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You are here: Home --> Forum Home --> Rules-based RPGs --> Cyberpunk --> Flesh & Blood - A Night City Adventure
Parent thread: Flesh & Blood - A CyberPunk Game
GM for this game: Bromern Sal
Players for this game: TannTalas, Keeper of Dragons, Nomad D2, Hammer, Mischief, Espatier, dragon-soul92, CameToPlay
    Messages in Flesh & Blood - A Night City Adventure
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Trilogy Master
RDI Staff
Karma: 181/119
6817 Posts

Confused, Hurt, Angry, Convinced, Determined

Address, X00032:8.Y00001:12.Z00054:5 | Night City Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - March 9th, Day 3 (Sunday), 08:10 AM PST
Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)  Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)

"Look I got a young lady out here her name’s Echo if the boys is in there with you let her come in unarmed and talk to him, find out what we have gotten into and if the boy is here willingly. If we are the bad guys I’d like to know it up front. Ma’am honestly if I could I’d walk away from this run as my best friend and partner is being held against his will as we speak and could end up dead at any minute. The longer I have to deal with this the longer it will take to rescue him. So please let Echo in to talk to the boy, please.”

Watching Echo take the card from the old women it was with a jolt of shock when she turned to him a narrowed, icy gaze.

“Next time you want to offer a sacrifice to the gods of luck, choose someone else.”

What the f..k?….

Casino thought to himself as he started to stand to follow the rest out. He was sure she had been ok with it from the start as during his gaze to her to confirm her going to the door, she had not shown any sight of being against it. Pushing his HK around to his back to be hidden once more by the duster he was the last in line heading out the apartment complex door. As he followed the rest, Echo clearly in the lead he could not see where this sudden reversal of feelings had come from. One minute she was begging him to stay and finish this run, even kissing him. The next she was acting like a someone who hated him. True he had only known her since the start of this run and not much beyond that and oh my god she was like a teenager to him age wise. Was all that affection just BS to keep him on the run to provide added muscle? it sure was starting to look like it. And if that truly was the case he had no desire to stay with the rest considering their “leader” was some sorta wanna be fixer without two cents worth of charm. He could only hope Charlie would not get them all killed as they were good people in a very bad situation.

As they reached the outside and the rest headed to the car, Casino found himself hesitating, debating his next move, rejoin the rest of the group or say to hell with it and go after Vegas. He still had the walkie and could still hopefully contact his captors and arrange a new meet-up to try to get him back. Yeah the big solo’s chances were slim by himself to get his friend back, but he did have options, if only they weren’t so few and not guaranteed. Looking at Echo’s retreating back Casino felt first hurt the angry and unsure of where he actually stood with her.

After all, again the big solo had been guided away from where he should be right now, all because he was lonely and the nomad girl had sparked something in him . Echo had been the one to talk him, and if Casino had to be honest, kiss him, into going with the group instead of after Vegas, his partner for 3 times longer then he’d know this 18 year old kid. Goddamn it! he’d once again thought with his d..k and heart instead of his loyalty, well f..k that, that changes now. 

As he headed back towards the the groups car, he made his choice pausing in front of them he made it clear.

“I’m done being nice and quiet” The big solo said looking directly at Echo, a hurt, yet determined look in his eyes, his voice steady and calm "I don't know what the hell is up with you Echo, one minute your all nice and affectionate, the next your basically telling me F**k you. I looked to you and thought my idea of you taking the lead with the old lady was ok as you did not give any indication it was not. I never had any intention of sacrificing your ass to the gods of luck. If thats how you feel then I apologize.”

Turning to look at Charlie.......

“And you Charlie you start doing your part finding this kid fast or no more mr nice guy from me. You got stuck as leader by Starlight then f**king start leading. We need the kid and we need him fast so  we can go after Vegas.” A deep couple of breaths to calm himself and he looked at everyone.

“So where to next…..”



Posted on 2019-07-09 at 18:38:25.
Edited on 2019-07-10 at 23:23:05 by TannTalas

Bromern Sal
A Shadow
RDI Staff
Karma: 158/11
4402 Posts

X00032:7.Y00001:12.Z00054:4, Building Across the Street from Rya Mendez's Listed Address  | Night City Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - March 9th, Day 3 (Sunday), 8:13 AM PST

Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15 mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)

Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)

Releasing the Walkie-Talkie button, Ghlahn turns to his partner, "You got anything? The lookout idea is a wash so we can head back whenever you are ready."

“Ya, I’m almost inside…” Blossom replies absently. “Not rich enough for a Reality but flush enough to have paid for some serious software.” 

Movies and novels have mainstreamed the term Reality enough that Ghlahn is able to decipher some of what she’s talking about. A Reality is a virtual construct that requires an individual to completely jack in, their mind leaving the real world entirely to basically exist in the virtual reality. Runners are most vulnerable when they are in that state as their bodies are completely unaware of their real world surroundings. Government bodies are striving to set legal limits on time spent jacked in as more and more people are finding those fake worlds more appealing than the real one. 

“There are a few servers being ran in this area,” Blossom continues to explain. “This one I’m currently peeling back; it’s got the most defenses. Makes me curious.”

"So ya found something interesting? Care to share?" Ghlahn moves closer so his voice can remain too low for the vagrants to hear. "I let the other know I had no overlook but didn’t hear back so perhaps we should head back soon. No rush, just let me know when you are ready to move."

Absently responding with a “Hmmm,” Blossom continues her dig for a few more seconds before jerking her attention towards the sniper. “No response? Do you think they might be in trouble?” Shaking her head, the netrunner quickly has her “girl” jump back to the scanning software she’s had searching for possible flags that might indicate the second team is closing in and reviews the data feed, wide eyes darting back and forth behind her heart-shaped sunglasses.

“I’ve got nothin’ and there haven’t been any gunfire… right?” Receiving a nod from her CEE-metal companion, Blossom still can’t help the sinking feeling in her gut. “I don’t like it.” 

Flagging the IP address of the server construct she has been breaking down for further investigation, she springs up, her leather trenchcoat flowing about her shapely legs with a muted rustle. All of her HUD readouts fade away as she pulls herself fully out of the cyberspace and returns to reality. “Let’s head back to the Jeep.”

(OOC: March 9th, Day 3 - Sunday, Time is 08:16 AM PST)


X00032:8.Y00001:12.Z00054:5, Rya Mendez’s Listed Address | Night City Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - March 9th, Day 3 (Sunday), 8:20 AM PST

Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15 mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)

Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)

The door clicks open and Marta shoves an index card through the small crack. “This all I have on Rya Mendez. Now, go. Go.” 

Echo takes the card and as the door closes, reads the fine handwriting on the front. 

Rya Mendez - End of Row, 12th Alley, Hill View - No contact number, works at Upstairs, Downstairs, Inc.

Handing the card to Charlie, Echo swings her submachine gun from behind her back into hand and without another look at the big solo, she starts walking down the hall. 

Receiving the card with the new address and or whereabouts of Rya, Charlie looks at the information and draws his agent from his inside jacket pocket. Tapping the digital keys on his device, the fixer seeks to find more information he can pass along about this little nugget. He sends Blossom the address along with a note that this potentially pertains directly to Jace’s location and turns to follow the prickly nomad out of the building. He can’t wait to return to his borrowed air jeep, finish this gig, and unload it back to its owners. 

Interested in what was written on the card now held in Cred Stick's hand, Bloodbank leans in, but something else catches his attention. An odd expression passes across Echo's eyes. Sorrow? Contempt? It is an expression that he doesn’t really have any words for. He can tell that it isn’t happiness, though.

Speeding up slightly to walk beside her, Bloodbank murmurs under his battlemask, trying to keep his voice low so that only Echo can hear him. "Hey. Are you alright?"

Glancing sideways at the medtech, the young nomad clenches her jaw against the emotions that surprisingly rise up inside of her. Long eyelashes slam shut quickly to keep any tears from escaping, she blinks as rapidly as she returns her gaze to the stairs below. 

“Everything’s golden,” she lies while admitting to herself that it isn’t. She had thought that with Casino’s obvious loyalty to Vegas and his passion that she’d found someone she could count on. Now that the Tribe has pushed her aside, that inclusion is a lot more important than she had originally given it credit for. Two days in and she has found herself hoping that this crew, this team of misfits—and most importantly, Casino—could fill that void. Why did he have to say those things and push me off like that? “Just got to get the run over with, right? Then we all go our merry ways.” 

Realizing that she’s responding very chill towards the man who had come to check on her, Elizabeth wants to offer him an olive branch but finds herself so angry—mostly with herself, she realizes—that she remains quiet and presses on leaving Bloodbank to follow just behind her and in front of Charlie.

Scanning ahead, looking past the leather clad woman in front of him, he admits that he is still worried about the other team and wonders how close they are to him. Echo does her job, cold and efficient, stopping them before progressing onto each landing and investigating before leading them further down the stairs. On the second floor she stops them with a raised hand. Sounds of something moving about in the lobby drift up the stairwell, a low rolling clip that the woman immediately places as wheels. Stepping softly, the soles of her riding boots absorbing the sound of her decent, Echo raises up her submachine gun and approaches an angle by which she can better observe the cluttered space. Spotting a grubby looking child scooting about on a Big Wheel, she quickly scans the rest of the room before lowering her weapon and stepping out, motioning the others to follow. 

Perhaps seven years of age, the child is a little Latino girl with scraggly black hair that hangs loosely about her shoulders, dirt smudges on her face, and wide eyes that show no fear only curiosity. She wears a faded white T-shirt with thin red stripes and bright blue shorts along with rubber flip-flops. Still as a statue while the team passes, Casino picks up the rolling of her ancient plaything pick up again once they step outside.

As they reach the outside and the rest head to the car, Casino finds himself hesitating, debating his next move; rejoin the rest of the group or say to hell with it and go after Vegas. He still has the walkie and can hopefully contact his partner’s captors to arrange a new meet-up and try to get him back. Yeah, the big solo’s chances are slim to none attempting to rescue his friend alone, but he does have options if only they aren’t so few and not guaranteed. Looking at Echo’s retreating back, Casino feels first hurt then angry and unsure of where he actually stands with her.

After all, once again the big solo has been guided away from where he should be right now, all because he is lonely and the nomad girl had sparked something in him. Echo had been the one to talk him—and if Casino has to be honest—kiss him, into going with the group instead of after Vegas, his partner for three times longer than he’d ever know this 18-year-old kid. Goddamn it! He’d once again thought with his d**k and heart instead of being loyal, well f**k that, that changes now. He makes his choice, pausing in front of the team as everyone gathers around the air jeep, Ghlahn and Blossom having been waiting for them to arrive. Now is the time where he makes it clear.

“I’m done being nice and quiet,” The big solo says staring directly at Echo, a hurt, yet determined look in his eyes that his battlemask keeps from being revealed. His voice steady and calm, he continues, "I don't know what the hell is up with you Echo, one minute your all nice and affectionate, the next you’re basically telling me, f**k you! I looked to you and thought my idea of you taking the lead with the old lady was okay as you did not give any indication it was not. I never had any intention of sacrificing your ass to the ‘gods of luck.’ If that’s how you feel then I apologize.”

Turning to look at Charlie, he addresses their faceman. “And you Charlie, you start doing your part finding this kid fast or no more Mister Nice Guy from me. You got stuck as the leader by Starlight, then f**king start leading. We need the kid and we need him fast so we can go after Vegas.” A deep couple of breaths to calm himself and he looks at everyone else. “So where to next?”

“So…” Blossom removes the lolli from her mouth with an audible popping sound and smiles into the awkwardness. “Everything go well with you choombas?”

Mortified that Casino would address her in front of others as he did, Echo refuses to look at anyone, focusing her eyes on the stream of dirty water rolling down the gutter. “We go to that address and confront Rya,” she mutters.

“Sure,” the netrunner chirps. “Let’s all get lovey-dovey in this quaint piece of military surplus. Who’s lap am I sitting on?” Turning her childish heart-shaped sunglasses towards Bloodbank and Fixer, she grins broadly and points the ball of her grape sucker at each in turn while swinging her hips to one side with each change, “Eenie, meanie, miny, moe…”

(OOC: March 9th, Day 3 - Sunday, Time is 08:30 AM PST)

Posted on 2019-07-12 at 22:22:54.

Keeper of Dragons
Devil's Advocate
Karma: 59/18
2581 Posts

"Lets go back to the Jeep" Ghalan stood and motioned for Blossom to lead the way back.  "Hopefully the others found something.  Gonna have to teach them how a radio works when we get back.  First they leave me without on and then they don't answer when I do have one."  The return trip was a simple matter fo retracing their route and the Cree expected no problems.  He did however keep his eyes moving and his ears open.  

Posted on 2019-07-13 at 21:09:34.

Trilogy Master
RDI Staff
Karma: 181/119
6817 Posts

Said and done and a late apology

Address, X00032:8.Y00001:12.Z00054:5 | Night City Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - March 9th, Day 3 (Sunday), 08:10 AM PST
Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)
Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)

Mortified that Casino would address her in front of others as he did, Echo refuses to look at anyone
Mortified that Casino would address her, Echo refuses to look at anyone
Mortified Casino, Echo refuses to look at anyone
Mortified,Echo, refuse, look

As Casino took the drivers seat without being asked, or even caring if he the others would like it, or not, he kept seeing Echo’s face as he had said his piece. God she was only 18, just out of puberty, but she had stirred something in him, something thanks to that motified look Casino knew was not going to go away any time soon. Damn it you big idiot now is not the time for feelings or trouble among them all. If they were gonna get the kid back they needed to work together.

Being the first settled in the car, he took off his battle mask rubbing his tired face and noticed for the first time that Echo could not possible have seen his nod to her about taking the lead with the old women. Great just great, f..king things up yet again The big solo thought to himself. As Echo got into the passenger seat he got her attention.

“Look Echo, I’m sorry I really thought I had your ok, but I guess I did not.” A deep breath “won’t happen again”

With everyone in the car, Blossem looking quite ok with her seating arrangement, he inputted the next addresse into the car’s GPS and pulled into the street. A glance in the rearward mirror and he caught a glimpse of Charlie and could not help wonderr about him. It was clear he was not a street fixer, but maybe a damn good behind the desk one, I mean really what do I know about the guy other then Starlight stuck him on us. Maybe he did not want to be here and Starlight was just being a menstruational bitch. A second look in the rear veiw and a weave into the next lane, also caught him a second look at the fixer. In his anger in the whole Vegas, Echo, get the kid first bulls***, he had taken a lot of it out on Charlie. Had he been wrong? F..K No, could he have worded it all better yeah, for sure. Right now all the big solo could do was tone down his anger and rage at Vegas’s life being on the line and start to be more professional with all the members of this team. Looking forward he continued to move them down the street…...

Posted on 2019-07-15 at 22:59:27.
Edited on 2019-07-15 at 23:00:21 by TannTalas

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3141 Posts

A blossom by any other name

Fixer moved quickly down the stairs watching the tension between Echo and Casino.  Crap.  A lovers quarrel right in the middle of the whole gig.  Did those two have any idea how much was riding on this thing?  Getting in people's faces was not his normal modus, but if this crap continued it just might be.  

As they approached the car, he heard Casino semi-apologize and breathed a small sigh of relief.  Maybe the big man had a brain after all.  But yelling at Charlie, what the hell would that accomplish?  Yeah, his plan worked like crap, but given bad intel who could have done bette?.  They all thought the woman was in there.  He had damn well better improve his groove, but what did yelling at him do?  Next thing that lunk would start blaming him because somebody else could listen in on a walkie.  They needed to stick together and move quickly.  

"We go to that address and confront Rya."  

Well, someone had a plan.  

"Yeah, we do that.  Get moving."  Fixer agreed and to prove his point moved to the car. But then he had to deal with Blossom's little game of enie, meanie . . . 

What, the hell?  The last thing they needed was another love affair blowing up in their faces.  

Fixer opened the door of the vehicle and patted his lap.  "I've been called Moe before.  Bring that sucker oveer here and have a seat."  She was a nice little thing, but at this point he was far more concerned about keeping his head in its current location then thinking with that other head.  At least if she was on his lap he didn't think anybody else could be starting up anything.  As soon as she sat down (assumption) and the car began to move he shifted the conversation quickly to the task at hand - let there be no confusion.  "Did you find anything while we were in the building chasing our tails?"

Posted on 2019-07-16 at 21:30:16.
Edited on 2019-07-16 at 22:34:59 by Nomad D2

Karma: 7/0
287 Posts

heart to hearts

Contris: Open to all characters in thread ( please feel free to edit before friday)

Tag: Brom Sal


  • Dealing with solos and Neo-corps
  • File yet another report to Starlight with a sitrep ( mission update )
  • Pull this group together as a team (Before getting killed, preferred )

Pending: see below

studying: Chinese Language

Study Chinese culture

Look into his option of identity printers later

Contacting: Tomas`

Trigger: Police contact ( Stress )





  1. To keep alive and recover the kid before the second team kills all of us
  2. Contact Tomas and start the network

Charlie attempt to follow the directions after tapping away at the keys for a bit and passing the information to blossom so that everyone on the team would get the dissimulated message. 


Receiving the card with the new address and or whereabouts of Rya, Charlie looks at the information and draws his agent from his inside jacket pocket. Tapping the digital keys on his device, the fixer seeks to find more information he can pass along about this little nugget. He sends Blossom the address along with a note that this potentially pertains directly to Jace’s location and turns to follow the prickly nomad out of the building. He can’t wait to return to his borrowed air jeep, finish this gig, and unload it back to its owners. 


Charile’s plan was once again two fold...... 

Priority one was to get the kid. Everything else wasn’t important.

Chariles’ group couldn’t take the chance of messing up even more, the other team  was still closing so it was crunch time and they all needed to get into the already cramped Air jeep, to bad these solos didn’t “kick in” when they had the chance and choose to foolishly waste time ridding that damn bus instead of going in the deal and getting a larger vehicle for them all, Charile’s thoughts raced away as they made their way back down the apartments.

** Outside the apartments, near the air raft

Casino starts with 

 “And you Charlie, you start doing your part finding this kid fast or no more Mister Nice Guy from me. You got stuck as the leader by Starlight, then f**king start leading. We need the kid and we need him fast so we can go after Vegas.” A deep couple of breaths to calm himself and he looks at everyone else. “So where to next?”

Charile address the comments from Casino. 

“ whoa partner, hold on, I need to do what?. No, No , No... you seem to be messing things up just fine as you are. Mr nice guy. I’m not the one that took everyone else and put them on public transportation and wasted hours. We could have been here HOURS ago Mr Ego, so save that crap for the headhunters that hot on our tails”. 

Charile holds up the card to the group as casnio slipped into the seat just before charile started to say something

As Casino took the drivers seat without being asked, or even caring if he the others would like it, or not, he kept seeing Echo’s face as he had said his piece. God she was only 18, just out of puberty, but she had stirred something in him, something thanks to that motified look Casino knew was not going to go away any time soon. Damn it you big idiot now is not the time for feelings or trouble among them all. If they were gonna get the kid back they needed to work together.

Charile begins to open his mouth but stops then once again smiles that infectious smile of his and says --- 

“Unless you can connect with a “chip” or your rated as a driver at level 3 with an airraft endorsement with your nucube, your in the wrong seat, Solo”. 

Charlie took his free hand and produced the airraft keys from his coat and twirled it around before placing them back in this pocket. Then he took his occupied hand with the card and placed the card away as well. 

Only the “Nomad” people like Echo here can drive like that because they were born behind a wheel”. Charlie continued his comments after the solo slipped into the driver’s seat. “ Besides... you didn’t want to kick in when you had the chance, when I was horse trading my soul for transportation... FOR the GROUP. 

Charlie looks over the group. “ None of you did and now look at this mess we as a group are all in. I should make most of you walk but I need you more than ever as much as you need me. I know what my skill set is and I have a good idea whatever one else’s skill sets are from Starlight’s notes sent to me. So if we are all going to save this kid WE as a group must work together and put aside any transgression towards each other. If so then please join me in the airraft, if not.... Take the bus because this ride isn’t free. 

Like in life, Choombas everything costs and I've already yet created another debt to just simply borrow this craft. So by taking a ride from me means that you plan on working with me, I didn’t say for me because we are all under starlight’s contract, I’m just the point man for now. Those that are interested in doing a rescue operation after this.. If we live. I will say that we can vote as a group, does that sound democratic for everyone?. 

** waits for new comments 

** waits to see what people are doing, Either agreeing and jumping in the Air raft or not riding with the new so called “leader”  


(( this is an assumption)) 

"We go to that address and confront Rya."  

Charile nodded in agreement at his comment

"Yeah, we do that.  Get moving." Fixer agreed and to prove his point moved to the car. But then he had to deal with Blossom's little game of enie, meanie . . . 

** Charlie's thoughts flew back to

"Docs?"  Fluke chuckles and peers about the room distractedly as his companion pops her gum. "Dude, you ain't working with a neocorp here. You borrow the jeep and if you **** us, we skin you and use yer hide as a tent. Now, here are the keys--ya, keys. Old school, but effective."

Dangling the keys over the table, Fluke looks lazily across the table and presents a crooked grin.

IF the seat is relinquish from casino. Charlie will say “Thank you and I really can use your help if you are willing to work with me”


Charlie slid into the air raft seat while the other began to pick spots with the leftovers. 


“ Blossom -- Did you get any other information on the address that is sent to you?. I plan to  place the airraft a block away, Deploy my drone, let the Cee take time to find a good shooting position and run live feed to anyone that has devices. I plan to stream info from the drone to you as I want the Cee to take an over watch position and let the rest wait till intel is up. 

Charile also address the coms issue and chimes in about using the radio and giving more support to Ghalan and keeping him in the loop as a second story man


** note to DM if everyone starts to work together, I would like to make sure they get bonuses from the (Live feed) drone for actions, and targeting now. Since everyone is working together as a team. 


 * take 5 minutes for the +1


forgot to add the +1 for taking 5

Luther Washington - Fixer attempts to be very persuasive!
Luther Washington - Fixer:To Persuade18
Luther Washington - Fixer attempts to wheel and deal!
Luther Washington - Fixer:To Streetdeal14
+1 = 15

Posted on 2019-07-18 at 17:34:36.
Edited on 2019-07-18 at 19:36:52 by Espatier

Keeper of Dragons
Devil's Advocate
Karma: 59/18
2581 Posts

Ghalan slid into the back of the air Jeep.  Where he sat was of little importance to him.  It seemed some of the others were too busy figuring who was playing grab ass with who.  He didn't understand how they could chance messing up a mission in such a manner but then again they were just human.  "Just pick a lap already.  We need to get moving."  Ghalan held up his walkie, "By the way, these thing are great for talking to people who are watching your six.  Especially when they call in updates.  You all have left me hanging twice now.  Lets not make it three."  

Posted on 2019-07-18 at 18:32:46.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 10/0
183 Posts

Group drama!

“Everything’s golden." 

Bloodbank pursed his lips slightly behind his mask, watching as Echo stalked ahead of him. Bloodbank couldn't really blame her, as he was no more than a day or two past being a complete stranger. He could almost feel an icy chill emanating from her, and honestly from the entire group. If they could even call themselves a group. More like a series of individuals with a similar goal, and that didn't bode well for the future of this child.

Bloodbank paused at Echos signal, tensing slightly as she raised her weapon and peered around the corner. Whatever it was that caught her attention didn't seem to be much of a danger, however, as she lowered her weapon and strode across the building's lobby to the front doors. Following suit, Bloodbank paused for a moment, his attention caught by a child sitting quite still on a big wheel. He watched her for a moment as the rest of his, well, semi-companions passed by, exiting the building until he was alone in the room with her.

The poor little thing didn't look like she had a bath in weeks, and the MedTech couldn't begin to imagine what kind of parents would let their child play, unsupervised, in this publicly accessible area when they were in such an unsavory part of town. They were probably drunks, so blasted on Smash that they were oblivious to that around them. It made him sick, and he could see a little of himself in that poor little girl. He could remember the last time he'd seen his parents; eight years old and in a dark alley. He could remember seeing creds change hands. He could remember crying out for his mother and father as they left, leaving him alone with those strangers. He had no idea what they used the money for, or even where they were now. Perhaps her parents didn't sell her, but it didn't look like they gave much more of a damn about her then Bloodbank's did about him. 

Crouching down, Bloodbank pulled out a couple of crumpled Nightcity bills and laid them at the little girl's feet before standing and leaving the building. 

"...taking the lead with the old lady was okay as you did not give any indication it was not. I never had any intention of sacrificing your ass to the ‘gods of luck.’ If that’s how you feel then I apologize.”

Turning to look at Charlie, Casino addressed their faceman. “And you Charlie, you start doing your part finding this kid fast or no more Mister Nice Guy from me. You got stuck as the leader by Starlight, then f**king start leading. We need the kid and we need him fast so we can go after Vegas.” After taking a deep couple of breaths to calm himself, he looked at everyone else. “So where to next?”

"Casino, choomba," Bloodbank began. He didn't get any further than that, however as Cred-stick cut in sounding angry.

“Whoa partner, hold on, I need to do what?. No, No, No... you seem to be messing things up just fine as you are. Mr nice guy. I’m not the one that took everyone else and put them on public transportation and wasted hours. We could have been here HOURS ago Mr. Ego, so save that crap for the headhunters that hot on our tails."

"Gentlemen!" Bloodbank interjected, his eyes wide behind his Battlemask. "Look, we are all tired and stressed. Casino, I know Vegas's situation is weighing heavily upon you, but we are all on the same team here. There is no way we are going to get through this without working together and, if not trusting each other, at least not berating each other for every move and decision." 

No one seemed to really be listening to him, however, as Casino was already storming around the jeep to sit in the driver's seat.

“So…” Blossom removed the lolli from her mouth with an audible popping sound and smiled into the awkwardness. “Everything go well with you choombas?”

Mortified that Casino would address her in front of others as he did, Echo refused to look at anyone, focusing her eyes on the stream of dirty water rolling down the gutter. “We go to that address and confront Rya,” she muttered.

“Sure,” the netrunner chirped. “Let’s all get lovey-dovey in this quaint piece of military surplus. Who’s lap am I sitting on?” Turning her childish heart-shaped sunglasses towards Bloodbank and Fixer, she grins broadly and points the ball of her grape sucker at each in turn while swinging her hips to one side with each change, “Eenie, meanie, miny, moe…”

"Yeah, we do that.  Get moving."  Fixer agreed and to prove his point moved to the car. Fixer opened the door of the vehicle and patted his lap.  "I've been called Moe before.  Bring that sucker over here and have a seat." 

Sliding into the back of the AirJeep, Ghalan spoke up. "Just pick a lap already.  We need to get moving."  Ghalan held up his walkie, "By the way, these things are great for talking to people who are watching your six.  Especially when they call in updates.  You all have left me hanging twice now.  Lets not make it three."  

Thinking back to the first time Ghalan was left hanging, and glad that his reddening face was hidden behind his Battlemask, Bloodbank moved to slip into an empty seat but stopped as Charlie spoke up again, standing beside the drivers door.

“Unless you can connect with a “chip” or your rated as a driver at level 3 with an airraft endorsement with your nucube, you're in the wrong seat, Solo”. 

Charlie took his free hand and produced the airraft keys from his coat and twirled it around before placing them back in this pocket. Then he took his occupied hand with the card and placed the card away as well. 

"Only the “Nomad” people like Echo here can drive like that because they were born behind a wheel”. Charlie continued his comments after the solo slipped into the driver’s seat. “ Besides... you didn’t want to kick in when you had the chance, when I was horse-trading my soul for transportation... FOR the GROUP. 

Charlie looks over the group. “None of you did and now look at this mess we as a group are all in. I should make most of you walk but I need you more than ever as much as you need me. I know what my skill set is and I have a good idea whatever one else’s skill sets are from Starlight’s notes sent to me. So if we are all going to save this kid WE as a group must work together and put aside any transgression towards each other. If so then please join me in the airraft, if not.... Take the bus because this ride isn’t free. 

Like in life, Choombas everything costs and I've already yet created another debt to just simply borrow this craft. So by taking a ride from me means that you plan on working with me, I didn’t say for me because we are all under Starlight’s contract, I’m just the point man for now. Those that are interested in doing a rescue operation after this. If we live. I will say that we can vote as a group, does that sound democratic for everyone?"

"Yes. Well put, Charlie." Bloodbank replied after a brief pause. "I am more than willing to work with you, with everyone here. And as long as the jobs are... on the up and up, I will continue to do my best to keep everyone outta the morgue. And Casino, even if everyone else decides otherwise, I'm going with you after this. I owe Vegas that much. I think we all do, but we've got to finish this job first. It has to be our sole purpose for now."

Posted on 2019-07-19 at 08:34:40.

Bromern Sal
A Shadow
RDI Staff
Karma: 158/11
4402 Posts

X00032:8.Y00001:12.Z00054:5, Rya Mendez’s Listed Address | Night City Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - March 9th, Day 3 (Sunday), 8:30 AM PST

Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15 mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)

Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)

Having emerged a few seconds behind the rest of the group, Bloodbank finds himself walking up to a heated conversation. Not so much the kind that includes yelling but more the type where a bunch of Type A personalities are squaring off. The mood doesn’t do anything to alleviate the feelings still stirring from having relived a piece of his past when confronted by the sight of the disheveled child not to mention the drama playing out amongst the team.

“I’m done being nice and quiet,” The big solo says staring directly at Echo, a hurt, yet determined look in his eyes that his battle mask keeps from being revealed. His voice steady and calm, he continues, "I don't know what the hell is up with you Echo, one minute your all nice and affectionate, the next you’re basically telling me, f**k you! I looked to you and thought my idea of you taking the lead with the old lady was okay as you did not give any indication it was not. I never had any intention of sacrificing your ass to the ‘gods of luck.’ If that’s how you feel then I apologize.”

Turning to look at Charlie, he addresses their faceman. “And you Charlie, you start doing your part finding this kid fast or no more Mister Nice Guy from me. You got stuck as leader by Starlight, then f**king start leading. We need the kid and we need him fast so we can go after Vegas.” A deep couple of breaths to calm himself and he looks at everyone else. “So where to next?”

"Casino, choomba," Bloodbank begins. He doesn’t get any further than that, however as Cred Stick Charlie cuts in cool as a cucumber but as hard as steel.

“Whoa partner, hold on, I need to do what?” the well-dressed fixer shakes his head. “No, no, no... you seem to be messing things up just fine as you are, Mister Nice Guy. I’m not the one that took everyone else and put them on public transportation and wasted hours. We could have been here HOURS ago, Mister Ego, so save that crap for the headhunters that are hot on our tails."

"Gentlemen!" Bloodbank interjects, his eyes wide behind his Battle mask. "Look, we are all tired and stressed. Casino, I know Vegas's situation is weighing heavily upon you, but we are all on the same team here. There is no way we are going to get through this without working together and, if not trusting each other, at least not berating each other for every move and decision." 

No one seems to really be listening to him, however.

“So…” Blossom removes the lolli from her mouth with an audible popping sound and smiles. “Everything go well with you choombas?”

Mortified that Casino would address her in front of others like he did, Echo refuses to look at anyone, focusing her eyes on the stream of dirty water rolling down the gutter. “We go to that address and confront Rya,” she mutters, answering the question that Keith had asked earlier.

“Sure,” the netrunner chirps. “Let’s all get lovey-dovey in this quaint piece of military surplus. Who’s lap am I sitting on?” Turning her childish heart-shaped sunglasses towards Bloodbank and Fixer, she grins broadly and points the ball of her grape sucker at each in turn while swinging her hips to one side with each change, “Eenie, meanie, miny, moe…”

"Yeah, we do that. Get moving." Fixer agrees and to prove his point moves to the car. The Techie opens the back passenger door of the vehicle and climbs inside, patting his lap once he’s settled. "I've been called Moe before. Bring that sucker over here and have a seat." 

Charlie's thoughts fly back to his earlier meeting. 

"Docs?" Fluke chuckles and peers about the room distractedly as his companion pops her gum. "Dude, you ain't working with a neocorp here. You borrow the jeep and if you **** us, we skin you and use yer hide as a tent. Now, here are the keys--ya, keys. Old school, but effective."

Dangling the keys over the table, Fluke looks lazily across the table and presents a crooked grin.

Giggling, Blossom skips over and sweeps her trench coat aside to plant her bottom down, skirming just a bit to get comfortable. Leaning back into the Techie’s chest, her wet platinum blonde hair brushes against his cheek just above the medical mask.

Sliding into the back of the AirJeep on the opposite side of Fixer and Blossom, Ghlahn speaks up, "Just pick a lap already. We need to get moving." Holding up his walkie, the red-headed CEE-metal adds, "By the way, these things are great for talking to people who are watching your six. Especially when they call in updates. You all have left me hanging twice now. Let’s not make it three."

Thinking back to the first time Ghlahn was left hanging, and glad that his reddening face was hidden behind his Battle mask, Bloodbank moves to slip into the passenger side seat in front of Fixer and Blossom. 

“Unless you can connect with a ‘chip’ or you’re rated as a driver at level three with an aerodyne endorsement with your NuCybe, you're in the wrong seat, Solo.” Charlie’s voice is not mocking, just informative as he moves past where Bloodbank has stalled in entering the AirJeep and Casino is paused at the driver’s door. 

Charlie takes his free hand and produces the keys from his coat. Twirling them around before placing them back in this pocket, he then takes his occupied hand with the card and slips it into his inside breast pocket next to his agent. 

"Only the ‘Nomad’ people like Echo here can drive like that because they were born behind a wheel,” Charlie continues his comments now that he has Casino’s attention. “Besides... you didn’t want to kick in when you had the chance—when I was horse-trading my soul for transportation... FOR the GROUP.” 

Cred Stick Charlie looks the people he’s talking about over. “None of you did and now look at this mess we are all in. I should make most of you walk but I need you more than ever—as much as you need me. I know what my skill set is and I have a good idea what everyone else’s skill sets are from Starlight’s notes that she sent to me. So if we are all going to save this kid, WE as a group must work together and put aside any transgression towards each other. If so, then please join me in the airraft, if not... Take the bus because this ride isn’t free. 

“Like in life, choombas, everything costs and I've already yet created another debt to just simply borrow this craft. So, taking a ride from me means that you plan on working with me—I didn’t say for me because we are all under Starlight’s contract, I’m just the point man for now. Those that are interested in doing a rescue operation after this. If we live. I will say that we can vote as a group. Does that sound democratic for everyone?"

"Yes. Well put, Charlie." Bloodbank replies after a brief pause. "I am more than willing to work with you—with everyone here. And as long as the jobs are... on the up and up, I will continue to do my best to keep everyone outta the morgue. And Casino, even if everyone else decides otherwise, I'm going with you after this. I owe Vegas that much. I think we all do, but we've got to finish this job first. It has to be our sole purpose for now."

“Awe… Now I feel all warm and fuzzy inside,” Blossom quips, then squirming a bit on Fixer’s lap she turns her head so that she can be better heard in his right ear as she whispers. “Or could that be for another reason?”

“Look, I’ll take this seat here,” Echo moves into the middle seat opposite Bloodbank. “You take shotgun, Casino. Now, can we kick it in the ass?”

(OOC: Assuming Casino moves to the shotgun position without complaint. Tann, you’re welcome to post his response. Remember that Charlie’s roll of an 18 on Persuasion is accomplishing a challenging task.)

“Thank you,” Cred Stick Charlie addresses Casino as he rounds the front of the jeep, “and I really can use your help if you are willing to work with me.”

Being finally settled in the vehicle, Casino removes his battle mask, rubbing his tired face with his right hand and noticing for the first time that Echo could not possible have seen his nod to her about taking the lead with the old woman. Great just great, f..king things up yet again, the big solo thinks to himself. Turning in his chair, Casino seeks her attention.

“Look, Echo, I’m sorry. I really thought I had your okay, but I guess I did not.” Drawing in a deep breath, he swallows his pride further and offers up an olive branch. “Won’t happen again” 

Unsure, maybe a little timid, Echo peers at the rough man from beneath her long eyelashes. Contemplating his offering for a few seconds, she finally dips her head in a nod of acceptance. “Thank you.” Awkwardly offering a smile that is only visible around her eyes, she turns her head to look out at the street and adjusts her submachine gun to sit easier in her lap. “I’ll go with you and Bloodbank to get Vegas, too.”

With everyone in the car, Blossom looking quite alright with her seating arrangement, Casino watches as Charlie inputs the address into the jeep’s GPS and pulls into the street. The mountain of a solo glances sideways at the fixer driving the hover vehicle and can not help but wonder about him. It seems clear to Keith that he is not a street fixer, but maybe a damn good one behind the desk. I mean, really, what do I know about the guy other than Starlight stuck him on us. Maybe he did not want to be here and Starlight is just being a menstruating b***h. A second look at Charlie as he weaves into the next lane. In his anger—in the whole Vegas, Echo, get the kid first bulls***—he had taken a lot out on Charlie. Had he been wrong? F*** no! Could he have worded it all better? Yeah, for sure. Right now, all the big solo can do is tone down his anger and rage at Vegas’s life being on the line and start to be more professional with all the members of this team. Looking forward he settles his mind on looking out for possible danger.

(OOC: You lot can add more conversation if you’d like in back-posting fashion but I’m moving this along.)

Charlie takes the wheel, Casino in shotgun and the aerodyne roughly lifts up off the pavement sending putrid rainwater spraying out from underneath it in a swirling cloud of mist. As they move down the road, leaving the old woman’s apartment behind, Charlie addresses the netrunner.

“Blossom, did you get any other information on the address that I sent to you? I plan to place the airraft a block away, deploy my drone, let the CEE take time to find a good shooting position, and run live feed to anyone that has devices. I plan to stream info from the drone to you as I want the CEE to take an overwatch position and let the rest wait till intel is up.” 

“Not much to find out,” Blossom calls out. “Maps show it’s an alley. Probs squatters. Perfect op for that second team to ambush us, though. The nearest NCPD cameras are a couple of blocks in either direction and one of them is broke, broke, broke. The other is more in the opposite direction of where we’re going and comin’ from. 

“You’re drone idea is sexy, though. When you’re setting it up, I can take the feed and push it to anyone with a HUD.”

Charlie then addresses the comms issue and chimes in about using the radio and giving more support to Ghlahn, keeping him in the loop.

“Ya,” Echo turns to look at the CEE-metal sniper. “Sorry about that. We’ll do better communicating with you, I promise.”

“See?” Blossom exclaims cheerfully. “Things are so much better when mom and dad aren’t fighting.”

The short distance that they have to drive passes quickly. There aren’t a lot of aerodynes in this part of the city, and by a lot, everyone notices that there aren’t any. Needless to say, with the city coming even more alive and people starting to drift out onto the streets, the AirJeep is drawing some attention.

“Maybe drive around the block?” Echo leans forward and puts a hand on Charlie’s shoulder to catch his attention. “That way we can get a look at the area and find ourselves a place to park this rig that’s a little less conspicuous.”

(OOC: I’m going to assume that there’s no objections to this suggestion.)

Five miles or so from the bay in the UrbanZone and there’s not a ton of natural light. Daylight is recognizable but most of the light is derived from the streetlamps, neon signs, and artificial lights provided by those outside on the street. End of Row, 12th Alley, Hill View exists between the real addresses of X00032:12.Y00001:13.Z00054:6 and X00032:13.Y00001:13.Z00054:6. The maps app that Blossom uses is open source and updated by the communities. 12th Alley is the name given by those in the area to the alleyway between these two blocks. The pretty little netrunner points this out as Charlie swings them past the opening to the alleyway.

“Hill View is probs the name they gave whatever the construct is that Rya Mendez lives in. End of Row likely means the furthest back portion of the alley.” Information delivered, Fixer feels Blossom stiffen a little in his lap. 

“So, this area’s got some booster activity. The Dead Dogs,” she quiets as she accesses more information through her internal cyberware. “Local gang… not much in the news, just some minor arrests for drug trafficking…”

X00032:12.Y00001:13.Z00054:6 is a base building in the style of old Bronx, New York tenant housing. Nanite constructed red brick sitting on top of a foundation of nuCement that’s in fairly good repair, all things considered. One way to beat those nanobuilders, or at least stave them off for a time, is to care for the building. Those little beasts only repurpose parts of the structure when it becomes rundown. That’s likely what happened to all of the interior walls back at the building where Ghlahn and Blossom hid out for a bit. Graffiti marks the nuCement base and the spray-painted dog skull with X’s for eyes can be found amongst the street art.

In sharp contrast to its neighbor, X00032:13.Y00001:13.Z00054:6 is a bloated version of an early period San Fran townhome with stairs and stoop that only half remains as the crumbling portion has been eaten away by nanobuilders. This building is also tagged.

Despite it being early morning still, the heat is on the rise. Those who have weather alerts set on their agents are being warned that today is going to be a scorcher. In the depths of the city, that means that temperatures are likely going to reach the high nineties which is way above the average. Combine that with the humidity and being outside of air conditioning or bereft of self-climating clothing is going to be miserable. 

12th Alley runs east to west which means that after making the rounds on the main roads outside of the two block parameter, the team is coming up on their initial arrival street on the north side of X00032:13.Y00001:13.Z00054:6. Looking down on the city from above, starting in the bottom right corner (which would be the southwest corner of X00032:13.Y00001:13.Z00054:6) the building occupants appear to be as follows:

13-13-6 Materials Recovery Services (anything made of reconstitutional materials can be delivered here to be broken down and repurposed into spools for 3D printing). Moving north, Grandma Dee’s Diner, Mile’s Gentry Recording Studios, the building’s main entrance, Greek Dan’s Gyros, Lite Design Services, Pedro’s Food Trucks Corporate Office. Then, there’s 12th Alley. On the other side of 12th Alley starts X00032:12.Y00001:13.Z00054:6 with Block 32-36 Waste Management, Speak Translation Services, West Baptists Recovery Center, Einstein’s Book Emporium. Having reached the end of the western road (again, the first road you folks were on when you arrived in this area), the team had turned right, taking you along the north side of X00032:12.Y00001:13.Z00054:6. There you’d passed more of Einstein’s Book Emporium, Blocks 32-36 “Lucas Wiseman” Elementary school which takes up the rest of that building on the west-facing side. Turning right again, still driving along X00032:12.Y00001:13.Z00054:6 but now heading south and on the east side, there’s a bit more of the elementary, Urbanside Transportation with a large, tagged sliding garage door, B13 Community Bank, Housedresser Linens, Smithy’s 3D Plastics Print Shop, Burgess Soy Gardens, This Ain’t No Gentleman’s Bar, and Rashad’s Electronics. Rounding the corner yet again and driving down the southern road running east to west, you have Rashad’s Electronics, Great Imaginations Art Center, Bailer's Containers, West Baptists Church, Fast Set Footwear, StarSystems Satellite, West Baptists Soup Kitchen, and back again to 13-13-6 Materials Recovery Services. 

Across the street are various additional services, restaurants, and facilities on each of the streets (see the map for details). There is already a lot of activity at the soup kitchen as the homeless and less fortunate gather for some soy-based meals. Traffic has picked up as well, with ground cars transporting people about their Sunday business, trying to find parking close to the church, restaurants, and stores. A number of stores are also preparing to open with their neon signs switching on the “open” designator adding to the multicolored wash of illumination.

The second stories of these buildings begin the mix of residential and less frequently, offices and services. Fire escapes are placed in equal distances along the sides of the buildings but their ladders are pulled up, broken away completely, or dangling dangerously by metals that are about to be repurposed leaving the lowest platforms a good twenty feet off the gound. 

Having driven past the mouth of 12th Alley, the team witnessed a bit of its landscape. Huts and hovels start to appear in the dark confines almost right at the mouth leaving a winding path between that is quickly swallowed up by the lack of light. Wiring and clotheslines crisscross the upper levels like a primitive laser alarm system. This webwork of wires and lines begins at the ground level and extends as high up as the eye can see. Pigeons roost along these lines as well as on the various outcroppings of the structures painting the face of the buildings with their white and gray waste. Approximately sixty to seventy feet overhead, the crossways linking buildings begin. And above this the underside of another level of roads blocks out a portion of the natural light still determined to make it through.

“A bunch of private networks… none of them strong,” Blossom has dropped back into her internal view of the Web. “Nothing strong. Lots of dark space.”

(OOC: March 9th, Day 3 - Sunday, Time is 08:55 AM PST)

Posted on 2019-07-21 at 15:54:12.

Karma: 7/0
287 Posts

Just a Sunday stroll

As the group makes its way to the next stop. Chariles readies himself for an encounter with this other group that is trying to get the boy before his group. 


Weaving in and out of traffic with the areodyne’s fans screaming under the pressure. 


Charlie taps away as he is driving and does a search under that name looking for photos like:NCDL ( Night City Driver’s license, library card, high school photos? ), “Hey bloss... can you find me some photos of this gal Rya Mendez?. I got face recognition running right now and I want to have the drone ready... best 50 credits spent this week.


  • Library search roll


“Maybe drive around the block?” Echo leans forward and puts a hand on Charlie’s shoulder to catch his attention. “That way we can get a look at the area and find ourselves a place to park this rig that’s a little less conspicuous.”

(OOC: I’m going to assume that there’s no objections to this suggestion.)


Chariles agrees if a group were to be waiting for this might be the place were the others might be waiting on hide. 


So before they drive around the block, Chariles will park where he can and throw up his Skymaster Delta cross XLT and set it for an opposite path so that the two will meet in the middle and pass each other till they both complete a circle. Charlie pulls to the side of the street, places the aerodyne in neutral and lets it hovers for a bit before exiting the vehicle and opening up the trunk in the front of the vehicle and throws up the Delta sky mater into the air and hs it climb to a safe altitude. Charlie then returns back the driver seat.  


“Blossom, transfering view of gimbal camera access to you, rolling tape, feed it to those that can watch as I will start our initial circle before starting in our recce (recon). I’m going to start cataloging face and people in the area now. 

Charlie uses his NuCube and selects the following:


Splice: Activates

Audio (earplugs), Places earplugs into his ears, taps the side of his face and ears, Check



Anti dazzle, Check

Amped Vision +2 (Visual searches), Check...nice, yup, Double check

Lowlite (near total darkness ), .... Wait for the vision to clear up,  Check.

Telescopic ( 20x magnification ), Check

Amped Audio ( tones in subsonic and supersonic ranges ).....Wait for the audio filters to kick in and clear up


Link: activated

Radio link, check


“Hill View is probs the name they gave whatever the construct is that Rya Mendez lives in. End of Row likely means the furthest back portion of the alley.” Information delivered, Fixer feels Blossom stiffen a little in his lap. 

“So, this area’s got some booster activity. The Dead Dogs,” she quiets as she accesses more information through her internal cyberware. “Local gang… not much in the news, just some minor arrests for drug trafficking…”


“Great, like things couldn't get better.... “ 


Charlie taps at his keys again. “Bloss can you find anymore info on “dead dogs” like mugshots for me so either one of us can feed that into the drone, so we can “tag” faces / bodies to know gang members, please”. 


“ Map shows me a diner...... Grandma Dee’s Diner, I”m thinking that I set my perch up at the diner, even this POS wouldn’t look out of place”. “Anyone wanna walk from this point?” Charlie looks to the sniper. “ You want to egress and extract here or in the hot zone, the choice is yours, unless your not afraid to be seen with us in the vehicle as we cruise around the block....”. 

Conduct the recon with aerodyne. 

  • +2 to notice rolls, please


Charlie takes notes of places to maybe visit if need be:

Urbanside Transportation with a large, tagged sliding garage door

  • Looks for car parts later
  • West Baptists Soup Kitchen - for local intel

“A bunch of private networks… none of them strong,” Blossom has dropped back into her internal view of the Web. “Nothing strong. Lots of dark space.”


“Bloss, where is the best connection for you here?. I'm thinking the diner for me”

Posted on 2019-07-22 at 03:16:26.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3141 Posts

Welcome to the Jungle

    Fixer looked around at the Alley and surrounding neighborhood.  Squatters.  People who couldn’t even afford the rent in that flea-infested pile where Rya supposedly lived.  All she could do was afford to buy an address.  And then live here.  What a crappy world.  The idea hit him in the face nearly every day on this planet, but somehow it struck him really hard here.  He felt badly for those stuck in this alley – and he had seen much worse alleys.  Heck, they’d just been buying info in a worse one outside the rental space.  But life was harsh.  And he did not want to end up here himself. 

  And not ending up here meant finding Jace and doing it quickly.  He put pity aside with one last thought – what would he be willing to do to not end up here?  And similarly, what would he be willing to do to get out once there?  He had heard nice words about Rya Mendez, but couldn’t help wondering how she had answered those two questions.  Sometimes nice people just needed to stay alive.  What was it his uncle used to say?  “When people are starving and watching their kids die right in front of them, they don’t just roll over in the gutter and say, “ah shucks!” and die.  They fight.  They fight whoever and however they need to in order to save themselves and their families.”  The wisdom of Uncle John.  Was Rya fighting to stay alive?  It would explain much.  And he could hardly blame her. 

    But sympathy didn’t find the kid and didn’t keep him out of the alley.  He had his own fight to fight. 

   Fixer looked at the others in the group.  This stuff was their gig.  “Ok, so we can see with the spy.  And we need to watch all exists.  We have the walkie talkies split up at each exit, I assume.  Does everyone here know what she looks like?  We all saw the video …” Here he looked at Charlie.  “Charlie, you see the vid?  You know her?  There is no reason she should know us or know we are here.  I know I’m not the master planner, but I gotta think going in with the whole gang will be pretty noticeable and might make her run just to be safe.  I suspect I’m here as backup so point me where I can be of use.  Team work folks.  It isn’t just Jace’s life that depends on it now.” 

    That last statement made him nervous.   It was so true.  He looked around the entrance to the alley – any entrances he could find looking for security.  Who the hell would wire a hobo alley?  Nobody he could figure, but if Rya could rent an address maybe she could rent something else as well.    Those wires running about the alley also got a scrutiny.  He’d seen crazier things.  And if there was security of any sort whatsoever, they not only might want to be careful, but might be able to take advantage of it for their own uses.  Security in a hobo alley . . . crazy thought.

Posted on 2019-07-31 at 22:09:24.

Trilogy Master
RDI Staff
Karma: 181/119
6817 Posts

On the road again

Seated in the front passenger seat looking out the jeep’s window Casino’s mind was elsewhere catching only bits and pieces of the conversations around him...........

“Blossom, did you get any other information on the address that I sent to you? I plan to place the airraft a block away……..

“You’re drone idea is sexy, though. When you’re setting it up…...

“Ya, Sorry about that. We’ll do better communicating with you……..

“See? Things are so much better when mom and dad aren’t fighting……

.“Hill View is probs the name they gave whatever the construct is that Rya Mendez lives in. End of Row likely means the furthest back portion of the alley.” Information delivered, Fixer feels Blossom stiffen a little in his lap……..

 “So, this area’s got some booster activity. The Dead Dogs, Local gang… not much in the news, just some minor arrests for drug trafficking……..

Driving past the mouth of 12th Alley, Casino finally came out of his inner thoughts and back into the here and now. He could see a series of huts and hovels start to appear in the dark confines leaving a winding path between them that just as quickly were swallowed up by dark shadows. Wiring and clotheslines, the difference between them lost in the dark, easily crisscrossed the upper levels like a primitive spider web. This web of wires and lines beginning at the ground level and reached as high up as the big solo could see. He could see how the cross ways linking buildings together could be just as deadly as a true poisonous spider web. And even above all this the underside of another level of roads blocked out a portion of the natural light still so determined to make it through.

To Casino this was just another cluster F… part of the city and not really telling the group anything on where this Rya Mendez was to be found

“A bunch of private networks… none of them strong,” Blossom has dropped back into her internal view of the Web. “Nothing strong. Lots of dark space.”

Turning to look at Charlie in the driver seat. Casino asked an age old question.

“So what now”?..............................................

Posted on 2019-08-03 at 22:07:15.

Karma: 7/0
287 Posts


  Fixer looked at the others in the group.  This stuff was their gig.  “Ok, so we can see with the spy.  And we need to watch all exists.  We have the walkie talkies split up at each exit, I assume.  Does everyone here know what she looks like?  We all saw the video …” Here he looked at Charlie.  “Charlie, you see the vid?  You know her?  There is no reason she should know us or know we are here.  I know I’m not the master planner, but I gotta think going in with the whole gang will be pretty noticeable and might make her run just to be safe.  I suspect I’m here as backup so point me where I can be of use.  Team work folks.  It isn’t just Jace’s life that depends on it now.” 


Charile replies to the techie called " fixer "

" Yes the drone will give you all an advatange hopefully and your radio will ensure that you have a way to talk to each other".


"Did I see the vid, yes, I sure did. But no I don't know her at all. On the other hand.............. lets hope that no one has tipped her off or that other wrecking crew find her and whack us before we can get this job done". 



To Casino this was just another cluster F… part of the city and not really telling the group anything on where this Rya Mendez was to be found

“A bunch of private networks… none of them strong,” Blossom has dropped back into her internal view of the Web. “Nothing strong. Lots of dark space.”

Turning to look at Charlie in the driver seat. Casino asked an age old question.

“So what now”?..............................................

Charile replied to Casino

" Well I'm hoping that the metal Cee will find a position to watch over most of use as the rest of you gun slingers and samurias beat the concret jungles for answers".  Chariles sifted in the seat for a bit of comfort then explained " I'll also use the drone to ID anyone like gang members so you can figure out how you all want to deal with that, and troubles then I'll try to smooth things out for a bit and parley". 

" Blossom did you find anything more about Rya Mendez?"

Charile turned back to casino

" Be careful when going into the alley, I'll pass everything that I get and have the bloodbank at the ready if things get bad or worse" Don't forget to use you nycube so that you will still have an advatage against all these unchiped, hype and other types. Use the radio if need be and grab Jace and let get back home.... well I mean. I would like to invited everyones here to stay for dinner, beat the kibble that you'll been eating. Besides.... sleeping on a wooden floor so way better than one of  those capsule hotels". 

Charile seems to be honest and sincere about the dinner offer. 

OOC - did you want me to roll Libray search or anything so that either myself or blossom can pass on photos or images of the ones that we seek?.



Posted on 2019-08-05 at 01:14:02.

Keeper of Dragons
Devil's Advocate
Karma: 59/18
2581 Posts

Ghalan lloked out over the city as they flew towards the newly acquired address.  Nothing unusual jumped out at him as they passed ordinary building after ordinary building.  Without even thinking about it, he assessed the various fire escapes, rooftops and ledges as overwatch positions.  It seemed his inner sniper never rested.  "Once you all come up with a plan just let me know and I will find a spot to keep an eye on you as usual."  

Posted on 2019-08-07 at 19:32:48.

Bromern Sal
A Shadow
RDI Staff
Karma: 158/11
4402 Posts

X00032:8.Y00001:12.Z00054:5, 12th Alley | Night City Integrate | Undercity | UrbanZone - March 9th, Day 3 (Sunday), 8:55 AM PST

Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15 mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)

Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)

As the group makes its way to the next stop, Charlie readies himself for an encounter with the second team that they’ve been informed is trying to get the boy. Weaving in and out of traffic with the aerodyne’s fans screaming under the pressure, he taps away on his agent performing a search under Rya Mendez hoping for photos like a NCDL (Night City Driver’s License), library card, high school photos, anything. 

“Hey, Bloss... can you find me some photos of this gal, Rya Mendez? I got face recognition running right now and I want to have the drone ready... best fifty credits spent this week.” Unfortunately, the fixer’s efforts are coming up been fruitless. 

“Bloss?” the netrunner raises her eyebrows and rolls the lolli to the other side of her mouth. “Open your bluetooth access, choombas. I’ll send you all the stills from the video.”

“Maybe drive around the block?” Echo leans forward and puts a hand on Charlie’s shoulder to catch his attention. “That way we can get a look at the area and find ourselves a place to park this rig that’s a little less conspicuous.”

Chariles agrees with a dip of his head. If a group is waiting for them, then this might be the place. It’s best to be cautious. The fixer’s initial plan was to deploy the drone before they drove around the block, but as he considers the air traffic and the surroundings, he decides that it is best to give Ghlahn time to get into position. 

Pulling around the corner, he settles the Air Jeep in front of a diner’s large single pane window. The daily specials play across the glass in glowing bubble font. Sunday breakfast is a draw and the team can see that the facility is packed with people wearing their best dress. Not many appear to have vehicles though, because the parking spots in front of Grandma Dee’s Diner are empty. A sign reads, 30-Minute Parking M - F 7am - 6pm. There are no parking meters.

Charlie uses his NuCube and activates his audio splice earplugs, feeling the ear canals seal off and sound muffled. Tapping the side of his face and ears, he confirms their activation. Check. Next, he switches to his Amps and makes sure that his Anti-Dazzle is operating. An indicator on his HUD confirms that it is. Check. Switching on his Amped Vision he registers the HUD displays outlining people as his eyes pan over them. Check...nice, yup; Double-check. Turning on his Lowlite vision, he waits for the vision to clear up. Check. Next, Luther checks his Telescopic vision Amp, zooming in the whole 20x magnification down the street. Check.

Cranking on his Amped Audio, the fixer waits for the audio filters to kick in and clear up the excess noise. Turning on his Radio Link, he hears a faint female voice say, “Link activated. Searching for open networks. There are thirteen networks available. Please select the network you’d like to link to.” A list of unfamiliar names appear on the HUD in front of his eyes. Radio link, check. 

“Hill View is probs the name they gave whatever the construct is that Rya Mendez lives in. End of Row likely means the furthest back portion of the alley.” Information delivered, Fixer feels Blossom stiffen a little in his lap. 

“So, this area’s got some booster activity. The Dead Dogs,” she quiets as she accesses more information through her internal cyberware. “Local gang… not much in the news, just some minor arrests for drug trafficking…”

“Great, like things couldn't get better.... “ Charlie taps at his agent’s keys again. “Bloss, can you find anymore info on Dead Dogs like mugshots for me so either one of us can feed that into the drone, so we can “tag” faces—bodies—to know gang members, please?” 

“Might take a minute,” the Asian woman distractedly replies.

“Map shows me the diner, here—Grandma Dee’s Diner. I”m thinking that I set my perch up here at the diner. Even this POS won’t look out of place,” Cred Stick Charlie informs his team. “Anyone wanna walk from this point?” Charlie looks to the sniper. “You want to egress and extract here or in the hot zone, the choice is yours, unless your not afraid to be seen with us in the vehicle as we cruise around the block.”

Ghlahn looks out over the street having spent the whole of the ride observing the dullness of the Sunday morning. Nothing unusual jumps out at him now and it didn’t then as they passed ordinary building after ordinary building. Without even thinking about it, he assesses the various fire escapes, rooftops, and ledges as overwatch positions. It seems his inner sniper never rests.

"Once you all come up with a plan,” he says, spotting the skeletal ribbing of a fire escape across the street on the corner. “Just let me know and I will find a spot to keep an eye on you as usual."

Exiting the jeep, the sniper hefts his bag and rifle case, shoulders them, and takes his opportunity to cross the street amidst the practically non-existent vehicular traffic.

“Let’s get rolling,” Echo says, eyes on the retreating back of their overwatch.

Eyeballing an elderly couple who have taken notice of their activities from within the diner, Cred Stick Charlie glances in his side view mirror and lifts the aerodyne from the pavement with a high-pitched squeal of a belt.

Driving past the mouth of 12th Alley, Casino finally comes out of his reverie and back into the present. He can see a series of huts and hovels start to appear in the dark confines leaving a winding path between them that just as quickly is swallowed up by dark shadows. Wiring and clotheslines, the difference between them lost in the dark, easily crisscrossed the upper levels like a primitive spider web. This net of wires and lines begins at the ground level and reaches as high up as the big solo can see. He also makes out the crossways linking buildings together overhead, a maze that can be just as deadly as a true poisonous spider’s web for anything flying. Above all this the underside of another level of roads block out a portion of the natural light still so determined to make it through.

To Casino this was just another cluster****, part of the city and not really telling the group anything about where this Rya Mendez is to be found.

Fixer peers around at the alley and surrounding neighborhood. Squatters. People who can’t even afford the rent in that flea-infested pile at Rya’s fake address. All she could do was afford to buy an address. And then live here. What a crappy world. The idea hits the techie in the face nearly every day on this planet, but somehow it strikes him really hard here. He feels bad for those stuck in this alley—and he has seen much worse alleys. Heck, they’d just been buying info in a worse one outside the rental space. But life is harsh, and he does not want to end up here himself. 

And not ending up here means finding Jace and doing it quickly. He puts pity aside with one last thought—what would he be willing to do not to end up here? And similarly, what would he be willing to do to get out once here? He has heard nice words about Rya Mendez, but can’t help wondering how she has answered those two questions. Sometimes nice people just need to stay alive. What was it his uncle used to say? “When people are starving and watching their kids die right in front of them, they don’t just roll over in the gutter and say, ‘ah shucks!’ and die.  They fight. They fight whoever and however they need to in order to save themselves and their families.” The wisdom of Uncle John. Was Rya fighting to stay alive? It would explain much.  And he could hardly blame her. 

But sympathy doesn’t find the kid and doesn’t keep him out of the alley. He has his own fight to fight. 

Fixer looks at the others in the group. This stuff was their gig, but he decides to speak up anyway, “Ok, so we’ll be able to see with the spy,” he refers to the drone, “and we need to watch all exists. We’ll have the walkie talkies split up at each exit, I assume. Does everyone here know what she looks like? We all saw the video,” here, he looks to Charlie, “Charlie, you see the vid?  You know her? There is no reason she should know us or know we are here. I know I’m not the master planner, but I gotta think going in with the whole gang will be pretty noticeable and might make her run just to be safe. I suspect I’m here as backup so point me where I can be of use. Teamwork, folks. It isn’t just Jace’s life that depends on it now.” 

That last statement makes him nervous. It is so true. He peers around and remembers the entrance to the alley as they continue around the block—aside from all the wiring, there hadn’t appear to be anything electrical, let alone security oriented, at the mouth of the alleyway. Who the hell would wire a hobo alley? Nobody he can figure; but if Rya can rent an address, maybe she can rent something else as well. Those wires running about the alley...they’ll get attention too. He’d seen crazier things and if there is security of any sort whatsoever, they not only might want to be careful, but might be able to take advantage of it for their own uses. Security in a hobo alley...crazy thought.

Charile replies to the techie called, Fixer, "Yes. The drone will give you all an advantage. Hopefully. And your radio will ensure that you have a way to talk to each other. 

"Did I see the vid? Yes, I sure did. But no, I don't know her at all. On the other hand, let’s hope that no one has tipped her off, or that the other wrecking crew has found her and whacks us before we can get this job done."

“A bunch of private networks… none of them strong,” Blossom is back in her internal view of the Web, having taken Ghlahn’s seat when the sniper had vacated. “Nothing strong. Lots of dark space.”

Turning to look at Charlie in the driver’s seat, Casino asks an age old question, “So, what now?”

“Bloss,” Cred Stick Charlie calls back over his shoulder, “where is the best connection for you here? I'm thinking the diner for me.”

“That diner was plenty crowded…” Blossom pops the sucker from her mouth. “If we can get a seat, that’s fine with me.”

One way in and one way out, that makes Ghlahn’s job easy. The challenge now is making use of what little architecture was available, remain unnoticed, and provide fire support at the mouth of the alley. No sweat.

He had surveyed the building across the street from the alley coming around the corner, before Charlie had dropped him in front of that busy diner. There was nothing ideal, but there was that fire escape up the south side. That seems like his best bet.

Crossing the street, he passes in front of the CPA’s office. Foot traffic is picking up. The sidewalk is about 70% congested with people making their way east. People dressed in their best clothes, hair combed, cybernetics polished. That’s going to make climbing the fire escape unnoticed nigh unto impossible. Keep going? Try to find another way up the outside of the building? Or see if there’s a way into one of the businesses along 12th Street, maybe find a way upstairs and then out onto the escape?

Rounding the corner once again, Charlie parks the jeep and waits for it to settle to the ground before removing the keys. Grandma Dee’s Diner is no less packed than it was five-minutes ago.

“Standing room only,” Echo mutters. “Looks like we need another roost.”

(OOC: March 9th, Day 3 - Sunday, Time is 09:02 AM PST)

Posted on 2019-08-22 at 18:17:05.


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