’s eyes, and the stern tone would no doubt tell the captives that they would receive no freedom here.  

“Now,” she leaned back from staring at the captive and placed her hands on her hips, “if one of you cooperates, and tells us something useful, then we might put a good word in with the authorities, and you might not die but spend time in jail instead.   The choice is up to you.”  

The monk stood and waited to see if any would tell them what they wanted to know, or if they would have to let Ludensheim deal with them. 

Posted on 2023-07-23 at 16:12:10.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3141 Posts

To speak or not to speak, that is the question.

The older woman who had been the spokesperson for the others listened as D'Harum spoke about returning them to the authorities.   "Justice?  You think we will receive justice in that town?  Hah!  We are out here because the Lord of that town cares only about his own"  She spat at the ground near the monks feet, clearly missing but expressing her feelings for the lord of Ludensheim.  "And why would we negotiate with you if you are to hand us over to the authorities anyway?  Anything we know would be best given to them directly.  It won't likely save us, but if there is any chance it is with them,not you.  You think the head of the guard will care what we told someone else when the time comes?  Nor will you get credit for any information.  If you won't free us to honor your pledge, do it for profit.  Knowing where the leaders are will get you more than the heads of a few underlings."  

She left the comment there, hoping for some reaction.  She looked at each in their turn but got nothing but stares back.  The only one to comment was the dwarf, who spoke of the crime of banditry and its consequences.  Looking down she spoke to the other two prisoners and said quietly,  "We must the guard captain has more interest in dealing.  Stay strong.  Tears won't help."  

**Based on previous comments from the group I am assuing that her further comments don't change your mind.  But if anyone wishes to ask more questions at this point please speak up.  i will move things forward, but we can come back to this point if needed.**

The group quickly gathered their things and counted the dead.  The prisoners had their bindings checked and were put intot he wagon.  Then the group turned around and headed back to town.

**A second post about returning the prisoners to the captain of the guard will be coming shortly.

Posted on 2023-07-28 at 15:48:53.
Edited on 2023-07-28 at 16:28:31 by Nomad D2

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3141 Posts

A job 1/2 Done

By the time the group returned to Ludenshiem it was getting dark.  They had received some strange stares by the farmers nearer the town and now received the same treatment from the guards at the gate.  Seeing the prisoners bound in the back of the cart the leader looked at the party strangely.  But before he could speak the lady yelled, “Help!  Guard!  They are trying to make us slaves!  They seized us from our farm!  They are lying!  Help us!  Free us!”   The younger woman, taking her cue from the elder, started sobbing and begging for aid. 

               Quickly several other guards came over to the cart and held weapons at the ready and demanded an answer from the group.  When the group quickly explained their errand and the true nature of the situation (Over the protestations of the prisoners) the sergeant at the gate nodded.  He spoke to another guard saying, “Dinky, run to the captain and confirm that he hired these folks.  Return with his orders.”  The small young man ran off quickly.  Looking back at the party he addressed them.  “I can’t have others holding prisoners in town besides the guard.  We will hold your prisoners in the guard house until Dink returns.  In the meantime the you can take your cart to that spot over there and wait.  It shouldn’t be more than a few minutes.”  He pointed toward a location a few yards to the left of the gate – outside the walls.  He then went back to ignoring the party.

**Assuming you allow this to all happen…

About 10 minutes later the guard known as Dinky came back – trotting this time.  After speaking with the sergeant for a couple of minutes Dinky and the sergeant approached the group again.  “Ok, it seems your story checks out, at least the basics of it.  Dink here will get the prisoners and then lead you to the guard house.  Don’t leave him.  We will let you deliver your prize, but now that you are in town those are no longer your prisoners.  They belong to me now, Dink as your get there and the guard post after that.”  Dinky quickly brought the prisoners back out and had them put back in the cart.  They continued to protest their innocence as you headed into town.  You heard the sergeant say as you left, “Shoulda thought of that before you became robbers.  You will be crying a lot louder soon.” 

The group moved quickly through town – after sundown there wasn’t much traffic beyond those going to or coming from the various taverns.  The guard house was not far from the field gate and when they arrived they were met by Captain Rambolt, the same man that had sent them out that morning.  “Quick work.  Not even a full day and you return with prizes.  Although they hardly look like the ringleaders.”  With that he looked at you a bit and pointed to his office to indicate that it was time to talk. 

Taking a seat behind his desk the party variously sat in chairs or leaned against the wall depending on personal choice and the availability of chairs.  “Ok, 3 prisoners.  Tell me what happened.”  It was now time for the group to speak. 

*If any of you wish to write out this description for detail or to emphasize certain points feel free to do so.*

The group told the basic story of their trap and the ensuing bandit attack.  The assault, combat and deaths were described.  After you finished Captain Ramboldt spoke again.  “Hmmm . . . well, that makes a start, see?  A few dead and a few captured.  But all underlings by the look and sound of it.  There was a wizard – and he got away. The spokesperson got away.  That big half-orc go away.  As did at least a couple of others.  So the beast has been scratched, but not badly injured, see?  They might take this as a sign to move to safer hunting grounds or they might just be more cautious, and likely more brutal, in their next attack.  Did you scare them away, or just poke a hornet’s nest, see?” 

The large captain paused a bit before continuing.  “Well, the job is only at best half-done.  Not even that much that we can be sure of.  The promise was 100 gp, but that was to clear them out.  They aren’t cleared out.  So the question is, are you done or not?  We will keep the prisoners here tonight and put them to the question.  Assuming they do turn out to be bandits, I’m not doubting you on that score we just have to be sure, you can come back in the morning and I’ll pay you 10gp for your efforts so far.  Not the full 100, but then the job isn’t done, see?”  He paused a moment to see how the group responded.  “At that point you can go out and try again.  Try and get the leaders. Wipe out all of them.  We may have more information by then to help you.  You can take the night to decide what you want to do.   Maybe go across the way to the Drunken Donkey and talk about it.  The problem, it seems, will still exist in the morning.”

As the group moved out of his office he added, “Leave the cart here.  In the morning we can decide if it will be needed again.  Ask the sergeant out there for your 15gp back for the cart.”   The group got their money back and left.



At this point you need to decide if you think you want to go after the bandits again.  I will soon add more information (what the questioners got from the prisoners) but wanted to get this posted without it first.  There are several spots in the story above that you might interject comments or questions.  Feel free to do so.  Or decide a bit as a group if you want to hunt bandits again.  If not, there are other options. 

Posted on 2023-07-28 at 16:27:51.

Karma: 24/0
404 Posts

The job is not done.

The older woman who had been the spokesperson for the others listened as D'Harum spoke about returning them to the authorities.   "Justice?  You think we will receive justice in that town?  Hah!  We are out here because the Lord of that town cares only about his own"  She spat at the ground near the monks feet, clearly missing but expressing her feelings for the lord of Ludensheim.  "And why would we negotiate with you if you are to hand us over to the authorities anyway?  Anything we know would be best given to them directly.  It won't likely save us, but if there is any chance it is with them,not you.  You think the head of the guard will care what we told someone else when the time comes?  Nor will you get credit for any information.  If you won't free us to honor your pledge, do it for profit.  Knowing where the leaders are will get you more than the heads of a few underlings." 


She left the comment there, hoping for some reaction.  She looked at each in their turn but got nothing but stares back.  The only one to comment was the dwarf, who spoke of the crime of banditry and its consequences.  Looking down she spoke to the other two prisoners and said quietly,  "We must the guard captain has more interest in dealing.  Stay strong.  Tears won't help." 


The monk listened impassively as the older woman spoke, and raised an eyebrow when she finished, "honor our pledge?  I promised we would not harm you, and that will not happen while you are in our custody, but I am sure the Ludenshiem authorities will not be so gracious.  So be it."

 D'Harum turned away from the prisoners and left them to be bound to return to the town.


Once in town, the monk shook her head at the futile attempt at crying 'victim' to the guards.  She stood by and waited for the guards to sort out their concerns, knowing they would not be taken in by such a feeble attempt.


She had nothing further to say to the prisoners, but only watched them with a slightly sad expression on her face knowing what probably awaited them in the guards hands.  She let the others tell the tale of the encounter, and added nothing to it as it seemed through enough. 


When the guard Captain mentioned the job only half-done, the monk stood up and spoke for herself, "I am willing to pursue the issue further in finding the other bandits."  She spoke not only to the captain but the rest of the group.  It was left up to each individual to decide for themselves.


(Assuming the night passes, and the decision made to continuing)


D'Harum sleep the night in a common room of a local tavern, hopefully playing for her room and board as usual.  She had played here in this town before, so her reputation would most likely make this easier to obtain.  She would meet with the group after breakfast, and go to the Guard Captain's office (Assuming that is the general decision) and see what information they had manage to get out of the prisoners. 


She felt a little sorry for the captives, as she knew the guards torturer would not be kind to them, but she had offered to speak for them and perhaps forestall the pain they would no doubt endure.  But they had broken the laws, preyed upon the weak and innocent, and then failed to seek the one path presented to them to help them in the end.  They would no doubt swing for their crimes as they had said; she pitied their type, but had no remorse on her own actions in bringing out their justice.


(Will add any additions, as needed as others post their actions.)

Posted on 2023-07-30 at 11:02:38.

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Karma: 1/0
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Stepping back a bit

Before we head back to town: Uthal leaves the dire wolves to guard the prisoners with the others while he retrieves the other dead bandits and loads them upon the wagon to take back to town.

ooc: I am not sure if or how that will change anything.

On the trip back to town: He whispers something to his two wolf friends and they bound off into the woods.

Back at the town, with the Captain: Uthal says nothing. He listens, stoically as the captain lays out his terms.

ooc: I assume we will be finding a tavern together and perhaps The Drunken Donkey may not be our best option as the Captain suggested. DM, is there any other taverns worth frequenting nearby.

At the tavern: Uthal speaks in confidence to his friends "That Captain seemed to know more about the bandits than we have let on."

ooc: Correct me if I am wrong, but I don't recall any of us sharing the information about a wizard or a half-orc etc. And he surely didn't give us any information about that before we set out. I am with D'Harum. We finish what we started.

Uthal will take up lodgings in an agreed tavern. (ooc: Given he has enough time for a long rest and meditation, I will rearrange his prepared spells for our next outing.)

Posted on 2023-08-05 at 19:54:46.
Edited on 2023-08-05 at 20:01:40 by Jim

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3141 Posts

Gathering Info at the Goat

A couple of comments

*The inclusion of the bodies of the dead bandits does not significantly change the attitude of captain Rambolt although he does seem a touch more impressed with your work.  With proof of more than just the 3 captives you are offered 20 gp for the days work and not just 10. 

*The captain didn’t really let much slip that you wouldn’t think he should know.  He had warned you about a possible wizard before you left town the first time.  As for the half-orc, I had posted that you “told the basic story,” and I assumed that would have included that detail.  I wasn’t given any detail of what you would or would not say to the captain.  I don’t think this is a big deal and we can change it slightly so you didn’t give such details, but you should not interpret it as Captain Ramboldt giving anything away.  You noticed no slips. 


Continuing the story

The group left the guard station promising to return in the morning.  No promise was made about continuing the bandit hunt – the group wanted to know what information was extracted from the prisoners before making up their minds about what to do next.  Captain Ramboldt had suggested the Drunken Donkey for the night but instead the group returned to the Fainting Goat where they had stayed previously.  The taverns proprietor and primary bar maid, Little Gerry, was back at her post and welcomed them all back to the Inn.  Good food and beverages of various sorts were to be had as the group considered their days work. 

               In the morning the group returned to the guard station.  They had to wait 15 minutes for Captain Rambolt to appear – it seems he was at the Duke’s keep where the prisoners had been taken.  While the group waited it was impossible not to hear a couple of the guards snickering over what had happened to he prisoners.  A few snippets such as, “I’m sure I heard ‘em through the stone!” and “We all know what Ol’ Jacky likes to do with those tongs!”  While you wouldn’t bet the price of a mug of ale that these two knew much more than in which direction the sun came up, but clearly the prisoners had not had a pleasant night of things.  But when the captain returned the snickering stopped abruptly and you were summoned into his office. 

               “Ok, so the Questioners did their job as they always do.  And the prisoners talked as they always do.  Now, did they tell the truth?  Well, ‘what they always do’ is a bit harder to pin down on that point.  But there is likely some truth in it.  If you take the job, don’t go in assuming you know everything, but there is probably some information to work with here.  It seems two of them were family – that always seems to make Jack excited.”  The Captain did not seem as excited by that as the mysterious Jack  had been. 

               “There were two things we were primarily interested in – where and who.  Where is the base camp and what sort of resistance might you encounter?  Those are the keys in an operation like this.   We got two separate claims about locations – one was along the Konigqueren stream about 5 miles into the woods.  The other was near a large hill marked at the top by an old Hangman’s Tree – and actual tree with nooses it uses to catch its prey.  That tree is dead now and the hill does exist.  It should be about 5 miles in from where you were attacked.  That location was notable for a small hill in the woods – part of the same line that the Hangman’s Hill is in.  Follow that line and you find the hill.  Do you find the bandits?  After some encouragement two of them gave that information separately.  So it seems more likely than the stream.”

               “Now the who – well they admit the wizard readily enough. And annoyance called “Felkirk” apparently.  You already know he can throw fireballs.  The leader of the band is a man, not the half-orc mind, named Thomal Ridgeway.  Or at least that is what he is going by now.  That matches what I knew before, by the way.  He’s a sword.  So is the orc.  They are the biggest blades.  Should be a cleric in there.  Don’t know of what.  Other people came up but were jumbled.  Those 4 are the big ones.  Probably.”

               At this point the Captain paused and twirled his quill in his hand a little.  “We did get a little something else.  It seems they have some contacts to the East.  East.  That means across the river and into the Ridge.  We have had some trouble on the Ridge side of the river already.  New Town, the farms on that side of the river, have been plagued by more than the usual number of raids recently.  If these bandits are somehow in league with them, I’d like to know.  I’m not sure about that – it seems unlikely as most of the bandits that use the woods for cover are just poor and desperate locals.  Those types don’t trek with the Ridge.  But then this group got themselves a mage.  So, maybe.  But information on that connection might be worth a few extra gold if there was proof one way or the other.  And that was offered as a bargaining chip – it wasn’t specifically asked for.  Does that make it more likely to be true?”  That last part didn’t seem aimed at the party so much as just the musings of a soldier. 

               “Well, what do you say?  Want to go hunting for some bandits?  You likely won’t be able to play the role of the victim this time around.  After the whooping you gave ‘em they might be in hiding.  At the least they won’t attack the same group.  So you’ll need to follow them to their lair.  Same deal as last time, see?  The rest of the gold if you get them all.  A bonus, see, if you get info on the Ridge connection.”  The group did not seem ready to respond immediately so the Captain followed up with, “Take the day and think about it.  Go back to the Goat and talk.  I’d be happy to have you take this on but if not there are others out there who might.  Come back – preferably tonight but if not in the morning – and let me know what you intend.  If there is any more information extracted, I’ll certainly fill you in on it.”

               With that the party was ushered out and headed back to the Fainting Goat to discuss their options. 


The above is the general take on the conversation with the captain.  If there are parts of it you want to ask specific questions on – please feel free to do so. You never know if there is more information available unless you ask.  He will provide a very limited map should you choose to take the job.  And, as always, don’t feel like you have to take the job.  Things can always go in a different direction if your characters want to do that. 

We will pause here to make sure that everone contributes.  That will also give us a clear shot of who is still interested.  

Posted on 2023-08-12 at 00:45:50.

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Karma: 3/0
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Back at the Fainting Goat

*stroking beard again* "I honestly came out'ere to kill monsters so my clan could return, I'm no lawman. Still, bandits are always trouble fer the common folk so I wouldn't mind dealing with them - I'm sure the monsters in those badlands won't go anywhere in the meantoime."

Posted on 2023-08-13 at 10:47:50.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 64/11
1427 Posts

I guess it's back to the bandits...

Soledad pursed her lips with mild frustration as she ran a golden finger along the surface of the table they all shared now. It had never been her intention to hand their hostages over to the town questioners; she had her own means of unearthing the truth one that was far more effective and significantly less violent that the bloody means of the questioners. Human law was more depraved than the criminals it sought to apprehend. Still, further pursuit of the bandits would provide them a direction to follow and might reveal answers to questions they had not yet known to ask. 

"We are agreed then. We complete the task of dealing with the local brigands, then we shall see where our path leads next."

Posted on 2023-08-20 at 07:32:10.

Karma: 24/0
404 Posts

D’Harum sat quietly when the guards were entertaining themselves with talk of the prisoner’s torture.  The Monk knew that torture was going to be the fate of the ones they had turned over to the guards, and they had been offered a chance to talk an spare themselves the pain and torment.  But knowing they had been given that chance, didnt ease the mental anguish that she was dealing with for her role in all of it.  

When they returned to the Fainting Goat to discuss their plans, she said simply, “I will accompany you all on this quest to deal with the bandits, and see this thing through to the end.”     

That said she rose and left them to discuss the details, trusting them to decide the route they would take going after the bandits.   If anyone watched her depart, they would see her walk over to the bartender and speak to them for a moment.  The bartender gave a look of surprise, then nodded with a faint smile and gestured over toward the bar room’s hearth. 

The Monk went over to the hearth and pulled up a stool, sitting her bag down by her feet, she pulled out the her 2’ long bamboo flute and began to play a slow mournful tune, which some might recognize as the sad tale of the romance between Thelma Twofist and Bahgoon the Unbearable. 

(OOC:  The group can decide the path, as she doesn't care to make decisions about the actions of the group.  She will go along and only offer resistance if it violates her beliefs in terms of behavior and morals.)

Posted on 2023-08-20 at 18:33:24.


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