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Trilogy Master
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Yep Yep Poor and Hungry

Dragon-soul I'll go ahead and delete your post for you and reprint it here.


On a budget!

I'll feel bad for asking the party for a loan lol. I'll tighten my belt and just buy 2 potions of healing (100gp) and an Arrow of the Net. So that's 225gp altogether.

Posted on 2023-02-15 at 22:28:23.
Edited on 2023-02-15 at 22:30:42 by TannTalas

RDI Fixture
Karma: 16/1
884 Posts


Cheers, mate!
I was confused because I couldn't see that post in the Q&A thread where it was meant to be and thought it had been deleted for some reason, then saw it in the roleplay thread and I was like 'oops!' Easily done, I guess. Lol.

Posted on 2023-02-16 at 07:04:13.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 16/1
884 Posts


Not sure what's happened to Tom. He hasn't been active on Facebook lately, either (and he's usually pretty active). Hope he's okay and rejoins us soon.

Posted on 2023-02-16 at 07:06:25.

Karma: 24/0
404 Posts

Leaving already?

Okay so looks like the party is leaving the town and headed off on their next quest.   Only Ulthal has made an attempt to converse with the Monk.  So unless she is asked to accompany the group, and given good reason I would think, you all will be leaving without even asking a Healer to go with the party.  It's up to you all of course, if the group doesnt want her along, that's okay for her.  

I think more of an effort by party members should be made to aquire more hands in the group.  I believe all of the party were in the Tavern, and see Ulthal talk to her, and only the elf has even responded to it.  Just my thoughts.  Not telling you all what to do, but if they want the healer along, they might want to put a little effort into it.  

Posted on 2023-02-17 at 05:00:44.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3140 Posts


I agree with the monk  . . . but in general we need game posts to make sure things are happening.  Otherwise I will move things along.  But actionable posts help a lot!

Posted on 2023-02-17 at 14:46:34.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 3/0
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Aaaaa sry it's been weird for me lately so I forgot

Posted on 2023-02-20 at 05:22:33.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3140 Posts


Ok, we have a fw more posts - I will be posting an update on Monday. (2/27.)  

I need to read more thoroughly but it seems like a lot of conversation amongst the group.  That is great, and perfectly fine, but I also need some sort of actionable movement.  Once the shopping is done are you leaving town?  Headed where?  Looking for what?  I can't take you out of town and off on another adventure until someone says you are doing so.  (If you already have and I have missed it because I haven't read all the posts thoroughly yet, the point remains as a general concept.)  

One issue with a post game like this is often nobody wants to take the initative.  Perhaps the party should appint one character as the leader - this doesn't mean they get to give orders, just that they would be the one who gets the task of saying "the party goes here" in order to keep things on track and moving.  Everyone else still needs to post those things more specific to their character.  This is not a requirement, just a suggestion as when we aren't in the middle of combat things tend to sputter.  


Posted on 2023-02-26 at 18:49:02.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 3/0
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Idk Gerdar's preference would be heading to his clan's old hills ofc but basically he's happy to go anywhere especially if it involves monster extermination.

Posted on 2023-02-27 at 14:09:22.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3140 Posts

Need something

FYI - Tom is around but is having trouble posting.  Most of the time when he tries he is getting an error message.  I am having him send his post to me and I will post for now.  Is anyone else having a problem? 

As for the game - I have no idea what to post.  You are sitting in a tavern and meeting the new monk.  That is good, but what do you want to do next?  Head out after the bandits?  Ok, but nobody has actually posted anything about that in the game thread.  I don't really want to post you heading out of town when nobody has actually said that.  I need you to either ask questions so I can give more information or post some form of actual action.  

Posted on 2023-02-27 at 16:17:13.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 16/1
884 Posts


Thäoran is an elf who doesn't trust humans very much. So if thr others wish for the human monk to join them, he will agree, albeit grudgingly. But perhaps over time, he'll grow to see her as an ally. That's why I haven't posted about Thäoran's reply/reaction to her.

As for what to do next: yes, I'd like to go after the bandits. As Nimu said, we could use the gold. Thäoran, for one, is getting rather broke after buying those healing potions and arrows haha. What stuff do you want to know? I'll get a post up once I know what you want to know. I think we gathered all the info we need from the villagers about the bandits. That there seems to be no specific single location they prey on. So I think the best way to draw them out is for some of us to be bait. We could act like helpless travellers. Easy marks. Then, while the bandits are distracted, the rest of the party, who are hidden behind the trees, could take them from behind, Ambush them. Simple strategy, but it could work.

What do you all think?

Posted on 2023-02-27 at 17:05:33.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3140 Posts


Thaoran - That is exactly the sort of thing I need posted.  You have a map of the city if you want to go anywhere within it.  Or, if you are leaving - are you heading out on the road.  You said be easy marks - you probably don't look like that as is.  What do you want to do about that?  Buy disguises?  Do you want horses or are you walking?  A cart or just a few people walking along?  As you go along the road is there anything in particular you want to do to look like easy marks?  You don't know where they attack exactly - so how do you want to handle hiding in the trees?  There are many options for how to do this but if it is left up to me you would just walk out as is because nothing else was said.  Heck, you could pretend to be a circus for all I care.  But I need something.

Also, just becaue you won't be the first to jump up and welcome someone doesn't mean you can't write up youyr internal thoughts.  And you probably do need to introduce yourself.  Would you be rude?  Or at least polite?  If Uthal is asking her to join you do need to voice an opinion as a memeber of a party, even if it is just a nod of the head.  

Posted on 2023-02-27 at 19:46:04.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 3/0
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As for where he wants to go, Gerdar's preference is ofc his clan's old hills and stuff. But he's ok going anywhere if there's monsters to remove (or tunnels to check lol).

Does this damn thing work now?

Posted on 2023-02-28 at 03:36:39.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 16/1
884 Posts

@Nomad and Everyone

I say those of us who are acting as bait wear ragged clothes to look like travellers who have been on the road for a long time. The clothes will conceal our weapons underneath them. The bait guys (as I call them lol) could also carry a chest or two. They're empty, but the bandits won't know that. With luck, the bandits will think that there's precious treasures inside and won't resist attempting to rob them. At which point, those members of the party hiding in the trees will jump out and surround the bandits, ambushing them. And, of course, the ones acting as bait will drop the chests and draw their weapons too.

And that's the plan.
Everyone cool with that?

Posted on 2023-03-08 at 08:44:32.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3140 Posts


That's better!

We have some welcoming posts.  Keep it up.  

We also need to move on with the plan.  Thaoran has posted some ideas about an ambush.  Raggy clothes and a couple of chests are easy to acquire, although I'm not sure how many people walk down a road lugging a chest. It is a town so supplies are avaliable. It isn't easy, even if empty.  Would you be staging this ambush somewhere?  Or just trying to have some of you follow in the woods off to the side of the road as the others walk along?  Or find a good place and set up camp in some way?  

Or is there some other plan?

Posted on 2023-03-08 at 19:44:33.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 16/1
884 Posts

Would a citizen lend us a caravan if we told them we're going to use it to lure out the bandits? We could use that in our plan instead.

Posted on 2023-03-09 at 07:29:56.


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