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You are here: Home --> Forum Home --> Rules-based RPGs --> Cyberpunk --> Flesh & Blood - A Night City Adventure
Parent thread: Flesh & Blood - A CyberPunk Game
GM for this game: Bromern Sal
Players for this game: TannTalas, Keeper of Dragons, Nomad D2, Hammer, Mischief, Espatier, dragon-soul92, CameToPlay
    Messages in Flesh & Blood - A Night City Adventure
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Bromern Sal
A Shadow
RDI Staff
Karma: 158/11
4402 Posts


March 10th, Day 4 - Monday, Time is 05:45 PM PST - Mid-City, Freeway, South Night City Integrate.

Weather Conditions: High City (Very Windy, 25 mph winds from the West.) | Midcity (Windy, 13mph winds from the West, Rain Showers) | Undercity (Slight Wind, 5mph gusts from the West, Heavy Acid Rain Showers)

Air Quality Index: High City = 0 | Midcity = 55 (masks required) | Undercity = 85 (masks required)


Eyeballing the truck, Ghlahn watches as the vehicle comes to a complete stop, two gangers popping up from the bed, submachine guns pointed at the driver of the coupe. The far left lane is at a complete stop now, the occupants of the truck holding it hostage. The lane immediately to the coupe’s right is speeding up again but still moving slowly while the other lanes, including the one the edgerunners are in which is three away from the incident, are all moving back to speed.

Quickly glancing over at Ghlahn, Fixer is glad and not surprised to note that the Cee-metal has also spotted the incident. Ghlahn glances at Fixer and sees in his eyes that he is torn a bit between lending aid and continuing their mission, "If you give me a head's up when you spot an opening I can make sure at least one or two of them pay dearly for their choice as we make our getaway."

Fixer hates seeing crap like this happen. Thugs and guns abound and the world has gone to hell. Welcome to Thunderdome. A part of him wants to play the vigilante and put a stop to this sort of crap, but it is a very small part that doesn’t get to come out and play anywhere beyond dream land. Right now, they have their own problems: Vegas and a locked down compound are still miles in front of them. That is the battle they need to get to, not this mess on the highway; whoever the poor victim might be. 

Fixer locks his eyes on the traffic in front of him—he wants to make sure nothing else goes crazy here. The biggest risk is likely to be rubberneckers gawking at the crime scene, but it isn’t impossible that there is some larger action going on. Knowing there are likely targets on their backs, Fixer isn’t taking anything for granted, "Keep your eyes peeled everyone, nothing says there is only one." He drives on, wanting to gun it but being limited by the traffic.

“Smart,” Blossom agrees, the expression on her face unreadable. Then, obviously answering an internal call on her agent she says, “Guardian, my boi! What’s up? Everything icy?”

As expected, traffic does respond to the hijacking but not in the way that the Techie predicted. Instead of sudden slowing or stopping to observe the horrible activity, people are accelerating, swerving, and clipping bumpers as they panic. (Need a Drive check, Nomad.)

(OOC: March 10th, Day 4 - Monday, Time is 05:45 PM PST - Freeway, South Night City Integrate.)



March 10th, Day 4 - Monday, Time is 06:05 PM PST - High-City, Temecula Heights Corporate Compound, Jeanette’s House X00550:35.Y00110:89.Z98310:08, West Night City Integrate.

Weather Conditions: High City (Very Windy, 25 mph winds from the West.) | Midcity (Windy, 13mph winds from the West.) | Undercity (Slight Wind, 5mph gusts from the West.)

Air Quality Index: High City = 0 | Midcity = 35 | Undercity = 65 (masks required)


Vegas is in a tight spot and he decides that he can no longer remain in the housing unit with the dead body of his short-lived benefactress.

As he leans against the cool metal of the front door, the Charismatic Crooner becomes more aware of the toll his body has taken from the beatings, so hopping backyard fences is not a very feasible option in the Frank Sinatra look-alike’s immediate future.

He hums a tune to himself, contemplating how much time he may still have to wait inside the housing unit before taking his chances on the outside. Fondling his agent with the realization that sunset is about an hour away, the Dapper Solo decides on the spur-of-the-moment to send a message to Charlie and Blossom in hopes that they will understand what his brief message is trying to communicate to them:



Vegas is hoping that either Charlie or Blossom will realize that he is in dire need of a proper and fool-proof-as-possible Authorization Code for a Visitor Designation to be on the compound grounds, hoping to buy the Dapper Solo as much time as he needs to elude security, or at least to fly-under-the-radar long enough to remain in relative seclusion, while waiting for an extraction team to arrive.

Sending the message to both parties, the Charismatic Crooner waits as long as he thinks possible inside the housing unit before nonchalantly opening the door and strolling out into the evening air, singing a soft tune as he makes a leisurely right turn, armed with his weapons and wits to embrace the unknown fate that awaits him on the neighborhood streets of the compound grounds. Vegas makes his way ‘Nice-N-Easy’ (https/

The evening air is nice if humid. Cooling temperatures can’t stop nerves however and the Crooner knows he’s in enemy territory. The street is relatively quiet, most of those who have come home from work are inside participating in dinner. There are a few children playing in the front yards but they are very young as most corpo families send their school age kids off to the corporate-provided boarding schools. The bigger concern are the babysitting drones employed by these privileged families to keep an eye on their offspring. It’s too late now, though. The drones have already spotted him and registered his presence on the security grid. The children turn their innocent wide eyes on the suited walking man with barely any concern. They’re safe and they know it. The drones—one on either side of the street in yards a good three houses apart—both turn to “face” the solo.


(OOC: March 10th, Day 4 - Monday, Time is 06:30 PM PST - High-City, Temecula Heights Corporate Compound, Street X00550:35.Y00110:89.Z98310:08, West Night City Integrate.)



March 10th, Day 4 - Monday, Time is 05:45 PM PST - High-City, Desnai Enclave Park, de Costa’s Conapt X00230:76.Y00100:03.Z97240:52, Central Night City Integrate.

Weather Conditions: High City (Very Windy, 25 mph winds from the West.) | Midcity (Windy, 13mph winds from the West.) | Undercity (Slight Wind, 5mph gusts from the West.)

Air Quality Index: High City = 0 | Midcity = 35 | Undercity = 65 (masks required)


Guardian checks the readings of Cypher's vitals carefully. Everything seems to be in order, so he decides to contact his old friend and the one that got him this gig, Blossom.

Pulling out his agent, he hesitates. What do you say to someone you haven't seen in years? He will be happy to just hear her voice again. Swallowing the uncertainty of what he is going to say, he decides to just let his heart do the talking. Whatever comes to mind. Inhaling, steadying his nerves, he finally dials her number.

“Guardian, my boi! What’s up? Everything icy?” 

Before he can reply, his scanner beeps. Cipher’s heart rate has elevated.

  • Blood pressure: 115/80 mm Hg
  • Breathing: 16 breaths per minute
  • Pulse: 101 beats per minute
  • Temperature: 97.8°F / 36.5°C 


(OOC: March 10th, Day 4 - Monday, Time is 05:45 PM PST - High-City, Desnai Enclave Park, Entrance Public Restroom X00233:76.Y00095:03.Z97240:52, Central Night City Integrate.)



March 10th, Day 4 - Monday, Time is 05:45 PM PST - Mid-City, Edgerunner Enclave (China Town), Charlie’s Apartment X00050:2.Y00310:08.Z00410:15, South Night City Integrate.

Weather Conditions: High City (Very Windy, 25 mph winds from the West.) | Midcity (Windy, 13mph winds from the West.) | Undercity (Slight Wind, 5mph gusts from the West.)

Air Quality Index: High City = 0 | Midcity = 35 | Undercity = 65 (masks required)


“So,” the pretty young woman begins nonchalantly, “where we headed?”

"To the bad side of town," Charlie looks out the window into the rainy cityscape for a bit. "Um, we’ll head toward the river, then make a right and follow the road for a bit, then I'll get my bearings and let you know which way from that point. Is that okay?"

He’s obviously a bit distracted by something. What, exactly, the nomad can only guess since the fixer is being as mysterious as ever. Maybe he doesn’t realize what time it is and how much time they have to kill before his meeting takes place. Maybe he does and he wants to scout the meet location. There’s still time and a lot of information that Echo doesn’t have from the man.


(OOC: March 10th, Day 4 - Monday, Time is 05:47 PM PST - Mid-City, Edgerunner Enclave (China Town), Charlie’s Apartment X00050:2.Y00310:08.Z00410:15, South Night City Integrate.)

Posted on 2020-10-25 at 17:11:15.
Edited on 2020-10-27 at 19:56:40 by Bromern Sal

Karma: 7/0
287 Posts

March 10th, Day 4 - Monday, Time is 05:45 PM PST - Mid-City, Edgerunner Enclave (China Town), Charlie’s Apartment X00050:2.Y00310:08.Z00410:15, South Night City Integrate.

Weather Conditions: High City (Very Windy, 25 mph winds from the West.) | Midcity (Windy, 13mph winds from the West.) | Undercity (Slight Wind, 5mph gusts from the West.)

Air Quality Index: High City = 0 | Midcity = 35 | Undercity = 65 (masks required)


" Gotta pay some respect for things getting out of hand, thanks for riding along." Charlie talks aloud as the world passes him by as he sits. " I really don't know what to expect but I'm sure that they will want something for operating on their turf".


Charile continues to watch the the city pass by


" We got time to kill before we get to the place, feel like checking things out from a distance before going in blind?". He asks




Posted on 2020-10-28 at 22:31:42.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 16/1
884 Posts

This Could Get Ugly If Not Taken Care Of...

Guardian's MedScanner uttered a series of high pitched beeps just as the MedTech was finally about to speak to his old friend.
'S***,' he muttered as he looked at the screen. 'I gotta go, Bloss. Cypher's vitals just started spiking. Nothing too bad at the moment, but I need to focus in case they get any worse. I'll call you back later. Or we can catch up when we meet. I miss you, girl. Can't wait to see you again. Bye for now.' He hung up.
'Alright,' Guardian said in a low voice. He hoped the beeping coming from his MedScanner wouldn't be heard by anybody outside the cubicle. 'What's going on in there, Cypher? I'll give you a little boost.'
He injected the Trauma 1 serum into the NetRunner to lower her vitals back to normal. He'd have to restock again at the earliest opportunity.

Posted on 2020-11-01 at 07:29:12.

Bromern Sal
A Shadow
RDI Staff
Karma: 158/11
4402 Posts


March 10th, Day 4 - Monday, Time is 05:45 PM PST - Mid-City, Freeway, South Night City Integrate.

Weather Conditions: High City (Very Windy, 25 mph winds from the West.) | Midcity (Windy, 13mph winds from the West, Rain Showers) | Undercity (Slight Wind, 5mph gusts from the West, Heavy Acid Rain Showers)

Air Quality Index: High City = 0 | Midcity = 55 (masks required) | Undercity = 85 (masks required)


Eyeballing the truck, Ghlahn watches as the vehicle comes to a complete stop, two gangers popping up from the bed, submachine guns pointed at the driver of the coupe. The far left lane is at a complete stop now, the occupants of the truck holding it hostage. The lane immediately to the coupe’s right is speeding up again but still moving slowly while the other lanes, including the one the edgerunners are in which is three away from the incident, are all moving back to speed.

Quickly glancing over at Ghlahn, Fixer is glad and not surprised to note that the Cee-metal has also spotted the incident. Ghlahn glances at Fixer and sees in his eyes that he is torn a bit between lending aid and continuing their mission, "If you give me a head's up when you spot an opening I can make sure at least one or two of them pay dearly for their choice as we make our getaway."

Fixer hates seeing crap like this happen. Thugs and guns abound and the world has gone to hell. Welcome to Thunderdome. A part of him wants to play the vigilante and put a stop to this sort of crap, but it is a very small part that doesn’t get to come out and play anywhere beyond dream land. Right now, they have their own problems: Vegas and a locked down compound are still miles in front of them. That is the battle they need to get to, not this mess on the highway; whoever the poor victim might be. 

Fixer locks his eyes on the traffic in front of him—he wants to make sure nothing else goes crazy here. The biggest risk is likely to be rubberneckers gawking at the crime scene, but it isn’t impossible that there is some larger action going on. Knowing there are likely targets on their backs, Fixer isn’t taking anything for granted, "Keep your eyes peeled everyone, nothing says there is only one." He drives on, wanting to gun it but being limited by the traffic.

“Smart,” Blossom agrees, the expression on her face unreadable. Then, obviously answering an internal call on her agent she says, “Guardian, my boi! What’s up? Everything icy?”

As expected, traffic does respond to the hijacking but not in the way that the Techie predicted. Instead of sudden slowing or stopping to observe the horrible activity, people are accelerating, swerving, and clipping bumpers as they panic. (Need a Drive check, Nomad.)

Fixer thought he was prepared but as is usually the case, people are very unpredictable. A four door Aerodynamics Impala groundcar swerves to avoid collision with the back end of a Fordogde SUV, and instead of rear-ending the Fordodge, slams into the driver’s side of the van. Fixer is forced to correct but can’t get the large vehicle under control enough to spare them from slamming into the rear left fender of a smaller GeoToyo hatchback. The hatchback spins out of control in complete circles and takes out two other vehicles while the techie finds them nose to back seat (the bumper was devoured by the van) in the Tesla in front of them. Impact from behind pushes the van forward and to the side jarring the occupants but ending their progress entirely. Sandwiched between two other vehicles with multiple others in surrounding lanes having been caught in the accident, the edgerunners are at a dead stop.

“Motherf****er!” Blossom cries out after the briefest of silence. “What the hell, choomba?”

(OOC: March 10th, Day 4 - Monday, Time is 05:45 PM PST - Freeway, South Night City Integrate.)



March 10th, Day 4 - Monday, Time is 06:30 PM PST - High-City, Temecula Heights Corporate Compound, Street X00550:35.Y00110:89.Z98310:08, West Night City Integrate.

Weather Conditions: High City (Very Windy, 25 mph winds from the West.) | Midcity (Windy, 13mph winds from the West.) | Undercity (Slight Wind, 5mph gusts from the West.)

Air Quality Index: High City = 0 | Midcity = 35 | Undercity = 65 (masks required)


The evening air is nice if humid. Cooling temperatures can’t stop nerves however and the Crooner knows he’s in enemy territory. The street is relatively quiet, most of those who have come home from work are inside participating in dinner. There are a few children playing in the front yards but they are very young as most corpo families send their school age kids off to the corporate-provided boarding schools. The bigger concern are the babysitting drones employed by these privileged families to keep an eye on their offspring. It’s too late now, though. The drones have already spotted him and registered his presence on the security grid. The children turn their innocent wide eyes on the suited walking man with barely any concern. They’re safe and they know it. The drones—one on either side of the street in yards a good three houses apart—both turn to “face” the solo.

Continuing on his way, Vegas does his best to appear as though he belongs there. His suit isn’t neatly pressed but instead is wrinkled from the way it’s been stored recently. His face is swollen and bruised and his gait is a little gimpy. Chances of fitting in? Not really good. Of course, Vegas is nobody’s fool. He knows this. He couldn’t have predicted that the babysitting drones would be out in the front yards. He didn’t grow up in the protected compound and is relatively unfamiliar with what’s possible within. Still… his Spidey-Sense is tingling now. A sinking feeling in his gut tells him that those drones have already sealed his fate. Security will no doubt be on their way within minutes.

(OOC: March 10th, Day 4 - Monday, Time is 06:30 PM PST - High-City, Temecula Heights Corporate Compound, Street X00550:35.Y00110:89.Z98310:08, West Night City Integrate.)



March 10th, Day 4 - Monday, Time is 05:45 PM PST - High-City, Desnai Enclave Park, de Costa’s Conapt X00230:76.Y00100:03.Z97240:52, Central Night City Integrate.

Weather Conditions: High City (Very Windy, 25 mph winds from the West.) | Midcity (Windy, 13mph winds from the West.) | Undercity (Slight Wind, 5mph gusts from the West.)

Air Quality Index: High City = 0 | Midcity = 35 | Undercity = 65 (masks required)


“Guardian, my boi! What’s up? Everything icy?” 

Before he can reply, his scanner beeps. Cipher’s heart rate has elevated.

  • Blood pressure: 115/80 mm Hg
  • Breathing: 16 breaths per minute
  • Pulse: 101 beats per minute
  • Temperature: 97.8°F / 36.5°C 

“S***,” he mutters as he looks at the screen. “I gotta go, Bloss. Cypher's vitals just started spiking. Nothing too bad at the moment, but I need to focus in case they get any worse. I'll call you back later. Or we can catch up when we meet. I miss you, girl. Can't wait to see you again. Bye for now.” He hangs up.

“Alright,” Guardian says in a low voice. He hopes the beeping coming from his MedScanner won’t be heard by anybody outside the cubicle. “What's going on in there, Cypher? I'll give you a little boost.”

He injects the Trauma 1 serum into the NetRunner to lower her vitals back to normal. He'd have to restock again at the earliest opportunity. (The Trauma 1 will last for 8 turns.) Her vitals respond to the drug almost instantaneously. 

  • Blood pressure: 119/90 mm Hg
  • Breathing: 20 breaths per minute
  • Pulse: 125 beats per minute
  • Temperature: 97.9°F / 36.5°C

The drug has kicked her system into overdrive which is what it’s designed to do. The elevated vitals are a direct reflection of the stimulant doing its job and should wear off in a few minutes. In the meantime, should Cipher be struggling against anything that might stop her heart, she’ll have the added benefit of the trauma drug working for her.

Having his patient taken care of, Guardian’s mind focuses on something else that didn’t sound right. Just as he was hanging up the call with Blossom, he thought he heard a loud noise. At the time, he had been so caught up with getting Cipher the assistance she needed that it didn’t register. Now that she’s taken care of his mind drifts back to that noise. What was it?

(OOC: March 10th, Day 4 - Monday, Time is 05:45 PM PST - High-City, Desnai Enclave Park, Entrance Public Restroom X00233:76.Y00095:03.Z97240:52, Central Night City Integrate.)



March 10th, Day 4 - Monday, Time is 05:45 PM PST - Mid-City, Edgerunner Enclave (China Town), Charlie’s Apartment X00050:2.Y00310:08.Z00410:15, South Night City Integrate.

Weather Conditions: High City (Very Windy, 25 mph winds from the West.) | Midcity (Windy, 13mph winds from the West.) | Undercity (Slight Wind, 5mph gusts from the West.)

Air Quality Index: High City = 0 | Midcity = 35 | Undercity = 65 (masks required)


“So,” the pretty young woman begins nonchalantly, “where we headed?”

"to the bad side of town," Charlie looks out the window into the rainy cityscape for a bit. "Um, we’ll head toward the river, then make a right and follow the road for a bit, then I'll get my bearings and let you know which way from that point. Is that okay?"

He’s obviously a bit distracted by something. What, exactly, the nomad can only guess since the fixer is being as mysterious as ever. Maybe he doesn’t realize what time it is and how much time they have to kill before his meeting takes place. Maybe he does and he wants to scout the meet location. There’s still time and a lot of information that Echo doesn’t have from the man.

"Gotta pay some respect for things getting out of hand.” Charlie further explains, though to Echo he still seems a bit distracted. “Thanks for riding along. I really don't know what to expect but I'm sure that they will want something for operating on their turf." 

The noises of the city are a faint, muffled droning on mixing rhythmically with the percussion from the rain striking the windows.  

"We got time to kill before we get to the place,” Charlie adds, motioning towards the apartment door. “Feel like checking things out from a distance before going in blind?"

(OOC: March 10th, Day 4 - Monday, Time is 05:49 PM PST - Mid-City, Edgerunner Enclave (China Town), Charlie’s Apartment X00050:2.Y00310:08.Z00410:15, South Night City Integrate.)

Posted on 2020-11-04 at 18:28:15.

Karma: 7/0
287 Posts

‘Frosty is Melting Send Authorization’

Charlie's agent beeped.... it was from Vegas... 


‘Frosty is Melting

Send Authorization’


"crud.... Vegas might be in more hot water then we first thought" Charile send a quick message back " Call me if possible, otherwise we are work on a solution"

" I was hoping to get ahold of Cipher and guardian before anything kicked off but things are heating up for Vegas...." Charlie informs echo

Posted on 2020-11-05 at 22:19:25.

Keeper of Dragons
Devil's Advocate
Karma: 59/18
2581 Posts

Steam and smoke bellowed from the hood of the wrecked van.  It was obvious that it had driven its last mile.  Looking around, Ghalan spotted a vehicle that could carry the small group and have room for the new folks.  "Everyone get ready to move.  We need a new ride and that one fits the bill."  Ghalan pointed to his intended target and then exited the broken van.  Drawing his pistol, he pointed it at the driver of the vehicle "Nice and easy now.  Make the smart choice; step out and live for your husband and kids."  With the car jack complete, Ghalan moved to the passenger side so fixer could drive.

OOC: Ghalahn picks a female driver as he figures they would be less likely to fight back.  If they do he will simply shoot them and drag them out of the car.  

Posted on 2020-11-10 at 16:27:58.
Edited on 2020-11-10 at 16:29:39 by Keeper of Dragons

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3141 Posts

Oh, man, I hate this sort of thing.

Fixer heard Ghalan's comments as he exited the bill and cursed silently under his breath.  It wasn't even that he disagreed with the big shooter - the truth was that there was probably nothing else they could do.  Lives depended on their getting their vehicle moving again.  What else could they do?  But that didn't mean he had to like it.  The poor woman Ghalan had targeted didn't deserve this.  She had done nothing wrong beyond be at this location at this time.  What were they supposed to do?  

Fixer looked at Blossom and nodded.  He grabbed anything of value in the van and quickly moved after the C-Metal.  He was ready to drive as soon as the could get in the new vehicle.  

Posted on 2020-11-15 at 12:56:48.

Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts

Keep Strolling

Vegas had been in tight spots before. In fact, the Crooner had been in worse situations more times than he could currently remember. However, he usually had some sort of familiarity with the surroundings of those seemingly impossible situations; not to mention having his partner Casino or some other type of riff-raff that could lend a hand at the drop of the proverbial hat.

But the Dapper Solo was out of his element in the setting of this unfamiliar corporate compound and the Sitter Drones were obviously more bad news with even worse news probably on the way.

All the Frank Sinatra look-alike could do was to keep strolling, as if he somehow belonged in this neighborhood, by the invitation of some other Good Samaritan and hope that some type of good fortune would intervene, as it had a couple of days earlier when his unknown benefactress had taken him in and tended to his wounds.

The thought of the deceased Jeannette gave him some type of hope that this was not a hopeless situation, but the more he remembered her brutal murder, the more he was determined to avenge her!

Vegas was ready for the fight of his life if need be, as the Dapper Solo quickly surveyed his options for some type of cover or seclusion, should a fire-fight break out in the corporate compound. All the while he kept checking his Agent, as he proceeded as nonchalantly as possible, while monitoring the actions of the Sitter Drones and expecting the imminent arrival of the Corporate Compound Security.

Posted on 2020-11-15 at 23:07:58.

Bromern Sal
A Shadow
RDI Staff
Karma: 158/11
4402 Posts



March 10th, Day 4 - Monday, Time is 05:45 PM PST - Mid-City, Freeway, South Night City Integrate.

Weather Conditions: High City (Very Windy, 25 mph winds from the West.) | Midcity (Windy, 13mph winds from the West, Rain Showers) | Undercity (Slight Wind, 5mph gusts from the West, Heavy Acid Rain Showers)

Air Quality Index: High City = 0 | Midcity = 55 (masks required) | Undercity = 85 (masks required)


“Motherf****er!” Blossom cries out after the briefest of silence. “What the hell, choomba?”

Steam and smoke billow from the hood of the wrecked van making it obvious that the vehicle had driven its last mile. Looking around, Ghlahn spots a vehicle that could carry the small group and has room for the new folks.  

"Everyone get ready to move,” he orders, “we need a new ride and that one fits the bill."

Ghalan points to his intended target and then exits the broken van. Drawing his pistol, he levels it at the driver of the vehicle as he rapidly advances, moving between two other cars that have experienced the same luck as they had. 

"Nice and easy now. Make the smart choice; step out and live for your husband and kids," he orders as the woman meets his eyes (Intimidation Check: 30 with an exploding 10). Already feeling the headiness that comes with adrenaline induced panic, there’s nothing else for her to do but scramble from the minivan leaving the driver’s door wide open as she does her best to vanish into her surroundings. With the carjacking complete, Ghlahn moves to the passenger side so Fixer can drive.

Fixer hears Ghlahn's orders as he exits the bill and curses silently under his breath. It isn’t even that he disagrees with the big shooter—the truth is that there is probably nothing else they can do. Lives depend on getting a vehicle and being on the move again. What else can they do?  But that doesn’t mean he has to like it. The poor woman Ghlahn targets doesn’t deserve this.  She has done nothing wrong beyond being at this location at this time. Still, what were they supposed to do?  

Fixer peers over to Blossom and nods. He snatches up anything of value in the van and quickly moves after the CeeMetal. Sliding into the vacated driver’s seat, the techie immediately—and with alacrity—checks his usuals as he closes the door. The sliding side doors to the back opening and closing again as Blossom deposits herself inside.

“Let’s go! Let’s go!” the platinum blond calls urgently. She can already picture the videos of their carjacking hitting the Net and she doesn't like publicity. Now she has even more work ahead of her tracking down any instances of that film and deleting them. That’s work she doesn’t get paid for and not being paid really puts a damper on her mood.

(Drive Check: 15) Without commenting, Fixer throws the van into drive and spins the wheel, catching the curb on the passenger side as he maneuvers around stopped traffic. Riding rough along the raised shoulder, the techie barrels past the remainder of the stalled out vehicles before swerving to fully re-enter the lane. They’re on the go again, picking up speed, heading for the Desnai Park and the pick up, albeit in a soccer mom’s vehicle with sticky back seats.

(OOC: March 10th, Day 4 - Monday, Time is 05:46 PM PST - Freeway, South Night City Integrate.)




March 10th, Day 4 - Monday, Time is 06:30 PM PST - High-City, Temecula Heights Corporate Compound, Street X00550:35.Y00110:89.Z98310:08, West Night City Integrate.

Weather Conditions: High City (Very Windy, 25 mph winds from the West.) | Midcity (Windy, 13mph winds from the West.) | Undercity (Slight Wind, 5mph gusts from the West.)

Air Quality Index: High City = 0 | Midcity = 35 | Undercity = 65 (masks required)


Vegas has been in tight spots before. In fact, the Crooner has been in worse situations more times than he can currently remember. However, he usually has some sort of familiarity with the surroundings of those seemingly impossible situations; not to mention having his partner, Casino, or some other type of riff-raff that can lend a hand at the drop of the proverbial hat. But the Dapper Solo is out of his element in the setting of this unfamiliar corporate compound and the Sitter Drones are obviously more bad news with even worse news probably on the way. All the Frank Sinatra look-alike can do is to keep strolling as if he somehow belongs in this neighborhood by the invitation of some other Good Samaritan, and hope that some type of good fortune will intervene as it had earlier when his unknown benefactress had taken him in and tended to his wounds.

The thought of the deceased Jeannette gives him some type of hope that this is not a hopeless situation, and the more he dwells on her brutal murder, the more he is determined to avenge her!

Vegas is ready for the fight of his life if need be. The Dapper Solo quickly surveys his options for some type of cover or seclusion should a fire-fight break out in the corporate compound. All the while he keeps checking his agent as he proceeds as nonchalantly as possible while monitoring the actions of the Sitter Drones and expecting the imminent arrival of the Corporate Compound Security.

Before a couple of breaths have passed through his lips, the sitter drones are ushering the children inside. Silent but for the sounds of his footsteps, traffic somewhere in the distance, and birds chirping, the street has quickly become empty. Then his agent notifies him of a message from Charlie. 

<< Call me if possible, otherwise we are work on a solution. >>


(OOC: March 10th, Day 4 - Monday, Time is 06:32 PM PST - High-City, Temecula Heights Corporate Compound, Street X00550:35.Y00110:89.Z98310:08, West Night City Integrate.)




March 10th, Day 4 - Monday, Time is 05:45 PM PST - High-City, Desnai Enclave Park, de Costa’s Conapt X00230:76.Y00100:03.Z97240:52, Central Night City Integrate.

Weather Conditions: High City (Very Windy, 25 mph winds from the West.) | Midcity (Windy, 13mph winds from the West.) | Undercity (Slight Wind, 5mph gusts from the West.)

Air Quality Index: High City = 0 | Midcity = 35 | Undercity = 65 (masks required)


The drug has kicked her system into overdrive which is what it’s designed to do. The elevated vitals are a direct reflection of the stimulant doing its job and should wear off in a few minutes. In the meantime, should Cipher be struggling against anything that might stop her heart, she’ll have the added benefit of the trauma drug working for her.

Having his patient taken care of, Guardian’s mind focuses on something else that didn’t sound right. Just as he was hanging up the call with Blossom, he thought he heard a loud noise. At the time, he had been so caught up with getting Cipher the assistance she needed that it didn’t register. Now that she’s taken care of his mind drifts back to that noise that he had heard over the phone when he had called Blossom. What was it?

Absently checking the medscanner readings, he continues to ponder the noise.

  • Blood pressure: 119/90 mm Hg
  • Breathing: 20 breaths per minute
  • Pulse: 125 beats per minute
  • Temperature: 97.9°F / 36.5°C

Suddenly, Cipher gasps and sits bolt upright. She’s back from the Net. Her adrenaline is still pumping from the shot she’s received.


(OOC: March 10th, Day 4 - Monday, Time is 05:46 PM PST - High-City, Desnai Enclave Park, Entrance Public Restroom X00233:76.Y00095:03.Z97240:52, Central Night City Integrate.)




March 10th, Day 4 - Monday, Time is 06:30 PM PST - Mid-City, Edgerunner Enclave (China Town), Charlie’s Apartment X00050:2.Y00310:08.Z00410:15, South Night City Integrate.

Weather Conditions: High City (Very Windy, 25 mph winds from the West.) | Midcity (Windy, Rainy 13mph winds from the West.) | Undercity (Slight Wind, 5mph gusts from the West.)

Air Quality Index: High City = 0 | Midcity = 35 | Undercity = 65 (masks required)


Echo and Cred Stick Charlie are sitting in his truck on the rain-soaked street just outside of the complex housing the Great Roll Hibachi Kitchen. There’s still roughly two hours before his meeting with the Tong but it looks as though he’ll be busy enough despite the wait. 

<< Frosty is Melting >> Ping

<< Send Authorization >> Ping

The messages are from Vegas and the interpretation is fairly easy to make especially considering the solo’s location. Corporate compounds issue every resident and visitor—even pets, robo or real—identification numbers and chips. The more secure locations require chip implants but most of the lower rank and file operate using chipped identity cards. Security in those locations will also have access to facial recognition software and anyone who doesn’t register as a resident or an authorized visitor is considered a hostile. Vegas is either directly in the mix with Temecula Heights security or he’s anticipating being so very soon. Responding as quickly as he can, the fixer sends the message, Call me if possible, otherwise we are work on a solution.

"Crud...Vegas might be in more hot water then we first thought," he states out loud for Echo’s benefit. “I was hoping to get a hold of Cipher and Guardian before anything kicked off but things are heating up for Vegas.”

There’s only one option that immediately comes to mind for the fixer; get one of the team’s netrunners to hack the Temecula Heights system and implant a visitor ID for Vegas. Of course, off-site as both are, he’s not sure of the possibility for success. There’s no other way for them to provide assistance though and he has yet to receive a progress report from the rest of the team.

(OOC: March 10th, Day 4 - Monday, Time is 06:32 PM PST - Mid-City, Edgerunner Enclave (China Town), Charlie’s Apartment X00050:2.Y00310:08.Z00410:15, South Night City Integrate.)

Posted on 2020-11-30 at 20:40:14.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 19/2
193 Posts

Told You I'm Worth It

If the transition from meatspace to cyberspace was like falling, then the reverse would be getting caught. All at once Cipher felt every sensation return to her body, a tidal wave colliding with every nerve and sense reigniting. The nauseaous feeling from the drop into cyberspace comes and goes quickly, as she feels keenly the crick in her neck and the pins and needles in her legs. She lunges forward, allowing her bag to topple onto the toilet lid as she grabs at her stomach and head, breathing intently.

Catching her breath, Cipher glances up at Guardian and gives him a thumb's up. "I got it," she pants, breath evening out. "I've got a map of the place so we're not walking in blind." She cracks a smirk, "Told you I'm good."

Posted on 2020-11-30 at 20:50:19.

Keeper of Dragons
Devil's Advocate
Karma: 59/18
2581 Posts

The group was on the move once again in their new vehicle.  Ghalahn wondered if it was worth more or less than the abandoned van.  Charlie would be pissed they lost the rental but maybe this vehicle would be a fair trade.  "Fixer, try to keep this vehicle in one piece."   

Posted on 2020-12-07 at 13:31:47.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 7/1
114 Posts

All or Nothing

So,” the pretty young woman begins nonchalantly, “where we headed?”

"To the bad side of town," Charlie looks out the window into the rainy cityscape for a bit. "Um, we’ll head toward the river, then make a right and follow the road for a bit, then I'll get my bearings and let you know which way from that point. Is that okay?"


A she started the engine and pulled out of the garage the Nomad could tell

Charlie was obviously a bit distracted by something. What, exactly, she can only guess since the fixer was being as mysterious as ever. Echo knew the meeting was still hours away yet Charlie wanted to head out already. Maybe he doesn’t realize what time it was and how much time they have to kill before this meeting takes place. Maybe he does and he wants to scout the meet location. There’s still time and a lot of information that she did not have from the man and that was something she did not like at all. Surprisiningly Charlie actually gave her a little more information as to why this meeting was more important to the fixer then the rescue of Vegas.

"Gotta pay some respect for things getting out of hand.” Charlie further explains, though to Echo he still seems a bit distracted. “Thanks for riding along. I really don't know what to expect but I'm sure that they will want something for operating on their turf."

OK Charlie time to open up if your not sure what to expect I need to know everything. Who are we meeting and what things are out of hand. Your making it sound like this could turn hostile real quick.

Pulling the truck over into a parking lot the nomad turned to the fixer.

Ok last chance Charlie, tell me everything about this meeting, or you go alone, and I catch transist to the Temecula Heights compound and join up with Ghlaln”

(OK the next depends on if Charlie tells the truth and they continue to the meet together.)

Pulling the truck back onto the highway though still feeling concerned what would happen at this meet she still felt much more relaxed knowing what she and Charlie faced. But first a little gear request.

Ok Charlie gonna need some upgrades,, first I need a SmartPlate link for my pistol, second due to my Nanotech I ain’t got no smart link so I’m gonna need a pair of Midnight Arms Smart gloves I realize the time frame but the sooner you can get them the better.”

With that said she concentrated on her driving and Charlie’s directions.

Posted on 2020-12-07 at 17:57:05.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 16/1
884 Posts

Back to the Land of the Living...Well, the Land of the Awakening

Guardian stared in concern and with impatience as Cipher was still limp and unconcious to the waking world, her mind still exploring cyberspace. He was actually unfamiliar with this process so he had no idea how long it usually took a Netrunner to complete a netrun.

Depends on how difficult the task is, I guess, Guardian thought.

Suddenly, Cipher snapped back to conciousness, taking Guardian by surprise and making him start. In an effort to cover up his embarrasing moment of jumpyness, he grinned at her when she informed him of her success on the Net.

'Told you I'm good,' she said, smirking.

'Yeah, you are, girl,' he grinned at her. 'You had me worried for a bit there, though. This being the first mission of mine and all. Can't imagine what I'd do if I screwed it up and killed the Netrunner on my first watch.' He chuckled humorously, though a hint of worry darkened his voice. 'Anyway, glad to see you back safe, Ciph. You okay to stand?'

He offered her his hand, a warm smile colouring his face.

Posted on 2020-12-10 at 08:08:37.

Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts

As Nonchalantly As Possible

Vegas continued his stroll, a bit relieved that the Sitter Drones had herded the children indoors, but not being so naïve to think that they had not alerted security.

A surge of memories suddenly intruded upon his reflective mood, from when the dapper solo was 18, held hostage by a crazy NeoCorp scientist and his team. It was a time of strange tests, torture and some heavy psychological play, but eventually Casino had sprung the young solo after 10 months of terror and torture that still left a bad taste in the mouth of Vegas for Mad Scientists.

The Frank Sinatra look-a-like’s morbid reverie was broken by a message from Charlie:

<<Call me if possible, otherwise we are work on a solution.>>

Vegas was not inclined to allow the security of this compound to take him back into custody for another round of beatings and cruel torture without some resistance.

As nonchalantly as possible, the charismatic crooner continued his stroll, as he leisurely lifted his agent to dial up Charlie with the intention of apprising him of the present situation; while keeping as vigilant as possible, scouring the surrounding neighborhood for any sign of trouble, or a suitable place for refuge.

Posted on 2020-12-12 at 01:23:56.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3141 Posts

Headin' down the highway

"Fixer, try to keep this vehicle in one piece."

The techie didn't even bother responding to the stupid statement.  He knew darn well that there was nothing he could have done to avoid the big pileup.  When everything around goes 'caplooie!' there isn't much you can do but try and minimize the damage.  And he had actaully done that reasonable well.  Nobody got hurt in the carnage.  And now they continued down the road in some poor soccer-mom's ride.  He didn't like driving a stolen car.  It felt exposed.  He got out of the area of the kidnapping as quickly as he could and then did everything he could to blend into the traffic.

He headed towards the compound being sure to not do anything that would draw attention to their vehicle.  Keeping his eyes on the road he spoke to the others in the vehicle.  "I need to know where to go once we get there.  Where can I find a place to park?  Do I know where to find the others? I'd rather not leave this thing out int he open if possible, but I also want to know where to find it if we need to leave again in a hurry.  That seems kinda likely.  So help me out a bit." 

Posted on 2020-12-13 at 13:51:18.


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