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You are here: Home --> Forum Home --> Rules-based RPGs --> Cyberpunk --> Flesh & Blood - A Night City Adventure
Parent thread: Flesh & Blood - A CyberPunk Game
GM for this game: Bromern Sal
Players for this game: TannTalas, Keeper of Dragons, Nomad D2, Hammer, Mischief, Espatier, dragon-soul92, CameToPlay
    Messages in Flesh & Blood - A Night City Adventure
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Keeper of Dragons
Devil's Advocate
Karma: 59/18
2581 Posts

"Aya, the kid and me are just gonna talk.  Maybe he can remember something important, even if he doesn't know it's important.  We need a quiet spot.". Looking at Casino and then Echo, "You can stay put right there, we don't need a chaperone."

Posted on 2020-02-19 at 13:22:32.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 7/1
114 Posts

Ok Ok :)

They reached the motel, a place named Midnight Express, without any more trouble or shouting, though Echo had to hold her increased anger all inside as Ghlahn leaned forward and told finally told Blossom what he knew of the people who held Vegas. ~Jesus Christ he could of told her that hours ago~ she thought to herself her mind trying to remember how to stop a cyborg. For years Rolling States and Corpore Metal had been in conflict and there were records she was sure on how to bring a cyborg down, though she had no ready access to those records at the moment. She could only hope that it did not come to that.
As she and Casino moved to the motel’s entrance she felt his hand take hers and turned to face him, breathing suddenly heavy not sure what he wanted to say.

"We need to keep an eye on Ghlahn for now, no telling what else he is keeping to himself about the parking garage,"

A little disappointed she nodded her head in agreement, afraid for the moment to answer him, as he released her hand and they headed inside. Taking up a stance near the motel’s emergency exit she watched over the whole lobby and team. Then as the entered the room she took up a stance at the closet window and started to watch out into the street. With her nano healing she was neither sore or tired after their ride over so it only seemed natural.

“Let me see that arm. Is it bothering you much?” Hearing Bloodbank speak, her attention was brought back to the medic and Casino

Removing his crow face mask for the first time in at least a day, Echo could not help seeing his age etched into his face. The hard lines, the hard eyes, the almost consent non-smiling face. Yet she had seen inside him, the hidden warmth, a rare smile, and his laugh at Bloodbanks question and could not help think that the solo was still very good looking in his own way. A way she found herself liking. Her gaze moved back to the street.

"Hey kid, how about you and me check out the other room? Gotta make sure it is all safe."

Looking to Casino, she got his expected nod for her to follow Ghlahn and stay within hearing and waited for the cyborg and the kid to move.

"Aya, the kid and me are just gonna talk.  Maybe he can remember something important, even if he doesn't know it's important.  We need a quiet spot.". Looking at Casino and then Echo, "You can stay put right there, we don't need a chaperon."

Echo looked at Ghlahn, giving him only a smile, having no intention of letting Jase spend any time alone with the Corpore Metal cyborg.

Posted on 2020-02-19 at 14:56:23.

Keeper of Dragons
Devil's Advocate
Karma: 59/18
2581 Posts

"So that's how you two want to play this?  Fine, you figure it out all on your own.  These petty actions and overt distrust of me is putting Jace in danger, the team in danger and reducing the chance of finding Vegas alive.  You let me know when you are ready to let me do what I can do to help out."  Ghalan sat back down.  "Sorry kid, change of plans.  Looks like we are staying right here.

Posted on 2020-02-19 at 20:09:19.

Trilogy Master
RDI Staff
Karma: 181/119
6817 Posts

Trust is a hard thing to give

“Well Ghlahn if you’d been up front with all of us the moment you heard about what happened to Vegas, in fact being the person that actually killed this Falcone Sec’s seven guys, then maybe I’d be trusting you right now. However you did not give up that information until pushed into a corner, information that Blossom could have looked up and maybe we would be better off then we are right now. So give me a reason to trust you Metal Man, just one and i’ll flip a coin.”

Posted on 2020-02-20 at 02:08:56.

Keeper of Dragons
Devil's Advocate
Karma: 59/18
2581 Posts

"You want a reason to trust me?  Well how about I kept that sec team from killing all of you by bringing them to me in the garage instead of letting them enter the building and find you almost while almost dying in the process.  How about not holding a grudge against anyone for leaving me in that garage without comms?  Maybe for killing those guys that jumped us in the alley instead of just watching.  Or not starting a fight in the Hover jeep when you got hostile towards me?  I completely forgot about the sec team info until you mentioned it and I then gave it to Blossum.  I trust you all to get your part of the job done.  Don't flip a coin and blame the outcome on luck as that just shows distrust. Either you trust your teammates or you find new ones.   

Posted on 2020-02-20 at 07:41:56.

Trilogy Master
RDI Staff
Karma: 181/119
6817 Posts

Casino listened quietly as Ghlahn went on about the good the Cyborg had done to help keep the party, Rya and Jase from harm. Its was all true and the big solo was happy that Ghlahn had been there to do those things, however it was clear that Ghlahn did not understand that doing those things did not matter, it was all part of the job. What mattered to the big solo was the fact that Ghlahn had not revealed the small amount of information he had, even after knowing what had happened to Vegas. In the end they were stuck with the result of the cyborg’s forgetfulness and Casino could only hope Blossom could find out more on this Falcone Security outfit.

His eyes locked with Ghlahn’s the solo made it clear, that if Ghlahn left the team after this run, Casino would not miss him, his skill at killing yes, the cyborg personally no. In fact the big solo had the beginnings of an idea where more help might be found if Charlie had the contacts and Blossom was good enough to get a small piece of info. However for now Casino had no choice but to work with him and he would do so until this mission was done. However after that, all bets were off, and what would come would come.

Turning back to Bloodbank the big solo asked “So how bad is it?”

Posted on 2020-02-20 at 14:19:53.
Edited on 2020-02-20 at 14:43:49 by TannTalas

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3141 Posts

Not much

Fixer wasn't interested in the argument. He'd stick with the group. But he was wondering about Rya -he wanted the story. Did the kid care that he was getting people killed? Why'd he run? zbut it probably didn't matter

(Best I can do right now.)

Posted on 2020-02-21 at 13:26:11.

Bromern Sal
A Shadow
RDI Staff
Karma: 158/11
4402 Posts

I fixed things... :) Don't break my toys! That's my privilege.

X00032:8.Y00001:12.Z00054:5, On the Mean Streets | South Night City Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - March 9th, Day 3 (Sunday), 01:03 PM PST

Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15 mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)

Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)

Once everyone is decently settled, Bloodbank approaches Casino, “Let me see that arm. Is it bothering you much?”

His head jerks up in acknowledgment, the big solo remembers the wound in his arm for the first time in hours. As he relaxes the cybernetic pain editor wired into his body, he is at first slightly overwhelmed with the rush of pain, but drawing in a few deep breaths brings it to a bearable level. Removing his crow face mask for the first time in at least a day, its edges covered with a good layer of dried sweat, he gives the medic access to his arm.

"Yeah, now that you've reminded me," Casino says with a smile, traces of the pain clearly visible to the medic.

Bloodbank removes his own cracked skull mask and begins his examination.

Right now, the team is gathered in one room with Rya and Jase sitting on the bed, their backs against the headboard.

“So,” Blossom chirps from where she’s planted herself on the edge of the bed, “let’s iron this thing out like civilized people on the same team. Then, while Good Ol’ Mister Charlie tries to get us a drop location, I’ll look into Falcone Security and see what I can find on Vegas, unless, that is, you’re still intent on me checking into our benefactor.”

With a wave of a hand, Charlie brushes off the suggestion that they look at the benefactor. The group is still too green in his opinion and a few of these gringos might talk. That might be the end of them all. No. Charlie is going to let them figure it out for themselves. He has his orders and he will continue to make sure that the contract won’t suffer until these edgerunners got salt in their shoes. 

"Falcone Sec first, please, Blossom, if no one objects," The big solo says through the pain of the examination, his eyes drifting towards Ghlahn. The cyborg had finally given up the name of the security company and Keith thinks back over the past several hours. Casino isn’t one to recklessly offer up trust and his concern over Vegas’ situation mixed with the frustrations of a second team and the challenge of blending a new group of operators has gotten to him. With chagrin, he realizes that he’s been seriously overreacting. Ghlahn had shared the results of the conflict with the group and had first attempted to avoid the firefight. Vegas had known about it as well when he went to meet up with the Capore Steel. The solo has to admit Ghlahn is dangerous, killing seven men from a security company is no small feat. With all his under the skin dermal armor and wired reflexes, Casino had to wonder if all his upgrades were known, would he too be considered a cyborg. Would Echo react to him with the same vehemence that she has Ghlahn if she knew about his wetwork?

"Hey kid,” the Cee-Metal edger interjects (OOC: Persuasion & Fast Talk check rolled: 13), “how about you and me check out the other room?  Gotta make sure it is all safe." Ghlahn wants a few moments to talk with the kid and also make sure there is no danger lurking. Activating his IR vision, he scans the adjoining room through to the current room and then the one on the other side of their other room.

Jase stares at the quiet red-headed soldier with wide-eyes as he attempts to melt into Rya. The woman, mouth slightly agape, encircles him though her eyes are saucers as well. 

Looking towards Echo, Casino shakes his head to let her know not to interfere with Ghlahn and the boy, though he thinks it highly unlikely that Rya will allow Jase to go off alone with Ghlahn, it is time the big solo began showing his teammate some trust and respect. 

“You know what,” Blossom shifts so that she’s facing Rya and Jase. “I think that’s not a half-bad idea. Jase, please go with Ghlahn.” (OOC: Persuasion & Fast Talk check rolled: 15) The ten-year-old shakes his head, his chin beginning to quiver again. 

“He’s staying with me,” Rya boldly declares.

"Aya, the kid and me are just gonna talk,” Ghlahn explains further. “Maybe he can remember something important, even if he doesn't know it's important. We need a quiet spot." Looking flatly at Rya, he adds (OOC: Intimidate check made: 21 [exploding 10]), "You can stay put right there, we don't need a chaperone."

Echo looks at Ghlahn, giving him a humorless smile, unsure of her feelings about letting Jase spend any time alone with the Corpore Metal cyborg. Hesitantly, Rya jerks away from the Cee Metal’s unnerving gaze. A couple of breaths later, she slowly moves Jase so that he’s looking up at her. 

“Go with the man, honey,” she instructs calmly despite her white-knuckled grip on his shoulders. “You’ll just be right next door. It will be okay.”

“But I want to stay with you,” Jase whines and makes the attempt to push himself back into her embrace.

“I know,” Rya glances at Ghlahn and then returns her concerned look back to the boy. “It will only be for a little bit. We need to discuss some adult things. Understand?”

Staring at the Hispanic woman for a good five heartbeats, Jase finally nods once and immediately shifts to roll off the bed and timidly approaches Ghlahn.

Fixer is still wondering about Rya—he wants the story. Does the kid care that he is getting people killed? Why'd he run? It probably doesn’t matter...

A jolt of pain as Bloodbank works to clean the remnants of the makeshift bandage Keith had been fit with while in the hospital brings the solo's attention back to his arm and the man working to repair it.

"You did a good job during that fight, I'm sure you hated doing what you did, but it was necessary so, thank you." Keith is sincere in his thanks and the medtech picks up on it, pressing his lips together in a tight frown as he dips his head in acknowledgment. 

“I don’t like taking lives,” Collin (Bloodbank) explains, crumbling up a bloodied disposable antiseptic wipe and dropping it on the desk. “Doesn’t mean I won’t do it to protect my team. I just always wanted to be the good guy, ya know? Not the bad guy.” With that, the medic reaches into his bag and pulls out a thick pen-shaped object.

The big solo asks, “So how bad is it?” Ghlahn and Jase make their exit, with the cyborg closing the door behind them.

“It’s pretty serious,” Collin replies matter-of-factly. “You’ve sustained some damage to the bone and the muscle is pretty torn up. It’ll be a while before it is fully healed. In the meantime—” he holds up the pen device, “—I’ve properly cleaned it, fished out fragments of bone and shot, and am now going to cover it with Liquid Skin. This should hold you over for about ten days, even showering. You’ll need to have it checked every day, though. Just to guard against infection.”

"Someone needs to sit on these two," Charlie mentions to the group from his seat on the couch and begins to use his agent to connect to the Darknet (OOC: Streetdeal check required). Ordering his agent to begin a search for another set of wheels with cybernetic controls only and space for all these choombas, he is momentarily distracted from the interactions in the room. The challenge he is facing is finding a vehicle that will hold nine people comfortably and not be conspicuous. No small feat and he quickly realizes that he may need to seek two vehicles and ask the group who can drive. 

Cred Stick Charlie is hoping to grab some time to study for a bit, and maybe grab some shuteye until a message comes in from Starlight with the location of the drop. Still wrapped up in his vehicle search, the fixer adds, "I would suggest to the solos... PCI (OOC: Pre Combat Inspection), recheck your ammo levels and clean your weapons while you have the downtime. We are not out of the woods yet."

Then, glancing over to Fixer, he asks, "would you mind looking the vehicle over before I turn it back over to its owners, please?" 

Once again, Charlie taps out another message to Starlight titled, "Teammates."

“Well,” Blossom looks around the room. “I’m going to see what I can find on Falcone.” Activating her bracer, the netrunner’s keyboard forms. Beginning to type, she glances over at Charlie and Fixer, then Casino and Bloodbank, and finally Echo. “You gatos gonna just hang out and stare? Kinda creepy.”

(OOC: March 9th, Day 3 - Sunday, Time is 01:20 PM PST - Midcity, Moonlight Express Motel, South Night City Integrate.)

Posted on 2020-02-21 at 15:59:29.

Karma: 7/0
287 Posts

wheeling and dealing

X00032:8.Y00001:12.Z00054:5, On the Mean Streets | South Night City Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - March 9th, Day 3 (Sunday), 01:03 PM PST

Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15 mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)

Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)


“Well,” Blossom looks around the room. “I’m going to see what I can find on Falcone.” Activating her bracer, the netrunner’s keyboard forms. Beginning to type, she glances over at Charlie and Fixer, then Casino and Bloodbank, and finally Echo. “You gatos gonna just hang out and stare? Kinda creepy.”

Luther checks the tone of everyone in the air..... 

Luther Washington - Fixer:To Perceive: 17

Luther puts his head down and taps away at his keys on his agent once again. He starts to look for his first temporary vehicle, something for 3-4...maybe. 

** awh... yeah... .these look okay ** he thinks to himself. 

Luther Washington - Fixer:Streetwise: 14

starts to look for a vehicle.


** but i’ll still need something more.... Maybe one of these will do as a another team vehicle ** his thoughts continue.

Luther Washington - Fixer:Streetwise: 15

looking for a secondary vehicle


Luther Washington - Fixer:To Hit: 18

still trying to charm blossom

“ message to blossom” 


Luther makes contact with those that are willing to loan vehicles

Luther Washington - Fixer attempts to wheel and deal!


Luther Washington - Fixer:To Streetdeal: 19


Luther Washington - Fixer attempts to wheel and deal!


Luther Washington - Fixer:To Streetdeal: 16

two sets of vehicles

tires to set up a deal for a third vehicle... just in case neither fits the bill


Luther Washington - Fixer attempts to wheel and deal!


Luther Washington - Fixer:To Streetdeal: 18

19, 16, then 18

Posted on 2020-02-27 at 02:34:45.
Edited on 2020-02-27 at 02:38:52 by Espatier

Trilogy Master
RDI Staff
Karma: 181/119
6817 Posts

One new outlook coming up :)

The big solo asks, “So how bad is it?” Ghlahn and Jase make their exit, with the cyborg closing the door behind them.

“It’s pretty serious,” Collin replies matter-of-factly. “You’ve sustained some damage to the bone and the muscle is pretty torn up. It’ll be a while before it is fully healed. In the meantime—” he holds up the pen device, “—I’ve properly cleaned it, fished out fragments of bone and shot, and am now going to cover it with Liquid Skin. This should hold you over for about ten days, even showering. You’ll need to have it checked every day, though. Just to guard against infection.”

Flexing the arm gently at first then harder Casino knew Bloodbank had done a good job. Standing he first looked to Bloodbank, then the rest of the room.

“Thanks and no need to tell me to take it lightly as we both know that won’t happen.” Then the big solo addressed the rest of the room. “Ok we’ve all been on the go for some time now and after that lil firefight I know I’m tired and hungry, even though all I did was sit on my ass and watch, so good bet so is everyone one here. Gonna take Echo and head over to that quickie mart next door and pick up a few things to carry us over. Bloodbank, watch the street and cover us as we move to and from that quickie mart. (Assuming it can be seen from our room window) Fixer, I’d like for you to do a quick inspect of all our recently fired weapons and heavier firearms. Each person take care of your own handguns before we leave. Make sure you pass the word to Ghlahn, good wager his rifle has been fired the most. Afterwards please give me a rundown on what weapons and ammo, as a whole, we have to move forward."

Picking it up from the chair he placed his SMG/Grenade launcher on the bed along with the eight grenades for the launcher and it’s six extra magazines. As Echo placed her SMG beside his, he offered her one of his two .44’s to carry which she was hesitant at first to take, but in the end did so.

“Charlie, after we drop off the kid and mom, we’re gonna need a new place to plan our mission to get back Vegas. If you can, after you find a bigger ride, please find a good place to hold up. We need to keep moving for it’s a sure bet this Falcone Sec outfit is not just waiting on us to show up, but is actively hunting us.”

Looking over to Blossom he also wanted to say something to her but seeing her wrapped up tight looking for clues on Falcone the big solo decided on later. Nodding his head to Echo the two of them made their way out the motel door, Echo giving up her place at the window to Bloodbank.

Moving cautiously to the quickie mart they encountered no heavily armed sec goons for the moment. Grabbing a cart they made their way inside, Casino pushing, Echo reaching for things and putting them in. Looking at the young deadly beauty in front of him Casino had to know, before things got more chaotic, what there was between them.

(Tann) “Echo...”

(Mischief) “Elizabeth, my real name is Elizabeth Cooper, but alone its Beth...”

(Tann) For the moment Casino did not know how to respond, giving up ones real name in the shadow running biz was a major show of trust.

(Tann) “My real name is Keith Story, but you can call me Keith”

(Mischief) “Hmm Keith” She said as if rolling it on her tongue then smiling “I like that.”

(Tann) Moving to stand by her at the front of the cart wanting to say something but not finding the words the big solo raised his hand to caress her face, her soft skin, sad eyes and innocent look drawing Keith into her zone of control even more deeply.

(Mischief) His hand on her face, the glint of fire, not of anger, but of caring, in his eyes drew her too him. Reaching up she took his face in her hands and brought him in second time in just under a day for a kiss, a long kiss.

(Tann) Her hands now on his face he gave no resistance as she pulled him down to her, their lips locking in unrestrained hunger. Without realizing it he pushed her back into the marts wall and the soft kissing turned into a series of passionate kisses on her neck and cheeks.

(Mischief) As he started to kiss her with a need for her, his kisses on her neck and face feeling like fire, Beth knew she wanted this man for her own. She had never felt anything for any man in the Rolling State as she now felt for Keith, the age difference be damned! Her hands as if on a mission one moving to the back of his head pulling him in closer, while the other brazenly went between his legs, her motions down there hidden by his armored duster.

(Tann) Kissing Beth’s neck and cheeks, returning to her lips, his pulling of her hair, somehow it all seemed to fit. This young girl, 15 years his minor, had reignited something in him he had not felt since his days with Raquel, and even that was nothing as strong as right here, right now, in a f***ing quickie mart. However her hand on his crotch brought him out of this spur of the moment intimacy between them and back to the real world.

(Tann) “Beth, we need to stop”

(Mischief) Her face pulling back, she made as if to protest, but she knew this was no place she wanted a possible first time with the big solo to happen.

(Mischief) “Your right, damn it, your right” Shacking her head “What the hell was that?”

(Tann) “I don’t know, combat high? Hormones?” He replied.

(Mischief) “Really combat high? Hormones? your f***ing kidding me right!”

(Tann) “Damn it Ech.. Beth... I don’t know, all I know is, I want you, but not here, not now. This is not the time for this, or my god the place. We need to get the kid handed off and rescue Vegas. After that, if we are still alive, then we talk ok?”

(Mischief) As if coming to her senses the edge-runner in her took over pushing her feelings for Casino into a special place, a place she dearly wanted to visit again soon. A last kiss on his cheek and her best smile.

(Mischief) “Ok fearless leader, lead on, what next”

The next ten minutes were spent silent but for Casino pointing to a few things Echo putting them into the cart and waiting in the checkout line. The two could not help but notice the looks some gave them, to Echo raised eyes and looks of lust and to him looks of disgust and jealousy. Clearly the age gap was on full notice as they both waited to check out. With everything done and the groceries paid for Casino carried all the bags as Echo kept watch. Seeing them coming, Bloodbank was quick to open the room’s door and make way for both. Placing the bags on the rooms counter next to it’s TV he turned to the rest of the group as Echo started placing the bags contents on the counter.

“Ok listen up, there’s two deli sandwiches for each of us, everything from roast beef to ham and cheese, to bologna and cotto salami, hope no ones a vegetarian. Team members get one monster energy drink and a pair of 20 oz water bottles. Rya, Jase, you both also get a water bottle and there is a sandwich for both of you. Drink the monsters first get your energy levels back up, then drink the water as you eat to combat the dehydration from the energy drinks.” Grabbing a roast beef and a cotto salami sandwich his monster and the 2 20 oz bottles he started to move back to his chair but stopped. (Assuming Ghlahn is back in the room)

“I owe you all an apology, mostly you Ghlahn and you Charlie, I let my emotions get in the way of my experience and that could have cost us all our lives. Though I can’t promise it will never happen again, I’ll do my damnedest to keep it in check”

Nodding to them he sat down, grabbing the TV remote, looking for any news stations. He easily drank the monster down in almost three gulps and started in on his roast beef sandwich, as he watched the TV for any news of the team’s recent gunfight or any continuing stories on his fight at the hospital ER. Without a doubt Falcone would be doing the same thing to try to pin them down and it was quite possible they would be waiting to hit them back for the lose of the seven sec soldiers at the hand-off.

Maybe the big solo thought to himself. I’ll get lucky and find out who the old Asian guy was, maybe give me a lead.
However for now handing the kid off was top priority, Casino told himself for the hundredth time, then Vegas…….

Posted on 2020-02-28 at 00:42:18.
Edited on 2020-02-28 at 15:39:28 by TannTalas

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3141 Posts

A little down time

Fixer watched Glahn take Jace out of the room.  He didn't like it, but maybe the guy could get some answers.  And it gave him a shot at talking to Rya.  

He apprached her where she sat on the bed.  "So what made Jace's life so bad?  I admit a lack of love sucks, but he's running from a fortune to . . . no offense, the streets.  I've never been to Bolivia, but I gotta suspect if you land their with cleaners wages, it isn't going to be a penthouse for Jace.  So where you goin' in Bolivia?  Got a nice alley picked out?"

He knew it was a bit offensive, but on the streets he knew of dozens of parents who would have given up their kids to give them what Jace was running from - a shot at money.  And at his age it would only be a few years before he could step out on his own.  With cash.  This scram just disn't make sense.  Unless Jace was running from more than just a lack of love or they were running to more than another tent in an alley.  What Mom drags her kid down into the alley?  On purpose?

(Rya's response)

"You want help. But right now his running is putting lives at risk.  And there are good arguments that he'd be better off where he came from.  So spill it, Mom.  Who are you?  Why should we risk literally everything, to help you?  You need to start talking."

He just looked at her and waited.

(If she responds he will at some point slip in the name of the security agency, Falcone, and see if she reacts.)

When asked about looking at the vehicle Fixer looks up..  "Sure.  Not my specialty, but there is no harm in looking."  

zWhen done talking with Rya he goes and examines the vehicle.


Posted on 2020-02-28 at 15:50:30.

Bromern Sal
A Shadow
RDI Staff
Karma: 158/11
4402 Posts

X00032:8.Y00001:12.Z00054:5, On the Mean Streets | South Night City Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - March 9th, Day 3 (Sunday), 01:20 PM PST

Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15 mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)

Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)


Cred Stick Charlie is hoping to grab some time to study for a bit, and maybe grab some shuteye until a message comes in from Starlight with the location of the drop. Still wrapped up in his vehicle search, the fixer adds, "I would suggest to the solos... PCI (OOC: Pre Combat Inspection), recheck your ammo levels and clean your weapons while you have the downtime. We are not out of the woods yet."

Then, glancing over to Fixer, he asks, "would you mind looking the vehicle over before I turn it back over to its owners, please?" 

Fixer looks over at the well-dressed Native American. "Sure. Not my specialty, but there is no harm in looking." 

Once again, Charlie taps out another message to Starlight titled, Teammates

Fixer watches Ghlahn take Jace out of the room. He doesn’t like it, but maybe the guy can get some answers. And it gives him a shot at talking to Rya.  

“Well,” Blossom looks around the room. “I’m going to see what I can find on Falcone.” Activating her bracer, the netrunner’s keyboard forms. Beginning to type, she glances over at Charlie and Fixer, then Casino and Bloodbank, and finally Echo. “You gatos gonna just hang out and stare? Kinda creepy.”

Nearby, at the same time as Charlie is performing his searches, the big solo and the medtech are finishing up their conversation.

“It’s pretty serious,” Collin replies matter-of-factly. “You’ve sustained some damage to the bone and the muscle is pretty torn up. It’ll be a while before it is fully healed. In the meantime—” he holds up the pen device, “—I’ve properly cleaned it, fished out fragments of bone and shot, and am now going to cover it with Liquid Skin. This should hold you over for about ten days, even showering. You’ll need to have it checked every day, though. Just to guard against infection.”

Flexing the arm gently at first then harder, Casino knows Bloodbank has done a good job. It isn’t the solo’s first time being injured. He can recognize a good patch job when he sees one. Standing, he first looks to Bloodbank, then the rest of the room.

“Thanks and no need to tell me to take it lightly as we both know that won’t happen,” he states to the medic. Then, to the rest of the room, he says, “Ok, we’ve all been on the go for some time now and after that li’l firefight I know I’m tired and hungry—even though all I did was sit on my ass and watch—so good bet is everyone one here is just as tired and hungry. Gonna take Echo and head over to that quickie mart next door and pick up a few things to carry us over.

“Bloodbank, watch the street and cover us as we move to and from that quickie mart (assuming it can be seen from our room window). Fixer, I’d like for you to do a quick inspect of all our recently fired weapons and heavier firearms. Each person takes care of your own handguns before we leave. Make sure you pass the word to Ghlahn, good wager his rifle has been fired the most. Afterwards, please give me a rundown on what weapons and ammo, as a whole, we have to move forward."

Picking his SMG/Grenade launcher up from the chair he places it, unloaded, on the foot of the bed along with the eight grenades for the launcher and it’s six extra magazines. As Echo places her SMG beside his (OOC: Echo doesn’t part with the SMG. That’s her baby. She also has no skill with the handgun), he offered her one of his two .44’s to carry which she was hesitant at first to take, but in the end did so.

“Charlie, after we drop off the kid and mom, we’re gonna need a new place to plan our mission to get back Vegas. If you can—after you find a bigger ride—please find a good place to hold up. We need to keep moving for it’s a sure bet this Falcone Sec outfit is not just waiting on us to show up, but is actively hunting us.”

Looking over to Blossom, he also wanted to say something to her but seeing her wrapped up tight looking for clues on Falcone the big solo decides on later. Nodding his head to Echo, the two of them make their way out the motel door, Echo giving up her place at the window to Bloodbank who settles in with a view of the street (Awareness/Notice check of 17).

Moving from the couch, Fixer approaches Rya where she sits on the bed her jaw clenched, the skin around her eyes tight. 

"So,” the techie begins, drawing her gaze away from the door that Jase and Ghlahn had just went through, “what made Jace's life so bad? I admit a lack of love sucks, but he's running from a fortune to—no offense—the streets. I've never been to Bolivia, but I gotta suspect if you land there with cleaners wages, it isn't going to be a penthouse for Jace. So, where you goin' in Bolivia? Got a nice alley picked out?"

He knows it is a bit offensive, but on the Streets, he knows of dozens of parents who would have given up their kids to give them what Jace was running from—a shot at money. And at his age, it will only be a few years before he can step out on his own. With cash. This scram just doesn’t make sense. Unless Jace is running from more than just a lack of love or they are running to more than another tent in an alley. What Mom drags her kid down into the alley? On purpose?

“You ever get treated like a piece of furniture?” Rya shoots back defiantly. “Money, a fancy home… that means nothing if you aren’t loved. I’m not going to share more about Bolivia with you. If you do decide to let us go, I want to disappear with Jase.

“I don’t expect a person like you to understand. I’ve heard of your kind before. Street Samurai, Mercenaries, Edgerunners… I don’t care what you call yourselves, you choose to live a violent life. What would you know about the value of familia or real love?”

"You want help. But right now his running is putting lives at risk.” Fixer stares down at her with a hard look. “And there are good arguments that he'd be better off where he came from. So, spill it, Mom. Who are you? Why should we risk literally everything, to help you? You need to start talking."

He looks down at her and waits.

“I don’t know what more you want from me,” Rya exclaims and points to Bloodbank. “Can he perform a DNA test? Do you have that equipment handy? It doesn’t look like it to me.

“I’ve had a lot of time to think about this. Eight years, in fact. Why would a collar pay someone to be a surrogate? There are a lot of possible answers. 

“Maybe she didn’t want to ruin her body with a pregnancy, maybe she is barren, or maybe something darker. Maybe she did it for status—I don’t know if having a child is a good thing or a bad for a corporate stooge. Whatever the reason, Jase deserves more than what he’s getting. He deserves a real mother! Ask him what he wants since you’re so sure that being with me is a huge step down for him. He’s very smart. He understands everything that is going on.”

Luther checks the tone of everyone left in the room with a quick, studious look, Rya’s and Fixer’s conversation momentarily drawing his attention. It appears to him that the heat from earlier has dissipated and the team is cohesive for the time being. Lowering his gaze back to his agent, he returns to tapping away at his keys, looking for his first temporary vehicle, something for 3-4...maybe. 

Awh, yeah. These look okay, he thinks as he peruses the results of his first search. But I'll still need something more. Maybe one of these will do as another team vehicle, his thoughts continue. Bookmarking a few of the more reasonable selections, Luther continues looking for a second vehicle.

Remaining watchful, Bloodbank intently listens to Fixer’s interrogation and considers everything that’s been said. He doesn’t have the means to run a DNA test, Rya’s correct there, but then, as a former nurse, she already knew that.

“Your boss,” Rya snarls the word and swings a hand towards the door Casino and Echo had used, “isn’t interested in helping us. He said so before he left.

“Jase won’t stay with her—with Alys. He’ll come looking for me.”

Bloodbank resists the urge to look over at her and offer some comfort and instead, keeps his eyes on the busy street through the rain-swept window. I was fine taking out some kidnappers who’d put some poor kid through the ringer but this is a whole different story. Charlie has already pointed out that the contract is to kill Rya and return the boy. I can’t let that happen… can I? It’s the contract. It’s what I was hired to do. But can I really allow this woman to be iced?

A ping sounds in Charlie’s head and a message notification pops up. It’s from Starlight.

Drop: 0900 tomorrow morning. Coordinates will be delivered 1 hour before.


Exiting the motel tier, the two cautiously move to the quickie mart being dusted by the acidic rain once again. They encounter no trouble and make their way inside, grab a cart, Casino pushing, Echo reaching for things and putting them in the cart. Looking at the young, deadly beauty in front of him, Casino has to know, before things get more chaotic, what there is between them.

“Echo...” Casino begins hesitantly.

“Elizabeth,” Echo replies, “my real name is Elizabeth Cooper, but alone it’s Beth.”

For the moment Casino doesn’t know how to respond. Giving up one’s real name in the shadow running biz is a major show of trust.

“My real name is Keith Story, but you can call me Keith,” he finally answers.

“Hmm Keith,” She says as if rolling it on her tongue. Then, smiling, she adds, “I like that.”

Moving to stand by her at the front of the cart, wanting to say something but not finding the words, the big solo raises his hand to caress her face, her soft skin, sad eyes, and innocent look drawing Keith into her zone of control even more deeply.

His hand on her face, the glint of fire, not of anger, but of caring, in his eyes draws her to him. Reaching up she takes his face in her hands and brings him in a second time in just under a day for a kiss, a long kiss.

Casino gives no resistance as she pulls him down to her, their lips locking in unrestrained hunger. Without realizing it he, pushes her back into the marts shelving and the soft kissing turned into a series of passionate kisses on her neck and cheeks. As he begins to kiss her with a need for her, his kisses on her neck and face feeling like fire, Beth knows she wants this man for her own. She has never felt anything for any man in the Rolling State as she now feels for Keith, the age difference be damned! Her hands, as if on a mission, one moving to the back of his head pulling him in closer, while the other brazenly went between his legs, her motions down there hidden by his armored duster.

Returning to her lips, he pulls her hair, somehow it all seems to fit. This young girl, 15 years younger than he, has reignited something in him he has not felt since his days with Raquel, and even that was nothing as strong as right here, right now, and in a quickie mart of all places. However her hand on his crotch brought him out of this spur of the moment intimacy between them and back to the real world.

“Beth, we need to stop.”

Pulling back, she makes as if to protest, but she knows this is no place she wanted for a possible first time with the big solo to happen.

“Your right, damn it, your right,” Shaking her head, she asks, “What the hell was that?”

“I don’t know, combat high? Hormones?” He replies.

“Really? Combat high? Hormones? You’re f***ing kidding me, right?”

“Damn it, Ech—Beth... I don’t know. All I know is, I want you, but not here, not now. This is not the time for this, or, my God, the place. We need to get the kid handed off and rescue Vegas. After that, if we are still alive, then we talk. Okay?”

As if coming to her senses, the edge-runner in her takes over, pushing her feelings for Casino into a special place, a place she dearly wants to visit again soon. She places a last kiss on his cheek and offers her best smile.

“Okay, fearless leader, lead on, what next?”

The next ten minutes are spent in silence but for Casino pointing to a few things and Echo putting them into the cart. Waiting in the checkout line, the two cannot help but notice the looks some of the other customers give them. Both of the edgers interpret the looks in their own ways. Echo sees raised eyebrows and the typical looks of lust while Casino sees looks of disgust and jealousy. Clearly the age gap is very apparent as they both wait for the AI to register their goods and ping their cred chips. 

With everything done and the groceries paid for, Casino carries all the bags as Echo keeps watch and the two make their way back into the wet streets of South Night City Integrate.


Spotting Casino and Echo returning from across the street, Bloodbank times their approximate arrival and moves to the door. Peering out the peephole, the medtech opens the door just as they arrive, stepping aside to give them berth. Placing the bags on the rooms counter next to the TV, Casino turns to the rest of the group as Echo begins removing the bags contents and placing them on the counter.

“Ok, listen up. There’s two deli sandwiches for each of us, everything from roast beef to ham and cheese, to bologna and cotto salami. Hope no one’s a vegetarian,” the big guy removes his combat mask. “Team members get one Blitz energy drink and a pair of 20 oz water bottles. Rya, and Jase, both get a water bottle and there’s a sandwich for each of you. Drink the Blitz first to get your energy levels back up, then drink the water as you eat to combat the dehydration from the energy drinks.” 

Grabbing a roast beef and a cotto salami sandwich along with his Blitz and the two 20 oz bottles, he moves back to his chair but stops and looks around just as Ghlahn and Jase re enter.

“I owe you all an apology,” Casino states, “mostly you Ghlahn and you Charlie. I let my emotions get in the way of my experience and that could have cost us all our lives. Though I can’t promise it will never happen again, I’ll do my damnedest to keep it in check.”

Nodding to them he sits down, reaches for the TV remote, and switches the television on looking for any news stations. 

“Thanks,” Bloodbank replies, realizing just how hungry he is. No longer on sentry duty, he retrieves the sandwiches and drinks for himself, Rya, and Jase and then delivers them to the two captives. Resisting the urge to inspect the ingredients and knowing that the food is likely flavored, compressed kibble, the medtech is thankful that the solo and nomad had the wherewithal to take care of this.

“Go easy on the Blitz,” the medtech warns. “If you’re on any other stimulant it could lead to heart failure.”

Casino easily downs the Blitz in almost three gulps and starts in on his roast beef sandwich, as he watches the TV for any news of the team’s recent gunfight or any continuing stories on his fight at the hospital ER. Without a doubt, Falcone will be doing the same thing to try to pin them down and it is quite possible they will be waiting to hit them back for the loss of the seven sec soldiers at the hand-off.

Maybe, the big solo thinks, I’ll get lucky and find out who the old Asian guy is. Maybe give me a lead. However, for now, handing the kid off is top priority, Casino tells himself for the hundredth time, then Vegas.

Still at work digging up what she can on Falcone, Blossom is mostly oblivious to what’s going on around her. This isn’t like when she’s jacked in so she’s heard the conversations. Cold blooded killer has never been on her jacket. Then again, she’s always been very careful not to get emotionally involved in these runs and she has never actually been party to pulling the trigger. Shoving these macabre thoughts back into the recesses of her mind, she continues to build the dossier. 

(OOC: March 9th, Day 3 - Sunday, Time is 01:45 PM PST - Midcity, Moonlight Express Motel, South Night City Integrate.)

Posted on 2020-02-28 at 19:15:05.

Trilogy Master
RDI Staff
Karma: 181/119
6817 Posts

Just chillin @ Cleaning

With nothing more to do then eat his sandwich, drink from the two water bottles and watch TV, Casino continued to do so for the moment relaxing hoping for news and police reaction to the lastest shootout. Finishing his sandwiches he un-holstered both .44's and using the small spray bottle of WD-40 he had just bought, started to clean and oil it's moving parts. Once done he offered the bottle for anyone else to use. 

Posted on 2020-02-29 at 14:41:13.
Edited on 2020-03-03 at 15:50:24 by TannTalas

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3141 Posts

Giving up the good life.

Fixer still found Rya's story odd.  

"Actually, most of us do have family.  People we care about.  If our family is dead, not uncommon on the streets, then your team is your family.  And that's who Jace's scat is endangering.  So, don't presume to know who we are."  He looks at the mother and feels sympathy, but also disbelief.  "Here's a choice for you.  You can send  a kid back to millions.  Or you can leave him in poverty with his mother.  But if you choose option B, your life is worthless  - and so are the lives of the rest of your little family.  Maybe you  should consider what it takes for people to even listen to option B."

At that point he waited for another explosion from Momma Bear.

When that conversation was over he made sure he had time to look over the arms and vehicle.  When that was done he ate some of what passed for food on the streets.  As he sat there eating "sandwhich in a tube" he couldn't help but wonder what it would take to make him give up a bit of real roast beef.  He'd heard the rich ate actual food still.  And Momma Bear  was bringing her cub to a tent in a Bolivian alley.  If it were his kid he'd kick him to the penthouse.

Finished with that he went to Blossom.  "Is there anything else on Rya out there anywhere?  This whole thing just seems weird.  I hate being in the middle of weird."

If time allowed, he took a nap.

Posted on 2020-02-29 at 15:21:24.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 7/1
114 Posts


As Keith tried to explain the feelings between them she knew he was right. Acting if she had somehow come to her senses the edge-runner in her took over pushing her feelings for Casino into a special place, a place she dearly wanted to visit again soon. A last kiss on his cheek and her best smile.

“Ok fearless leader, lead on, what next”

Within a few moments the both of them were back in the hotel room handing out food and drink. As Casino sat back to relax, clean his handguns, and watch the news she moved back to stand at the window watching for anything out of the ordinary. Having yet to fire her heavy Mustang pistol, she knew it needed no cleaning as in the long run all she really needed was her MP2020 and that pretty much cleaned itself.

For now she’d stand watch while the rest relaxed and go from there when the time came to give over Jase.

Posted on 2020-03-05 at 22:29:09.


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