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Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3141 Posts

Still Going

This is still going if people are willing to post. Life has also consumed me for the last month or so as well.  

I'll get you info on the money shortly.

Posted on 2023-08-20 at 14:36:37.

Karma: 24/0
404 Posts

I'm still in... to the end.

Posted on 2023-08-20 at 18:34:47.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 1/0
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Still here too.

Good to have you back Nimu and Tom.

I will post in the game thread before the end of the day here.

Posted on 2023-08-20 at 19:01:24.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3141 Posts

4 of You

And then there were 4.  

I do have a question about Fenris - Tann is not able to play right now due to real life issues.  But I hold out hope that he can return to the game at some point.  If you want I can keep Fenris in the game as an NPC - I would run him and he would simply do the logical thing.  he would follow the groups plan and contribute what he can including basic fighting but wouldn't add new ideas.  He would essentially be like a mercenary the party hired but would financially be part of the group.  This gives you one more character and skill set and keeps him in there.  Or I can just drop him from the game.  It is easy enough to add him in later if Tann wants to/can rejoin.  I will account for his presence or absence as we go so it isn't as if you need him there.  What do you want?

Post probably coming tomorrow - Tuesday.

Posted on 2023-08-21 at 21:23:00.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 1/0
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The more the merrier

I vote to keep Fenris, if you are happy to play him as an NPC. Also means my coin split is 4 not 5gp each.

Posted on 2023-08-22 at 02:00:14.

Karma: 24/0
404 Posts


I thought i would post this here, since I already posted in game, but the gold given to D'Harum she would take reluctantly, and she would refuse the money that Uthal would try and give her.  She didnt use money much, only keeping enough to provide basic necessities.   The money she was given for this job thus far, she would dispense that among any poor, needy, or homeless looking person she encountered on her way back to the Inn.  She would keep just one single gp, and use that to purchase food, and a simple sleeping mat in the Inn common sleeping room, if available.  If no common sleeping room, she would pay the innkeeper for a spot on the floor for the night.


I say keep Ferris, just in case Tann does return.  I wish him luck!


Posted on 2023-08-22 at 18:28:26.
Edited on 2023-08-22 at 18:29:04 by Altaira

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3141 Posts


A modest night at an inn is 5 sp and a modest meal is 3 sp.  (SP = SIlver Piece.  There are 10 SP in one gold piece.)  Add a couple of mugs of ale or any other bits of extra and at most it is 10 Sp/1gp for each day. You can spend more or less if you want but on the whole this is a "modest" level inn so except for food or excessive amounts of drink that is about what it would cost.  

D'Harum - sleeping on the floor of the inn is not typical but given your mankish nature and your performance would be allowed.  Assuming you also get a bit of food and entertain the guests you could eat and sleep on the floor for only 2sp.  This option is not open to everyone in the party.  Being a monk (who can perform) changes the rules slightly.  Little Gerry seems to like this quiet monk.  

Posted on 2023-08-22 at 18:49:00.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3141 Posts

The Birds and the Bees. . . and the Squirrels

In response to Uthal's questions:  There are several small birds in the area.  If you want ground creatures you can easily find a few squirrels fairly nearby.  No hawk currently presents itself as the woods are quite thick.  If you went to the river (A very short walk) you would likely find some form of bird of prey if you took about 20 minutes or so.  

Posted on 2023-08-23 at 12:11:16.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3141 Posts

Dwarven Perception

Gerdar's Perception check at the site of the attack:  

The road:  Nobody is around on the road as far as you can see.  Clearly people have travelled along the road since your battle two days earlier.  The scorch marks from the fireball have been disturbed and smeared so the footprints must have come post-fireball.  You did meet one small caravan (only 2 wagons) headed towards Ludensheim on your way out this morning.  Are there more footprints than just that group would create?  Probably.  Maybe.  Yu really don't know.  You are a dwarf and not a ranger.

The woods and living things:  All is currently quiet except for the few birds and squirrels that Uthal is looking for.  Nothing bigger moves.

The woods and signs of past traffic:  It is fairly easy to spot the scenes where battle took place even for an inexpert eye.  There are no clear signs that you can see of any movement in the area (not including the road) that wouldn't be accounted for by the battle.

Posted on 2023-08-25 at 11:49:52.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 1/0
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@Nomad, Thanks, I have updated my post.

Posted on 2023-08-25 at 21:56:43.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3141 Posts


I'm hoping to get a post up in the next couple of days so get those posts up!

Posted on 2023-09-02 at 12:55:02.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3141 Posts


Sorry, things got away from me.  My excuse for being slow is pretty good - my mother-in-law just passed away.  It was expected but still takes a lot of time and involvement.  But I should get something out tomorrow - Saturday.

Posted on 2023-09-08 at 23:14:14.

Trilogy Master
RDI Staff
Karma: 181/119
6817 Posts

My Condolences

My thoughts go out to you today my friend as I know the hardship of watching a loved one slowly fade and I hope your doing ok. Just know she is in a better place then all of us.

Posted on 2023-09-09 at 00:34:15.
Edited on 2023-09-09 at 00:34:37 by TannTalas

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 1/0
111 Posts


Sorry for your loss Nomad. Take some time and take care.

Posted on 2023-09-09 at 02:35:53.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3141 Posts

The birds have spoken

The birds have spoken so what is the plan now?

Posted on 2023-09-20 at 19:01:40.


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