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You are here: Home --> Forum Home --> Rules-based RPGs --> Cyberpunk --> Flesh & Blood - A Night City Adventure
Parent thread: Flesh & Blood - A CyberPunk Game
GM for this game: Bromern Sal
Players for this game: TannTalas, Keeper of Dragons, Nomad D2, Hammer, Mischief, Espatier, dragon-soul92, CameToPlay
    Messages in Flesh & Blood - A Night City Adventure
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Bromern Sal
A Shadow
RDI Staff
Karma: 158/11
4402 Posts

Some good, some bad...

West 43875 St. 52 High -- The Bartholomew School Grounds and Sewage/Runoff Drainage System | Night City Integrate | High City | UrbanZone - Day 2 (Saturday), 4:13 AM PST
Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)
Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)


Assessing the situation with a practiced eye, Echo quickly determines that the damage done is Ghlahn's work. "Ghlahn's been busy," she reports grimly. "At least one member of a two man team is seriously--no. Wait, make that one member of a three man team is seriously wounded, another is down, and the third is providing aid trying to move the injured one out of Ghlahn's line of fire." Pausing, she turns back to the others reluctant to move any closer to the door for fear of positioning herself within the dim light spilling through the glass from outside. "What's the plan?"

Fixer, usually unencumbered, except for his "Gadget Bag" is now wearing a bag with Casino's weapons and all the other stuff that the large solo has burdened him with. Once to the group stops at the door, he removes the bag with Casino's stuff in it, rummaging around in the semi-darkness until he feels the grenades. Pulling four from the bag, he stumbles up to Vegas. Holding out the grenades, Fixer whispers, "I got four to start the show."

"The plan is, we go for broke!" Vegas stares at the four grenades that Fixer has pulled from Casino's bag and the words out of his own mouth in response to Echo's question do not surprise the Dapper Solo one bit. He motions to Fixer to put the grenades back into the bag.

"I will lay down some cover fire," explains the Chairman of the Board, "while the rest of you make a run for it to where Ghlahn is waiting for us."

Checking his guns to make sure they are fully loaded, the Frank Sinatra look-alike makes his way to the door, easing past Echo, before smiling at the Asian beauty who has captured his heart during the course of this bizarre caper.

Bloodbank feels a heightening sense of adrenaline as they prepare to move. Listening to the words of Vegas "I will lay down some cover fire while the rest of you make a run for it where Ghlahn is waiting for us!" he grips his gun a little tighter and pulls his arms in closer in hopes of increasing his speed.

Bloodbank speaks up, "I'm sticking close and tight to Blossom. Don't stop moving unless we do."

"Save me your best kiss, Blossom!" the well-dressed gunman brazenly declares and then, without further ado, Vegas pushes through the door and begins running at an angle that will hopefully draw any fire from the Sec Team away from the rest of the group before he, himself, opens fire on the unfortunate members of the security team who are just trying to do their job.

But it is Echo who moves with blinding speed the instant the door is swung open. Leveling her H&K MP2020 straight across the fairway towards the two soldiers, she pulls the trigger on a three-round burst. Black armor cannot protect the target and the man standing over his wounded ally has his head jerked forward, his body staggering towards the gym building before spinning as the third round takes him through the shoulder. He drops like a bag of potatoes to lie still in the drifting rain.

Still moving with blurring speed, the masked nomad darts from the dark doorway into the slick, gray night. At the pace she's setting, it is easy to believe that she'll be right on top of the wounded fellow within a couple of seconds.

Recovering from the surprise of the swiftness and decisiveness of Echo's action, Vegas makes the decision to change his course. Brown leather long coat flying out behind her like a cape, the nomad has already eliminated the primary threat and with the speed she's invoked, there's no longer any reason to detour. Dress shoes slipping slightly in the wet grass, the Chairman of the Board clone darts after the lithe woman, leveling his weapon at the surprised, wounded guard remaining.

Ogata Roka cannot believe what's happening. He had figured that being posted to a private school in Mid-City would be a cushy assignment—no violence, subdued and obedient students, and a secured compound. The night has most certainly been anything other than cushy what with the report from the security office that the grounds have been infiltrated, the search for the interlopers, and the sniper fire from the darkest corner of the compound that killed Eric and Josh along with the dog, Tripper, and put a bullet through him as well. If Marshall hadn't started to drag him off towards the cover of the building, he's positive that sniper would have finished him off. Of course, luck is not on his side and as Marshall falls face forward into the grass having been murdered by an attacker on a new front, Ogata twists his body about to raise his rifle and defend himself. The last thought that goes through his head as his face is demolished by Vegas' round is oddly enough about his mother's Ramen noodles and how he is never going to get to taste them again.

"What the hell are they feeding these guys?" Ghlahn wonders as the rushing sec team member finally drops. Refocusing his attention on the remaining two team members he has a choice. Target the injured sec team member and ensure he cannot fight or target the uninjured one in attempt to make him a lesser threat. In this case, killing the injured man will simply put the uninjured one back into the fight with a vengeance. Taking aim once more, the sniper places the crosshairs on the uninjured sec team member's left ear and slowly squeezes the trigger, only to stop as the man stumbles forward to fall mostly out of sight behind the corner of the building with only his left booted foot showing that he's not moving.

From his vantage, the red-headed sniper can see other lights in the compound coming on in buildings further away, but more disturbingly, he can see an AV-4 sweeping in from the front and knows that it will be only a matter of seconds before the heavy AV turns its powerful guns on the rest of his team.

Seeing that the two last members of the school's security team are dead, Echo rushes right past the bodies and into the open grass remaining between them and their escape route. Ghlahn momentarily tenses at the sight of the slim nomad in her full sprint being immediately followed by the others. Bloodbank and Blossom are running closely together and a strange-looking silvery man-thing shaped like a samurai from ancient Japan but filled with holes accompanies them, sword in hand. Fixer is next followed by Vegas who pauses at the corner to look back and cover their retreat. There's no way that the suited solo has seen the AV yet, not with the trajectory of the vehicle and the man's position against the athletics hall. But firing on the support vehicle will draw its attention to them making escape impossible.

Sliding down to her knees and twisting about athletically at the mouth of the tunnel in which Ghlahn holds position, Echo brings her submachine gun to bear on the school grounds she's just devoured to provide cover fire if necessary as her allies escape. She's some distance ahead of them, but only a second or two timewise. Spotting the AV-4 descending on the school, her heart skips a beat.

"Go! Go! Go!" she commands, using her left hand to usher her team mates quickly past. Scanning their numbers, she notes that Vegas is just now leaving the corner of the gymnasium and beginning his sprint towards her. The AV is now nearly below the available line of sight over the gym building it's floodlight sweeping the semi-circular drive for any enemy.

Dropping from the ladder into the murky waters below, Ghlahn makes way for the teams' arrival while scanning for any threats in the tunnels. Already beginning to move back the way they had come, the sniper makes his way down the dank and rot smelling corridor.

Blossom is quick to toss her bag through the tight tunnel mouth and slide in on her butt until her smooth bare legs vanish over the edge of the precipice. Twisting to her bare stomach, she grimaces at the feeling of squishing mud and grass while sliding over the edge and hooking her boots on the ladder. Careful not to repeat the fall in the train station, she gingerly makes her way into the ankle-deep waters below, turns, retrieves her bag, and begins running after Ghlahn.

Bloodbank follows suit, though not tossing his bag filled with expensive medical supplies. This slows him a little, but the urgency in Echo's orders to move has already stimulated the adrenaline rushing through his body like a match to a stream of gasoline and he finds himself almost stepping on Blossom's delicate fingers in his haste to get down the ladder.

Having to wait for the medtech to retire from the field, Fixer turns and catches sight of the AV-4 rising back up again over the roofline. AV-4's are the threat that no one, not even full cyborgs, can ignore. With the body-style of a minivan, the side doors can be open (and usually are) for the side gunners to completely thrash any target with 50 caliber weapons. And as if that weren't enough, the nose gun of the aerodyne vehicle is linked to the smart-chip of the pilot allowing him to gun you down with equal ferocity. Fixer had worked on an AV-4 that had been shot up in a firefight with a cyborg who had gone cyberpsycho. The vehicle had its ticket punched and a number of the crew had been injured—one even killed—but there had been nothing left of the ‘borg except parts by the time they had finished. Waiting around for this thing to find them is not an option.

Tearing his attention away from the horrible visage of the AV, Fixer sees that Bloodbank is in the tunnel and proceeds to perform his own extraction with only a minor glance towards the remaining member of their team, Vegas, before he descends the slippery ladder.

Light breaks the roofline like a rising sun spilling over the dark yard beyond but casting deeper shadows before it—shadows that cover the dapper solo's retreat for the time being. Not knowing what was casting the light, Vegas lowers himself into the run and deftly closes the distance between him and the waiting Echo in mere seconds. Sliding on his right hip like a baseball player stealing a base, the Chairman's coat splays out underneath him, being dragged through the mud without care of ceremony.

Two hundred and fifty lumens cascade down the inner side of the cement wall, spill across the crease of the connecting yard and brilliantly crawl back towards the gymnasium as the hovering AV crests the building and begins to descend on the yard. Vegas scrambles down the hole and out of sight just seconds before the light breaks into the tunnel. Impacting the water-covered floor and sliding a bit on the slick algae growing there, the well-dressed but sodden man steps back to provide cover fire for the nomad hot on his heels.

Following the solo into the run-off return, Echo slips in over the edge but catches her coat on the skeleton of the bars Fixer had cut through. Turning to descend the ladder she is caught up in the twisted coat and her boot slips off the rung. Smashing into the ladder, pain jolts up her right knee just before the sound of ripping warns her that she's about to be released. Too late, she attempts to regain her grip on the water-spotted ladder. Fingers slipping, Echo finds herself falling backwards into the dark.

Standing at the bottom of the ladder there is no other option for the Frank Sinatra look-alike but to try and catch the woman, with try being the operative word. Even with the work-tread on the bottom of his stylish dress shoes, the tunnel floor is too slick to maintain his footing. As the light from the AV-4's spotlight spills into the tunnel, Echo collapses on top of him and the two of them crash to the cement and muddy, debris filled waters in a heap of limbs and clothing.

Impacting his left elbow and hip in the fall, Vegas winces with the pain. Echo's knee is still pained from when it struck the ladder and the fall results in her landing awkwardly on her right wrist and forearm. Rolling off of the Chairman mimic, she mutters her apology (a barely audible, "Sorry.") and scrambles to move off down the tunnel, obviously following the pattern that Vegas has been operating under where he brings up the rear.

Posted on 2017-08-03 at 16:49:23.

Regular Visitor
Karma: 3/0
57 Posts


Impacting his left elbow and hip in the fall, Vegas winces with the pain. Echo's knee is still pained from when it struck the ladder and the fall results in her landing awkwardly on her right wrist and forearm. Rolling off of the Chairman mimic, she mutters her apology (a barely audible, "Sorry.") and scrambles to move off down the tunnel, obviously following the pattern that Vegas has been operating under where he brings up the rear.
Bloodbank slows to a stop at the sound of the impact of his teammates slamming to the ground. He turns to see if they are injured.

(OOC: Check for serious injuries- Apply attention if needed)

"You guys sure do know how to get down a ladder quickly, Are you alright?" He says to them trying to lighten the situation.

"Make sure you didn't drop anything from the fall.."

(OOC: Check the area for any dropped items rushing knowing we need to keep moving. Bloodbank chooses to move to the back of the group just ahead of the rear defense to make sure no one falls or collapses due to injury.)

Posted on 2017-08-07 at 09:31:38.

Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts

Hey Doll

Still wincing from the pain in his left elbow and hip, courtesy of the falling Echo, the Dapper Solo walked off the pain for a few feet as he brought up the year, before calling out to Blossom:

"Hey Doll," Vegas calls out to the Asian beauty, "Can you find us a different route to elude any pursuers that will provide us a way of escape?"

Posted on 2017-08-11 at 20:16:48.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 3/1
121 Posts


After slipping on a rung, which caused his chin to slam into another one hard enough to make his teeth clack and see a few stars, Fixer grabbed the ladder firmly, then hearing a commotion below him, sees two people tangled up below him, so moving carefully he leaps away from the bodies and landing on his feet which, naturally, slide out from under him, he bounds back up and moves to help the two who are getting to their feet.

Posted on 2017-08-13 at 23:36:55.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 2/0
147 Posts

Ouch ouch OUCH!

[As the light from the AV-4's spotlight spills into the tunnel, Echo collapses on top of him and the two of them crash to the cement and muddy, debris filled waters in a heap of limbs and clothing.]

Pain filling her senses from hitting her knee on the ladder, then wrist and forearm from her less-than-graceful landing atop the lovesick crooner, Echo quickly rolled off the solo. Muttering a weak apology, the embarrassment made her skin flame with the feeling, and she was grateful the tunnel was dark to hide the shame she felt. In her haste, she had completely forgotten how slippery the ladder was, and now Vegas and her brused and abused limbs were paying for it.

"You guys sure do know how to get down a ladder quickly, Are you alright?" Bloodbank says to them, trying to lighten the situation.

Testing her weight on her injured knee, Echo carefully got to her feet and started moving down the tunnel, stopping briefly to answer the medtech as she passed. "I'm fine," she lied, "but you should see to Vegas - he didn't have as soft of a landing as I did. But hurry, they may yet find our secret escape."

Trying not to limp, Echo made her way down the tunnel a hundred yards or so, taking up a position near Ghlahn.

"See anything we should be worried about on this end?" she asks the sniper, gingerly rubbing her injured wrist and arm.

(OOC - She will follow whomever takes the lead, not trusting her direction sense at the moment, trying to mind-over-matter and pain remaining.)

Posted on 2017-08-14 at 21:32:45.

Bromern Sal
A Shadow
RDI Staff
Karma: 158/11
4402 Posts

Moving right along...

West 43875 St. 52 High -- Sewage/Runoff Drainage System | Night City Integrate | High City | UrbanZone - Day 2 (Saturday), 4:13 AM PST
Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)
Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)


After slipping on a rung, which causes his chin to slam into another one hard enough to make his teeth clack and see a few stars, Fixer grabs the ladder firmly and, moving carefully, he leaps to a landing on his feet which, naturally, slide out from under him, he bounds back up and moves to get quickly out of the way.

Impacting his left elbow and hip in the fall, Vegas winces with the pain. Echo's knee is still pained from when it struck the ladder and the fall results in her landing awkwardly on her right wrist and forearm. Rolling off of the Chairman mimic, she mutters her apology (a barely audible, "Sorry.") and scrambles to move off down the tunnel, obviously following the pattern that Vegas has been operating under where he brings up the rear.

Bloodbank slows to a stop at the sound of the impact of his teammates slamming to the ground. He turns to see if they are injured. Tensely watching the pair untangle themselves and then rise gingerly, yet hurriedly, to their feet, the medtech makes a quick assessment and determines that if they are injured, treatment can wait until they have achieved a more stable situation.

"You guys sure do know how to get down a ladder quickly, Are you alright?" He says to them trying to lighten the situation. "Make sure you didn't drop anything from the fall."

Testing her weight on her injured knee, Echo carefully gets to her feet and starts moving down the tunnel, stopping briefly to answer the medtech as she passes. "I'm fine," she lies, "but you should see to Vegas—he didn't have as soft of a landing as I did. But hurry, they may yet find our secret escape."

Trying not to limp, Echo makes her way down the tunnel a hundred yards or so, taking up a position near Ghlahn.

"See anything we should be worried about on this end?" she asks the sniper, gingerly rubbing her injured wrist and arm.

(OOC: Ghlahn's reply, if any,)

Still wincing from the pain in his left elbow and hip, courtesy of the falling Echo, the Dapper Solo walked off the pain for a few feet as he brought up the year, before calling out to Blossom:

"Hey Doll," Vegas calls out to the Asian beauty while ignoring the comment from the skull-masked edgerunner. Wind having been knocked from him when Echo landed on his chest, he manages to make himself heard while waving off any concern Bloodbank might have for him after the nomad's comment. "Can you find us a different route to elude any pursuers that will provide us a way of escape?"

"On it!" Blossom calls back cheerfully, already working the keyboard from her wrist bracer.

Storm sounds from outside the tunnel retreat to the roar of an aerodyne engine as it descends while light spills fully into the tunnel. Will the sec-teams' reinforcements follow them into the sewers or will the determination of what the edgerunners risked their lives for be of more value? Blossom enters a command that sends her system's avatar dancing and skipping away with twirls. Find me a widget that plots map courses, my little mei mei, she thinks, glancing up through her sunglasses at the light announcing the pending arrival of more enemies. Her damaged Killer construct stands stoically nearby.

Quickly studying the first few lines of the glowing holographic map displayed solely in her vision, the wardriver makes a quick judgment call. "That way! Turn down the way we came in, but take your first right after that."

Echo and Ghlahn are already positioned at the corner of the tunnel through which they had originally arrived. Both peer down the length of the slightly curving corridor, but light is a resource not readily available. (OOC: Going to assume here that Echo will use her flashlight, but that Ghlahn isn't worried about light so he'll take the lead.) While the leather clad woman retrieves her flashlight, the cocksure sniper breaks from his position and moves at a fast pace away from her, his Nomad .44 rifle held at the ready before him.

Deciding not to hinder herself with her own flashlight, Blossom sticks close to the nomad, taking in the odor of wet leather with each breath and wrinkling her nose at the scent of it. At least I'll know when Echo is nearby, she mentally comments.

Others produce lights as well and the team moves as rapidly as is assumed intelligent down the path that their netrunner has outlined. Before their next turn arrives, Blossom's avatar returns with a widget that she claims is safe and the wardriver stumbles a bit as she multitasks in moving and opening the code.

"‘M alright," she mutters as she bumps into Echo's shoulder and distractedly loses her footing for a brief moment when her boot slips in the sludge.

By the time the corner is achieved, she has adjusted a couple of lines of code to eliminate all exits of close proximity and provide them with a path that will put them out at least a mile from their current position. Glancing up in time to step over a broken piece of cement, Blossom enters the tunnel and then sets the widget to work within her recently acquired map. Brown eyes flit along the proposed course until she is satisfied that her work is done and then she glances back over her shoulder to softly call back to Vegas.

"Got it. Got our way out."

The declaration leads to a spring in their steps and quicker progression through the dank passageways of the impressive sewage system. Ghlahn leads off with enough distance between himself and the others that the sweep of their flashlights has little effect on his cybernetically enhanced vision. Echo follows with Blossom practically riding her back and Fixer in close step behind them. Bloodbank is next, keeping a watchful eye on his companions, and Vegas brings up the rear. Each of the edgerunners keeps their preferred weapon in one hand and a flashlight (except for Ghlahn) in the other.

Despite moving at a faster pace than they had been able to without a clear path in mind the group's progress is still much slower than a person's would be while walking on the streets above. The sniper's forward position and ability to register heat signatures keeps them from stumbling upon a clearing bot working its way through the tunnel and devouring larger debris that might clog drainage. At one point, Blossom's path turns out to be blocked by a group of gangers who have claimed a junction room as a hangout.

Again, it is Ghlahn who keeps the group from alerting the gang members with their flashlights when he catches sight of a change in temperature within the tunnel indicated heating units. Motioning Echo to hold everyone at a safer position while he investigates. Perhaps, if the gang members wouldn't have been drunk or sleeping he would have experienced trouble. As it stands, he is able to sneak close enough to register the number of people within the room at close to twenty hanging out with camp lights, camp chairs, kegs, sleeping bags, and pizza boxes. Drug paraphernalia is also very present. Walking the company through the snoring and stoned gangers would be akin to tiptoeing through a minefield blindfolded, so the red-headed gunman returns and reports.

Blossom reworks the widget's programming and within five-minutes a new route is plotted that extends the time below the Streets a bit but avoids any chance of disturbing that den of trouble despite having to backtrack ten minutes to a new junction.

At another time, Ghlahn spots some laser tripwires in place near surface junctions. Consulting Blossom's city map reveals a corporate compound overhead and it is easy to deduce that the tripwires are part of a larger security system protecting the corp from infiltration. Again, Blossom sets to work calculating an alternative path and again, the path adds time to their journey and backtracking, but they are able to avoid additional trouble. Additionally, as an added bonus, the distance between the Bartholomew School and their exfil point grows making it less and less likely that their point of emergence will be predicted.

Blossom's alterations to the trajectory plotting widget's code includes a point of exit in an alleyway. By the time they emerge, morning light has already licked the topmost towers of the Starscrapers overhead and crawled its way down a good portion of the structures. As is typical, the alley is still dark—not quite dark as night, but darker than dusk. Checking the time in their visual augmentations, each edgerunner is able to see that the time is now 8:23 AM.

(OOC: I'm going to take some liberty on making a decision for the group. Please inform me if it is incorrect.)

Time to touch base with Casino and see how Starlight and he fared. The problem at hand being that the big man has no agent, so it's back to the Dark Net and the recruiting site to drop a message to both. The next step is to find a place to catch some shuteye while waiting for the replies. This is accomplished by checking into a coffin motel.

Ten NCD's per hour limits the amount of time the cashpoor group has as much as the need to check message responses on a regular basis, so it is decided that two hours is the maximum time the edgerunners will allow for a catnap. By 10:30 AM the team is gathered again in the lobby of the coffin motel and Blossom reports on the messages.

"Starlight is laid up at an undisclosed location. She was hit pretty hard. She wants a report—" the team has yet to provide any kind of report other than they have hit the school and have made it out. "—stat."

The problem is that the team has nothing really to report at this point. Security records have yet to be reviewed. Vegas is the next person to report as he's heard from his partner. They have a place to go to meet up with the large solo and grab some food.

Hightower's BBQ is a street-level restaurant sitting between an Administration of Conservation Programs office suite and an advertising agency called Tanity Marketing Partners. Overhead, the building holds a hair, nail, and skin care services provider called Blackcat Strut; a Veteran's Affairs office; and a software development firm named Inware. More businesses continue as the building climbs, but the team is more interested in reuniting with the blonde bruiser and getting some food in their bellies than reading the holographic register.

Aromatic pepperoni and melted cheese assaults the groups' senses of smell the moment the door is opened. Greeted by a traditional looking decor of white and red checkered tablecloths, low-hanging pendulum lights over each table and booth, and a worn-looking brown faux-wood front counter, stomachs emphasize their eagerness with grumbles and mumbles. A spectrum of patrons fill the room from city employees to people in business casual attire. Strings of melted cheese hang from their mouths where they are sucked in with relish, grease drips from the end of broad triangular slices that have to be folded over just to hold, and large plastic glasses of soda entice the worn and hungry outsiders.

"Welcome to Hightower's," a young black woman with her pink-streaked hair pulled back tight into a bun smiles brilliantly when the team steps in front of the counter. "What can I get for you?" Her eyes flight across the wet and dirty alternative outfits and exposed weapons, but the smile remains on her face. A quick glance about the dining room reveals that the group has won more than a little attention, but as is typical, anyone caught looking immediately returns their attention to their companions or meal.

"Got a Casino in this establishment?" Blossom steps right up to the counter and presses her bare belly against the wood as she leans forward and peers into the kitchen.

"Uh," the girl retracts her chin into her neck and looks dumbfounded. "We've got pizza, and a salad if you want."

On queue, a large man with white-blonde hair and a receding hairline sweeps into view. He's not wearing the dark blue apron that the girl has on and is, instead, dressed in tan slacks and a white with red pin-striping button-up shirt. For all intents and purposes, this Viking has no neck and his bulk is impressive if a little heavy around the middle. He would be more intimidating if he wasn't sporting a large smile that showed teeth with huge gaps between them. Vegas immediately recognizes Casino's friend, Granger Hightower, owner of the pizza joint.

"You are the friends of Kei—uh, Casino—yes? He said you'd be arriving. Please, come around," he motions to the hall leading back to the restrooms. Making their way into the hall, the team witnesses a door set into the wall on the left opening and the older man motions them in.

The kitchen is a hot place with the ovens running, pushing the pizzas in their black pans along a conveyor belt after the orders are assembled by a series of compact robots. But it isn't in the kitchen that the reunion takes place.

"I am Granger and this is my establishment," their host says over his shoulder while leading the group through the kitchen towards his office. "Casino showed up at about four this morning a little worse for wear. None of my business. I don't ask questions. Just know that he's not in the best of moods and is especially unhappy with you, Vegas."

Opening the door to his small office, Granger looks inside and then glances back at the group. Sighing, he steps aside and offers entrance with a gesture. "It will be a tight fit, but it is the best I can provide. Please, try not to disturb anything."

True to his description, the office is a mere three to four meters square with a two and a half to three meter high ceiling. Illuminated with a series of LED bar lights, everything has a sickly white hue to it. The desk is immediately to the right of the door, clean with a flat two centimeter thick keyboard and a two centimeter thick, curved flatscreen high-definition monitor hovering above a hover plate by about ten centimeters. A digital map of the area around the restaurant is displayed on the next wall with live feeds of traffic and weather. There are two other chairs in the room besides the executive chair Casino sits in at the desk. Aside from that, there are a few pictures on the walls showing an older woman who is likely around Granger's age as well as another couple with a baby and a toddler.

Pressing into the room, the worn team looks upon their wounded teammate once again.

"Can I borrow his wall screen?" Blossom asks Casino, not waiting for a greeting or any other pleasantries. Seeking permission also appears to be rhetoric as she immediately calls up her keyboard from the bracer on her wrist and types furiously. Seconds later, the screen flickers and the map is replaced by video footage from the school's security cameras.

(OOC: Time is 1:00 PM)

Posted on 2017-08-25 at 11:55:18.

Trilogy Master
RDI Staff
Karma: 181/119
6817 Posts

Yay my first post in awhile :)

Night City Hightower's BBQ | Night City Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - Day 2 (Saturday), 11:00 AM PST Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.) Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)

Casino rolled over as he slowly came awake and pulled his legs out from under the covers. Sitting up he found himself dizzy and groggy as if he had to much to drink and for a moment unsure of where he was. Then slowly it came to him he was at Granger's BBQ sleeping in the back office after getting here safely last night. Though he did not remember laying down back here, he really only remembered Granger patching him up and giving him a few shots of alcohol and some soda to ease the pain.

Awe s*** Casino thought to himself as he looked at the clock on the wall seeing it was a little after 11am Damned, Granger, bastard drugged me, no way 3 shots make me feel like this or sleep this long Yet Casino could not help smiling taking it as just one more indication that Granger indeed cared for the big solo. Waiting for his mind to clear he stood up and did a quick inspection of his clothes, armor, and gear seeing, though a bit more ragged looking, they seemed to still be in good shape. Next up was his .44 and after a 5 minute quick cleaning it went back into its holster under his arm.

Leaving his armored jacket in the room, he made his way into the back of the kitchen seeing mostly familiar faces but a few new as well. A young black woman with her pink-streaked hair pulled back tight into a bun was a new face and as he passed he smiled at her and grabbing himself a plate. As he filled it with two shredded BBQ sandwiches, a small basket of fries, and a garden salad he tried not to laugh at her look of shock. Taking his plate and a can of Mt Dew he made his way to the small, but cozy, employee lounge.

A lot of things could be said about Granger Hightower and his way of doing ‘business" but he treated his employees very well in their break area. As he sat and ate, his mind going over the night from getting shot to ending up here, he found himself only getting madder and madder at Vegas. He and Vegas had been partners since forever but this was the first time the Frank Sinatra solo had been so over confident, arrogant, and just plain stupid. By risking his life along with Fixer and Casino's by meeting Starlight out in front of the club instead of quietly in the back he had put Casino on the polices radar and in the middle of that do or die incident at the hospital. The two of them would need to have a serious talk once back in the same room.

As he thought these thoughts Granger made his way into the lounge sitting down across from him. Reaching over the stocky 65 year old took a look at his arm, a little bit of blood having seeped out of the stitched wound and been absorbed during the night

"Feeling better?"

"Yeah thank you, your help was really needed"

"So where's Vegas?"

"No clue, not sure I want to know either"


"If not for him I would not be sitting here shot up, pissed off, and not sure if I want to shoot him or just beat the s*** out of him."

"You two been together a long time, pretty close you both tell me, kinda got the bromance thing going on" Granger smiley at the reference.

"Well that's all true, but it's also said, nothing lasts forever" Putting the last of the fries into his mouth he chewed and swallowed.

"So what happens now Keith?"

The solo sighs, "Much as I hate to right now I gotta reach out to him and the rest and arrange a meet though not sure where a good discreet place would be. Plus I got no agent right now so I gotta find a phone." Pausing a moment, looking at Granger, "Can I use one here at the restaurant?"

"Sure and as for a place to meet bring them here, I got a quiet little office you can meet in. Might be tight but should do what you need it to."

"Granger are you sure? You've already helped me more then you had too I don't want to bring you into this."

"Too late, by helping you I'm already a part of it. Bring them here and at least you'll have a secure meet site. I'll even treat them to some free food though you'll owe me a favor" Reaching into his pocket he pulled out an agent.

"Use mine faster then looking for a phone, oh and that plate and salad is $10.50 so after your call, your on dish duty till your friends get here"

"Really?" Looking at the clock Casino could see it was just hitting the lunch hour rush "Your joking right?" A look from Granger told him the man was not so he nodded and dialed Vegas's agent as Granger left the lounge.

"It's me... Hightower's, you and the other's meet me there" Without waiting for an answer he hung up, grabbed an apron, and headed for the kitchen sinks.

Night City Hightower's BBQ | Night City Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - Day 2 (Saturday), 12:45 PM PST Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.) Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)

"Got a Casino in this establishment?" Blossom steps right up to the counter and presses her bare belly against the wood as she leans forward and peers into the kitchen.

"Uh," the girl retracts her chin into her neck and looks dumbfounded. "We've got BBQ, and a salad if you want."

On queue, a large man with white-blonde hair and a receding hairline sweeps into view. He's not wearing the dark blue apron that the girl has on and is, instead, dressed in tan slacks and a white with red pin-striping button-up shirt. For all intents and purposes, this Viking has no neck and his bulk is impressive if a little heavy around the middle. He would be more intimidating if he wasn't sporting a large smile that showed teeth with huge gaps between them. Vegas immediately recognizes Casino's friend, Granger Hightower, owner of the pizza joint.

"You are the friends of Kei—uh, Casino—yes? He said you'd be arriving. Please, come around," he motions to the hall leading back to the restrooms. Making their way into the hall, the team witnesses a door set into the wall on the left opening and the older man motions them in.

"I am Granger and this is my establishment," their host says over his shoulder while leading the group through the kitchen towards his office. "Casino showed up at about four this morning a little worse for wear. None of my business. I don't ask questions. Just know that he's not in the best of moods and is especially unhappy with you, Vegas."

As Granger led them into the back where a TV in the dining area could be heard talking about a mass shootout at Night City Regional General Hospital earlier in the morning. With numerous casualties and heavy gunfire. Pictures of the dead from something called the Soil Liberation Group numbering ten were displayed. Next a rough sketch of a man wanted for questioning was displayed with a slight resemblance to Casino, but still too far off to be accurate.

Walking out of the dish area still wearing the apron over a sleeveless white t-shirt and wiping his hands dry with a towel. Casino nods his welcome to the others, the bandage on his arm in full view. Except for Fixer and Vegas, he has only had contact with the rest at the first meet and greet and wonders how they feel about his absence. If brought up he'll tell them the truth.

Seeing Fixer with his MPK-11/Gren launcher combo and bag over his shoulder Casino was about to ask for them back, when Fixer beat him to the punch.

"Here's your s***. About time you take it all back." Dropping the bag to the ground lightly, the techie placed the MPK on top and pushed over to the big solo.

"Thanks I owe you"

"Yeah you do" Fixer replied cynically as he moved into the office

As everyone found a seat Vegas was the last to enter, before he could take a seat Casino motioned him to wait.

"Ok I'm pretty sure by the look of you that you could use some food." signaling to the same black girl he had her bring menu's to the office. "Look them over give her your order and she'll bring it to you free of charge. Vegas a moment of your time please"

((Assuming Vegas will follow))

Moving back to the kitchen close to the sinks where the general noise would keep their conversation semi secluded Casino turned on Vegas.

"Lets get this out in the open between the two of us before we join the others. What you did in front of the club was complete bulls***. You got me shot and picked up by the cops and during my ‘stay' last night at Regional General Hospital I almost got killed by a bunch of dirt bags"

((Assuming he reacts like WTH about the hospital))

"Read about it in today's late edition, but read me loud and clear on this Vegas, you pull another arrogant asshole play like that, putting us all at risk for your ego, you do it on your own. I will not be there to back you up."

Toning his voice and anger down he looked Vegas right in the eyes, placing his hand on the dapper solo‘s shoulder.

"Look my friend we have a run to finish and I'll be there from this point all the way, you know that. The rest may not know it, but you do, that I won't leave you or any of this group hanging. Just be smarter ok don't let your ego and confidence get us in a bad spot again, that's all I ask."

((Assuming a response))

"Ok lets get back to the others" Moving once more back to the office he let Vegas go in first then moved to sit behind Granger's desk.

"First let me apologize for my absence I ran into a bullet and needed to get attention for it. However I'm as good to go as I'm going to be, so please fill me in on what, if anything did, you all find out?"

Posted on 2017-08-30 at 19:20:55.
Edited on 2017-08-31 at 13:35:54 by Bromern Sal

Keeper of Dragons
Devil's Advocate
Karma: 59/18
2581 Posts


Ghlahn looked at the waitress. "BBQ suits me fine. Whatever you have, I'll have two of them." It had been awhile since his last meal. Finding a table where he could eat and keep watch he settled in. "Anyone else want BBQ? Or want to fill me in on what took so long in the school. Got a bit dicey there for a second with those sec teams."

Posted on 2017-09-01 at 04:54:30.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 3/1
121 Posts

Food Break

Seeing Fixer with his MPK-11/Gren launcher combo and bag over his shoulder Casino was about to ask for them back, when Fixer beat him to the punch.

"Here's your s***. About time you take it all back." Dropping the bag to the ground lightly, the techie placed the MPK on top and pushed over to the big solo.

"Thanks I owe you"

"Yeah you do" Fixer replied cynically as he moved into the office.

Looking for some space in this hole was like looking for water in a sieve, it just wasn't happening so he took a standing room only spot next to Ghlahn.

Glancing at the menu he said " I'll take double meat and cheese burger with whatever you can cram between the bun, onion rings and a chocolate shake."

Looking down at Ghlahn he said "Might as well wait for the solo brothers to finish their little spat before we get into it,unless you want to hear it all twice."

Posted on 2017-09-01 at 12:33:31.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 2/0
147 Posts

Food, glorious food ...

Echo follows the others into the back room, stopping for a moment to watch the news clip with a smirk. They really didn't have a good likeness of the solo at all, she thought, he's got more handsome features than that. Not that she was really looking ... in depth. Just, you know, noticing.

She waits for the two men to finish their orders, then she adds her own to the list. "I'll have a double cheeseburger with everything on it, a basket of fries with cheese, and a double chocolate shake", she says, sitting across from Ghlahn, happy to be sitting finally and rubbing her injured knee under the table. Still feeling embarrassed by her fall, she has no desire for anyone to mention her injuries or her slip, so she covertly checks them herself, seeing what range of motion she has in her wrist as well while they wait for Vegas and Casino to have heir chat, and for their food to arrive. She was ravenous!

Posted on 2017-09-04 at 00:14:26.

Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts

Our Partnership Is Done

Vegas merely nodded as Casino vented his frustrations, along with his allegiance to getting the job done!

When Casino was finished venting, the Dapper Solo merely replied, "Our Partnership Is Done!"

As the Frank Sinatra look-alike made his way to the door, he offered his former partner a brief explanation, without a bit of concern as to the Big Solo's reaction:

"I am done with this business! I got your back and you got mine! That is fine with me!"

Vegas heads out the door and finds himself a space in the corner of the room where he can check, clean and reload his weapons; while he awaits his order of two BBQ sandwiches, a salad and a bottle of water.

He looks up only momentarily to address the rest of the group by saying, "Fill in Casino with all the Details that My Friend Needs to Help Us Get the Job Done! I Trust Him with My Life!"

Posted on 2017-09-05 at 23:18:05.

Regular Visitor
Karma: 3/0
57 Posts

I'll have the whopper?

"Give me the best thing you have and a water." Says Bloodbank being hungered from all the events.

"Been one heck of a day, What are we going to do next?" Thinking back on the events and being thankful they things with smoothly apart from the minor bumps and encounters.

Thinking of how things could of gone differently but being thankful we worked together well. Knowing that others may be somewhat injured Bloodbank doesn't make mention of it assuming if its bad enough they would speak up.

"I'm gonna kick back for a moment and rest while we wait on the food."

Posted on 2017-09-06 at 09:16:42.

Bromern Sal
A Shadow
RDI Staff
Karma: 158/11
4402 Posts

Trouble in Paradise and Who Brought the Popcorn?

Hightower's BBQ | Night City Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - March 8th, Day 2 (Saturday), 1:00 PM PST
Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)
Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)

As the others find a place within the cramped office space, Casino catches his partner's attention with a motion accompanying the big man's move back out of the room. Knowing what's pending, the dapper solo quietly turns on his heel and follows.

"OK, I'm pretty sure that you could all use some food," Casino addresses the rest of the team at the door. Signaling to the black girl at the counter he grows impatient as she gives the blond man a look that practically screams you aren't my boss. Exasperated, he looks towards Granger for support. The older man raises his eyebrows and turns to the young woman, giving her a nod of approval. Shaking her head, the girl snatches up a thin tablet computer and walks back towards the office.

"Don't be pretendin' that you're the boss around here," she says to the large solo. "You ain't, and I don't even know what you're doing here. So, don't be gettin' all up in my business."

"Look the menu over," Casino motions to the tablet she offers to Ghlahn and ignores her sass. "Give her your order and she'll bring it to you free of charge. Vegas a moment of your time, please."

Granger coughs to catch his "guest's" attention and inclines his head purposefully Casino's way. "I'm not running a charity, Keith."

Mumbling something under his breath, the owner turns back to his dough-making while the two teammates continue on their way. Making their way back to the sinks where the general noise of the dishwasher helps keep their conversation semi-confidential, Casino turns on Vegas.

"Let's get this out in the open between the two of us before we join the others. What you did in front of the club was complete bulls***. You got me shot and picked up by the cops and during my ‘stay' last night at Regional General Hospital I almost got killed by a bunch of dirtbags."

"Read about it in today's late edition," the wounded man adds acerbically. "But read me loud and clear on this Vegas, you pull another arrogant asshole play like that—putting us all at risk for your ego—you do it on your own. I will not be there to back you up."

Toning his voice and anger down he looks Vegas right in the eyes, placing his hand on the dapper solo‘s shoulder.

"Look my friend, we have a run to finish and I'll be there from this point all the way, you know that. The rest may not know it, but you do—that I won't leave you or any of this group hanging. Just be smarter, OK? Don't let your ego and confidence get us in a bad spot again, that's all I ask."

Vegas merely nods as Casino vents his frustrations, along with his allegiance to getting the job done. When Casino finishes venting, the Dapper Solo merely replies, "Our partnership is done!"

As the Frank Sinatra look-alike makes his way to the office door, he offers his former partner a brief explanation, without a bit of concern as to the Big Solo's reaction: "I am done with this business! I got your back and you got mine! That is fine with me!"

Vegas strides towards the door and away from his ex-partner.

"Ok," the muscular giant says in heated response to the man's back. "Let's get back to the others."


Ghlahn looks at the waitress with a flat stare. "BBQ suits me fine. Whatever you have, I'll have two of them." It has been awhile since his last meal. Finding a table where he can eat and keep watch in the confines of this little room is impossible, so he settles for a place by the door that affords him a view of the kitchen and the counter beyond. "Anyone else want BBQ? Or want to fill me in on what took so long in the school. Got a bit dicey there for a second with those sec-teams."

Studiously not looking at the red-head's face as he speaks up, the clerk punches a couple of items into the pad and then offers it over to Fixer.

Glancing at the menu he says, "I'll take double meat and cheese burger with whatever you can cram between the bun, onion rings and a chocolate shake."

"Uh, look here, sugar," the girl juts her hip out to the left and shakes her head in exasperation. "You got choices like pulled pork, spam, brisket, turkey, and chicken, but we gots no burgers. Chocolate shake? Please. What do you think this is? McDonald's?

"I'll bring you a pulled pork sandwich, some chips, and a Coke, and you'll say thank you when you get it." Holding the tablet up, she stares wide-eyed at the others. "Anyone actually wanna look at this thing, or what?"

Perhaps a little chastised, Fixer looks over at Ghlahn and says, "Might as well wait for the solo brothers to finish their little spat before we get into it; unless you want to hear it all twice."

Echo reaches out and takes the menu, adding her order to the list. "I'll have a double pulled pork sandwich with everything on it, a basket of fries with cheese, and a Coke," she says while looking the digital offering over. Punching in her desired meal she settles into the only other chair besides the one at the desk in the room. Sitting across from Ghlahn—happy to be sitting finally—and rubbing her injured knee under the table she holds the pad up for the next team member to take. Still feeling embarrassed by her fall, she has no desire for anyone to mention her injuries or her slip, so she covertly checks them herself, seeing what range of motion she has in her wrist as well while waiting for Vegas and Casino to have their chat, and for their food to arrive. She is ravenous and grateful to discover that her injuries are marginal at best!

"Give me the best thing you have and a water," Says Bloodbank, being hungry from all the events. "Been one heck of a day. What are we going to do next?" Thinking back on the events and being thankful things went smoothly apart from the minor bumps and encounters. Thinking of how things could have gone differently, but being thankful they worked together well; knowing that some of the others may be somewhat injured, Bloodbank doesn't make mention of it assuming if the injury is bad enough, they would speak up. "I'm gonna kick back for a moment and rest while we wait on the food."

Entering the office, the dapper solo finds himself a space in the corner of the room where he can check, clean, and reload his weapons. The look on his face is stone but not enough to hide the fact that whatever conversation the two had just held did not go well.

"First," Casino strolls in, "let me apologize for my absence. I ran into a bullet and needed to get attention for it. However I'm as good to go as I'm going to be, so please fill me in on what, if anything, did you all find out?"

"Can I borrow his wall screen?" Blossom asks Casino, not waiting for a greeting or any other pleasantries. Seeking permission also appears to be rhetoric as she immediately calls up her keyboard from the bracer on her wrist and types furiously. Seconds later, the screen flickers and the map is replaced by video footage from the school's security cameras.

Everyone's orders in as much as they are going to be, the clerk makes an audible sigh and takes the menu in hand. "You all need to pull yourselves together. Ain't no one paying attention to no one else. Crazy like my Aunt Selia." Exiting the room she leaves the edgerunners to their business.

"While you were out playing cops and robbers at the hospital—" Blossom glances at the disgruntled, injured man. "—Oh, I saw the television on the way in, Anyway, we got our hands on a few hours of surveillance video.

"I've got a search running right now to find an app that will scour through it so we don't have to waste the time, but this is it. This is all we got for the time being. Jiggy, right?" Turning her attention back to the wall, the Asian mutters, "I've already sent word to Starlight about what we're doing. P to the S. She isn't exactly happy with the way things are going. She said to tell you lot that we better clean this up quick to make Saint Nick happy. The jolly elf has heard about what went down at the school and is threatening to pull in another team. From what I gather, Starlight did her thing and we're still in, but remember that whole low profile thing? She seems to think that closing the contracts on a few hosho kaisha isn't exactly that. She says, where is that?" eyes flick about behind her sunglasses. "Oh, yes. If we want to continue doing what we do, we better do what we do a little less loudly."

Raising her thin eyebrows and brushing her platinum hair out of her face, the wardriver declares, "Ah! Got it. Now, I'll plug this picture in,"

Mental commands combine with the wrist keyboard to generate the instructions for her AI and a few seconds later the video on the wall starts to play at too rapid a pace for the naked eye to discern.

Turning away from the screen, Blossom rests her elbows on the desk behind her and rolls the lollipop in her mouth to the other side. "We'll know whether there's anything on these vids worth watchin' in a couple of minutes, tops. Meanwhile, who here wants to know whether these two lovebirds have kissed and made up?" Looking between Casino and Vegas, the small woman rolls the sucker around again. "Can't have two guns hatin' on each other supposed to be watching my pretty little backside."

Vegas looks up only momentarily to address the rest of the group by saying, "Fill in Casino with all the details that my friend needs to help us get the job done. I trust him with my life."

(OOC: Feel free to add whatever you'd like,)

Storytelling isn't anyone's particular forte and the information about what occurred on their run is spilled before everyone's orders are served. Any questions about what befell Casino are asked and answered while the food is consumed. There's no doubt that the meat is vat-grown, but it beats kibble and that beats going hungry, so there's no complaints. By the time the meals are finished, Blossom's app has returned its results.

Playing back the first of the earmarked timestamps reveals a man of average build with thinning blond hair and sallow cheeks standing a few feet away from Jase, talking with the boy for a good couple of minutes before they part company. The angle of the camera is wrong for lip-reading and there's no audio included.

The next snippet of video shows the boy without any obvious concern hanging out with some other children his age before entering the dorm room.

"That's odd," Blossom states. "There's no other facial recognition tags. Our boy, Jase, just vanishes unless his face isn't seen by the cameras after that.

"While the other video played, I ran some cross-checks on the staff at the school. That shaikujin, Jase was talking to in the first one is staff at the school."

She hurriedly taps a couple of commands on her keyboard and then swipes away from the device towards the wall screen. A picture of the man appears overlaying the video.

"Doctor Phil Carey," she announces. "He teaches Corporate Law, and, he's been out sick since just after that video."

(OOC: Time is 1:40 PM)

Posted on 2017-09-06 at 18:09:08.

Trilogy Master
RDI Staff
Karma: 181/119
6817 Posts

Ok let's inter-act :)

Night City Hightower's BBQ | Night City Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - Day 2 (Saturday), 1:15 PM PST Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.) Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)

Turning away from the screen, Blossom rests her elbows on the desk behind her and rolls the lollipop in her mouth to the other side. "We'll know whether there's anything on these vids worth watchin' in a couple of minutes, tops. Meanwhile, who here wants to know whether these two lovebirds have kissed and made up?" Looking between Casino and Vegas, the small woman rolls the sucker around again. "Can't have two guns hatin' on each other supposed to be watching my pretty little backside."

Vegas looks up only momentarily to address the rest of the group by saying, "Fill in Casino with all the details that my friend needs to help us get the job done. I trust him with my life."

Looking over to Blossom, Casino stared at her, not so much to intimidate her, then to decide if he actual needed to answer her himself. Not being one to mince words he smiled.

"If that's all your worried about then don't, while we are involved in this run we will be there as needed, no personal drama. What happens after this run is none of your business." Turning back to the rest of the group he noticed, Echo he thought her name was, smiling at him.

"So anyone got any idea's where to look next?"

Blossom returning to her attention to her agent began playing back the first of the earmarked timestamps. Over the course of a few minutes revealed a video of a man of average build with thinning blond hair and sallow cheeks standing a few feet away from Jase. The man was clearly talking with the boy for a good couple of minutes before they parted company. With no audio and from the angle making it impossible to even attempt to read lips Blossom moved on to the next vid. This snippet of video showed the boy without any obvious concern hanging out with some other children his age before entering the dorm room.

"That's odd," Blossom states. "There's no other facial recognition tags. Our boy, Jase, just vanishes unless his face isn't seen by the cameras after that. While the other video played, I ran some cross-checks on the staff at the school. That shaikujin, Jase was talking to in the first one is staff at the school."

She hurriedly taps a couple of commands on her keyboard and then swipes away from the device towards the wall screen. A picture of the man appears overlaying the video.

"Doctor Phil Carey," she announces. "He teaches Corporate Law, and, he's been out sick since just after that video."

"So I guess he is our next trail we follow?" Casino asked.

Elious I think you need to reduce the size of your avi pic

Posted on 2017-09-09 at 15:12:54.
Edited on 2017-09-09 at 15:25:26 by TannTalas

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 3/1
121 Posts

A Break

"So anyone got any idea's where to look next?"

Blossom returning to her attention to her agent began playing back the first of the earmarked timestamps. Over the course of a few minutes revealed a video of a man of average build with thinning blond hair and sallow cheeks standing a few feet away from Jase. The man was clearly talking with the boy for a good couple of minutes before they parted company. With no audio and from the angle making it impossible to even attempt to read lips Blossom moved on to the next vid. This snippet of video showed the boy without any obvious concern hanging out with some other children his age before entering the dorm room.

"That's odd," Blossom states. "There's no other facial recognition tags. Our boy, Jase, just vanishes unless his face isn't seen by the cameras after that. While the other video played, I ran some cross-checks on the staff at the school. That shaikujin, Jase was talking to in the first one is staff at the school."

She hurriedly taps a couple of commands on her keyboard and then swipes away from the device towards the wall screen. A picture of the man appears overlaying the video.

"Doctor Phil Carey," she announces. "He teaches Corporate Law, and, he's been out sick since just after that video."

"So I guess he is our next trail we follow?" Casino asked.

Working his way through whatever this burger consisted of Fixer watched the timestamps flash on the screen.

This is starting to go downhill in a bad way, between that damn ladder racking up injuries, he thinks he got off lucky just biting his tongue, and feels glad he isn't eating spaghetti, and relationships going sideways, and all the other wonderful news that has been thusly revealed.

"Doctor Phil Carey?" he thinks working on an onion ring "Corporate Law?" This has to be some complex situation coming up, and the big bosses want us to tone it down? Good luck with that!

"So where has he taken a leave of absence from exactly? And where does he live? Not that I expect him to be home with the sniffles at this point."

Posted on 2017-09-12 at 21:24:32.


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