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You are here: Home --> Forum Home --> Rules-based RPGs --> Cyberpunk --> Flesh & Blood - A Night City Adventure
Parent thread: Flesh & Blood - A CyberPunk Game
GM for this game: Bromern Sal
Players for this game: TannTalas, Keeper of Dragons, Nomad D2, Hammer, Mischief, Espatier, dragon-soul92, CameToPlay
    Messages in Flesh & Blood - A Night City Adventure
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Bloodbanks action.

With every crack of Glahn's pistol, Bloodbank felt a pang of guilt. He wished he could stop and try to save these poor men who very likely could have had people depending on them, but he also couldn't just toss aside his duties to his new allies. Besides, there was a child to save.

With these not all together reassuring thoughts in his mind, Bloodbanks continued trying to help Blossom move forward; although it felt like she needed his help less and less with every step.

Posted on 2016-07-25 at 13:51:08.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 2/0
147 Posts

Echo's actions

Echo nods to Ghlahn, too focused on getting to a safe spot to argue with him for his command. She comes in line with Blossom and Bloodbank, keeping her firearm ready to clear a path in front of her allies if necessary.

Posted on 2016-07-25 at 15:59:42.

Bromern Sal
A Shadow
RDI Staff
Karma: 158/11
4402 Posts

End Combat Phase 3! Enter Starlight!

The Rat Pack Night Club | Night City Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - Day 2 (Saturday), 1:35 AM PST
Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)
Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)


"Sorry about this. Vegas and I are normally on the same page." Casino's legitimate apology extends just about the noise of the dated music track. "However, there are times when we do disagree and this is one of them. In the end it all works itself out."

"No problem here," Fixer replies back nonchalantly. "Prefer the loneliness myself. Relationships have always found a way to bite me back."

Was not but a moment later when Fixer turned his head and noticed the Greaser stride away Vegas and back out the door. Mayhap this would turn into a night of firefights after all. His nerves were starting to get to him; his breathing and heart rate quickened a little bit, and he could notice a little bit of feeling leave his fingers. His body was preparing itself a small bit for the even.

"Fixer," the leather-clad solo sighs. "Wait here for Vegas. Once he gets back here tell him I went to talk to the club's manager." Just for good measure, Casino slides his SMG non-threateningly across the table into his companion's care and strides purposefully away.

"Now alone in a place I know nothing about," the words he mutters as both of his 'companions' leave him are devoured by the chatter and soulful sounds of Dean Martin. The technician's frustration peaks a bit as he taps the side of his jacket to assure himself with his UZI's presence.

"Hello there, Mr. Casino," A large Polynesian in a zoot suit with his hair pulled back in a warrior's ponytail greets Casino at the bar. "What can I do for you?

"Hi Moene, If she's available and will see me, I'd like to talk to Miss Campbell about a personal matter."

"Sure thing," the block of Island muscle smiles broadly. "Just a sec."

He turns and catches the other bartender's attention with a wave of his white towel. "I'll be back. Just gotta see if the boss is available for Mr. Casino here."

Having informed his companion, the man turns and approaches the door to Isabel's office. He presses the security panel's touch screen and speaks into the receiving plate. He nods, nods again, and then returns to Casino's position at the bar.

"She'll be out in a moment. Can I get you anything to drink while you wait?"

"No thanks. I still have one at my table. Thanks, of course, for the offer."

Casino waits patiently for only a few moments before the door swings open and a tall woman with darker, Mediterranean coloring steps out. She wears a zoot suit herself, rich purple with white stripes and a fedora that matches with a white, silk band about the cap. Her curly black hair is loose about her shoulders and dangles to just above the SmartFabric® hanky currently alternating through a complementary array of colors to that of her suit. Her white blouse is also silk, the color of the expensive pearls wrapped about her throat. Of average height, Isabel Campbell is nonetheless an imposing figure of command, power, and beauty.

"Mr. Casino," she smiles brilliantly and places her finely manicured hands on the bar's polished and yet scarred surface as she settles in across from him. "It's a pleasure to see you again. What can I do for you?"

Taking her hand Casino kisses it lightly as a gentleman would. "Vegas and I seem to have a problem. It looks like a gang of intellectually challenged boosters calling themselves ‘The Grease Monkeys' are upset over Vegas being Vegas, and his dance with one of their female companions. Upset enough—from the way her boyfriend just confronted Vegas before leaving the club—to ambush us on the street outside. Normally I would not give a s*** and just kill them, however, Vegas and I are on an op and too much exposure is bad for business; both yours and ours. Last thing I want Vegas and I to do is be the cause of a firefight right outside the entrance to your club, Miss Campbell. Like I said, it'd be bad for business to have the police snooping around as to the cause of it. I'm hoping to get your help in getting myself, Vegas, and our friend out of here on the sly and take care of these idiots if it comes to that on our own terms."

Concern creases her otherwise smooth brow. "That Vegas," she affects a small twittering laugh. "A bit of fun and suddenly what could have been fireworks turns into a firefight."

"Tell you what—since I like you boys so much—I'll be happy to see you out the back, but," she pauses and leans in drawing Casino forward with a wiggle of her finger. "You two will owe me."

A smile of understanding crossing his face, Casino gives a slight bow to acknowledge the new debt.

"We are just waiting for some op gear to be dropped off, then we are all your's, Miss Campbell. Once it gets here, I'll grab Vegas and our friend and return here to let Moene know. Thank you for the help. It's a debt I'll personally—if need be—will be happy to fulfill." Taking her hand once more, he kisses it again while looking into her eyes, letting her know without words his attraction to her. Then with a nod to Moene, he walks slowly back to join Fixer and Vegas at the table.

Vegas' conversations with the regulars of the Rat Pack is superficial. Everyone there adopting the looks and mannerisms of a time long past are living in their own fantasy world. The solo knows from years of experience that most of these people are moonlighting the Life and are collarboys and girls during daylight hours.

Periodically checking his Agent for any updates regarding the delivery from Starlight, the Frank Sinatra look-alike makes his way around the ballroom and bar until satisfied that any additional information to be gleaned from the crowd of Rat Packers has been obtained. His casual stroll and politicking eventually brings him back around to the table just moments before his partner arrives.

"Ok," he begins unceremoniously as he slides back into his seat on the bench across the table from Fixer. "Campbell's gonna sneak us out the back to avoid those booster idiots once Starlight drops off the gear. With those boosters gunning for us, now really is not the time to go searching these streets for Dog. I say we link up with the rest, find out what they found, then if needed we come back here with better numbers and find Dog and find out what he may know. Agreed?"

A digital projection resembling a holographic green HUD flashes up from the bottom right corner of Vegas' eye. The display is for his eyes only, a benefit of the Subvision Viewscreen NuCybe technology implanted in his skull. The display reads, "New message available from The Deep." The Deep is Vegas' codeword for the Dark Net just in case his messaging services is intercepted. A mental command brings up the message.

"I'm out front. Not coming in. You come out." The message is from Starlight.


The Train | Night City Integrate | Midcity into High City | UrbanZone - Day 2 (Saturday), 1:28 AM PST | Combat Phase 3
Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)
Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)


Blossom winces a little as she hobbles forward, leaning heavily on Bloodbank. She spares a look back to see how her pet is faring. Impressive, she smiles. She didn't use the program much... the cost was a bit prohibitive. Yet, each time she brought that dog online, it performed better than spec.

Stay focused, Chica! she chides, bringing herself back to the present. Still a long ways to go and no telling what's ahead.
With every crack of Glahn's pistol, Bloodbank feels a pang of guilt. He wishes he could stop and try to save these poor men, who very likely could have people depending on them, but he also can't toss aside his duties to his new allies. Besides, there was a child to save.

With these not altogether reassuring thoughts in his mind, Bloodbank continues trying to help Blossom move forward; although it feels like she needs his help less and less with every step.

Echo nods to Ghlahn, too focused on getting to a safe spot to argue with him for his command. She comes in line with Blossom and Bloodbank, keeping her firearm ready to clear a path in front of her allies if necessary.

Currents of hot wind buffet each of you as the train continues to gain speed and tear past your position just a few feet from the dangerously fast metal sides of the public transport. The fight continues behind you. Ghlahn glances back again and confirms that the sec-team is still intently focused on that little trick the little Asian model threw their way. Sparks from the rounds striking its flaming metal body are immediately engulfed in the flowing facsimile of flames and the beast continues its rampage.

Smugly tossing a series of mental profane metaphors about the sec-team's lineage their way, Ghlahn determines that a number of factors have rendered the need to continue firing on them useless. He uses this opportunity, instead, to reload his weapon; slipping the partially empty cylinder from the compartment just after he retrieves a full cylinder from his jacket pocket, the solo exchanges them with practiced ease all the while keeping pace with his three companions.

Blossom's ability to carry more of her weight seems to Bloodbank to be nearly full capacity. His assessment of Blossom's recovery is accurate and the little netrunner gently pushes away from him to gain speed as she starts to sprint. Ahead of you, buried into the wall to your right, the door to the city's inner workings (and your escape from the tunnel) is marked by a yellow light casing otherwise out of place in the rhythm that the others have been situated. The door is between forty and fifty yards away. Could this be the end to your troubles with security?

(OOC: End Combat Phase 3 - Need Combat Phase 4 Actions)

Posted on 2016-07-25 at 16:29:22.

Keeper of Dragons
Devil's Advocate
Karma: 59/18
2581 Posts


Ghlahn continued to keep an eye on the rear but was now focused on getting to the door. "You guys see if you can get that door open when we get there and I'll make sure the Sec-team leaves us alone long enough for you to do it."

Posted on 2016-07-25 at 16:53:01.

Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts

At Last

'At Last' sighed Vegas to himself as the following message finally arrived from Starlight:

A digital projection resembling a holographic green HUD flashes up from the bottom right corner of Vegas' eye. The display is for his eyes only, a benefit of the Subvision Viewscreen NuCybe technology implanted in his skull. The display reads, "New message available from The Deep." The Deep is Vegas' codeword for the Dark Net just in case his messaging services is intercepted. A mental command brings up the message.

"I'm out front. Not coming in. You come out." The message is from Starlight.

Vegas approached his companions at the table to inform Casino and Fixer that the wait was finally over.

"Starlight is out front. She says she is not coming in. I have to come out and meet her to receive the goods. The way her message is worded I have no other options."

Vegas tipped his hat to his companions, before heading for the front door to meet Starlight.

Posted on 2016-07-31 at 22:32:36.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 122/12
2025 Posts

Doing the running man

Blossom felt the pain in her tailbone subside and poured on the speed. The Sec Team behind her was becoming a distant memory as she began to prep herself for the door ahead. Maybe things could go smooth on this one?!

Posted on 2016-08-02 at 12:20:11.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 10/0
183 Posts

But wait, there's more!

The med-tech felt Blossom pull away as she sped up. Obviously she felt well enough to continue unaided, so Bloodbank let her go and instead focused his attention on the getting to (and subsequently, through) the door.

"You guys see if you can get the door open when we get there, and I'll focus on making sure the sec-team leaves us alone long enough for you to do it." Glahn called out behind the fleeing trio.

"Just... Try not to kill them, please!" Bloodbank replied, glancing back at the security team, then back to the Access Tunnel Door; the door that meant relative safety for all parties involved. Or did it?

"No, it wouldn't necessarily," Bloodbank silently realized as his feet pounded upon the cement pathway. "There could very well be guards waiting for us upon our exit from the tunnels. There's absolutely nothing stopping the security team from radioing in backup to wait for us on the streets."

Again, he glanced back at the security team trying to deal with the large, unnaturally durable canine contraption. Would the small group of edge runners fair as well trying to escape another security team? And if so, at what cost of innocent life? They'd have to wander in the tunnels a bit, Bloodbank decided. He knew that the tunnels were all somewhat interconnected, and it was very possible to pop out somewhere very different from where might be expected. All they really needed to do was find the least expected exit point, and head in that direction. It would probably add some travel time to actually arrive at the school, but it was far preferable to the violent alternative.

The dispirited med-tech returned his attention to his allies, deciding to share his unfortunate revelation with the group once they were a a little further away from the present security team, as to prevent the unlikely event of being overheard.

Posted on 2016-08-02 at 17:58:56.

Trilogy Master
RDI Staff
Karma: 181/119
6817 Posts

Wait hold up

The Rat Pack Night Club | Night City Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - Day 2 (Saturday), 1:37 AM PST
Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)
Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)

"Starlight is out front. She says she is not coming in. I have to come out and meet her to receive the goods. The way her message is worded I have no other options."

Vegas tipped his hat to his companions, before heading for the front door to meet Starlight.

Moving to his feet quickly Casino grabbed his partners arm stopping him from heading to the front door.

"Vegas, wait hold up, you can't go out front of the club. Those boosters are waiting for you out there and all you'll do is start a gunfight that will draw Starlight in. That will not make her very happy with us at all and that's something we need to avoid. On top of that the drama it will cause for Lady Campbell will be bad for her and her club's rep and in the end for us too. We could lose this place as a meeting site and without a doubt her good will as well. PM Starlight see if she can meet us in the back or a nearby location first. If not, then we may have to pick them up from her later."

Releasing Vegas's arm he waited for a reaction from his partner...............

Posted on 2016-08-02 at 18:13:00.
Edited on 2016-08-02 at 18:14:30 by TannTalas

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 2/0
147 Posts

Not a sure thing . . .

Echo pulls up a bit, feeling a pang of guilt about the security guards behind them, they're just doing their job. She gently grabs an arm each of Blossom and Bloodbank.
"How much do we know of these tunnels? Do we have a map, or can we pull one up quickly? I'd prefer to avoid any other security folks, if possible. No need to take any other lives if we don't have to, or call more attention to ourselves in the process."

Posted on 2016-08-04 at 04:53:37.

Bromern Sal
A Shadow
RDI Staff
Karma: 158/11
4402 Posts

A couple of Phases...

The Rat Pack Night Club | Night City Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - Day 2 (Saturday), 1:36 AM PST
Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)
Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)


"Starlight is out front," Vegas reports. "She says she is not coming in. I have to come out and meet her to receive the goods. The way her message is worded I have no other options." Tipping his hat to those at the table, the suited solo turns to meet their fixer.

Moving quickly, Casino lunges to his feet and grabs his partner's arm. "Vegas, wait hold up. You can't go out front of the club. Those boosters are waiting for you out there and all you'll do is start a gunfight that will draw Starlight in. That will not make her very happy with us at all and that's something we need to avoid. On top of that the drama it will cause for Lady Campbell will be bad for her and her club's rep, and in the end, for us too. We could lose this place as a meeting site and without a doubt, her good will as well. Message Starlight and see if she can meet us in the back or a nearby location first. If not, then we may have to pick them up from her later."

Silently watching the interaction, Fixer nods his agreement to the leather-clad solo's plan.


The Train | Night City Integrate | Midcity into High City | UrbanZone - Day 2 (Saturday), 1:28 AM PST | Combat Phase 4
Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)
Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)


"You guys see if you can get that door open when we get there," Ghlahn orders. "And I'll make sure the sec-team leaves us alone long enough for you to do it."

Door security such as the one you are moments away from facing shouldn't be too high-tech. Tunnels such as these are usually owned and maintained by the city with corporations providing the materials and leasing the trains. At least, that's the thought. Night City's budget for securing the maintenance tunnels was—Blossom could hope—far less adequate than a megacorp's. Brown, almond shaped eyes are already searching the poor angles underneath the lone, pale light fixture marking the door for signs of a security panel as she pulls away from Bloodbank's helpful support. If the security is as simple as the wardriver hopes, it could mean a quick routine uplink (hardwired, of course) followed by running a Stealth program to mask her presence and keep additional security programs from initiating, and then putting the Codecracker routine to work.

"Just... Try not to kill them, please!" Bloodbank calls back over his shoulder through his combat mask to the sniper guarding your six. Wrought by reasonable concern over the well-being of the sec-team (after all, they are facing what could be classified as a sealed fate), another thought permeates the med-tech's mind. Reinforcements. Out of the question?

"No, it wouldn't necessarily," Bloodbank silently realizes as his feet pound the cement pathway. "There could very well be guards waiting for us upon our exit from the tunnels. There's absolutely nothing stopping the security team from radioing in backup to wait for us on the streets."

Again, he glances back at the security team trying to deal with the large, unnaturally durable canine contraption. Would the small group of edgerunners fair as well trying to escape another security team? And if so, at what cost of innocent life? They'd have to wander in the tunnels a bit, Bloodbank decided. He knows that the tunnels are all somewhat interconnected, created by the nanobite technology that was released on the city after the Arasaka Nuke leveled it some years ago, and it is possible to pop out somewhere very different from what might be expected. All they really need to do is find the least likely exit point and head in that direction. It will probably add some travel time before they actually arrive at the school, but it is a far preferable event to the violent alternative, at least for the life-conscious medic. Now is not the time to share his thoughts with his allies, he concludes and keeps the plan under his hat for the moment.

Echo shares Bloodbank's concerns, though their unity is as of yet unvoiced. Keeping up with Blossom and the med-tech has been simple even with the extra weight she's carrying for the injured netrunner. Perhaps her athleticism has to do with the way her tribe lives; rough and wild without any of the amenities the cities provide. Speculation on this subject is very much subconscious. For now, the lithe woman is focused on her immediate feelings of guilt over the loss of innocent life.

Reaching out with her free hand, Echo quickly touches both of those running ahead of her on their arms to get their attention. "How much do we know of these tunnels? Do we have a map, or can we pull one up quickly? I'd prefer to avoid any other security folks, if possible. No need to take any other lives if we don't have to, or call more attention to ourselves in the process."

(OOC: Ayrn and Giddy, you may respond, but I'm moving you forward to try and keep pace with the other group.)

Looking back over his shoulder and through the slightly shaded optics shield of his battle mask, Ghlahn confirms that the sec-team is still very much engaged with the Hellhound Blossom released on them.

The rush of the train has past, but the tunnel still carries the whoosh of wind as a loud roar further ahead. Ghlahn's timed glance catches the sec-team member holding the man M'harú Ghlahn had shot in the head struggle to land a shot resulting in sparks flying from the wall over the shoulder of the construct. The beast responds by clawing at the team member directly in front of it, connecting, and turning the man's right leg to the side with the force of the blow. Twisting from the impact, the soldier attempts to fire with his submachine gun upon his attacker, but the Hellhound ducks under the shot and the rounds are lost somewhere in the tunnel. Ducking under the gunfire puts the construct directly in the line of fire of the last standing, black-clad soldier and the rolling flames across the side of the beast's face are momentarily disrupted with penetrating rounds.

(OCC: End Combat Phase 4, Begin Combat Phase 5 - I'm taking the liberty of moving you forward a bit to resolve to a point where interaction and decisions are more necessary.)

Sounds of combat fill the tunnel now. Full-auto from the submachine gun of a desperate sec-team cuts through the shadow-filled channel followed by the ominous whistling of ricocheted bullets. Blossom slides in front of the door having already located the card reader security panel in her run. Again, casting a look backward, Ghlahn sees that the second sec-team on the platform has moved in to reinforce the first, but it is obvious to him that their immediate attention is on the Hellhound. The distance puts a shot at about long range; not something that intimidates the solo, but because of the two teams' lack of focus on them there's no need to waste a round so he takes holsters his handgun and in one smooth motion, rolls the Nomad .44 Mag from his back to a ready position, taking aim back the way you had just come.

The soldier directly in front of the Hellhound dodges a mean swipe at his head by mere centimeters. The security guard behind him ejects his magazine and retrieves a full one from his vest, slamming it into position and chambering the first round. Meanwhile, the agent directly in front of the Hellhound, the one who had just dodged an attack by the skin of his teeth, has apparently had enough and unloads his weapon directly into the construct's head. Bullets shred the nanite construction and find their way directly into the mindcore. A small explosion occurs and the remaining nanodust falls limply into a pile of drifting, dead technology at the team's feet.

Everyone has arrived at the door, but the construct is destroyed and though the first sec-team has experienced some casualties, there is now a second who has joined them. It looks like the party isn't over yet.

(OOC: End Combat Phase 5, Begin Combat Phase 6)

Gunfire is coming your way in the form of a tight three-round burst from near the gate. Supercharged reflexes and enhanced optics warn Ghlahn of the projectile's impending impact. It's barely enough warning for him to move his head to the left and allow the weaponsfire to pass by with a song. Bloodbank, standing just behind the sniper, is lucky enough to have turned just at that moment and the rounds also miss him.

Hologram-projected light keyboard with wardriver shortcodes and key assignments erupts from the NuCybe bracer Blossom wears on her left hand. With her right, the netrunner is already snaking the interface cable she'd used to attempt the gate security into the bottom port of the panel. Almost at the same time, the Subvision Viewscreen® leaps to life in front of her star-shaped sunglasses for her eyes only. Vivid rolling gears appear as a wall in front of her. A small identifying program has already run in the background and the fact that she's facing a datawall defense is implanted into her brain.

Posted on 2016-08-04 at 11:38:12.

Karma: 20/12
325 Posts


The two longtime friends were having a fairly solid difference of opinion on how they should proceed. Fixer was told this was a high irregularity with them.

"These boosters are cowards. They think they have safety in numbers. We just go out toting bigger heat and they could bow down." Fixer spoke in the midst of it all. He was not usually one to instigate a confrontation, but it may be unavoidable. "Or we could get into a fight where you may have to use the grenades you just done paid for."

There were no guarantees in this life but Fixer felt safer being in this confrontation with these two than if he had been alone.

Posted on 2016-08-11 at 02:31:36.

Keeper of Dragons
Devil's Advocate
Karma: 59/18
2581 Posts


"That construct just bit it. Now would be good time to get that door open. I'll give you as much time as I can but sooner or later someone is going to die out here. Just hope it isn't us."

Posted on 2016-08-11 at 06:28:33.

Trilogy Master
RDI Staff
Karma: 181/119
6817 Posts

Winter is coming

The Rat Pack Night Club | Night City Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - Day 2 (Saturday), 1:39 AM PST
Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)
Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)
"Vegas hold on you can't go out front of the club. Those boosters are waiting for you and all you'll do is start a gunfight that will draw Starlight in. On top of that the drama it will cause for Lady Campbell will be bad for her and us. PM Starlight she if she can meet us in the back or a nearby location first. If not then we may have to get them later."

Releasing Vegas's arm he waited for a reaction from his partner.

However as Casino looked at the expression on Vegas's face he knew his partner wanted to go out front. Why Casino, did not know, but guessed that maybe his partner was bored and looking for a fight or he really did not know the danger of these boosters. Looking into his friends eyes he tried one more time.

"Vegas we been friends and partners a long time so please just text her and see if she can meet us out back. If not then yeah, we go out the front, agreed?"

Once more Casino hoped Vegas's would at least do that if nothing else As he waited from behind him Fixer spoke up.

"These boosters are cowards. They think they have safety in numbers. We just go out toting bigger heat and they could bow down." Fixer spoke in the midst of it all. He was not usually one to instigate a confrontation, but it may be unavoidable. "Or we could get into a fight where you may have to use the grenades you just done paid for."

Turning to him Casino tried to let him know why the big solo felt going out front was a bad idea.

"You might be right but it's not part of our job right now to create a firefight in the middle of the street. Starlight said discreet, what's more less discreet then a firefight. On top of that I do not, do not, want to get on Campbell's bad side and lose this place as a meeting site and place to relax."

Turning back to Vegas's he pleaded with his eyes to at least use the agent in his hand to contact Starlight for a meeting in the back of the club. Of all the f**king times not to have an agent himself, this was the worst. Casino made himself a promise, no more gambling, no more.

Posted on 2016-08-11 at 13:16:25.
Edited on 2016-08-13 at 11:04:51 by TannTalas

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 10/0
183 Posts

Time to make an exit, methinks.

"How much do we know of these tunnels? Do we have a map, or can we pull one up quickly? I'd prefer to avoid any other security folks, if possible. No need to take any other lives if we don't have to, or call more attention to ourselves in the process."

Bloodbank let himself break out into a slightly bemused grin behind his skull-painted battlemask. It looked as though his silent musings were shared with Echo, at the very least.

"I don't have a map," he replied, quickly looking over his shoulder at the nomad and the chaos ensuing behind her. "But I'm decently confident that our brilliant netrunner will be able to find one for us."

He looked at Blossom, hoping for some sort of positive indication.

(Blossom's response, if any.)

"With the obvious exception of the ill-fated security team," Bloodbank thought, returning his full attention to the Access Tunnel Door. "Our escape seems to be taking a turn for the better."

He pulled back to a stop when they reached the door, turning around to look back at the security team while Blossom handled the door. It was lucky he did, as well, because at that very moment he heard the shrill sound of a round passing uncomfortably close to him.

"That construct just bit it. Now would be good time to get that door open. I'll give you as much time as I can but sooner or later someone is going to die out here. Just hope it isn't us." Glahn stated.

Bloodbank quietly groaned. Indeed, their construct guardian had been destroyed, and (as evident by the near miss, moments before) the full attention of the two security teams was now on them.

Very reluctantly, Bloodbank drew his handgun for the first time in months. It had been so long, but the trusted weapon felt sickeningly familiar in the palm of his hand. The feel of the cool metal and the weight of Armlite .44 brought many memories and feelings to the forefront of the Bloodbanks troubled mind. The feeling that troubled him the most, however, was the one that he had so often lately tried to deny ever feeling. The cool, thrilling exhilaration that came with every fight he had ever been a part of.

"How long?" Bloodbank asked Blossom, his voice flat.

Posted on 2016-08-14 at 18:01:45.
Edited on 2016-08-14 at 18:02:26 by Giddy

Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts

Casino My Friend

"Casino My Friend," the Frank Sinatra look-alike spoke directly and to the point, "if I text Starlight to meet us in some back alley, instead of out front where she is expecting us to meet her to pick up your grenades and the taser, then our names will probably be black listed among all of her contacts!

"Then Where Would We Be?

"I am going out that front door, whether you come with me or not, because Starlight will have her own muscle with her!

"Just like Fixer here says, those Boosters are Cowards!

"I am not selling my soul to Campbell to sneak out the back way!

"And the Rat Pack will still be here for us to use as a meeting place in the future!"

Vegas tipped his fedora once more to his long time partner, then gave a 'Thumbs Up' to Fixer, before slowly sauntering his way out the front door to meet Starlight and gather the goods!

Posted on 2016-08-15 at 01:24:33.


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