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You are here: Home --> Forum Home --> Rules-based RPGs --> Cyberpunk --> Flesh & Blood - A Night City Adventure
Parent thread: Flesh & Blood - A CyberPunk Game
GM for this game: Bromern Sal
Players for this game: TannTalas, Keeper of Dragons, Nomad D2, Hammer, Mischief, Espatier, dragon-soul92, CameToPlay
    Messages in Flesh & Blood - A Night City Adventure
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Veteran Visitor
Karma: 19/2
193 Posts


Cipher parts ways with Luther, turns her attention to aiding Blossom with scrubbing the Net. Several hours pass and little more is accomplished than finding what she had been suspecting; closed circle on the intel, and whoever is after them is keeping their cards close to their chest. Unfortunate, but that just means digging deeper.

The microdisk is what intrigues Cipher most now. She palms it over, watching the neon light reflect iridescently. A quick search jogged a memory on a lecture vid she watched, dating the timeline of data transference; this particular one can be read by a "madpack," Microdisk Drive Personal Computer (MDDPC), one dated about thirty years back. Hard to get hands on, though Luther could prove his slickness by finding one, or at least the parts for it...

"Hey, techie," Cipher approaches Fixer, holding the microdisk between two fingers. "You're the one that builds things, yeah? Think if Cred-Stick got his hands on some parts, you could jerry-rig a madpack for us?" She gestures to the group at large, drawing attention. "Then we can get underway with sticking a middle finger to the corpo after this microdisk."

Posted on 2021-02-06 at 14:37:12.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3140 Posts

A madpack

Fixer took the disc from Cipher and looked it over.  "I can certainly give it a shot.  Decisions will be easier with more information and at the moment I have a couple of days - although there is some gear I want to get as well."  He looked at Cipher.  "Yeah, I'll try."

Posted on 2021-02-06 at 15:03:54.

Keeper of Dragons
Devil's Advocate
Karma: 59/18
2581 Posts

  Early on the second day of rest, Ghalan approached Charlie.  "I need to step out for a bit.  Gonna meet up with friends.  Might be gone overnight but not sure.  Will let you know."  Ghalan was off to visit with his alt-cult  and see if there were any tasks he could work on while the others rested or even as they pressed on with their next job.

Posted on 2021-02-06 at 21:43:55.
Edited on 2021-02-10 at 15:54:43 by Keeper of Dragons

Bromern Sal
A Shadow
RDI Staff
Karma: 158/11
4402 Posts


March 10th, Day 4 - Monday, Time is 12:30 PM PST - Mid-City, Edgerunner Enclave (China Town), Charlie’s Apartment X00050:2.Y00310:08.Z00410:15, South Night City Integrate.

Weather Conditions: High City (Cloudy, Temperature: Moderate | High: 80°F | Low: 65°F | Wind Force: Medium | Wind Speed: 12 mph from the Southwest) | Midcity (Cloudy, Temperature: Moderate | High: 86°F (30°C) | Low: 68°F (20°C) | Wind Force: Light | Wind Speed: 6 mph (9 kph) from the Southwest) | Undercity (Cloudy, Temperature: Hot| High: 95°F | Low: 58°F | Wind Force: None | Wind Speed: 0 mph)

Air Quality Index: High City = 0 | Midcity = 45 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)


Blossom is more than a little leary of new people in her life, and despite her friendly, bouncy exterior personality, she holds herself in reserve with anyone who hasn’t proven their worth. She’s still only a couple of days into running with this crew and despite everyone playing nice—Finally, she thinks—she isn’t ready to completely relax. She and Cipher had already spent the morning each performing their own research into the microdisk, compiling their findings to determine the type of reader they needed when the beat-up, well-dressed crooner suddenly broke the relative silence.

Turning to his partner, Casino, the Frank Sinatra look-alike asks, "Hey Pal... did I get out of this scrape with any gig money... or just with my life?"

(OOC: I’m going to assume that Casino will do the honorable thing based on their long-standing relationship.)

“Sh*t,” the other wounded man declares his face flushing with immediate embarrassment, wincing a little as he sits up from a reclining position on the couch. “I’d forgotten, choom. I’ll transfer the eddies pronto.” He fishes out his new agent and works the transaction.

As though stimulated by the break in the silence, Cipher swivels from the barstool and strides boldly across the room to the chair that Fixer has deposited himself in. 

"Hey, techie," Cipher holds the microdisk between two fingers so it is presented to the curly-haired man. "You're the one that builds things, yeah? Think if Cred-Stick got his hands on some parts, you could jerry-rig a madpack for us?" She gestures to the group at large, drawing the attention of the others. "Then we can get underway with sticking a middle finger to the corpo after this microdisk."

Fixer takes the disc from Cipher and looks it over. "I can certainly give it a shot. Decisions will be easier with more information and at the moment I have a couple of days—although there is some gear I want to get as well."  He peers up at Cipher. "Yeah, I'll try."

“I’ll flick you the deets for the viewer,” Blossom speaks up, already activating her neural processor to wirelessly transfer the data. “A ‘madpack’—Microdisk Drive Personal Computer. You ever heard of it?”

After a moment of consideration, the techie can only shake his head.

“I’d have been surprised if you had, choom,” Blossom chirps, a smile on her face, her heart-shaped sunglasses holding her platinum hair back from her face. “It’s, like, thirty years old.”

The conversation continues with people offering up their opinions, it is decided that Charlie would expend some energy finding parts so Fixer can create a reader. That sets the techie in motion using the Net to research what he needs.

After everyone hands over a list of needs and wants to Charlie, the team settles for the afternoon to take care of their personal tasks and the fixer sets to work. 

(OOC: Charlie’s results…

    1. Parts for the Reader (DC 16) Results: 13. Fail
    2. The whole reader (DC 20) Results: 18. Fail
    3. Casino’s level 3 Leadership Chip (COST: 9 Giri or 900eb DC: 22) Results: 19. Fail
    4. Casino’s level 3 SMG Skill Chip (COST: 9 Giri or 900eb DC: 1 Results: 18. Success
    5. Casino’s Ambidexterity Chip (COST: 9 Giri or 900eb DC: 22) Results: 35. Critical Success.
    6. Ghlahn’s 40mm Launched Grenades ((R, 50eb apiece base, range: 200m/100eb up to 1600m, 5 meter radius.) DC: 1 Results: 19. Success
    7. Ghlahn’s HE or High-Explosive (7d6 damage, 5 meter radius. Arms after 10m flight distance, (x2 eb)) DC: 22 Hard) Results: 13. Fail
    8. Ghlahn’s HEDP or High-Explosive Anti-Tank Double Armor Penetration Grenade (4d10 HEAT/4d6 HEAT outside of 1 meter radius from impact location, 5 meter radius (x4 eb)) DC: 30 Extreme) Results: 40. Critical Success (x2)
    9. Ghlahn’s Illumination Grenade (20 meter x 20 meter space lit up. (x.5 eb + 5eb to add a parachute)) DC: 18 Challenging) Results: 27 Critical Success
    10. Ghlahn’s Chemical Carriers gas or smoke grenades. (10 meter area of effect. (50 eb apiece + 5eb to add a parachute)) DC: 18 Challenging) Results: 15 Fail
    11. Ghlahn’s Bean Bag grenades (2d6 damage; Stun -5, +1/15 SP; 20+ REF roll, -1 Diff/100kg of target, 50m range (50 eb apiece) DC: 18 Challenging) Results: 23 Critical Success
    12. Ghlahn’s WP or White Phosphorous (4d6x3 damage, 10m radius (x2 eb)) DC: 22 Hard
    13. Ghlahn’s Fletchette (1d6/2 x 2d6 Armor Piercing, 3 meter by 25 meter area (50 eb apiece)) DC: 22 Hard) Results: 18. Fail
    14. Ghlahn’s Flash-Bang (Stun -2, stun+deaf 4 turns. 5 meter by 15 meter area (50 eb apiece)) DC: 18 Challenging) Results: 13. Fail
    15. Ghlahn’s HEP or High-Explosive Phosphorus (7d6 HEP damage, SP -5, -1 WA, DC 20+ REF or blind 2 turns. 25m range (x2 eb)) DC: 30 Extreme. Results: 28 Critical Success
    16. Ghlahn’s Grapnel grenade ((30eb+) 1/2 range, WA -2, 1d6 dam, Catch 50%)) DC: 22 Hard) Results: 1 Critical Fail
    17. Ghlahn’s Net grenade (25 meter range, WA -5, 1d6 damage + 50% wrap, 20+ REF or 25+ BOD to escape net (50 eb)) DC: 18 Challenging) Results: 20 Success
    18. Ghlahn’s Splatshell grenade (1d6+1 damage, 5 meter by 2 meter to a 15 meter x 6 meter pattern, (10eb+)) DC: 18 Challenging) Results: 16. Fail
    19. Ghlahn’s Slasher grenades (4d6 damage, 1/3 SP. 3 meter area, -2 WA, 50m range (75eb)) DC: 22 Hard) Results: 18. Fail
    20. Ghlahn’s Spray Paint grenades (Blind for 1d6/3 turns REF DC 20+, 4 meter area, (20eb)) DC: 18 Challenging) Results: 29 Critical Success
    21. Ghlahn’s EMP grenade (Disorient 10 sec. BODY DC 20+, Those with Cyberoptics and/or Cyberaudio 4/10min BODY DC 22+, 5 meter area, (75 eb)) DC: 22 Hard) Results: 29. Critical Success
    22. Echo’s SmartPlate Link on her Mustang Arms "Mark II" Heavy Pistol (cost: x3 base weapon cost: 425x3=1,275 credits DC 18 Challenging) Results: 18. Success
    23. Midnight Arms Smart Gloves at a base of 110 + 1 smartgun (the Mark II) (200 = 310 credits. DC 18 Challenging) Results: 19. Success
    24. Ghlahn’s Smart Clothes with digital fabric (success).
    25. Fixer’s Electronic Security Chip (Success).
    26. Fixer’s Electronics Chip (Success).
    27. Fixer’s Cybertech Chip (Success).
    28. Fixer’s Nasal Filters cybertech (Success).
    29. Fixer’s Bug Detector: Cyberaudio Option (Success).
    30. Fixer’s Level Damper: Cyberaudio Option (Success).
    31. Fixer’s Battle Mask (Success).
    32. Charlie’s Personal Business, Yo Suk-Chul, follow-up for some shoes (Passports) so that Charlie can make a stop to drop them off (Success)
    33. Charlie’s Personal Business, Hound… not available.
    34. Charlie’s Personal Business, Feathers… not available.
    35. Charlie Personal Business, Chelsey Dawn… not available.
    36. Charlie’s Personal Business, Blackbird2500 (Gearlogix 24B290 Thermal Printer with a Hologenics Modular Printbox attachment) sends a text asking when Charlie is available to meet.
    37. Charlie’s Personal Business, Patriot (Media) joining them on this gig… Charlie receives a response. Patriot is interested.

March 11th, Day 5 - Tuesday, Time is 06:30 AM PST - Mid-City, Edgerunner Enclave (China Town), Charlie’s Apartment X00050:2.Y00310:08.Z00410:15, South Night City Integrate.

Weather Conditions: High City (Cloudy, Temperature: Moderate | High: 80°F | Low: 65°F | Wind Force: Medium | Wind Speed: 12 mph from the Southwest) | Midcity (Cloudy, Temperature: Moderate | High: 86°F (30°C) | Low: 68°F (20°C) | Wind Force: Light | Wind Speed: 6 mph (9 kph) from the Southwest) | Undercity (Cloudy, Temperature: Hot| High: 95°F | Low: 58°F | Wind Force: None | Wind Speed: 0 mph)

Air Quality Index: High City = 0 | Midcity = 45 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)


Early on the second day of rest, Ghlahn approaches Charlie as he’s getting ready to go teach his class. "I need to step out for a bit,” the Capore Steel solo says. “Gonna meet up with friends.  Might be gone overnight but not sure. Will let you know." 

Ghlahn is off to visit with his alt-cult and see if there are any tasks he can work on while the others rest or even as they press on with their next job. This decision places Ghlahn a good eight hours away should the team have need of him. Four hours out and four back traveling at high speed the whole way. Ghlahn needs to rent a car or hire a cab to get there and he has a number of options to choose from. He doesn’t bother Charlie with this detail and makes his selection while the rest of the team remains asleep.

When everyone wakes up, Ghlahn is gone and Charlie is teaching his class. Blossom had an idea overnight. When seeking old tech, where better to search than amongst those who use older tech? 

“Echo,” Blossom says as though she just found a secret decoder ring in a box of cereal, “do you think your tribe has a madpack they’ll loan or sell us?”

(OOC: March 11th, Day 5 - Tuesday, Time is 11:00 AM PST - Mid-City, Edgerunner Enclave (China Town), Charlie’s Apartment X00050:2.Y00310:08.Z00410:15, South Night City Integrate.)

Posted on 2021-02-14 at 23:07:50.
Edited on 2021-02-14 at 23:08:26 by Bromern Sal

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 7/1
114 Posts

Anyone hear from Tann?

Echo sat quietly, Casino leaning against her on the couch, her arm draped gently over him, and thought of her current situation. Having already told Charlie what she wanted during their trip to meet the Triad, she had no need to repeat herself. Looking around the medium sized apartment she just did not feel totally at home here. Though Charlie had offered his apartment for the group to use as long as needed she needed her own space, yet however where that might be and still be close to the group was a big question. The enclave itself was Edgerunner, she was Rolling State. However even though she was Rolling State her presence was not welcomed at any of their enclaves at the moment.

Looking down at the big hulk of wounded metal and flesh leaning against her, almost asleep, for some crazy reason he felt right. She wanted to try with this hardened man to see if he was what she hopped he be but to do that they would need a place of their own and maybe he could find them a place here in the this enclave itself.

"Hey Pal... did I get out of this scrape with any gig money... or just with my life?"

This from Vegas seated across the room, causing Casino to sit up.

Sh*t,” the other wounded man declares his face flushing with immediate embarrassment, wincing a little as he sits up from a reclining position on the couch. “I’d forgotten, choom. I’ll transfer the eddies pronto.” He fishes out his new agent and works the transaction.

Waiting for a moment to let him transfer the Frank Sinatra lookalike’s share of the run credits, she stopped him from leaning against her.

Hey can we talk?”……..

Posted on 2021-02-20 at 16:45:52.

Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts

Thanks Pal

Vegas nodded to his battle-weary compatriot and spoke to Casino as best as he could through the aftermath of the pain that wracked the Frank Sinatra look-alike's body:

"Thanks Pal," was his semi-weak reply. "If I don't make it through the next waltz ... then help yourself to whatever possessions I may have ... that make it through the fire that may consume me."

Vegas managed a weak wave of his hand towards his long-time friend, before finding a place of semi-solitude to sleep as deep a sleep as possible, in hopes of healing and restoring his battered body and psyche.

Occasionally, his body shook ever-so-slightly with nearly undectable tremors, as the Charismatic Crooner dreamed the dark dreams that strolled uninvited from the depths of his subconscious.

Posted on 2021-02-21 at 00:00:25.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 19/2
193 Posts

Killing Time

Admittedly, Cipher had expected something a bit more... exciting when she got Luther's call. With the people he - or his brother - ran with, seemed all the more likely that everywhere they walked, trouble was afoot. What she'd gotten after the rescue gig, however, was a lot of downtime; something she was not prepared for.

Staying in these tights quarters with a bunch of chombattas she barely knew, shower times scheduled and still not helping much with the smell of stale takeout and dried blood, Cipher found it hard to relax. Nevermind that she was fighting every instinct to call up her mother and see how Park life was going, or that she was choking down grief when she finally placed who Vegas reminded her of; Frank Sinatra, one of her dad's favourites.

Between the boredom and emotional swings, Cipher kept herself occupied with scrolling the Net, doing her own perusing to see what info came up on her new crew; she was hardly digging - didn't even bother jacking in - but she wanted to know what she was working with. She knew Luther knew his people, but she trusted Cred-Stick about as far as she could throw him, so she needed her own answers.

People-watching was also one of the few other things to be done. A few things were rather obvious; the gambling-themed solos were tight, Guardian seemed a genuine enough guy - rare in this city - and Echo was making eyes at Casino while he slept in her lap. Cipher couldn't say she saw the appeal - her type was a lot less... big - but hey, what happiness you can carve out, you take.

On her third time wishing for braindance in the past hour, Cipher turned to Fixer with all the subtlety she cared to have in her bored state and asked, "So you always run with these big guns or is this a new team for you too?"

Posted on 2021-02-22 at 01:11:46.

Keeper of Dragons
Devil's Advocate
Karma: 59/18
2581 Posts

   Ghalahn said goodbye for now to the group.  "You can reach me on my agent when everyone is rested, the plan is set and you are ready to move."  Gathering his belongings, he headed out the door in search of a car rental place.  

Posted on 2021-02-22 at 04:59:56.

Trilogy Master
RDI Staff
Karma: 181/119
6817 Posts


March 10th, Day 4 – Monday, Time is 12:30 PM PST – Mid-City, Edgerunner Enclave (China Town), Charlie’s Apartment X00050:2.Y00310:08.Z00410:15, South Night City Integrate.
Weather Conditions: High City (Very Windy, 25 mph winds from the West.) | Midcity (Windy, 13mph winds from the West.) | Undercity (Slight Wind, 5mph gusts from the West.)
Air Quality Index: High City = 0 | Midcity = 35 | Undercity = 65 (masks required)

His eyes closed Casino found himself slowly drifting off to sleep, the first time since the run had started and ended that he felt relaxed enough to do so. His shoulder still hurt, no escaping that and only time would heal it 100%, but thanks to this new medic, Guardian, for the moment the pain was bearable without use of his pain inhibitor. What it would be like to not have to do this type of work anymore, to have enough cash to just stay like this forever. The big solo thought to himself.

"Hey Pal... did I get out of this scrape with any gig money... or just with my life?"

Vegas’s voice from across the room cut into his half awake/half asleep state bringing him out of his fantasy.

Sh*t,” his face flushed with immediate embarrassment, Casino sat up removing Echo’s arm from where it lay on his chest, wincing a little as he reached for his new agent. “I’d forgotten, choom. I’ll transfer the eddies pronto.”

Within a matter of seconds 2,000 credits was transferred to Vegas’s account. As he went to lay back once more Echo’s voice and her standing up stopped him.

Hey can we talk?”

Sure what’s up?” The pain forgotten for a second of break-up/goodbye paranoia, the big solo got to his feet as Echo headed out the apartments front door to the hallway and then outside and away from the rest of the group. Standing Casino waited for what Echo had to say.......

Posted on 2021-02-28 at 14:36:11.
Edited on 2021-02-28 at 14:38:42 by TannTalas

Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts

Passing Into Oblivion

As Vegas was passing into oblivion, the Dapper Solo was not sure if Casino had heard what he had said about a 'next waltz', or if the Frank Sinatra look-alike had only imagined himself making the statement to his long-time friend.

Grateful for the payment received into his agent, the Charismatic Crooner soon imagined himself on a stage, or perhaps it was merely a long-repressed or forgotten memory of more pleasant times, that slowly caressed his consciousness with a comfort that was worth enveloping the pain of his recent ordeal.

Soon, the barely discernable body tremors of the Charismatic Crooner gave way to the soothing hum of a faint song on his lips, that warbled from the depths of his bosom, along the swollen tunnel of his tortured throat:


Posted on 2021-02-28 at 22:28:44.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 16/1
884 Posts

Apologies if we've moved past this bit. Please tell me if we have and I'll edit.

Guardian looked at all the MedTech gear for sale and felt like a kid in a candy store...alas, a BROKE kid in a candy store. Nevertheless, he still checked everything out and scribbled down a list of all the supplies he wished to purchase and turned to his companions.

'Hey, guys, I hate asking for handouts but the thing is...,' he started awkwardly. 'I'm broke. This is my first gig with you and I'm kinda stuck for cash but I've seen several items I know will come in handy. Sorry to just put this on you guys,' he apologised with a somewhat embarrassed look and a sheepish grin. 'I'll pay you guys back when I get more cash, I promise. a MedTech out, please? Here's the list.' He held up the paper so they could all see.

It read:
*1 dose of Trauma-1
*1 Hypercoagulin
*3 Jetwash
*3 Boneglue
*3 Tissueglue
*Antbacterial Bandages
*Medicine Gauze Bandages
*Atisceptic Disposible Wet Wipes
*Antisceptic Solution

Posted on 2021-03-02 at 09:17:10.

Bromern Sal
A Shadow
RDI Staff
Karma: 158/11
4402 Posts


March 11th, Day 5 - Tuesday, Time is 06:30 AM PST - Mid-City, Edgerunner Enclave (China Town), Charlie’s Apartment X00050:2.Y00310:08.Z00410:15, South Night City Integrate.

Weather Conditions: High City (Cloudy, Temperature: Moderate | High: 80°F | Low: 65°F | Wind Force: Medium | Wind Speed: 12 mph from the Southwest) | Midcity (Cloudy, Temperature: Moderate | High: 86°F (30°C) | Low: 68°F (20°C) | Wind Force: Light | Wind Speed: 6 mph (9 kph) from the Southwest) | Undercity (Cloudy, Temperature: Hot| High: 95°F | Low: 58°F | Wind Force: None | Wind Speed: 0 mph)

Air Quality Index: High City = 0 | Midcity = 45 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)


Early on the second day of rest, Ghlahn approaches Charlie as he’s getting ready to go teach his class. "I need to step out for a bit,” the Capore Steel solo says. “Gonna meet up with friends.  Might be gone overnight but not sure. Will let you know." 

Ghlahn is off to visit with his alt-cult and see if there are any tasks he can work on while the others rest or even as they press on with their next job. This decision places Ghlahn a good eight hours away should the team have need of him. Four hours out and four back traveling at high speed the whole way. Ghlahn decides to rent a car. He doesn’t bother Charlie with this detail and makes his selection while the rest of the team remains asleep, except Echo, who’s tech allows her to go without much sleep at all. With the nomad knowing his destination as well as Charlie, the CEE-metal makes his exit.

"You can reach me on my agent when everyone is rested, the plan is set and you are ready to move." Gathering his belongings, he heads out the door in search of a car rental place. 

When everyone else wakes up, Ghlahn is gone and Charlie is teaching his class leaving the remainder alone in the apartment. Blossom had an idea overnight. When seeking old tech, where better to search than amongst those who rely on older technologies? 

“Echo,” Blossom says as though she just found a secret decoder ring in a box of cereal, “do you think your tribe has a madpack they’ll loan or sell us?”

(OOC: Echo needs to respond… this can be a whole back post conversation if it turns out to be needed.

The lot of them are in the main living area of the domicile. Blossom is seated cross-legged on the only armchair in the room, calling her question across to the kitchen bar where Cipher sits on a stool, Roosevelt at her feet. Fixer and Guardian are also at the counter, and Echo is cradling Casino on the couch when Vegas makes his way from the bathroom to lean against the entertainment console across from his partner.

"Hey Pal,” the solo asks, “did I get out of this scrape with any gig money... or just with my life?"

“Sh*t,” the other wounded man declares his face flushing with immediate embarrassment as he winces a little to sit up from a reclining against Echo. “I’d forgotten, choom. I’ll transfer the eddies pronto.” He fishes out his new agent works the transaction.

"Thanks Pal," Vegas replies in a semi-weak voice. "If I don't make it through the next waltz... then help yourself to whatever possessions I may have that make it through the fire that may consume me."

Vegas manages a weak wave of his hand towards his long-time friend, before finding a place of semi-solitude to settle down. It’s Blossom who hops up from her chair to make room for the wounded man, bounce-stepping across to where Cipher is occupying herself.

Within a matter of seconds, 2,000 credits were transferred to Vegas’s account. Waiting for a moment to let Casino transfer the Frank Sinatra look-alike’s share of the run credits, Echo stops Keith from settling back against her. 

“Hey, can we talk?” she asks quietly in response to his questioning gaze.

“Sure what’s up?” The pain is forgotten for a second filled with break-up-goodbye paranoia. The big solo shifts to his feet as he and Echo head out the apartment’s front door to the hallway and then seek a landing outside and away from the rest of the group. Overlooking the interior compound of the large megastructure, Casino waits for what Echo has to say.

(OOC: Feel free to conduct a conversation in a collab post and share it with me before you post it here.)

On her third time wishing for braindance in the past hour, Cipher turned to Fixer leaving Blossom to play with Roosevelt. With all the subtlety she cared to have in her bored state, the netrunner asks, "So you always run with these big guns or is this a new team for you too?"

(OOC: This too can be a collab conversation.)

'Hey, guys,” Guardian pipes up after having spent some time in a state of euphoric window shopping on his agent. “I hate asking for handouts but the thing is...,” he starts awkwardly. “I'm broke. This is my first gig with you and I'm kinda stuck for cash but I've seen several items I know will come in handy. Sorry to just put this on you guys,” he apologizes with a somewhat embarrassed look and a sheepish grin. “I'll pay you guys back when I get more cash, I promise. a MedTech out, please? Here's the list.” He flicks the details of his list to all nearby receiving agents so they can all see it.

The List:

  • 1 dose of Trauma-1
  • 1 Hypercoagulin
  • 3 Jetwash
  • 3 Boneglue
  • 3 Tissueglue
  • Antibacterial Bandages
  • Medicine Gauze Bandages
  • Antiseptic Disposable Wet Wipes
  • Biactine
  • Antisceptic Solution

Blossom is the first to reply, “Hey, med-gear benefits the whole team. It isn’t like you’re planning on moonlighting with Trauma Team on the side and using the goods that are meant to serve us. I say, we pool what resources we have and outfit our blonde Saving Grace over there with what he thinks we might need. What say you all, chooms?”

(OOC: You’ll all need to decide what you’re going to do here.)

The rest of that day rolls by with the ponderous pace of a snail. Late into Tuesday night, Ghlahn returns from his foray into Death Valley. Luther stays busy working his business and tending to the needs of the team as best he can. Cipher and Blossom each spend time deep-diving the Net in search of additional information about madpacks and various readers. Funny enough, the two strike on the same possible seller at the exact same time late Tuesday night on a local free-market site in the Dark Web.

The seller’s name is Gr33n3Myst3ryG3nT and after a bit of back and forth, he’s willing to sell his madpack for 500 eddies. Delivery could be made by drone and the team would have the device by early Wednesday morning. Charlie cautions against rushing into things since he’s still putting feelers out for the parts Fixer would need to make a reader, and the team decides on one more day before doing what they have to do.


March 12th, Day 6 - Wednesday, Time is 01:30 PM PST - Mid-City, Edgerunner Enclave (China Town), Charlie’s Apartment X00050:2.Y00310:08.Z00410:15, South Night City Integrate.

Weather Conditions: High City (Windy, Temperature: Moderate | High: 78°F (25.5°C) | Low: 69°F (20.5°C) | Wind Force: Strong | Wind Speed: 22 mph (35.4 kph) | Strong Wind: A steady wind with a 75% chance of extinguishing unprotected flames.) | Midcity (Windy, Temperature: Moderate | High: 87°F (30°C) | Low: 77°F (25°C) | Wind Force: Moderate | Wind Speed: 12 mph (19 kph) | Moderate Wind: A steady wind with a 50% chance of extinguishing unprotected flames.) | Undercity (Windy, Temperature: High | High: 98°F (36.6°C) | Low: 91°F (32.7°C) | Wind Force: Light | Wind Speed: 6 mph (9.6 kph))

Air Quality Index: High City = 0 | Midcity = 35 | Undercity = 70 (masks required)


Charlie is away in the morning teaching his class. When Guardian checks on Vegas’s injuries, he concludes that there isn’t anything he can do to help the solo without more medical supplies. Casino, on the other hand, is someone Guardian can help, redressing the wound in the man’s arm, cleaning it out, and setting it up again is a production but the solo is already starting to feel a little better. Another day and the Medtech feels that the big guy’s wound can be considered a light wound. 

When Charlie returns to the apartment, he has some news. Though he hasn’t been able to find the parts Fixer may need priced low enough to make it worthwhile, he was able to haggle Gr33n3Myst3ryG3nT down significantly. The new asking price of the working madpack reader is 370 eddies. (OOC: You folks need to decide if you’re going to purchase this or keep looking for parts.) He’s also found sellers for multiple items on the wish list. He has a number of grenade variants available should Glhahn or Casino wish to pursue purchases. These are…


  • 40mm Launched Grenades (R, 50eb apiece base, range: 200m/100eb up to 1600m, 5 meter radius.)


  • HEDP or High-Explosive Anti-Tank Double Armor Penetration Grenade (4d10 HEAT/4d6 HEAT outside of 1-meter radius from impact location, 5-meter radius (x4 eb)
  • Illumination Grenade (20 meter x 20 meter space lit up. (x.5 eb + 5eb to add a parachute)
  • Bean Bag grenades (2d6 damage; Stun -5, +1/15 SP; 20+ REF roll, -1 Diff/100kg of target, 50m range (50 eb apiece))
  • WP or White Phosphorous (4d6x3 damage, 10m radius (x2 eb))
  • Flash-Bang (Stun -2, stun+deaf 4 turns. 5 meter by 15-meter area (50 eb apiece))
  • HEP or High-Explosive Phosphorus (7d6 HEP damage, SP -5, -1 WA, DC 20+ REF or blind 2 turns. 25m range (x2 eb))
  • Grapnel grenade ((30eb+) 1/2 range, WA -2, 1d6 dam, Catch 50%))
  • Net grenade (25 meter range, WA -5, 1d6 damage + 50% wrap, 20+ REF or 25+ BOD to escape net (50 eb))
  • Splatshell grenade (1d6+1 damage, 5 meter by 2 meter to a 15 meter x 6 meter pattern, (10eb+))
  • Spray Paint grenades (Blind for 1d6/3 turns REF DC 20+, 4-meter area, (20eb))
  • EMP grenade (Disorient 10 sec. BODY DC 20+, Those with Cyberoptics and/or Cyberaudio 4/10min BODY DC 22+, 5-meter area, (75 eb)) 



Ghlahn’s smart clothes are ready to be picked up and the Capore Steel and Echo go about spending a few hours of the day collecting their latest purchases. The Nomad collecting her 

SmartPlate Linked Mustang Arms "Mark II" Heavy Pistol from the weaponsmith and her Midnight Arms Smart Gloves from Charlie’s contact. Charlie is also able to produce Fixer’s Electronic Security Chip, his Electronics Chip, his Cybertech Chip. He also connects Fixer with a ripperdoc that installs Nasal Filters cybertech, Bug Detector Cyberaudio Option, Level Damper Cyberaudio Option. While he’s out, Charlie arranges a nice little discount on a battle mask for the techie.

Charlie spends some personal time on his business as well. Following up with Yo Suk-Chul, to drop off some shoes (Passports) that Charlie has procured, he completes the transaction and is able to mark it off on his “books”. He’s able to touch base with Feathers, and connect with Kelsey Dawn to round out his business affairs. He settles on what he’s going to do about Blackbird2500 and the Gearlogix 24B290 Thermal Printer with a Hologenics Modular Printbox attachment, finalizing that deal, and he arranges a time for Patriot to meet up with the group for introductions.



March 13th, Day 7 - Thursday, Time is 12:30 PM PST - Mid-City, Edgerunner Enclave (China Town), Charlie’s Apartment X00050:2.Y00310:08.Z00410:15, South Night City Integrate.

Weather Conditions: High City (Windy, Temperature: Very Strong | High: 85°F (29.4°C) | Low: 72°F (22.2°C) | Wind Force: Very Strong | Wind Speed: 35 mph (56.3 kph) | Very Strong Wind: Strong gusts of wind that impose a -4 penalty on Awareness checks and certain ranged weapon attacks. Such gusts automatically extinguish unprotected flames. Flying vehicles struggle with a -2 penalty. | Midcity (Windy, Temperature: Very Hot | High: 98°F (36.6°C) - (Very Hot: A character in very hot conditions (above 90°F) must make a CON check each hour (DC 16) or take 1d4 points of Stun Damage. Characters wearing heavy clothing or armor of any sort take a -4 penalty on their checks. A character with the Survival skill may receive a bonus and may be able to apply this bonus to other characters as well. A character who takes any Stun damage from heat exposure now suffers from heatstroke and is fatigued. These penalties end when the character recovers the Stun damage she took from the heat. Stun damage from heat exposure cannot be recovered until the character gets cooled off (reaches shade, survives until nightfall, gets doused in water, is targeted by endure elements, and so forth). Once rendered unconscious through the accumulation of Stun damage, the character begins to take lethal damage at the same rate.) | Low: 83°F (28°C) | Wind Force: Strong | Wind Speed: 22 mph (35 kph) | Strong Wind: A steady wind with a 75% chance of extinguishing unprotected flames.) | Undercity (Windy, Temperature: Very High | High: 115°F (46.1°C) | Low: 101°F (38.3°C) | Wind Force: Light | Wind Speed: 9 mph (14.5 kph))

Air Quality Index: High City = 0 | Midcity = 15 | Undercity = 95 (masks required)


The team has spent the morning focusing on their various pastimes while waiting for Charlie to return from his educator responsibilities. They’ve been subsiding off of Kibble and tap water, for the most part, ready fare that’s cheap and though it tastes like manufactured sugar, it’s edible. The tap water is another story altogether. 

Morning news reports indicate that the day is going to be a hot one. Undercity denizens are cautioned to stay indoors and do whatever they can to stay hydrated and cool. The air quality is horrendous in those areas but the strong winds have swept Midcity’s and Upper City’s pollution away for now. Of course, with the heatwave that’s happening, crime is up and the Daily Death Pool numbers are already climbing by the time Charlie rolls in the door.

The options for the afternoon are wide open. Patriot is supposed to meet up with everyone at a dive called the Black Piranha around six that evening so everyone can catch a decent bite to eat and get to know him. Aside from that appointment, there’s nothing on the docket.

(OOC: If the team has decided to purchase the reader, it would arrive by a drone that afternoon, around 1:00 PM. If not… well, rolls will need to be made today to see if parts can be found.)

(OOC: March 13th, Day 7 - Thursday, Time is 12:35 PM PST - Mid-City, Edgerunner Enclave (China Town), Charlie’s Apartment X00050:2.Y00310:08.Z00410:15, South Night City Integrate.)

Posted on 2021-03-04 at 20:10:07.

Karma: 7/0
287 Posts

pending post

March 11th, Day 5 - Tuesday, Time is 06:30 AM PST - Mid-City, Edgerunner Enclave (China Town), Charlie’s Apartment X00050:2.Y00310:08.Z00410:15, South Night City Integrate.

Weather Conditions: High City (Cloudy, Temperature: Moderate | High: 80°F | Low: 65°F | Wind Force: Medium | Wind Speed: 12 mph from the Southwest) | Midcity (Cloudy, Temperature: Moderate | High: 86°F (30°C) | Low: 68°F (20°C) | Wind Force: Light | Wind Speed: 6 mph (9 kph) from the Southwest) | Undercity (Cloudy, Temperature: Hot| High: 95°F | Low: 58°F | Wind Force: None | Wind Speed: 0 mph)

Air Quality Index: High City = 0 | Midcity = 45 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)


Blossom is the first to reply, “Hey, med-gear benefits the whole team. It isn’t like you’re planning on moonlighting with Trauma Team on the side and using the goods that are meant to serve us. I say, we pool what resources we have and outfit our blonde Saving Grace over there with what he thinks we might need. What say you all, chooms?”


“ I’m willing to chip in” comment’s charlie after getting back from his tasks in teaching ( if blossom or anyone else brings it up)


March 12th, Day 6 - Wednesday, Time is 01:30 PM PST - Mid-City, Edgerunner Enclave (China Town), Charlie’s Apartment X00050:2.Y00310:08.Z00410:15, South Night City Integrate.

Weather Conditions: High City (Windy, Temperature: Moderate | High: 78°F (25.5°C) | Low: 69°F (20.5°C) | Wind Force: Strong | Wind Speed: 22 mph (35.4 kph) | Strong Wind: A steady wind with a 75% chance of extinguishing unprotected flames.) | Midcity (Windy, Temperature: Moderate | High: 87°F (30°C) | Low: 77°F (25°C) | Wind Force: Moderate | Wind Speed: 12 mph (19 kph) | Moderate Wind: A steady wind with a 50% chance of extinguishing unprotected flames.) | Undercity (Windy, Temperature: High | High: 98°F (36.6°C) | Low: 91°F (32.7°C) | Wind Force: Light | Wind Speed: 6 mph (9.6 kph))

Air Quality Index: High City = 0 | Midcity = 35 | Undercity = 70 (masks required)



“I was able to haggle Gr33n3Myst3ryG3nT down significantly. The new asking price of the working madpack reader is 370 eddies. I suggest that we take this price... I don’t think that it will get any better” charlie comments to the group. 


Charlie spends some personal time on his business as well. Following up with Yo Suk-Chul, to drop off some shoes (Passports) that Charlie has procured, he completes the transaction and is able to mark it off on his “books”. He’s able to touch base with Feathers, and connect with Kelsey Dawn to round out his business affairs. He settles on what he’s going to do about Blackbird2500 and the Gearlogix 24B290 Thermal Printer with a Hologenics Modular Printbox attachment, finalizing that deal, and he arranges a time for Patriot to meet up with the group for introductions.



March 13th, Day 7 - Thursday, Time is 12:30 PM PST - Mid-City, Edgerunner Enclave (China Town), Charlie’s Apartment X00050:2.Y00310:08.Z00410:15, South Night City Integrate.

Weather Conditions: High City (Windy, Temperature: Very Strong | High: 85°F (29.4°C) | Low: 72°F (22.2°C) | Wind Force: Very Strong | Wind Speed: 35 mph (56.3 kph) | Very Strong Wind: Strong gusts of wind that impose a -4 penalty on Awareness checks and certain ranged weapon attacks. Such gusts automatically extinguish unprotected flames. Flying vehicles struggle with a -2 penalty. | Midcity (Windy, Temperature: Very Hot | High: 98°F (36.6°C) - (Very Hot: A character in very hot conditions (above 90°F) must make a CON check each hour (DC 16) or take 1d4 points of Stun Damage. Characters wearing heavy clothing or armor of any sort take a -4 penalty on their checks. A character with the Survival skill may receive a bonus and may be able to apply this bonus to other characters as well. A character who takes any Stun damage from heat exposure now suffers from heatstroke and is fatigued. These penalties end when the character recovers the Stun damage she took from the heat. Stun damage from heat exposure cannot be recovered until the character gets cooled off (reaches shade, survives until nightfall, gets doused in water, is targeted by endure elements, and so forth). Once rendered unconscious through the accumulation of Stun damage, the character begins to take lethal damage at the same rate.) | Low: 83°F (28°C) | Wind Force: Strong | Wind Speed: 22 mph (35 kph) | Strong Wind: A steady wind with a 75% chance of extinguishing unprotected flames.) | Undercity (Windy, Temperature: Very High | High: 115°F (46.1°C) | Low: 101°F (38.3°C) | Wind Force: Light | Wind Speed: 9 mph (14.5 kph))

Air Quality Index: High City = 0 | Midcity = 15 | Undercity = 95 (masks required)



by the time Charlie rolls in the door.

The options for the afternoon are wide open. Patriot is supposed to meet up with everyone at a dive called the Black Piranha around six that evening so everyone can catch a decent bite to eat and get to know him. Aside from that appointment, there’s nothing on the docket.


March 13th, Day 7 - Thursday, Time is 12:35 PM PST - Mid-City, Edgerunner Enclave (China Town), Charlie’s Apartment X00050:2.Y00310:08.Z00410:15, South Night City Integrate.)


“ Well... does anyone need to get anything done before we meet up with “Patriot” ? Charlie will ask the group.


Posted on 2021-03-04 at 22:01:12.

Keeper of Dragons
Devil's Advocate
Karma: 59/18
2581 Posts

   "I'm back.  Did I miss anything?"  Ghlahn takes a couple minutes getting caught up on what has occurred while he was gone.  "I can chip in a bit for med supplies to help keep you all in one piece.  Got a possible quick side job.  Seems a wanna be group called the Tychoons has been a thorn in the side of my alt-cult.  They are willing to pay to have a group make life tough for the Tychoons.  Pretty straight forward seek and destroy type job.  Teach them a lesson on who they are dealing with.  Anyone interested? If so I will contact the cult and get more info.  Should be a matter of some net running to find them and after that just roughing them up."

Posted on 2021-03-05 at 05:33:42.

Karma: 7/0
287 Posts


Charile ask the two net runners... 


" What type of equipment can keep you closer to us, while you guys do your cyber thing?, I have a Shiltron downstairs that I was thinking about upgrading". 


Then he turns his attention to the new medic. 

" Hey... what type of gear could be used in cases of emergency, that you can't carry?"

Posted on 2021-03-10 at 09:25:56.


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