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You are here: Home --> Forum Home --> Rules-based RPGs --> Cyberpunk --> Flesh & Blood - A Night City Adventure
Parent thread: Flesh & Blood - A CyberPunk Game GM for this game: Bromern Sal Players for this game: TannTalas, Keeper of Dragons, Nomad D2, Hammer, Mischief, Espatier, dragon-soul92, CameToPlay
TannTalas Trilogy Master RDI Staff Karma: 181/119 6817 Posts
In the housgou PT 1
Night City Regional Hospital ER Room | Night City Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - Day 2 (Saturday), 2:00 AM PST Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.) Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)
As the large solo watched Starlight's AV rise into the air a part of him had hoped he'd be on it with her instead of being left to face the cops.
Oh well C'est la vie
Laying back against the curb he took the 44 and laid it by his feet so as not to give the approaching cops any reason to shoot. Then the police were there and it became a case of handcuffs, Miranda Rights and a very very painful trip to an ER room. His pain editor now disabled by the police Casino fell into a semi-state of concisousness hearing words spoken but in to much pain to respond or even care.
"Keep your hands where we can see them. Get down on the ground, face first and put your hands on the back of your head."
"You have the right to remain silent, and not answer any questions. Anything you say may be used against you in a court of law. You have right to an attorney,"
"Car Alpha-Delta-Two-Five-Three-One enroute to Night City Regional Hospital with a suspect in gang violence. ETA ten-minutes,.."
A few miles away, the squad car pulled into the Emergency Room delivery lane, Casino in the back trying to tough it out yet still only semi in the present. Led into the hospital through sliding glass doors, the bright lights of the facility wash over him bringing him back to the present and forcing him once more to become aware.
"We need a doc to look at his arm before we book him," the older officer informs the admitting nurse seated behind the bulletproof glass administration booth.
"Have a seat over there." The nurse is an older black woman with a bit of weight sitting upon her bones and blond-dyed hair cut short to her scalp. The sight of a bloody, leather-wearing, cyborg doesn't seem to phase her.
"All right," the older officer turns to Casino and directs him to follow further instructions with a wave of his hand. "You've been a decent fellow thus far. Let's not ruin things."
Seating Casino between them, the two officers make sure to take chairs further away from the general populace of injured and sick people. There's no point, after all, in making the citizens of Night City any less comfortable than they already are.
"Well," the older officer begins once they're seated. "How's that arm holding up?"
"Oh you know officer, it's only a flesh wound" Trying to sound cocky yet the pain clear in his voice.
"That's good." Shifting in his chair, the cop looks up a little at the giant solo, his gaze severe. "You've got a long night ahead of you that could turn into longer days to come. There's three dead, I saw an AV taking another wounded away from the scene—rest assured we'll find out who that was—and reports were that bullets were flying all over the place. That traffic accident wasn't nothing to ignore neither. You got an explanation for me?"
"Honestly Officer it was being in the wrong place wrong time kind of thing. I got caught in the crossfire. That guy that got air lifted out in the AV? Well I watched him piss those boosters off by flirting and dancing with one's girlfriend. I guess she liked him or the way he was dressed as it was pretty high class. Guess the guy had money to warrant an AV pick-up right."
Casino paused a moment to get into a better less painful position before he continued.
"Well after, oh I guess thirty minutes, the two stopped dancing and he made his way to the bar while the booster girl returned to her friends. Almost at once one of them started in on her and she screamed at him and walked away. The guy and the others followed her and grabbing her they left the club though they gave the AV guy a really angry look. Well by this time I needed some air and a change of scene so I headed out to the front of the club.
As I was debating getting a taxi or finding a public agent, AV guy comes out and within seconds all hell breaks loose and bullets are flying. Only thing I remember is getting hit in the arm bad and the pain kicking in and dropping me to the ground. By the time I was able to get a grip on the pain and see what was happening it was all pretty much over and the AV was arriving picking up the guy and then you guys were arresting me."...................
((Ok I'm hoping since my tech is old they won't know I have a pain editor or really just what old junk I have in me  ))
Posted on 2016-10-03 at 16:08:17.
Edited on 2016-10-03 at 16:13:36 by TannTalas
Aletheia Veteran Visitor Karma: 2/0 147 Posts
Me and Julio down by the school yard . . .
Echo thinks for a moment, then turns to the others, "What if one of us poses as a prospective student," she says, indicating Blossom with a nod of her head, "Here with her father/guardian/what have you," she looks at Bloodbank with a kind smile, then turns toward Ghlahn but thinks better of it, passes him over and continues. "You could go in, demand a very thorough tour of the grounds, including that security tower, to 'make sure your child will be safe there - I mean, just look at those degenerates across the street'!", Echo says with much sarcasm and a grin. "What do you all think?" she asks.
Echo looks at her watch and curses softly. "Damn, that won't work until Monday, Choombas. I don't know if the kid can wait that long. Maybe they have some activity going on later today, like a game of some sort. It might be easier to get in with that going on." Echo turns to Blossom, "Chicka, could you get to the school's calendar and see if there's anything today?"
The nomad turns to the others with a grin, "And I don't know about you boys, but I think and plan a whole lot better on a full stomach. I'm down for meeting the others for breakfast."
Posted on 2016-10-04 at 01:50:48.
Edited on 2016-10-10 at 09:40:17 by Aletheia
Hammer Extreme Exclaimator! Karma: 93/24 4361 Posts
Taxi Might Be Wise
"Okay Fixer," the Dapper Solo addressed his partner while waiting for a response from Blossom. "We could get a few hours rest in a nearby Coffin Motel, but a Taxi Might Be Wise, especially if the cops start searching the neighborhood for any suspicious suspects to pin tonight's shooting on!
"Probably the easiest way into High City would be to take a Taxi, but it will cost around 40 NCD, plus a tip for the ground car.
"We could take a power nap during the drive to the School," suggested Vegas, "plus going by Taxi is probably our best way to safely pass the Security Points, especially with all the firepower we are carrying with us!
"As for Frazetti's," the Frank Sinatra look-alike concluded, "I can eat spaghetti some other time!
"What do you think about hailing a Taxi and heading up to High City?"
Posted on 2016-10-04 at 10:19:04.
Keeper of Dragons Devil's Advocate Karma: 59/18 2581 Posts
"The student trick might work. But if it goes wrong there isn't much chance of getting out without killing quite a few guards. Up to those of you putting your neck in the noose. I'll provide overwatch."
After a moment, "Wait, what day is it? Seems like Saturday and if so we will have a couple day wait to try that plan. So do we hole up or come up with another plan?"
Posted on 2016-10-04 at 18:14:20.
Edited on 2016-10-10 at 15:21:47 by Keeper of Dragons
Bromern Sal A Shadow RDI Staff Karma: 158/11 4402 Posts
For Tann...
Night City Regional General Hospital, Emergency Room | Night City Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - Day 2 (Saturday), 2:05 AM PST
Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)
Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)
"Well," the older officer begins once they're seated. "How's that arm holding up?"
"Oh, you know officer, it's only a flesh wound." Pain fills his voice despite his best efforts to control it. With the Pain Editor shut off and the bumpy ride to the hospital, it is a wonder that he's still alive.
"That's good." Shifting in his chair, the cop looks up a little at the giant solo, his gaze severe. "You've got a long night ahead of you that could turn into longer days to come. There's three dead, I saw an AV taking another wounded away from the scene—rest assured we'll find out who that was—and reports were that bullets were flying all over the place. That traffic accident wasn't nothing to ignore neither. You got an explanation for me?"
"Honestly officer, it was being in the wrong place wrong time kind of thing. I got caught in the crossfire. That guy that got airlifted out in the AV? Well, I watched him piss those boosters off by flirting and dancing with one's girlfriend. I guess she liked him, or the way he was dressed, as it was pretty high class. Guess the guy had money to warrant an AV pick-up right." Casino pauses a moment to get into a less painful position and then continues. "Well, after--oh I guess thirty minutes--the two stopped dancing and he made his way to the bar while the booster girl returned to her friends. Almost at once, one of them started in on her and she screamed at him and walked away. The guy and the others followed her and grabbing her. They left the club, though they gave the AV guy a really angry look. Well, by this time, I needed some air and a change of scene. So, I headed out to the front of the club.
"As I was debating getting a taxi or finding a public agent; AV guy comes out and within seconds all hell breaks loose and bullets are flying. Only thing I remember is getting hit in the arm bad and the pain kicking in and dropping me to the ground. By the time I was able to get a grip on the pain and see what was happening it was all pretty much over and the AV was arriving picking up the guy, and then you guys were arresting me."
Officer Murtaugh, for that is the cop's name, stares at the solo's face for a moment and then nods and settles back into his chair. "Age old story, I'm afraid," he acknowledges. "A few times a night actually. Most of the time the bystanders who get hit aren't as lucky as you are, uh, Mister,?"
(OOC: A name given,?)
"So," Murtaugh continues. "Big guy like you with old school cybe, what you do to make bank nowadays?"
Posted on 2016-10-10 at 19:05:30.
TannTalas Trilogy Master RDI Staff Karma: 181/119 6817 Posts
Hmmm maybe no jail time lol
Night City Regional Hospital ER Room | Night City Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - Day 2 (Saturday), 2:00 AM PST Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)
Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)
Officer Murtaugh, for that is the cop's name, stares at the solo's face for a moment and then nods and settles back into his chair. "Age old story, I'm afraid," he acknowledges. "A few times a night actually. Most of the time the bystanders who get hit aren't as lucky as you are, uh, Mister,?"
"Story, Keith Story"
"So," Murtaugh continues. "Big guy like you with old school cybe, what you do to make bank nowadays?"
"Well that was the reason I was at the club in the first place, looking for work. Yeah I'm sure you can tell from my old tech not much in the runner biz. Mostly work as a bouncer in clubs like The Rat Pack, hell only own the one 44. Ahh I will be getting that back rt?...........
Posted on 2016-10-10 at 20:19:06.
Edited on 2016-10-11 at 11:27:21 by TannTalas
Bromern Sal A Shadow RDI Staff Karma: 158/11 4402 Posts
Travel, Food, and Sights... what more could you want?
Night City Regional General Hospital, Emergency Room | Night City Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - Day 2 (Saturday), 2:07 AM PST
Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)
Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)
Officer Murtaugh, for that is the cop's name, stares at the solo's face for a moment and then nods and settles back into his chair. "Age old story, I'm afraid," he acknowledges. "A few times a night actually. Most of the time the bystanders who get hit aren't as lucky as you are, uh, Mister,?"
"Story, Keith Story," the bruiser of a man replies.
"So," Murtaugh continues. "Big guy like you with old school cybe, what you do to make bank nowadays?"
"Well, that was the reason I was at the club in the first place," Casino does his best to hold really still and not jostle his injury, "looking for work.
"Yeah, I'm sure you can tell from my old tech I'm not much in the runner biz. Mostly work as a bouncer in clubs like The Rat Pack—hell, only own the one .44. Ahh... I will be getting that back, right?"
"Provided you got the papers on it all in order," the younger officer—a fellow with the name badge of Riggs—chimes in, "and there's no proof you were involved in the shooting."
"Working clubs as a bouncer, huh?" Murtaugh gruffly brings the conversation back to the matter at hand. "Got anyone who can back that up?"
Riggs stands up and motions his partner to follow him resulting in the older policeman stiffly rising from his plastic chair. "Stay put, Mr. Story."
The two cops walk about six meters away where Officer Riggs shows Officer Murtaugh his agent. The senior officer looks the screen over briefly before nodding and the two of them return to their seats.
"Tell me about Chan Wo, Mr. Story," Murtaugh orders quietly. "About six years ago? Ring a bell?"
(OOC: Casino's reply,)
Outside Frazetti's Restaurant (closed) | Night City Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - Day 2 (Saturday), 1:48 AM PST
Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)
Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)
While the cops are dealing with the aftermath of the team's encounter, Vegas and Fixer return to the main street as passer-bys and begin their trek towards Frazetti's restaurant. The two watch as the cops cuff and load Casino into the back of the squad car, passing the scene close to the buildings in order to not draw attention to themselves. Fate is on their side as they make it through the area without a single cop paying them any mind. Those citizens brave enough to stick around and answer the police officer's questions pay them no mind as well, and within seconds the pair have made it out of the hot zone.
Keeping a pace that won't draw attention, the paid of edgerunners hunch against the storm and do their best to keep from hacking and coughing as the poisonous air scratches and bites at their throats and lungs.
Not a minute from the site of the firefight, life in the Night City Integrate continues as normal. The city certainly does not sleep whether the commotion is caused by people employed at one of them any shops, eateries, or offices that line the street, or the hubbub consists of those just hanging out on a stoop preferring the weather to the confines of their conapt, Vegas and Fixer are not alone. The activity is comforting as it provides a means to blend into their surroundings more and despite the weight of the events they've just endured, Casino did have a point. He was going to get patched up, and if he plays his cards right, the gambler could be out fairly quickly. Starlight's use of the Trauma Team® means that she is most certainly taken care of, and that means that the two of them can focus on the run.
Frazetti's Restaurant's sign is bright red neon on a cheese wedge marquee that juts out beneath an extension of building overhead. The two edgerunners have to cross the busy street at an abortion clinic, arriving on the same side after dodging a couple of honking cars in front of a busy laundromat. Passing a kitchen and cutlery storefront, they pause at the street corner to wait for a cab to make its turn. Once the vehicle has passed and the hooded sign across the street indicates it is the pedestrian's turn, the two make their way to the front of the restaurant and duck into the alcove containing the establishment's glass doors.
Frazetti's looks like a nice enough restaurant from through the windows, but at this time of night the additional neon sign in the window reads, "CLOSED" and the hours show a dining time of 11:00 AM to 12:00 AM. At close to 2:00 AM, the only lights on in the place are security lights.
"Okay Fixer," the Dapper Solo addresses his partner glancing at his agent and hoping for a reply from the team's netrunner. "We could get a few hours rest in a nearby coffin motel, but a taxi might be wiser, especially if the cops start searching the neighborhood for any suspicious suspects to pin tonight's shooting on! Probably the easiest way into High City would be to take a taxi as well, but it will likely cost us around 40 NCD plus a tip for the ground car. We could take a power nap during the drive to the school, plus going by taxi is probably our best way to safely pass the security points; especially with all the firepower we are carrying with us!
"As for Frazetti's," the Frank Sinatra look-alike concluded, "I can eat spaghetti some other time. What do you think about hailing a taxi and heading up to High City?"
Fixer shifts the weight from his bruised leg and shrugs. "Running up a tab, but I think you're probably right. Heard back from the others yet?"
(OOC: Assuming a negative answer.)
"Well," the techie scratches at his jaw, "then I suppose we just tell the driver to take us to the school."
Night City Integrate offers a number of cab solutions at all times of the night. One of the best used services by Edgerunners is the self-driving car service called RoboCab. Vegas orders the cab by commanding his agent to do the dirty work and then receives a notice on his optic display that he has a message. A quick mental command delivers the message from Blossom (represented as a cute little anime schoolgirl jumping up and down with excitement despite the message being rather plain and bland.
We're at the school, but it's all locked down. There's a greasy spoon within a couple of blocks called Maggie's Grill. Meet there.
(OOC: I'm going to assume that the message is relayed and that you both agree to proceed to the meet. You can write it out in your next post if you want.)
The RoboCab arrives in all of its compact glory. With no need for a driver, the front seats have been turned around to face the rear seats providing an engaging little social situation for those so inclined. The only obvious technology in the vehicle is the Agent Reader Plate and cash receptacle device on the ceiling in the middle of the cab. Painted red with white and black checker stripes, there's nothing inauspicious about it, and the holographic TAXI sign hovering over the top of the stubby vehicle allows just about anyone to recognize the car's purpose even if they don't realize what the black and white checker striping means.
With only two Edgerunners taking up space, the cabin is somewhat comfortable. The stench of humanity clings to everything, defeating the occasional spritz of evergreen air freshener that is a mere couple of seconds from death the instant it's birthed. The cushions of the seat are worn and hard, once a red fabric they show signs of black stains, spots from food and candy left stuck to them, and a thinning of the material. While not overly comfortable, the seating arrangement is something that can be endured.
"Welcome to your RoboCab transportation unit Four-three-two-nine-nine-dee. Please state your destination." The cab's friendly female voice sounds softly from behind the runner's heads on both sides of the vehicle.
(OOC: Assuming Vegas provides the address to Maggie's Grill from his agent,)
"Please make sure you are seatbelted, and once I have your payment information, the ride will take approximately thirty-minutes."
Fixer fishes out his agent and holds it over the payment panel, screen facing him. Do you wish to provide RoboCab with authorization to extract payment from your account? flashes before his eyes, displayed discreetly within his optic implant. A mental command through his Neural Net grants the access and he calmly returns his agent to his front breast pocket in his black flak jacket.
"Would you care for music while we drive?" the AI poses the question as it pulls away from the curb and into traffic, a high-powered stream of air keeping the rain from hitting the windshield while rivulets of rain roll down the remainder of the glass.
(OOC: Think XMS Radio capabilities on steroids. Any music you could possibly want is available, any talk show, news, comedy channels, special interests, it's all there including private broadcasts that could be compared to podcasts and bloggers.)
Across the Street from the Bartholomew School of Advanced Studies | Night City Integrate | High City | UrbanZone - Day 2 (Saturday), 1:48 AM PST
Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)
Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)
Echo thinks for a moment, then turns to the others, "What if one of us poses as a prospective student," she says, indicating Blossom with a nod of her head, "Here with her father/guardian/what have you?" she looks at Bloodbank with a kind smile, then turns toward Ghlahn but thinks better of it, passes him over and continues. "You could go in, demand a very thorough tour of the grounds, including that security tower, to 'make sure your child will be safe there—I mean, just look at those degenerates across the street!'" Echo's suggestion drips with sarcasm. She grins and asks, "What do you all think?"
"The student trick might work." M'harú Ghlahn admits, then adds, "But if it goes wrong there isn't much chance of getting out without killing quite a few guards. Up to those of you putting your neck in the noose. I'll provide overwatch."
A moment of silence precedes his sudden realization. "Wait. What day is it? Seems like Saturday and, if so, we will have a couple day wait to try that plan. So do we hole up or come up with another plan?"
Echo looks at her watch and curses softly. "Damn. You're right. That won't work until Monday, Choombas. I don't know if the kid can wait that long. Maybe they have some activity going on later today, like a game of some sort. It might be easier to get in with that going on." Echo turns to Blossom, "Chicka, could you get to the school's calendar and see if there's anything today?"
The small Asian beauty looks up from her agent and shrugs. "I can try. By the way, Vegas just messaged us. He wants to meet up? I did a quick SocialBug search and there's a place a few blocks from here called Maggie's Grill that's open twenty-four-seven, so I put that in front of them as a joint where we can collect."
The nomad turns to the others with a grin, "I don't know about you boys, but I think and plan a whole lot better on a full stomach. I'm down for meeting the others for breakfast."
Peering across the scenery before them, the medtech activates his amped vision and studies the windows of the tenement buildings as well as what he can make out of the school compound (which isn't much).
"I think we could use more brainpower on cracking this," he says without looking away from his study. "I'm game for some kibble."
"Sounds like it's decided to me," Blossom chirps and slips her agent back into her jacket pocket. Deftly retrieving a sucker from her inside coat pocket, the netrunner unwraps it with ease and pops it into her mouth. "We ready then?"
(OOC: Assuming no objections,)
Rain and wind continue to whip at the group through the uneventful journey. Conversation is non-existent as it is easier to keep heads ducked and not inhale heavily. The weather is helping with the air quality a little, but not enough to have to avoid filtration masks and when the art deco styled diner is achieved, the group on a whole is grateful to step through the automatic doors into the short hall separating the entrance from the main lobby.
Maggie's Grill isn't large, running about sixty meters in length and about twenty meters deep for the patrons with the kitchen behind the stainless steel counter. Stools with high backs sit in front of the counter allowing customers to eat right there and booths line the exterior wall providing an unobstructed view from within to the street beyond where the interior lights are spilling out onto the rain drenched walk. There are three large media projection screens above the kitchen window facing out to the dining area. One is playing a rerun of a recent NBA game, another is playing Channel 13 News, and another is playing GNN (Global News Network); all have Closed Captioning running. Restrooms are at the far end of the dining hall as indicated by a neon sign hanging over the entrance to a hall.
A small Hispanic woman with her black hair pulled up in a hair net, enormous brown eyes, and rose petal lips wears a baby blue dress with a white collar and sleeve accents and stands behind the counter. Her white badge bears the name Julieta laser etched into it in black block lettering. Next to her, a rotund Hispanic male is leaning on the counter. He's wearing a baby blue button up shirt that has seen better days with a dingy white apron and a white chef's hat. He has a light tattoo on his neck of a mermaid and his lobes are gauged. His round face bears a number of pockmark scars, and a thin mustache rests inappropriately over his upper lip. Seated in front of them on one of the stools is an older Asian fellow with long white mustaches and a thin white beard forming a Fu Man Chu. His nose is crooked and bent, his eyes a milky white, and his outfit—a brown bowler cap, brown tweed coat, and blue corduroy pants with an old pair of running shoes—is sopping wet. The petite woman and gargantuan man both look up as the group enters while the old patron just lifts his head and tilts his head a little.
"Welcome to Maggie's," the hostess remarks with a heavy Latin accent as she snatches a towel from the countertop and walks down it's length towards you. "You can take a booth or sit at the counter and I'll be with you in a moment."
(OOC: Doesn't matter where you sit,)
Julieta follows you to your seats and hands each of you a plastic-wrapped menu. "Sancho will make up anything on that menu. We don't got anything like a breakfast menu. Everything is served any time of day. Can I get you drinks to start with?"
"We've some friends joining us," Bloodbank informs her.
"That's fine," she looks at the medtech with a friendly smile. "Do you all want me to wait until they get here to collect your orders?"
"I want a drink to start," Blossom pipes up from around her sucker. "Got any cola?"
(OOC: Orders for drinks, each will cost 1.5 NCD)
While the group waits for their companions to arrive, Blossom looks up the Bartholomew School for Advanced Studies' events schedule.
Maggie's Grill | Night City Integrate | High City | UrbanZone - Day 2 (Saturday), 2:23 AM PST
Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)
Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)
Within Maggie's Grill, Ghlahn, Blossom, Echo, and Bloodbank have been nursing their drinks for approximately twenty-minutes by the time Vegas and Fixer arrive.
"Where's your partner?" Blossom pokes the ice in her glass with her index finger and watches it bob up and down in the brown liquid Julieta had refilled moments earlier.
(OOC: Answer pending,)
"Chill," the wardriver replies. "You're not at all concerned about the integrity of our run, are you?"
(OOC: Another answer pending,)
"All right," Bloodbank speaks up and leans forward over his drink after glancing about to make sure no one was within non-enhanced hearing range. "Here's the skinny,"
He proceeds to explain the setting of the Bartholomew School, the tenements nearby, the security as they could see it, and the only plan they'd come up with so far. When he finishes, he leans back and raises his eyebrows. "Any ideas?"
Posted on 2016-10-14 at 15:49:38.
TannTalas Trilogy Master RDI Staff Karma: 181/119 6817 Posts
Conversation Cont...........
Night City Regional Hospital ER Room | Night City Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - Day 2 (Saturday), 2:00 AM PST Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)
Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)
"Yeah, I'm sure you can tell from my old tech I'm not much in the runner biz. Mostly work as a bouncer in clubs like The Rat Pack—hell, only own the one .44. Ahh... I will be getting that back, right?"
"Provided you got the papers on it all in order," the younger officer—a fellow with the name badge of Riggs—chimes in, "and there's no proof you were involved in the shooting."
Casino could not help but give the young cop Riggs an annoyed look as he replaid..
"It is and I wasn't, I'm sure you can see that no shots were fired from the weapon. Not sure what killed the boosters but it was a hellva lot more firepower then one old out of work bouncer with a lone 44."
"Working clubs as a bouncer, huh?" Murtaugh gruffly brings the conversation back to the matter at hand. "Got anyone who can back that up?"
"The owner of the bar, she could possibly confirm I was there looking for a job. Of course this whole firefight outside her club may have pissed her off."
Riggs stands up and motions his partner to follow him resulting in the older policeman stiffly rising from his plastic chair. "Stay put, Mr. Story."
Casino looking around at his present location and the hole in his arm looked at Riggs.
"Really? Where am I gonna go?"
The two cops walk about six meters away where Officer Riggs shows Officer Murtaugh his agent. The senior officer looks the screen over briefly before nodding and the two of them return to their seats.
"Tell me about Chan Wo, Mr. Story," Murtaugh orders quietly. "About six years ago? Ring a bell?"
"Of course, I'm getting old, not dumb, so what about it? I was cleared of all charges and you both know that already. So why the interest, am I being charged with something?"
Posted on 2016-10-15 at 20:58:11.
Edited on 2016-10-15 at 21:02:55 by TannTalas
Vesper Resident Karma: 20/12 325 Posts
Continuing adventures
Fixer paid for the cab fare and attempted to relax as the hovercar took off into the upper levels of the city. He pulled free the face mask that had protected him from the pollution. His pack was dropped into the seat next to him. Fixer felt odd here next to Vegas, as if he was replacing casino in a manner.
He waited for Vegas to chime in as he sat there nonchalantly.
Posted on 2016-10-16 at 22:17:05.
Hammer Extreme Exclaimator! Karma: 93/24 4361 Posts
Snippets of Conversation
The following are Snippets of Conversation from Vegas (OOC: I am really pressed for time due to some Real Life Obligations, so I am trying to get this Posted before I go to sleep)
Vegas looked over at Fixer, feeling a bit of sadness that Casino was no longer with them, but glad that his newest partner was by all indications, well able to do his part in locating the missing boy.
As for Casino, he had a knack of extricating himself from tight spots, even when shot full of bloody holes and facing jail time in the custody of the police.
Vegas was certain they would be reunited in due time. In fact, the Dapper Solo was counting on it.
"As for Frazetti's," the Frank Sinatra look-alike concluded, "I can eat spaghetti some other time. What do you think about hailing a taxi and heading up to High City?"
Fixer shifts the weight from his bruised leg and shrugs. "Running up a tab, but I think you're probably right. Heard back from the others yet?"
Vegas shook his head with a grim reply, "Not yet, but we should be hearing from them soon."
"Well," the techie scratches at his jaw, "then I suppose we just tell the driver to take us to the school."
"Sounds good enough to me," responded the Frank Sinatra look-alike.
Night City Integrate offers a number of cab solutions at all times of the night. One of the best used services by Edgerunners is the self-driving car service called RoboCab. Vegas orders the cab by commanding his agent to do the dirty work and then receives a notice on his optic display that he has a message. A quick mental command delivers the message from Blossom (represented as a cute little anime schoolgirl jumping up and down with excitement despite the message being rather plain and bland.
We're at the school, but it's all locked down. There's a greasy spoon within a couple of blocks called Maggie's Grill. Meet there.
"Ah, Finally!"
Vegas relayed the message to Fixer, relieved that the Asian Beauty was still alive. It would be good to see her again, in spite of all the previous night's problems.
"Better to regroup at Maggie's Grill," agreed the Dapper Solo.
"Welcome to your RoboCab transportation unit Four-three-two-nine-nine-dee. Please state your destination." The cab's friendly female voice sounds softly from behind the runner's heads on both sides of the vehicle.
Vegas relayed the address of Maggie's Grill to the RoboCab, before making himself comfortable.
"Please make sure you are seatbelted, and once I have your payment information, the ride will take approximately thirty-minutes."
After Fixer had made the payment, Vegas engaged Fixer in friendly small talk, getting more acclimated to working with a new partner, after so many adventures with Casino.
Within Maggie's Grill, Ghlahn, Blossom, Echo, and Bloodbank have been nursing their drinks for approximately twenty-minutes by the time Vegas and Fixer arrive.
"Where's your partner?" Blossom pokes the ice in her glass with her index finger and watches it bob up and down in the brown liquid Julieta had refilled moments earlier.
"We ran into a bit of a problem outside the Rat Pack. Casino got himself shot up pretty bad. He stayed behind to let the cops patch him up, while using his 'Casino Charm' to throw them off our scent while we proceed with the task we signed up for.
"Nice to see you too Doll."
"Chill," the wardriver replies. "You're not at all concerned about the integrity of our run, are you?"
"Well Doll," continued the Chairman, "no need to worry your pretty little head about my concerns.
"We did manage to meet Starlight and get the hardware that Casino ordered. Fixer has all Casino's heavy duty firepower. I have the Taser.
"Starlight managed to get herself shot all to pieces, but she was airlifted out by her Posse, before the cops arrived to take Casino in for questioning. She will be wanting a report soon."
(OOC: Vegas awaits any response to this news and is ready to counter punch any negative comments thrown his way)
"All right," Bloodbank speaks up and leans forward over his drink after glancing about to make sure no one was within non-enhanced hearing range. "Here's the skinny,"
He proceeds to explain the setting of the Bartholomew School, the tenements nearby, the security as they could see it, and the only plan they'd come up with so far. When he finishes, he leans back and raises his eyebrows. "Any ideas?"
"Trail may get too cold by Monday," stated the Dapper Solo, "and no telling where the Kid is stashed. Santa is probably getting more fidgety by the hour.
"No telling who else has been employed to find the Kid. I for one have been through too much tonight to let some other Choombas cut in on our action!"
He looks each of the men in the eye, before continuing his one-sided conversation.
"I want to hear what the Ladies have to say."
Vegas turns his attention to Blossom and Echo, foregoing any foreplay of flirtation.
"Okay," says the Dapper Solo, "what course of action makes sense to you Dolls?"
Posted on 2016-10-17 at 01:00:35.
Aletheia Veteran Visitor Karma: 2/0 147 Posts
Nibbles and planning
***"I want a drink to start," Blossom pipes up from around her sucker. "Got any cola?"***
"A cola for me as well, please", Echo says, sitting in a chair with her back to the wall.
***While the group waits for their companions to arrive, Blossom looks up the Bartholomew School for Advanced Studies' events schedule.
Within Maggie's Grill, Ghlahn, Blossom, Echo, and Bloodbank have been nursing their drinks for approximately twenty-minutes by the time Vegas and Fixer arrive.
"Where's your partner?" Blossom pokes the ice in her glass with her index finger and watches it bob up and down in the brown liquid Julieta had refilled moments earlier.
"We ran into a bit of a problem outside the Rat Pack. Casino got himself shot up pretty bad. He stayed behind to let the cops patch him up, while using his 'Casino Charm' to throw them off our scent while we proceed with the task we signed up for."
"Nice to see you too Doll."
"Chill," the wardriver replies. "You're not at all concerned about the integrity of our run, are you?"
"Well Doll," continued the Chairman, "no need to worry your pretty little head about my concerns.
"We did manage to meet Starlight and get the hardware that Casino ordered. Fixer has all Casino's heavy duty firepower. I have the Taser.
"Starlight managed to get herself shot all to pieces, but she was airlifted out by her Posse, before the cops arrived to take Casino in for questioning. She will be wanting a report soon."***
"Is he going to join us later, then? And Starlight - have you heard anything about her condition since you left her?" Echo asks, wondering how bad "shot up pretty bad" and "shot all to pieces" really was.
(OOC: Answers, if any)
***"All right," Bloodbank speaks up and leans forward over his drink after glancing about to make sure no one was within non-enhanced hearing range. "Here's the skinny,"
He proceeds to explain the setting of the Bartholomew School, the tenements nearby, the security as they could see it, and the only plan they'd come up with so far. When he finishes, he leans back and raises his eyebrows. "Any ideas?"Â
"Trail may get too cold by Monday," stated the Dapper Solo, "and no telling where the Kid is stashed. Santa is probably getting more fidgety by the hour.
"No telling who else has been employed to find the Kid. I for one have been through too much tonight to let some other Choombas cut in on our action!"
He looks each of the men in the eye, before continuing his one-sided conversation.
"I want to hear what the Ladies have to say."
Vegas turns his attention to Blossom and Echo, foregoing any foreplay of flirtation.
"Okay," says the Dapper Solo, "what course of action makes sense to you Dolls?"***
"The only thoughts I had was the posing as students, which may not work because it's the weekend. I asked Blossom to check for any activities the school might be having today, like a game or some junk, which might make it easier to get in. Another thought I just had is what about the sewer system or some other underground maint tunnels?"
She leans back and takes a sip of her cola.
"That's all I've got, choomba. You have any bright ideas?"
Posted on 2016-10-20 at 01:46:08.
Bromern Sal A Shadow RDI Staff Karma: 158/11 4402 Posts
More planning and possible relief for Casino's pain.
Night City Regional General Hospital, Emergency Room | Night City Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - Day 2 (Saturday), 2:09 AM PST
Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)
Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)
"Working clubs as a bouncer, huh?" Murtaugh gruffly brings the conversation back to the matter at hand. "Got anyone who can back that up?"
Riggs stands up and motions his partner to follow him resulting in the older policeman stiffly rising from his plastic chair. "Stay put, Mr. Story."
The two cops walk about six meters away where Officer Riggs shows Officer Murtaugh his agent. The senior officer looks the screen over briefly before nodding and the two of them return to their seats.
"Tell me about Chan Wo, Mr. Story," Murtaugh orders quietly. "About six years ago? Ring a bell?"
"Of course," the wounded man growls. "I'm getting old, not dumb. So, what about it? I was cleared of all charges and you both know that already. So, why the interest? Am I being charged with something?"
"Just curious," Murtaugh shrugs and pulls at his bulletproof vest to situate it more comfortably. "Helluvah lot of identity theft going on these days. Making sure you are who you say you are."
"The blues on the street are finalizing the scene, Mr. Story," Riggs adds. "We'll know better if you're going to be charged when they're finished."
Emergency rooms are notorious for their long wait times and Night City Regional's is one of the worst. The waiting room consists of approximately ten meters by fifteen meters of polished tile flooring beneath a fifteen foot ceiling with recessed lighting. Thin steel pillars are spaced strategically throughout the chamber providing support as needed while barely obstructing the view. Two such pillars display holographic sign boards indicating wait time currently set at two hours, and the far right wall is essentially a television screen with a main show taking up the whole of it and six picture-in-picture screens (three on each side) showing alternate entertainment. The main screen is airing GNN's Abraham Hightower and Gina Sharon covering on-going news. One screen is showing cartoons, another a Latin soap opera, and the third on the left side of the wall is showing a fluff piece on Eli "Ramjet" Cooper of the embattled Night City Nomads rugby team. On the other side the screens are playing The Robot in My Bedroom which is a Desnai dramedy; Judge, Jury, and Executioner, a documentary on the notorious Sandman; and a public interest piece on contaminants in the water supplies being covered by a media personality Casino finds familiar, but can't recall her name.
To Casino's right, Murtaugh has settled back and is watching the entertainment obviously aware that they are due to be there a while, and to the solo's left, Riggs is reviewing information on his run-of-the-mill agent encased as it is in its durable black combat casing.
"Hey," Riggs says without looking up from his device. "Mr. Story. What'd this fellow look like who was airlifted by the AV?"
(OOC: Casino's answer.)
Officer Riggs enters the information into his handheld and then studies the screen a moment longer. "That was a Trauma Team AV, wasn't it Murtaugh?"
"Sure was," the older cop answers in a distracted tone.
"Anything more you can give me on the victim, Mr. Story?" Riggs looks up from his agent and raises his bushy eyebrows at the wounded solo.
(OOC: Casino's answer.)
"What's the injury?" a three foot tall vacuum-cleaner with a holographic round head displaying a smiley face on a round, yellow ball rolls up in front of the three men.
"Gunshot wound to the arm," Riggs explains.
"Would you like something for the pain?" the face turns into a wide-eyed expression of question complete with raised eyebrows.
(OOC: Casino's answer.)
Maggie's Grill | Night City Integrate | High City | UrbanZone - Day 2 (Saturday), 2:28 AM PST
Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)
Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)
Within Maggie's Grill, Ghlahn, Blossom, Echo, and Bloodbank have been nursing their drinks for approximately twenty-minutes by the time Vegas and Fixer arrive.
"Where's your partner?" Blossom pokes the ice in her glass with her index finger and watches it bob up and down in the brown liquid Julieta had refilled moments earlier.
"We ran into a bit of a problem outside the Rat Pack," the Chairman look-alike fills the group in. "Casino got himself shot up pretty bad. He stayed behind to let the cops patch him up, while using his 'Casino Charm' to throw them off our scent while we proceed with the task we signed up for.
"Nice to see you too Doll."
"Chill," the wardriver replies. "You're not at all concerned about the integrity of our run, are you?"
"Well Doll," continued the dapper solo, "no need to worry your pretty little head about my concerns.
"We did manage to meet Starlight and get the hardware that Casino ordered. Fixer has all Casino's heavy duty firepower. I have the Taser. Starlight managed to get herself shot all to pieces, but she was airlifted out by her posse before the cops arrived to take Casino in for questioning. She will be wanting a report soon."
"Is he going to join us later, then? And Starlight—have you heard anything about her condition since you left her?" Echo asks, wondering how bad "shot up pretty bad" and "shot all to pieces" really was.
Blossom rolls the sucker to the other side of her mouth with her tongue and stares at the group's designated leader for a moment before saying, "Seeing how the gig's health affects all of us, I think worrying about one of the team being picked up by cops and our benefactor being ‘shot all to pieces' is more than just your concerns, Choomba."
(OOC: Vegas' response will determine whether Blossom continues to press.)
"All right," Bloodbank speaks up and leans forward over his drink after glancing about to make sure no one was within non-enhanced hearing range. "Here's the skinny,"
He proceeds to explain the setting of the Bartholomew School, the tenements nearby, the security as they could see it, and the only plan they'd come up with so far. When he finishes, he leans back and raises his eyebrows. "Any ideas?"
"Trail may get too cold by Monday," states the dapper solo, "and no telling where the kid is stashed. Santa is probably getting more fidgety by the hour. No telling who else has been employed to find the kid. I for one have been through too much tonight to let some other Choombas cut in on our action!" He looks each of the men in the eye, before continuing his one-sided conversation. "I want to hear what the Ladies have to say."
Vegas turns his attention to Blossom and Echo, foregoing any foreplay of flirtation. "Okay," he asks without his usual charm, "what course of action makes sense to you dolls?"
"The only thoughts I had was posing as students, which may not work because it's the weekend." Echo responds. "I asked Blossom to check for any activities the school might be having today, like a game or some junk, which might make it easier to get in. Another thought I just had is what about the sewer system or some other underground maint tunnels?"
She leans back and takes a sip of her cola.
"That's all I've got, choomba. You have any bright ideas?"
"Private schools," Blossom audibly pops the sucker from her mouth and points it towards the pretty nomad. "They focus more on academics than sports. There's a swim meet being held in the Central Valley Integrate, but that's it. Nothin' for nothin' on campus.
"I also pulled up a map from the Dark on the sewers in this part of the Integrate," the netrunner twirls her candy about in the air like a wand, "magical-like. There's a central access tunnel that runs under the southeast corner. Looks like there could be a manhole if the data is still right. Don't know what kind of security."
The tiny platinum blonde Asian places her agent on the table and activates the holoprojector at the top, bringing up a 3-dimensional map that hovers approximately ten centimeters over the devices in a ball of transparent tunnels and the bottoms of wireframed buildings twenty centimeters in diameter.
"That's about three blocks back the way we just came," she points to a position on the ball that shows what appears to be street access to the tunnels. "Middle of the street, pretty out in the open, but it'd be our closest way down. See here?" she traces a line down the tunnels and then waves the ball into motion moving it along the correct path until reaching the portion of the map she wants. A quick move results in the map stopping and she once again uses her lollipop to point out the next street level access point. "That's the one that opens up in the compound."
"What kind of security do you think is down there?" Bloodbank queries. "And traffic is still heavy enough from what I saw that it begs the question, how do we get down in the first place?"
(OOC: Ideas?)
Posted on 2016-10-24 at 09:50:01.
TannTalas Trilogy Master RDI Staff Karma: 181/119 6817 Posts
In the Housgou PT 2
Night City Regional General Hospital, Emergency Room | Night City Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - Day 2 (Saturday), 2:09 AM PST Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.) Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)
"Working clubs as a bouncer, huh?" Murtaugh gruffly brings the conversation back to the matter at hand. "Got anyone who can back that up?"
Riggs stands up and motions his partner to follow him resulting in the older policeman stiffly rising from his plastic chair. "Stay put, Mr. Story."
Casino looking around at his present location and the hole in his arm looked at Murtaugh.
"Really? Where am I gonna go?"
The two cops walk about six meters away where Officer Riggs shows Officer Murtaugh his agent. The senior officer looks the screen over briefly before nodding and the two of them return to their seats.
"Tell me about Chan Wo, Mr. Story," Murtaugh orders quietly. "About six years ago? Ring a bell?"
"Of course," the wounded man growls. "I'm getting old, not dumb. So, what about it? I was cleared of all charges and you both know that already. So, why the interest? Am I being charged with something?"
"Just curious," Murtaugh shrugs and pulls at his bulletproof vest to situate it more comfortably. "Helluvah lot of identity theft going on these days. Making sure you are who you say you are."
Casino laughed then grimaced in pain.
"How many large guys with old tech that are as ugly as me can there be?"
"The blues on the street are finalizing the scene, Mr. Story," Riggs adds. "We'll know better if you're going to be charged when they're finished."
Emergency rooms are notorious for their long wait times and Night City Regional's is one of the worst. The waiting room consists of approximately ten meters by fifteen meters of polished tile flooring beneath a fifteen foot ceiling with recessed lighting. Thin steel pillars are spaced strategically throughout the chamber providing support as needed while barely obstructing the view. Two such pillars display holographic sign boards indicating wait time currently set at two hours, and the far right wall is essentially a television screen with a main show taking up the whole of it and six picture-in-picture screens (three on each side) showing alternate entertainment. The main screen is airing GNN's Abraham Hightower and Gina Sharon covering on-going news. One screen is showing cartoons, another a Latin soap opera, and the third on the left side of the wall is showing a fluff piece on Eli "Ramjet" Cooper of the embattled Night City Nomads rugby team. On the other side the screens are playing The Robot in My Bedroom which is a Desnai dramedy; Judge, Jury, and Executioner, a documentary on the notorious Sandman; and a public interest piece on contaminants in the water supplies being covered by a media personality Casino finds familiar, but can't recall her name.
To Casino's right, Murtaugh has settled back and is watching the entertainment obviously aware that they are due to be there a while, and to the solo's left, Riggs is reviewing information on his run-of-the-mill agent encased as it is in its durable black combat casing.
"Hey," Riggs says without looking up from his device. "Mr. Story. What'd this fellow look like who was airlifted by the AV?"
"Not much I can tell you. He seemed tall, maybe 5'10 - 6'feet, was wearing a nice suit, maybe a Si-Fuyen or something close. Was a good dancer though he was kinda clueless that he was pissing off those boosters. He had dark or dark brown hair, the hair looked recently dyed. Really all I got before the fireworks started"
Officer Riggs enters the information into his handheld and then studies the screen a moment longer. "That was a Trauma Team AV, wasn't it Murtaugh?"
"Sure was," the older cop answers in a distracted tone.
"Anything more you can give me on the victim, Mr. Story?" Riggs looks up from his agent and raises his bushy eyebrows at the wounded solo.
Pausing as if to think on everything Casino replied.
"No not really, what is it your looking for from me Riggs? Who was that guy, someone important? Maybe wanted?"
Before Riggs or his partner could respond an auto orderly appeared. Casino hated the things, always had, ever since he'd watched that old classic film about the killer robot, Terminator or something.
"What's the injury?" a three foot tall vacuum-cleaner with a holographic round head displaying a smiley face on a round, yellow ball rolls up in front of the three men.
"Gunshot wound to the arm," Riggs explains.
"Would you like something for the pain?" the face turns into a wide-eyed expression of question complete with raised eyebrows.
Not wanting to let the two cops question him further and possibly cause him to slip up he thought about the risks of getting a pain shot. One the one hand getting it he could act all drowsy and none responsive enough for them to leave him alone. However getting the shot, depending on the amount of pain killer used, was also dangerous as he could very well ACTUALLY become drowsy or get hit by a pain killer/truth drug mix and screw up his storyline. The big solo had to admit without his pain editor the arm f***ing hurt and he was no longer as young or as tough as he once was, but he could be tough once as he ever was.
Sighing as in coming to a hard choice, Casino looked at the orderly.
"No thanks, I can‘t afford it, unless this one is on the City police?"
Posted on 2016-10-24 at 23:35:55.
Edited on 2016-10-25 at 15:43:40 by TannTalas
Hammer Extreme Exclaimator! Karma: 93/24 4361 Posts
Vegas Responds To Blossom
Blossom rolls the sucker to the other side of her mouth with her tongue and stares at the group's designated leader for a moment before saying, "Seeing how the gig's health affects all of us, I think worrying about one of the team being picked up by cops and our benefactor being ‘shot all to pieces' is more than just your concerns, Choomba."
"Time to focus on the task at hand," Vegas responds to Blossom. "Starlight is expecting an update and you can rest assured that she is pulling strings to get the job done and get a big payday from Santa for finding the boy!"
"I also pulled up a map from the Dark on the sewers in this part of the Integrate," the netrunner twirls her candy about in the air like a wand, "magical-like. There's a central access tunnel that runs under the southeast corner. Looks like there could be a manhole if the data is still right. Don't know what kind of security."
The tiny platinum blonde Asian places her agent on the table and activates the holoprojector at the top, bringing up a 3-dimensional map that hovers approximately ten centimeters over the devices in a ball of transparent tunnels and the bottoms of wireframed buildings twenty centimeters in diameter.
"That's about three blocks back the way we just came," she points to a position on the ball that shows what appears to be street access to the tunnels. "Middle of the street, pretty out in the open, but it'd be our closest way down. See here?" she traces a line down the tunnels and then waves the ball into motion moving it along the correct path until reaching the portion of the map she wants. A quick move results in the map stopping and she once again uses her lollipop to point out the next street level access point. "That's the one that opens up in the compound."
"What kind of security do you think is down there?" Bloodbank queries. "And traffic is still heavy enough from what I saw that it begs the question, how do we get down in the first place?"
The Dapper Solo scratched his head before replying, "Far as I can tell we need to make like Alice and go down the rabbit hole! I do not see any other way and I can still hear Starlight barking orders while her boys patched her up and airlifted her out of harm's way! We need a diversion! You Dolls got any magic tricks to complement the firepower that Fixer is carrying?"
Posted on 2016-10-28 at 23:16:07.
Keeper of Dragons Devil's Advocate Karma: 59/18 2581 Posts
"The sewers sound like the only way in unless we wait til monday. Can't say I really like either option. If there is an entrance inside the compound that would get my vote. Easier to bypass security. If we get lucky, the manhole will not be in an area the guards watch. Usually security is more invested in looking outwards than inwards. But, if they are watching there will likely be bloodshed again."
Posted on 2016-10-29 at 06:00:34.
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