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Parent thread: Flesh & Blood - A CyberPunk Game
GM for this game: Bromern Sal
Players for this game: TannTalas, Keeper of Dragons, Nomad D2, Hammer, Mischief, Espatier, dragon-soul92, CameToPlay
    Messages in Flesh & Blood - A Night City Adventure
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Bromern Sal
A Shadow
RDI Staff
Karma: 158/11
4402 Posts

The Alley Outside the Upstairs Downstairs Inc. Building | Night City Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - March 9th, Day 3 (Sunday), 4:08 AM PST

Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)

Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)

“Vegas, what’s your status partner?”

Silence reigns for a full fifteen seconds followed by a click. “Vegas is no longer the owner of this… quaint piece of tech. If you want to come have a chat, we’ll talk about returning it to him.”

Stunned Casino holds the walkie talkie in his hand and does not say anything at first, the static roaring in his ear.

“Where, when?”

“Twelve ten vertical, eighty-fourth street. The sooner the better.”

“Oh, one more thing. We have the boy’s location, straight trade, agreed?”

“I don’t care about your sick habits. Blood will be repaid in blood. Your team ended seven of mine, so I will take ten of you in return. If there aren’t ten of you to take, I’ll move on to your family and friends until I have an accounting.

Your buddy, Vegas was nice enough to spill some beans once we doped him with Truther. The only reason he’s still alive is because he is convinced you’ll come looking for him and when you do… that’s when the accounting starts.” The ominous message cuts off abruptly with a slight squeak of the walkie.

“Damn,” Bloodbank shakes his masked head slowly.

“Who the hell was that?” Blossom asks.

Grim eyes meet Casino’s as Echo’s brow furrows. He can’t see her pursed lips behind the balaclava wrapped about her head and face but the squaring of her shoulders tells him that she’ll back his play if he wants to go investigate.

“Was that the other team that Cred Stick Charlie mentioned?” the netrunner conjects in a slightly higher voice. “Sh*t, sh*t, sh*t, sh*t, sh*t.”

Placing the walkie in his pocket, Casino quickly draws out his new agent and searches through his contacts for Ghlahn’s before realizing that the team had never exchanged agent information, thus their need for the walkie-talkies.

“Unknown’s, most likely the second retrieval team Starlight warned us about. They have Vegas so they may be tracking us when we use the Walkie-Talkies. I’m going after him.”

He pauses and makes contact with Echo’s worried eyes, receiving a clear nod of her head in return. The middle-aged runner knows the young girl—for whatever reason, and with no chance of him talking her out of it—is going with him.

“Echo is also going with me,” he addresses the remainder of the team. “I could use your skills, but I know that the boy may come first for you. I got nothing value-wise to offer you to make up for the loss in cred's that you'll take coming with us, but a personal IOU. If you decide to go after the boy, good luck.”

“You heard the dickhead on the other end of the walkie, Casino,” Bloodbank argues, using his hands for emphasis and motioning to the solo’s pocket. “You wanna go be heroic and get dead? Even if you somehow manage to get Vegas back alive—and I hate to even suggest this, but chances are, they’ve already killed him. You didn’t get any proof of life—Starlight will be forced to put numbers on your heads—all of you, including you Echo—for abandoning the contract. So, you’re dead either way.

“The smart thing to do is resolve this contract and see if you can find out more about who took Vegas and why. What’s this sh*t about blood for blood? What does any of it even mean? You’ve got nothing to go off of but an address which is damn sure to be an ambush.”

“Screw this,” Blossom frowns and shakes her head, her wet, platinum locks clinging to her face. “I’m sending a message to Cred Stick Charlie. The suit has direct contact with Starlight and she put him here to keep this gig together.”

“There’s that,” Bloodbank holds his arm out towards the netrunner. “Not to mention that the boogieman has already said they doped Vegas. Truther’s some heavy stuff. They’ve likely got all of our names and the info for our contract.”

“Could they?” Echo looks to Blossom but the netrunner is obviously jacked in so she looks back to Casino. “Is that true?”

“Yes, it’s true,” Bloodbank inserts. “Truther is expensive too. It isn’t that designer crap gangers use on the Street that can be overcome with a bit of willpower. Vegas has likely shared with them his family tree, his bank account numbers… even Casino’s shoe size. They’ll have our full descriptions, our names, what we’re looking for, Starlight’s info, Cred Stick Charlie… Ghlahn… everything.”

“If the drug is that expensive then we aren’t dealing with—” a glaze rolls across the pretty nomad’s frightened eyes. “—a Neo-Corp.”

“Ya,” the medtech grimly agrees. “That’s what I was thinking too.”

“Message sent,” Blossom comes out of her VR world and crunches on the candy in her mouth. “Be smart, dude,” she addresses Casino directly. “You’ll need a full team to even have a small chance for success and you’re intent on draggin’ Bambi, here to her death as well as pulling some strange Samurai hari-kari sh*t yourself.

“The Boy Scout is right, ya know. This group likely has all our sh*t locked down, including Starlight and Charlie. We’ll need to perform a clean job after we’re done completing this contract anyway. Maybe they’ll hold onto Vegas until then? Probs not, but there ain’t no way you can save his life by throwing yours away.”

Looking to the group, Casino takes a deep breath, ”Well looks like I’m out—Echo and I—as you heard, are going after Vegas.”

“Um,” Echo closes her eyes and looks directly into Casino’s when she opens them again. “I believe them, Casino. I’ve experience with the Neo-Corps and this sounds exactly like something they’d do.” Stepping closer, she unwraps the balaclava revealing her pouty lips and smooth, tan flesh. Placing her right hand on his chest, she looks up at the solo and stands on her tiptoes to plant a passionate kiss on his lips.

Bloodbank—immersed in awkwardness at the sudden display—turns his head away. Blossom frowns and huffs impatiently.

The kiss lasts for fifteen seconds before Echo slowly pulls away and meets his eyes with a shy gaze. “I don’t want to die, Casino. And I don’t want you to die.”

(OOC: March 9th, Day 3 - Sunday, Time is 04:11 AM PST)


Near the Parking Garage two blocks from the Upstairs Downstairs Inc. Building | Night City Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - March 9th, Day 3 (Sunday), 03:46 AM PST

Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)

Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)

Refraining from sitting and without the need to eat food, Ghlahn drops his bag onto one of the tables and pulls out his Vox Communications Personal Agent Device. He keeps his battle mask over his face for security purposes but the hand-held can be activate with a thought from his neural link. Navigating to the Dark Web, he quickly produces the website he had been recruited by Starlight from. And there it is, a message on his profile. Opening it, the CEE-Metal soldier see’s Vegas’ Frank Sinatra face appear in a video feed.

“Where you at, choomba?” the image asks, rain dripping from his fedora’s visor. “There’s one helluvah mess on the street here and it is crawling with Neo-Corp stooges. I can’t get anywhere near the garage you were hold up in. Sing me a song when you get this. We need to dance quick. The run went well but I don’t know how far ahead of the clean-up team we are. We can’t have any more delays.”

The solo glances around at surroundings Ghlahn cannot see and then frowns. “Sh*t. Looks like I get to dance with the stooges. I’ll check the site for your reply as soon as I’ve answered their questions.”

The video message ends with Vegas lowering his agent, the camera still recording for a moment; just long enough to show the approach of three sec operators.

Safe for the time being, Ghlahn settles in to think about the message. After a while, he pulls his agent back out and looks for another message from the dapper solo. Maybe the man sent him something after getting rid of the sec operators. There’s another message all right. This one from Blossom and text only.

<== Vegas has been picked up by some Neo-Corp. He went looking for you and since we haven’t heard from you, I got no idea what’s happening with you. I’ve set up a monitoring subroutine on this message. Reply to it and I’ll receive the notification prompt-like. If you’re alive, we need to regroup. If you’re dead… well, you won’t get this message. ==>

(OOC: March 9th, Day 3 - Sunday, Time is 04:11 AM PST)


the Long Mile Fueling Station | SanFran Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - March 9th, Day 3 (Sunday), 5:11 AM PST --- Weather Conditions: High City (heavy rain, 20mph winds from the N.) | Midcity (light rain, 10mph winds from the N.) | Undercity (fog and drizzle, no winds.)

Air Quality Index: High City = 15 | Midcity = 36 | Undercity = 86 (masks required - Red warning)

When Luther responds in the negative, the police officer continues. “You have a taillight out.”

Cred Stick Charlie knows this is a blatant lie. He checked the lights before leaving the fueling station. Officer Burns steps towards the jeep again and extends his hand to take the fake ID, retrieving a pen-sized device from his ballistics vest at the same time. That device, Luther knows, places a digital mark on the ID which, in turn, authorizes the Police Department’s bank to request a draft against the offender’s bank account. If the ID holder refuses to authorize the draft (which they can do as soon as the mark is made), the police are notified and the offender can be picked up on a warrant.

"Damn it! Apologies, Officer," Luther drops the ID inside the vehicle and asks if he can retrieve it... slowly.

“Real slow-like,” Burns responds, hand on his service weapon. “Real slow.”

"Perhaps... Officer Burns, this might allow you to... forget this little infraction?" Luther uses his oh, so well-know infectious smile. "I know that you are a very busy man and I would like to perhaps... show my appreciation for all the hard work that Night City’s finest has to offer, please take this... as a token of respect, please."

Officer Burns stares at the offered Night City Dollars in Luther’s outstretched hand. The offer isn’t blatantly out in the public but concealed in a palm with just the corner sticking out. Fifty dollars in the brightly colored Night City currency… that’s what Luther could quickly produce and that’s what’s being offered for this corrupt cop to leave him the hell alone.

"Of course, Officer burns... I will get that light checked out as soon as I get back home,” Luther is just screaming to run inside his mind, his fear—even with limited contact—over whether one one of his best pieces of work would pass scrutiny—could still bring everything down around him. Luther’s stomach aches with tension, “and I hope that you will find the token of appreciation to your satisfaction, of course. didn't mean to be so direct officer but I know that you’re a very busy man and I hope that you will ‘seize’ the moment."

Stay calm, don't move, just smile at the nice officer and lets see if he will take this bribe and then we will get away, Luther's inner voice gnaws at him. Now, Luther doesn’t hear real voices but something is ringing his inner alarm system inside his head and that brings back something that Luther thought was long gone and suddenly the need to indulge in one of his many vices is nearly overpowering.

Braindance will not do it... nope. Luther is going to get a double capsule, a joy girl, and some quick eros pills. Of course, even then he will have to show constraint and not give in to his past addiction.

Easy to think or say… Luther. You know Luther... he knows all about you and that is why he pulled you over, right? A new tiny voice inserts itself into his most inner thoughts. Luther isn’t crazy; no, but when Luther has unfinished business within his last city, he had told himself that he wouldn't make the same mistakes again. The FBI are still looking for him and his new enemy and past partner. Luther isn’t a snitch and uses the roots and core values of the "G" code in his life to stay alive.

Let's just hurry it up, Officer and just take the #$%ing credits and let me go. Luther's brain screams in yet another new voice in the milliseconds that seem like 15-minutes as the hidden facial expression prevented him from getting a read on Officer Burn’s face. Luther is having trouble keeping his merde together.

Yes, it seems that Officer Burns is taking his time. Maybe he is taking his time and is still going to run Cred Stick Charlie’s I.D.? And even worse... keep his money.

Stepping forward, Burns makes like he’s shaking the fixer’s hand and palms the cash away. “You have a nice day, Mr. Hastiin.” Pocketing the cash, the police officer steps away from the hover jeep and slowly makes his way back to his vehicle leaving Luther all alone with his voices again.

Breathing deeply to calm his nerves and silence the voices, Cred Stick Charlie withdraws his agent from his pocket and wipes the misty rain from the screen with the side of his palm. Using a combination of mental commands and pushing links and buttons, the fixer accesses the worksite in the Dark Net and pumps out a message to Vegas.

<== Have ride. Almost to the target. Where’s the meet? ==>

That’s when he notices the message from Blossom. The enterprising little netrunner had tracked him down and dropped him a line.

<== The sh*t has hit the fan. We’ve got a real solid lead on the target but Vegas has gone and got himself caught by what looks like a Neo-Corp. They’re demanding blood for blood—whatever the hell that means—and Casino is intent on going all Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid to get his partner back. We’re trying to talk some sense into the big guy, but he’s like a bull on steroids. Ghlahn’s missing too. Vegas went looking for him when he got got. ==>

The message is time-stamped at 4:10 AM. It’s been over an hour since it was sent.

(OOC: March 9th, Day 3 - Sunday, Time is 5:14 AM PST)

Posted on 2019-02-15 at 16:25:32.

Trilogy Master
RDI Staff
Karma: 181/119
6817 Posts

Alley Outside the Upstairs Downstairs Inc. Building | Night City Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - March 9th, Day 3 (Sunday), 4:05 AM PST
Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)
Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)

“Where, when?”

“Twelve ten vertical, eighty-fourth street. The sooner the better.”

“Oh, one more thing. We have the boy’s location, straight trade, agreed?”

“I don’t care about your sick habits. Blood will be repaid in blood. Your team ended seven of mine, so I will take ten of you in return. If there aren’t ten of you to take, I’ll move on to your family and friends until I have an accounting.
“Your buddy, Vegas was nice enough to spill some beans once we doped him with Truther. The only reason he’s still alive is because he is convinced you’ll come looking for him and when you do… that’s when the accounting starts.” The ominous message cuts off abruptly with a slight squeak of the walkie.

What the hell Casino thought to himself too stunned to talk. Ten for seven of his dead? His brain working over time he went back over the past few days.

“Echo is also going with me,” he addresses the remainder of the team. “I could use your skills, but I know that the boy may come first for you. I got nothing value-wise to offer you to make up for the loss in cred's that you'll take coming with us, but a personal IOU. If you decide to go after the boy, good luck.”

Turning away to look towards nowhere, the rest of the conversation was lost on him until his attention was snapped back by Echo's trembling voice.

“If the drug is that expensive then we aren’t dealing with—” a glaze rolls across the pretty nomad’s frightened eyes. “—a Neo-Corp.”

A Neo-Corp sec team? what the hell? Why would they claim this group had killed seven of them? Thinking quickly Casino played back the number of dead so far on this run.

1st the bangers outside of the club that Fixer, Vegas and he had killed there were what, only four, five, of them. Clearly they could not be linked to a Neo-Corp, could they?

2nd the fight in the ER, five dead there for sure by his own hand, but how many in the waiting room by the cops, could that be it. Could the Leader been hired by this Corp to kill a rival? But if such why spend all this just to get him and the rest of the group just hire a new bunch of idiots and be done. Plus it was only him that did the killing there why target everyone?
And were they actually dealing with a Corp to begin with 

Too many f***ing questions. All Casino knew was his partner, his only true friend, was either being held as bait or dead and only Echo and he were headed into this trap to help.

Looking to the group, Casino takes a deep breath, ”Well looks like I’m out—Echo and I—as you heard, are going after Vegas.”

“Um,” Echo closes her eyes and looks directly into Casino’s when she opens them again. “I believe them, Casino. I’ve experience with the Neo-Corps and this sounds exactly like something they’d do.” Stepping closer, she unwraps the balaclava revealing her pouty lips and smooth, tan flesh. Placing her right hand on his chest, she looks up at the solo and stands on her tiptoes to plant a passionate kiss on his lips. The kiss lasts for fifteen seconds before Echo slowly pulls away and meets his eyes with a shy gaze.

“I don’t want to die, Casino. And I don’t want you to die"

Totally caught off guard the big solo steps back not knowing what the hell just happened. Never had he expected such a public display of what was building between them, or that for her, that it had reached such a level in so short a time. In that instance Casino felt something he had not in a long time. Was it love for a daughter or a new romance with the young girl, whatever it was, she was right. Also the big solo thought to himself what would Vegas do. Certainly not run into an obvious trap.

A deep breath to calm himself he looked towards Bloodbank, the feel of Echo’s lips still on his.

“Ok you say finish the run, find the boy, yada yada. I kinda think based on what these people know, Vegas alive or not, we need to deal with this. Starlight needs to know that she is compromised and this ain’t no rescue op no more and her ass is on the line just the same as us and we need to pool resources together as a team, her people and us.”

A quick glance at Blossom to acknowledge she had already sent off a message,

“Let the B team get the boy as I think our time would be better spent finding out who these choomba’s are and removing them as a direct threat to our health, then rescuing some rich kid."

Looking at all of them awaiting thier reactions, a fresh question came to Casino’s mind. “What the hell did he mean he lost seven of his to this group? What the hell happened while I was not with you all?”...................

Posted on 2019-02-17 at 17:12:04.
Edited on 2019-02-17 at 17:22:06 by TannTalas

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3141 Posts

What the *%^$!* had they gotten into?

Fixer watched as Casino made plans to run off and fetch his friend.  He admired his loyalty, but feared that it was misplaced.  Still, he was surprised by the display put on by Echo.  But it might have saved the big man's life.

"Crap.  Anybody really know what the hell we got oursevles into?  I don't.  And I don't think I can remember that many bodies.  What happened in that hospital when there was a shootout?  Might it be that?"  He looked at Casino for a second and then shook his head.  "It doesn't matter at the moment.  We have three tasks we need to hit real fast and really efficiently.  1. Save the kid.  2.  Save Vegas.  3.  Deal with this neo-corp mess."  He glanced at Casino as he finished.  "Not necessarily in that order."  

"Casino, am I right that you are still hot for heading after Vegas?  I'll help with that at some point - I admire your loyalty and we are all in some sort of mess here.  But not yet, I don't think.  If you go, start by just scouting things out.  Try and find out where they are and figure out a plan.  But if you want my advice, don't go in yet.  Wait for the rest of us.  I can't stop you if you want to play John Wayne, but your odds go up with backup."  He looked around at the rest of the group.  "Meanwhile, while Casino and maybe Echo are figuring out how to tackle that problem we need to solve another one - the kid.  I say we high tail it after that boy - and try to make contact with Starlight one the way.  I wish I had confidence we haven't been left out to dry, but maybe.  Maybe she's got something on our side.  Maybe team two will be useful and not just more pressure up our arse.  Lets find the kid, make contact with Starlight and then return to find out what Casino has found."

The Fixer looked around to see what the others thought.  It seemed everything had gone to hell in a handbasket and he hadn't even realized they were being taken for a ride.  He knew a lot of words his grandmother got angry when he said and they were all running through his head at this moment.  "We got a time crunch every which way on this gig right now.  Time for us all to saddle up and ride or whatever the proper John Wayne western cliche is."

As the group prepared to do whatever tasks it had decided upon he looked again at Casino.  "I'm not going to echo Echo's plea, but none of us want you to walk into a trap.  We will get there if you can figure out what to do once we do."

Posted on 2019-02-18 at 17:27:15.

Bromern Sal
A Shadow
RDI Staff
Karma: 158/11
4402 Posts

The Alley Outside the Upstairs Downstairs Inc. Building | Night City Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - March 9th, Day 3 (Sunday), 4:11 AM PST

Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)

Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)

“Um,” Echo closes her eyes and looks directly into Casino’s when she opens them again. “I believe them, Casino. I’ve experience with the Neo-Corps and this sounds exactly like something they’d do.” Stepping closer, she unwraps the balaclava revealing her pouty lips and smooth, tan flesh. Placing her right hand on his chest, she looks up at the solo and stands on her tiptoes to plant a passionate kiss on his lips.

Bloodbank—immersed in awkwardness at the sudden display—turns his head away. Blossom frowns and huffs impatiently.

The kiss lasts for fifteen seconds before Echo slowly pulls away and meets his eyes with a shy gaze. “I don’t want to die, Casino. And I don’t want you to die.”

Totally caught off guard, the big solo steps back not knowing what the hell just happened. Never had he expected such a public display of what is building between them, or that for her, it has reached such a level in so short a time. In this instance, Casino feels something he has not in a long time. Is it love for a daughter or a new romance with the young girl? Whatever is developing between them, she is right about one thing. The big solo also considers what would Vegas do in these circumstances? Certainly not run into an obvious trap.

Drawing in a deep, calming breath, Casino looks towards Bloodbank, the feel of Echo’s lips still on his.

“Ok you say finish the run, find the boy, yada yada. I kinda think, based on what these people know, Vegas alive or not, we need to deal with this. Starlight needs to know that she is compromised and this ain’t no rescue op no more and her ass is on the line just the same as us and we need to pool resources together as a team, her people and us.” A quick glance at Blossom to acknowledge that she had already sent off a message and he continues, “Let the B team get the boy, as I think our time would be better spent finding out who these choombas are and removing them as a direct threat to our health, than rescuing some rich kid."

Looking at all of them, awaiting their reactions, a fresh question comes to Casino’s mind, “What the hell did he mean he lost seven of his to this group? What the hell happened while I was not with you all?”

Fixer watches as Casino makes plans to run off and fetch his friend. He admires his loyalty, but fears that it is misplaced. Still, he is surprised by the display put on by Echo, but it might have saved the big man's life.

"Crap,” the techie exclaims, “Anybody really know what the hell we got ourselves into? I don't. And I don't think I can remember that many bodies. What happened in that hospital when there was a shootout? Might it be that?" He looks at Casino for a second and then shakes his head.  "It doesn't matter at the moment. We have three tasks we need to hit real fast and really efficiently. First, save the kid. Second, save Vegas. Third, deal with this neo-corp mess." He glances at Casino as he finishes, "Not necessarily in that order."

"Casino, am I right that you are still hot for heading after Vegas? I'll help with that at some point——I admire your loyalty and we are all in some sort of mess here. But not yet, I don't think. If you go, start by just scouting things out. Try and find out where they are and figure out a plan. But if you want my advice, don't go in yet. Wait for the rest of us. I can't stop you if you want to play John Wayne, but your odds go up with backup." He peers around at the rest of the group. "Meanwhile, while Casino and maybe Echo are figuring out how to tackle that problem, we need to solve another one——the kid. I say we high tail it after that boy——and try to make contact with Starlight one the way. I wish I had confidence we haven't been left out to dry, but maybe, maybe she's got something on our side. Maybe Team Two will be useful and not just more pressure up our arse. Let’s find the kid, make contact with Starlight, and then return to find out what Casino has found."

The Fixer gazes about to see what the others think. It seems everything has gone to hell in a handbasket and he hadn't even realized they were being taken for a ride. He knows a lot of words his grandmother got angry when he said and they are all running through his head at this moment. "We got a time crunch every which way on this gig right now. Time for us all to saddle up and ride or whatever the proper John Wayne western cliche is."

As the group prepares to do whatever tasks it has decided upon, he looks again at Casino. "I'm not going to echo Echo's plea, but none of us want you to walk into a trap. We will get there if you can figure out what to do once we do."

Bloodbank sighs and drops his chin to his chest, “I still don’t think the point as been driven home.” Lifting his head, the medtech looks directly at the hulking solo. “My job is to save lives and that’s just what I’m trying to do here. You——any of us——go waltzing off and drop this contract with Starlight and you’ve just forfeited your life. Maybe even all of our lives.

“I want to save Vegas as much as I would want to save any of your lives in any situation, but we have to——HAVE TO——rescue Jace before we do anything else or it won’t matter what we do.”

“It’s like you’ve never ran the Edge before, Ken Doll,” Blossom juts her hip out to the left and rests her arm on her bag, Casino’s reflection prominent in her heart shaped sunglasses. “This Team Two or B Team that everyone keeps gibbering on about isn’t one of Starlight’s. Santa brought on another team because we’ve been too slow for Santa’s liking. That means that our clock is even shorter. Splitting the team is about as smart as calling a Reefer tuna. Dividing our resources is just plain stoo-pid.”

“I’m not vying for a leadership position,” Bloodbank commands the conversation once again. “But my suggestion is that we focus on this rescue op, make sure Starlight has nothing to regret by hiring us, and then see if when all things have come to light, she can help with the Vegas situation.”

“Buy some time with those nutjobs on the other end of the walkie,” Echo says softly, her demure eyes locked on Casino’s. “Let’s play this out smart.”

(OOC: March 9th, Day 3 - Sunday, Time is 04:14 AM PST)

Posted on 2019-02-20 at 21:49:37.

Keeper of Dragons
Devil's Advocate
Karma: 59/18
2581 Posts

   Ghalan sends a return message to Vegas.  "Ran into some trouble.  Bloodbank took the walkie so I was cut off.  Sec team found me in the garage and they had to play macho.  Tried to walk away quietly but they forced my hand.   Took out a bunch of them then made a run for it.  Might be same group you talked about.  If you give me a location i'll come to you.


Ghalahn hoped a reply would come soon.  Until then he would just stay put.  

Posted on 2019-02-22 at 20:51:03.
Edited on 2019-02-23 at 07:33:14 by Keeper of Dragons

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3141 Posts

smart is always better than stupid, but stupid is as stupid does

Fixer nodded as Echo spoke about playing it smart.  

"I'm for the smart play.  We have an address.  For Vegas and for Jace, we need speed."

There really wasn't much more to add, he had already said his piece.  He was ready to move and getting itchy.  But they did need to pick up Ghalan as they moved.  More bodies.  That was always good.

Posted on 2019-02-23 at 11:04:04.

Trilogy Master
RDI Staff
Karma: 181/119
6817 Posts

Taking the smart road

Alley Outside the Upstairs Downstairs Inc. Building | Night City Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - March 9th, Day 3 (Sunday), 4:05 AM PST
Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)
Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)

"Crap. Anybody really know what the hell we got ourselves into? I don't. And I don't think I can remember that many bodies.  What happened in that hospital when there was a shootout? Might it be that?" He looked at Casino for a second and then shook his head.

"It doesn't matter at the moment. We have three tasks we need to hit real fast and really efficiently. 1. Save the kid. 2 Save Vegas. 3. Deal with this neo-corp mess." He glanced at Casino as he finished. "Not necessarily in that order. Casino, am I right that you are still hot for heading after Vegas? I'll help with that at some point - I admire your loyalty and we are all in some sort of mess here. But not yet, I don't think. If you go, start by just scouting things out. Try and find out where they are and figure out a plan. But if you want my advice, don't go in yet. Wait for the rest of us. I can't stop you if you want to play John Wayne, but your odds go up with backup." He looked around at the rest of the group.

"Meanwhile, while Casino and maybe Echo are figuring out how to tackle that problem we need to solve another one - the kid. I say we high tail it after that boy - and try to make contact with Starlight one the way. I wish I had confidence we haven't been left out to dry, but maybe. Maybe she's got something on our side. Maybe team two will be useful and not just more pressure up our ass. Lets find the kid, make contact with Starlight and then return to find out what Casino has found."

The big solo, still a little concerned over the P.D.A from Echo, quietly listened to what the techie and the rest had to say and with each calming breath knew them all to be right.

“It’s like you’ve never ran the Edge before, Ken Doll,” Blossom juts her hip out to the left and rests her arm on her bag, Casino’s reflection prominent in her heart shaped sunglasses. “This Team Two or B Team that everyone keeps gibbering on about isn’t one of Starlight’s. Santa brought on another team because we’ve been too slow for Santa’s liking. That means that our clock is even shorter. Splitting the team is about as smart as calling a Reefer tuna. Dividing our resources is just plain stoo-pid.”

“I’m not vying for a leadership position,” Bloodbank commands the conversation once again. “But my suggestion is that we focus on this rescue op, make sure Starlight has nothing to regret by hiring us, and then see if when all things have come to light, she can help with the Vegas situation.”

“Buy some time with those nutjobs on the other end of the walkie,” Echo says softly, her demure eyes locked on Casino’s. “Let’s play this out smart."

“No the ER fight has nothing to do with this I think. I only killed five not seven and I can’t see that bunch of idiots tied to a Neo-Corp unless they were hired. If so still no reason to come after us over some dead hires. How many guards did you waste or wound at the school, were they Neo-Corp sec for the school?” Taking a few more deep breaths Casino looked over the group as it now stood.

First there was Fixer, a techie not a hired gun at all, though he had proven himself in the gunfight in front of the Rat Pack Club. Then there was Echo, a well geared up nomad not afraid to shoot as needed, from what he had been told of the school gunfight, but again no true killer. Blossom, Netrunner, Bloodbank, Medtech and finally Ghlahn, Solo, the only other hardcore hired killer on the team with Vegas gone. No doubt in Casino’s mind, reuniting with him was a priority. However there was still one thing unaccounted for.

“Blossom any chance you figured out the owner of that second high priced agent” He asked figuring the first first one the netrunner had totally cleaned for his use. “Did it belong possibly to a Neo-Corp big wig?”

((Ok I’ll backpost to any reply as needed))

“Ok you are all right, running after my partner is more then likely gonna get me killed, so first lets touch base with Starlight, make sure she knows whats coming her way along with ours. Second reunite with Ghlahn now more then ever with Vegas gone we are gonna need him. Third we head for the kid while Starlight gets more info on the assholes after us. Fourth we grab the kid, get him safe for a hand off, then turn to this Neo-Corp enemy”

The rest could see that his next words hurt.

“If Vegas is alive, we rescue, if dead, hopefully with help we unleash payback. Agreed?”……………………..

Posted on 2019-02-23 at 13:24:14.

Bromern Sal
A Shadow
RDI Staff
Karma: 158/11
4402 Posts

The Alley Outside the Upstairs Downstairs Inc. Building | Night City Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - March 9th, Day 3 (Sunday), 4:14 AM PST

Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15 mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)

Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)

“Buy some time with those nutjobs on the other end of the walkie,” Echo says softly, her demure eyes locked on Casino’s. “Let’s play this out smart.”

"I'm for the smart play,” Fixer agrees. “We have an address. For Vegas and for Jace, we need speed."

“No, the ER fight has nothing to do with this, I think,” Casino addresses the previous question. “I only killed five, not seven, and I can’t see that bunch of idiots tied to a Neo-Corp unless they were hired. If so, still no reason to come after us over some dead hires. How many guards did you waste or wound at the school? Were they Neo-Corp sec for the school?” Taking a few more deep breaths Casino looks over the group as it now stands, considering each of them in turn.

First there was Fixer, a techie not a hired gun at all, though he had proven himself in the gunfight in front of the Rat Pack Club. Then there was Echo, a well geared up nomad not afraid to shoot as needed, from what he had been told of the school gunfight, but again no true killer. Blossom, Netrunner, Bloodbank, Medtech and finally Ghlahn, Solo, the only other hardcore hired killer on the team with Vegas gone. No doubt in Casino’s mind, reuniting with him was a priority. However there was still one thing unaccounted for.

“Four, maybe five,” Echo answers the solo with a shrug. “They belonged to a security company and who knows what ties that company has with full fledged Neo-Corps.”

“Blossom,” Casino moves on, “any chance you figured out the owner of that second high-priced agent?” He asked figuring that it is the first first one that the netrunner had totally cleaned for his use. “Did it belong possibly to a Neo-Corp big wig?”

“Didn’t have time, choomba,” the Asian beauty rolls the sucker in her mouth. “Kinda like right now.”

“Ok,” the big solo raises his hands defensively, “you are all right. Running after my partner is more than likely gonna get me killed, so first, let’s touch base with Starlight, make sure she knows what’s coming her way along with ours. Second, reunite with Ghlahn. Now more than ever, with Vegas gone we are gonna need him. Third, we head for the kid while Starlight gets more info on the assholes after us. Fourth, we grab the kid, get him safe for a hand off, then turn to this Neo-Corp enemy.” The group can easily see that his next words hurt. “If Vegas is alive, we rescue him. If dead...hopefully with help we unleash payback. Agreed?”

“I can live with that,” Bloodbank dips his head in a slow nod.

“I’ve got no problem working to get someone off my ass,” Blossom quips. “I’ll reach out to Charlie and deliver the four-one-one. He can pass that onto Starlight since he’s her boy.”

Echo smiles faintly and wraps the balaclava back around her face. “Thank you,” she whispers to the blonde man.

“Hey, big man,” the netrunner pats the solo on the chest with the back of her hand as the group starts walking again. “You and Vegas share a page on that job site, right?” Receiving her answer, she continues. “You got a login? Starlight had communicated with Vegas once through that site a few hours back. Maybe there’s more messages that we can act on? I’ve already sent my message through to Charlie so I don’t suggest we break that chain of command, especially since Starlight is likely resting up from getting holes put in her. But maybe there’s more instructions from the girl.

The question sparks action. Checking on the new agent he’s still getting used to, Casino is able to log into their joint account. It is there that he finds the message from Ghlahn and with a little backtracking, the message from Vegas to Ghlahn in the first place.

----- Vegas’ Message to Ghlahn -----

“Where you at, choomba?” the image asks, rain dripping from his fedora’s visor. “There’s one helluvah mess on the street here and it is crawling with Neo-Corp stooges. I can’t get anywhere near the garage you were hold up in. Sing me a song when you get this. We need to dance quick. The run went well but I don’t know how far ahead of the clean-up team we are. We can’t have any more delays.”

The solo glances around at surroundings Ghlahn cannot see and then frowns. “Sh*t. Looks like I get to dance with the stooges. I’ll check the site for your reply as soon as I’ve answered their questions.”

The video message ends with Vegas lowering his agent, the camera still recording for a moment; just long enough to show the approach of three sec operators.

----- End Vegas’ Message to Ghlahn -----

----- Begin Ghlahn’s Message to Vegas -----

"Ran into some trouble. Bloodbank took the walkie so I was cut off. Sec team found me in the garage and they had to play macho. Tried to walk away quietly but they forced my hand. Took out a bunch of them, then made a run for it. Might be same group you talked about. If you give me a location I'll come to you.”

----- End Ghlahn’s Message to Vegas -----

Now the team has something to go off of to reconnect with Ghlahn. Blossom works her magic and quickly finds a place for the edgerunners to regroup; a small automated coffee shop about ten minutes from their current location and Casino sends the message to the sniper to meet there.

Echo suggests that keeping clumped together might draw attention to the group, especially if this Neo-Corp was looking for the lot of them; fueled by the information a drugged up Vegas might have shared. Proceeding to the meet location in separate groups, but staying within sight of each other, provides Casino and Echo a chance to talk while Fixer, Bloodbank, and Blossom walked ahead of them a number of meters.

Arriving at the coffee shop, the team keeps their same groups and takes up different booths nearby enough to stay within sight but far enough apart to keep people from immediately recognizing that they are grouped. Tired of the complications behind missing walkie-talkies, Blossom sets about searching for an app that will tie the groups’ agents together without giving up their privacy.

About twenty minutes after the main company of edgers arrive, Ghlahn makes his way into the shop, having received the message in due time and immediately acting upon it. Now that the majority of the team are together again, the time for planning is at hand. The time is 4:50 AM, Sunday morning.

Reviewing the data Blossom has made accessible to the team through a free Neo-Corp server farm, each member can use their agent to review all of the video footage and personnel data files the group has put together. As they do, each receives an invitation to download an app that will connect the group via agent. Once this has been accomplished and each member of the team properly tied into the app’s system, communication can be handled via texting, voice, or video calls. It can be managed as a group or individually with Blossom as the admin. Even Cred Stick Charlie has been added.

Reviewing the information and getting the app set up properly brings the group to 5:15 AM. Following Casino’s last suggested plan, the company (Charlie included) set themselves to proceed as follows:

  1. Charlie will provide Starlight with a mission update and include this new player in the Neo-Corp. Either Charlie will request Starlight’s help in figuring out who this Neo-Corp is, or he’ll take on the task himself with his own resources whichever he feels more comfortable doing.
  2. The main group will meet up with Charlie at the address of the woman Jace seemed most friendly with in the video. An address gleaned from her personnel file that places her in the Under City, near the docks. There will be a lot of gangs and more than likely representation from the Reef and Riptide alt-cults to potentially contend with. The team should be able to reconnect entirely (minus Vegas) by 6:30 AM. Once there, the group will assess the lay of the land and come up with a plan.

Gambling that there will be no further delays, the two separate portions of the team make their way to the address. For Charlie, it’s a simple drive, watchful for any cops and routing to avoid toll roads, connections, and any additional expenses. For the others, public transportation will have to do once again. A magrail to the coastal area and the bus ride the rest of the way with a couple of switching between buses in between and they are all a few NCDs poorer.

Flooding carries the rainwater good two to three meters out into the street from the curbs here. Sweetly neasiating odors drift into nostrils with enough power that even the filters in masks are ineffective at keeping them at bay. The air is sticky, humid and chemical laded, causing exposed flesh to feel plastic and irritated. Everything appears older, worn, marked with graffiti, signs of combat, and dereliction. Trash floats about like the dead after a naval battle… even the cops are loathe to come down here especially at night. The homeless are in high population here. Streets are lined with their makeshift abodes; old non-powered shopping carts are a frequent sight, some filled with precious junk and others overturned or broken. There are some vehicles as well. Older cars that were produced before the Edgerunners were born; gasoline ran, some likely modified for modern fuel cells but most are rusting away in neglect, antiquated and useful only as a shelter or materials for the building nanites. Cargo drums are aflame, providing warmth for those huddling about them and stoops marked with various gang signs harbor homeless refugees in their shadows. Though these buildings are the foundations of the starscrapers, they are cut off from the better life higher altitudes provide; sealed away by design by the core minds in the deepest caverns of the monolithic structures they support. Most of their original floorplans are gone, self-cannibalized by the building nanites under the direction of the core minds to build taller and fancier digs up above.

The address, X00032:8.Y00001:12.Z00054:5 places the building that the edgers now have under scrutiny on the outskirts of the shoreline warehousing. There’s barely any space between the west side of the building and the chain link fence that separates the residential from the industrial. Dingy mildewed cement rises up three meters from the street level, marked by combat, decay, and gangs so as to barely be recognizable as cement. There are caged windows set into this base level; a meter wide and half a meter tall, right at the street level. Though the bars are rusted and more than one is slightly bent, the security appears to at least keep people from crawling into the “basement” level. Each floor above that is walled in by red brick with thin darker brown mortar. The windows on these levels are roughly thirty-eight by forty-three centimeters and most have cracked glass or missing glass despite the bars that are in place for security. Where there is no glass, there’s plastic bags, cardboard, or even cut up shipping containers to keep the weather out.

The stoop is center in the building and rises five steps, roughly two and a half meters, before a three meter by five meter landing leads up to the outer door. This door is a dented and spray painted black metal portal with a broken off handle. Getting inside doesn’t look like it will be a problem, at least as far as physical obstructions are concerned. According to the address from the file, Rya Mendez—the Upstairs Downstairs, Inc. employee who appears to be so very friendly with Jace and who worked the night of his disappearance—resides on the 12th floor at the intersection of 8 and 5, which would put her roughly in the middle of the building.

This building connects directly with the building next to it and on down the street, effectively making the entire block one solid structure with no alleyways. Even the structure that would have served some time ago as the parking garage has been devoured and repurposed by the building nanites into the base for another building. A survey of the entire block reveals the west side fenced off by the warehouse district, four similar stoops on the north, south, and east sides of the block allowing entrance into each of the individual conjoined structures, and only a couple of working fire escapes on the North side. The building that the team is looking into is on the southwest corner of the block.

Charlie has parked the jeep across the street, settling it in the fifteen centimeter deep swirling water in the spillway once he had connected with his team mates. The rest of the group now mill about on the sidewalk looking across the jeep and street to the stoop they will inevitably have to enter. One disturbing tag on the dented metal door keeps staring the party in the face: a circle with a shark rising from the bottom portion, teeth visible… the sign of the Reef Alt-Cult.

As survivors of the massive flooding decimating the coastal United States, the founders of Reef soon realized that the only way to avoid drowning was to become one with the water. Advances in gene splicing led to viral DNA transformation systems, allowing the new-formed Reefers to survive in the ocean depths, or to adapt themselves to other forms as needed. And the harsh fallout of fighting off Megacorps, pirates and deadly elemental forces helped foster a strong, warrior meme that joined even the most individualistic submariners together. Reef is strong, vicious, territorial.

Those belonging to the Edgerunners Alt-Cult in the group don’t have any direct animosity with the Reef. Echo might even gain some empathy once her nomadic affiliation is revealed. Ghlahn… well, Reef and Cee-Metal have never seen eye-to-eye. Reef went biological while Cee-Metal went technological. This disparity in philosophies has raised tensions between the Alt-Cults for a number of years now.

“There’s no intranet that I can plug into,” Blossom says just loud enough for the others to hear over the wind ripping down the street. “There are a number of VPNs operating off of singular satellite ISPs but the building isn’t wired or wireless. Too poor, I guess. I’m not even gonna venture to guess what kind of mess the core mind is. Makes me want to cry how these things have been left to develop on their own.”

“So, what?” Bloodbank muses. “Do we just walk in the front door like we belong here?”

“And what’s the plan if we run into opposition?” Echo adds, dipping her head towards the Reef symbol crudely painted on the door that they have all been eyeballing for the past couple of minutes.

(OOC: March 9th, Day 3 - Sunday, Time is 06:35 AM PST)


the Long Mile Fueling Station | SanFran Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - March 9th, Day 3 (Sunday), 5:14 AM PST --- Weather Conditions: High City (heavy rain, 20mph winds from the N.) | Midcity (light rain, 10mph winds from the N.) | Undercity (fog and drizzle, no winds.)

Air Quality Index: High City = 15 | Midcity = 36 | Undercity = 86 (masks required - Red warning)

<== Have ride. Almost to the target. Where’s the meet? ==>

That’s when he notices the message from Blossom. The enterprising little netrunner had tracked him down and dropped him a line.

<== The sh*t has hit the fan. We’ve got a real solid lead on the target but Vegas has gone and got himself caught by what looks like a Neo-Corp. They’re demanding blood for blood—whatever the hell that means—and Casino is intent on going all Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid to get his partner back. We’re trying to talk some sense into the big guy, but he’s like a bull on steroids. Ghlahn’s missing too. Vegas went looking for him when he got got. ==>

The message is time-stamped at 4:10 AM. It’s been over an hour since it was sent.

Then, before he can respond to these messages another pops up. This too is from Bloosom.

<== We’ve regrouped with Ghlahn. Vegas is gonna have to wait. We’ve got an address to meet you at to retrieve the package. X00032:8.Y00001:12.Z00054:5. The apartment belongs to Rya Mendez. She’s the chica last seen with the package. Meet us there ASAP. Provide Starlight with a report letting her know about the Neo-Corp. Casino thinks they are trouble for all of us. Looking over the messages between Vegas and Ghlahn, I think they don’t have anything to do with this run but are the result of a firefight that went down in a parking garage between Ghlahn and one of their sec teams. Still, might be a serious wrench in the works that we’ll have to deal with after we get this first operation packaged and delivered. See ya soon! Kisses. ==>

(OOC: March 9th, Day 3 - Sunday, Time is 5:16 AM PST)

Posted on 2019-02-25 at 18:02:49.

Trilogy Master
RDI Staff
Karma: 181/119
6817 Posts

Casino in charge DOH!!!

Address, X00032:8.Y00001:12.Z00054:5 | Night City Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - March 9th, Day 3 (Sunday), 4:05 AM PST
Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)
Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)

The address, X00032:8.Y00001:12.Z00054:5 places the building that the edgers now have under scrutiny on the outskirts of the shoreline warehousing. There’s barely any space between the west side of the building and the chain link fence that separates the residential from the industrial. Dingy mildewed cement rises up three meters from the street level, marked by combat, decay, and gangs so as to barely be recognizable as cement. There are caged windows set into this base level; a meter wide and half a meter tall, right at the street level. Though the bars are rusted and more than one is slightly bent, the security appears to at least keep people from crawling into the “basement” level.

Each floor above that is walled in by red brick with thin darker brown mortar. The windows on these levels are roughly thirty-eight by forty-three centimeters and most have cracked glass or missing glass despite the bars that are in place for security. Where there is no glass, there’s plastic bags, cardboard, or even cut up shipping containers to keep the weather out.
The stoop is center in the building and rises five steps, roughly two and a half meters, before a three meter by five meter landing leads up to the outer door. This door is a dented and spray painted black metal portal with a broken off handle. Getting inside doesn’t look like it will be a problem, at least as far as physical obstructions are concerned. According to the address from the file, Rya Mendez—the Upstairs Downstairs, Inc. employee who appears to be so very friendly with Jace and who worked the night of his disappearance—resides on the 12th floor at the intersection of 8 and 5, which would put her roughly in the middle of the building. One disturbing tag on the dented metal door keeps staring the party in the face: a circle with a shark rising from the bottom portion, teeth visible… the sign of the Reef Alt-Cult.

“There’s no intranet that I can plug into,” Blossom says just loud enough for the others to hear over the wind ripping down the street.
“There are a number of VPNs operating off of singular satellite ISPs but the building isn’t wired or wireless. Too poor, I guess. I’m not even gonna venture to guess what kind of mess the core mind is. Makes me want to cry how these things have been left to develop on their own.”

“So, what?” Bloodbank muses. “Do we just walk in the front door like we belong here?”

“And what’s the plan if we run into opposition?” Echo adds, dipping her head towards the Reef symbol crudely painted on the door that they have all been eyeballing for the past couple of minutes

Casino had been studying the lay out and entrance way and had a bad feeling that this was not going to go well. The big solo was reminded of a very old, almost ancient, movie he had once seen called the Raid: Redemption. In the film an elite 20 man heavily armed police squad is tasked to infiltrate a high rise building, run by a druglord, and occupied by his army of thugs, dealers, armed addicts and bodyguards to take him into custody. Needless to say for the most part the movie did not end well for the cops. However if Jace was inside that was where they had to go to at least talk to this Rya Mendez.

(Next part is all conjuncture as I’m not sure if anything will be correct as I do not remember how everyone is dressed.)

With no one having put forth any sort of idea Casino knew that, with the absence of Vegas, they were somehow they all looking at him as leader.

“Ok here’s what we are gonna do. Echo, Fixer and myself will go into the building to find this Rya Mendez. Reason, Echo’s dress pegs her as a nomad, no affiliation to any banger or alt-cult. Fixer also because his dress its clear he ain’t a rival cult threat. Me, its pretty clear I’m muscle and with no cult facial markings, pretty much most likely guarding one of these two. Plus Fixer, Echo, act all lovey dovey that may buy us some good will long enough to let whoever asks know why we are there Also if asked we don't have time to be coy so its blunt truth all the way on tracking Jace. We go in without masks, masks might be taken as we have something to hide, and cause concern. We don’t want that”

Turning to the rest....

“Blossom keep working on any building security that Neo-corp’s ID, Ghlahn your Cee-Metal affiliation is a no go inside, with Bloodbank, cover Blossom and the front door. No separations this time say, in sight of each other, and contact. We can’t have any more unintentional lone wolf crap like Ghlahn and myself were forced into. You all hear gunfire be ready to cover OUR six.”

Then he faced Charlie the last of the group......

“Ok nothing personal but before you ask why not you joining us three inside, that's easy, you look too corporate. There is no reason why a corp big wig, or anything else related to a corp, should be in this area. Please stay by the jeep, try again to reach Starlight, and be ready to haul ass out of here with us and maybe Jace onboard.”

A deep breath......

“Any questions or a better idea?”

He addressed the rest of the group. Deep down Casino could only hope for one as his was not the most success guaranteed……….


(Ok best from me any better idea's please please feel free to post them)

Posted on 2019-03-02 at 20:48:49.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3141 Posts

You call that a plan???

Fixer listened to Casino outline his plan and groaned a bit on the inside.  Being part of the trio to go inside pretty much meant putting his arse on the line again.  But what else was he supposed to do?    He really didn't have any great ideas and this sort of raid was much more in Casino's experience then in his.  He thought about the possibilies and came up with no better option.  Going in with a full group of 7 gave them maximum firepower, but also maximum noticability.  And it would be hard to claim they were innocent of bad intent.  So this was stealthy, but weak.  

"What are the odds that the Reef Alt-Cult are in on the whole Jace thing?  I don't know much about the cults.  I'm guessing it just happens to be in their building, but if we go all 'blunt truth' with them they will now know.  If their in on it, that is a problem.  If they aren't, they likely are going to want some sort of cut in on the action.  That might be out action.  Or, if we are lucky, we might make it in on the kidnappers action."  He shook his head knowing he didn't really know what to suggest.  "Just something to keep in mind if we meet them.  This is not my area.  I don't have any better ideas."

He took off his mask and tucked in his bag.  "I guess we go in."  He turned and grinned at Echo.  "Come on sweetheart.  Lets go be lovey-dovey.  Think it'll make the big guy jealous when he suggested it?"  He winked at her and added, "once more into the breach . . ."

Posted on 2019-03-03 at 14:32:24.

Karma: 7/0
287 Posts

basic alt cult - Reefers territorial



I was asked to oversee this group by starlight, to keep you guys grounded and informed, you are now being  informed.


Like you said nothing personal.....


Your current assessment for this situation is flawed, If you enter that place without my help, you risk being attacked by either a whaleboy /girl or maybe a shark wo/man with a torpedo spear. My suggestion is to wait until I can make contact and get us inside.

Unless anyone else here can speak “ The philosophies of Aqua Genesis, with their emphasis on self-evolution and racial Destiny” then please by all means take the lead

Posted on 2019-03-06 at 09:11:46.

Trilogy Master
RDI Staff
Karma: 181/119
6817 Posts

By All Means

As Casino ended his plan both Fixer and Charlie spoke up. Fixer speaking first.

"What are the odds that the Reef Alt-Cult are in on the whole Jace thing? I don't know much about the cults. I'm guessing it just happens to be in their building, but if we go all 'blunt truth' with them they will now know. If their in on it, that is a problem. If they aren't, they likely are going to want some sort of cut in on the action. That might be out action. Or, if we are lucky, we might make it in on the kidnappers action." He shook his head knowing he didn't really know what to suggest. "Just something to keep in mind if we meet them. This is not my area. I don't have any better ideas."

He took off his mask and tucked in his bag. "I guess we go in." He turned and grinned at Echo. "Come on sweetheart. Lets go be lovey-dovey. Think it'll make the big guy jealous when he suggested it?" He winked at her and added, "once more into the breach . . ."

Before Casino could reply, Charlie spoke up, the arrogance in his voice almost causing the big solo to draw one of his Predator pistols and knee cap him.

“I was asked to oversee this group by starlight, to keep you guys grounded and informed, you are now being informed. Like you said nothing personal. Your current assessment for this situation is flawed, If you enter that place without my help, you risk being attacked by either a whaleboy /girl or maybe a shark wo/man with a torpedo spear. My suggestion is to wait until I can make contact and get us inside. Unless anyone else here can speak “ The philosophies of Aqua Genesis, with their emphasis on self-evolution and racial Destiny” then please by all means take the lead”

Casino thought for a moment and could not help but smile.

“By all means Charlie go on in the rest of us will wait right here. Nothing personal”

A bow and a wave of his big hand as if ushering him into an expanse building, Casino moved out of the way allowing Starlight’s “Overseer” to move past him.

Posted on 2019-03-06 at 23:06:27.

Bromern Sal
A Shadow
RDI Staff
Karma: 158/11
4402 Posts

X00032:8.Y00001:12.Z00054:5, Rya Mendez’s Listed Address - Outside on the Street  | Night City Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - March 9th, Day 3 (Sunday), 6:35 AM PST

Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15 mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)

Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)

“There’s no intranet that I can plug into,” Blossom says just loud enough for the others to hear over the wind ripping down the street. “There are a number of VPNs operating off of singular satellite ISPs but the building isn’t wired or wireless. Too poor, I guess. I’m not even gonna venture to guess what kind of mess the core mind is. Makes me want to cry how these things have been left to develop on their own.”

“So, what?” Bloodbank muses. “Do we just walk in the front door like we belong here?”

“And what’s the plan if we run into opposition?” Echo adds, dipping her head towards the Reef symbol crudely painted on the door that they have all been eyeballing for the past couple of minutes.

“Ok,” Casino breaks his silent study of the building across the flooded street to lay out his plan,. “here’s what we are gonna do. Echo, Fixer, and myself will go into the building to find this Rya Mendez. Reason; Echo’s dress pegs her as a nomad—no affiliation to any banger or alt-cult. Fixer; also because his dress. It’s clear he ain’t a rival cult threat. Me, it’s pretty clear I’m muscle and with no cult facial markings, pretty much most likely guarding one of these two. Plus Fixer, Echo, act all lovey-dovey. That may buy us some good will long enough to let whoever asks know why we are there. Also, if asked, we don't have time to be coy so it’s blunt truth all the way on tracking Jace. We go in without masks, masks might be taken as we have something to hide, and cause concern. We don’t want that.” Severing his staring contest with the structure, the big solo looks to his companions.

“Blossom, keep working on any building security and that Neo-corp’s ID. Ghlahn, your Cee-Metal affiliation is a no go inside; with Bloodbank, cover Blossom and the front door. No separations this time. Stay in sight of each other and contact. We can’t have any more unintentional lone wolf crap like Ghlahn and myself were forced into. You all hear gunfire be ready to cover OUR six.” Turning to Charlie, Casino addresses him.

“Ok, nothing personal but before you ask why not you joining us three inside, that's easy. You look too corporate. There is no reason why a corp bigwig, or anything else related to a corp, should be in this area. Please stay by the jeep, try again to reach Starlight, and be ready to haul ass out of here with us and maybe Jace onboard.” Taking a deep breath, he concludes.

“Any questions or a better idea?”

"What are the odds that the Reef Alt-Cult are in on the whole Jace thing?” Fixer poses to the others. “I don't know much about the cults. I'm guessing it just happens to be in their building, but if we go all 'blunt truth' with them, they will now know. If they’re in on it, that is a problem. If they aren't, they likely are going to want some sort of cut in on the action. That might be our action. Or, if we are lucky, we might make it in on the kidnapper’s action." He shakes his head knowing he doesn’t really know what else to suggest. "Just something to keep in mind if we meet them. This is not my area. I don't have any better ideas."

Removing his mask and tucking it in his bag, the Techie turns to Echo. "I guess we go in," He grins. "Come on, sweetheart. Let’s go be lovey-dovey. Think it'll make the big guy jealous when he suggested it?" He winks and adds, "once more into the breach..."

Before the nomad can do anything more than narrow her eyes a bit, Charlie speaks up. “I was asked to oversee this group by Starlight; to keep you guys grounded and informed. You are now being informed.

“Like you said nothing personal...

“Your current assessment for this situation is flawed. If you enter that place without my help, you risk being attacked by either a whaleboy or girl or maybe a shark woman or man with a torpedo spear. My suggestion is to wait until I can make contact and get us inside.

“Unless anyone else here can speak ‘The philosophies of Aqua Genesis’, with their emphasis on self-evolution and racial Destiny, then please, by all means, take the lead.”

Casino is quiet for a moment and then smiles. “By all means Charlie, go on in. The rest of us will wait right here. Nothing personal.” He finishes off with a bow and a wave of his big hand as if ushering the well-dressed fixer into an expensive building while stepping aside and making room for the man to pass.

“We have this guy in my pack who does most of the dealing for us,” Echo shifts her feet and looks down at the boot prints she leaves before they are swallowed up by the drizzling rain. “He’s got this know-how and ability to make things happen. In a situation like this, the tribal elders would rely on him to deliver.” Lifting her head, she turns her doe-like eyes on the big solo. “I think that’s all Charlie here is trying to do.”

Facing the fixer, she asks, “What’s your play, Charlie?”

The plan, as Cred Stick Charlie lays it out for them, is to hire one of the homeless to go into the building and sess out if Rya Mendez is even at the apartment. Charlie can also attempt to get information from the homeless concerning the Reef’s social position on the building and what the Edgers may run into.

“A scouting mission,” Echo mutters appreciatively.

“Well, there’s no lack of homeless people,” Blossom chirps and tugs her coat about her small frame to ward against a particularly fierce gust of soaking wind.

“I like this a hell of a lot better than splitting up again and walking in blind,” Bloodbank adds his agreement. “No offense, Casino, but that other plan had me on edge.”

“And it’s obvious that Charlie has dealt with the Reef Alt-Cult before,” Blossom adds. “I haven’t. If it ain’t sushi, I tend to stay away from seafood.”

“Fixer? Ghlahn?” Bloodbank looks to the other two for their input, pointing to where the Techie had already stored his mask. “You aren’t going to want to stand around out here without that on for much longer.”

Already, the pollutants in the air are tickling at the man’s throat threatening to make his dissolve into a coughing fit.

(OOC: March 9th, Day 3 - Sunday, Time is 06:40 AM PST)

Posted on 2019-03-08 at 17:31:59.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3141 Posts

Plans, plans, and more plans

Fixer listened to the others outline their respective plans and even as Bloodbank recommended he put his mask back on he took it out and put it back in place.  He took a deep breath and shrugged his shoulders.

"This isn't my area - either going in straight up or contacting the cult.  I'm more than willing to let Charlie ply his trade.  We have to go in at some point - and soon - that isn't negotiable.  But if he can make that move easier I am all for it.  But we are not rich in time."  He looked up and down the street.  "Do we really want to keep standing here across from the door?  We don't exactly fit in this neighborhood.  Whether its the cult or the maid who spots us, that doesn't seem good.  Where do we sit while Charlie works his magic?  I wouldn't mind getting out of this rain, but I really want to get out of sight.  Makes me nervous."  

Posted on 2019-03-08 at 19:56:49.

Trilogy Master
RDI Staff
Karma: 181/119
6817 Posts

Stepping aside

Address, X00032:8.Y00001:12.Z00054:5 | Night City Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - March 9th, Day 3 (Sunday), 4:05 AM PST
Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)
Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)

As much as Casino disliked Starlight’s watchdog he had to admit Charlie’s idea was better then his own. The big solo could not help but smile, after all he had asked for a better one. To Casino rescuing the kid had fallen in priority to just becoming a step in the process of getting to Vegas, to rescuing him or avenging him. The quicker they accomplished that, the quicker they could get what mattered most to Casino.

Not saying a word Casino nodded his head in agreement and let Charlie do his thing….

Posted on 2019-03-12 at 15:02:26.


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