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Parent thread: Flesh & Blood - A CyberPunk Game
GM for this game: Bromern Sal
Players for this game: TannTalas, Keeper of Dragons, Nomad D2, Hammer, Mischief, Espatier, dragon-soul92, CameToPlay
    Messages in Flesh & Blood - A Night City Adventure
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A quick burger

Fixer quickly put together the walkie talkies. It wasn't a tough job and it wen t smoothly. Before long he had a pile of wiped clean communication devices in front of him. He looked up at his compatriot who had asked if was done and nodded. "Yeah, easy peasy. I could use somethin' burgerish. Lets get to Gene's."

The pair quickly moved off to regroup with the rest of the party. On his way out of the mall, Fixer dumped the waste scraps and wrappings from his work in a bin. It wasn't about littering, the whole damn world was one big pile of stinky litter these days. He just didn't want to leave any trace.

When they got to the restaurant he took his seat and responded to the table waiter, "fastest burger you got. With cheese. Fries and a coke." He turned to the one person at the table that he hadn't seen before, nodded, and greeted him with a causal, "welcome to the party." He didn't bother giving his name. He rarely did, besides the guy certainly already knew who he was. And all he knew was that the guy was named 'credit-stick Charlie," or some such and came via Sarlight. Whatever. The game was about to be afoot.

He handed out the walkies and they all agreed upon a frequency. He listened to the others talk about the plan. He was interested, but didn't have an opinion on things. Nor had he brought a car, so that didn't matter much, although it wasn't a bad idea.

Posted on 2018-01-21 at 19:33:36.

Trilogy Master
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Karma: 181/119
6817 Posts

A much needed slap in the face

Night City The Streets | Night City Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - Day 2 March 8th(Saturday), 2:30 PM PST Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.) Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)

Flat gray-blue eyes meet the large solo's gaze from beneath the dripping brim of his fedora, "Fourteen years, we've been pulling each others' asses out of one hot mess after another. I've helped you get petty revenge on people, when you got shot in the head I dragged your heavy ass to a hospital and made sure your medical and recovery expenses were paid, when you were accused of rape I not only stood by you but lost work because of it and continued to find ways to help in your defense—which I might add, eventually led to the freedom you enjoy today. When you were accused of murder, I stood by your side and helped with your legal fees and defense. You being pissed at me over a miscalculation on one run is rich, sport. How many times have I helped you through your own troubles when your jealousy issues, hot temper, impulses, and injuries could have been enough for me to walk. Get over yourself."

For a moment Casino felt rage at Vegas's words, but then he quickly cooled down knowing the Frank Sinatra looking solo was right. Though his move at the club was the wrong one, putting him in a world of s*** at the hospital, he himself had, had moments of stupidity. Like a slap in the face Vegas's words hit home and the big solo realized his anger was more child like then needed to be. To blow off fourteen years of friendship was stupid. With a silent nod of his head in acknowledgment and in a sort of apology he moved off with Echo.

After a few stops Casino was unhappy with the selections he had viewed so far. Not being one to really wear masks thanks to all of his mostly old tech he happened to catch a glimpse of a white and black painted skinmask out of the corner of his eye as he was turning away. Moving to it he picked it up and looked it over and trying it on he saw it hide his true features well enough. The big solo could tell the mask design was old and was clearly not in style as he had never seen its look on anyone. Turning to Echo he showed it to her,


(Figuring a good or bad response it's a skin mask the same design as what Brandon Lee wore in the Crow though much more white and black

Deciding to get it, he paid the clerk, and was going to put it on as he walked out the store, but turned to Echo instead.

"He's right you know" At her questioning stare, "Vegas I mean, we have been partners for 14 years but what he did was so stupid." A pause to look down the street and catch a short breath. "That fight in the hospital was bad, really bad" Casino confirmed to Echo for the first time that he was indeed the shooter on the news. "However it's not like I have not screwed up myself a time or too. Am I letting my anger get the best of me?"

Turning to the young female nomad he waited for her reply rubbing on the mask as an after thought.

Echo's reply, may backpost more of this conversations in later posts with her depending on such

Night City: iQuality | Night City Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - Day 2 March 8th(Saturday), 5:00 PM PST Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.) Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)

Returning to join the rest he ordered a burger and fries w/ a large coke. As he and Echo moved to sit they were just in time to here Vegas address this ~Cred Stick Charlie~

"So," the Frank Sinatra fan declares while making his selection of a cheeseburger, fries, and a drink, "You must be Cred Stick Charlie. You can call me Vegas. Have the others brought you up-to-date on our run?"

"Yes Mr Vegas, I believe that my brief is complete " replies Charlie.

"Fantastic!" Order complete, Vegas leans back in his chair and looks around at the team. "So, we had a plan. Me, Fixer, and Bloodbank were to going to go in and see if Dr. Carey is home and there's any sign of the mark. The rest are to take up positions outside West Park where exits and entrances can be watched to make sure he doesn't rabbit. At least, that was the plan.

"Unless there's been some kind of enlightening and the plan has changed—Charlie, I think it is probably a good idea for you to join us inside the mallplex. What do you think?"

Charlie lifts up his briefcase and explains what is inside. " This is a Class C Aerial Drone Remote Operator's case. The Delta Cross XLT "Sky Master" has a range of plus or minus 20 miles.I'll have limited video and still capability from a plus or minus 11K feet cap. I would like to suggest you guys letting me this vehicle to provide a over watch capability". It's probably a bit to late but did anyone think to bringing a vehicle just encase your rabbit runs?. Because mine is back in it's garage."

Taking in the newcomers clothing and tech Casino knew why Starlight had sent him, and it was not a good sign for the rest of the group. Clearly she was not happy with the group's preformance and in all honesty it could be directly related to the actions of Vegas, himself and Fixer. None the less he remained quiet, eating his food and afterwards wearing his new bought mask......

Posted on 2018-01-21 at 23:58:57.
Edited on 2018-01-22 at 00:00:04 by TannTalas

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 2/0
147 Posts

A couple new faces ...

After a few stops Casino was unhappy with the selections he had viewed so far. Not being one to really wear masks thanks to all of his mostly old tech he happened to catch a glimpse of a white and black painted skinmask out of the corner of his eye as he was turning away. Moving to it he picked it up and looked it over and trying it on he saw it hide his true features well enough. The big solo could tell the mask design was old and was clearly not in style as he had never seen its look on anyone. Turning to Echo he showed it to her,


Echo turned to see what the solo had found, and gave an involuntary gasp - she knew this design! Her father had an antique picture on the wall of his office in their old home, with some choomba dressed all in black with the same design painted on his face, a raven perched on his shoulder. Recovering quickly lest the big man take her reaction negatively, she gave a rare smile and said,

"I think it's perfect! A brilliant design that I've seen before - some sort of entertainment from a long time ago had that face on it."

Deciding to get it, he paid the clerk, and was going to put it on as he walked out the store, but turned to Echo instead.

"He's right you know" At her questioning stare, "Vegas I mean, we have been partners for 14 years but what he did was so stupid." A pause to look down the street and catch a short breath. "That fight in the hospital was bad, really bad" Casino confirmed to Echo for the first time that he was indeed the shooter on the news. "However it's not like I have not screwed up myself a time or too. Am I letting my anger get the best of me?"

Echo empathized with the solo, for she knew what it was like to lose friends over mistakes all too well, no matter who was at fault.

"From what I saw on the news and what you said, it didn't look like you had much of a choice when things went south there. We all make mistakes," she says pointedly, putting a hand tentatively on his forearm trying to convey a bit of comfort to him, "but the idea is to learn from them and try to make things right. My father taught me that. That's why I'm on this job. There was a mistake made, and I need the funds to make it right."

She met the tall blond's eyes and continued, "There was a saying that went with that picture my dad had. It perhaps suits your situation with Vegas, and please forgive me if I'm being too intrusive. It says, ‘It can't rain all the time'. I've held to that every time a way was blocked, or situations blew up. Sometimes somethin' like that can help ya though the bad."

The little nomad smiled warmly up at the solo, hoping her words gave him some amount of comfort or clarity. He seemed a good man who perhaps got caught up in a few bad deals. She knew about that, too.

The pair headed towards where the others had gone for some chow, and met up with this new member of the team, ‘Cred Stick Charlie'. Here was a type of person she hadn't seen in several years, someone who dressed like those that her father used to do business with, all rich fabrics and suave looks, except she was pretty sure this Charlie was NOT in the same type of business. Reverting back to her shyness of newcomers, she gave Charlie a small smile and a nod, then turned to the waitress and ordered a cheeseburger with everything, fries, and a Coke, listening to the plan the others concocted.

Posted on 2018-01-22 at 01:41:58.
Edited on 2018-01-22 at 01:45:48 by Aletheia

Bromern Sal
A Shadow
RDI Staff
Karma: 158/11
4402 Posts

The Streets | Night City Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - March 8th, Day 2 (Saturday), 5:20 PM PST

Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)
Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)

------------------- Flashback to Recently--------------------

For a moment Casino feels rage at Vegas's words, but then he quickly cools down knowing the Frank Sinatra looking solo is right. Though his move at the club was the wrong one, putting Casino in a world of s*** at the hospital, he, himself, has had moments of stupidity. Like a slap in the face, Vegas's words hit home and the big solo realizes his anger is more childlike than needed to be. To blow off fourteen years of friendship is stupid. With a silent nod of his head in acknowledgment and a sort of apology, he moves off with Echo.

Vegas watches his partner go for a moment and allows a sense of relief and, perhaps, a bit of amusement, well up in his chest. One of the aspects of the two working together that is so effective is their ability to call each other on their crap. This time, though, events had almost pushed them both over the rim. Feeling chagrin at his part in the anger-fueled argument and more than a little embarrassed that such a break down in their professionalism is so obvious to the rest of the edgerunners, he vows to make it right as he joins the others in their efforts to resolve the communications gap.

After a few autofac menus have been perused, Casino is unhappy with the selections he has viewed so far. Not being one to really wear masks thanks to all of his oldCybe, he happens to catch a glimpse of a white and black painted Skinmask out of the corner of his eye as he is turning away from the ZetaTech printer. Moving back to the screen, he selects the full three hundred and sixty degree view to look it over. Appreciating the simple design, the solo presses the "Try It On" option and follows the instructions to hold perfectly still while the autofac scans him. Within thirty-seconds, the holographic projector places a semblance of the mask over his face. It hides his true features well enough, he decides. The big solo can tell the mask design is old and is clearly not in style as he has never seen its look on anyone. Turning to Echo, the holographic engine rendering the turn smoothly, he shows it to her, "Opinions?"

Echo turns from her own curious investigation into the autofacs to see what the solo has found, and gives an involuntary gasp—she knows this design! Her father had an antique picture on the wall of his office in their old home, with some choomba dressed all in black with the same design painted on his face, a raven perched on his shoulder. Recovering quickly lest the big man take her reaction negatively, she gives a rare smile and says, "I think it's perfect! A brilliant design that I've seen before—some sort of entertainment from a long time ago had that face on it."

Deciding to get it, Casino turns back to the console and presses the info button.

"The Crow Warrior Mask," a pleasant black female hologram appears next to him wearing a slim business suit with pants and a jacket of rich, forest green and a yellow blouse. "Excellent selection as this particular item is on sale today for twenty-five Night City Dollars, a full fifty percent discount!"

That's half his remaining dough, but he needs the mask so the large solo punches in his digital wallet ID and pays the machine. Stepping back, he folds his arms and waits as it prints. A minute later and the green light over the retrieval bin lights up.

"Your purchase is ready," the holographic salesperson motions towards the bin with a slim hand and a winning smile. "Enjoy your purchase of the Crow Warrior Skinmask and have a lovely day."

Extracting the still warm, newly printed mask, Casino wastes no time in moving to put it on, but turns to Echo instead.

"He's right you know," he rumbles at her questioning stare. "Vegas I mean. We have been partners for fourteen-years but what he did was so stupid." A pause to look out the rain-spotted windows and down the street while catching a short breath.

"That fight in the hospital was bad—really bad," Casino confirms to Echo for the first time that he is, indeed, the shooter on the news. "However, it's not like I have not screwed up myself a time or two. Am I letting my anger get the best of me?"

Turning to the young female nomad he waits for her reply, rubbing on the mask as an afterthought with his thumbs.
Echo empathizes with the solo, for she knows what it is like to lose friends over mistakes all too well, no matter who was is fault.

"From what I saw on the news, and what you said, it didn't look like you had much of a choice when things went south there. We all make mistakes," she says pointedly, putting a hand tentatively on his forearm, trying to convey a bit of comfort to him, "but the idea is to learn from them and try to make things right. My father taught me that. That's why I'm on this job. There was a mistake made, and I need the funds to make it right."

She meets the tall blond's eyes and continues, "There was a saying that went with that picture my dad had. It perhaps suits your situation with Vegas, and please forgive me if I'm being too intrusive. It says, ‘It can't rain all the time'. I've held to that every time a way was blocked, or situations blew up. Sometimes somethin' like that can help ya though the bad."

The little nomad smiles warmly up at the solo, hoping her words give him some amount of comfort or clarity. He seems a good man who, perhaps, got caught up in a few bad deals. She knows about that, too.

During their shopping, Echo has received a message from Bloodbank letting her know they are moving across the street to Green Gene's Cafe and it is here that she guides the leather clad, new mask wearing solo once they are ready.

------------------- End Flashback ---------------------

Joining most of the rest of the group, Vegas orders a burger and fries with a large Cola. He takes note of the new arrival—this Cred Stick Charlie—with some interest while attempting to reserve opinions on the sharp-dressed Native American.

"It fits," Vegas comments with a nod towards the mask. "I like it, sport."

(OOC: Casino's reply, if any,)

When they arrived at the restaurant, Fixer takes his seat and responds to the table waiter, "fastest burger you got. With cheese. Fries and a coke."

He turns to the one person at the table that he hasn't seen before, nods, and greets him with a causal, "Welcome to the party." He doesn't bother giving his name. He rarely does, besides, the guy certainly already knows who he is. And all he knows is that the guy is named 'Credit-stick Charlie," or some such and comes via Starlight. Whatever. The game was about to be afoot.

"So," the Frank Sinatra fan declares while making his selection of a cheeseburger, fries, and a drink, "You must be Cred Stick Charlie. You can call me Vegas. Have the others brought you up-to-date on our run?"
Fixer hands out the walkies while the discussion proceeds and they all agree upon a frequency. He listens to the others talk about the plan. He is interested, but doesn't have an opinion on things. Nor has he brought a car, so that doesn't matter much, although it isn't a bad idea.

"Yes Mr. Vegas, I believe that my brief is complete," replies Charlie.

‘Cred Stick Charlie'. Here is the type of person Echo hasn't been in close contact within several years; someone who dresses like those that her father used to do business with, all rich fabrics and suave looks, except she is pretty sure this Charlie is NOT in the same type of business as her father had been. Reverting back to her shyness of newcomers, she gives Charlie a small smile and a nod, then turns her attention to the tabletop ordering service and orders a cheeseburger with everything, fries, and a Cola while listening to the plan the others concoct.

"Fantastic!" Order complete, Vegas leans back in his chair and looks around at the team. "So, we had a plan. Me, Fixer, and Bloodbank were to going to go in and see if Dr. Carey is home and there's any sign of the mark. The rest are to take up positions outside West Park where exits and entrances can be watched to make sure he doesn't rabbit. At least, that was the plan.

"Unless there's been some kind of enlightening and the plan has changed—Charlie, I think it is probably a good idea for you to join us inside the mallplex. What do you think?"

Charlie lifts up his briefcase and explains what is inside. "This is a Class C Aerial Drone Remote Operator's case. The Delta Cross XLT ‘Sky Master' has a range of plus or minus 20 miles.I'll have limited video and still capability from a plus or minus 11K feet cap. I would like to suggest you guys letting me and this vehicle provide an overwatch capability.

"It's probably a bit too late but did anyone think to bringing a vehicle just encase your rabbit runs?. Because mine is back in it's garage."

Taking in the newcomer's clothing and tech once more, Casino feels that he knows why Starlight had sent him, and it is not a good sign for the rest of the group. Clearly, she is not happy with the group's performance, and in all honesty, it could be directly related to the actions of Vegas, himself, and Fixer. Nonetheless he remained quiet, eating his food with his newly purchased Crow Warrior Skinmask lifted just enough to reveal his mouth and allow him a clear line of sight, but hopefully still enough to make him unrecognizable.

"Sweet," Bloodbank whistles through his teeth while eyeballing the case. His cracked skull combat mask is sitting atop his bag on the floor by his feet and his interest and excitement at Charlie's announcement is fully visible.

"That's a useful toy," Vegas remarks with a half-smile. "But won't it only allow you to see one, maybe two, of the exits at a time? That leaves a few to be covered if he does bounce. It does, however, provide a means of following him should he do so with little in the way of obstacles.

"To answer your question concerning a car," the crooner picks up a fry and pops it into his mouth, talking while chewing. "Nothing in the intel we've scraped up indicates that our good professor has a vehicle of his own. But it's good to know you have a ride should the need come up."

"The drone will free up Echo or Vegas to join us inside, though." Tipping his head towards the fixer, Vegas presses his lips together. "Great add, choomba."

"So," the medtech sets his now empty cup down on the pale tabletop and reaches down for his mask, "we a go?"

(OOC: Unless any further planning is needed I'm going to assume that the plan is as follows: Vegas, Fixer, Bloodbank, and Echo—Vegas would argue that a woman being present might be a good idea if the kid is there, though he is quick to insist there's nothing sexist about the comment, just that women are viewed more kindly by kids than men— (I did kind of mix this company up from what was originally written based on the recent events, so if you'd like it to be otherwise, now's the time to state as much) will go into the mallplex. Meanwhile, Casino will take a position where he can view one angle of exits, Ghlahn another, and Charlie another with his drone.)

Those with masks are wearing them and Echo's Balaclava is wrapped about her pretty face as the group converges on the street and makes their way back to the bus stop. Reinforced glass displays the real-time route situation and the team has three-minutes to wait with the other riff-raff before the streamlined, black-glass encased bus rolls up.

Again, it's a cramped right with bodies pressing up against each other in uncomfortable and even sometimes, inappropriate, positions but the journey is uneventful and again, for the most part, people tend to purposefully ignore the obvious edgerunners.

Arriving at the stop on 2300, the team exfiltrates the city transit and steps into the gustin rain. Sky-high buildings channel the winds rather than dispersing them with the starscrapers swaying ominously overhead where the speeds of these gusts reach dangerously high.
Humanity—such as it is—pace along the sidewalks with raincoats, air filtration masks, and wary gazes. Here and there, a robotic pet follows its owner dutifully about and there's even a C-Familiar or two hovering over their owners' respective shoulder ready to serve as needed. But more than these examples of the affluent and middle classes are the poor and downtrodden huddled in ratty, moldy blankets next to the pockmarked cement of the building foundations, crowded in alleys, and panhandling amongst the intolerant masses. Edgerunners know these are the true dangers of the street and depending on how they are handled, they can either be dangerous to the edgers, or dangerous to those the edgers oppose.

Two blocks of walking and the team's clothing is barely repelling water anymore while the smells and odors of the sewer systems mixed with trash is barely filtered through their masks. Overhead, delivery drones buzz and pass by as frenzied messengers, barely avoiding the occasional flurrie of pigeons or other remote devices, ATOL vehicles, and wire lines draping between buildings.
West Park Mallplex is visible even as they exited the bus. Tall, slate gray with reflective slightly tinted windows lining the walls, some of which are broken out and covered by plastic or boxes, others of which are cracked. Street tags cover the reachable areas of the base indicating a progression of street gang dominance over the area.

Milling about at the corner of 2300 and West Park Circle, the group conspires to determine the best positions of their lookouts while surreptitiously reviewing the city map Blossom has provided to make sure they aren't missing anything.

Three vantage points present the best opportunities. Directly east of the mallplex is the Wolf Point Plaza. Should a person be able to gain a position within that building at a slightly higher altitude than street level, they could effectively keep an eye on the main entrance, the delivery bay and courtyard, and potentially two other entrances.

Second is the Infinity Towers at the corner of 4329.45 Dawn Ridge Road and West Park Circle. Again, should the higher ground be achieved, the watcher could potentially see the entire north side of the building and potentially even the west.

Lastly, the Tranquil Grotto Building at 3600.45 Ableman and West Park Cirlce. This location could provide a view of the rest of the entrances.

With the three individuals taking overwatch, the remaining team members proceed to the mallplex's main entrance. Having been caught up by the wind or just deposited there, wet and smelly trash is pressed against the building grounds, foundation, and even up the graffitied walls a ways in some places. Five sets of double doors with two roundtable doorways encompass the entrance with a lobby beyond and another set of doors just five meters past the first to help keep the elements from entering. Within this lobby the ponderous and acidic odor of urine assaults their senses, more so for those without filtration, and huddled piles of blankets shift and roil with the intrusion of the outside.

Through the second set of doors, the team is greeted by an open marketplace that is comparatively cleaner than the entrance. White and black diamond patterned tile match up with faux marble pillars hefting the balconies of the upper floors on their backs. Large planter boxes of fake foliage break up the emptiness of the main floor while the walls are lined with shops in various states of openness. Immediately to the left upon entering is the West Park Mallplex Offices from which an overweight black woman with beaded cornrows and yellow tips sits behind a bulletproof glass counter. The sign over her head reads, "Vacancies" and a flickering holographic, friendly-looking white woman wearing a charcoal suit dress beckons towards the party just outside the office door.

To the right, the smells of freshly baked goods drift lazily out of a narrow storefront where a bored Asian man with gray in his beard watches over a display of overpriced loaves of bread while robotic arms work behind him.

A restaurant called the Japanese Pig, a photographer's studio (closed down but still bearing the signage, an appliance repair store, a candy and sweets store, a custom holovid studio, and a barbershop are all passed by to reach the elevators. There, however, they encounter a guard station manned by four security officers wearing charcoal uniforms with black accents and carrying submachine guns, straight black reflective combat masks, and body armor bearing the name Extreme Counter Security, Inc. on the sleeves.

"Elevators are for residents only," one informs while the others shift about uneasily at their stations, fingers on their weapons' triggers.

(OOC: Assuming the rest of the party will let the smooth-talking and persuasive Frank Sinatra fan boy do the talking, feel free to insert what you will though.)

"We're guests," Vegas smoothly informs them, "of Warren Kelly, Twenty Four Twenty. Old school chums, sport."

"Huh," huffs the guard, then he motions towards the company with the barrel of his weapon. "What's with the rifle?"

Vegas glances back at Echo and her Nomad .44 before turning a grinning face back towards the security team, "That's why we're here. Ol' Warren wants to possibly buy the thing. We found it at a flea market, he's a collector, ya know?"

Silence follows and then the man shifts to step aside. "All right, but no discharging it in the building."

"Never would have even thought to," Vegas remarks cheerfully as he leads the edgerunners into the opening elevator.

Here, too, the smells are very nearly overwhelming and when combined with the light fingers of an unknown piano player over the sound system, the trip to the 24th floor is nearly unbearable. Practically spilling forth from the confines of the lift, the party regroups and gathers up their composure before turning and following the signs to 2450, Dr. Phil Carey's apartment.

"Ready?" Vegas assesses his companions' level of preparedness and then knocks (OOC: assuming no one protests) while leaning in against the doorframe. Whistling "Strangers in the Night" he waits a moment and then raps the door with his knuckle in quick succession once more.

"Who's there?" a hollow-sounding voice creeps through the barricade.

"My name is Victor Hartman, Dr. Carey," Vegas uses the fingernail of his right index finger to pick at some flaking paint on the door. "We're with the school—Bartholomew's—they've asked us to come check on you."

"Bartholomew's?" strained tension rides the answering voice like a cowboy on a bucking steer. "Ms. White said I was authorized for this time off."

Glancing back at his fellows, Vegas presses, "We're not here to do anything other than check on you and make sure you're doing all right. Ms. White was concerned."

"Concerned about what?" confusion seems to be the prevalent emotion now.

"The situation," Vegas shrugs and widens his eyes. "The whole situation, Dr. Carey. May we come in?"

A pause follows and clicking sounds prevail as the door is unlocked and opened. Stepping back from the door, a light handgun in hand and pointing at them, is a man of about five foot eleven with a drawn narrow face and thinning blonde hair atop his head. Dark circles surround his sunken blue eyes and his brow is furrowed with worry. He wears a rumpled white T-shirt with brown corduroy pants and tan stockings on his feet.

"I don't know you, Mr. Hartman," he says in a quiet weary voice, the weapon still leveled at Vegas' abdomen. "So, please forgive the caution."

Luke Reeves, aka Vegas, smiles affably and spreads his hands wide, "I completely understand, Dr. Carey. May we come in?"

Nodding tiredly, Phil jerks his weapon towards the position of the visible couch and steps to the side where he will more easily be able to cover the visitors.
The apartment is typical of mallplexes, small with very little breathing room. Consisting of two compartments, each with additional specifically designated function cubes, the living area is cluttered and well-lived in. One corner of the room houses a desktop computer module covered by a cloth. Along another wall is a free-flowing art sculpture that reacts to the air being blown into the room by the ventilation system by spinning slowly about as well as changing colors like a confused chameleon. Computer chips lie about covering practically every available surface except for a large table on the other side of the room which is covered by a sheet contoured by the many small items beneath it into a miniature mountain range. Out in plain view is an airbrush painter and the walls are covered with paintings on canvases both with and without frames. The paintings depict various animals of the kind none of the edgerunners have seen before.
Closing the door behind them, Bloodbank seals the group off in the room with Phil Carey.

"As you can see," Dr. Carey states while still keeping his handgun leveled at them from his waist. "There's no reason for Ms. White to be concerned. I will be back no later than Thursday and I've already arranged my substitute as well as a back-up should Lynn fall through. So, I see no reason for further concern."

"If I may," Bloodbank steps forward and removes his mask showing raised brow and a soft expression. "I'm in the medical profession, Dr. Carey, and you look like you could use some rest. Maybe some medication to help you sleep? Something, you're practically falling over as we speak."

Suspiciously eyeing the armored young man, Phil finally shakes his balding head very slowly, "No. No stimulants. I've got to keep my he—"

"My subjects!"

Startling the wary edgerunners (OOC: Make COOL checks to keep from drawing weapons or responding hostily,) a woman with streaming blond hair practically cascades from the bedroom, swinging the door wide and grandly sweeping into the room. Atop her head is a plaspex crown of silver decorated with colored chips of synthetic metal. She wears a lacy white cotton nightgown and carries herself with a bearing of dignity and nobility that belies her outfit.

"Kneel before me," she declares excitedly, wide eyes falling upon the edgers.

(OOC: Time is 5:55 PM PST)

Posted on 2018-01-22 at 12:03:52.

Trilogy Master
RDI Staff
Karma: 181/119
6817 Posts

Some suggestions

Night City The Streets | Night City Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - Day 2 March 8th(Saturday), 2:45 PM PST Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.) Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)

------------------- Flashback to Recently ---------------------

She met the tall blond's eyes and continued, "There was a saying that went with that picture my dad had. It perhaps suits your situation with Vegas, and please forgive me if I'm being too intrusive. It says, ‘It can't rain all the time'. I've held to that every time a way was blocked, or situations blew up. Sometimes somethin' like that can help ya though the bad."

As the small nomad smiled warmly up at him, hoping her words gave him some amount of comfort, Casino knew she was right he was just making it worse between him and Vegas's. Not knowing why the big solo reached over and hugged her.

"Thank you" Releasing her from the hug he still held her on to her shoulders not sure what he was feeling for this young girl. However what ever it was would have to wait. Letting her go he looks down.

"We better get back to meet the rest, this new guy should be with us soon"

------------------- End Flashback ---------------------

The two quickly made their way back to the rest of the group, Casino wearing his new mask. Getting their food both sat next to each other, their bond somehow closer thanks to a simple hug perhaps.

"It fits," Vegas comments with a nod towards the mask. "I like it, sport."

"Thanks" Not caring about the others, the big solo reaches out a hand in greeting and apology.

(Up to you Brom if he accepts it)

A few minutes of greeting and a little talking, the group decided to move to West Park Mallplex. However as they began the trip, Casino was the first to notice Blossom had yet to meet them.

"Anybody heard from Blossom yet?" With a universal no the solo looked at Echo. "Borrow your agent?"

(I'll assume she says yes if not I'll ask Vegas.

Dialing Casino called Hightowers asking about the female decker.

"It's Casino let me talk to Mr Hightower please"

(OOC: Ok Brom whatever I find out, if they even answer. If they don't answer while I know its open, I may have to spilt from the party to find out whats wrong so the rest of your next post I may not be part a of.

----------------------West Park Mallplex----------------

Milling about at the corner of 2300 and West Park Circle, the group conspires to determine the best positions of their lookouts while surreptitiously reviewing the city map Blossom has provided to make sure they aren't missing anything
Three vantage points present the best opportunities. Directly east of the mallplex is the Wolf Point Plaza. Should a person be able to gain a position within that building at a slightly higher altitude than street level, they could effectively keep an eye on the main entrance, the delivery bay and courtyard, and potentially two other entrances. Taking a quick studied look Casino made his suggestions.

(Roll of 19 on Combat Sense 1d10+10)

"Ok seems to me the three best spots are first directly east of the mallplex, the Wolf Point Plaza. If one of us is able to gain a position within that building at a slightly higher altitude than street level, they could effectively keep an eye on the main entrance, the delivery bay and courtyard, and potentially two other entrances.Ghlahn you want to try that one?" A pause to look at the parties resident sniper for his ok.

"Ok Second is the Infinity Towers at the corner of 4329.45 Dawn Ridge Road and West Park Circle. If we can somehow again get an overwatch post high enough, the watcher could potentially see the entire north side of the building and potentially even the west. However that is the best secured of the three buildings and not gonna be easy to get into. Might be best for you Charlie and your drone that ok with you?" Another pause.

"Lastly, the Tranquil Grotto Building at 3600.45 Ableman and West Park Cirlce. This location could provide a view of the rest of the leftover entrances and is the least secured of the three. Considering I'm not easy to hide considering my size I'll try to secure overwatch there. Any other questions we all are thinking?"

(If none)

With all questions taken care of, the team made its way to the agreed upon missions. With the three individuals taking overwatch, the remaining team members proceed to the mallplex's main entrance.

--------(Grotto 5.55pm----------

As Casino set up in the upper level of the Grotto he checked the H&K over once again. Sight ranged & silencer ok, grenade launcher loaded, the big solo was ready to go if needed.............

Posted on 2018-01-27 at 22:05:48.
Edited on 2018-01-27 at 22:16:19 by TannTalas

Keeper of Dragons
Devil's Advocate
Karma: 59/18
2581 Posts


"Wolf point plaza it is". The sniper gathers his things and turns to head out. "Lets try to deplete my ammo supplies a bit less this time shall we?"

Posted on 2018-01-28 at 07:15:46.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3141 Posts

Nerves, nerves and a queen???

Fixer moved along with the rest of the group. His part was tech. Walking through the rain was apparently his crap as well. Everyone's crap in this century. He hated the rain. Everybody did. But what could you do? At least it made the inside of a building feel nice, even when it stunk, which it invariably did.

And this teacher's complex was no different. It stunk. And it had guards. Guards who were nicely armed, but didn't seem to do much actual guarding as the heavily armed group was shown politely to the elevator. He couldn't help but smile behind his mask. Who exactly would they stop?

Arriving at Carey's floor they approached the door and allowed the crooner to do his crooning. Mathis just leaned against a wall and kept an eye on anything moving on the outside. There wasn't much he could do about getting into the room at the moment other than eavesdrop on the big guy. Which he did. And Sinatra did his job and they were in the room. The guys gun was not a part of the plan he liked. But he stood to the back and listened.

And then the queen bee entered. He jumped a little, but kept his composure. The woman seemed more'n a bit crazy. And the crown was worthy of the streets. But she seemed harmless and might be the key to getting Carey to put the gun down and take his meds. And Fixer didn't wasn't sure the muscle in the group understood what it meant to kneel. So he took it on himself to see where things would lead.
He stepped forward 1/2 a step towards the "queen," just enough to no longer be in back, and dropped to one knee, slightly dipping his head with and said, "you highness graces us with her presence."

And now all he could do was wait to see what either the queen bee or the teacher would do. Sometimes in the quest for information you had to do weird crap. Call this weird.

Posted on 2018-01-28 at 14:12:09.

Karma: 7/0
287 Posts


"Sweet," Bloodbank whistles through his teeth while eyeballing the case. His cracked skull combat mask is sitting atop his bag on the floor by his feet and his interest and excitement at Charlie's announcement is fully visible.

"That's a useful toy," Vegas remarks with a half-smile. "But won't it only allow you to see one, maybe two, of the exits at a time?

Yes, it sure does...remarked Charlie.

That leaves a few to be covered if he does bounce. It does, however, provide a means of following him should he do so with little in the way of obstacles.

I'll look for a way to get above so that I'll have an advantage to see from the ground below. Charlie comments

"To answer your question concerning a car," the crooner picks up a fry and pops it into his mouth, talking while chewing. "Nothing in the intel we've scraped up indicates that our good professor has a vehicle of his own. But it's good to know you have a ride should the need come up."

"The drone will free up Echo or Vegas to join us inside, though." Tipping his head towards the fixer, Vegas presses his lips together. "Great add, choomba."

Charlie nods with a small smile

"So," the medtech sets his now empty cup down on the pale tabletop and reaches down for his mask, "we a go?"

Hell yeah...


Human Perception (Int) 1d10+10 on the group, charlie sits, listens and observes the dynamics of the group.

"Ok Second is the Infinity Towers at the corner of 4329.45 Dawn Ridge Road and West Park Circle. If we can somehow again get an overwatch post high enough, the watcher could potentially see the entire north side of the building and potentially even the west. However that is the best secured of the three buildings and not gonna be easy to get into. Might be best for you Charlie and your drone that ok with you?" Another pause.

" I have a suggestion.... Let me go with the sniper, let me be his eyes, ears and intel person. Let this HOG ( Hunter Of Gunmen) do what you solos do best and that is observation, surveillance, target acquisition and overwatch, so that he can make a clean kill. I'll be his guard and the only thing that he has to worry about is listening to the radio while making the shot when it counts". Agreed?

Leadership (Cool) 1d10+9
Persuasion & Fast Talk (Cool) 1d10+10
(attempts to makes convincing argument)

Besides the drone views are from from above and not horizontal like your sniper here, it would be more advantageous for me to be at the Wolf park plaza and move the drone between the other two stations to assist the hunter / killer teams. At 11,000 ft , the drone asset abilities widen, I should be able to track many different target so that we don't hopefully lose track of the rabbit on the run . That is the way that I feel that I would be use the most effectively as part of your team, effectively giving combat support to you killers and your happy hunting

*If no objections

Charlie will take up his new position that was directly east of the mallplex.... Which is known as Wolf point Plaza.

Awareness/Notice (Int) 1d10+12
Streetwise (Cool) 1d10+9
Pilot, Drone (Ref) 1d10+10 (Chipped)

Charlie sets up his drone and runs it near to it's max alt and then he sets his way points. The Tranquil Grotto Building at 3600.45 Ableman and West Park Circle And it will fly in a pattern to the Infinity Towers at the corner of 4329.45 Dawn Ridge Road and West Park Circle.Then start over in this cycle. Listens to the radio and selects "VOX" (If possible)

Posted on 2018-01-29 at 23:56:14.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 2/0
147 Posts

Then and now and ... a queen??

As the small nomad smiled warmly up at him, hoping her words gave him some amount of comfort, Casino knew she was right, he was just making it worse between him and Vegas. Not knowing why, the big solo reached over and hugged her.

"Thank you." Releasing her from the hug he still held her on to her shoulders not sure what he was feeling for this young girl. However what ever it was would have to wait. Letting her go he looks down.

Taken by surprise at the tall man's sudden embrace, Elizabeth "Echo" Cooper stiffened but quickly relaxed, returning the unexpected hug, allowing herself one brief moment of comfort after all they've been through since they started this job. When he released her, his big hands were still upon her shoulders, and their eyes met briefly conveying a sense of, what? Something. Something she had no words for at this moment, but a small glimmer of friendship, perhaps more, she didn't know nor did they have time to explore whatever there was between them, if anything. Casino broke his gaze and his contact with the nomad.

"We better get back to meet the rest, this new guy should be with us soon."

Nodding, Echo hears her agent bleep a message and retrieves the device, reading the message then reporting to Casino.

"Looks like we're headed to that joint across the street called Green Gene's for some chow and a bit of plannin'. That new guy Charlie is with the others already. C'mon choomba, let's get some nibbles!" she says with a grin, and heads back into the rain, a slight bounce to her step that wasn't there before.

***** OOC - yes, she will lend her agent to Casino with a small grin*****

*****OOC - Echo will give a bit of a raised eyebrow (in jest) to the "sexist comment" followed with a bit of a grin.*****

Riding public transport always makes Echo's skin crawl, and she's never liked crowds much. Lucky for her, the rather large .44 slung on her back keeps the general public from coming too close. When the guard of the building says not to discharge her weapon in the building, she nods to him in seeming agreement, but mentally promises not to unless fired upon first.

When they arrive on the floor of the supposed ill teacher, Echo takes up a position to the right of the door, just far enough away to not be seen when the door is opened. Nodding her readiness to the crooner, she stands ready and alert to any ambushes, real or imagined. The door opens after a few sharp knocks, and the Frank Sinatra clone announces himself as Victor Hartman. Huh. She wonders if it's his real name, though she assesses that Vegas suits him better. Much better.

This Dr. Carey lets them in and Echo stays near the door, letting the medic pass her, all the better for her to cover the presumably only exit. She looks about the room, noticing the cloths covering everything, the chips, the paintings, the small but effective handgun trained on them, etc. Her eyes stop on what is obviously a computer under one of the cloths - she wishes Blossom was here to hack that piece of hardware. Damn.

All of a sudden, a blonde whirlwind with a plastic crown on her head pops out from the bedroom like a deranged faerie, proclaiming all she sees as her "subjects", and telling them to "kneel before her" - and Fixer complies! You'd think he would fit right in at Camelot with all those knights she read about as a kid.

Yeah, right. Lady, this building's elevators may go to top floor, but yours sure don't.

Posted on 2018-01-30 at 00:21:15.
Edited on 2018-01-30 at 00:25:29 by Aletheia

Trilogy Master
RDI Staff
Karma: 181/119
6817 Posts

Before moving out

"I have a suggestion.... Let me go with the sniper, let me be his eyes, ears and intel person. Let this HOG ( Hunter Of Gunmen) do what you solos do best and that is observation, surveillance, target acquisition and overwatch, so that he can make a clean kill. I'll be his guard and the only thing that he has to worry about is listening to the radio while making the shot when it counts. Agreed?"

"Besides the drone views are from from above and not horizontal like your sniper here, it would be more advantageous for me to be at the Wolf park plaza and move the drone between the other two stations to assist the hunter / killer teams. At 11,000 ft , the drone asset abilities widen, I should be able to track many different target so that we don't hopefully lose track of the rabbit on the run . That is the way that I feel that I would be use the most effectively as part of your team, effectively giving combat support to you killers and your happy hunting"

Casino listened to Charlies suggestion and right away found a flaw.
"So let me get this straight so I'm not misunderstanding what your suggesting. You set up with Ghlahn and fly your drone between my position, his position and Infinity Towers is that the nature of your idea?

(Asumming he says yes)

"Ok then that leaves Infinity Towers uncovered for what, three to four minutes, each sweep? A lot can happen in that time frame. If he bolts out of any of those exit ways by the time your drone makes it back our target could be gone. What then?"

Casino waited for the fixers reply......

Posted on 2018-01-30 at 09:44:02.
Edited on 2018-01-30 at 09:46:15 by TannTalas

Karma: 7/0
287 Posts

infectious smile

Casino listened to Charlies suggestion and right away found a flaw.
"So let me get this straight so I'm not misunderstanding what your suggesting. You set up with Ghlahn and fly your drone between my position, his position and Infinity Towers is that the nature of your idea?

Charlie says "yes"

"Ok then that leaves Infinity Towers uncovered for what, three to four minutes, each sweep? A lot can happen in that time frame. If he bolts out of any of those exit ways by the time your drone makes it back our target could be gone. What then?"

Casino waited for the fixers reply......

Human Perception (Int) 1d10+10

Charlie smiles and agrees with Casino.

" Your right... that would take about three to four minutes, I'll just cover position # 2 then, if that is still okay with you".

Posted on 2018-01-30 at 14:08:06.

Trilogy Master
RDI Staff
Karma: 181/119
6817 Posts


"Your right... that would take about three to four minutes, I'll just cover position # 2 then, if that is still okay with you".

Giving Charlie a nod he looks to the rest of the group for any other questions.......

Posted on 2018-01-30 at 18:31:28.

Bromern Sal
A Shadow
RDI Staff
Karma: 158/11
4402 Posts

West Park Mallplex | Night City Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - March 8th, Day 2 (Saturday), 5:55

Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)
Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)

Echo stays near the door, allowing the medic to move past her—all the better for her to cover the only presumed exit. She looks about the room, noticing the cloths covering everything, the chips, the paintings, the small, but effective, handgun trained on them, etc. Her eyes stop on what is obviously a computer under one of the sheets and she finds herself wishing Blossom was here to hack that piece of hardware. Damn.

"As you can see," Dr. Carey states while still keeping his weapon leveled at them from his waist. "There's no reason for Ms. White to be concerned. I will be back no later than Thursday and I've already arranged my substitute as well as a backup should Lynn fall through. So, I see no reason for further concern."

"If I may," Bloodbank steps forward and removes his mask showing raised brow and a soft expression. "I'm in the medical profession, Dr. Carey, and you look like you could use some rest. Maybe some medication to help you sleep? Something, you're practically falling over as we speak."

Suspiciously eyeing the armored young man, Phil finally shakes his balding head very slowly, "No. No stimulants. I've got to keep my he—"

"My subjects!"

Startling the wary edgerunners (OOC: Make COOL checks to keep from drawing weapons or responding with hostility,) a woman with streaming blond hair practically cascades from the bedroom, swinging the door wide and grandly sweeping into the room. Atop her head is a plaspex crown of silver decorated by colored chips of synthetic metal. She wears a lacy white cotton nightgown and carries herself with a bearing of dignity and nobility that belies her outfit.

"Kneel before me," she declares excitedly, wide eyes falling upon the edgers.

To Fixer, the woman seems more'n a bit crazy, and the crown is worthy of the streets, but she seems harmless and might be the key to getting Carey to put the gun down and take some meds. Fixer isn't sure that the muscle in the group understands what it means to kneel. So, he takes it upon himself to see where such action will lead.

Taking half a step towards the "queen," just enough to no longer be in the back, he drops to one knee, slightly dipping his head while declaring, "Your Highness graces us with her presence."

Now all he can do is wait to see what either the queen bee or the teacher will do. Sometimes, in the quest for information you have to do weird crap. Call this weird.

You'd think he would fit right in at Camelot with all those knights I read about as a kid. Yeah, right. Lady, this building's elevators may go to top floor, but yours sure don't. Echo mentally grimaces.

Vegas literally jumps at the woman's immediate and hurried entrance. He's not proud of it and as soon as he realizes the condition the woman is in, the Sinatra fanboy feels badly for reflexively gripping his Mark II in its shoulder holster beneath his overcoat. Slowly releasing the weapon, he considers Fixer's bold response. Ol' Blue Eyes didn't kneel and neither will he no matter why the techie figures it'll help.

Stepping forward with the intent to put an immediate end to this tomfoolery, Vegas is stopped by a grip on his left bicep. Glancing towards the hand's owner, the crooner is surprised to see Bloodbank shaking his head.

Momentary distress washes over Dr. Carey's long face and his pistol wavers from its steady position for a moment while he considers what to do in response to the woman's arrival. Decision made in a second flat, he forcefully breaks from his stance and rushes to her side where he wraps his right arm over her shoulder and takes her left in his left hand; a position that affords him the ability to still point the weapon in the general direction of his visitors.

"My wife," he explains somewhat icily. Then, to her, he speaks gently, "Dear, please. If you go back in the room and lie down I'll bring you some food."

"Some kind of dementia," Bloodbank whispers just loud enough for those closest to him to intercept. "Best not to agitate the situation by challenging it."

Vegas glances towards the still kneeling techie, "What about adding to it?"

Mrs. Casey shakes her head and thrusts out her bottom lip stalling any further comments from the medtech, "No. I wish to be told how much I am loved by my subjects."

"Toni, please," Phil begs into the blond hair cascading over her ear. "This situation isn't safe."

"Why is only one kneeling?" Toni Casey raises her eyebrows imperiously and sinks back into her husband's chest. "Why are the lights so dim, Phil? Why am I so cold?"

Glancing furtively past the blond's crown, Dr. Carey's gaze darts to each of his visitor's faces while his right arm wraps tighter about her drawing the barrel of the weapon off its mark. "It's all right, honey. Let's go back to bed, shall we?"

"Uh," the medtech takes a half-step forward and raises his right hand in visual protest, "Doctor Casey?"

"Yes?" Phil pauses and suspiciously looks towards the man.

"Yes?" Toni starts as a moment of clarity strikes her eyes and she gazes upon Bloodbank just before her expression returns to complete boredom and she drops into a slack-jawed stupor.

"Wha—?" Colin "Bloodbank" Stobb involuntarily shakes his head as if to clear it. Both of them? Is she really a doctor or is this another of her delusions? Sweeping his companions with a gaze to register their assessment, the young medtech offers Vegas an opportunity to regain some control.

"I'm sorry, chap," the crooner takes his turn in restraining the medtech with a hand on his bicep while making a gamble. "We didn't realize you are both in possession of doctorates. I believe my friend here was specifically speaking to you, old man, not your wife."

Phil Carey hesitates and then nods. "My wife, Toni, she's very sick. If you'll excuse me a moment."

(OOC: Assuming no one stops him,)

Vegas barely dips his head in acknowledgement and as Dr. Carey leads Dr. Carey back into the only other room in the flat, the altered solo moves quietly across the floor keeping the thin blonde man in view.

"Do you see any signs of a child?" Bloodbank whispers.

Vegas shakes his head but keeps his eyes on the activities in the other room. A moment later, he shifts and politely turns his gaze partially away. Phil Carey emerges from the bedroom with the weapon still in hand but hanging limply at his side as he uses his free hand to close the door behind him.

"My wife is also a Phd. Computer science," he states in a disparate tone. "Unfortunately, she is unable to work due to her, condition. Ms. White is aware of the situation, but no one else at the school knows and I'd appreciate it staying that way."

"What happened?" Colin can't help but satiate his curiosity.

"She usually isn't as bad as this," Phil glances forlornly towards the door he just shut. "I've had to pretend to be sick for several days to look after her. I can't leave her alone when she's like this or she'll go wandering off and who knows what could happen to her then.

"She used to be brilliant, you know? A hotshot programmer—we met at University. But, she isn't very strong-willed and loves virtual reality fantasy experiences. She'd play them all day, every day, and eventually lost touch with reality. And now, well, now,

"She's usually capable of managing for the most part. She's got a little job in a burger joint down on the second floor flipping tofu-burgers, but that's all she can manage. She used to be so brilliant—so wonderful,"

Phil's eyes swell with tears and his long, skinny nose turns a deep shade of red as he rapidly blinks to keep the liquid at bay.

(OOC: Any other character wish to interact,?)

(OOC: Time is 6:03 PM PST)


Wolf Point Plaza | Night City Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - March 8th, Day 2 (Saturday), 5:34 PM PST
Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)
Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)

"Wolf Point Plaza it is." The sniper gathers his things and turns to head out. "Let's try to deplete my ammo supplies a bit less this time shall we?"

Breaking from the group, Ghlahn adjusts his bag and shouldered rifle in one roll of his arm and looks to his left, and then his right, before setting off across the street. The red light provides him safety in his passage and the people are so caught up in their usual routines to pay him much more attention than what's necessary to get out of his way. All in all, the walk to Wolf Point Plaza is uneventful and soon enough, the Cee-Metal soldier finds himself approaching the street level entrance to the building.

Security is light. At least as far as Ghlahn can see. Broken camera casings hang over the building doors, doors in place to keep the elements out, but not to act as barricades for the unwanted souls wandering the streets. The glass is laced with chicken wire—a means of keeping even broken shards in place developed centuries ago. There's no additional security in the wire; a strong kick could break through it and tear it from the frame. Security would be in place in individual shops, perhaps for floors if residents can afford the price tag or the floor is owned by a corporation to house employees.

Strolling up to the doors, M'haru Ghlahn reaches out with his bare hand and takes hold of the cold, wet steel handle, pulling it open with a tug that swings it wide. Beyond the doors the hall is more of a cobblestone corridor street approximately ten to fifteen meters wide with a rustic steel rafter style ceiling about five meters overhead bearing recesses approximately one and a half meters deeper. To his right is an open medical clinic: Med-X Clinique. To his left is an electronic fuel cell replacement store with a bright neon light sign depicting the logo Green Life with a green leaf icon emitting a halo of electricity. These two storefronts run the length of the initial corridor and lead right into an intersection where if this were a building in the High City a holographic catalog would be, but instead, a large podium stands with a digital directory. A cursory look shows an elevator bank to his right, down the connecting hall with a stairwell next to it while escalators to the adjacent floors lie down the next hall.

Also shown on the directory are the shops down each of the intersecting hallways. To the right: Thinkwell Counseling Services, Boom n' Bump Entertainment, Clone Crate, Galaxy Brew Coffee, O'Casey's Pub down one side with the elevator and stairs between Clone Crate and Galaxy Brew Coffee. Down the other side: Horizon Caravan Rentals, Base Decoration & Decor, Wolf Point Civic Center, Peaceful Rest Mortuary, Dom's Diversions, and El Experiencia Espiritual Restaurant. To the left, towards the escalators, down past the electronic fuel store side there's Gregory's Pizzeria, Affordable Tires, Rubin's Grocery, an empty and available cube partition, and The Painted Tiger Chinese Restaurant. Down the other side, there's Home High & Low Depot, Little Collectibles, Arctic Storm Ice Cream, Shifted Polarity, Heartland Pharmaceuticals & Vitamins, and The Mad Vine Restaurant.

The fifth floor should provide a decent position if he can get access to any of the circle-facing cubes. Pressing the digital touch screen with his thumb, Ghlahn brings up the fifth floor directory which provides the following businesses facing the circle from far south to the north: Dynamicworks Temp Agency, Silverecords Agent Sales, The Parlour Restaurant, The Smoke Vault, Wolf Point Plaza Mid-City Water Treatment Center, The Golden Shrimp Seafood Restaurant, United States Marines Recruiting Office, Pipe Cleaners Plumbing, National Urban Farming Center, Spring Forest Medical Clinic, The Citadel Cinema, Sapphire Oasis Spa. South to north on the other side there's Tropic Cove Pool, Night City PD Auxiliary Station, Sports Guys Style & Cuts, The Hot Spice Restaurant, Resonance Travel Agency, The Solar After Dark Restaurant, Vegas Odds, Night City PD Wolf Point Plaza Holding Facility, an empty cube, F.B.I. Remote Station, and Oceanside Academic Maintenance & Cleaning Services.

The fourth floor won't be as ideal, but it will still be functional. Switching to this floor's directory, M'haru Ghlahn studies the list of cubes, scanning from south to north, street-facing first: Pacific Palms Hotel (a coffin hotel), Night City Mid-City Fire & Rescue Station 132, The Metal Camel Bar, The Pepper Chicken Restaurant, Sanura's Sight Psychic Readings, Broadwater Surgical Center, Hall of Color Paint & Wall Coverings, The Calculating Blade, Morris Glass, Johnson & Spence Optometry, New Forest Garden Indoor Park, The Compass Business Offices while down the other side from south to north are the Velvet Bee Cleaning Services, Eden Clinic, The Sugar Dream Desserts & Pastries, Seven Wonders Miniature Golf, Rubio's Mexican Food, The Square Steakhouse, Red Cab Relay Center, Enusat Lodge #245 California Free & Accepted Masons Temple, Little Whiskers - Pet Shop, East Valley Dental Clinic, The Open Hollows Residential Cube, Curiosity Antique Books, Happyland Gun & Munitions Shop.

The sixth floor would be better, possibly. Switching to the sixth floor directory, the sniper studies the layout, again from south to north. This floor appears to be primarily residential. Autumn Blossom Duplex Cube, Wolf Point Plaza Mid-City Athletic Center, Quiet Treasure Duplex Cube, Serene Palace Private Suite, Western Temple Duplex Cube, Wolf Greens Soccer Field, Sand Cove Indoor Park, Upper South Avenues Duplex Cube, South Groves Apartment Cubes, Cherry Blossom Duplex Cubes, Goose Feather Duplex Cubes, Wolf Point Plaza Postal Station - Mid-City, and on the other side; Thornbush Grounds Indoor Park, Willowbranch Private Residence, Morning Star Private Suite, Little Vineyard Indoor Garden, Green Haven Farmstead, Dandelion Farms, Moonlight Gardens, Highland Gardens, Sierra Park, Westview Elementary School, Cabinwood Estates Duplex Cubes.

Now, the choice has to be made.

(OOC: Time is 5:45 PM PST)


Tranquil Grotto | Night City Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - March 8th, Day 2 (Saturday), 5:34 PM PST
Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)
Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)

No other questions are raised and the party accepts the plan as its been finalized there on the street corner.

Striding away, Casino begins scanning the streets. He's still hot off the presses, so to speak, and despite his newly acquired mask, he may still be recognizable for ambitious bounty hunters and cops. He needs to be alert.

Brown eyes dart from one masked face to another searching for signs of recognition, interest, or suspicion. Grinning half-masks, dopey looking emoticon full face masks, skin masks, cheap medical masks, old-fashion gas masks, everyone wears a mask to protect what little health they have from the heavy pollutants in the air, their identities, and their skeletons—their secrets.

This time, Casino's passage through the masses of humanity is like that of a cutter through swelling waters. Tranquil Grotto presents itself as a conglomeration of various prefab cubes painted a soft eggshell white dulled by weather, marked with unsightly birds' nests and droppings, and graffitied by street tags wherever a delinquent could gain purchase. The geometric forms practically collide in a seemingly misshapenned tower of child play blocks and yet, each section ultimately compliments the full facade. Though not one of the fabled Starscrapers that rise up above the clouds into the thinnest reaches of the atmosphere, smog hides the uppermost stories from the Mid-City street view.

On the map, Casino had spotted a section of the building that would provide him with the best vantage. The main entrance is not on that section. However, his hope that the Grotto would provide the least security difficulties appears to be legitimized the closer he gets to the large white and green marble face surrounding the series of double doors leading inside.

All of the security camera globes surrounding the entrance have been tagged, broken out, or completely removed leaving scars in their place. Drawing closer, the large leather-clad solo spots the remains of savaged biometric scanners next to each of set of doors. In their places are equally violated keypads. Judging by the swinging door of one of the sets, the building's owners have given up on keeping the riff raff from the interior.

Glancing at the outcropping buttresses of the Tranquil Grotto's arm he's looking to gain access to, Keith "Casino" Story pulls the door open and strides into the dank stench awaiting him. Ammonia mixed with urine immediately assails his nostrils. Humidity trapped in the narrow compartment separating the exterior from the interior lobby by another set of doors makes it to feel heavier, stickier, coaxing his leather to cling to his flesh like a forlorn lover. Filtration systems on his cheap, discount mask struggle to keep the flavors of the chamber from tickling his tongue as he presses forward through the next set of double doors determined to remain on his course.

True to buildings such as these, Casino finds himself in a large, u-shaped lobby with dirty and stained white and green tile floors, more of the marble wainscoting that was on the exterior of the Grotto and calming, light green walls and faux wood vaulted and recessed ceilings. More street tags decorate the walls, broken picture frames hang from advantageous positions along each of the longer stretches showing photography from around the world—special scenes of serenity pools and sunsets, beaches, and astere pastures. But these pieces of art also bear the mark of hooligans and their lack of respect for other people's property. Center in the lobby is a booth like those found at movie theaters only designed to be higher class; maybe even a bit pompous. Thick glass provides the occupants inside the booth with some semblance of protection but the solo wouldn't bet in favor of the panes withstanding any of the higher caliber weapons he carries.

Making a quick assessment of the elevator locations on either side of the booth, the edgerunner walks towards the left arm of the U. Glancing into the booth as he passes, Casino spots a lone figure sitting in a wheeled swivel chair reading a tablet computer. A fair-skinned black man with salt and pepper, short cut hair worn in a high fade and a snow white goatee, the man is wearing a set of blue with white pinstripes coverall. The name patch over his left breast pocket reads, "Harvey" in red thread over a white oval field and it is obvious right away that he isn't interested in the solo's business at the Tranquil Grotto. He doesn't even glance up.

Much more narrow than the central lobby, the arm Casino makes his way down is barely four meters wide, tops. A fake plant in a cracked pot stands in the middle of the hall to his left, but aside from that pathetic attempt at decorating, the hall is empty. At the far end, it breaks to the left taking the edger down another short corridor and into the leg of the building he's interested in. Finding himself in another, smaller lobby, Keith approaches the wall bearing the three elevator banks where a soiled paper hangs taped to the pale green paint.


In contempt of the spelling errors, Casino finds himself able to decipher the sign's meaning and peers about for the plaque it references. The individual who is responsible for finding a solution to the problem is generous in his description as the plaque is nothing more than a chalkboard hanging on the wall behind him in a small recessed area upon which more poorly written directions have been placed.

A decent vantage point for an overwatch position would be the fifth or sixth floor with his optic splice. Figuring a sprint down stairs and not waiting for the elevator if he needed to break from his position to provide support, Keith draws on his experience plus his high school public education and attempts to calculate the time it will take him to descend six stories at a full sprint and hit the street. If he's done his math right, it's between three and five seconds per floor. Clenching his jaw against the pain rolling through his arm, the wounded edgerunner assesses the variables on the fourth, fifth, and sixth floors.

On the fourth, he has to contend with Hope Park, a cube for rent, Songbird Meadows Park, Level Nine Security Station 426, Wildflower Duplex, and Freedom Pool while the exterior section—the section he needs to pay closer attention to—includes Oak Wood Duplex, Rebirth Apartments, Sunset Dog Park, Pleasant View Residential Suite, Moonlight Duplex, and the Seaside Grounds Park.

The fifth floor spread is Ladybug Meadows Park, Nirvana Heights Apartment Cubes, High Garden Private Suite, Savanna Garden, Moss Forest Apartment Cubes, Windy Grounds East Park, with the circle-facing prefabs being Windy Grounds West Park, Aprico Co. Apartment Complex - Floor 5, Whitewater Estate, Whitewater Private Park, and Tranquil Grotto Elementary.

Reading the scribbles indicating the sixth floor's occupants, Casino finds the interior to contain Aprico Co. Apartment Complex - Floor 6a, Old Stone Private Residence, Canyon Crest Private Residence, Emerald Moss Indoor Park, Sunnyside Duplex, and Robinwood Private Residence, while the exterior holds Windy Oaks Private Residence, Aprico Co. Apartment Complex - Floor 6b, Clearview Meadows Park, Pioneer Duplex, Truth Square Duplex, and Pleasant Shores Gardens.

Turning back to the three elevator banks, Casino makes up his mind.

(OOC: Time is 5:44 PM PST)


Infinity Towers | Night City Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - March 8th, Day 2 (Saturday), 5:34 PM PST
Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)
Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)

"Ok, seems to me the three best spots are first, directly east of the mallplex; the Wolf Point Plaza. If one of us is able to gain a position within that building at a slightly higher altitude than street level, they could effectively keep an eye on the main entrance, the delivery bay, courtyard, and potentially two other entrances. Ghlahn, you want to try that one?" Casino pauses to look at the party's resident sniper for his approval.

"Wolf Point Plaza it is," the sniper gathers his things and turns to head out. "Let's try to deplete my ammo supplies a bit less this time shall we?"

"We can always try, sport," Vegas smiles good-naturedly and nods the man away.

"Ok," Casino continues, "second is the Infinity Towers at the corner of 4329.45 Dawn Ridge Road and West Park Circle. If we can somehow again get an overwatch post high enough, the watcher could potentially see the entire north side of the building and potentially even the west. However, if I were a betting man, that will be the best secured of the three buildings and not gonna be easy to get into. Might be best for you, Charlie, and your drone. That ok with you?"

Cred Stick Charlie considers his study of the group Starlight has put him in with, but he's drawing a blank on what drives each of them. Besides the actual masks they're wearing, these operators are keeping their personal motivations pretty well bottled up.

"I have a suggestion... Let me go with the sniper," Charlie says, watching M'haru Ghlahn walk away from beneath the dripping brim of his hat. "Let me be his eyes, ears and intel person. Let this HOG (Hunter Of Gunmen) do what you solos do best and that is observation, surveillance, target acquisition, and overwatch, so that he can make a clean kill. I'll be his guard and the only thing that he has to worry about is listening to the radio while making the shot when it counts. Agreed?"

"Whoa!" Bloodbank raises his hands to slow the direction of the conversation. "We aren't operating under the assumption that we're going to shoot this fella, are we? We don't know what we're going to encounter when we get there."

"It's just a precaution," Vegas chimes in, a thoughtful eye on the newcomer.

"Besides," the fixer continues, "the drone views are from from above and not horizontal like your sniper here. It would be more advantageous for me to be at the Wolf Point Plaza and move the drone between the other two stations to assist the hunter / killer teams. At 11,000 feet, the drone asset abilities widen, I should be able to track many different targets so that we hopefully don't lose track of the rabbit on the run. That is the way that I feel that I would be used most effectively as part of your team; effectively giving combat support to you killers and your happy hunting."

"That makes sense," the medtech considers, "though I don't like the constant consideration of putting this guy on ice."

"Sounds solid to me," Vegas acknowledges with a nod of appreciation.

Casino listens to Charlies suggestion and right away finds a flaw, "So, let me get this straight so I'm not misunderstanding what your suggesting. You set up with Ghlahn and fly your drone between my position, his position, and the Infinity Towers is that the nature of your idea?"

Charlie simply says, "Yes."

"Ok," the mountain of a man replies calmly, "then that leaves the Infinity Towers uncovered for what, three to four minutes, each sweep? A lot can happen in that time frame. If he bolts out of any of those exit ways by the time your drone makes it back, our target could be gone. What then?"

Considering the comments and the strategy behind them, Cred Stick Charlie finds it easy to assume that the rough-looking solo doesn't mean to be anything other than helpful in determining the best strategy to proceed with and that's something that the fixer can respect.

Charlie smiles and agrees with Casino, "Your right... that would take about three to four minutes. I'll just cover position number two then, if that is still okay with you."

Giving Charlie a nod, Casino looks to the rest of the group before continuing, "Lastly, the Tranquil Grotto Building at 3600.45 Ableman and West Park Circle. This location could provide a view of the rest of the leftover entrances and is the least secured of the three. Considering I'm not easy to hide because of my size, I'll try to secure overwatch there. Any other questions we all are thinking?"

When all is said and done, despite his offer, Charlie finds himself walking alone after the knit-capped and native warrior combat mask that could very well be taken as an insult to his People. He's a good distance behind the skinny man and won't likely catch up, not that it would matter if he did as he's got the longest walk of them all; all the way around West Park Circle to the Infinity Towers.

Passing by the Wolf Point Plaza, Luther notes that Ghlahn appears to have already entered the building as he's nowhere to be seen. With rain drizzling steadily from his fedora onto his shoulders and across his kit, the Native American fixer continues on his way winding and wending through the throng of beings going about their Saturday evening activities. Though it's a long walk, he eventually finds himself approaching the deceptively sleek shaded glass exterior of the Infinity Towers Skyscraper.

Using the drone places him at an advantage the others won't have. Charlie doesn't need to gain a position of altitude himself; all he needs is a bit of privacy. Scouring the face of the sloping architecture, the fixer considers his options.

Flying the drone from inside the building could encounter interference depending on what kind of transmissions are running through those silvery walls. However, if there is one thing he knows, it's that in this compact world one of the lures drawing people out of the corporate urban sprawl on the outskirts of the integrates is the outdoor spaces regularly placed on each floor of these towers. Street levels don't usually provide outdoor gardens or parks, but the higher levels do. Rolling his eyes up the face of the smaller protruding leg of the building, Cred Stick Charlie finds a possible roost on the third floor overlooking the circle. There, cut into the sheer surface as though someone had decided to extract a parallelogram from the side of the building is a large enough space to indicate a park or garden he might be able to gain access to. The upward slope of the ceiling would provide ample room for take off and landing without the threat of interfering wires or a low-hanging roof.

Alternatively, he could remain in the rain, seek a position amongst the squatting homeless around the building, and try to pull off the whole thing like he didn't care if anyone is watching, or seek risking signal interference from a room within the Towers.

(OOC: Time is 5:53 PM PST)

Posted on 2018-02-03 at 01:31:55.

Karma: 7/0
287 Posts

3rd Floor options?

Flying the drone from inside the building could encounter interference depending on what kind of transmissions are running through those silvery walls. However, if there is one thing he knows, it's that in this compact world one of the lures drawing people out of the corporate urban sprawl on the outskirts of the integrates is the outdoor spaces regularly placed on each floor of these towers. Street levels don't usually provide outdoor gardens or parks, but the higher levels do. Rolling his eyes up the face of the smaller protruding leg of the building, Cred Stick Charlie finds a possible roost on the third floor overlooking the circle. There, cut into the sheer surface as though someone had decided to extract a parallelogram from the side of the building is a large enough space to indicate a park or garden he might be able to gain access to. The upward slope of the ceiling would provide ample room for take off and landing without the threat of interfering wires or a low-hanging roof.

Alternatively, he could remain in the rain, seek a position amongst the squatting homeless around the building, and try to pull off the whole thing like he didn't care if anyone is watching, or seek risking signal interference from a room within the Towers.

Cred Stick Charlie had to find a sweet spot to fly his drone in the rain. Rain was good... as long it didn't change to acid rain which was the worst. Charlie scanned the building for a "roost" to launch his drone and that looked to be on the third floor. The walk was long in the rain but it gave Charlie some time to talk to himself and figure out how to gain access to that possible spot. His clothes should help him gain access to area that the others might not be able... so that might be a good thing as well.

Posted on 2018-02-03 at 02:56:37.

Keeper of Dragons
Devil's Advocate
Karma: 59/18
2581 Posts

The empty room

Ghalan Looked over the map display and thought the fourth floor offered the best options. He began the accent and found the empty space he had seen on the display. Now it was time to check it out and possibly set up a vantage point.

Posted on 2018-02-04 at 06:33:30.


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