X00054:8.Y00030:12.Z00032:25, Undercity, Waterside | South Night City Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - March 10th, Day 4 (Monday), 09:04 AM PST
Weather Conditions: High City (Very Windy, 25 mph winds from the West.) | Midcity (Windy, 13mph winds from the West.) | Undercity (Slight Wind, 5mph gusts from the West.)
Air Quality Index: High City = 0 | Midcity = 35 | Undercity = 65 (masks required)
Hairtech looks past Charlie and Ghlahn with a stone-faced gaze. Then, in a matter-of-fact tone, he addresses the answer directly to Cred Stick Charlie. "A precautionary measure. I'm sure you understand. Now... let's put this contract to bed, shall we? The boy, please."
"Yes,” Luther readily accepts the explanation, “apologies to you and your staff. I wish no ill to you or to disrespect your corporation with any delay. As her subordinate, I will honor your wishes and not waste your credits nor time. We are not looking for a conflict of any type even though other’s actions might be construed in a different fashion. It’s just business and I understand this Suit Life. I hope that you will take these words into consideration if our paths ever are to cross again."
No smile this time... Luther understands that the suit is being very nice. We cut a deal and we are not honoring it. His patience was wearing thin with these games, the fixer concludes.
‘It’s just business.’ This isn’t the first time that he has used that phrase. Luther had hoped to be able to say, ‘It’s good business," but that didn't happen. Hairtech and his team are here for the boy, and whatever happens next depends on how the team puts this mess to bed. For some, emotions are very high. Those that want to make a mark in this shadowy world who are on the team will have to run under the radar. All present are likely some form of criminals even if they had no marks. This is why people come together to make a stand like in those old-time westerns. They’re forced into the life. It’s time to cowboy up. It is now or never, and the latter was the bad part.
Suit types always have deep pockets, the best tools, toys, and tech. But despite all the luxuries, to Luther they are colder than any CEE-Metal. ‘It's just business…’ This is the part when the cavalry usually comes charging in, but there’s no cavalry here, no silver or gold spurs. Just the cold biting wind of reality.
A quick look behind him after catching Charlie’s words and Casino meets Bloodbank’s eye, "Ok, bring them out."
As Ghlahn stands watching, he hopes that they will indeed ‘put the exchange to bed’ quickly and before emotions get involved. He is never really good at judging emotions but experience tells him that on many occasions they turn a simple task into a complex one. The next few moments will likely decide who lives or dies, and he is hoping that the entire team falls into the latter category. As for the package, what happens to the boy and the lady is not his concern, but he hopes Hairtec is smart enough to at least wait until the meet is over and the teams go their separate ways before doing anything harmful.
Fixer watches Rya's arm not move, and not move, and not move, and not move. It is odd. The only reason he can see for it is if she is holding something. What can it be? He does not want to start anything. But he really doesn’t want her to start anything.
Attempting to get a look at her hand, he tries to get a sense of what she might have (OOC: Awareness/Notice Check: 1d10+12=21).
At Casion's beckoning, Bloodbank nods to Jase and Rya, the latter stoically squaring her shoulders and calmly pushing Jase towards the door.
"Time to go," the medtech intones.
He exits first, offering a hand to the woman and boy as they move to get out. Shifting across the bench seat, Rya is forced to pull her hand out of her pocket and place it on the back of the seat where Fixer takes a good look at the emptiness it contains. Being ever vigilant, however, he does notice the slight, barely perceptible bulge approximately seven to eight centimeters in length and maybe a little more than half a centimeter in width in her pocket.
“Hold on,” the techie interrupts their exit before Rya can get out. Putting a hand on the woman’s forearm, Fixer looks her square in her wide eyes. “They only want the boy. He’s going back to a better life. You don’t have to do this.”
“I’m not going to be separated from mi hijo ever again,” Rya says firmly though Fixer can hear her heart rate elevating.
Staring at her a moment longer, he dips his head in a resigned nod. “Then tell me what’s in your pocket.”
Rya Mendez darts a gaze at Bloodbank before quickly looking back at James. “Nothing.”
“Give it to me,” Fixer holds out his hand.
Again, looking to the medic, she reluctantly fishes a Swiss Army Knife from her pants and places it in the techie’s hand. Pocketing the knife, James gives Bloodbank the all-clear.
Putting himself to the side and in front of Rya, Colin hopes that a body blocking their sights will discourage any sniper shots, and also that Rya won't take her chances on any of Bloodbank's teammates. Though it is holstered now, the combat medic keeps a steady hand at the ready as near his pistol as he can without being overt about it.
As Casino watches Bloodbank and Fixer start to remove Jase and his 'Mother' from the van, the big solo is given a small shock as the memory of something that they had already done once but should do again, before handing the package over gives him a mental jolt.
"Fixer,” Keith says softly through the vehicle, “give them both a quick pat-down. Make sure they did not pick up something that can be used as a weapon from the motel till here. No need for the other side to think us sloppy."
Things could go very badly if one or the other of the two 'packages' tried to attack Hairtech and his people with a weapon the group has missed and could be blamed for. No need to add yet more enemies to an already growing list.
Fixer quietly proceeds to follow the orders, coming up empty. Flanking Rya and Jase, the medtech and the techie walk the two up to where Ghlahn and Charlie stand.
“Come here, Jase,” Hairtech commands, his left hand held out to the boy.
“No,” the child throws back. “I want to be with my mom.”
Santa’s Ambassador devours Rya with a flat stare. “All right. Come with me and we’ll make arrangements for your mother.”
“No harm is to come to my boy,” Rya demands in a bold but shaky voice.
Hairtech remains unemotional. “Of course.”
Hesitating just a little, Rya pulls Jase in front of her and holds him by the shoulders. “Go with him. I’ll be along in a minute. Vamos, now.”
“But I don’t wa—”
“Jase, listen,” Rya pulls him into a tight hug. “I’m never leaving you again. You don’t need to worry. I’ll be with you always. I promise.
“Now,” she puts him at arm's length again and presses her lips together, water welling up in her eyes. “Go with the man. I’ve got to finish something up with these people here and then I’ll be right along.”
“You promise?” Jase is crying now but doing his best to maintain some decency.
“I promise,” she squeezes his small frame again in a tight hug and then pushes him towards Hairtech.
With a couple of glances back at the Latina woman, the boy, the object of the team’s whole mission, walks to Santa’s Ambassador’s side.
“The money will be wired to your employer as soon as we are safely away from here,” Hairtech says to Charlie. “Your work is done.”
Turning away from the exchange, the man walks Jase back towards the limo. The ten-year-old boy continues to cast furtive looks back at Rya where she stands wringing her hands beneath her chin but he causes no trouble. Once he’s inside the stretch aerodyne and the doors are closed, the vehicle’s fans start up blowing dust everywhere as it lifts off.
Twisting about, the limo flies overhead and makes its way out of the enclosed warehouse block leaving the two ground cars and the team of executive security behind. Once the limo is out of sight, a sturdily-built black man steps up to Rya and puts his hand on her forehead.
She sobs once before the bullet from the man’s cybernetic gun ends her life.
(OOC: March 10th, Day 4 - Monday, Time is 09:08 AM PST - Undercity, Waterside X00054:8.Y00030:12.Z00032:25, South Night City Integrate.)