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You are here: Home --> Forum Home --> Rules-based RPGs --> Cyberpunk --> Flesh & Blood - A Night City Adventure
Parent thread: Flesh & Blood - A CyberPunk Game
GM for this game: Bromern Sal
Players for this game: TannTalas, Keeper of Dragons, Nomad D2, Hammer, Mischief, Espatier, dragon-soul92, CameToPlay
    Messages in Flesh & Blood - A Night City Adventure
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Sorry for the wait...

"You, there! On the train! Surrender now!" The security team has noticed, or been informed, of your activities and their enhanced voice commands your immediate compliance.

"Frack!" Bloodbank murmured. He glanced over at the guards who were quickly making their way towards the train. Their attention seemed to be focused on the three fellow Edgerunners, but not on the MedTech, himself.

Realizing that he had no time to think, Bloodbank charged the train, sliding his battlemask over his face. With the assistance of Glahn, he made it to the top no problem. "Well, do we go quietly or not?" he heard Glahn whisper as they shimmied their way across the top of the train.

"We won't be starting a firefight in the middle of a crowded train station, if that's what your asking." Bloodbank replied, a little sharper than he intended. "But by no means will we be going quietly."

The drop off the train looked higher than Bloodbank would have thought, but there was not time to contemplate this unfortunate fact and in no time Bloodbank hit the ground. Grimacing at the jolt of the fall (he had impacted the unforgiving cement harder than he intended) the Medtech took off, following Echo and Blossom. It only took a quick glance for him to notice that Blossom was hurt, however. She was moving slowly, which allowed him to catch up quickly.

"I thought we agreed you were all going to make my job easier and not get hurt," He said, smiling slightly behind his battlemask as he pulled her arm over his shoulder and tried to help her move a little more expeditiously. "You wouldn't happen to have a trick or two up your sleeve, now would you?"

Posted on 2016-06-12 at 14:47:24.
Edited on 2016-06-12 at 14:47:36 by Giddy

Keeper of Dragons
Devil's Advocate
Karma: 59/18
2581 Posts

down we go

Ghlahn watched the others land and knew the risk. Taking a deep breath he jumped off the train. Knees together, he let his body go loose and rolled to his side. Hoping the maneuver worked as intended he rose and took stock of his condition before starting to run.

Posted on 2016-06-15 at 12:17:27.
Edited on 2016-06-15 at 12:17:41 by Keeper of Dragons

Bromern Sal
A Shadow
RDI Staff
Karma: 158/11
4402 Posts

And the cat's in the cradle...

The Rat Pack Night Club | Night City Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - Day 2 (Saturday), 1:28 AM PST
Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)
Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)


"This is something that perhaps we could head off," Fixer addressed Casino while still eyeballing the scene at the other table. "I've seen these boosters around. The gang calls themselves the Grease Monkeys, and our companion broke up what seemed to be a couple's dance.

"All six males are packin' light pistols that I can make out, nothing heavy. I can make out three of ‘em boosted with cybe. An arm that may conceal something nastier. An optic—which may or may not have a dartshooter. And lastly, a neural implant which may indicate a smartgun link.

"One of the female companions has scratchers imbedded in her hand with another sporting a protection field harness—give us a nasty shock if we're too close when she sets it off.

"How do you want to do this?" the techie calmly poses the question "Ain't ever have to blast these boosters, but ain't got nothing against it."

"Yeah," Casino acknowledges with a respect-filled voice as he finally gives up trying to ascertain what his companion had just revealed. "I know ‘em too. Bad news all around, but we stay put. This place has both non-lethal security you can see and a very lethal sec force you don‘t. Trust me the lethal ones are damn good. If anything starts we let them deal with it and only get involved if it's life or death for Vegas. You packing anything but that SMG? Not the best place for a sub gun if things go to s*** and we have no choice but to act."

Fixer turns and smirks at the large solo, "I will just put it on semi if you're worried about too many rounds going through a crowded place. I've got an autopistol but it ain't carryin the DP rounds that I've got in the Uzi." Surreptitiously showing his side piece, the skinny mechanic returns the weapon to its hiding place after a couple of seconds allowing Casino to inspect the Uzi.

Meanwhile, Vegas is chatting it up with Dimples and doing a fine job of keeping her entertained with conversation as well as dancing.

"I've seen yous around, dollface," Vegas murmurs into her left ear nearly brushing her lobe with his lips. "You seem to enjoy the place. You get familiar with any of the locals?"

"A few," she sighs and allows the smooth operator to swing her around so that her back is to her friends' table. "I've seen you up there on that stage too. You ain't half bad."

"Half bad?" Vegas acts offended. "Honey, I've got sugar dripping from my lips and moves that'll put Astaire to shame."

"Who's Astaire?" Dimples breathes lightly and closes her eyes as the dapper gent whisks her backward a few quick steps.

Casino, you look over Fixer's shoulder as he covers his slung Uzi and notice that the Grease Monkeys haven't changed in either their disposition or position. With the lights playing off of their Latin faces it's difficult to read their expressions, but their body language still indicates that they haven't found a way to reconcile their anger yet.

"Nevermind doll," Vegas grins and adds in a sultry tone. "You here with those boys there? Me showin' you how it's done isn't gonna rattle their chains none, is it?"

"Nah," Dimples dismisses the idea out of hand. "There's nothing going on fer them to be upset about. Is there, Mr. Sinatra?"

"It's just a dance, sugarlips." A dip and a swirl later, Vegas continues. "Though, if you don't mind me askin', I saw a couple of toughs hotfoot it outta here before my set was finished. Kinda like to know if I offended them, see? So I was wonderin' if you knew who they were."

"Sheesh," Dimples flashes her pearly whites. "And here I thought you were all about taking me home and continuing our dance in private."

"And raise the hackles of them boys there?" Vegas grinned in return. "I'm a fool in love, baby. Not a fool."

She laughs a light, lilting sound while rolling her eyes. "Your talkin' is almost as good as your singing.

"I think you're asking after Dauntless Dog and his goons," she reports in an airy manner. "That penguin is cold from what I hear. You may not wanna try and smooth nothin' over should you have rubbed him the wrong way. He'd sooner light you on fire just as soon as look your way, and I'd hate to see such a lovely suit ruined."

It's Vegas' turn to chuckle. "From the way yous describing him, I'd soon as get this mess cleaned up before he comes lookin' for trouble. Do you know where he might've migrated off to?"

With Casino keeping a close eye on the Grease Monkeys, you, Fixer, can focus on the rest of the room. It appears to you as though the security details have relaxed some, but you aren't fooled. They're keeping a close eye on the same table that Casino is, and you notice more than one glance your way. The big, blonde solo was right. Security is tight.

"Your guess is as good as mine, sweety," Dimples shrugs her bare shoulders. "His kind have a joint they hang at called Frizzoli's Restaurant about a five-minute walk from the Rat Pack. You might check there. I see Dauntless Dog in here about once a week, but I don't keep tabs on him cause that's business I want nothin' to do with."

"I don't blame you, doll." Vegas steps in a little closer before spinning her away from him while holding onto her left hand. Her black and red dress billows out about her shapely legs and her red shoes tap across the acrylic floor as she easily matches the move.

The song rolls deftly into a another and Vegas releases his catch to continue milling about for a bit so as not to make it appear that he had singled her out, gotten what he needed, and then bailed. Casino and Fixer, you two can relax. After the dance, Dimples flits back to her table and rather adeptly puts her man in his place, calming the whole situation. At the end of the second song, Vegas returns to the table and reports his discovery.

"So," he finishes while slipping onto the bench next to Casino and placing his fedora on the table. "Way I see it, we can either make our way on down to Frizzoli's, canvas the streets for some other sign of Dauntless Dog, or cut our losses and try to reconnect with the others as soon as we pick up our wares from Starlight. What do you blokes think?"


The Train | Night City Integrate | Midcity into High City | UrbanZone - Day 2 (Saturday), 1:28 AM PST
Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)
Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)


"You, there! On the train! Surrender now!" The security team has noticed, or been informed, of your activities and their enhanced voice commands your immediate compliance.

"Frack!" Bloodbank murmurs glancing over at the black-garbed guards quickly making their way towards the train. Their attention is focused on the three Edgerunners who had made the train already but not on the MedTech himself. Realizing that he has no time to think, Bloodbank charges the train, sliding his battlemask over his face just before he reaches it. With the assistance of Ghlahn, he makes it to the top without problem.

"Well, do we go quietly or not?" Ghlahn whispers as soon as he releases Bloodbank's hand.

"We won't be starting a firefight in the middle of a crowded train station, if that's what you're asking." Bloodbank replies a little sharper than he intends. "But by no means will we be going quietly."

The drop off the train looks higher than Bloodbank was initially comfortable with, but there's no time to contemplate this unfortunate fact so the ripdoc rolls with it and practically flings himself backward from the roof. Grimacing at the jolt as he impacts the cement, the Medtech immediately takes off at a sprint, following Echo and Blossom.

"This is your last warning!" the loudspeaker bellows from the other side of the gate, and below Ghlahn's position as he scrambles to follow Bloodbank off the train roof. Taking a deep breath the sniper pushes himself in a roll off the train. Knees together, he lets his body go loose and tumbles to the side not bearing his firearm. Impacting the small walkway his back slams into the nuCement wall, jolting his spine and causing him to gasp at the shock. Pulling his combat mask over his face and repositioning his rifle on his back, Ghlahn rises and starts to run after his colleagues.

"I thought we agreed you were all going to make my job easier and not get hurt," Bloodbank jokes, smiling slightly behind his combat mask as he pulls Blossom's right arm over his shoulder and helps her along. "You wouldn't happen to have a trick or two up your sleeve, now would you?"

BLAP! BLAP! BLAP! A three-round burst echoes down the train tunnel. Ghlahn, your instincts kick in and you hunch your shoulders and gingerly step your sprint to the left right along the edge of the walk. The whap-zing of three rounds striking the cement wall and ricocheting sounds just behind you.

"Only if we want to stop, Choomba," Blossom informs Bloodbank of the unfortunate predicament the limitations of the technology she carries has left them in and winces as a her heavy bag bounces off of her tailbone.

Posted on 2016-06-16 at 19:18:51.

Karma: 20/12
325 Posts

Machines over people.

"So," he finishes while slipping onto the bench next to Casino and placing his fedora on the table. "Way I see it, we can either make our way on down to Frizzoli's, canvas the streets for some other sign of Dauntless Dog, or cut our losses and try to reconnect with the others as soon as we pick up our wares from Starlight. What do you blokes think?"

"You, Mr Vegas," Fixer spoke up, "are good with these people." It was merely an observation for him. "I, however, prefer machines; they are much more predictable. An input produces an expected outcome. This means that I will leave it to more capable minds to conclude our next course of action."

Fixer gave it a moment of thought, "It may have been pleasing though to have seen them defy the odds of this place and get flatlined by the security here."

Posted on 2016-06-22 at 01:11:19.

Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts

Rather Wait Here for the Delivery

"Well Fixer," Vegas leaned over his drink with a sly grin, "I Would Rather Wait Here for the Delivery from Starlight so Casino has his Grenades and I have the Taser, before we head on down to Frizzoli's and hunt us some Dauntless Dog while the night is still young!"

Posted on 2016-06-22 at 09:32:15.

Trilogy Master
RDI Staff
Karma: 181/119
6817 Posts


The Rat Pack Night Club | Night City Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - Day 2 (Saturday), 1:28 AM PST
Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)
Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)


As Casino watched the Grease Monkeys he noticed their increased annoyance at Vegas's dance with the girl. However they did not move to confront him as such. Pretty good bet, Casino thought to himself, that these boosters were also aware of the Rat Packs sec forces. With the dance over Vegas moved to mingle with more of the people inside the club as the girl moved back to her table. In only a few seconds she clearly put her man in his place, thus calming the whole situation.

As Vegas returned to the table the fellow solo posed a new question.

"So, way I see it, we can either make our way on down to Frizzoli's, canvas the streets for some other sign of Dauntless Dog, or cut our losses and try to reconnect with the others as soon as we pick up our wares from Starlight. What do you blokes think?"

Fixer was the first to respond as Casino thought over what he thought was the best course of action.

"You, Mr Vegas are good with these people. I, however, prefer machines; they are much more predictable. An input produces an expected outcome. This means that I will leave it to more capable minds to conclude our next course of action. It may have been pleasing though to have seen them defy the odds of this place and get flatlined by the security here."

Casino remained quiet as both looked at him awaiting his reply as the big solo thought of the pro's and cons. In the end he had no choice but to disagree with Vegas.

"I think after we get the gear from Starlight, we hook back up with the rest. I'm not fond of just the three of us heading into Dog's possible area of control. No offense Fixer, but like he said he's good with tech, not gunplay That could be a serious handicap if we walk into a firefight."................

Posted on 2016-06-25 at 16:44:56.
Edited on 2016-06-25 at 16:47:19 by TannTalas

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 2/0
147 Posts

Well, frack!

Echo looks back and sees Bloodbank helping Blossom, and runs back to them.
"Damn, we gotta get you outta here, girl! Give me your bag, it's slowing you down."
(OOC - if Blossom hands it over, I'll sling it over my shoulder, draw a weapon, and get between them and the security, watching their backs)
"Go, Bloodbank, get her gone!"

Posted on 2016-06-26 at 02:40:32.

Karma: 20/12
325 Posts

Two differing opinions...

"So, after Dauntless Dog or the rest of the group. We cod see where they are at after the delivery. If they've alreadyadequate it past the checkpoints, then may as well check on the gang down here." He hoped it would be a compromise of sorts between the two.

Posted on 2016-06-26 at 14:22:07.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 122/12
2025 Posts

Hold On

"Give me a sec," Blossom grunted. Pulling the satchel of nanodust off her shoulder, she dumped out about five kilos of the powder and pulled out one of her mindcores. "Want to leave these guys a present,"

Programming the core quickly, she brought Hellhound online and released the mindcore into the dust. "That should distract them for a bit,"

She hands the satchel to Echo, and slips down onto the tracks.

OOC: So, Blossom is looking to unlease a Hellhound. I hope I understand the rules here and the program is able to attack the Sec Team.

Also, I just noticed this, but how and why is Blossom carrying 100 Kg of nanodust? That would have cost $10000 and would weigh 220 lbs. Should it read "10 kg"? She only needs 1 kg of dust for every 20 Structure Points of the program. Because she only has 4 mindcores and the dust is typically reusable, I would think 10-20 kg would be plenty. Is the 100 kg a typo, Brom?

Posted on 2016-06-27 at 02:36:18.

Keeper of Dragons
Devil's Advocate
Karma: 59/18
2581 Posts


While Blossum did her thing, Ghlahn sent a few rounds towards the security team. Perhaps it would cause them to pause a moment to find cover. Then, following the others he continue to flee.

Posted on 2016-06-27 at 06:30:41.

Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts

I Got A Bad Feeling

"I Got A Bad Feeling About That School," Vegas sipped his drink and stared at Casino, "Better to Deal with the Devil that We Know in Regards to Dauntless Dog ... Than the Devil We Don't ... By Trying to Lug Our Hardware and Grenades to the School and Trying to Pass the Security Checks in High City!"

Posted on 2016-06-27 at 09:55:49.

Bromern Sal
A Shadow
RDI Staff
Karma: 158/11
4402 Posts

Combat Phase Numero Two

The Rat Pack Night Club | Night City Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - Day 2 (Saturday), 1:30 AM PST
Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)
Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)


"Way I see it," Vegas casually informs his companions. "We can either make our way on down to Frizzoli's, canvas the streets for some other sign of Dauntless Dog, or cut our losses and try to reconnect with the others as soon as we pick up our wares from Starlight. What do you blokes think?"

"You, Mr Vegas," Fixer speaks up, "are good with these people. I, however, prefer machines; they are much more predictable. An input produces an expected outcome. This means that I will leave it to more capable minds to conclude our next course of action." Fixer pauses before continuing, "It may have been pleasing—though—to have seen them defy the odds of this place and get flatlined by the security here."

"Well Fixer," Vegas leans over his drink with a sly grin, "I would rather wait here for the delivery from Starlight so Casino has his grenades and I have the taser, before we head on down to Frizzoli's and hunt us some Dauntless Dog while the night is still young!"

Casino remains quiet as both look to him for input. Then, reluctantly, "I think after we get the gear from Starlight, we hook back up with the rest. I'm not fond of just the three of us heading into Dog's possible area of control. No offense Fixer, but like you said, you're good with tech, not gunplay. That could be a serious handicap if we walk into a firefight."

"So," Vegas acknowledges his partner's contribution by continuing the discussion. "After Dauntless Dog, or rejoin the rest of the group. We could see where the rest of us are at after the delivery. If they've already made it past the checkpoints, then we may as well check on the gang down here."

"I got a bad feeling about that school," Vegas continues, sipping his drink and staring at Casino, "Better to deal with the devil that we know in regards to Dauntless Dog than the devil we don't by trying to lug our hardware and grenades to the school and trying to pass the security checks in High City."

The announcer let's everyone know that the singers are going to take a short break before the recorded sounds of the real Frank Sinatra start playing and a hologram image of one of his many great performances is projected on the stage.

With minutes still to kill before Starlight could possibly show up, the decision still hangs in the air. Pursue Dauntless Dog, or attempt to reconnect with the rest of the team? The rest of the club's patrons are quietly enjoying drinks, bar fare, or dancing without sign of any potential repercussions from Vegas' cutting in, or the potential scrape with Dauntless Dog and his cronies appearing to develop.


The Train | Night City Integrate | Midcity into High City | UrbanZone - Day 2 (Saturday), 1:28 AM PST
Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)
Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)


Echo looks back and sees Bloodbank helping Blossom, and runs back to them.

"Damn, we gotta get you outta here, girl! Give me your bag, it's slowing you down."

"Give me a sec," Blossom grunts. Pulling the satchel of nanodust off her shoulder, she dumps out about five kilos of the powder and pulls out one of her mindcores. "Want to leave these guys a present,"

Programming the core quickly, she brings Hellhound online and released the mindcore into the dust. "That should distract them for a bit,"

The nanodust swirls about the mindcore even before it reaches the pile Blossom has hastily dropped to the walkway. The smoky, cloudy mass quickly takes shape revealing a black metal wolf with glowing white eyes that stands approximately to Blossom's exposed midriff. The metal surface of the construct immediately begins to shimmer in metallic waves of reddish fire rippling across the body. With a deep, grating, rumbling voice the creature growls, "Security Team." and rushes towards the gate and the black-clad soldiers behind it.

While Blossum works her technological magic, Ghlahn rips his Colt AMT from the holster at his side and turns to quickly fire a single shot back down the tunnel. The targeting scope in Ghlahn's eyes centers on the mass of the sec-team agent who had been working the gate controls and detailed information about the distance between them displays beneath the reticle. The man at the end of Ghlahn's barrel rises from his crouch at the gate just in time to catch the bullet in his right thigh, penetrating the armor of his uniform and sparking a brilliant flash of blue as the incendiary round ignites. The impact tears the man's leg out from underneath him and he falls forward into the gate, effectively swinging it open with the momentum of his body.

Blossom readily hands the satchel to Echo and proceeds towards the tracks intent on dropping down off the walkway.

"Go, Bloodbank," Echo accepts the heavy bag and slings it over her shoulder with some effort. The bag she's already carrying, plus this one, means that she's carrying over half her own body weight; something that will definitely slow her down. "Get her gone!"

(OOC: This ends the first Combat Phase and begins the second.)

Events at the gate are escalating quickly. One of the sec-team has spent the last few seconds unlocking the gate that you were all unsuccessful at opening while the other three stood ready to move through it and one fired down the tunnel at you. Now, the gate has been breached by the falling forward of the injured security personnel and the team is pouring through with the lead stepping past his fallen comrade and one of the second row moving forward shoulder-to-shoulder, submachine guns level hunched to allow their remaining companion to tend to the wounded. The vision of the Hellhound construct rushing them has done the job Blossom had set it to do—the team is distracted from firing on the group of you and instead, focused on taking out the more immediate threat.

The burst of submachine gun fire resounds through the tunnel once more drowning out the cacophony of panicked civilians on the platform and the Hellhound jerks under the impact of the three round burst slamming into its shoulders and chest, but it doesn't slow it down at all.

Posted on 2016-06-27 at 13:32:08.

Trilogy Master
RDI Staff
Karma: 181/119
6817 Posts

My feeling's worse

"Look Vegas I never said we hook up at the school, hell by the time the grens and taser get here they should be done with that. After we are all back together as a group then we can think about tracking Dauntless down for some more information. For all we know they got the info we need and we are missing out on the pay day. So again I say better odds in numbers."

He hoped Vegas would see the sense of that old saying and wait to hear from the rest. HE really did not want to go into a bad situation as his gut was telling him this was. Vegas had already made it well known in the club that they had an interest in the Dog and gossip always travels fast. No telling what Dog would have waiting if the three of them headed after him. Better to wait for the rest of the group then go running unprepared into a possible clusterf**k of a situation................

Posted on 2016-06-27 at 13:37:17.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 122/12
2025 Posts

Time to move...

While she felt naked without her nanodust, Blossom also felt relieved to have the heavy bag off her shoulder. Still moving gingerly, the netrunner tried to pick up her pace, looking to put move space between her and the sec team. The impact of her feet hitting the concrete still sent pain running up her spine.

"Sixty meters and I might need that bag back, Echo!" Blossom called out. "Don't be too far behind."

OOC: Blossom is moving as fast as she can without injuring herself more.

Posted on 2016-07-01 at 10:39:23.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 2/0
147 Posts

I'm here

Echo stares for a moment at the Hellhound, impressed at the tech until shaken from her reverie by Blossom saying, "Sixty meters and I might need that bag back, Echo! Don't be too far behind."

"Don't worry, chicka, I'm on your six", Echo answered, using a term of endearment for the netrunner that hadn't left her lips since she was around her clan. She stays close behind Blossom and Bloodbank, trying to cover them while carrying Blossom's bag along with her own.

Posted on 2016-07-02 at 18:33:04.


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