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You are here: Home --> Forum Home --> Rules-based RPGs --> Cyberpunk --> Flesh & Blood - A Night City Adventure
Parent thread: Flesh & Blood - A CyberPunk Game
GM for this game: Bromern Sal
Players for this game: TannTalas, Keeper of Dragons, Nomad D2, Hammer, Mischief, Espatier, dragon-soul92, CameToPlay
    Messages in Flesh & Blood - A Night City Adventure
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A Dire Situation...

'F***,' Guardian cursed as Cipher failed to awaken. 'I know what I need, but I don't have it! S***!'

He hated being unable to save those in his care. It made him feel so helpless and filled him with such guilt-even if there wasn't anything he could have done.

'Sorry if this is a bad time, Charlie...,' he muttered as he pulled out his agent and called him. ((OOC: I don't know if Charlie picks up or wether it goes to voicemail, but either way Guardian says this: )) 'Charlie, it's an emergency! Cipher's not come out of her NetRun and she's in a coma. I know what I need, but I don't have them. A ventilator and plenty of glucose antibiotics. Sorry if this is a bad time, but this is literally a matter of life or death.'

Posted on 2021-08-20 at 07:41:31.
Edited on 2021-08-20 at 07:42:11 by dragon-soul92

Karma: 7/0
287 Posts

strange bedtype fellows

March 10th, Day 4 - Monday, Time is 8:49 PM PST - Mid-City, the Great Roll Hibachi Kitchen, HeywoodNight City.


This is with Luther, Echo and some not so nice people


Luther will attempt to answer the gangster's inquiry. "I, nor my fellow associates, have made big scores while IN your territory, hence the reason to not report anything of importance. But while under your umbrella of protection I will make sure not to pull on the tiger's tail. While here as your house guest... We have made no profit at all, so I thought that I would answer your call and make sure that I didn't make any faux pas within your home. I think that you're referring to something that happened before I came to your home and we as a group are still attempting to lick our wounds. But I would like to ask if the gracious host would reconsider his scale; 30% of nothing is still nothing. I need to flourish and grow before I can be harvested. All that I'm asking is that you would consider this. I need work to offer to my associates but they are fickle for they were not born under the Imperial Sky nor blessed to be Asian, they don't understand hard work and are very lazy as most North Americans are. So if possible you throw work this way, we could then make something to give in return. It's a win-win for you, my gracious host. You give little but reap the harvest and rewards from the uncultured ones. 


"I'm not a leader of this group... in fact, no one is and as you understand, throughout history... it's very common for the North Americans; we bicker and fight each other. We are the way of the lobster, for those that would leave the bucket, the others would pull them back down. I can only answer for myself and wish to stay responsible for my own actions. I'm willing to work but its like cat herding with the rest of these people. 


I'm not sure where you got your information about a big score but you know those Solos... they always need to impress someone into thinking that they are big money movers. I'm sure that it was just impressive talk, you know... to throw on air perhaps."

Posted on 2021-08-24 at 20:00:55.
Edited on 2021-08-24 at 20:02:48 by Espatier

Karma: 7/0
287 Posts

paging Mr. Charile!

March 13th, Day 7 - Thursday, Time is 6:58 PM PST - Mid-City, Heywood, Mid-City, The Black Piranha Bar & Grill, X00105:4.Y00272:01.Z00385:00, South Night City Integrate.

“If I remember correctly,” Patriot speaks up as he casually crosses his left leg over his right knee, “When you explained the current situation, you said that you had some netrunners working on locating the hacker’s site. Have you heard from them yet?”

silently Luther's ear phone rang...

Guardian's voice was on the other end. 

 'Charlie, it's an emergency! Cipher's not come out of her NetRun and she's in a coma. I know what I need, but I don't have them. A ventilator and plenty of glucose antibiotics. Sorry if this is a bad time, but this is literally a matter of life or death.'

Luther looked up at the ceiling for a nano second before answering that statement... 

" Yes.... Okay, We will be on our way then and I'll order those things for you stat" Charile grimaced his half smile. " Sorry to cut this short but.. Gang."

Luther looked at Mr. Vegas

" Our flowers are the bat cave need your attention, like yesterday. It appears the guardian that was in place is having issues with the watering and care of them, I would like to suggest that we all leave together". 

Charlie looked down at his hands as he glanced to see who, what and where and .... how fast he could get a delivery Amazhome drone. "Damn it... .. fine charge me for prime and I'll pay it later..... just get my items to me, stat. 

*OOC Luther will add "prime" subscription so that he can possible order same day for those two items. 

 Luther Washington - Fixer:To Streetdeal28

" Hang tight little buddy... we are all coming to the batcave" Charlie spoke aloud as he stood up and summoned the waitress for a cyberbill, motioning that he was in a hurry. 


Posted on 2021-08-24 at 20:28:10.


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