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Parent thread: Flesh & Blood - A CyberPunk Game
GM for this game: Bromern Sal
Players for this game: TannTalas, Keeper of Dragons, Nomad D2, Hammer, Mischief, Espatier, dragon-soul92, CameToPlay
    Messages in Flesh & Blood - A Night City Adventure
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Ey First Post

With a conscious effort to avoid dwelling on the list of health effects forming in his mind, Bloodbank downed his Blitz in as little as three chugs and quickly replenished himself with the two water bottles. Focusing always had made him thirsty, and the patchjob on Casino's arm had certainly taken his full attention. For now, the medtech let his attention drift towards Rya and Jase's predicament.

There was no way he could let this woman get iced for loving a kid. Even if she was making a lot of mistakes in expressing that love, Colin could sympathize. But he wasn't sure he wanted to argue with his teammates again so soon after the dust had settled. So he resolved to not think about what was in this sandwich and stare out the window in an effort to keep himself preoccupied.

Posted on 2020-03-06 at 18:32:18.

Karma: 7/0
287 Posts

post is up

X00032:8.Y00001:12.Z00054:5, On the Mean Streets | South Night City Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - March 9th, Day 3 (Sunday), 01:20 PM PST

Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15 mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)

Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)


A ping sounds in Charlie’s head and a message notification pops up. It’s from Starlight.

Drop: 0900 tomorrow morning. Coordinates will be delivered 1 hour before.


Charile gets some study time in and waits for 0800 with the coords to pass on to the group. 

“I owe you all an apology,” Casino states, “mostly you Ghlahn and you Charlie. I let my emotions get in the way of my experience and that could have cost us all our lives. Though I can’t promise it will never happen again, I’ll do my damnedest to keep it in check.”

“ No reason to apologize, and your dead right... having someone trying to be in charge that allows emotions to get in the way would get a group of edge runners killed or worse. I will continue to watch over the group and help to the best of my abilities. All that I need everyone to do is simply their jobs, stay in their lanes. I’ll take care of the rest and get everyone paided. You solos need to be more like the Metal Cee here and just pull triggers when needed. Techs need to build/ repair weapons, armor and deal with the vehicles. Medtechs should be checking over everyones cybernetic, check on the health and welfare of the group.  Nomads should be used as scouts for recon missions . War drivers are all about info, buying, selling and hacking”. 

My to bring it all together

Charlie, pops his collar on his suit. 

 “It’s all about style and fashion here in the Night city, because if you're going to do anything you really need a new style or Gig. Otherwise why would anyone deal with you?. 

“Now... take a look at the threads that I'm wearing, last month it was part of the hottest fashion, but I’ll need to get something new again... and real soon. Otherwise...

Charlie tilts his head for a sec, then I’d look like most of you people. No offence but I don’t intend to eat kibble and bits all my life. I like real food. I want what those corpses have and more. Which leads me to my job

Negotiating, making contracts, analyzing the info that the wardrivers bring and earning credits. You need or want something... let me find it for you. I can find deals that you never will come across. But just like you other professionals... Nothing is for free, especially when it comes to wheeling and dealing. Nobody works for free... but if you do, I can find you some work...always. Oh...everyone get ready by 0900... time hacks are subject to change.  

Charlie then goes back to his wheeling and dealings on his phone. 

Looks like I got a few bites.... We can travel in two or one  vehicle but neither is cheap... per day so, if your riding... let me know so we can split the bill or you can either walk or take the bus. So.... who is in?

(( if everyone wants two vehicles, Luther will rent either one or two but if any of the PC don't wish to kick in then, they can take the busline ))


Posted on 2020-03-10 at 05:28:10.

Keeper of Dragons
Devil's Advocate
Karma: 59/18
2581 Posts

Ghalan returned with the kid.  "Well he didn't know much but he did know enough.  Here's what we talked about."

 Ghlahn leads the kid into the adjoining room and motions for him to sit on the bed before taking a seat in a chair. "Don' t be scared, kid. All we are gonna do is talk. In that other room are a whole bunch of people who are trying to figure out what to do with you. Should they let you stay with the mom you now know, take you back to your real mom, or just sell you to the highest bidder. For some reason, people want to get their hands on you and we don't know why. What they won't ask you is what you want to do. That is why I needed to get you alone, so I could ask you if you know why so many groups are interested in you and what you want to happen. I can try to help make sure your wishes are at least considered. Can't guarantee an outcome but at least you will have some input."  


Jase quietly stares up at the scary man and swallows. His eyes begin to slowly shift to the right, taking in objects in the room before moving on to another. After a time, he shakes his head, "I can't think of anything. I'm just a kid.


"But please, don't let them take me away from Rya!"


"How long have you and Rya been together? How did you meet? I'll try to get them to keep you together but I need a reason to give them to explain why."


"She started talking to me a while ago—months ago," Jase anxiously scratches at his arm. "She was a cleaning lady at the school and then... then she started to explain to me what had happened and I just knew it was true.


"Alys can't be my real mom. She doesn't even let me call her mom. She's only interested in my test scores and whether I'm putting in my best effort. She's mean. If anyone else in the school gets a higher score than me, she shows up and yells at me... she's scary. 


"I want to go with Rya. She's nice. She doesn't care about my scores, she just wants to make sure I'm happy."

Posted on 2020-03-28 at 06:52:06.

Bromern Sal
A Shadow
RDI Staff
Karma: 158/11
4402 Posts

X00032:8.Y00001:12.Z00054:5, On the Mean Streets | South Night City Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - March 9th, Day 3 (Sunday), 01:50 PM PST

Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15 mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)

Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)

Ghlahn relates the conversation while Jase climbs up on the bed and returns to Rya’s side, a look of consternation on his young face. A look that grows even more intense as the conversation between the edgerunners progresses. The debate over what to do with Rya and Jase is mitigated by a combined effort of Casino and Charlie, keeping everyone calm and open to discussion. Eventually, however reluctantly by some, it is decided that Jase is going to the drop in the morning. That’s what the team was hired to do and that’s what they’ll execute. Reputation is too valuable on the Street to squander. 

“I’m going too,” Rya proclaims once the decision is made. “I will never be separated from my hijo again.”

Warnings are given the woman by various members of the group—the more empathetic members—but she insists. After a few minutes of back and forth, the team lets the subject rest. Rya is determined to accompany Jase to the drop. Fixer sends Blossom a message asking after any dirt on Rya and hopes she will receive the message even though she’s jacked in.

With at least some kibble in their stomachs, the team returns to their various tasks. Echo, with her unwavering energy, continues to keep watch on the street below. Charlie accepts the team’s decision to get one vehicle keeping everyone together. Looking over his list, he selects the Four Dynasty Ram Pro and sends off the first message in what was more than likely going to be a negotiation. Casino continues to scan channels, but even with over seven hundred stations, he’s unable to find anything having to do with their firefight in the slums. Fixer returns from checking out the aerodyne and gives Charlie the thumbs up. Bloodbank sits himself turned about on the couch so he can also look out the window along with the nomad and the cyborg. They’ve got almost a full nineteen hours to kill and no one is certain that they’ve seen the last of the second team.

Despite his best efforts, Charlie isn’t able to get the rental price any lower. The price is 30/day and the other side of the deal is a hardened dealer. The ride will seat the entire team plus Rya and Jase comfortably. It’s an unarmored wheeled vehicle, but beggars can’t be choosers. The deal is set and a pick-up time of 1700 hours is set, giving the team a couple of hours to drop off the aerodyne and pick up the van.

It’s decided that Cred Stick Charlie will be accompanied by Ghlahn and Echo while Casino remains behind to keep everyone else safe. Ghlahn is by far the tank in this team and Echo’s experience with the Rolling State will be helpful when they inspect the van. The three leave shortly thereafter.

Luther sets up the meet with Fluke of the Vagabond Santiagos, a group of low life nomads according to Echo. Thanks to her caution, the three are prepared when Fluke attempts to weasel some additional funds out of them. Unfortunately, it does take Ghlahn’s enforcer muscles to make the Vagabond Santiagos stand down. Fortunately, between Echo’s knowledge of the Rolling State’s politics and Charlie’s sweet-talking, the aerodyne is left with Fluke and his crew without any additional fees being attached and no lifeblood spilled. 

On to the other meet in a robo taxi that the whole team pitched in for, the three arrive at their destination with a few minutes to spare. Ghlahn and Echo survey the car dealership and mark the very heavy security. Meat and metal guards this facility which doesn’t surprise Charlie. Lom “Big Dog” Khasanov is a high-ranking member of the Chechen gang, The Liberated. This is his operation. Warning Ghlahn and Echo to keep cool, Charlie leads them into the dealership, meets up with the sales manager, and without ever meeting “Big Dog,” delivers his cred chip number to the manager. Receiving the smart key, the team accepts their van and are on their way back to the hotel without any problems. Dealing with professionals has its perks.

It is close to 1900 hours when the three, Echo behind the wheel, pull into the hotel’s garage. Cautious in their return to the room, they make sure they aren’t being followed. Reunited, the team sets up their night schedule.

Casino is up first followed by Ghlahn. Echo will bring them into the morning hours while everyone else gets a much-needed full night's sleep. Though, for the most part, that isn’t possible for almost any of them. 

Everyone is awake and geared up by 0700 Monday morning. Jase looks like he is terrified and about to cry, constantly clinging to Rya’s side. Rya also looks scared but she is doing her best to put on a brave face saying things like, “It’ll be okay, hijo.” and, “I’m with you.”

Echo is once again driving as she’s the most skilled with this kind of vehicle. Charlie sits shotgun. Behind the driver’s seat sits Bloodbank with Casino across from him. Next are Rya and Jase with Fixer, Blossom, and Ghlahn in the back bench seat. Driving around the area will hopefully throw anyone off their scent if there is anyone still hunting them. And that’s what Echo does. 

Blossom leans over to Fixer and whispers, “She’s clean. At least, no police record and her last listed residence is a pretty nice conapt prefab in MidCity. Her tax records indicate that she worked for a hospital in Upper.”

At that moment, Charlie receives the coordinates from Starlight. 


This puts them in Undercity and closer to the water. It takes the team just about an hour to reach the site. Was someone aware of their location to plan it so perfectly? 

The coordinates are a series of warehouses tucked in the shadows of a tower extension that blocks out any light that may have reached these city depths. The exact location of the drop is between two buildings in a stretch of cracked pavement road big enough for a team of semi-trucks to drive side-by-side through it. Edgerunners with optical HUDS mark the width at thirty meters and the length a good two hundred meters. In the center of the lane there are two black sedans with completely tinted windows and a black aerodyne limo behind them, currently resting. As Echo pulls the van in close, the sedans’ doors open and nine people get out, all of them in black suits with armored overcoats. It isn’t hard to recognize corporate exec level security details and this is definitely one. The ninth individual to get out is a smaller man with slicked-back TechHair® that shifts in color from deep blue to deep red and back again. He’s definitely marked with NuCybe lines about his eyes and throat. He’s obviously the one in charge as he steps forward.

“Please,” Jase tries one last time. “Please just don’t give me over to her!”

“Shhh, Jase,” Rya whispers. “These people were hired to do a job and they are professionals. We must accept our fates.”

(OOC: March 10th, Day 4 - Monday, Time is 08:57 AM PST - Undercity, Waterside X00054:8.Y00030:12.Z00032:25, South Night City Integrate.)

Posted on 2020-04-30 at 20:20:00.

Karma: 7/0
287 Posts

Luther exits the vehicle and will stand beside the vehicle and wait for a signal from them that they are ready to start. 

Posted on 2020-05-01 at 16:35:26.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3140 Posts

hating every minute of it

Fixer disliked every minute of the handoff.  At every moment it felt like they were being set up.  It was dangerous and there was really nothing he could do to make it less so. He disliked seeing the kid so upset.  But he'd also grown tired of the kids unwarranted whining leading to people dying.  Maybe himself.  The kid was selfish.  Or hiding something.  Or both.  And Rya was suddenly impressed by their professionalism?  It seemed odd.  Nothing in what she had done so far made that reaction likely.  Other than maybe just trying to calm the poor kid.  Poor kid?  No, if there was one thing this kid was, it wasn't poor.  Rich rather.  And running.  It still didn't make sense to him.

Fixer knew there wasn't much he could do.  He'd have to rely on the others to carry out the drop.  Well, he'd keep his eyes open.  First, as they approached the drop he scanned everywhere he could looking for electrical surveliance or threats.  Was there any as-yet unseen threat?   After that he kept his eyes locked on Rya and Jace.  He didn't think they had weapons on them.  But they'd run far enough already it seemed an almost certainty that they'd make a break for it again.  And then what would happen?  Or did they have some other plan?  To try and take over the vehicle when part of the team left?  He couldn't see it happening, but he was going to make darn sure it didn't happen.  So when his scan for security was done he ignored the events outside and focused on those inside the vehicle.  Jace and Rya.  He  focused his audio equipment on them so that he'd hear them breath.  If they were up to something, he wanted to know what.

Posted on 2020-05-06 at 21:11:06.

Trilogy Master
RDI Staff
Karma: 181/119
6817 Posts

It's on like Donkey Kong

Dawn came and with it a new set of wheels, a very roomy van. Echo driving, Cred Stick seated shotgun, Behind the driver’s seat sits Bloodbank, Casino across from him, Rya and Jase with Fixer, Blossom, and Ghlahn in the back. All of the group in one place for a change, though also an easy target if any enemy decided to end them.

A number of times around the block and down strange streets to put off any followers and finally the call comes in. Meet set up at ...... X00054:8.Y00030:12.Z00032:25

The Undercity, close to the water, hour to get there, no time to plan, Blossom unable to get a scan of meet location. No time to drop Ghlahn for high cover, no time for counter cyber warfare, no time to deploy Charlie’s drone. No time to plan, seat of pants going in, bad gut feeling.

People once believed that when someone dies
a Crow carries their soul to the land of the dead
but sometimes, something so bad happens
a terrible sadness is carried with it, and the soul can’t rest.
Then sometimes, just sometimes, the Crow can bring that soul back
to put the wrong things right. 

Souls, sadness, crows, Croaker, Jaimy, Bullseye, names from the past or heard in the present? Dead, alive, real or fake, dreams of a time gone by, or fantasy of the present. Pulling into the meeting site, time to focus thoughts, finish this job, go rescue Vegas.

As Casino took note of the two black sedans and the high priced limo nestled behind them, Echo pulled into the center of the meet and stopped.

“Charlie you have the lead, you know how to deal with these type of people. Ghlahn you on Charlie, Echo on me. Bloodbank, Fixer, stay in the van with the boy and his mom when Charlie signals bring them out and hand them over to him and Ghlahn. Blossom if you feel its safe, and only you would know for sure, do a face rec on these guys, if not sit tight as our last line of cover.”

As Charlie got out with Ghlahn on his six, the large solo himself climbed out bringing his SMG/Gren launcher to a position of readiness hopefully not too threatening. The sedans’ doors open and nine people get out, all of them in black suits with armored overcoats. It isn’t hard to recognize corporate exec level security details and this is definitely one. The ninth individual to get out is a smaller man with slicked-back TechHair® that shifts in color from deep blue to deep red and back again. He’s definitely marked with NuCybe lines about his eyes and throat. He’s obviously the one in charge as he steps forward.

With everyone hopefully as ready and set as they could be, it was time for Cred Stick Charlie to do his thing........

Posted on 2020-05-07 at 19:39:16.
Edited on 2020-05-07 at 19:40:27 by TannTalas

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 19/2
193 Posts

Probably a Mistake

“I’m going too,” Rya proclaims, “I will never be separated from my hijo again.”

Her words may as well have been a punch to the gut for Bloodbank. His blood ran cold and his fists clenched at her declaration. Staying with the kid, going to the drop only ended one way: Rya in a body bag. Jase was going to lose her again, one horrific way or another.

Protests and concerns ring out, Bloodbank’s voice one of the loudest. Even for all the trouble this woman has caused, Rya losing her life is something he can’t abide. He tells her as much, along with desperate thoughts on the kid finding her later when he’s grown and free, but Rya hears none of it. She’s going with, and likely will be dead for her trouble.

With his teammates preoccupied and so many hours between them and the drop, Bloodbank tries to make himself useful in the meantime, keeping watch for a good chunk of time. He almost succeeds in keeping his calm the whole time, though one could swear his teeth are metal with how hard he grinds them in those nineteen hours.

He cracks on a bathroom break. Standing by, not doing anything to help this woman - even if its her own choice - is just not in his nature. So Bloodbank draws the army knife from his pocket, exits the bathroom, and pawns it off to Rya as she goes in herself.

“Don’t be stupid with it,” he whispers, “If you use it on the team, they’ll put you down. But maybe it can buy you and the kid your freedom.” And he leaves it at that.

The time for the meet-up finally came, and Bloodbank is more than ready to get on the road. He makes sure to secure a seat across from Rya, hoping against hope that she will heed his warning. He spends the ride triple-checking his equipment, ensuring his gun is loaded in particular.

At the dropoff, Bloodbank sits tight at Casino's order. As best he can from the backseat, he surveys the decked-out security team, swallowing past a new lump in his throat. They’re armed to the teeth and he gave a knife to a desperate woman.

This is sure to end well.

Posted on 2020-05-07 at 20:50:12.

Karma: 7/0
287 Posts

the last 15 ft

The face mask that was aligned with the phantom of the opera might not have been a bad idea, not for the filter part but hopefully assist with staying in the shadows. This was like the longest yard for Luther and having a tank right behind him didn't make things feel any better. It was like seeing a movie about "checkpoint Charlie" back in Germany during the late 70's early 80s. Tension, sometimes the soviets or the germans had the advantage and this is what Luther imagined it would be like. Like a bad spy movie, and Luther know that this is his last walk for sure. Everything depends on wait others will do but hey, you only live once. 


"I'll take Ghlan for now".  Luther comments to Casino. " Ghlan, ready to walk?" Luther turns his head " not to close, no visible weapons should be seen, even if they bear them. We don't need to escalate this anymore than needed, Easy peasy". 

** 15 feet, that is all that this is, just a lousy 15 ft, hell this isn't going to be easy peasy **

Luther reaches slowly for his "zippo" lighter, and repeatedly opens and closes it with a clicking noise and advances slowly the last 15 ft. Waits... 


Posted on 2020-05-10 at 02:34:34.

Keeper of Dragons
Devil's Advocate
Karma: 59/18
2581 Posts

Ghlahn is a bit surprised Luther want shim not Casino to join him for the meet itelf.  But only for amoment, he is more likely to remain calm.   Casino tended to be a bit impulsive.  "You got it, no weapons in the open.  Let's get this done.  If it goes to hell just run and don't let me pass you.  I've got your six."  The CREE walked confidently over the last 15 feet.  The presence of a sec team concerned him as he knew how outgunned they would be if it came to a fight.  Plus teh incident in th garage left a bad taste in his mouth.  He could only hope that fate would be a kind mistress.  He stopped just a step to the right and behind Luther and adopted a "couldn't care less" stance. 

Posted on 2020-05-10 at 05:16:45.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 7/1
114 Posts

short but feels good to be back

Once again Echo found herself behind the wheel driving into a possible firefight, however, cracking a small smile, was this not the reason she was an edgerunner, the moments like these. As she pulled into the actual meet site she noticed the sedans and limo.

Slowly pulling to a stop she found that she had managed to get well within range of the teams small arms in case things went badly.

"Charlie you have the lead, you know how to deal with these type of people. Ghlahn you on Charlie, Echo on me. Bloodbank, Fixer, stay in the van with the boy and his mom when Charlie signals bring them out and hand them over to him and Ghlahn. Blossom if you feel its safe, and only you would know for sure, do a face rec on these guys, if not sit tight as our last line of cover.”

Opening her drivers door Echo started to stand then thought better of it. Keeping one foot in the car and placing the other foot on the ground outside she placed her Submachine gun on her lap and out of sight.Signaling Casino as to her placement still semi within the van, yet still behind him and covering him, all she could do now was wait and hope everything would go through ok. The adrenaline pumping throughout her body the Rolling State edgerunner had to admit this was what she lived for. A quick glance at Casino, ....And maybe something else.........

Posted on 2020-05-10 at 16:34:33.
Edited on 2020-05-10 at 16:39:27 by Mischief

Bromern Sal
A Shadow
RDI Staff
Karma: 158/11
4402 Posts

X00054:8.Y00030:12.Z00032:25, Undercity, Waterside | South Night City Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - March 10th, Day 4 (Monday), 09:00 AM PST

Weather Conditions: High City (Very Windy, 25 mph winds from the West.) | Midcity (Windy, 13mph winds from the West.) | Undercity (Slight Wind, 5mph gusts from the West.)

Air Quality Index: High City = 0 | Midcity = 35 | Undercity = 65 (masks required)

Fixer knows there isn’t much he can do. He will have to rely on the others to carry out the drop.  Well, he muses, I’ll keep my eyes open. First, as they approach the drop, he scans everywhere he can, searching for electrical surveillance or threats. Is there any as-yet-unseen threat? The place is sealed as tight as a radioactive canister. One way in, one way out. Nothing else to do, he turns to the package.

Keeping his eyes locked on Rya and Jase, he doesn’t think they have weapons on them, but they'd run far enough already it seems an almost certainty that they'd make a break for it again given the chance. And then what would happen? Or did they have some other plan? To try and take over the vehicle when part of the team left? He can’t see it happening, but he is going to make darn sure it doesn’t happen. So, his scan for security done, he ignores the events outside and focuses on those inside the vehicle. Jase and Rya. He focuses his audio equipment on them so that he can hear the rhythm of their breath. If they are up to something, he wants to know what. Elevated heart rates and shallow breathing fill his ears.

"Charlie,” Casino states as the van pulls to a stop, “you have the lead. You know how to deal with these types of people. Ghlahn you on Charlie, Echo on me. Bloodbank, Fixer, stay in the van with the boy and his mom. When Charlie signals, bring them out and hand them over to him and Ghlahn. Blossom, if you feel it's safe—and only you would know for sure—do a face rec on these guys. If not sit tight as our last line of cover.”

Opening her driver's door, Echo rises to stand then thinks better of it. Keeping one foot in the van and placing the other foot on the ground outside, she rests her submachine gun on her right thigh and out of sight. Signaling Casino as to her placement, still semi within the van, yet still behind him and covering him, all she can do now is wait and hope everything will go through okay. The adrenaline pumping throughout her body, the Rolling State edgerunner has to admit this is what she lives for. A quick glance at Casino produces the thought, And maybe something else

Bloodbank sits tight at Casino's order. As best he can from the backseat, he surveys the decked-out security team, swallowing past a new lump in his throat. They’re armed to the teeth and he gave a knife to a desperate woman.

This is sure to end well.

"I'll take Ghlahn for now," Luther comments through the filtered mouthpiece of his Phantom mask to Casino. "Ghlahn, ready to walk?" 

Cred Stick Charlie turns his head as he starts making his way to the approaching corporate delegation. "Not to close, no visible weapons should be seen, even if they bear them. We don't need to escalate this any more than needed. Easy peasy." 

Slowly reaching inside his coat for his Zippo lighter, he produces it to repeatedly opens and closes the cap with a clicking noise while he slowly advances the last 15 ft. Ghlahn is a bit surprised that Luther wants him and not Casino to join him for the meet itself, but only for a moment. He is more likely to remain calm and Casino tends to be a bit impulsive, after all.  

"You got it, no weapons in the open. Let's get this done. If it goes to Hell, just run and don't let me pass you. I've got your six." The CEE-Metal walks confidently over the last fifteen feet. The presence of a sec team concerns him as he knows how outgunned they would be if it came to a fight. Plus the incident in the garage left a bad taste in his mouth. He can only hope that Fate would be a kind mistress. He stops just a step to the right and behind Luther and adopts a "couldn't care less" stance.

As Charlie and Ghlahn approach the midway point, so too does the Hairtech and two of his goons. Arriving together in the middle at the same time, Hairtech crosses his arms in front of his double-breasted SpiderSilk suit and grips his left hand in his right. 

“You have the child?” He asks in a flat, practiced way. “Produce him and bring him to me. Once we have the child in secure custody and have left the site, my employer will wire the credit to your employer.”

(OOC: March 10th, Day 4 - Monday, Time is 09:02 AM PST - Undercity, Waterside X00054:8.Y00030:12.Z00032:25, South Night City Integrate.)

Posted on 2020-05-11 at 16:31:36.

Keeper of Dragons
Devil's Advocate
Karma: 59/18
2581 Posts

Ghlahn hid an annoyed smile at Hairtech's words.  Why was it always "give us stuff now and we give you stuff later"?  If they give up the package they might or might not get paid later.  The buyer did appear to be a person of influence so it wasn't likely they didn't have the credits.  But then again, he also had the means to hire a well armed group and once the kid was out of the picture there wasn't much to stop the buyer from having this sec team save him some credits.  Of course that could ruin his reputation so there was at least that going for them.  Hopefully Charlie could talk them into a more suitable arrangement.  If not, then there really wasn't much choice but to do as they asked.  A shootout here might see him make it out alive if he got really lucky and didn't bother to even try to protect the team.  But, he knew he would do his best to get them out alive and that would likely end up badly.  For now he simply stood quietly and evaluated the sec team.

Perception check to see if the goons seemed nervous.  Not sure what check it would be but also looking to see where the sec team might take positions for a fight and where he himself could find cover.            Rolled a 3 and 9

Posted on 2020-05-11 at 16:56:05.
Edited on 2020-05-13 at 12:12:11 by Keeper of Dragons

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3140 Posts

When your life is in someone elses hands.

Fixer disliked every moment of this event.  He was used to stress and even enjoyed stress a bit.  Sometimes it made you feel alive.  Right now it just made him feel very, very close to dead.  And the truly dmnable thing was, there was almost nothing he could do about it.  His life, Jace's future, Vagas' fate - right now all of it was in the hands of those out there doing the talking.  He just didn't want anything stupid to happen.

But since he couldn't change what happened out there - he ignored it.  He watched Jace and Rya.  That was his self-appointed task for the moment.  If she moved, he would stop her. They needed to stay calm.  He kept all of his senses and sensors trained on the pair of them.  Let the quarry not cause the hunters problems now.

Posted on 2020-05-13 at 22:45:56.

Trilogy Master
RDI Staff
Karma: 181/119
6817 Posts

Better safe then sorry rt Brom lol

As Casino stood quietly watching Charle and Ghlahn move towards Hairtech he knew things could go to s*** in a heartbeat. For the moment his smg/gren launcher was across his chest but clearly pointed at the ground and his hands in his back pockets. He knew with his Boostmaster reflex’s he could easily have the weapon up and firing in seconds. With his hands clasped in front of him and in clear sight all he could do was hope Charlies power of negotiation was as good as he thought it was.

However the big solo was not stupid enough to think the eight man sec team did not have the same, or in this case, much better tech of their own. Though none of the eight had weapons showing, they were clearly heavily armored and Ghlahn’s closeness would be the best bet to get a one shot, one kill on Hairtech.

Hairtech was the first to speak as Charlie and Ghlahn came to a stop.

“You have the child? Produce him and bring him to me. Once we have the child in secure custody and have left the site, my employer will wire the credit to your employer”

Casino’s fist clinched, this was the part he hated, the trust that those who had hired the fixer, in this case Starlight, would honor the contract and give the credit to her to be paid to them. Then came the level of trust needed for Starlight to actually give them the credits on her part. Afterall someone had to have hired that second team right, what was to say it was not her.

Knowing Echo was seated right behind him ready to hit the gas to get them out of there was a help to calm the nerves, but if things went wrong and the shooting started Casino gave Charlie no chance of reaching the car before being shot to s*** and killed. The cyborg could easily take a wave of bullets and make the van, but he too would be hurt. Not a good outlook at all. He hated giving Rya over to possible death, but he had given her a chance to walk away and she had refused. It all now came down to Charlie’s ability to get them paid.


~Edited 05/15/2020~

Posted on 2020-05-14 at 05:36:39.
Edited on 2020-05-15 at 16:00:44 by TannTalas


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