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You are here: Home --> Forum Home --> Rules-based RPGs --> Cyberpunk --> Flesh & Blood - A Night City Adventure
Parent thread: Flesh & Blood - A CyberPunk Game
GM for this game: Bromern Sal
Players for this game: TannTalas, Keeper of Dragons, Nomad D2, Hammer, Mischief, Espatier, dragon-soul92, CameToPlay
    Messages in Flesh & Blood - A Night City Adventure
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Trilogy Master
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Karma: 181/119
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March 13th, Day 7 – Thursday, Time is 5:30 PM PST – Mid-City, Heywood, Mid-City, The Black Piranha Bar & Grill, X00105:4.Y00272:01.Z00385:00, South Night City Integrate.

So,” the black man leans forward but pauses as their food is brought in and distributed. Once the waitress has left them alone again, he continues, “To sum things up; The security team policing Temecula Heights—a corpo compound owned by Daltdom Corporation (which is a subsidiary of Petrochem)—is Falcone Security and at least some segment of them are running their own little torture chamber operation. Then, to top it off, this Jeanette who saved Vegas’s life was performing corporate espionage—I can only assume against ArmorTech, which doesn’t make sense since she’s a chemist, but we’ll get into that later—and now you have a hand to play in that card game. Then, before we even dive into the Temecula Heights story, you’ve got to stop a small group of hackers from their cyber attacks on a nearby CEE-metal enclave. Did I miss anything?”

As Patriot spelled it out, Casino looked around to the others and though reading each of them exactly was not easy he saw no one in disagreement. .

Yep that pretty much spells it out and Charlie feels we need your help, so here we are”

The hook is,” replied Vegas to the query posed by Patriot, “is that I was held captive and tortured … before I was able to escape. Then while on the lam inside Temecula Heights, I had the good fortune of being aided by one of the residents … Jeannette was her name She was murdered by some heavy muscle,” continues the Dapper Solo, “but she was too stubborn to divulge her secret … which cost her … her life … but I was able to discover the secret she was hiding … before making my escape … so here we are … plotting vengeance and offering you a slice of the pie … for your expertise in publicly exposing the dark secrets housed inside Temecula Heights … We have another gig to pick up some quick creds, which as far as I am concerned will serve as a tune-up … before dealing some payback to some dark souls … so are you and your followers in … or out … on publicizing their dark secrets?”

Vegas tailed off his explanation as he took another bite from his enchilada plate, followed by a long drink of water. Just then the plates ordered by Echo arrived and he realized from the smell of the food now directly in front of him, how hungry he actually was. A fork to one hand and he dived into the food watching as Echo did the same. A smell knee to knee contact with the nomad, a smile and a mouthed thank you, Casino owed Echo one. Facing back to the table the big Solo listened as Charlie, Vegas and the rest of the party hashed out more details on the upcoming operation.

Posted on 2021-06-06 at 22:03:22.
Edited on 2021-06-06 at 22:03:48 by TannTalas

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 7/1
114 Posts

My promised post

March 10th, Day 4 – Monday, Time is 8:30 PM PST - Mid-City the Great Roll Hibachi Kitchen, Heywood, Night City.

From where she stands with her feet a shoulder’s breadth apart ready to move, her trench coat hanging against her thighs, her hands clasped in front of her, yet close to her MP2020, The female nomad watches the room and people around her. The two women by this Mugsy Devil’s side, jesus christ was this chink big, damn nears as big as Casino, were clearly his bodyguards. However their positioning was such as to hide most of their bodies definations making it difficult for Elizabeth to tell what kind of dangerous toys thw two were carrying. The womens' suitcoats were a little loose, somewhat like her own trenchcoat, easily concealing possible shoulder holsters for handguns or small submachine guns.

They were both older than Echo, she could tell and including Mugsy all three of the Chinese had stylish lines on their faces indicative of cyberwear enhancements such as optics, audio, and potentially more. Not with standing all the tech, to be older in this industry deserved respect. However it was obivious that not only did Mugsy relay on the two females he also relaid in a over umbundurance of tech. Camaries were everywhere in the room one in one corner near the ceiling a second kitty-corner from it. These were obvious and no attempt had been made to hide them and Echo could only wonder what type of camaras or weapon tech was unseen within the room’s walls.

Whatever this place was it was clear, with the number of Tong boys outside this was no crab shack. For now she would play her part and hope quietly Charlie did not f*** up whatever he had to do. If he did odds of the two of them getting out was very, very low.

March 13th, Day 7 – Thursday, Time is 5:30 PM PSTMid-City,Heywood, Mid-City,The Black Piranha Bar & Grill,

As the plates arrived she smiled up at the waitress and thanked her. Seeing how Casino dove into his food after first saying he was not hungry she knew she had been correct that getting a good smelling in plate in front of him would do the trick. After all besides sex, food was a way to a mam’s heart. A knee touching her’s made her look at him and smile ~Yep he owed her one~

Posted on 2021-06-07 at 21:59:46.

Bromern Sal
A Shadow
RDI Staff
Karma: 158/11
4402 Posts


March 13th, Day 7 - Thursday, Time is 6:35 PM PST - Mid-City, Edgerunner Enclave (China Town), Charlie’s Apartment X00050:2.Y00310:08.Z00410:15, South Night City Integrate.

Weather Conditions: High City (Windy, Temperature: Very Strong | High: 85°F (29.4°C) | Low: 72°F (22.2°C) | Wind Force: Very Strong | Wind Speed: 35 mph (56.3 kph) | Very Strong Wind: Strong gusts of wind that impose a -4 penalty on Awareness checks and certain ranged weapon attacks. Such gusts automatically extinguish unprotected flames. Flying vehicles struggle with a -2 penalty. | Midcity (Windy, Temperature: Very Hot | High: 98°F (36.6°C) - (Very Hot: A character in very hot conditions (above 90°F) must make a CON check each hour (DC 16) or take 1d4 points of Stun Damage. Characters wearing heavy clothing or armor of any sort take a -4 penalty on their checks. A character with the Survival skill may receive a bonus and may be able to apply this bonus to other characters as well. A character who takes any Stun damage from heat exposure now suffers from heatstroke and is fatigued. These penalties end when the character recovers the Stun damage she took from the heat. Stun damage from heat exposure cannot be recovered until the character gets cooled off (reaches shade, survives until nightfall, gets doused in water, is targeted by endure elements, and so forth). Once rendered unconscious through the accumulation of Stun damage, the character begins to take lethal damage at the same rate.) | Low: 83°F (28°C) | Wind Force: Strong | Wind Speed: 22 mph (35 kph) | Strong Wind: A steady wind with a 75% chance of extinguishing unprotected flames.) | Undercity (Windy, Temperature: Very High | High: 115°F (46.1°C) | Low: 101°F (38.3°C) | Wind Force: Light | Wind Speed: 9 mph (14.5 kph))

Air Quality Index: High City = 0 | Midcity = 15 | Undercity = 95 (masks required)


Returning to his article, Olsen does his best to regain his focus. Succeeding for a time, he gets lost in the information until his Medscanner agent attachment rips him violently from the article with an incessant beeping. As soon as he is aware of the alert, Guardian has reflexively pulled the data being reported on up on his subvision viewscreen. 

One side of a two-sided column displays the vitals for Blossom. The other, for Cipher. Both netrunner’s vitals are elevating.

Blossom’s vitals:

  • Body temperature: 100 F
  • Pulse rate: 110 bpm
  • Respiration rate (rate of breathing): 20 bpm
  • Blood pressure: 125

Cipher’s vitals:

  • Body temperature: 101 F
  • Pulse rate: 112 bpm
  • Respiration rate (rate of breathing): 22 bpm
  • Blood pressure: 128

Jerking his head up, the medtech visually confirms distress. Both women are rapidly breathing and sweating profusely. In the time it takes the medtech to register their vitals and visually confirm, the numbers have increased again. They’re on a steady pace indicative of the two netrunners being in a high-stress situation and should those numbers exceed certain thresholds, the situation could turn disastrous. The problem is that they are rapidly approaching those thresholds.

March 13th, Day 7 - Thursday, Time is 6:45 PM PST - Mid-City, Edgerunner Enclave (China Town), Charlie’s Apartment X00050:2.Y00310:08.Z00410:15, South Night City Integrate.


March 13th, Day 7 - Thursday, Time is 6:35 PM PST - Mid-City, Heywood, Mid-City, The Black Piranha Bar & Grill, X00105:4.Y00272:01.Z00385:00, South Night City Integrate.


Fixer listens to Vegas prove why he has the handle he does. The performance is impressive and he applauds to show his appreciation. He has every intention of enjoying the little downtime that they have. Why not?

The fixer turns back to Patriot and dives into their current biz, “We are going after Temecula Heights. Are you still interested… or did you want me to contact someone else that was more... experience?" Charlie gives a quirky smile to mess with Patriot, then flashes his signature smile and lightly chuckles. Charlie likes the guy, but Charlie isn’t one who readily trusts anyone. Still, Patriot is his best and only choice. Media types like him want followers which gives them more influence, and the more influence they have—like Tesla Johanneson from back in the 1990’s—the more useful they are to people like Cred Stick Charlie. Charlie and the group may be able to leverage the story to certain Media brands using Patriot as an in, or even get e-petitions signed through Patriot’s followers to stop these megacorps from getting away with murder. That is what Temecula Heights is currently getting away with, as far as Luther is concerned, and someone has to pay. Compounds like Temecula Heights have deep pockets and that can help keep the team alive, Charlie thinks.

“Temecula Heights…” Patriot blinks rapidly for a second and a half, “That’s a corpo compound out in the Temecula Valley area, no?” Looking around at the group of new people in his life, the media furrows his brow. “And what’s the hook?”

“The hook is,” replies Vegas to the query posed by Patriot, “is that I was held captive and tortured… before I was able to escape. Then while on the lam inside Temecula Heights, I had the good fortune of being aided by one of the residents… Jeannette was her name…“ The Frank Sinatra look-alike trails off his explanation as the Charismatic Crooner thinks back to those dark hours that ultimately claimed her life.

“She was murdered by some heavy muscle,” continues the Dapper Solo, “but she was too stubborn to divulge her secret… which cost her… her life… but I was able to discover the secret she was hiding… before making my escape… so, here we are… plotting vengeance and offering you a slice of the pie… for your expertise in publicly exposing the dark secrets housed inside Temecula Heights…“

Vegas tails off again as he takes another bite from his enchilada plate, followed by a long drink of life-sustaining rehydration, before continuing.

“We have another gig to pick up some quick creds,” the Dapper Solo explains, “which, as far as I am concerned, will serve as a tune-up… before dealing some payback to some dark souls… so are you and your followers in… or out… on publicizing their dark secrets?” (OOC: Persuasion & Fast-Talk: 19)

“So,” the black man leans forward but pauses as their food is brought in and distributed. Once the waitress has left them alone again, he continues, “To sum things up; The security team policing Temecula Heights—a corpo compound owned by Daltdom Corporation (which is a subsidiary of Petrochem)—is Falcone Security and at least some segment of them are running their own little torture chamber operation. Then, to top it off, this Jeanette who saved Vegas’s life, was performing corporate espionage—I can only assume against ArmorTech, which doesn’t make sense since she’s a chemist, but we’ll get into that later—and now you have a hand to play in that card game. Then, before we even dive into the Temecula Heights story, you’ve got to stop a small group of hackers from their cyber attacks on a nearby CEE-metal enclave. Did I miss anything?”

As Patriot spells it out, Casino looks around to the others and though reading each of them exactly is not easy, he sees no one in disagreement.

“Yep that pretty much spells it out and Charlie feels we need your help, so here we are,” the large solo says though it is uncertain in his tone as to what he’s feeling.

The room falls quiet as the waitress begins bringing their orders in, four to a load, two on each arm. Casino realizes from the smell of the food now directly in front of him, how hungry he actually is. A fork seems to spring into one hand and he dives into the food, eyes on Echo. The solo touches knee to knee with the nomad, a smile forming on his lips, and mouths thank you. Casino owes Echo one. 

As the plates arrive Echo smiles up at the waitress and thanks her. Seeing how Casino dives into his food after first saying he was not hungry, she knows she had been correct in that getting a delicious smelling plate of food in front of him would do the trick. After al,l besides sex, food is the way to a mam’s heart. A knee touching hers makes her look at him and smile. Yep, he owes her one.

Fixer’s meal isn't worthy of the resort experience he is seeking, but it does fill his belly, which is also worthy of applause at times. After finishing, he sits back and listens. There is a lot of discussion with Patriot about media deals and information. He listens. This isn’t his bit but it will certainly impact him, so he pays attention.

“Well,” Patriot says as the waitress leaves, all of the meals and drinks being served. “I don’t know about my audience, but I have a gut feeling that this is going to be worth the story. I’ll tag along on the trial run and then see this through with Temecula Heights. If the Corpos are taking advantage of gonks in the Heights, I will be happy to expose them. So, what’s next?”

March 13th, Day 7 - Thursday, Time is 6:45 PM PST - Mid-City, Heywood, Mid-City, The Black Piranha Bar & Grill, X00105:4.Y00272:01.Z00385:00, South Night City Integrate.


March 10th, Day 4 - Monday, Time is 8:32 PM PST - Mid-City, the Great Roll Hibachi Kitchen, Heywood, Night City.


“So… Mr. Charlie,” the smiling man—Mugsy Devil—reaches across his plate and picks up a lobster claw with a pair of silver tongues. Luther can’t tell if it’s a real bio-engineered, farmed lobster or one of the shaped and flavored soy-based products that the common people are privileged enough to eat. “We are here to discuss your crimes against the Tong. You decided to do biz in our territory. You would be dead right now if your bosses hadn’t promised you can make it right. How, then, Mr. Cred Stick Charlie, are you going to make it right for the Tong?”

From where she stands, feet a shoulder’s breadth apart, her trench coat hanging against her thighs and her hands clasped in front of her, Echo watches the interplay. Odors of various foodstuffs drift through the air causing her stomach to rumble a little. She’s not a partner in the biz happening at the table. The current role she’s playing is a bodyguard and that puts her at the door. The two women by Mugsy Devil’s side are obviously his bodyguards, but their position hides most of their bodies making it difficult for Elizabeth to tell what kind of dangerous toys they’re carrying. They’re older than Echo and in this industry, older solos deserve respect. They have survived where so many others have died and that means they’re better than decent at their jobs.

The scene is set and Mr. Charlie is on stage... for now. 

"Well, the Devil, as always, is wanting his due, Sir," Mr. Charlie replies. "I would like to start by offering my services to you when you need a "round eye" and can't use your own people." Charlie explains further, "I can negotiate as an importation option to feuds, and blood rival conflicts if that would please you, Sir."

Charlie can’t stop looking at the lobster and wondering if it is real or soy-based... he is betting it is real. 

"I will also pledge that I will use Tong services while occupying Tong space in the enclave as part of the umbrella of protection that the Tong so graciously provides for its citizens." Charlie smiles for a second. "Now I will respectfully ask that my terms and conditions with the students stay in place, with the rationale that you will have, in the long run, more income coming to the Tong by having more educated people that will always need a place to feel comfortable and among those of their own kind. The educated will make more so that the mighty Tong will be able to tax those that can "donate" to the Tong’s cause."

Charlie further explains his weak defense, "As for the Joygirls, I could introduce them into a higher-paying bracket if you would agree. But I would ask that I be allowed to assist the operating side of the said business with the understanding that any terms you would set are negotiable if you would find this agreeable. I will look forward to working closely with the mighty Tong if given the chance." Charlie finally gives his infectious smile to hopefully seal a deal and to live yet another day. (OOC: Awareness/Notice: 15; Persuasion & Fast-Talking: 26 (Critical Success); Human Perception: 15; Streetdeal: 31 (Critical Success) )

From where she stands with her feet a shoulder’s breadth apart ready to move, her trench coat hanging against her thighs, her hands clasped in front of her, yet close to her MP2020, the female nomad watches the room and people around her. The two women by this Mugsy Devil’s side—Jesus Christ, was this chink big, damn near as big as Casino—are clearly his bodyguards. However, their positioning is such as to hide most of their body’s definitions making it difficult for Elizabeth to tell what kind of dangerous toys the two are carrying. The womens' suit coats are a little loose, somewhat like her own trenchcoat, easily concealing possible shoulder holsters for handguns or small submachine guns.

They are both older than Echo, she can tell, and including Mugsy all three of the Chinese have stylish lines on their faces indicative of cyberwear enhancements such as optics, audio, and potentially more. Notwithstanding, all the tech, to be older in this industry deserves respect. However, it is obvious that not only does Mugsy rely on the two females, he also relies on an overabundance of tech. Cameras are everywhere in the room; one in one corner near the ceiling and a second kitty corner from it. These are obvious and no attempt has been made to hide them. Echo can only wonder what type of cameras or weapon tech is unseen within the room’s walls.

Whatever this place is, it is clear; with the number of Tong boys outside this is no crab shack. For now, she will play her part and hope quietly Charlie does not f*** up whatever he has to do. If he does, the odds of the two of them getting out is very, very low.

“The balls on this one,” Mugsy Devil scoffs, “You trespass and then make demands of the Tong.” The big Asian laughs a hearty guffaw that continues for a good ten seconds. The whole time, he keeps his eyes squarely on the fixer sitting across from him. Finally, leaning forward, he selects a lobster claw and fits his nakiri knife into the seam of the shell. Violently yet surgically breaking it apart, he pauses long enough to return a level gaze at Cred Stick Charlie. 

“The only reason you are still alive, M?izh?u yuán zhùmín, is that we believe you may have some value yet,” Mugsy Devil uses the knife to spear some of the meat and dip it in the melted butter nearby. With the morsel still dripping the creamy goodness, he says, “You don’t make demands of us. But you will work off the debt that me sparing your life has incurred.”

Shoving the meat into his mouth, the Tong boss reaches for a cloth napkin and daps at the butter dripping down his chin. “You may continue to teach the children in that enclave. But you will teach approved lessons. Right now, you are teaching them English, yes? You will not teach them any negative words about the Tong, only good words. You will associate all good things with the Tong. The Tong are the bringers of good. Do you understand?” Reaching for another claw, he expounds, “We will call upon your skills at our pleasure and there will be no compensation when we do. Your life is compensation.” 

Cracking into another claw, he stabs the meat and proceeds to dip it in butter. “You will also share with us all information concerning your superior’s organizational moves, and yours will be an open book as well, M?izh?u yuán zhùmín.

“I make you this offer only because you have shown yourself to have huge balls of steel and this has brought me humor.”

Throughout his speech, the twins have remained practically motionless, though their eyes aren’t rooted on Cred Stick Charlie. They’re focused on Echo as though daring her to step out of place.

March 10th, Day 4 - Monday, Time is 8:43 PM PST - Mid-City, the Great Roll Hibachi Kitchen, Heywood, Night City.

Posted on 2021-06-08 at 11:00:52.

Karma: 7/0
287 Posts

Laying down the laws of the Tong

Charlie did not know whether to breathe easy yet or just try to sweat and catch his breath. Of course the tong were secretive powerful and with it in a blink of an eye could make Cred stick Charlie disappear. Charlie made a mental note the purchasing program that would deal with negotiation and gang etiquette, the latter being the more important he made too many mistakes but it did pay off at least you didn't have to pay with his life. The Tong are clearly nothing to smirk at nor sneeze... they were a large influencive dangerous gang operated more than just this Enclave Charlie suspected. Charlie attempted to show them that he was tough even though he was scared inside and didn't know what was going to happen next for people that deal with violence with violence is what is respected so Charlie attempted to talk rough and lay down his law and his demands. As they say the job gets his dues and with Charlie he certainly did Charlie was backhanded pimp slap quicker than he started with his demands. Thankfully the devil has a sense of humor and spared Charlie.

The art of negotiation is more like a dance and Charlie didn't want this dance and just yet.


" I will only teach English and I will teach that the Tong are good, as requested. This round eye appreciates the warmness of this.... Organization. Safe to say that other triads are truly weaker for offering more beneficial benefits, this round eye will learn your ways".

Attempting to be tactfully, careful way of letting the Mr devil know that he had better offer. Mr Charlie still wanted to dance but not raise anger from the devil. Luther knew he was on thin ice with such a heavy. Still... Charlie drove the point home that some other weaker group offered a better deal. For Mugsy... Dealing with fixers was a two edge sword. Don't like them but they are needed from time to time. Charlie knew that Mugsy could create something to negate the old rule and dispose of Charlie with out a glance, but then again maybe the fixer has another card that he isn't playing right now.


" I will inform you of any organizational moves Within Asian Enclave but will stay open to other opportunities for that come around". Charlie smiled that he knew something " it's always good to know during negotiations what you will always get in the end even if it's nothing but your life...."

Mr Charlie was already known to set up shop in areas that he wasn't supposed to so perhaps Mister devil would consider that Charlie was sometimes a loose cannon. Of course the devil had  put him in his place while operating on his turf but Charlie was letting him know that he knows something and something was up maybe that's the reason why he came to the Triad organization to hide?. Charlie wasn't one to kiss and tell what time would tell mr. Devil what Charlie was really up to. Charlie was just trying to leave that door open and his dance card open as well but he wanted Mr Muggsy to know that he has better offers from smaller business in a polite and tactful way. 

Posted on 2021-06-14 at 13:38:43.

Karma: 7/0
287 Posts

Piranha bar

Charlie looks The Patriot as he makes the statement of what is next. " I'm leaving it up to the solos to run it I'm going to sit back and run support and sit on the sidelines where it is safe. But I do admit if I could get inside incorporation and grab some files I'm sure I can make some money. Who knows maybe will hit something big". 

Posted on 2021-06-14 at 13:48:01.

Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts

What’s Next

Vegas took another bite of his food and slowly washed it down with one of his nourishing drinks, as he methodically weighed his response to Patriot’s question of “What’s next?”

“What’s next is that I am asking for volunteers to go on this head-hunting run for the cee-metal bounty!”

The Dapper Solo looked around the table of assembled guests, before explaining further:

“I suggest that each of us who scores a kill or multi-kills contributes fifty per cent of our bounty to the general fund for Charlie to upgrade our transportation and buy the needed supplies for our operation against the corpo compound that cost Jeannette her life!

“For example, if Ghlahn scores five kills, then he gives half of his bounty to the community kitty for Charlie to fund our expenses and he gets to keep the other half for himself to spend on himself or invest for the benefit of others, however he pleases.

If I score 3 kills, then I contribute half of my bounty and use the other half as I choose to spend my share. All of us benefit from what is added to the community fund for Charlie to finance our collective operation; while the more kills that are recorded to your credit, then the more creds you have to spend for yourself or for the benefit of the group. Strictly your choice as to what you do with the other half of the bounty you personally collect on this cee-metal run!”

As his comrades respond for volunteering to go on the run, the Charismatic Crooner raises a drink to Patriot and adds, “Welcome aboard and enjoy the mayhem that is about to be unleashed on those who deserve to die!”

Posted on 2021-06-18 at 12:56:15.

Keeper of Dragons
Devil's Advocate
Karma: 59/18
2581 Posts

Ghalahn sat quietly as the others discussed the upcoming plans.  He knew he would be taking on the bounty job but he waited to see who else would go along.  Fixer expressed some doubt about his usefulness on the mission and a plan for those who scored kills to donate half teh bounty to the group general fund and keep the other half.  "Putting half the bounty toward a group fund makes sense.  However I am not fond of the idea of each person getting the other half of the bounty personally for each kill.  We work as a group and everyone that goes will have a job.  We all share the risk and we should all share the reward.  I suggest the other half be divided equally by everyone who goes. "

Posted on 2021-06-23 at 17:37:54.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3141 Posts

Bounties and missions

Mathis listened carefully as others in the group spoke and made plans.  Once their piece was said it was time to actually lay down for the mission.  He didn't really like the C-Metal job much.  He had nothing against the tribe - and Ghalahn was proof of how useful they could be to have on your side.  He was a good team member, so Mathis wanted to support the gig.  Still, he'd prefer to be going after a missing kid or a group of torturers.  He really didn't see himself as a bounty hunter.  In fact, the very idea was kind of funny in its own way.  But if the team went after bounties, then Mathis would be there with them.  

All of which meant that it was time to throw his chit onto the table.

As he was about to speak up Ghalahn did so first and spoke about the split of the bounties.  It was a topic that had crossed his mind as well.  When the big C-Metal had finished speaking he added his bit.  "I'm in if you need a techie for the gig.  And I have no problem sharing my portion with the group.  'All for one and one for all' and all that bit.  But if this is just a firefight I don't know how much use I'd be.  Lets just say that isn't my forte.  I suspect I'd be there helping you guys collect the bounties.  I'm ok with that, if it gets us what we need to move on to the next gig.  But you gotta tell me if you think my skills are needed here.  I won't be insulted if this isn't my play, you just gotta be straight about it.  But I'm in if useful."

Posted on 2021-06-23 at 20:32:33.

Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts

Vegas Responds

Vegas responds to Ghlahn and says, “I have no problem with equal splits for everyone who volunteers for this bounty gig!”

Vegas responds to Mathis and says, “Forte or no forte … my gut says we need you on this bounty run!”

Posted on 2021-06-23 at 23:27:13.

Trilogy Master
RDI Staff
Karma: 181/119
6817 Posts

Time to do this

March 13th, Day 7 – Thursday, Time is 6:35 PM PST – Mid-City, Heywood, Mid-City, The Black Piranha Bar & Grill, X00105:4.Y00272:01.Z00385:00, South Night City Integrate.

As Casino finished his plate and listened in to both Vegas’s and Ghlahn’s idea of how the money should be split and who would get how much it was all at the moment a mute point.

Ok this is all pointless in a way to talk about splitting up money we have yet to earn. First we need to kill us those on the bounty list and we are not doing it sitting here. So whose in and whose out?”

The big solo turns his head to Echo to gauge her reaction and wait for her answer……..

Posted on 2021-06-27 at 01:10:28.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3141 Posts


Mathis nodded at Vegas.  "Ok, Forte it is.  As I said, I'm in if useful.  We can't sit around eating enchiladas all day, can we?"  

He looked back at his now empty plate.  

"Well, yeah, we can, but I suppose its time to go earn the coin to pay for the darn things. Spending the money is always so much easier..."

Posted on 2021-06-27 at 09:13:31.

Karma: 7/0
287 Posts

March 13th, Day 7 - Thursday, Time is 6:45 PM PST - Mid-City, Heywood, Mid-City, The Black Piranha Bar & Grill, X00105:4.Y00272:01.Z00385:00, South Night City Integrate.

" Well if everyone is on board then I'll set up a "kitty" fund for all your solo and non-solo needs, minus the normal fees.." Charlie explains to the group. " So does anyone have any need to be added to the truck, speak now or forever hold your peace. Once things get modded, it's going to stay in place. Charlie continued to explain. " with different mods the group could be taken care of more easily. An auto doc could be an option, more tools for the techs, and maybe even a "cocoon" for the netrunners... Think about it but don't wait too long. Charlie reminded them all.


Charile taps away at his Chinese studies to learn more and places a few phone calls as well

** pending **

  • If you want to get seats and a cover for the truck bed making it capable of transporting all of you, you're looking at 900c for the shell and 700c apiece (1,400c for both sides). Then Fixer would have to install them which may cost another couple hundred eddies in rental equipment if he doesn't already have what's necessary.

    casino - I'll pitch in 1000 for the shell of the truck to make it into a transport big enough for all of us, though I do think we need a second vehicle also.

    Fixer was also willing to chip in so..... I'll let him buy the fasteners for the two sides if he wishes.

  • find some "blanks" for the blackbird machine
  • begins search for " Luciana " to make contact
  • Cut a deal with netrunners over equipment?
  • looking to make a contact at a body bank

Posted on 2021-06-27 at 16:10:34.
Edited on 2021-06-27 at 16:40:11 by Espatier

RDI Fixture
Karma: 16/1
884 Posts

In the Frying Pan...

Guardian's head snapped up, his concerned eyes flicking to the screen of his vital read-out machine and his brows lowered in worry as he beheld the numbers they displayed.

Hurrying over to Cypher, the MedTech gently lifted her from the sofa and lowered her onto the floor, then proceeded to carefully lie her on her side to prevent her from swallowing or choking on anything. He loosened the collar of her top and removed any jewellery from around her neck ((OOC: if she has any jewellery. I don't know.)). He took Cipher's top leg and gently bent it so that her hip and knee were at right angles to each other, then tilted her head back to keep her airways open. Hurrying to the kitchen, Guardian soaked several towels with cold water and placed two of them on Cipher's wrists and one on her brow to help cool her body temperature.

He then repeated the entire process with Blossom.

((Hope this is okay. Did the best I could with the info I found))

Posted on 2021-07-06 at 08:11:59.

Bromern Sal
A Shadow
RDI Staff
Karma: 158/11
4402 Posts


March 13th, Day 7 - Thursday, Time is 6:45 PM PST - Mid-City, Edgerunner Enclave (China Town), Charlie’s Apartment X00050:2.Y00310:08.Z00410:15, South Night City Integrate.

Weather Conditions: High City (Windy, Temperature: Very Strong | High: 85°F (29.4°C) | Low: 72°F (22.2°C) | Wind Force: Very Strong | Wind Speed: 35 mph (56.3 kph) | Very Strong Wind: Strong gusts of wind that impose a -4 penalty on Awareness checks and certain ranged weapon attacks. Such gusts automatically extinguish unprotected flames. Flying vehicles struggle with a -2 penalty. | Midcity (Windy, Temperature: Very Hot | High: 98°F (36.6°C) - (Very Hot: A character in very hot conditions (above 90°F) must make a CON check each hour (DC 16) or take 1d4 points of Stun Damage. Characters wearing heavy clothing or armor of any sort take a -4 penalty on their checks. A character with the Survival skill may receive a bonus and may be able to apply this bonus to other characters as well. A character who takes any Stun damage from heat exposure now suffers from heatstroke and is fatigued. These penalties end when the character recovers the Stun damage she took from the heat. Stun damage from heat exposure cannot be recovered until the character gets cooled off (reaches shade, survives until nightfall, gets doused in water, is targeted by endure elements, and so forth). Once rendered unconscious through the accumulation of Stun damage, the character begins to take lethal damage at the same rate.) | Low: 83°F (28°C) | Wind Force: Strong | Wind Speed: 22 mph (35 kph) | Strong Wind: A steady wind with a 75% chance of extinguishing unprotected flames.) | Undercity (Windy, Temperature: Very High | High: 115°F (46.1°C) | Low: 101°F (38.3°C) | Wind Force: Light | Wind Speed: 9 mph (14.5 kph))

Air Quality Index: High City = 0 | Midcity = 15 | Undercity = 95 (masks required)


Guardian's head snaps up, his concerned eyes flicking to the screen of his Medscanner® agent attachment, his brows lowered in worry as he beholds the displayed numbers. Hurrying over to Cipher, the MedTech gently lifts her from the sofa and lowers her onto the floor. He then proceeds to carefully lie her on her side to prevent her from swallowing or choking on anything. He loosens the collar of her top and removes any jewelry from around her neck ((OOC: if she has any jewelry. I don't know.)). He takes Cipher's top leg and gently bends it so that her hip and knee are at right angles to each other, then tilts her head back to keep her airways open. Hurrying to the kitchen, Guardian soaks several towels with cold water and places two of them on Cipher's wrists and one on her brow to help cool her body temperature. He then repeated the entire process with Blossom.

Still kneeling next to the two netrunners, Guardian locks his concerned gaze on his Medscanner®. The numbers are still escalating.

Blossom’s vitals:

  • Body temperature: 102 F
  • Pulse rate: 115 bpm
  • Respiration rate (rate of breathing): 23 bpm
  • Blood pressure: 130

Cipher’s vitals:

  • Body temperature: 103 F
  • Pulse rate: 116 bpm
  • Respiration rate (rate of breathing): 25 bpm
  • Blood pressure: 132

There’s not much more David can do in this situation. Forcibly tearing them from the Net could cause permanent brain damage and at the very least, severe headaches, nausea, vomiting, and weakness for a couple of days. 

Minutes roll by and for a moment, it seems as if they’ve stabilized until Guardian’s Medscanner® lights up again, the alarm piercing the otherwise quiet apartment. 

Blossom’s vitals:

  • Body temperature: 103 F
  • Pulse rate: 120 bpm
  • Respiration rate (rate of breathing): 27 bpm
  • Blood pressure: 145 over 105

Cipher’s vitals:

  • Body temperature: 105 F
  • Pulse rate: 128 bpm
  • Respiration rate (rate of breathing): 30 bpm
  • Blood pressure: 150 over 115 

Cipher begins to convulse, her back arching while her breathing becomes rapid and deep, then short and sporadic. Sweat has covered her, dampening her clothing and beading up like condensation on a pane of glass. Blossom’s breathing mimics her counterpart’s but remains in the rapid and deep situation. She’s not yet convulsing but is definitely sweating.

With their numbers, they’re both experiencing high-grade fevers, tachycardia, hyperpnea (with a mix of tachypnea for Cipher), and Stage 2 hypertension bordering on a Hypertensive crisis. Even if these women were in a hospital situation, the numbers would be enough to send staff scrambling. Stuffed deep within a Chinese Edgerunner Enclave, the situation is dire and getting worse by the minute. 

With a dramatic gasp as though coming up for air that has been denied her far too long, Blossom convulses and twists into an upright position. Soaked through and wide-eyed, she immediately looks for Cipher. The other woman has not yet emerged from the Net. 

Scrambling to Cipher’s side, the Asian woman places her hands on her knees and urgently explains, “We found the bastards. They’ve got a datafortress that’s defended better than f****n Arasaka’s Bank Accounts and we locked horns with their onsites. C’mon, Cipher… get outta there…”

Still without any safe means of removing Cipher from the threat, Guardian can only watch as her vitals continue to climb.

“C’mon… c’mon…” Blossom urges the other netrunner through clenched teeth, rocking back and forward on her knees.

Cipher stiffens, her legs straighten, her arms to her side, her head thrown back on her neck.

“Pull her!” Blossom yells, but too late. Cipher’s body falls limp and her vitals begin to drop dramatically. 

“S**t!” Akira “Blossom” Oshiro hisses, falling back on her heels, her shoulders slumping. “S**t, s**t, s**t, s**t, s**t.”

Cipher has lost the battle but the readings on Guardian’s Medscanner® let him know she’s still alive. In a world where netrunning is prevalent, medical personnel are all trained to recognize the different signs of Net Damage. Setting the Medscanner® enhanced agent aside, he begins his examination (MedTech Check: 20).


March 13th, Day 7 - Thursday, Time is 6:58 PM PST - Mid-City, Edgerunner Enclave (China Town), Charlie’s Apartment X00050:2.Y00310:08.Z00410:15, South Night City Integrate.


March 13th, Day 7 - Thursday, Time is 6:45 PM PST - Mid-City, Heywood, Mid-City, The Black Piranha Bar & Grill, X00105:4.Y00272:01.Z00385:00, South Night City Integrate.


“Well,” Patriot says as the waitress leaves, all of the meals and drinks being served. “I don’t know about my audience, but I have a gut feeling that this is going to be worth the story. I’ll tag along on the trial run and then see this through with Temecula Heights. If the Corpos are taking advantage of gonks in the Heights, I will be happy to expose them. So, what’s next?”

Charlie looks to Patriot as he offers his suggestion. "I'm leaving it up to the solos to run it. I'm going to sit back and run support and stay on the sidelines where it is safe. But I do admit, if I could get inside a corporation and grab some files, I'm sure I can make some money. Who knows? Maybe we will hit something big." 

Vegas takes another bite of his food and slowly washes it down with one of his refreshing drinks as he methodically weighs his response to Patriot’s question of “What’s next?” After Charlie’s musings, the solo decides on a course of action.

“What’s next,” he says in his quiet, confident manner, “is that I am asking for volunteers to go on this head-hunting run for the Cee-metal bounty!”

The Dapper Solo looks around the table of assembled guests, before explaining further.

“I suggest that each of us who scores a kill or multi-kills contributes fifty percent of our bounty to the general fund for Charlie to upgrade our transportation and buy the needed supplies for our operation against the corpo compound that cost Jeannette her life.

“For example, if Ghlahn scores five kills, then he gives half of his bounty to the community kitty for Charlie to fund our expenses and he gets to keep the other half for himself to spend on himself or invest for the benefit of others however he pleases.

“If I score 3 kills, then I contribute half of my bounty and use the other half as I choose to spend my share. All of us benefit from what is added to the community fund for Charlie to finance our collective operation; the more kills recorded to your credit, then the more creds you have to spend for yourself or for the benefit of the group. Strictly your choice as to what you do with the other half of the bounty you personally collect on this Cee-metal run!”

As his comrades respond to his request for volunteers to go on the run, the Charismatic Crooner raises a drink to Patriot and adds, “Welcome aboard and enjoy the mayhem that is about to be unleashed on those who deserve to die!”

Ghlahn sits quietly as the others discuss upcoming plans. He knows he will be taking on the bounty job but waits to see who else will go along. 

Mathis listens carefully as others in the group speak up and make plans. Once their piece is said, it is time to actually lay down for the mission. He doesn’t really like the Cee-metal job much. He has nothing against the tribe — and Ghlahn is proof of how useful they can be to have on his side. He is a good team member and wants to support the gig. Still, he prefers to be going after a missing kid or a group of torturers. He really doesn’t see himself as a bounty hunter. In fact, the very idea is kind of funny in its own way. But if the team goes after bounties, then Mathis will be there with them.  

All of which means that it is time to throw his chit onto the table. The split is a topic that has crossed the techie’s mind as well.  

"I'm in if you need a techie for the gig, and I have no problem sharing my portion with the group.  'All for one and one for all' and all that bit. But if this is just a firefight I don't know how much use I'd be. Let’s just say that isn't my forte. I suspect I'd be there helping you guys collect the bounties. I'm ok with that, if it gets us what we need to move on to the next gig, but you gotta tell me if you think my skills are needed here. I won't be insulted if this isn't my play, you just gotta be straight about it. If I'm useful, I’m in."

Ghlahn turns his matter-of-fact eyes towards Vegas and says, "Putting half the bounty toward a group fund makes sense. However, I am not fond of the idea of each person getting the other half of the bounty personally for each kill. We work as a group and everyone that goes will have a job. We all share the risk and we should all share the reward. I suggest the other half be divided equally by everyone who goes."

Vegas quickly responds to Ghlahn, “I have no problem with equal splits for everyone who volunteers for this bounty gig.” Then, turning to Mathis, he adds, “Forte or no forte… my gut says we need you on this bounty run.”

Mathis nods at Vegas. "Okay, forte it is. As I said, I'm in if it's useful. We can't sit around eating enchiladas all day, can we?"

Casino, who has now finished his plate, speaks up, “Okay, this is all pointless in a way — to talk about splitting up money we have yet to earn. First, we need to kill us those on the bounty list and we are not doing it sitting here. So, who’s in and who’s out?”

The big solo turns his head to Echo to gauge her reaction and wait for her answer in particular, but the nomad appears to be engrossed in her meal. Mathis looks back at his now empty plate.

"Well, yeah, we can, but I suppose it's time to go earn the coin to pay for the darn things. Spending the money is always so much easier..."

"Well,” Cred Stick Charlie begins with a smile, “if everyone is on board then I'll set up a kitty fund for all your solo and non-solo needs, minus the normal fees. So, does anyone have anything that needs to be added to the truck? Speak now or forever hold your peace. Once things get modded, it's going to stay in place. With different mods, the group could be taken care of more easily. An autodoc could be an option, more tools for the techie, and maybe even a cocoon for the netrunners... Think about it but don't wait too long.”

Returning his attention to his Chinese studies, Charlie considers his next biz moves. He needs to place a few holo calls to check on some things, but that will have to wait until this discussion is resolved.

“If I remember correctly,” Patriot speaks up as he casually crosses his left leg over his right knee, “When you explained the current situation, you said that you had some netrunners working on locating the hacker’s site. Have you heard from them yet?”


March 13th, Day 7 - Thursday, Time is 6:58 PM PST - Mid-City, Heywood, Mid-City, The Black Piranha Bar & Grill, X00105:4.Y00272:01.Z00385:00, South Night City Integrate.


March 10th, Day 4 - Monday, Time is 8:32 PM PST - Mid-City, the Great Roll Hibachi Kitchen, Heywood, Night City.


“The only reason you are still alive, M?izh?u yuán zhùmín, is that we believe you may have some value yet,” Mugsy Devil uses the knife to spear some of the meat and dip it in the melted butter nearby. With the morsel still dripping the creamy goodness, he says, “You don’t make demands of us. But you will work off the debt that me sparing your life has incurred.”

Shoving the meat into his mouth, the Tong boss reaches for a cloth napkin and daps at the butter dripping down his chin. “You may continue to teach the children in that enclave. But you will teach approved lessons. Right now, you are teaching them English, yes? You will not teach them any negative words about the Tong, only good words. You will associate all good things with the Tong. The Tong are the bringers of Good. Do you understand?” Reaching for another claw, he expounds, “We will call upon your skills at our pleasure and there will be no compensation when we do. Your life is compensation.” 

Cracking into another claw, he stabs the meat and proceeds to dip it in butter. “You will also share with us all information concerning your superior’s organizational moves, and yours will be an open book as well, M?izh?u yuán zhùmín.

“I make you this offer only because you have shown yourself to have huge balls of steel and this has brought me humor.”

Throughout his speech, the twins have remained practically motionless, though their eyes aren’t rooted on Cred Stick Charlie. They’re focused on Echo as though daring her to step out of place.

Charlie does not know whether to breathe easy yet or just try to sweat it out and catch his breath. Of course, the Tong are secretive and powerful, and within a blink of an eye, they can make Cred Stick Charlie disappear. Charlie makes a mental note to purchase a chip that will give him better negotiation and gang etiquette skills; the latter being more important since he has been making too many mistakes of late. At least he doesn’t have to pay with his life or have a finger removed or anything like that. The Tong is clearly nothing to smirk at nor sneeze at... they are a large, influential, and dangerous gang operating more than just the Enclave. Charlie attempts to maintain a tough exterior even though he is scared inside and doesn’t know what is going to happen next. These people deal in violence and violence is what is respected, so Charlie is going to continue to attempt to talk tough and lay down his law and his demands. He has been pimp-slapped when starting with his demands. Thankfully, the Devil has a sense of humor and chose to spare him. The art of negotiation is more like a dance and Charlie no longer wishes to dance for fear of slipping. Still, the show must go on. 

"I will only teach English and I will teach that the Tong are good, as requested,” The fixer accepts his fate, adding, “This round-eye appreciates the generosity of this... Organization. Safe to say that the Tong’s enemies are truly weaker for offering more leniency. This round-eye will learn your ways."

Attempting to be tactfully and careful while letting Mugsy Devil know that he accepts the offer. Mr. Charlie does not want to raise the Devil’s ire. Luther knows he’s on thin ice with such a heavyweight. Still... Charlie decides to drive the point home that some other weaker group offered a better deal. This will hopefully deal a better hand with which Charlie can play the game while safely keeping his head on his shoulders. 

"I will inform you of any organizational moves within the Chinese Edgerunner Enclave, but I will stay open to other opportunities that come around." Charlie smiles, acting like he knows something of great value. "It's always good to know during negotiations what you will get in the end, even if it's nothing but your life..."

Mr. Charlie is now known to set up shop in areas that he isn’t supposed to. Perhaps Mugsy Devil would think of Charlie as a loose cannon. Of course, the Devil has put him in his place while operating on the Tong’s turf, but Charlie is letting him know that he has something of value and maybe that's the reason he is even operating within the Tong’s territory to begin with. Maybe he can plant a seed in Mugsy Devil’s cunning mind that Cred Stick Charlie is hiding from something because of the information he has. Charlie isn’t one to kiss and tell in biz, but he hopes that this play will give him a little room to play while avoiding ratting out his superiors. Additionally, Charlie is trying to leave a door open and keep his dance card open letting Mugsy Devil know that he intends to continue doing his biz in a polite and tactful way.

The Tong Boss shifts in his comfortable chair and surveys the various morsels of high-end food laid out before him. He dabs at his chin with a linen napkin to remove a little residual butter sauce. Setting the napkin down, he reaches for a bowl with a steaming white sauce stew, saying, “You’ve been given your direction and warning, Mr. Cred Stick Charlie.

“You are my Gongtíng xiaochou,” Mugsy Devil pauses, holding the bowl in his right hand over a smaller bowl, his left gripping a ladle. “Stop entertaining me and it is death. Any biz that you do while within my territory will incur an operational fee of thirty percent. I will collect this at the beginning of each week beginning today. My sources tell me that you have a team of Edgerunners and that your team just finished a big job. Tell me, Mr. Cred Stick Charlie, my Gongtíng xiaochou, what is the Tong’s profit on your latest biz?”

Mugsy Devil has picked up what Charlie is putting down. That Luther wants to continue to do his own biz is very apparent and Mugsy Devil is giving the fixer authorization to do so at the expense of a percentage of the earnings. Charlie is still in very deep shark-infested waters and how he handles this will determine whether he and Echo walk out of this establishment or are carried out.

March 10th, Day 4 - Monday, Time is 8:49 PM PST - Mid-City, the Great Roll Hibachi Kitchen, Heywood, Night City.

Posted on 2021-07-12 at 20:29:21.
Edited on 2021-07-12 at 20:31:01 by Bromern Sal

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3141 Posts

Mathis the Bounty Hunter - the world had better look out!

Mathis listened to the discussion after he had said his piece.  He was glad to hear the split would be even - it seemed for the best since the whole point of having a team was to have diverese skills.  And that likely meant non-shooters.  Like him.  A bounty hunter!  It was hard to supress a chuckle.  If anyone who had ever known him could only see him now . . .  chowing down on enchiladas with a bunch of toughs and talking about a bounty raid.  Life was a funny thing.  

He sat back and listened to the plan.  He was ready to go as soon as the call to move out was given.

Posted on 2021-07-29 at 10:49:01.


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