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Parent thread: Flesh & Blood - A CyberPunk Game
GM for this game: Bromern Sal
Players for this game: TannTalas, Keeper of Dragons, Nomad D2, Hammer, Mischief, Espatier, dragon-soul92, CameToPlay
    Messages in Flesh & Blood - A Night City Adventure
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Bromern Sal
A Shadow
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Karma: 158/11
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Moving along, at least a little...

Night City Regional General Hospital, Emergency Room | Night City Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - Day 2 (Saturday), 2:57 AM PST Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)
Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)

Quickly searching the Asian bodyguard, Casino discovers his sought after item: the guard's agent, which he adds to the rest of the loot the solo now carries. With no other reason to stay any longer, armed only with a single .44, Casino makes his way deeper into the hospital and towards an exit, hoping to emerge from the hospital as close to Rigg's and Murtaugh's car as possible. Hiding his bloody arm under his overcoat, Casino hopes not to run into any police, and if he does, armed only with a single .44 and not wearing the same armor as the rest of Leader's group, that he would be able to bluff his way by them if he does. The goal now is to just get out of this hospital, get to the police car's lockbox, and then make a few phone calls.

Hospital corridors are kept free from obstacles by design, but it isn't long before the large solo finds himself facing a living wall. SWAT, or private security personnel, stand in a row stretching the width of the hall and as deep as three rows. They are moving forward with practiced steps maintaining the riot shield protection with heavy submachine guns held over the lead row's shoulders. Another five meters and they would have rounded the corner giving them a clear line of sight into the emergency room.

"Get down on the ground! Hands in the air! Now!" Multiple individuals yell, their adrenaline heightened by the hostage situation they are walking into.

(OOC: Assuming Casino obeys.)

Yells have alerted anyone beyond the hall to their presence and a stealthy approach is no longer a priority. The first row bearing the riot shields breaks as the large leather-clad solo drops to his knees, hand held out over his head, crooked at the elbows. Pain rolls up into Keith's left shoulder and continues down into his ribs but it is muted, controlled by the technology attached to his nervous system and he's able to keep from wincing too badly. Two soldiers in dark blue uniforms rush forward and red dots play across his armored chest while a third drops down just out of lunging range and pulls up his combat mask revealing a black man with a thin mustache over his large lips and intense eyes.

"What's your name?"

(OOC: Casino's reply.)

"What's back there?" he motions with the barrel of his weapon back towards the emergency room but before the gunman can answer the officer's radio barks. Alpha Team reporting. Threat eliminated. Lobby cleared. Moving into the emergency room now.
"You've two seconds, man," the officer presses, while motioning his shield line forward.

(OOC: good place to leave off,)


West 43875 St. 52 High -- The Bartholomew School Grounds and Sewage/Runoff Drainage System | Night City Integrate | High City | UrbanZone - Day 2 (Saturday), 4:02 AM PST
Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)
Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)


Ghlahn watches the two guards moving in textbook fashion. Their kind never wavers from their training and if one had read the book, one could anticipate their next move. Ghlahn has certainly read the book. If they are engaged they will attempt to return fire and call in a report. That report will bring more guards. More guards means more trouble. But, letting them alone will mean they can walk up on the others and take his companions by surprise. Ghlahn knows he can drop one of them, and possibly both of them, before they can send a report but he can not be 100% sure of his success.

If the guards come close to leaving his vantage, he will have no choice but to eliminate them. If they turn, they will live. Ghlahn focuses on the trailing guard and will shoot him first hoping his partner might not react immediately and allow for a quick second shot at the lead soldier.

Echo quickly motions Blossom to get up near the door and Fixer, whispering, "Patrol coming—help him get us in if you can. We don't have any time to lose."

Turning to the crooner, Echo gets closer to him and says, her voice still quiet, "Hey, Songbird, there's a patrol coming I'm sure of it, so you'd best keep that tune in your head before you get us caught." She motions him to take cover closer to the door, pointing in the direction she saw the light.

She actually delights in the cat-and-mouse game, the rush and adrenaline it causes, having played at such things as a child, but as an adult the stakes are much higher and she isn't overly fond of what will follow if they are caught.

Vegas takes heed to the warning from Echo as he focuses his sight in the direction she points, allowing the song to hum lightly in his memory banks. The Sultan of Swoon sees nothing out of the ordinary, but the Chairman of the Board knows when to swallow any pride and follow the advice of those more informed than he in any given situation. Now is such a time!

So the Frank Sinatra look-alike quickly, and as silently as possible, positions himself by taking cover closer to the door as advised. Then the Dapper Solo takes close inventory of his taser and gas sprayer as he double-checks his left hand bounty bracer before scrutinizing and double-checking the weaponry on his right forearm; namely, the Anti-Cee bracer with the Arc Thrower and EMP pulse, before secluding himself as discreetly as possible. Now, it is only a matter of time before the Classic Crooner springs into action, if necessary.

Once Vegas moves closer, Echo takes up a rear defense position with as much cover as she can muster, feeling both excited and terrified, hoping Ghlahn is moving to a place where he has a view of them in case things go south.

Noise is as much the team's enemy as the visuals captured on the security cameras. Logic states that the only way they've been made is because Echo and Blossom were caught on camera before they could splice the system and inject a virus. Sustained gunfire will do nothing if not wake the entire compound even with the occasional roll of thunder overhead and the slums nearby. In the entire time the group has been in the compound they've not yet heard a single sound from the conapts over the wall. Most of the riffraff who live there are likely sleeping, doing their best to forget the miserable situation they live their lives within.

The two man sec-team moving up the outside of the field building are proceeding at a steady pace. Ghlahn estimates that they will be around the northernmost point of the large oval structure within thirty seconds. Maybe three seconds to cross the space between the field and the Sports Hall, and then another twenty seconds to half a minute to the corner overlooking the position his teammates have gone. One minute and fifteen seconds, or so, to make a decision to end two lives. They could have families, be good people, have the potential to change this world for the better, and M'harú Ghlahn has power over whether they live or die.

Vegas stares towards the eastern wall of the Hall with anticipation. The Hall was all the label that the building had on Blossom's map and he can only assume that it is a gathering place for assembly or something similar. At least three stories in height with a colonial architecture, it is an imposing structure on campus. Certainly larger than the administration building they are all huddled next to. If Echo's information is correct, the possible threat will come from that direction; northwest, having already passed by the kitchen and the northern face of the Hall. The anticipation is antagonizing.

Click! The door jerks inward a fraction of a centimeter and Fixer realizes that he's done it. He's bypassed the lock. Looking in through the reflective glass at the hall beyond, he recognizes it to be devoid of furniture, approximately twenty meters long with three closed doors down the length. Each of those doors appear to be solid with no windows. At the end of the hall his optic splices allow him to see a display case and a cross section, the corridor coming to a T.

Posted on 2017-04-18 at 16:58:23.

Keeper of Dragons
Devil's Advocate
Karma: 59/18
2581 Posts



The seconds passed as Ghalhn watched the sec team moving. Did they know they had perhaps less than 2 minutes to live? The sniper knew the men could be fathers or husbands, that they certainly were sons, but none of that mattered in this moment. They made the choice of their profession as he had made his. Still, he hoped for some sort of sign that the others had made it safely into the building.

Posted on 2017-04-21 at 19:49:15.

Karma: 20/12
325 Posts

Have some faith

Fixer had focused himself on the door in front of him. This current needed skill set was one he learned because he had had to. Not all jobs were clean like this one was supposed to be. Snatch and grab type heist jobs had kept him fed and hiss bills paid more than once. Not glory work, but it was what it was. The techscanner in Rider's bracer ran through its program and showed the door clean of any erroneous alarms. With the sweep being clean, the techie noted the key card lock and retried his cardscanner from where it was stored in his pack.

The device is small, not much bigger than his cred chip or a credit card. Fixer placed the diminutive device next to the doors card reader and activated the screen. Numbers, letters, and various symbols rotated through the 250 placeholders. If Fixer put his mind to it, he could come up with the number of possible combinations. 50 different characters with 250 different placeholders have trillions of different combinations; not something anybody could reasonably go through with only manual input. The grayish green characters slowly locked into place one by one. He trusted to others to cover his rear while he did his job here, his attention completely focused on the task at hand.

Cold seeped into his hands while Fixer worked on the lick. A numbing cold. Why did he not have gloves? Because he was not someone who normally trudged through the trenchwork. He did not do the physical part of runs. His firearm - Just for show though he would not admit it to those he was running with. Here he was though, and he was making something if a show of it so far, even if it perhaps not what they had brought him along for.

Fixer felt a body push up against his backside from where he was working. "Patrol coming—help him get us in if you can. We don't have any time to lose." Fixer could pick out Who's voice with his engaged hearing.

"Have just little bit of faith if you would," Fixer spoke back as the carddecryoter was nearly finished with its job. "I can hear you just fine myself."

The door makes a soft click and jerks inward a hair. "it is done," he states matter of factly a single swift movement tucks the card decrypter in the inside pocket of his jacket. His near numbs hands gripped the pistol grip of his Uzi and Fixer moved through the door to survey the initial bit of interior of the building.

Posted on 2017-04-21 at 23:44:56.
Edited on 2017-04-21 at 23:45:47 by Vesper

Trilogy Master
RDI Staff
Karma: 181/119
6817 Posts

A post first missed :)

Night City Regional General Hospital, Emergency Room | Night City Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - Day 2 (Saturday), 2:46 AM PST Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)
Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)

Moving quickly from emergancy room Casino kept his pace quick but not in a panic hoping to make it out of the hospital before any more police arrived. However his hopes were diminished in only seconds as he came around a corner and face to face with a living wall of SWAT police officers. As Casino stopped, the group of cops were moving forward with practiced steps, maintaining the riot shield protection with heavy submachine guns held over the lead row's shoulders. Another five meters and they would have rounded the corner giving them a clear line of sight into the emergency room.

"Get down on the ground! Hands in the air! Now!" Multiple individuals yell, their adrenaline heightened by the hostage situation they are walking into.

Having no choice the big solo did as he was told his arms up in the air, pain suddenly in in his left his shoulder, but quickly controlled thanks to his body incased technology. Two soldiers in dark blue uniforms rush forward and red dots play across his armored chest while a third drops down just out of lunging range and pulls up his combat mask revealing a black man with a thin mustache over his large lips and intense eyes.

"What's your name?"

"Vegas Santari" Replying with the name most on my mind.

"What's back there?" he motions with the barrel of his weapon back towards the emergency room but before the gunman can answer the officer's radio barks. Alpha Team reporting. Threat eliminated. Lobby cleared. Moving into the emergency room now.
"You've two seconds, man," the officer presses, while motioning his shield line forward.

"I don't know all of it. I was in the ER treatment area when from the lobby came shouts and gunshots. At the urging of the nurse (I give him a description of Nurse Altruist) she told me and all others to leave but I hesitated as it was clear she planned to stay. However when a bunch of guys charged in guns drawn I shot out the door behind me into this back hallway. As I left I heard a bunch of gun fire and do not know what it was about."

Posted on 2017-04-23 at 15:44:34.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 2/0
147 Posts

We're in!

"Fixer felt a body push up against his backside from where he was working. "Patrol coming—help him get us in if you can. We don't have any time to lose." Fixer could pick out whose voice with his engaged hearing.

"Have just little bit of faith if you would," Fixer spoke back as the carddecryoter was nearly finished with its job. "I can hear you just fine myself."

The door makes a soft click and jerks inward a hair. "It is done," he states matter of factly. A single swift movement tucks the card decrypter in the inside pocket of his jacket. His near numb hands gripped the pistol grip of his Uzi and Fixer moved through the door to survey the initial bit of interior of the building."

Echo grins, mentally giving Fixer a hi-five and ushers the others in, carefully shutting the door quietly.

(OOC - provided we're in safely) Into her comm she hisses quietly to Ghlahn, "We're good, we're in!"

To the others she says, keeping her voice low, "Keep still and low till they pass, we don't need to add any more to our little shindig."

She keeps watch unobtrusively out the window on the door, waiting for the guards she knows are coming to pass, keeping the others quiet.

(OOC - if they pass and we're alone, I'll turn to Blossom) "Ok Chicka, now it's your show, wha do you need from us besides an escort to the security room?"

Posted on 2017-04-24 at 07:16:48.

Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts

Ready For Action

Vegas was ready for action as he quietly waited for Fixer to gain access through the door.

The Frank Sinatra look-alike remained vigilant in case the group was discovered; already having decided to protect the group by running interference between them and any patrols, if Fixer were unable to gain access and provide a way of escape from their outdoor predicament.

(OOC: In the event that Fixer gets the door open before the group is discovered, the Chairman of the Board will take heed to Echo and join the group by entering the building through the breached door; albeit he will be the last one through the door, as he is protecting his companions from being apprehended, but will allow Echo to be the last one through the door if she so chooses!)

Once inside, the protective Dapper Solo quickly surveys the interior of the building, before choosing to take a position at the rear of the group, closest to the door they have entered through, in case they are followed.

Vegas is Ready for Action!

Posted on 2017-04-25 at 15:44:49.

Bromern Sal
A Shadow
RDI Staff
Karma: 158/11
4402 Posts

For Casino... the rest will get their update tomorrow.

Night City Regional General Hospital, Emergency Room | Night City Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - Day 2 (Saturday), 3:00 AM PST Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)
Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)

"Get down on the ground! Hands in the air! Now!" Multiple individuals yell, their adrenaline heightened by the hostage situation they are walking into.

Choosing to comply, the big solo does as he is told. His arms up in the air, pain suddenly in his left his shoulder but quickly controlled thanks to his body encased technology. Two soldiers in dark blue uniforms rush forward and red dots play across his armored chest while a third drops down just out of lunging range and pulls up his combat mask revealing a black man with a thin mustache over his large lips and intense eyes.

"What's your name?"

"Vegas Santari." Replying with the name most on my mind.

"What's back there?" the officer motions with the barrel of his weapon back towards the emergency room but before the gunman can answer the officer's radio barks. Alpha Team reporting. Threat eliminated. Lobby cleared. Moving into the emergency room now.

"You've two seconds, man," the SWAT officer presses, while motioning his shield line forward.

"I don't know all of it." Casino adopts as innocent an attitude as he can muster. "I was in the ER treatment area when from the lobby came shouts and gunshots. At the urging of the nurse--" Keith delivers a description of Nurse Altruist. "--she told me and all others to leave, but I hesitated as it was clear she planned to stay. However, when a bunch of guys charged in guns drawn I shot out the door behind me into this back hallway. As I left I heard a bunch of gun fire and do not know what it was about."

"Sarge?" one of the blue uniforms with the shields calls the question back to the black officer interrogating Casino. The sergeant glances over the solo's shoulder and presses his lips together before instructing the injured hired gun.

"I ain't got time for this. Head straight down this hall. Don't take any of the side halls until you reach the exit sign. Follow that out to the front. There are some cops there that will take your name and story."

Standing, the sergeant looks as though he's not entirely sure he is happy with this course of action. Resigning himself to the situation, he moves quickly past Casino and joins his fellow officers while the two with red dot lasers keep their attention focused on the solo.

(OOC: assuming Casino takes advantage of this lucky change of events and makes haste down the hall,)

White, sterile hallways with very little by way of decoration except for the occasional picture hanging above the chair rail pass by the sweating solo in a blur as he takes long strides towards freedom. He makes sure to stay on course for as long as the SWAT team can possibly have him in their sights and then cuts into an adjoining hall, breaking down another shortly thereafter, and then a third and fourth in short succession. He's caught up in the maze that is Night City Regional General Hospital in no time at all, but quickly locates a helpful map.

Flat screen aid shows him multiple ways out. There's three additional exits within five minutes that will take him to the ground level and likely the scene of cop cars and SWAT. The parking garage consists of eight levels of sprawling stalls delving deeper into the lower depth of Mid-City. The roof is another twelve stories overhead and attaches directly into a central transit shaft large enough and regulated enough to allow for air deliver of patients in either AV's or Roto-vehicles. Not much chance of getting anywhere from the roof. The other challenge resides in the number of cameras within the hospital. They are at practically every corner, overlooking stairs, elevators, and nurse stations. It would seem that Big Brother is curiously monitoring all hospital activity. The question now becomes, how is Casino going to use his new found freedom?

Posted on 2017-04-30 at 00:29:40.

Bromern Sal
A Shadow
RDI Staff
Karma: 158/11
4402 Posts

And a plan is needed once again...

West 43875 St. 52 High -- The Bartholomew School Grounds and Sewage/Runoff Drainage System | Night City Integrate | High City | UrbanZone - Day 2 (Saturday), 4:03 AM PST
Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)
Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)



The seconds passed as Ghlahn watches the sec team moving. Did they know they had perhaps less than two minutes to live? The sniper knows the men could be fathers or husbands, that they certainly are sons, but none of that matters in this moment. They made the choice of their profession as he had made his. Still, he hopes for some sort of sign that the others had made it safely into the building.

Fixer focuses himself on the door. This needed skill set is one he learned because he had to. Not all jobs are clean like this one is supposed to be. Snatch and grab type heist jobs had kept him fed and his bills paid more than once. Not glory work, but it was what it was. The Techscanner in Rider's bracer runs through its program and shows the door free of any erroneous alarms. With the sweep being clean, the techie notes the key card lock and retries his card scanner from where it is stored in his pack.

The device is small, not much bigger than his cred chip or a credit card. Fixer places the diminutive device next to the door's card reader and activates the screen. Numbers, letters, and various symbols rotate through the 250 placeholders. If Fixer puts his mind to it, he can come up with the number of possible combinations. 50 different characters with 250 different placeholders have trillions of different combinations; not something anybody can reasonably go through with only manual input. The grayish green characters slowly lock into place one by one. He trusts to others to cover his rear while he does his job here, his attention completely focused on the task at hand.

Cold seeps into his hands while Fixer works on the lock. A numbing cold. Why does he not have gloves? Because he is not someone who normally trudges through the trench work. He does not do the physical part of runs. His firearm - just for show (though he would not admit it to those he was running with). Here he is though, and he is making something of a show of it so far, even if it perhaps is not what they had brought him along for.

Fixer feels a body push up against his backside from where he is working Echo's warning in hot pursuit. "Patrol coming—help him get us in if you can. We don't have any time to lose."

"Have just little bit of faith if you would," Fixer speaks back as the card decrypter is nearly finishing with its job. "I can hear you just fine myself."

The door makes a soft click and jerks inward a hair. "It is done," he states matter-of-factly, a single swift movement tucks the card decrypter in the inside pocket of his jacket. His near numbs hands grip the pistol handle of his Uzi as Fixer moves through the door to survey the initial interior of the building.

The Frank Sinatra look-alike remains vigilant in case the group is discovered; already having decided to protect the group by running interference between them and any patrols if Fixer is unable to gain access and provide a way of escape from their outdoor predicament.

Echo grins, mentally giving Fixer a hi-five and ushers the others in, carefully shutting the door quietly. Keeping her voice low she speaks to the others, "Keep still and low till they pass, we don't need to add any more to our little shindig."

She keeps watch unobtrusively out the window on the door, waiting for the guards she knows are coming to pass, keeping the others quiet.

Once inside, the protective Dapper Solo quickly surveys the interior of the building, before choosing to take a position at the rear of the group, closest to the door they have entered through, in case they are followed. Vegas is Ready for Action!

From his underground perch, Ghlahn patiently watches the patrol skirt the remainder of the sports field and carefully continue on towards the north end of the Sports Hall. Still as a statue he keeps the rear security guard in his crosshairs, his breathing even and controlled. Still plenty of time for some indication from the rest of the team that everything is good, but aside from their agents, they have no way to communicate.

The space inside the door of the admin building is cramped for the crew of four. Realizing that the door will provide little to no cover should anyone approach it directly, Echo and Vegas insist they move a little further down the black flecked white tile hall. The blackness of the night envelopes them as they comply.

"Ok Chicka," Echo whispers to Blossom, "now it's your show, what do you need from us besides an escort to the security room?"

"It'd be nice if the map extended to inside the buildings, but we'll have to make due." Blossom responds as she adjusts her sunglasses. "You've been a prep-school girl before, right? Where would the security office be?"

This is an easy request for the nomad to fulfill. Administration buildings always have an attendance office for checking in and checking out students. Places like this--like the Bartholomew School--will likely have merged any attendance situations with their intake office, which would be at the front of the building on the main floor. If there is a security office, it will just as likely be near the attendance office. Main floor, front of the building.

(OOC: Assuming Echo shares,)

"That way, then," Bloodbank points down the hall towards the T-section. Echo takes the lead from Fixer, her heavy submachine gun in hand but the circumstances being what they are, her flashlight is off. Blossom follows, then Fixer and Bloodbank, with Vegas bringing up the rear. They stick close to the walls, hoping not to draw attention to themselves with any interior security systems. Blossom quickly pulls up her wifi scanner and monitors the strength through her ocular screen. At the highest signal she's experienced thus far, she hijacks the feed and injects her virus once again.

At the T, Echo glances into the darkness to her left and then right. The left ends in a sharp right after ten meters with a door on either side of the short hall. The right extends much further into darkness that her natural vision cannot penetrate. Riding a hunch, she leads the others to the right.

Over his shoulder, Vegas catches sight of flashlights bobbing out the back door just as he rounds the corner at the T-section. For the time being, they have managed to avoid the patrol. He pauses and listens for the telltale sounds of the door opening, waiting at the corner just in case.

Crosshairs centered on the body mass of his target, Ghlahn prepares to shoot. The patrol is drawing awfully close to the northwestern edge of the Sports Hall placing them dangerously close to stumbling on his team. Then, they stop, shine their lights out into the grounds to the north, scanning the area. Without apparent reason, the pair turn their attention towards the trees in the middle of the grounds and begin a rapid, rush approach as though expecting someone to be behind them. Then, another team of two, this time with the dog, come rushing towards the trees from the other side of the compound. They are currently moving away from the direction his teammates went.

Proceeding down the hall with her weapon raise, the dripping wet nomad mentally winces with each squeak of her boots on the tile, the creak of her leathers, and the seemingly overly loud breathing from everyone in the party. The Admin Building is eerily quiet. Deafeningly so. And yet familiar sights guide her through the halls past various staff offices, the open foyer where students await appointments with their counselors, and trophy cases filled with academic achievements. She's leading them closer and closer to their mark. She can sense it just as assuredly as she can feel the memories of her childhood drifting back to her conscious mind. And then, there it is.

The main office is around a corner and down a hall that is perhaps twenty meters long and nearly eight meters wide. It is encased in glass with wood chair rails as accents. She can barely make out the holo emitters for the marquee above the door, and just next to the office is the front doors to the Admin Building. These are large, oak monstrosities set two abreast and six wide. There are windows over the doors letting in a soft spill of exterior light from the parking lot and roundabout drive illumination, but the interior of the office appears black and empty.

"There's bound to be people on duty in the security office," Bloodbank whispers close to her ear. He's probably close enough that were she not wearing leathers, she could feel the warmth from his body.

"Well," Blossom crouches against the wall some four or five steps back down the hall out of sight of the larger, wider main hall. "Here we are, now what's the plan?"

Gaining access to the security room will likely mean gaining access to the main office. The main office is probably locked and there are most certainly security cameras at the front doors looking down the length of the main hall towards the group. Since the lights are off, the security cameras are probably outfitted with either low-light technology or night vision. Straight across from their hiding place, the smaller hall the group is currently huddled in continues into darkness.

Back out in the compound, the two security teams converge on the tree stand and move about it shining their lights all around the base and up into the limbs. After a couple of minutes they merge and the four humans and one dog make their way towards the wall straight north of the tree copse.

Posted on 2017-05-01 at 02:26:47.

Keeper of Dragons
Devil's Advocate
Karma: 59/18
2581 Posts


Ghlahn slowly squeezed the trigger. Just before the point of no return, the sec team suddenly stopped and changed directions. The headed towards a tree in the middle of the grounds. They were unaware of how close the angle of death had hovered above them. Ghlahn released the trigger and watched as another sec team, this one with a dog, joined the first and they moved to the wall. What had they found? Ghlahn kept watch through his scope.

Posted on 2017-05-01 at 06:26:32.

Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts

Who Can Disable Security Cameras?

Vegas allowed an inward sigh of relief to not escape his lips into the quiet atmosphere of the hallway near the Main Office.

Once he was certain they were not being followed, the Dapper Solo gathered in as close to the group as possible, before whispering his analysis of any possible plan.

"Fixer is well able to unlock those oak monstrosities that serve as doors to the Admin Office," Vegas whispered as quietly as possible, yet audible enough for all to hear.

"My question is who can disable security cameras?"

The Frank Sinatra look-alike paused momentarily, before quietly continuing his input to the huddled group.

"Any security cameras are probably wired to detect abnormal traffic in the hallway, whether it is lit up or shrouded in darkness!"

Posted on 2017-05-01 at 17:19:08.

Trilogy Master
RDI Staff
Karma: 181/119
6817 Posts

Bold and Beautiful or Bold and F***ed

Night City Regional General Hospital, Emergency Room | Night City Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - Day 2 (Saturday), 2:46 AM PST Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)
Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)

"I ain't got time for this. Head straight down this hall. Don't take any of the side halls until you reach the exit sign. Follow that out to the front. There are some cops there that will take your name and story."

Standing, the sergeant looks as though he's not entirely sure he is happy with this course of action. Resigning himself to the situation, he moves quickly past Casino and joins his fellow officers while the two with red dot lasers keep their attention focused on the solo.

Moving quickly yet steady trying not to attract too much attention Casino made his way down a number of white, sterile hallways with little in the way of decoration except for a picture or two hanging upon the wall. Finally coming upon a flat screen aid he got his first real look at the layout of Night City general hospital and did not like what he saw. Though there were multiple ways out all were covered in some way by camera's and there was no way, short of disabling them, he would get out unseen Seen and possibly forgotten was one thing. However seen on camera and taped was a whole another story.

Damn The big solo thought to himself, free yet still in a box of sorts. Moving to adjust his arm he suddenly remembered an item in the pocket of his jacket as it moved and jiggled against car keys. Smiling to himself at the boldness of the idea springing into his head he quickly moved back to the hallway indicated by the sergeant. Moving to the exit out and the waiting police he pulled Rigg's police shield from his pocket, placed it in full view around his neck and moved out into the parking lot and headed for Rigg's and Murtaugh's car........

Posted on 2017-05-02 at 16:24:41.
Edited on 2017-05-02 at 16:26:22 by TannTalas

Bromern Sal
A Shadow
RDI Staff
Karma: 158/11
4402 Posts

Both parties have been advanced...

Night City Regional General Hospital, Emergency Room | Night City Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - Day 2 (Saturday), 3:02 AM PST Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)
Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)

Moving quickly yet steadily, trying not to attract too much attention, Casino makes his way down a number of white, sterile hallways with little in the way of decoration except for a picture or two hanging upon the wall. Finally coming upon a flat screen aid he receives his first real look at the layout of Night City General Hospital and does not like what he sees. Though there are multiple ways out, all are covered in some way by camera's and there is no way, short of disabling them, that he will get out unseen. Seen and possibly forgotten is one thing. However, being seen on camera and taped is a whole other story.

Damn, The big solo thinks to himself, free yet still in a box of sorts. Moving to adjust his arm, he suddenly remembers an item in the pocket of his jacket as it moves and jiggles against the squad car keys. Smiling to himself at the boldness of the idea springing into his head, he quickly moves back to the hallway indicated by the sergeant. Making his way to the exit and the waiting police, he pulls Rigg's police shield from his pocket, places it in full view around his neck and strides out into the parking lot heading for Rigg's and Murtaugh's car.

And surprisingly, it works. Approaching the exit, the leather clad solo slows his gait and raises his hands just enough to show he isn't a threat. Riot gear cops swing the doors open and motion him through with gloved hands.

"Everything all right, Officer Riggs?" one of the officers asks through his mask. Casino nods and doesn't risk voice recognition cyberware with a comment.

Proceeding past the line, he glances over his shoulder to see that not a single one of those six officers guarding the door are paying him any mind. Adjusting his path, Keith begins heading back along the sidewalk skirting the building towards the emergency room. Blue and red lights are reflecting off of everything. Wet surfaces are glaring while the more muted dry surfaces are still painted with the colors. Eventually, he arrives in full view of the array of squad cars and SWAT vans. Here, he veers to their rear and walks with intent as though he has orders. And again, those officers standing around dealing with the terrorists pay him no mind.

Arm throbbing but still being handled by the Pain Editor, Casino catches site of the car he rode in on and b-lines it for the trunk. Over the next thirty-seconds, the large edgerunner retrieves his stored gear and closes the trunk. Standing in the parking lot with so many cops close by, Casino is now truly free of the circumstances he had been forced into earlier in the night. The question becomes, what to do now and how to reconnect with his crew?


West 43875 St. 52 High -- The Bartholomew School Grounds and Sewage/Runoff Drainage System | Night City Integrate | High City | UrbanZone - Day 2 (Saturday), 4:05 AM PST
Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)
Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)


Ghlahn slowly squeezes the trigger. Just before the point of no return, the sec team suddenly stops and changes directions. They head towards the small stand of trees in the middle of the grounds that Echo and Blossom had used to approach the buildings. They are unaware of how close the Angel of Death had hovered above them. Ghlahn releases the trigger and watches as another sec team—this one with a dog—joins the first and they move towards the wall. What have they found? Ghlahn keeps watch through his scope.

The four man security detail and German Shepard keep darting their lights down towards the ground, then up towards the fence. Once even stops and couches while using his gloved fingers to trace something in the earth. After this, he rises and the group converses for a moment. The one who had crouched points back towards the buildings and the others seem to concur, but there is some additional discussion and after a few more demonstrative seconds, the teams shine their lights along the wall towards Ghlahn's position. Any concern that he might be discovered is immediately put to bed when the light dissipates enough to barely illuminate the exterior of the desecrated drain. Unless one of them has enhanced optics, the sniper's position remains secure.

Searching with their lights dissolves into a return to approaching the buildings, their sweeping spotlights covering a wide swatch of grounds and their pace more determined.

Vegas allows an inward sigh of relief to not escape his lips into the quiet atmosphere of the hallway near the Main Office. Once he is certain they are not being followed, the Dapper Solo gathers in as close to the group as possible before whispering his analysis of any possible plan.

"Fixer is well able to unlock those glass doors to the Admin Office," Vegas whispers as quietly as possible, yet audibly enough for all to hear. "My question is, who can disable the security cameras?" The Frank Sinatra look-alike paused momentarily before quietly continuing his input to the huddled group. "Any security cameras are probably wired to detect abnormal traffic in the hallway, whether it is lit up or shrouded in darkness."

Blossom reveals her wrist-keyboard once more and begins furiously typing. After a moment, she looks up and rolls the sucker stem to the other side of her mouth. "Give me ten seconds,and there we go." she punches another command into her keyboard and then retracts the technology into her bracer. "It's on a loop. We should be covered."

(OOC: Assuming that the group has no further reservations,)

Creeping into the main hall, the party advances on the glass doors to the administrative office. Bloodbank moves to the back as everyone crowds about the door leaving Fixer and Blossom nearest to the entrance. To their left, the monstrous oak doors leading out the front of the admin building to the semi-circular drive arch ominously overhead and the blinking green light on the bottom of the camera flashes down over their heads.

Posted on 2017-05-08 at 11:36:41.

Keeper of Dragons
Devil's Advocate
Karma: 59/18
2581 Posts


Ghlahn watches the sec teams search and it is obvious they have found something but there is no way to know what they found. After a quick sweep with their lights, the combined team turns and heads back towards the building. Without knowing whether or not the rest of his team is safely inside or not, the sniper is once again faced with a familiar choice. Once more he takes aim through his scope and watches the progress of the sec team. If they get too close to his companions he will have little choice but to eliminate them.

Posted on 2017-05-14 at 06:22:36.

Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts

Vegas Stays Vigilant

Relying upon Blossom and Fixer to utilize their abilities to gain access to the school records; Vegas stays vigilant, as he takes a position as much out of the line of sight of unwanted observers, as is humanly possible in these close quarters.

Posted on 2017-05-14 at 23:41:14.

Trilogy Master
RDI Staff
Karma: 181/119
6817 Posts

Not home free yet

Night City Regional General Hospital, Emergency Room | Night City Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - Day 2 (Saturday), 2:46 AM PST Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)
Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)

Casino walked past the ER doors and out into chaos, the parking lot full of police, EMT's, TV reporters and pedestrian gawkers trying to get a look at late night news's headline story. Except for a single question by a young street cop the large solo found himself free and clear. Walking calmly and at a normal pace he made it to Rigg's and Murtaugh's car. Keys in hand the trunk was opened and though he was disgusted at himself for having to do so, he used eye and finger to open up the cars lock box. Retrieving his smart-linked 44 he replaced it with the one he had picked up, wiping it down to remove any prints or DNA. Next he took Rigg's eye and finger and proceeded to clean them as best he could. No matter his feeling towards the cop he deserved to be buried with all his body parts. Placing them into a evidence bag he too placed them in the lock box.

Closing the trunk he made his way to the drivers side but paused. He was hurt and in need of transportation and right here he had access to a car. However it was also a good possibility that the entrance/exits to the hospital were shut down to prevent anyone for leaving. Plus it was only a matter of time till they found Rigg's and his partners body's and started a new manhunt. Could he amidst the still ongoing chaos get through a road block? Maybe but the risk was in the end not worth it. Wiping down the keys and badge he placed both in the center tray and headed out of the parking lot. Once away from any police sight he turned his calm walk into a more speeded movement just short of a run looking for a payphone. Though he had 2 Agents on him both were locked and as such no use to him till they were opened, yet if he could find a phone, he could get help.

Never stopping he passed a number of public agents only to find them either without a screen or in such disrepair that Casino decided to avoid them. Finally when he was easily 6 blocks from the hospital he found one in workable shape. Picking up the handle he ran his card through the credchip reader and dialed a number from heart.

"Raquel, it's Keith, I need your help"

Spending the next few minutes telling her of his plight, without really adding too much detail over the agent, he moved off to the agreed meeting point to await her arrival....

Posted on 2017-05-16 at 15:54:28.
Edited on 2017-05-16 at 16:06:37 by TannTalas


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