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You are here: Home --> Forum Home --> Rules-based RPGs --> Cyberpunk --> Flesh & Blood - A Night City Adventure
Parent thread: Flesh & Blood - A CyberPunk Game
GM for this game: Bromern Sal
Players for this game: TannTalas, Keeper of Dragons, Nomad D2, Hammer, Mischief, Espatier, dragon-soul92, CameToPlay
    Messages in Flesh & Blood - A Night City Adventure
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Keeper of Dragons
Devil's Advocate
Karma: 59/18
2581 Posts


Ghlahn moved back a bit in the tunnel to find a good spot to make sure they were not followed. Not too far away so he couldn't hear them but not so close that their voices covered up the sounds of someone approaching. He hated being underground. His forte was being perched high above. looking down. Multiple avenues of escape did not exist down here and it would be very easy to be trapped like rats. He hoped one of the others would lead the group out of the tunnels soon.

Posted on 2017-02-17 at 06:05:59.

Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts

Your Call Blossom

Vegas stayed alert as Ghlahn positioned himself to guard the group from a possible attack from the rear.

However, the dapper solo made sure that he was positioned close to Blossom, while Fixer worked his hardware against the barrier that separated the party from their goal.

Vegas made it clear to Blossom that he would protect her, so that she could focus on the task at hand, once the group was able to access the school grounds and Blossom was able to integrate with the school information center to hopefully gather clues as to the whereabouts of the young boy who had gone missing.

"Let me know if you want me to go ahead of you," whispered the Frank Sinatra look-alike, "or if you would prefer going first and having me follow you to guard your backside?

"Your Call Blossom!"

Posted on 2017-02-19 at 21:24:20.

Karma: 12/1
494 Posts

What to do

Bloodbank listens into the conversation between Blossom, Echo and Vegas.

"Why don't we just sneak past? I mean. It can't be too weird to have people on a schools campus if we get spotted right? We can just say we're interested in sending someone here or something like that...".

He nervously touches the hilt of his gun as he thinks about potential alternatives or if this goes wrong. Steeling his nerves, he says:

"Either way, I got your guys back. Whatever you guys decide to do, you can count on me.".

Posted on 2017-02-19 at 23:45:47.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 2/0
147 Posts

Unless there's a better idea?

Echo thinks for a moment, then add her input. "It's still early, so we could just sneak across to the admin building, hopefully while folks are still sleeping. Most of the kids I went to school with couldn't wait to snooze in on the weekend. Only thing is," she says, turning to Blossom, "can you knock out the roving eyes to cover our way there? Or do we erase it after?"

Echo waits for the others answers, getting a bit antsy to be moving out of the putrid sewer.

Posted on 2017-02-20 at 06:49:49.

Bromern Sal
A Shadow
RDI Staff
Karma: 158/11
4402 Posts

Hello, Nurse! | An interview with Katie Couric?

Night City Regional General Hospital, Emergency Room | Night City Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - Day 2 (Saturday), 2:50 AM PST Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)
Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)

"Mr. Metalhead," the leader directs his attention towards Casino once again. "Pick up Officer Pirate's handgun by the barrel and pop the clip. Empty the rounds into your left hand and set them on the chair in front of you. That'll leave one round in the chamber. You can put the clip back in and that'll be your weapon for the time being. We're going on a little walk, you and I, and I think you might need to shoot something."

The leader of the incursion group calmly motions Casino ahead of him towards the nurse's station that had been breached moments before. He has to be aware of the gathered police just outside the emergency room but proceeds as though he has no concern for them.

"You've one bullet," the man begins explaining to the large, leather trench coat wearing gunman he'd just acquired. "and we may encounter some objectors along the way." Passing through the blasted door Casino takes quick note of the contents of the room.

The strange shape of the small chamber is built for utility purposes, not to provide comfort. A flat-screen display sits over the bulletproof window looking out into the waiting room. It's easy to tell that the nursing bots are monitored there as the screen is partitioned into readouts indicating drug dispenser levels, battery charge, a constant recording of the voices in the room, the DNA of patients treated, various prediagnosis of said patients, and the overall maintenance analytics for the robot.

The desk at the window is pretty clear except that there's a single white coffee mug sitting in a lonesome over watch of the touchscreen computers used by the nurses for scheduling, handling registration, and communications. A 3D printer sits near the far exit, used for quick casting situations and other conditions by which the nurses could save doctors a lot of time in dealing with themselves. Stacks of boxed raw 3D plastic material are stored next to the printer. A trash compactor and physical document shredder is in the other space near the exit, but aside from a couple of chairs (one of which is overturned) there's nothing that presents itself as useful.

"I'd suggest using it judiciously," the masked man continues, motioning Casino on through the exit where a couple of Soil Liberation soldiers are standing at ready. "Whoa knows?" He declares cheerfully. "Maybe hospital security isn't as organized as we think and the police, well, we all know how underfunded they are. So, maybe this will be like a walk in the proverbial park."

Keeping track of these SLG soldiers is difficult as they are similarly dressed and outfitted. Casino is forced to resort to assigning numbers. SLG Leader, SLG 1 (that's the dangerous-looking woman who doesn't really trust him), SLG 2 is the fellow who is now flanking Casino on the right. SLG 3 will be the fellow on the right of the nurse's station exit while SLG 4 is on the left. The others will get their's in turn, but for now Leader, 1, 2, 3, and 4 are intent on accompanying the blond gunman on this new leg of the journey.

"So," Leader begins conversationally, "that hole in your arm; how'd you get that, and more importantly, is it going to cause us any problems?" Perhaps he had just seen it up close, or perhaps it had just occurred to him to ask, but as 3 and 4 signalled that the hallway beyond the door is clear, that's the topic he's intent on discussing.

(OOC: Casino's answer. Will play any additional conversation as needed.)

Curtained rooms line the hall to either side of the corridor Casino now finds himself in. The gray-blue curtains are all drawn probably in the hopes that if the terrorists did get through the nurse's area, they'd ignore the patients there. For the most part, the mysterious ‘they' were right.

3 and 4 briefly checked each partitioned room by sticking the barrels of their weapons in each side of the curtain spreading it from the wall and peering through the new holes with their ghastly black masks. This, of course, illicit various whimpers and screams from the occupants as well as quick prayers and hurried pleadings for mercy. But the numbers aren't interested in those occupants. They didn't stop the group's progression in the hall.

Eventually the hall opens into the main E.R. floor. Wide open, surrounded by additional curtained rooms with a central nursing station--empty of personnel except for one nurse.

While 2, 3, and 4 kept their weapons covering the rest of the curtained rooms and the two large doors that exit deeper into the hospital while 1 immediately moved her weapon onto the nurse.

"Well," Leader exclaimed, "Lookie here, Mr. Metalhead! We've got an altruist."

Altruist or not, the nurse standing nervously under the scrutiny and threat of terrorists is about five foot nine inches, perhaps one hundred and eighty pounds of defiant Polynesian woman. Long black hair is pulled away from her round face and though her bottom lip trembles she holds her head high.

"Nurse Altruist, why? Are? You? Still? Here?" Leader makes sure that Casino is in front of him as he steps to the side and spreads his arms wide while sauntering towards the station. "You had a chance to bail like all the other degree-ridden, self-important, worth more than the sick they treat big paychecks that you work with. Why in the world would you not take that path?"

"I--I--uh," stutters the woman, her large brown eyes trying to keep 1's weapon in sight while not leaving the rolling saunter of Leader.

"I am generally interested in knowing." Leader leans forward with emphasis and smacks his chest with his left hand while turning his masked face towards Casino. "Aren't you curious, Mr. Metalhead? Spit. It. Out, Nurse Altruist."

"I took an oath," the woman forces out while tilting her head back a little more. "Can't leave my patients."

Leader stops his forward movement and stands in statuesque respect. "Well, damn," he sounds genuinely awed. "It's people like this that make my job more difficult."

"Time," 1 warns from where she is standing guard.

"Right. Time." Shaking off his impressed stance, leader pushes Casino forward and says, "Nurse Altruist, you've saved me some time just by being here. Now, Mr. Metalhead, here, needs you to show us which of these curtained suites contains a Mr. Thomas Akagi. Mr. Metalhead, you need that information, right?"


West 43875 St. 52 High -- Sewage/Runoff Drainage System | Night City Integrate | High City | UrbanZone - Day 2 (Saturday), 3:45 AM PST
Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)
Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)


"So," the little Asian woman looks up at the others with a smile and water studded, heart-shaped sunglasses. "What's the plan?"

Ghlahn's new position keeps him out of the conversation, but his feelings about being underground are center stage. Cramped, confined, with two direct paths of engagement and two paths for retreat. Of course, the two paths of retreat are also the two possible paths for engagement. Setting up at a water flow control station the group had passed shortly before, the sniper can use the automated motors as a bit of cover that will hopefully also give a bit of disruption to any sighting patterns trying to pick him out in the dark.

"Your call, Blossom," Vegas responds to the netrunner's question.

"Why don't we just sneak past?" Bloodbank inserts. "I mean, it can't be too weird to have people on a school's campus if we get spotted, right? We can just say we're interested in sending someone here or something like that."

He nervously touches the hilt of his gun as he thinks about potential alternatives or if this goes wrong. Steeling his nerves, he adds, "Either way, I got your guys' backs. Whatever you guys decide to do, you can count on me."

Echo thinks for a moment and then adds her input, "It's still early, so we could just sneak across to the admin building, hopefully while folks are still sleeping. Most of the kids I went to school with couldn't wait to snooze in on the weekend. Only thing is," she turns to Blossom, "Can you knock out the roving eyes to cover our way there? Or at least erase it after?"

Pink, heart-shaped sunglasses regard the group with flat black glaze as the wardriver looks from each person to person as the questions are presented. Rolling the sucker around in her pert little mouth the Asian woman considers what's been put in front of her and how best to respond. Vegas, the just-add-water leader of the group has suddenly delegated the decision-making in this tactical position to her. Is he feeling doubt about his own abilities? Does he not feel that he has enough information to make an informed decision? Is he a poser who has thus far been running a con on the whole group? Being handed a crucial tactical decision in the midst of their run sets off all kinds of alarms in the young woman's head, the least of which was not whether the dapper solo was setting her up. After all, how much could she trust these people she barely knew. Come to think on it, how well could she make the appropriate decisions when not a single one of them had really come clean as to their skillset, available equipment, and resumes? Blossom isn't fresh blood on the streets and there's always a first time for a group working together, but usually there are a couple of people working triangles of association within the group that holds steady enough for edgerunners to work together. So far, that had been Vegas and Casino and look at how steady they had turned out to be!

Fixer's torch breaks through another of the steel bars and it falls with a dull thunk-splash to the water below followed up by an immediate hiss of protest. A quick mental command temporarily extinguishes the cutting torch emitting from his bracer and in the darkness the techie quietly surveys the compound before him. Left to right, then back again, searching for signs that they had been discovered. As his eyes trolled to the left once more he was drawn like a moth to the flame to bobbing beams of light rounding the gym building. Instinctively wanting to duck down, heart racing, the technician has to fight to remain still and observe.

A patrol of two guards with a dog makes the corner and turns right on the edge of the building practically hugging the wall. The flashlights are panned over the open ground between the gymnasium and the runoff drain, but it is a cursory passing as though he guards are neither concerned or overly determined to make their way out into the inclemental weather for further investigation. Breathing noisily through his filtration mask, Fixer makes a conscious effort to quiet his inhale before realizing that the effort was fruitless. Even if these sardines were outfitted with listening equipment the distance and ambient noises that would have to be filtered through to recognize his breathing for what it is would take a nuclear sub sonar specialist with highly tuned hearing and cybernetic implants. Men in security positions where the reason for security is low tend to be a little lax in their approach to begin with. Add in bad weather and the late hour as well as a tolerable dependence on technology and Fixer is counting on the sec-group to be downright lazy. He's not disappointed. The patrol continues their route along the contour of the building, cutting across the open space between the gym and the classrooms and then moving along that building to continue their route.

"This is way out of my element, choombattas," Blossom finally replies with a shake of her head and a tumble of her platinum blond hair about the faux fur lining her leather coat's collar. "I provide information, like intel and such, to people who make the hard decisions. In this case, that's you gun-touting, hairy gorilla-types. Or, maybe you, sweetcheeks," she offers to Echo, "and the information I have for you is that our best bet is to hit the admin building where I can hopefully wardrive their servers and get as much information as I can there.

"As far as the security system monitoring the grounds that Echo is asking about, well, that depends on whether it is a secure local network or a wireless network. Given a couple of hours, I might be able to program a little augmented algorithm to the Cloak program that would allow me to send a mindcore towards the camera and hide our progression from view. But, that'd take a couple of hours minimum.

"However, I do believe that we have an advantage just revealed that we hadn't previously been aware of," Blossom tilts her head coyly to the side and pulls her lollipop from her mouth with a sound of a bubble bursting to point it at Echo's corset. "Did you say, ‘Most of the kids you went to school with,,' chica? This whole time I've been thinking you're Street and you're Private School?"

With the guards having moved beyond where a cursory turn of their heads might catch the light from his torch, Fixer begins working on the third bar.

Posted on 2017-02-27 at 12:44:07.

Trilogy Master
RDI Staff
Karma: 181/119
6817 Posts

Sorry Birthday weekend

Night City Regional General Hospital, Emergency Room | Night City Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - Day 2 (Saturday), 2:46 AM PST Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)
Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)

"So," Leader begins conversationally, "that hole in your arm; how'd you get that, and more importantly, is it going to cause us any problems?" Perhaps he had just seen it up close, or perhaps it had just occurred to him to ask, but as 3 and 4 signalled that the hallway beyond the door is clear, that's the topic he's intent on discussing.

Turning to look at the leader Casino saw a possible way to maybe escape this whole incident intact and rejoin with Fixer, Vegas and the rest and continue with the real run.

"Wrong place wrong time. I'm in the middle of a run for Arasaka against Miltech seems the weapons corp's got some type of new weapon project and I was hired to get it. Could bring in billions in cash for whomever gets it to the military and security market and on the streets first. I ‘d just got the info from my inside man at Miltech and was leaving a bar where I met him when I got caught in a shootout. Seems like some arrogant shaster got fresky with a gangers girlfriend and the ganger, of course, got pissed and decided to ice him. Just so happened I was leaving at the same time as him and got caught in the crossfire.

I was lucky though I managed to get a com out to my Asasaka contact that I had the info and he told me they'd be sending a sec squad and med unit to retrieve it and me. However cops showed up before they did and here I am with billions of dollars on a hidden data disk sitting in the trunk of those asshole cops in a bio lock box. But it's all good I know Arasaka is still looking, and knowing I've got this wound, will be looking at hospitals to retrieve me."

Looking the leader straight in the eye his gaze cold as ice.

"Hope that does not cause a problem for you as they really want that info and I'm the only one with the passcode to access that data."..............


"Well," Leader exclaimed, "Lookie here, Mr. Metalhead! We've got an altruist."

Altruist or not, the nurse standing nervously under the scrutiny and threat of terrorists is about five foot nine inches, perhaps one hundred and eighty pounds of defiant Polynesian woman. Long black hair is pulled away from her round face and though her bottom lip trembles she holds her head high.

"Nurse Altruist, why? Are? You? Still? Here?" Leader makes sure that Casino is in front of him as he steps to the side and spreads his arms wide while sauntering towards the station. "You had a chance to bail like all the other degree-ridden, self-important, worth more than the sick they treat big paychecks that you work with. Why in the world would you not take that path?"

"I--I--uh," stutters the woman, her large brown eyes trying to keep 1's weapon in sight while not leaving the rolling saunter of Leader.

"I am generally interested in knowing." Leader leans forward with emphasis and smacks his chest with his left hand while turning his masked face towards Casino. "Aren't you curious, Mr. Metalhead? Spit. It. Out, Nurse Altruist."

Looking the leader square in the eye once again and without any acting, Casino was brutally honest.

"No I'm not"

"I took an oath," the woman forces out while tilting her head back a little more. "Can't leave my patients."

Leader stops his forward movement and stands in statuesque respect. "Well, damn," he sounds genuinely awed. "It's people like this that make my job more difficult."

"Time," 1 warns from where she is standing guard.

"Right. Time." Shaking off his impressed stance, leader pushes Casino forward and says, "Nurse Altruist, you've saved me some time just by being here. Now, Mr. Metalhead, here, needs you to show us which of these curtained suites contains a Mr. Thomas Akagi. Mr. Metalhead, you need that information, right?"

A look from Casino to the leader then to the nurse and the solo hoped his BS about the Arasaka/Miltech run had sunk in. Placing the pistol on the counter Casino walked up to the nurse.

"Look make it easy, just tell him what he wants to know. Think about it, is this Akagi guy that important to you to die for? I don't know this guy and I'm not part of this group but I'm pretty sure he'll kill you if you don't give him the info he wants."

With his little speach done the big solo moved to the leaders other side and even further away from Rigg's pistol. If the leader thought he was going to do his dirty work and kill the nurse he was dead wrong and Casino would go down fighting to prevent that. He did not care if the nurse died he was just not going to be the one to kill her.

Posted on 2017-03-07 at 14:14:07.
Edited on 2017-03-07 at 14:20:46 by TannTalas

Keeper of Dragons
Devil's Advocate
Karma: 59/18
2581 Posts


Ghlan wondered how they would sneak into the school. They didn't look like students or parents. After their escapade in the sewers they certainly didn't smell like visitors to a fancy school. Any chance to blend in was pretty much gone. As bad as it was here, there were more things that could go wrong up there. He hoped someone had a good idea.

Posted on 2017-03-07 at 19:09:34.

Bromern Sal
A Shadow
RDI Staff
Karma: 158/11
4402 Posts

More for Casino

Night City Regional General Hospital, Emergency Room | Night City Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - Day 2 (Saturday), 2:53 AM PST Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)
Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)

"So," Leader begins conversationally, "that hole in your arm; how'd you get that, and more importantly, is it going to cause us any problems?" Perhaps he had just seen it up close, or perhaps it had just occurred to him to ask, but as 3 and 4 signalled that the hallway beyond the door is clear, that's the topic he's intent on discussing.

Turning to look at the leader Casino saw a possible way to maybe escape this whole incident intact and rejoin with Fixer, Vegas and the rest and continue with the real run.

"Wrong place wrong time. I'm in the middle of a run for Arasaka against Miltech seems the weapons corp's got some type of new weapon project and I was hired to get it. Could bring in billions in cash for whomever gets it to the military and security market and on the streets first. I ‘d just got the info from my inside man at Miltech and was leaving a bar where I met him when I got caught in a shootout. Seems like some arrogant shaster got freaky with a gangers girlfriend and the ganger, of course, got pissed and decided to ice him. Just so happened I was leaving at the same time as him and got caught in the crossfire.

"I was lucky though I managed to get a com out to my Asasaka contact that I had the info and he told me they'd be sending a sec squad and med unit to retrieve it and me. However, cops showed up before they did and here I am with billions of dollars on a hidden data disk sitting in the trunk of those asshole cops in a bio lock box. But it's all good I know Arasaka is still looking, and knowing I've got this wound, will be looking at hospitals to retrieve me." Looking the leader straight in the eye, Casino's gaze is cold as ice. "Hope that does not cause a problem for you as they really want that info and I'm the only one with the passcode to access that data."

"Arasaka and Militech, huh?" Leader remarks coolly after a moment of silence. "Some big fish you're playing with, Mr. Metalhead."

"He's more trouble than he's worth," 1 states in a hard tone from where she stood nearby. "If his story holds up we could be seeing some really hot sh*t come our way any moment now."

"True," Leader responds. "Then again, it could play into the whole gig rather nicely." He shrugs and motions Casino onward. "I've made up my mind. The more the merrier! Carry on, Mr. Metalhead."


"Well," Leader exclaimed, "Lookie here, Mr. Metalhead! We've got an altruist."

Altruist or not, the nurse standing nervously under the scrutiny and threat of terrorists is about five foot nine inches, perhaps one hundred and eighty pounds of defiant Polynesian woman. Long black hair is pulled away from her round face and though her bottom lip trembles she holds her head high.

"Nurse Altruist, why? Are? You? Still? Here?" Leader makes sure that Casino is in front of him as he steps to the side and spreads his arms wide while sauntering towards the station. "You had a chance to bail like all the other degree-ridden, self-important, worth more than the sick they treat big paychecks that you work with. Why in the world would you not take that path?"

"I--I--uh," stutters the woman, her large brown eyes trying to keep 1's weapon in sight while not leaving the rolling saunter of Leader.

"I am generally interested in knowing." Leader leans forward with emphasis and smacks his chest with his left hand while turning his masked face towards Casino. "Aren't you curious, Mr. Metalhead? Spit. It. Out, Nurse Altruist."

Looking Leader square in the eye once again and without any acting, Casino is brutally honest. "No. I'm not."

"I took an oath," the woman forces out while tilting her head back a little more. "Can't leave my patients."

Leader stops his forward movement and stands in statuesque respect. "Well, damn," he sounds genuinely awed. "It's people like this that make my job more difficult."

"Time," 1 warns from where she is standing guard.

"Right. Time." Shaking off his impressed stance, leader pushes Casino forward and says, "Nurse Altruist, you've saved me some time just by being here. Now, Mr. Metalhead, here, needs you to show us which of these curtained suites contains a Mr. Thomas Akagi. Mr. Metalhead, you need that information, right?"

Casino casts a dark look towards Leader, then turns his gaze to the nurse. The leather clad solo hopes his BS about the Arasaka/Miltech run has sunk in. Walking forward, the large blonde man places Rigg's pistol on the counter. Leaving it there, Casino walks up to the skittish nurse.

"Look," he reasons, "make it easy. Just tell him what he wants to know. Think about it. Is this Akagi guy that important to you to die for? I don't know this guy and I'm not part of this group but I'm pretty sure he'll kill you if you don't give him the info he wants."

"Not part of this group?" Leader scoffs. "I thought we were BFFs, Mr. Metalhead." Nurse Altruist looks sideways at the rough gunman standing next to her and visibly swallows.

With his little speech done, the big solo makes to move to Leader's other side and even further away from Rigg's pistol. If the leader thought he was going to do his dirty work and kill the nurse he was dead wrong and Casino would go down fighting to prevent that. He did not care if the nurse died he was just not going to be the one to kill her.

"Uh," Leader points his weapon directly at Casino's chest, the green laser dot dancing around on the leather of the trenchcoat. "You forgot your weapon, Mr. Metalhead. That was a gift from me to you and I'm liable to be offended if you leave it lying around."

Before Casino can reply the nurse stammers, "I can't. I can't tell you where Mr. Akagi is. They'll kill me."

Posted on 2017-03-08 at 10:46:00.

Trilogy Master
RDI Staff
Karma: 181/119
6817 Posts

What we have here.... Is a failure to communicate...

Night City Regional General Hospital, Emergency Room | Night City Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - Day 2 (Saturday), 2:46 AM PST Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.) Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)

With his little speech done, the big solo makes to move to Leader's other side and even further away from Rigg's pistol. If the leader thought he was going to do his dirty work and kill the nurse he was dead wrong and Casino would go down fighting to prevent that. He did not care if the nurse died he was just not going to be the one to kill her.

"Uh," Leader points his weapon directly at Casino's chest, the green laser dot dancing around on the leather of the trenchcoat. "You forgot your weapon, Mr. Metalhead. That was a gift from me to you and I'm liable to be offended if you leave it lying around."

Before Casino can reply the nurse stammers, "I can't. I can't tell you where Mr. Akagi is. They'll kill me."

Ignoring the nurse and the green dot on his chest Casino calmly looks into the leaders eyes for a minute at first saying nothing, looking at #1 he smiled.

"Really?" Moving his gaze back to the leaders, Casino raises his voice just enough to let the whole ER here him.. "You look like a very smart man and we both know you can easily kill me, the nurse, and everyone in here, even your own people. Asasaka is looking for me, not me specifically, but to retrieve the info I hold. Also by now it's very possible due to the firefight Miltech may know one of their top exec's was at a seedy bar in a low class part of town and wonder why. Only a matter of time before they too may be looking to ‘retrieve' me. You kill me and both corp's will at some point start looking for you and your group. One because you killed their cash cow, the other because you killed the only guy who knows the location of their stolen tech."

Pausing to let his words sink in the big solo continued.

"I don't care about your cause, I don't care about the nurse, and I don't care if you kill everyone in here, not a damn thing I can do to stop it. But you kill me and your life" Raises my voice even louder, "Everyone of your group's lives, are over."

Casino could only hope if the guy before him did fire, that his jacket and dermal plating would save him from death or a serious wound

Posted on 2017-03-08 at 18:49:51.
Edited on 2017-03-08 at 18:50:37 by TannTalas

Bromern Sal
A Shadow
RDI Staff
Karma: 158/11
4402 Posts

He don't believe you none.

Night City Regional General Hospital, Emergency Room | Night City Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - Day 2 (Saturday), 2:53 AM PST Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)
Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)

Before Casino can reply the nurse stammers, "I can't. I can't tell you where Mr. Akagi is. They'll kill me."

Ignoring the nurse and the green dot on his chest, Casino calmly looks into the leader's masked face for a moment saying nothing, then slowly looking at 1, he smiles.

"Really?" Moving his gaze back to the leader's, Casino raises his voice just enough to let the whole ER hear him. "You look like a very smart man and we both know you can easily kill me, the nurse, and everyone in here—even your own people. Arasaka is looking for me—not me specifically, but to retrieve the info I hold. Also, by now, it's very possible (due to the firefight) Miltech may know one of their top exec's was at a seedy bar in a low class part of town and wonder why. Only a matter of time before they, too, may be looking to ‘retrieve' me. You kill me and both corp's will at some point start looking for you and your group. One, because you killed their cash cow, the other, because you killed the only guy who knows the location of their stolen tech."

Pausing to let his words sink in the big solo continues, "I don't care about your cause, I don't care about the nurse, and I don't care if you kill everyone in here. Not a damn thing I can do to stop it. But you kill me and your life—" Casino increases his volume, "—everyone of your group's lives—are over." Casino could only hope if the guy before him did fire, that his jacket and dermal plating would save him from death or a serious wound.

Leader sniffs and rolls his shoulders back, his combat masked face—matte black with a cyclops style ocular setup—a menacing, expressionless wall. "Here I was being all nice and you gotta go get snotty with me. I free you from the custody of the Man and do I get even a thank you?"

"Nope," 1 answers him flatly.

"That's right," Leader continues sounding genuinely hurt. "Instead, I get, this." He motions dramatically at the broad shouldered gunman before him.

"Just shoot him," 1 presses. "We don't got time for this."

"You know," Leader rolls his head and audible cracking sounds emerge from his neck. "You're right. We don't have time for this.

"Pick that iron up, Mr. Metalhead. Get the information from the nurse and continue to take this opportunity to not have more holes put through your body. I let you press your play and ramble on about Arasaka and Militech because it made you feel better. Guess what? I didn't believe it for a second. So, do yourself a favor and drop it. Last chance to save your skin, Mr. Metalhead. What. Do. You. Say?"

Posted on 2017-03-10 at 12:06:37.

Trilogy Master
RDI Staff
Karma: 181/119
6817 Posts

Try this again

Night City Regional General Hospital, Emergency Room | Night City Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - Day 2 (Saturday), 2:46 AM PST Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)
Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)

"Pick that iron up, Mr. Metalhead. Get the information from the nurse and continue to take this opportunity to not have more holes put through your body. I let you press your play and ramble on about Arasaka and Militech because it made you feel better. Guess what? I didn't believe it for a second. So, do yourself a favor and drop it. Last chance to save your skin, Mr. Metalhead. What. Do. You. Say?"

"I say shoot me or don't in the end if you do kill me your fate is sealed." Casino still looking at the Leader starts to move towards the nurse. "Weather you believe me or not, think on this" Stop and stares into the leaders eyes letting him know this is no bluff. "If my talk of the 2 corps is complete bulls***. Then why gorge out a cops eye and cut off a finger to get into their biosafe, tootsie pops?

Reaching the nurses side he takes her by the arm tightly and pushes her painfully down the row of curtained suites. "Which one is this guy in, you say they will kill you, well ‘they' are not here, but he is and he will kill you right here and now. So stop being f***ing brave, loyal, or what ever else you want to call it, and tell him!"

Posted on 2017-03-12 at 23:20:12.
Edited on 2017-03-12 at 23:20:59 by TannTalas

Bromern Sal
A Shadow
RDI Staff
Karma: 158/11
4402 Posts

Another continuation for Tann.

Night City Regional General Hospital, Emergency Room | Night City Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - Day 2 (Saturday), 2:54 AM PST Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)
Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)

"Just shoot him," 1 presses. "We don't got time for this."

"You know," Leader rolls his head and audible cracking sounds emerge from his neck. "You're right. We don't have time for this.

"Pick that iron up, Mr. Metalhead. Get the information from the nurse and continue to take this opportunity to not have more holes put through your body. I let you press your play and ramble on about Arasaka and Militech because it made you feel better. Guess what? I didn't believe it for a second. So, do yourself a favor and drop it. Last chance to save your skin, Mr. Metalhead. What. Do. You. Say?"

"I say shoot me, or don't, in the end if you do kill me your fate is sealed." Casino, still looking at Leader, moves towards the nurse. "Whether you believe me or not, think on this," He stop and stares into the leader's single ocular point letting him know this is no bluff. "If my talk of the two corps is complete bulls***, then why gouge out a cop's eye and cut off a finger to get into their biosafe, tootsie pops?"

"Now he's being cute," 1 remarks with impatience. "Just shoot him, for the love of all that's holy."

"See?" Leader holds one hand out towards Casino in presentation. "This is why I like you, Mr. Metalhead. You are determined. I saw it in the way you carried yourself when we first met. You play your hand right to the end even though your bluff has been called.

"Now, get on with it. I don't know how much longer I can keep my companion in check. She's impatient."

Reaching the frightened nurse's side the large blond man takes her roughly by the arm and pushes her painfully towards the row of curtained suites. "Which one is this guy in? You say they will kill you, well ‘they' are not here, but he is and he will kill you right here and now. So stop being f***ing brave, loyal, or what ever else you want to call it, and tell him!"

Whimpering, the nurse struggles to keep her footing with throughout the forceful direction. From the corner of his eye, Casino can see tears begin to roll down her brown face. Wide-eyed fear grips her. He can feel it in the tenseness of her body. He can see it in the emotion escaping her previously defiant countenance. She is beaten and succumbs to the threat of immediate death.

Stopping their forward progression by leaning backward as though literally digging her heels in, Nurse Altruist points towards one of the curtains with a trembling hand.

Looking to Leader, Casino is hushed by a single finger being held up to the terrorist's face equal to where lips would be if not otherwise covered by the battle mask. Motioning 2 and 3 forward, Leader lifts his weapon and points it at Casino directly.

Submachine guns at ready, 2 and 3 flank the curtained suite and with precision execution simultaneously stick the barrels of their guns through resulting in a quick burst of gunfire muffled by built-in suppressors. Thump, clang, gushy thump flow through the pale blue drape and Nurse Altruist sobs. 2 uses the barrel of his gun to pull the cover aside and peer through before turning and giving Leader a thumbs up.

"Keep watch," Leader orders and the two spread apart to take up defensive positions behind the nurse's station. "Mr. Metalhead, if you wouldn't mind retrieving that handgun I so generously gifted you, it's come time for you to earn your freedom."

(OOC: Assuming Casino does so, if not I'll revisit this.)

"The room is clear, so go ahead and step right on through," Leader motions the leather clad gun for hire through the curtain.

(OOC: Again, assuming Casino enters the room.)

As Casino steps up to the curtain he hears a whispered shot followed by a thump from behind. Surmising that Nurse Altruist has been resolved, the solo is left with surveying the scene before him.

Eight or nine meters across by twice that deep, the alcove contains a counter that runs along the left wall with a bare stainless steel sink set into the gray countertop. Above this are three white cupboards and numerous posters giving health warnings and advertising additional treatment options. Center in the room with the headboard against the far wall is the hospital bed. A digital display showing vitals is built right into the headboard and various additional medical devices are hanging on the wall within easy reach of the medical staff. Between the bed and the counter sprawled out on the white with gray speckled tile floor is the body of an Asian man wearing a nice-looking Takahashi designer trench coat with Ferbochi wingtips, his hands tucked underneath his body, the black barrel of a gun jutting from beneath his left shoulder. Blood spatter and brain matter paint the wall next to the headboard where he had obviously been standing in his last moments and a pool of dark crimson red is slowly spreading from where his head lies, the back of it blown open revealing a gruesome image.

On the other side of the bed, also on the floor but partially propped up against the wall at the base of a blood-painted smear lies another corpse. Asian as well, this one's face shows two holes with blood draining from them. He stares blankly back at Casino forever lost in death. Also wearing designer business wear, his Uzi submachine gun lies underneath the bed, barely visible to the broad-shouldered gunman.

Within the bed, with a self-contained oxygen mask covering his lower face and nose being fed liquids through an IV, is an aged Asian man with short-cropped silver hair, liver spots, and enough wrinkles to remind Casino of old leather. His hands are resting on his stomach, thin and frail looking.

Professionally assessing the position of the weapons, bodies, and the single wheeled stool used by the medical staff when treating the patient, Casino easily determines that he'd be shot and killed before ever being able to retrieve the weapons.

"You're probably wondering why I asked you here today," Leader says from a few steps behind him. "Actually, you're no fool, are you Mr. Metalhead. You've put two and two together. You've one bullet and there's one person left living in this room. So, maybe it's one and one, not two and two. Either way, you're on!"

Posted on 2017-03-19 at 14:38:43.

Trilogy Master
RDI Staff
Karma: 181/119
6817 Posts

Here goes my final play

Night City Regional General Hospital, Emergency Room | Night City Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - Day 2 (Saturday), 2:46 AM PST Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)
Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)

"Now he's being cute," 1 remarks with impatience. "Just shoot him, for the love of all that's holy."

Looking at the female gunman Casino smiles.

"That time of the month?

"See?" Leader holds one hand out towards Casino in presentation. "This is why I like you, Mr. Metalhead. You are determined. I saw it in the way you carried yourself when we first met. You play your hand right to the end even though your bluff has been called.
Now, get on with it. I don't know how much longer I can keep my companion in check. She's impatient."

"Give her some candy and crayons she'll be fine" Again the large solo turns and smiles at 1

A few moments later

"Keep watch," Leader orders and the two spread apart to take up defensive positions behind the nurse's station. "Mr. Metalhead, if you wouldn't mind retrieving that handgun I so generously gifted you, it's come time for you to earn your freedom."

Looking at the Leader, Casino moved to retrieve Rigg's pistol holding it loosely in hand, already knowing what he would be told to do with it.

"The room is clear, so go ahead and step right on through," Leader motions the leather clad gun for hire through the curtain.

Ducking his head under the upheld curtain Casino took in the room before him and the old man on the bed. A whispered shot followed by a thump from behind told the large solo that this man's nurse had been killed even though the hope of life had been given by him. In that second Casino made up his mind of his next course of action and all he could do was hope in fate and outdated tech. From behind him he heard Leaders voice once again.

"You're probably wondering why I asked you here today," Leader says from a few steps behind him. "Actually, you're no fool, are you Mr. Metalhead. You've put two and two together. You've one bullet and there's one person left living in this room. So, maybe it's one and one, not two and two. Either way, you're on!"

Turning to face Leader, most likely for the last time, his steely eyes met the man's.


Posted on 2017-03-19 at 17:48:01.
Edited on 2017-03-19 at 17:49:54 by TannTalas

Karma: 20/12
325 Posts


Fixer could hear the others talking but did not pay them much mind. His attention was focused on the open yard in front of him. With a whine, his minisaw cut through another of the bars; it fell into the sewer water beneath him with a dull thunk. A quick mental command shut the saw off as he peered out into the school grounds.

Fixer's eyes were drawn to the beams of light as the appeared from around the edge of one of the buildings. Shortly after, a two man patrol appeared with the company of a dog. The tech remained nearly still, his only movement was his hand reaching for the grip of his uzi. Never could be too cautious. Luck was with the small group though as the guards did not seem interested in giving too much attention into their rounds.

It was not much time before the patrol disappeared between a set of buildings. Fixer gave it a half a minute or so before starting up his saw once again and going in on the third bar.

Posted on 2017-03-20 at 23:33:34.

Bromern Sal
A Shadow
RDI Staff
Karma: 158/11
4402 Posts


Night City Regional General Hospital, Emergency Room | Night City Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - Day 2 (Saturday), 2:55 AM PST Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)
Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)

Professionally assessing the position of the weapons, bodies, and the single wheeled stool used by the medical staff when treating the patient, Casino easily determines that he'd be shot and killed before ever being able to retrieve the weapons.

"You're probably wondering why I asked you here today," Leader says from a few steps behind him. "Actually, you're no fool, are you Mr. Metalhead. You've put two and two together. You've one bullet and there's one person left living in this room. So, maybe it's one and one, not two and two. Either way, you're on!"

Turning to face Leader, most likely for the last time, Casino's steely eyes rest on the man's covered and enigmatic face.


"Really?" Leader's head tilts to the side like a curious dog. "After all I've done for you?"

"Oh, for the love of--" 1 declares in exasperation and raises her submachine gun to her protected cheek. The green dot from the laser sight (probably unnecessary judging from the high-tech nature of the combat mask she wears) blinds Casino's left eye for a moment as it passes over the orb and comes to rest on his forehead. But her weapon is pushed aside by Leader keeping her from ending Casino right then and there. Even with his subdermal armor, chances are that these terrorists, these Soil Liberation Group soldiers are prepared with armor piercing rounds rendering the old tech protecting his soft brain matter practically ineffective.

"Don't tell me you're still clinging to that pathetic story expecting Militech to come sweeping in here and save you?" Leader's voice changes to a decent mimicry of Casino's deep rumble. "They are not here, but I am and I will kill you right here and now. So stop being f***ing brave, loyal, or what ever else you want to call it, and just end the old fart." Leader switches back to his tenor. "Do the deed, Mr. Metalhead. Then you can walk. We'll let you go right after you put a bullet through this guy's head. You can walk down one of those hallways and not look back."


West 43875 St. 52 High -- Sewage/Runoff Drainage System | Night City Integrate | High City | UrbanZone - Day 2 (Saturday), 3:48 AM PST
Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)
Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)


"The plan then," Vegas glances back to where Fixer is working and then returns to looking at the map displayed on Blossom's projector. "Once Fixer has broken through the grating I'll escort Blossom across the grounds, here." His left index finger draws an imaginary line across the open grasses between the group's current location and the Gym. "You said you need to be close to determine whether the security system has a signal? Well, doll, I'll get you close."

"If they have a camera system that is even mid-level tech," the Asian netrunner offers, "it'll have at least a one-hundred-and-eighty degree panoramic constant view."

"A place like this?" Echo acknowledges with a grim tone that sounded a little haunted. "Yeah, it'll have at least that."

"Ok," Bloodbank speaks up, shifting the weight of his bag so that it rests easier on his shoulder. "So, running across that space isn't the best idea. I didn't feel good about it the second it was brought up--no offense, Vegas. What does that leave us with?"

"Either Ghlahn or me." Echo offers.

"What do ya mean, sweetheart?" Vegas practically mumbles, turning his baby blues on the pretty and mysterious nomad.

Allowing the H&K MP2020 submachine gun to swing at her hip, Echo retrieves the bolt-action rifle from her shoulder. "I'm a decent shot with this baby, and we know Ghlahn could probably clip the wings off a fly at a distance with his weapon. We shoot out the camera. Either we're seen, or we black out the camera. Maybe they'll think it was the storm."

"And what? Send a team to look into it?" Blossom clamps her teeth down on the diminishing sweet ball in her mouth and presses her lips around the white paper stick as she looks up at the other woman over the rim of her heart-shaped sunglasses. "Wouldn't that be like inviting them to the party?"

"I'm not killing innocent guards to get this job done," Bloodbank warns through his own combat mask.

"No one is saying we have to kill them," Echo replies with an argumentative tone.

"No," Vegas shakes his head, the shadows cast by the flashlights against his fedora playing over his craggy face. "We can't guarantee that we'd be able to take them out without killing them. We have to assume that they have at least some skill in order to hold the job. Besides, we don't know how many they have or how many they'll send."

"So, we're back to," Blossom looks around at the others. "Nothing."

"Not necessarily," Echo counters. "Look, there. Those trees could offer some cover." She points to the northern bow of the fence displayed on Blossom's holographic display. "Maybe sticking to the fenceline will provide us with some cover from the cameras, and then we can use those trees to gain some ground."

"That does get us closer to the buildings," Vegas endorses the idea. "Close enough to determine whether the system is wireless or not, dollface?"

Blossom studies the map and shakes her head, "I don't know. I doubt it."

"Great!" Bloodbank sarcastically enthuses. "We might as well go right up to the front gate and ask to be let in for all the good this is doing."

"All right," Vegas chides. "We can figure this out, see? Starlight wouldn't have brought us all together if we didn't have the skills to handle the run. So, let's fess up. What gear, cyber, or skills do we all possess? Maybe having a concept of the full picture will provide one of us with a concept worth pursuing." The dapper solo can't help but wonder how Casino is faring at this point. He hoped better than they.

"I've got a contact taser, some sedative gas, a close range EMP powerful enough to knock out a CEE-metal that's misbehavin', and two handguns." Having delivered an inventory of what he deems useful, the fedora wearing suited gunman looks over to Bloodbank.

(OOC: I'll let you lot share what you want to share,)

The next bar breaks free and drops to the flowing water with a splash. One bar left and they were through. Fixer pauses once more to look about the compound. The security guard team with the dog had vanished around outside of his line of sight and had not returned. The rain-soaked grasses and slickened structures appear lonely and stark. Empty. So, Fixer continues his job.

Further down the corridor, Ghlahn glances over his shoulder once to make sure the team hasn't left him before returning his attention to the path they had just come down. He's used to waiting. A sniper's role involves a lot of waiting. It provides the read-headed man time to think, time to resolve his past, and time to meditate. With nothing bearing down on them and the rest of the group biding their time while the techie cut their way through the bars, there's time to do just that.

Posted on 2017-03-23 at 14:12:59.


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