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You are here: Home --> Forum Home --> Rules-based RPGs --> Cyberpunk --> Flesh & Blood - A Night City Adventure
Parent thread: Flesh & Blood - A CyberPunk Game
GM for this game: Bromern Sal
Players for this game: TannTalas, Keeper of Dragons, Nomad D2, Hammer, Mischief, Espatier, dragon-soul92, CameToPlay
    Messages in Flesh & Blood - A Night City Adventure
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Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3141 Posts

The Plan is clear as mud seen through a drone's eyes

Fixer watched as everyone took up their spots.  Glahn moved to a spot to provide cover.  Somehow it didn't make him more comfortable.  But they needed it.  Others would sit at the diner or someother similar location.  And some would go in.  he suspected he was in that group.  He looked around the alley to see if there was any security visible in all that wiring. there might be something he could co-op if it existed.  He just doubted it existed.  

More likely was something on the nearby buildings.  He looked for security cameras that might cover the alley.  Was it possible someone had footage off people going in and out?  It might tell them if Rya was there.  Or perhaps even Jace if the footage was stored back far enough.  It likely was if it existed in the first place.  But that would likely require a camera on a nearby building that just accidently seemed to cover their target.  He kept his eyes open for possibilities.  If he found something he could suggest looking for the wiring for access.  But time probably made it a bad option anyway.  Time was not on their side.  

When he finished his quick look around he was ready to go?  "Ok, We goin' in?  Not much sense waitin' any longer."

Posted on 2019-08-28 at 19:48:58.

Karma: 7/0
287 Posts

where to roost

  "Ok, We goin' in?  Not much sense waitin' any longer." Fixer spoke

Mr Charile agreed with a nod.  " Anybody and evrybody get out, Me and bloss will have to find a place to wait. Looks like your on your own for now. If you can make it to this point here. Then I'll make sure that the package is picked up and I"ll buy the first round of Abydos,  Deal?".  

time passes

"Greek Dan's hero shop for now?... maybe they have seats?" Sugguests Mr Charile to blossom




Posted on 2019-09-04 at 17:50:59.

Trilogy Master
RDI Staff
Karma: 181/119
6817 Posts

Short post

"Ok, We goin' in?  Not much sense waitin' any longer." Fixer spoke
Mr Charile agreed with a nod. " Anybody and evrybody get out, Me and bloss will have to find a place to wait. Looks like your on your own for now. If you can make it to this point here. Then I'll make sure that the package is picked up and I"ll buy the first round of Abydos, Deal?".

As Charlie stopped the car, Casino was the first to get out. Giving a quick scan to the area around them he thought he saw no immendiat threat. However just because he saw nothing did not mean it was not hidden. His hand on the grip of his SMG, thumb close to the safety, he awaited the rest of the group, minus Charlie and Blossom, to exit the car.

For the moment he’d wait on the rest to be set before starting this next phase of the search. He could only hope Vegas did not suffer from the delay.

Posted on 2019-09-16 at 14:37:10.

Bromern Sal
A Shadow
RDI Staff
Karma: 158/11
4402 Posts

X00032:8.Y00001:12.Z00054:5, 12th Alley | Night City Integrate | Undercity | UrbanZone - March 9th, Day 3 (Sunday), 9:02 AM PST

Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15 mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)

Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)


Crossing the street, Ghlahn passes in front of the CPA’s office. Foot traffic is picking up. The sidewalk is about 70% congested with people making their way east. People dressed in their best clothes, hair combed, cybernetics polished. That’s going to make climbing the fire escape unnoticed nigh unto impossible. Keep going? Try to find another way up the outside of the building? Or see if there’s a way into one of the businesses along 12th Street, maybe find a way upstairs and then out onto the escape?


Making a quick decision, the stocking-capped solo stops and looks about attempting his best act at getting his bearings. Shaking his head and affecting a chagrined expression, he swivels about and strides around the corner where he proceeds down 12th street. Neon signs play within the cheap holographic projections like worms inflicting a victim.


The CPA’s office on the corner—Black & Gesault—is closed. Frontline Apparel with its caged windows spitting out holographic models walking a couple of steps into the sidewalk, spinning about, and then vanishing back into the protected glass is open. That store will likely be filled with autofactories ready to print the selected clothing. It may even be devoid of a clerk… 


Further down the street, the only other shop that appears to be open is Superfix Appliance Sales & Repair. With it being a repair store, there are likely people within. Glancing to his right, Ghlahn spots the air jeep parked in front of the Greek place. The Sunday morning traffic is starting to thin out a bit—maybe Church is in session—which helps, but dealing with no people is way better than the alternative, so the Cee-metal cyborg ducks into Frontline Apparel, shifting his bag so that it sits more behind him on his butt as he goes.


Stark white overheads glare at him. Not quite bright enough to cause concern, they are an unwelcome change from the gloom outside. Pausing just inside the door, Ghlahn takes in his new surroundings with a practiced eye. As he had suspected, the shop is unmanned but that doesn’t mean that there isn’t security. Experience states that even in the Undercity a shop owner will fork out the creds to protect their assets. In this case, with no clerk to manage the store and deal with potential vandals (merchandise is safe since it isn’t available until the creds are paid and the machines print the job), it’s a safe bet that there’s some kind of AI. 


Utilitarian meets industrial with a splash of urban decay, the shop is a deep rectangle accented by two sets of rust-colored metal pylons on either wall rising up to the bare metal rafters. The floor is black and white ceramic tile patterned to look like marble. Sitting in front of each wall are autofactory booths, six in total, three on each side. An individual walks into the booth, closes the curtain, inserts their cred chip or authorizes a pending transfer, is scanned for measurements, and then is presented with their design options. After making the selection, the autofactory begins printing. Within five minutes, the customer is walking out the door with their new article of clothing. 


But it isn’t the autofactories that Ghlahn is looking for. His gaze settles on a back door, olive green in color, obviously metal with a few small dents and a number of scratches marring its surface. The area around the dull steel handle is stained with dirty smudges and the “Employees Only” sticker has seen better days. The lock requires a keycard. It appears to the cyborg sniper that its a scanner device. There’s a possibility that through that door, there’s another door with access to a utility hall. From there, he might be able to get more of a bird’s eye view of 12th street.


Considering his options, the red-headed soldier wonders what kind of security he’s going to have to face down to get access. Glancing back over his shoulder, he stares at the alley across the street. The window provides a view at an angle, if straight out of the shop is twelve o’clock, the alley is at about ten o’clock. From street level, his view could be obstructed by passing vehicles or pedestrians.


Looking back towards the door, Ghlahn knows it’s time to make a decision.


(OOC: March 9th, Day 3 - Sunday, Time is 09:10 AM PST)




Fixer watches as Glahn moves to find a spot to provide cover. Somehow it doesn’t make him any more comfortable but they need it. The plan is for the others to sit at the diner or some other, similar location, and the remainder of the group would go into the alley. He suspects he is in that latter group. He peers down towards the alley to see if there is any visible security. There might be something he can co-op if it exists. He just doubts it exists. 


Keen eyes augmented by NuCybe that allows him to zoom in on the area of interest confirm his original thought. Nothing visible as far as security goes on the outer entrance to the alley. Even adjusting to the nearby buildings and looking for security cameras that might cover the alley results in a clear path. As the Jeep pulls up in front of the diner, he keeps his eyes open for possibilities. If he finds something he can suggest looking for a way to access the cameras but time probably makes it a bad option anyway. Time is not on their side.  


Finishing his assessment—at least from their current position—he is ready to go. "Ok, We goin' in? Not much sense waitin' any longer."


Mr. Charlie agrees with a nod, "Anybody and everybody, get out. Me and Bloss will have to find a place to wait. Looks like you’re on your own for now. If you can make it to this point here then I'll make sure that the package is picked up and I’ll buy the first round of Abydos. Deal?"  


Charlie parks the Jeep and waits for it to settle to the ground as he looks past Casino and into the restaurant. Grandma Dee’s Diner is no less packed than it was five-minutes ago.


Casino is the first to get out. Quickly scanning the area around them, he sees no immediate threat. He’s not green, however. Just because he spots nothing does not mean it is not hidden, waiting to put hot lead through his skull. Hand on the grip of his SMG, thumb close to the safety, he waits on the rest of the group. He can only hope Vegas does not suffer from the delay.


Echo easily rolls out of her seat and splooshes onto the pavement, shoulders squared, head on a swivel, hand cradling her precious SMG.


Bloodbank draws in a deep, filtered breath and follows the nomad onto the crowded sidewalk. Taking in the Sunday dining crowd, he sets his jaw against the disdainful looks thrown his way by some of the people.


Fixer is the last to exit. As the misty rain dusts his exposed face, the Techie takes a quick look around before satisfying his concerns about their immediate safety. 


“Standing room only,” Echo mutters to Cred Stick Charlie. “Looks like you’ll need another roost.”


"Greek Dan's Hero Shop for now? Maybe they have seats?" Suggests Charlie to Blossom.


“Greek at this time of day?” the netrunner scowls, then blanches. “Greek at any time of day is gross, but in the morning? Fine… whatever.”


The fixer pulls back on the lift control causing the aerodyne to throw dirty water out from underneath it in a 365° radius that catches the edgers about the thighs and waists. A mass shift of by-standers moving towards the walls of the building is accompanied by angry glares and various cultural signs of affront. 


“Let’s go,” Echo responds quietly, already beginning to make her way towards the alleyway.


“Anyone want to check and see if Ghlahn is in position?” Bloodbank asks, grateful that he doesn’t have the walkie and still feeling guilty about his previous faux pas. 


(OOC: Remember who has walkies&hellip


(OOC: March 9th, Day 3 - Sunday, Time is 09:05 AM PST)




Pulling back into the sparse traffic on 12th, Charlie looks for a parking spot in front of the Greek sandwich shop and is rewarded right away with a place between a discolored plastic economy city car and a junker economy version with missing windows and multiple spray painted tags covering its body. Parallel parking, he pushes the lift controls into landing mode and waits for the vehicle to settle as the rest of the team walks past and continues on towards their destination.


“There’re a lot of agents with public access nearby,” Blossom reads the HUD display before her eyes. “Can’t tell who they belong to. Won’t risk pissing some retired street samurai off by playing Russian Roulette. So, Greek it is.”


Shifting to the other side of the vehicle, the slight Asian girl extracts herself from the vehicle and retrieves her bag. Waiting on Charlie, she peers in the window of their intended destination, past the wax crayon advert art covering the windows with their low-tech displays.


“Sh*t,” she curses around the sucker protruding from her pouty lips. “The place is closed.”

(OOC: March 9th, Day 3 - Sunday, Time is 09:05 AM PST)

Posted on 2019-09-17 at 19:14:32.

Keeper of Dragons
Devil's Advocate
Karma: 59/18
2581 Posts

Ghalahn pulls out his walkie and keys the mike, "Looks like slim picking for overwatch.  Locked scanner door is blocking the best access.  Gonna have to settle for a street level window and hope traffic isn' too heavy.  Should be in place in 5 minutes"  He takes up a position looking out the window but keeps his weapon covered for now.

Posted on 2019-09-22 at 17:41:13.

Trilogy Master
RDI Staff
Karma: 181/119
6817 Posts

At full alert

Casino is the first to get out. Quickly scanning the area around them, he sees no immediate threat. He’s not green, however. Just because he spots nothing does not mean it is not hidden, waiting to put hot lead through his skull. Hand on the grip of his SMG, thumb close to the safety, he waits on the rest of the group. He can only hope Vegas does not suffer from the delay. Echo easily rolls out of her seat and sploshes onto the pavement, shoulders squared, head on a swivel, hand cradling her precious SMG.

Bloodbank draws in a deep, filtered breath and follows the nomad onto the crowded sidewalk. Taking in the Sunday dining crowd, he sets his jaw against the disdainful looks thrown his way by some of the people. Fixer is the last to exit. As the misty rain dusts his exposed face, the Techie takes a quick look around before satisfying his concerns about their immediate safety.

“Standing room only,” Echo mutters to Cred Stick Charlie. “Looks like you’ll need another roost.”

After a few moments to let everyone get set, Echo is the first to seemingly take charge, surprising Casino, though her way seems to be a bit more quiet then his or Charlie’s have been up to this point.

“Let’s go,” Echo responds quietly, already beginning to make her way towards the alleyway.

“Anyone want to check and see if Ghlahn is in position?” Bloodbank asks, grateful that he doesn’t have the walkie and still feeling guilty about his previous faux pas.

Bringing the walking to his mouth, Casino does just that. “Ghlahn update?”

"Looks like slim pickings for over watch.  Locked scanner door is blocking the best access.  Gonna have to settle for a street level window and hope traffic isn' too heavy.  Should be in place in 5 minutes" 

“Copy that 5 minutes” With the walkie on open, Casino felt no need to repeat Ghlahn’s update of his time frame. Hosting his SMG, his thumb on its safety, index finger on trigger he moved into last place in the group following Echo into the alleyway. His head never staying in one place to long, his combat package at full alert, and his eyes watching the groups back he acts as rear guard to Echo’s scout. The big Solo can only hope that they will finally find some tangible lead to the kid........

Posted on 2019-09-28 at 00:13:52.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3141 Posts

Moving In

Fixer listened as the others talked and moved into position.  He waited and watched everyone going into or out of the alley.  If their target came out he wasn't going to miss her.  When Ghlan had finally gotten into position and the group was ready they headed into the alley.  Could you look unobtrusive in a spot like this?  He didn't know.  But he tried.  His head kept rotating as he looked everywhere for any sign of trouble.  He looke dofr thier quarry, he looked for weapons, he looked for electronic surveylance equipment and he looked for anything out of place.  Except themselves he thought sourly to himself.  

But that he couldn't do much about.  He kept going, wondering if team #2 was on their trail. 

Posted on 2019-10-01 at 22:20:39.

Karma: 7/0
287 Posts

short post for now

“Sh*t,” she curses around the sucker protruding from her pouty lips. “The place is closed.”

" We could just sit here for a bit till something opens up" Charile quipped to blossom " Or we could just simply keep driving around the block". 

Charile didn't have alot of options right now so things were limited, or at least for now. 

"Bloss, you want to find yourself a spot and I'll just keep driving around till they get the package and we all high tail it out  here together?" Charile asked. 

Posted on 2019-11-07 at 13:36:48.

Bromern Sal
A Shadow
RDI Staff
Karma: 158/11
4402 Posts

X00032:8.Y00001:12.Z00054:5, 12th Alley | Night City Integrate | Undercity | UrbanZone - March 9th, Day 3 (Sunday), 9:10 AM PST

Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15 mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)

Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)


Considering his options, the red-headed soldier wonders what kind of security he’s going to have to face down to get access. Glancing back over his shoulder, he stares at the alley across the street. The window provides a view at an angle, if straight out of the shop is twelve o’clock, the alley is at about ten o’clock. From street level, his view could be obstructed by passing vehicles or pedestrians.


Just then, Casino’s voice plays through the walkie-talkie’s speaker, “Ghlahn, update?” Looking back towards the door, the CeeMetal knows it’s time to make a decision.


Pulling out his walkie, he keys the mic, "Looks like slim picking for overwatch. A locked scanner door is blocking the best access. Gonna have to settle for a street-level window and hope traffic isn' too heavy. Should be in place in 5 minutes."


“Copy that. Five minutes,” Casino’s voice crackles across the airwaves.


Taking up a position looking out the window, he keeps his weapon in its case… for now. A Sunday morning in Undercity is a busy time of day. There are demographics of people in each level of every major city whose ideals are born strictly from their circumstances. Ghlahn’s experience in the Undercity is that you have those who believe in God, attend church, and pray for deliverance; and then you have those who prey on those who pray. The religious hopefuls gather together en mass thinking that their numbers will provide protection. They endure the taunts and harassments to and from their churches and sometimes during services all the while praying that the scenes don’t turn to violence. 


The Godless gather en mass to make fun of and take advantage of the pious’ turn the other cheek attitudes, sell their drugs, weapons, and black market items, and occasionally beat their chests in front of rivals.


Ghlahn’s enclave held services of a kind. Their god is science, that which allows the infirm to gain new bodies, keep the old alive longer, and give the CeeMetal an immunity to human ailments. There’s a peace inside the walls of the enclave. Even those who don’t venerate the science appreciate it otherwise they wouldn’t be CeeMetal. Watching the loitering street gangs across the street brings back memories of the stark differences between the chaos of the Streets and the order of the enclave. 


“Hello,” a pleasant female voice chirps from right behind him. “You appear to be loitering. This is not permitted. Do you need assistance in making a purchase decision or will you be moving along?”


Most might have jumped out of their skin but M’haru Ghlahn hadn’t heard any doors open and knew he was alone so his immediate response is to recognize the interruption for what it is, an AI hologram. He can make out the reflection of the projection in the window, faint and ghost-like but there nonetheless and likely programmed to respond in this way because there are no human clerks to keep the downtrodden and troublemakers from using the costly space as a hangout.


(OOC: March 9th, Day 3 - Sunday, Time is 09:15 AM PST)




Hand on the grip of his SMG, thumb close to the safety, Casino hopes that Vegas does not suffer from the delay concluding this gig is causing. After a few moments to let everyone get set, Echo takes charge, surprising the muscular solo. 


“Let’s go,” Echo orders quietly, already beginning to make her way towards the alley.


“Anyone want to check and see if Ghlahn is in position?” Bloodbank asks, grateful that he doesn’t have the walkie and still feeling guilty about his previous faux pas.


Bringing the walking to his mouth, Casino does just that. “Ghlahn, update?”


"Looks like slim picking for overwatch. A locked scanner door is blocking the best access. Gonna have to settle for a street-level window and hope traffic isn' too heavy. Should be in place in 5 minutes." 


“Copy that. Five minutes.” With the walkie on open, Casino feels no need to repeat Ghlahn’s update to the others, though a couple of Hispanic men hanging out in front of Pedro’s Food Trucks give the group a once-over having obviously heard the exchange. Hosting his SMG, his thumb on its safety, index finger on the trigger, Keith moves into the last place in the group following Echo into the alleyway, demonstrating that he’s ready to handle anything that the men wish to throw their way. His eyes never stay in one place too long, his combat package is at full alert, and the men know that they don’t want to challenge the blonde, masked Edgerunner. 


Fixer listens as the others talk and move into position. He waits and watches everyone going into or out of the alley. If their target comes out he isn’t going to miss her. Can you look unobtrusive in a spot like this? He doesn’t know. But he tries. His head keeps rotating as he looks everywhere for any sign of trouble or their quarry. He scans for weapons, he searches for electronic surveillance equipment, and he looks for anything out of place. Except us, he thinks sourly to himself. But that he can’t do much about. Keeping on, he speculates as to whether team #2 is on their trail.


“Is this a grab and get out situation?” Bloodbank asks just as Echo reaches the mouth of the alley.


“I say we see what’s what and if the package is there,” the nomad woman pauses and scans what lies ahead, “we take him and get the hell outta here.”


Raising his eyebrows behind his combat mask, the medtech is surprised by her statement. She’s been calm for the most part, and more interested in doing things using diplomacy up until now. He suspects the whole situation with Casino and maybe even a little of what has happened to Vegas is to blame. “I know we’re on a clock, but there might be an opportunity to talk our way into a better position. I say we ‘sess the situation with an eye towards not spilling blood.”


(OOC: Room for other thoughts and comments. One for, one against. What’s the initial approach going to be?)


“The alley is clear as far as I can tell,” Echo mumbles out the side of her mouth while shifting her SMG to a more ready position. With the decision made on their approach, she leads the party of four into the ramshackle array of shacks and tents. 


To the nomad’s thinking, the alley is about 60 meters entrance to end, but it continues around to the left. The first twenty, or so, are filled with refuse, filth, and discarded “building” materials. It isn’t in the least bit inviting and in no way says to her, come on in. The buildings on either side have been tagged with so much graffiti that it is nearly impossible for her to decipher any of it. One that she does take notice of is the roughly drawn canine skull of the Dead Dogs. Odorous ammonia strikes her nostrils practically the instant she steps foot in the alley, mixed with a nearly overwhelming smell of mold, Echo fights against her watering eyes. Then, there’s the first patchwork dwelling. 


Tall enough that Casino would have no trouble standing upright within, the structure is a mix of fabricated wood panels, bailing wire, canvas sheets, chicken wire, rusted steel pipes mixed with copper and PVC pipes, and packing plastics. There are lights on inside and smoke billowing from more than a few of the pipes. Filling most of the left side of the alley, the shack leaves about enough room for two people to pass by shoulder-to-shoulder on the right.


After this shack, Echo can see another ramshackle pieced-together dwelling. This one is smaller than the first, mostly blocked by it actually, but it too is spilling forth light from cracks in its construction. There’s another humble shelter beyond that can barely be seen. No lights, made of mostly the same materials as the others, but otherwise showing no occupancy. Then there’s a shack on the right side of the alley. It, too, is reminiscent of an abandoned and derelict shack.


(OOC: March 9th, Day 3 - Sunday, Time is 09:15 AM PST)




“There’re a lot of agents with public access nearby,” Blossom reads the HUD display before her eyes. “Can’t tell who they belong to. Won’t risk pissing some retired street samurai off by playing Russian Roulette. So, Greek it is.”


Shifting to the other side of the vehicle, the slight Asian girl extracts herself from the vehicle and retrieves her bag. Waiting on Charlie, she peers in the window of their intended destination, past the wax crayon advert art covering the windows with their low-tech displays.


“Sh*t,” she curses around the sucker protruding from her pouty lips. “The place is closed.”


"We could just sit here for a bit till something opens up," Charlie quips to Blossom from where he still sits. "Or we could just simply keep driving around the block." 


They don’t have a lot of options, at least for now. Clacking her teeth on the hard candy in her mouth, the netrunner considers his suggestion.


"Bloss, you want to find yourself a spot and I'll just keep driving around till they get the package and we all high tail it out here together?" Charlie asks.


“Where?” the platinum blond woman spreads her hands wide in disgust before plopping down in the passenger seat of the Airjeep. “Does this thing have a top we can close?


“Maybe driving around is our best option,” she pouts. “Unless you want to just join up with those four and make it an even half dozen.”


(OOC: Assuming here&hellip


Activating the fans, Luther lifts the aerodyne from its resting position and pulls away from the curb, spraying water all about the battered vehicle and causing more than one of the loitering street population to exclaim in annoyance. Quickly passing the rest of their team, Charlie heads for the turn up ahead to make his rounds of the block.


“I’m going to attempt to tap into the Cop-camera down the street,” Blossom states, pulling her keyboard from her bracer and shifting her weight on the uncomfortably hard seat. 


(OOC: March 9th, Day 3 - Sunday, Time is 09:15 AM PST)

Posted on 2019-11-08 at 19:40:44.

Trilogy Master
RDI Staff
Karma: 181/119
6817 Posts

hey look a post

Hand on the grip of his SMG, thumb close to the safety, Casino hopes that Vegas does not suffer from the delay concluding this gig is causing. After a few moments to let everyone get set, Echo takes charge, surprising the muscular solo.

 “Let’s go,” Echo orders quietly, already beginning to make her way towards the alley.

“Anyone want to check and see if Ghlahn is in position?”

Bloodbank asks, grateful that he doesn’t have the walkie and still feeling guilty about his previous faux pas.

“Ghlahn, update?”

Casino listened as Ghlahn’s voice came back through the talkies mic

"Looks like slim picking for overwatch. A locked scanner door is blocking the best access. Gonna have to settle for a street-level window and hope traffic isn' too heavy. Should be in place in 5 minutes."

“Copy that. Five minutes,”

Casino answered the groups overwatching sniper. Moving to rejoin the rest of the group he easily took up postion at the back allowing Echo to lead. A loud whisper from Bloodbank as a question was asked.

“Is this a grab and get out situation?”

“I say we see what’s what and if the package is there,” the nomad woman pauses and scans what lies ahead, “we take him and get the hell outta here.”

Raising his eyebrows behind his combat mask, the medtech is surprised by her statement. She’s been calm for the most part, and more interested in doing things using diplomacy up until now. He suspects the whole situation with Casino and maybe even a little of what has happened to Vegas is to blame.

“I know we’re on a clock, but there might be an opportunity to talk our way into a better position. I say we ‘sess the situation with an eye towards not spilling blood.”

Casino looked over to the medtech.

“Not to inflame the situation more then I have already but so far ‘peace talks’ have gotten us nowhere, I say if the kids in here, we shake and bake the bad guys and get the kid the F**k home.”

Without another word Casino followed Echo further into the ally the roughly drawn canine skull of the Dead Dogs painted on walls. The heavy stink of odorous ammonia hits the groups nostrils practically the instant they step foot in the alley, mixed with a nearly overwhelming smell of mold. Then, there’s the first of a number of patchwork dwellings made of fabricated wood panels, bailing wire, canvas sheets, chicken wire, rusted steel pipes mixed with copper and PVC pipes, and packing plastics.

Moving past this shack Casino watched as Echo moved towards yet another ramshackle pieced-together dwelling, smaller than the first and in truth mostly blocked by it actually, but like the first is spilling forth light from cracks in its construction. The big solo could see yet a third pieced together shelter beyond that was almost hidden in the dark of the ally but thanks to his optic spliced eyes Casino had no problem listing it in his brain for possible later referance..

No lights, clearly made of same materials as the others for the moment registered as empty. A fourth shack on the right side of the alley reminiscent of an abandoned and derelict shack also showed as empty as the group moved by.Raising his hand to Echo and the others he calls for them to stop and gather round.

“Ok no telling what’s ahead but do we roust the people here and check the lighted hut or move on.?”

Posted on 2019-11-19 at 22:55:24.

Karma: 7/0
287 Posts

The aerodrome fans go round and round

X00032:8.Y00001:12.Z00054:5, 12th Alley | Night City Integrate | Undercity | UrbanZone - March 9th, Day 3 (Sunday), 9:10 AM PST

Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15 mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)

Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)


“Where?” the platinum blond woman spreads her hands wide in disgust before plopping down in the passenger seat of the Airjeep. “Does this thing have a top we can close?

Charlie reached down to attempt to activate the ragtop, that was unsure would work, but as he did Charlie wanted to speak to blossom about something that was on his mind. 

“Maybe driving around is our best option,” she pouts. “Unless you want to just join up with those four and make it an even half dozen.”

“ I’m not built for combat darling, I’ll leave that up to the knuckle draggers, solos and street samurais. I just talk, make deals and get items” Charile used his infectious smile yet again. 

Activating the fans, Luther lifts the aerodyne from its resting position and pulls away from the curb, spraying water all about the battered vehicle and causing more than one of the loitering street population to exclaim in annoyance. Quickly passing the rest of their team, Charlie heads for the turn up ahead to make his rounds of the block.

 “I’m going to attempt to tap into the Cop-camera down the street,” Blossom states, pulling her keyboard from her bracer and shifting her weight on the uncomfortably hard seat. 


“ You know.... Something is bothering me Bloss...... did you see that odd pair back on the corner?”. Charlie cocked his head to the side a bit. “Those two that were covered up in blankets on the corner near Einstein’s Book Emporium. What strikes me as strange is that it isn’t the best place to ask people passing by for money first off, the other is I really can't see their features, they were moving around so much, not very animated like most people asking and engaging people. They seem to me just waiting for something and this is what makes me really nervous. ...... There aren’t any other OBVIOUS homeless people around here”. Charlie eased off the fans and slowed down a bit, then resumed the posted speed before continuing his talk with blossom. “ What's more, is that they are being left alone by the public nearby whereas the public isn't really leaving anyone else alone.”. I got a bad feeling about this bloss and it could spell some trouble for us”. 


Charlie broke squelch “ Ghlahn, this is Drone, Over....”  “ Can you get eyes on two odd pair covered with  blankets next to Einstein’s Book Emporium,possible hostiles, use caution , over. 

Charlie looked to blossom, “you think that you can get a look at those two via cop cam?. I could try pulling over, doubling back if you need me to”. Charlie waited for blossoms answer. 


Charlie attempted to recall and use his database access to look for a possible match.... If either would be a hit it would be a gang member or worst.... One of Santa's elves waiting to clean up his mess. Charlie's stomach twisted and turned at this thought. Would it be the end or was his imagination running wild with the shadows playing tricks?. 


As charlie waited he spoke once again to blossom. “ Hey...kiddo, if we all make out if this soggy messed up sandwich, I plan to let you guys stay with me from time to time, so that you guys don’t have to squat for the night in some godless hell hole, you know what I mean?”. 


*** insert blossom's comments ****


Charlie nodded his head  “ I couldn’t do what you’ll do.... Maybe I’m just too spoiled but so be it, at least I can help out with things and get us into better jobs. I’m just trying to make a mark like everyone else here. I got things but I want more, you know?”.


“  I mean.. I got this truck that I’m piecing back together and I was thinking that we might be able to equip it better if I can get everyone’s help to make it better. Heck... maybe we could pimp it out with a portable doc cocoon for blood bank, an electronic suite for someone like you and a nice paint job so that I don’t ruin my threads when riding in it”. Charlie smiled at his thought that he spoke aloud as he “popped” his collar and gave blossom a sideways glance as he continued to drive. 

Posted on 2019-11-24 at 17:34:22.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3141 Posts

Blood or no blood

Fixer  continued to listen more than offer advice.  On an operation like this he was not going to be the lead dog.  But when a vote was called for it was time to speak up.  "Assessment seems best in almost all cases.  And blood causes problems we'd rather not deal with if it isn't needed.  We don't know he's here.  If not we need more info.  Shooting first can make that hard.  Lets get going, but  . . .take it easy until we know something."

But that wasn't the only issue - it seemed that they weren't sure where in the Alley to look.  "Didn't the address we got say the back end of the alley?  I think we start there.  We should have eyes on this end anyway if someone tries to leave.  Or come at our backs.  I'd say start at the far end.  Unless one of you charming types wants to ask in the first tent about her location."  

Beyond that he just waited.  So much of this was not his paygrade.  He kept his eyes and ears open.  What looked suspicious?  He was torn between wanting to stay tightly together as a group and wanting to separate a bit to cover more ground visually and to perhaps not let everyone know they were together, although that was probably obvious.  Still, he stayed near the back of the group and kept his eyes on the rear.  He tried to leave just enough room that he might not be with the others, but wanted to make darn sure they knew where he was.  An alley like this was filled with desperate people and they didn't know him as just another desperate person.  Anyone of them could be a target for one of the kidnappers or just some poor sap with wasn't just down on his luck, but had never had any to begin with, up, down or otherwise.  

Posted on 2019-11-24 at 19:32:20.

Keeper of Dragons
Devil's Advocate
Karma: 59/18
2581 Posts

Ghalan sends back an answer to the request for info. "Two people are doing a pretty good job of "hanging out" indiscreetly as homeless people. One is sitting on the ground, the other is leaning against the building, both african-american, probably female.  Can't get a real good look.  Something just doesn't seem right about them.  Don't think they are homeless but want people to think they are."

Posted on 2019-11-25 at 18:56:51.

Trilogy Master
RDI Staff
Karma: 181/119
6817 Posts

Back post

“Ghlahn, update?”

Casino listened as Ghlahn’s voice came back through the talkies mic

"Looks like slim picking for overwatch. A locked scanner door is blocking the best access. Gonna have to settle for a street-level window and hope traffic isn' too heavy. Should be in place in 5 minutes.Two people are doing a pretty good job of "hanging out" indiscreetly as homeless people. One is sitting on the ground, the other is leaning against the building, both african-american, probably female. Can't get a real good look. Something just doesn't seem right about them. Don't think they are homeless but want people to think they are."

“Copy that. Five minutes, if your two 'homeless' draw weapons and move toward us, take them out"

Posted on 2019-11-25 at 21:58:02.

Bromern Sal
A Shadow
RDI Staff
Karma: 158/11
4402 Posts

X00032:8.Y00001:12.Z00054:5, Frontline Apparel | Night City Integrate | Undercity | UrbanZone - March 9th, Day 3 (Sunday), 9:15 AM PST

Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15 mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)

Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)


“Hello,” a pleasant female voice chirps from right behind him. “You appear to be loitering. This is not permitted. Do you need assistance in making a purchase decision or will you be moving along?”


Most might have jumped out of their skin but M’haru Ghlahn hadn’t heard any doors open and knew he was alone so his immediate response is to recognize the interruption for what it is, an AI hologram. He can make out the reflection of the projection in the window, faint and ghost-like but there nonetheless and likely programmed to respond in this way because there are no human clerks to keep the downtrodden and troublemakers from using the costly space as a hangout.


Charlie breaks squelch. “Ghlahn, this is Drone, Over. Can you get eyes on an odd pair covered with blankets next to Einstein’s Book Emporium? Possible hostiles, use caution, over.”


Ignoring the AI hologram, Ghlahn shifts and scans up the street until he finds the sign for the Emporium. Just past the bumper of a parked car, he spots the pair that the fixer must be referring to. He can’t quite make out their details beneath the blanket covering but their body language is definitely suspect. Retrieving his rifle, the sniper peers through the scope to get more details.


“I really hate to bother you, sir,” the female programmed AI says with a sense of urgency in her tone. “It appears that you’ve produced a weapon. Are you in need of the police?”


Again ignoring the computer, Ghlahn sends back an answer. "Two people are doing a pretty good job of ‘hanging out’ indiscreetly as homeless people. One is sitting on the ground, the other is leaning against the building, both african-american, probably female. Can't get a real good look. Something just doesn't seem right about them. Don't think they are homeless but they seem to want people to think they are."


“Copy that,” Casino’s voice sounds over the radio. “If your two 'homeless' draw weapons and move toward us, take them out."


“Sir,” the AI tries again. “Please, sir. I don’t want any trouble. If you’re in need of the police, please let me know and I’ll call right away. If you’re not in need of the police, I insist that you holster your weapon and either make a purchase or leave immediately.”


(OOC: March 9th, Day 3 - Sunday, Time is 09:20 AM PST)




X00032:8.Y00001:12.Z00054:5, 12th Alley | Night City Integrate | Undercity | UrbanZone - March 9th, Day 3 (Sunday), 9:15 AM PST

Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15 mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)

Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)


“Is this a grab and get out situation?” Bloodbank asks just as Echo reaches the mouth of the alley.


“I say we see what’s what and if the package is there,” the nomad woman pauses and scans what lies ahead, “we take him and get the hell outta here.”


Raising his eyebrows behind his combat mask, the medtech is surprised by her statement. She’s been calm for the most part, and more interested in doing things using diplomacy up until now. He suspects the whole situation with Casino and maybe even a little of what has happened to Vegas is to blame. “I know we’re on a clock, but there might be an opportunity to talk our way into a better position. I say we ‘sess the situation with an eye towards not spilling blood.”


Casino looks over to the medtech. “Not to inflame the situation more than I have already but so far ‘peace talks’ have gotten us nowhere. I say if the kid’s in here, we shake and bake the bad guys and get the kid the f**k home.”


Without another word, Casino follows Echo further into the ally, the roughly drawn canine skull of the Dead Dogs painted on walls barely giving him any pause. The heavy stink of odorous ammonia hits the groups nostrils practically the instant they step foot in the alley, mixed with a nearly overwhelming smell of mold. Then, there’s the first of a number of patchwork dwellings made of fabricated wood panels, bailing wire, canvas sheets, chicken wire, rusted steel pipes mixed with copper and PVC pipes, and packing plastics.


“Ok,” Fixer breaks his silence, “no telling what’s ahead but do we roust the people here and check the lighted hut, or move on?”


Fixer prefers to continue to listen more than offer advice. On an operation like this, he is not going to be the lead dog. But when a vote is called for, it is time to speak up. "Assessment seems best in almost all cases. And blood causes problems we'd rather not deal with if it isn't needed. We don't know he's here. If not, we need more info. Shooting first can make that hard.  Let’s get going, but… take it easy until we know something."


But that isn’t the only issue—it seems that they aren’t sure where in the alley to look. Voicing his opinion again, the techie shares what he remembers. "Didn't the address we got say the back end of the alley? I think we start there. We should have eyes on this end anyway if someone tries to leave. Or come at our backs. I'd say start at the far end. Unless one of you charming types wants to ask in the first tent about Rya’s location."  


Beyond this, he intends to follow their lead. So much of this is above his pay grade. He keeps his eyes and ears open while wondering if they look suspicious. He is torn between wanting to stay tightly together as a group and wanting to separate a bit to cover more ground visually, and to perhaps not let everyone know they are together, although that is probably obvious. Still, he stays near the back of the group and keeps his eyes on the rear. He tries to leave just enough room that he might not appear to be with the others, but wants to make darn sure they know where he is. An alley like this is filled with desperate people and they don’t know him as just another desperate person. Anyone of them could be a target for one of the kidnappers or just some poor sap who’s down on his luck, or never had any to begin with, up, down or otherwise.


“The alley is clear as far as I can tell,” Echo mumbles out the side of her mouth while shifting her SMG to a more ready position. With the decision on their approach split, she figures that she’ll follow Casino’s lead (He’s got way more experience than the rest of us…), she leads the party of four into the ramshackle array of shacks and tents. 


To the nomad’s thinking, the alley is about 60 meters entrance to end, but it continues around to the left. The first twenty, or so, are filled with refuse, filth, and discarded “building” materials. It isn’t in the least bit inviting and in no way says to her, come on in. The buildings on either side have been tagged with so much graffiti that it is nearly impossible for her to decipher any of it. One that she does take notice of is the roughly drawn canine skull of the Dead Dogs. Odorous ammonia strikes her nostrils practically the instant she steps foot in the alley, mixed with a nearly overwhelming smell of mold, Echo fights against her watering eyes. Then, there’s the first patchwork dwelling. 


Moving past the shack, Casino watches as Echo makes her way towards yet another ramshackle pieced-together dwelling, smaller than the first and, like the first, spilling forth light from cracks in its construction. The big solo can see yet a third pieced-together shelter beyond that is almost hidden in the dark of the ally but thanks to his optic spliced eyes, the big solo has no problem listing it in his brain for possible later reference.


Charlie breaks squelch, his muffled voice barely audible from Casino’s jacket pocket. “Ghlahn, this is Drone, Over. Can you get eyes on an odd pair covered with blankets next to Einstein’s Book Emporium? Possible hostiles, use caution, over.”


A couple of minutes pass as Echo leads the troop cautiously past the second shack, her submachine gun held at ready before her in a tactical advance. Casino advances just a few steps behind, his preferred weapon at the ready as well.


Ghlahn sends back an answer, his reply muted a bit by the materials of the coat. "Two people are doing a pretty good job of ‘hanging out’ indiscreetly as homeless people. One is sitting on the ground, the other is leaning against the building, both african-american, probably female. Can't get a real good look. Something just doesn't seem right about them. Don't think they are homeless but they seem to want people to think they are."


Casino fetches the walkie from his pocket and keys the mic, “Copy that. If your two 'homeless' draw weapons and move toward us, take them out."


So much for diplomacy, Bloodbank thinks bitterly. His pistol feels very heavy at the moment, as though it is reminding him of the spiritual weight it carries. Apprehension rises within the chest of the medic with every step they take. Why does it always have to be shoot first and ask questions later with these types? Of course, he remembers the possibility of a second team bearing down on them but he is keenly aware that a firefight often has collateral damage and their goal was to bring Jase back alive and in good condition.


No lights are on in the third shack. It is clearly made of the same materials as the others but for the moment, registers with the lead pair as empty. A fourth shack on the right side of the alley is also showing as empty, so Echo leads the group up to the corner and raises her left fist… Raising his hand to stop the others, Casino calls for them to stop.


Peering around the corner, Echo surveys the remainder of the alley with a critical eye. There’s only approximately twenty- to twenty-five meters of real estate left in 12th Alley. Just around the corner and four or five meters from her position is another small shack. Made of Plood™ planks and plastic portions of shipping containers, there’s visible light inside. At the end of the alley, an estimated fifteen meters away, is the poorly constructed Plood™ entrance to a shack that appears to be attached to a military tent spanning the width of the alleyway. The canvas of the tent is too thick to allow light to seep through, but there is a small stream of smoke coming out of the stove pipe on the right side of the tent.


“We have two possibilities,” Echo informs Casino quietly. “Someone’s home in both cases.”

(OOC: March 9th, Day 3 - Sunday, Time is 09:20 AM PST)




X00032:8.Y00001:12.Z00054:5, 13th Street | Night City Integrate | Undercity | UrbanZone - March 9th, Day 3 (Sunday), 9:15 AM PST

Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15 mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)

Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)


Activating the fans, Luther lifts the aerodyne from its resting position and pulls away from the curb, spraying water all about the battered vehicle and causing more than one of the loitering street population to exclaim in annoyance. Quickly passing the rest of their team, Charlie heads for the turn up ahead to make his rounds of the block.


“I’m going to attempt to tap into the Cop-camera down the street,” Blossom states, pulling her keyboard from her bracer and shifting her weight on the uncomfortably hard seat. 


“ You know…” Cred Stick Charlie says with consideration, “Something is bothering me Bloss... did you see that odd pair back on the corner?” Charlie cocks his head to the side a bit. “Those two that were covered up in blankets on the corner near Einstein’s Book Emporium? What strikes me as strange is that it isn’t the best place to ask people passing by for money first off, the other is, I really can't see their features, they were moving around so much, but not very animated like most people asking and engaging others for handouts. They seem to me just waiting for something and this is what makes me really nervous. There aren’t any other OBVIOUS homeless people around here.” 


Charlie eases off the fans and slows down a bit, then resumes the posted speed before continuing his talk with the netrunner. “What's more, is that they are being left alone by the public nearby whereas the public isn't really leaving anyone else alone. I got a bad feeling about this Bloss and it could spell some trouble for us.”


Looking back out the plastic window of the ragtop, Blossom frowns. “I saw nothin’.” 


Charlie decides to break squelch and picks up the radio from where it rests between the front seats. “Ghlahn, this is Drone, Over. Can you get eyes on an odd pair covered with blankets next to Einstein’s Book Emporium? Possible hostiles, use caution, over.”


Charlie looks to Blossom, “You think that you can get a look at those two via cop cam? I could try pulling over, doubling back if you need me to.” 


“The nearest cop cam is two blocks south of here,” the Asian beauty shakes her head slightly, her wet platinum blond hair clinging to her elegant neck. “Won’t do us any good in this case.”


Drawing inside his core, Charlie attempts to recall and use his database access to look for a possible match. Images that Blossom had previously shared flash up on his HUD display. He doesn’t have the two suspect’s faces but something might hit, and If either hits, it will be a gang member or worse... one of Santa's elves waiting to clean up his mess. Charlie's stomach twists and turns at this thought. Will it be the end or is his imagination running wild and the shadows playing tricks? 


Ghlahn sends back an answer. "Two people are doing a pretty good job of ‘hanging out’ indiscreetly as homeless people. One is sitting on the ground, the other is leaning against the building, both african-american, probably female. Can't get a real good look. Something just doesn't seem right about them. Don't think they are homeless but they seem to want people to think they are."


Casino’s order follows right on the heels of the CEE-metal’s, “Copy that. If your two 'homeless' draw weapons and move toward us, take them out."


As the faces fly by in a rather distracting manner, Luther speaks once again to Blossom. “Hey… kiddo, if we all make out if this soggy messed-up sandwich, I plan to let you guys stay with me from time to time so that you guys don’t have to squat for the night in some godless hellhole. You know what I mean?” 


“You try’na make a team out of us, pretty boy?” the netrunner responds distractedly as she plugs away at her keyboard.


Charlie nods his head. “I couldn’t do what you’ll do... Maybe I’m just too spoiled but so be it. At least I can help out with things and get us into better jobs. I’m just trying to make a mark like everyone else here. I got things but I want more, you know?”


“Uh-huh,” Blossom acknowledges.


“I mean—I got this truck that I’m piecing back together and I was thinking that we might be able to equip it better if I can get everyone’s help. Heck... maybe we could pimp it out with a portable doc cocoon for Bloodbank, an electronic suite for someone like you and a nice paint job so that I don’t ruin my threads when riding in it.” Charlie smiles and pops his collar while giving Blossom a sideways glance.


“Mmm,” she stares ahead at something that the fixer can’t see and pulls her diminishing lollipop from her mouth. Using the sucker like a baton, she taps the air three times, pauses, then two more. “Yup. That’s it.”


Plopping the candy back into her mouth, she returns to typing. After a moment, she responds, “You got yourself a hard sale, Zute Suit. We’ll see, right?”


Reaching the corner near the church again, Charlie slows and rolls onto the cross street bringing the Jeep back onto the street they had first made the area through. A pedestrian wearing a pair of slacks, tucked-in button up shirt, and a dark green rain hooded rain slick is the closest person outside of the aerodyne. About mid-way down the block, the group of people who had been hanging out in front of the West Baptist’s Church has thinned out a bit, but there’s still quite a few individuals.


“Got it,” Blossom breathes out hard. “The cop cam is mine. I’ve also got a cop channel broadcasting app running. If the po-po are involved I’ll have their twenty before they’re a threat to us. Net traffic is pretty benign as well but to see the bones of the matter, I’d have to completely jack in.”


Looking sideways at the fixer, she smiles slyly, “Will you be okay all on your little lonesome while I go virtual?”


(OOC: Assuming a yes, of course&hellip


Settling back in the worn seat, the gorgeous blond rests her head against the headrest and retracts her keyboard back into her bracer. After a moment, the only signs of life she shows are the slow rise and fall of her breasts.


(OOC: March 9th, Day 3 - Sunday, Time is 09:20 AM PST - 19th Street)

Posted on 2019-11-26 at 13:34:52.


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