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Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts

Disregard Previous Post / An Unexpected Rage Rose Up

An unexpected rage rose up within the Hill Dwarf Cleric of Helm, as Dok unleased a Guiding Bolt against the surprised Goblins!

Dok was not about to allow this group to get the upper hand against either himself or his adventuring friends!

((OOC: If he was not in range to unleash the Guiding Bolt effectively, then Dok moves closer and unleashes the Guiding Bolt))

Posted on 2022-03-29 at 18:55:30.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 1/0
111 Posts

Frosty carnage

(OOC: if the goblins are within range and there is no risk to any friend...)

Uthal reaches for his waterskin, finding a drop of water, he molds the drop with his hands into a shard of ice to cast Ice Knife (2nd Level) at the attacking goblins (aiming at the centre most goblin).

Posted on 2022-03-29 at 23:50:22.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 16/1
884 Posts

Yet MORE of These Bloody Things!

Frowning a little in exasperation, Thäoran drew his rapier and aimed a slash at the lefternmost goblin's legs in the hopes of wounding him or at least tripping him up so the elf's companions could finish him off.

The Eldrritch Knight had seen enough of these foul fiends to last him the rest of his immortal life, but he knew they would inevitably encounter more if and when they finally broke into the Vargolg.

Posted on 2022-03-30 at 10:48:20.

Keeper of Dragons
Devil's Advocate
Karma: 59/18
2581 Posts

It was hard to tell if Hornet or the falling goblins were more surprised to see the other.  Of all the possibilities Hornet had imagined, hill sliding goblins was not one of them.  Quickly raising his cross bow he sent a bolt toward the left most goblin.  

Posted on 2022-03-30 at 17:33:04.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 64/11
1427 Posts

Why don't you just go to sleep...

The golden witch pursed her lips at the sight of yet another horde of vile goblins. Snapping her fingers, Soledad once again spun a sleeping hex and set it upon the wretched creatures. 

((OOC: Cast Sleep at Lvl 1 targeting the goblins))

Posted on 2022-03-31 at 09:44:02.

Trilogy Master
RDI Staff
Karma: 181/119
6817 Posts

Cry havoc

With the goblin in the rocks dead, Hornet quickly called for action and indicated the group should quickly move forward. Hornet and the two dwarves who were already at the front on the path took the lead. Silver following quickly behind, her bow readied with a new arrow nocked. Moving at a moderate pace, the party trying to maintain some speed while also trying to maintaining a quiet approach. However in only seconds that was all thrown to s*** as literally a goblin was thrown down the path past the group in a screaming yelp.

Following behind him a group of other goblins came also stumbling down – not falling, but not precisely in control of their momentum either. Reaching the bottom, they staggered to a halt and looked in your direction.

S***” Silver mumbled under her breath as she turned and raised her bow.

Before the group, roughly 50’ away, stood six goblins on the path, seeing the group for the first time themselves several of them screamed and pointed at the group.

Bow up, arrow ready, she took aim and fired it off, a second arrow following quickly…..

Posted on 2022-04-02 at 00:53:32.
Edited on 2022-04-02 at 00:53:54 by TannTalas

Karma: 24/0
404 Posts

Short and to the point

Lilly looked up as a half dozen goblins became visible on the path.  A grin grew on her lips as she moved forward towards them as the others in group began to take action.  Drawing a smooth stone from one of her side pouches, she fitted it into pouch at the top of her hoopak.  Once she had moved about half the distance (25’ ) to the goblins, she stabbed the sharp end of her hoopak into the ground to make a steady shot, and drew back the sling and then loosed her shot at the nearest standing adversary.

((If a goblin closes the distance before she moves forward, she will use her hoopak as a spear, or if the combined actions of goblin and Lilly bring them within melee distance. This is what I’m going to call my secondary action, dependent upon circumstances.  So in short, if still at distance, sling, if close combat, spear attack.  Also, her being small and agile, does that make it harder to hit her?  I’m hoping it does. ))

Posted on 2022-04-02 at 14:26:22.
Edited on 2022-04-03 at 07:56:39 by Altaira

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3141 Posts

That was efficient

Both sides seemed to expect the enemy to be in the area, but neither appeared to expect the meeting to arrive so suddenly and with so much skidding, sliding and crashing.  Six goblins now stared and yelled at the group.  Silence, it seemed, was no longer called for. 

               The first to act was Thaoran who drew and fired an arrow in one smooth motion.  At only 50’ it wasn’t a hard shot and the goblin took the shaft right in the eye.  It stopped screaming and dropped to the ground.

The next to move was Soledad who decided that the best goblin was a sleeping goblin.  Well, maybe not the best, but an acceptable one in the short term anyway.  Three of them were obliging and dropped with a snore to her sleep spell.  There were now only two left.  

With the 4 in the middle of the group down Lily ran forward 25’ and planted her hoopak on the ground and loosed a stone at the leftmost creature.  The stone smacked it square in the head, not taking it down but staggering the hardheaded little creature.  But a hard head did not save it from Hornet’s bolt that quickly buried itself in the goblin’s chest.  Between the bolt and the stone, the creature collapsed next to its companions. 

Dok stood at the front of the group and grinned as his adventuring friends tore the goblins in front of him to bits.  There was one left standing.  As that goblin gawked at its collapsed comrades a bolt of light flashed towards it from the dwarf’s hand and struck it square in the chest.  The creature was lifted off of its feet and thrown backwards against a tree where it crumpled into a burned-out pile. 

Uthal stood holding his waterskin preparing to cast Ice Knife but found himself staring at a path devoid of upright foes.  He looked at Gerdar and the two of them shrugged.  “Efficient.” 


But that wasn’t quite all of the enemy.  Two bugbears appeared at the spot where the goblins had just tumbled from a moment before.  It appeared they were also on there way down the path in a hurry.  But seeing the goblins all scattered around on the ground before them they grabbed trees to stop their descent and spun around.  Both quickly moved back up the ridge away from the party and back the way they had come.  They appeared to be heading back towards the pyre.  They disappeared into the trees, rock and scrub. 




*I decided to change Thaoran’s attack to an arrow since he wasn’t in rapier range, and it seemed the obvious move. 

There are 3 dead goblins and 3 sleeping goblins on the path in front of you.  They are about 50’ in front of the party.  (25’ from Lily who moved forward.)  The path runs North/South parallel to the river.  At the spot where the goblins lay there is a pseudo path up the ridge.  You can only see about 15’ of it due to rocks, brush and the steep incline.  Approximately 100’ up from that location (Presumably up the path the goblins came down, but you can’t actually see that.) is the ledge on which the pyre still puts out smoke.  The 2 bugbears presumably went back up that path. 

Thus, you would need to go 50’ forward to reach the goblins.  Then turn right and go about 100’ up the ridge to reach that plateau.  Going up will be difficult terrain and be at ½ movement speed. 

               You can no longer see the bugbears.

Posted on 2022-04-03 at 19:01:52.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 3/0
172 Posts

"Anyone want to finish the three sleepyheads before we press the charge?", Gerdar grinned menacingly behind his beard as he asked this, adjusting his grip on the greataxe.

Posted on 2022-04-05 at 10:43:07.

Keeper of Dragons
Devil's Advocate
Karma: 59/18
2581 Posts

  After the initial surprise of seeing falling goblins, the group acted quickly and with weapons and spells soon killed or incapacitated the goblins.  Three lay sleeping but not dead.  The respite was short lives as two bugbears decended the hill but seeing the group and the dead goblins they turned and fled back towards the pyre.  "Quickly, after the bugbears.  Solidad, if you could please dispatch the trash you left slumbering on the path and then join us."  Hornet set out after the bugbears as quickly as possible.

OOC: will use dash action

Posted on 2022-04-06 at 08:33:53.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 16/1
884 Posts

Bugbears bug me...

Thäran knew the bugbears must be taken down as soon as possible lest they call for reinforcements so, putting away his bow and drawing his rapier, the elf sprung after Hornet to try and close the gap between him and the beasts as quickly as he could.

((OOC: Use dash action))

Posted on 2022-04-08 at 14:51:08.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 1/0
111 Posts

Ok, so we are doing that!

Uthal, seeing Thäran make a break for the Bugbears, figures two is better than one and decides to follow (also Dashing). "Might as well run into the nest" he thinks to himself as he takes off.

Posted on 2022-04-08 at 19:35:52.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 64/11
1427 Posts

The only good goblin is a headless goblin

Soledad was happy to take Hornet up on his suggestion and "dispatch the trash." Although she did pause a moment to offer the blood thirsty Gerdar an opportunity to releive the sleeping goblins of their vile little heads. Any that were left were finished with a mage hand delivered dagger through the eye. Soledad was certainly happy to end the wretched goblins' wretched lives but she didn't have to get herself messy while doing it. With the sleeping goblins now dead goblins, the witch joined the others in a dash after the bugbears.


((OOC: Mage Hand - if this is not allowed she can do it with her own hands)).

Posted on 2022-04-09 at 09:30:44.

Karma: 24/0
404 Posts


Lilly saw the ugly bear like things appear on the path as the goblins fell, and seeing them take in the scene and flee, she yelped in triumph and took off after them yelling and whooping loudly to make it seem as if a hundred nasty things were coming up the path after them.  


((She will use dash to gain as much movement as she can.  She doesn’t plan to attack but she is moving quickly and if something jumps out to attack her she will try to dodge themby rolling to the side using her forward momentum rather than move away from the attacker.))

Posted on 2022-04-10 at 10:38:27.
Edited on 2022-04-10 at 10:39:08 by Altaira

Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts

Intent On Collecting

Dok was intent on collecting more right ears from slain Goblins, because the bounty for each right ear was worth 18gp back in Botkinburg!

The Hill Dwarf Cleric of Helm races forward as quickly as possible to collect right ears from slain Goblins, but he is also aware of his surroundings and ready to defend himself from any attacks, his battle axe at the ready!

His sack of previously collected right ears and his trusty knife are ready to receive!

((OOC: Dok has collected at least 10 right ears / maybe 11 / from the previously slain Goblins))

Posted on 2022-04-10 at 12:46:31.


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