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You are here: Home --> Forum Home --> Rules-based RPGs --> Cyberpunk --> Flesh & Blood - A Night City Adventure
Parent thread: Flesh & Blood - A CyberPunk Game
GM for this game: Bromern Sal
Players for this game: TannTalas, Keeper of Dragons, Nomad D2, Hammer, Mischief, Espatier, dragon-soul92, CameToPlay
    Messages in Flesh & Blood - A Night City Adventure
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Karma: 7/0
287 Posts

Looking sideways at the fixer, she smiles slyly, “Will you be okay all on your little lonesome while I go virtual?”

Charile nods

Settling back in the worn seat, the gorgeous blond rests her head against the headrest and retracts her keyboard back into her bracer. After a moment, the only signs of life she shows are the slow rise and fall of her breasts.

Charile waits for a bit then speak aloud to himself

" Zoot suit.... *Harumph*.... its a Navy color Takanaka Cotton/Arachni-silk smartcloth three piece suit. But none of you understand about that, do you?". Charile talks to himself knowing that Blossom is cyber space watching over all of them. " Thank you blossom, he smiled to himself. "Maybe, just maybe we can get through this and pull us together a team". 

Charile begins to look for a place to park...

Posted on 2019-11-26 at 23:58:31.

Keeper of Dragons
Devil's Advocate
Karma: 59/18
2581 Posts

     Ghalahn holsters his weapon as the last thing he wants is the bot calling the police.  "No need for the police.  I could however use a new coat and some shirts.  Do you have some premade samples I can look at.  Need to check the quality before I spend my money on junk."  Hoping the bot will be busy a few moments he turns his attention once again to the two "homelss" folks.  If they make any move towards the group he will teminate them and then exit the shop quickly. 

Posted on 2019-11-28 at 13:08:07.

Trilogy Master
RDI Staff
Karma: 181/119
6817 Posts

Hope post helps :)

“We have two possibilities,” Echo informs Casino quietly. “Someone’s home in both cases.”

Nodding quietly Casino gives the two ‘shacks’ a closer look.

“Well if we go all out into one we have the possibility of warning the other one if we are wrong on our choice” A deep sigh “If we do hit hard and fast we have to hit both at the same time and hope one of these shacks hold the kid. If he is not here then we are mostly gonna be f***ed as far as public relations are concerned.” A silent pause. “I can’t help think we are missing something, this is not where you hold up with a kidnapped boy, a kid with people rich enough moneywise to send TWO teams after him. Maybe he came here willingly?”

Waiting for a response from the rest of the small group, Casino could not help for the first time stopping and thinking maybe this was not a kidnapping but the boy trying to break free? Crazy right? Continuing to scan the two shacks his hand ached to call Ghlahn for an update on the groups possible ‘homeless’ problem but he breathed deep instead. Something was out of place, like being dealt a crappy poker hand, lord knows I’ve had too many of those, yet the big solo could feel it in his gut no matter what he and the group would find they would be causing some bloodshed tonight.

Posted on 2019-12-04 at 02:35:20.
Edited on 2019-12-04 at 02:35:40 by TannTalas

Bromern Sal
A Shadow
RDI Staff
Karma: 158/11
4402 Posts

X00032:8.Y00001:12.Z00054:5, Frontline Apparel | Night City Integrate | Undercity | UrbanZone - March 9th, Day 3 (Sunday), 9:20 AM PST

Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15 mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)

Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)

“Sir,” the AI tries again. “Please, sir. I don’t want any trouble. If you’re in need of the police, please let me know and I’ll call right away. If you’re not in need of the police, I insist that you holster your weapon and either make a purchase or leave immediately.”

Ghlahn returns his weapon into its case as the last thing he wants is the AI calling the police. "No need for the police. I could, however, use a new coat and some shirts. Do you have some premade samples I can look at. Need to check the quality before I spend my money on junk." Hoping the AI will be busy for a few moments, he turns his attention once again to the two "homeless" folks.

“The autofactories will print sample swatches,” the now smiling hologram responds. “We don’t have any samples, I’m afraid.”

(OOC: March 9th, Day 3 - Sunday, Time is 09:21 AM PST)


X00032:8.Y00001:12.Z00054:5, 12th Alley | Night City Integrate | Undercity | UrbanZone - March 9th, Day 3 (Sunday), 9:20 AM PST

Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15 mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)

Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)

Peering around the corner, Echo surveys the remainder of the alley with a critical eye. There’s only approximately twenty- to twenty-five meters of real estate left in 12th Alley. Just around the corner and four or five meters from her position is another small shack. Made of Plood™ planks and plastic portions of shipping containers, there’s visible light inside. At the end of the alley, an estimated fifteen meters away, is the poorly constructed Plood™ entrance to a shack that appears to be attached to a military tent spanning the width of the alleyway. The canvas of the tent is too thick to allow light to seep through, but there is a small stream of smoke coming out of the stove pipe on the right side of the tent.

“We have two possibilities,” Echo informs Casino quietly. “Someone’s home in both cases.”

Nodding quietly, Casino gives the two ‘shacks’ a closer look over the small nomad’s shoulder and drawing in so that the scent of her wet hair fills his nostrils.

“Well,” the solo begins in a low tone, “if we go all out into one, we have the possibility of warning the other one if we are wrong on our first choice.” A deep sigh “If we do hit hard and fast, we have to hit both at the same time and hope one of these shacks hold the kid. If he is not here, then we are mostly gonna be f***ed as far as public relations are concerned.” A pause. “I can’t help but think we are missing something. This is not where you hold up with a kidnapped boy, a kid with people rich enough money-wise to send TWO teams after him. Maybe he came here willingly?”

Waiting for a response from the rest of the small group, Casino can not help, for the first time, stopping and thinking maybe this was not a kidnapping, but the boy trying to break free? Crazy right? Continuing to scan the two shacks, his hand aches to call Ghlahn for an update on the group’s possible ‘homeless’ problem but he breathes deep instead. Something is out of place, like being dealt a crappy poker hand—lord knows I’ve had too many of those—yet the big solo can feel it in his gut. No matter what he and the group find, they will be causing some bloodshed tonight.

“Are you serious?” Echo turns to look at him with wide eyes, her lower face wrapped in her balaclava.

Grabbing hold of the opportunity, Bloodbank steps forward, “All the more reason why we can’t just go busting down doors. Your instinct is telling you there’s something not right. I say we proceed with caution and assess the situation as we come to it.”

The medtech glances over at the techie for support but is drawn back to Echo when she says, “Fine.”

“Fine?” Colin practically stumbles over the word. “A couple of minutes ago, you were gung-ho and ready to burn down the world.”

The nomad shrugs, “If Casino feels that something’s off, I’m prone to listen.” Turning back to the blonde solo, she looks up at him and asks, “What’s the plan?”

(OOC: March 9th, Day 3 - Sunday, Time is 09:25 AM PST)


X00032:8.Y00001:12.Z00054:5, 13th Street | Night City Integrate | Undercity | UrbanZone - March 9th, Day 3 (Sunday), 9:20 AM PST

Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15 mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)

Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)

“Got it,” Blossom breathes out hard. “The cop cam is mine. I’ve also got a cop channel broadcasting app running. If the po-po are involved I’ll have their twenty before they’re a threat to us. Net traffic is pretty benign as well but to see the bones of the matter, I’d have to completely jack in.”

Looking sideways at the fixer, she smiles slyly, “Will you be okay all on your little lonesome while I go virtual?”

Charlie nods as the gorgeous blond rests her head against the headrest and retracts her keyboard back into her bracer. After a moment, the only signs of life she shows are the slow rise and fall of her breasts. Charlie waits for a bit, then speaks aloud to himself.

"Zoot suit…” *Harumph* “It’s a navy-colored, Takanaka Cotton/Arachni-silk smartcloth, three-piece suit. But none of you understand about that, do you?" Charlie grumbles knowing that Blossom is in cyberspace watching over all of them. "Thank you, Blossom,” he smiles. "Maybe, just maybe, we can get through this and pull us together a team." 

Looking ahead and down the street, Luther assesses the street, searching for a place to park the Airjeep. There are two cars parked on the right side of the road near the church but beyond that, the curbside is clear. Of course, there’s the group hanging out around the church and the other group at the next corner. 

(OOC: March 9th, Day 3 - Sunday, Time is 09:21 AM PST - 19th Street)

Posted on 2019-12-15 at 00:31:28.

Keeper of Dragons
Devil's Advocate
Karma: 59/18
2581 Posts

  Of course the store would no have samples.  That would have been too easy.  Ghlahn turns to the auto bot.  "Can you have the samples printed for me?  I am so enjoying the lovely view I don't want to leave the window.>  Pulling out the walkie he radios another update.  "What ever you are going to do, do it soon.  The store autobot is a bit nervous and I can't stall much longer."    

Posted on 2019-12-15 at 11:01:37.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3141 Posts

What can a fixer do?

Listening to the others talk, Fixer couldn't help but agree that something was amiss.  "Casino's right, something is weird.  You hold a kid worth millions here?"  he shook his head.  "Hang on."  He had been hanging back to allow those with a clue about this type of thing to lead but now he moved forward and looked around the corner.  He snapped a quick picture with his small camera to allow him to also look more closely without staring.  Plus, it might allow him to blow up the picture to see things in more detail.  What was he looking for?  In truth, anything.  

As he thought about what he had seen when he peeked around the corner he also closely scanned the picture he had taken.  "If you were hiding a rich kid in one of those shelters, you'd have some sort of communication system, right?  How do you contact the outside world?  I can't believe the entire brains of this outfit are all still squatting down this alley.  So how do they reach 'em?  I'm trying to see if there are any wires or any kind of tech connected to those structures in any way from where we stand.  Do you think Blossom has a way to check for wireless signals?  Anything like that might tell us about an security they might have.  Plus," and here he looked up from his picture to glance at the others, "if one of those is wired and the other isn't I know which one I'd put my money on."

He went back to scanning his picture and he added in a mumble, "But time . . . time . .  we don't have much time."

Posted on 2019-12-15 at 19:25:39.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3141 Posts

Fixer, part 2

As he complained about time Fixer continued his investigation of the end of the alley. Using his extended audio abilities, he listened in on both of the structures to see if anything useful could be hear. In the near shack he heard two older voices discussing . . . food it seemed like. That seemed pretty straight up. Moving on to the larger structure at the back he heard . . . pfshhhhhhhhhhhh . . . what the heck was that?! It sounded like gas being released. Then there was a slight clanking of metal on metal. Like . . . it was hard to place, but maybe a piece of cutlery striking the side of a tin can. Dinner time all over the place it seemed.

That done he used his telescopic amp to allow him to get a close up look at the two structures. He was looking for any sign of technology – wires or antennas were his first thought, but anything that didn’t scream, “down and out in an alley” would work. He even looked for at the rubbish around the tents for anything questionable or even footprints in the muck. Finishing his surveillance, he looked up at the rest of the group and described what he had seen and heard.

“Both are occupied. From what little I can tell the front one seems the most normal. The back one – I wonder about that gas like sound. Was it gas? For what? Cooking something? Knocking someone out? Setting a trap? Or nothing at all? I don’t know, just a sound. So far I haven’t seen anything tech wise out of the ordinary. I’d love to know if Blossom can pinpoint anything wireless down here. We know there is stuff, but what? And coming from where? As for those buildings – I doubt there is a door in that mess anywhere, but we can’t count it out for that last tent.”

With that said, he just shrugged and looked at the others. “Ok, boss, that’s what I got. I can try to keep the audio feed going as we move up – it might let us know if they have been alerted somehow that we are approaching. No guarantees. What’s the plan?”

Posted on 2019-12-17 at 17:41:45.

Trilogy Master
RDI Staff
Karma: 181/119
6817 Posts

Died once before, so what the hell

“Well,” the solo begins in a low tone, “if we go all out into one, we have the possibility of warning the other one if we are wrong on our first choice.” A deep sigh “If we do hit hard and fast, we have to hit both at the same time and hope one of these shacks hold the kid. If he is not here, then we are mostly gonna be f***ed as far as public relations are concerned.”

A pause.

“I can’t help but think we are missing something. This is not where you hold up with a kidnapped boy, a kid with people rich enough money-wise to send TWO teams after him. Maybe he came here willingly?”

Waiting for a response from the rest of the small group, Casino can not help, for the first time, stopping and thinking maybe this was not a kidnapping, but the boy trying to break free? Crazy right? Continuing to scan the two shacks, his hand aches to call Ghlahn for an update on the group’s possible ‘homeless’ problem but he breathes deep instead. Something is out of place, like being dealt a crappy poker hand—lord knows I’ve had too many of those—yet the big solo can feel it in his gut. No matter what he and the group find, they will be causing some bloodshed tonight.

“Are you serious?” Echo turns to look at him with wide eyes, her lower face wrapped in her balaclava.

Grabbing hold of the opportunity, Bloodbank steps forward, “All the more reason why we can’t just go busting down doors. Your instinct is telling you there’s something not right. I say we proceed with caution and assess the situation as we come to it.”

The medtech glances over at the techie for support but is drawn back to Echo when she says, “Fine.”

“Fine?” Colin practically stumbles over the word. “A couple of minutes ago, you were gung-ho and ready to burn down the world.”

The nomad shrugs, “If Casino feels that something’s off, I’m prone to listen.” Turning back to the blonde solo, she looks up at him and asks, “What’s the plan?”

“Both are occupied. From what little I can tell the front one seems the most normal. The back one – I wonder about that gas like sound. Was it gas? For what? Cooking something? Knocking someone out? Setting a trap? Or nothing at all? I don’t know, just a sound. So far I haven’t seen anything tech wise out of the ordinary. I’d love to know if Blossom can pinpoint anything wireless down here. We know there is stuff, but what? And coming from where? As for those buildings – I doubt there is a door in that mess anywhere, but we can’t count it out for that last tent.”

Casino was quiet, lost in thought, his gut telling him something was not right, warring with his need to go balls to the wall and get this done and move to rescue Vegas fast. Yet the clues to this point had led them here, to this one place, to this one moment in time, and with a second team on there ass, it was now or never..

“There’s just to much unknown here to call it off, we know we have watchers, so this could very well be a well laid trap, but we need to get this over with.”

A slight pause

“Fixer you and Echo, together, take the closet hut, Bloodbank watch the ally behind us if you see anything out of place, like anything that looks like members of that second team, don’t think about it, just light them up. You think about the right or wrong of taking them down it could cost all of us our lives, I’m trusting you to keep our exfil route open with or without the kid in hand. I’ll take the far hut and hope we call this right. Everyone keep alert, keep on mission, don’t hesitate if you need to kill but still beware something is not right.”

A last check of his MPK and he radioed Ghlahn.

“Ok we are up and moving, if our ‘homeless’ go active you know what to do”

Radio back into his pocket he quietly moved to the far hut. Seeing everyone in position he gave the signal to commence…...

Posted on 2019-12-18 at 22:54:47.
Edited on 2019-12-19 at 00:32:59 by TannTalas

Bromern Sal
A Shadow
RDI Staff
Karma: 158/11
4402 Posts

X00032:8.Y00001:12.Z00054:5, Frontline Apparel | Night City Integrate | Undercity | UrbanZone - March 9th, Day 3 (Sunday), 9:21 AM PST

Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15 mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)

Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)

“Sir,” the AI tries again. “Please, sir. I don’t want any trouble. If you’re in need of the police, please let me know and I’ll call right away. If you’re not in need of the police, I insist that you holster your weapon and either make a purchase or leave immediately.”

Ghlahn returns his weapon into its case as the last thing he wants is the AI calling the police. "No need for the police. I could however use a new coat and some shirts. Do you have some premade samples I can look at. Need to check the quality before I spend my money on junk." Hoping the AI will be busy for a few moments, he turns his attention once again to the two "homeless" folks.

“The autofactories will print sample swatches,” the now smiling hologram responds. “We don’t have any samples, I’m afraid.”

Of course, the store would not have samples. That would have been too easy. Ghlahn turns to the hologram. "Can you have the samples printed for me? I am so enjoying the lovely view I don't want to leave the window.”

Pulling out the walkie, he radios another update. "Whatever you are going to do, do it soon. The store AI is a bit nervous and I can't stall much longer."

“I am not capable of feeling nervousness,” the Asian hologram smiles and tilts her head. “Is there a reason I should be nervous?” Waiting on the answer to the question, the hologram projection walks forward and settles next to the CEE-metal sniper. “Are you expecting trouble? Your posture suggests that you are not enjoying the view. And you did produce a weapon. 

“I’m sorry, sir, but if you’re anticipating participating in a gunfight, I’m going to have to ask you to leave. I am programmed to protect the interests of the owner, which includes the shop and all of its assets.

“According to my analysis of your behavior, I’ve concluded that you are not here to make a purchase.”

A few moments pass in silence following the AI’s unnecessary explanation, moments in which Ghlahn continues to watch the two women across the way. They are apparently content to remain in position, continuing their ruse. Taking a moment to assess the street, Alex scans the group of gangers having out near the entrance of 12th Alley. Some are leaning against the wall of the building, others are near or on the trunk of the car. As near as Ghlahn can tell, there’s no danger there. A group like that should scatter in the face of Edgerunners. Further down the road, a couple of individuals hang out sipping coffee from bio-friendly disposable cups and then another couple of loners are on either side of the entrance to the building. These two could potentially be trouble.

They aren’t engaged with anyone. They are just standing against the building, one about forty four meters from Ghlahn’s position and practically straight to the East of him. The other about the same distance, just on the other side of the double doors. Maybe they’re trying to blend in with the street gang hanging out on the corner but if that’s the case, they’re doing a poor job of it.

Casino’s dour voice comes back over the radio. “Okay, we are up and moving. If our ‘homeless’ go active, you know what to do.”

“I have notified the police of your presence and uncooperative nature,” the AI hologram pleasantly explains. “Have a nice day.”

In his experience, Ghlahn estimates that cops may or may not show up in the Undercity and if they do, it will likely be upwards of ten minutes before they do.

(OOC: March 9th, Day 3 - Sunday, Time is 09:28 AM PST)


X00032:8.Y00001:12.Z00054:5, 12th Alley | Night City Integrate | Undercity | UrbanZone - March 9th, Day 3 (Sunday), 9:25 AM PST

Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15 mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)

Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)

“Are you serious?” Echo turns to look at him with wide eyes, her lower face wrapped in her balaclava.

Grabbing hold of the opportunity, Bloodbank steps forward, “All the more reason why we can’t just go busting down doors. Your instinct is telling you there’s something not right. I say we proceed with caution and assess the situation as we come to it.”

The medtech glances over at the techie for support but is drawn back to Echo when she says, “Fine.”

“Fine?” Colin practically stumbles over the word. “A couple of minutes ago, you were gung-ho and ready to burn down the world.”

The nomad shrugs, “If Casino feels that something’s off, I’m prone to listen.” Turning back to the blonde solo, she looks up at him and asks, “What’s the plan?”

Listening to the others talk, Fixer can’t help but agree that something is amiss. "Casino's right, something is weird. You hold a kid worth millions here?" he shakes his head. "Hang on." He has been hanging back to allow those with a clue about this type of thing to lead but now he moves forward and looks around the corner. He snaps a quick picture with his small bracer camera to allow him to also look more closely without staring. Plus, it might allow him to blow up the picture and see things in more detail. What is he looking for? In truth, anything. 

"Whatever you are going to do, do it soon,” Ghlahn’s voice crackles across the radio in Casino’s pocket. “The store AI is a bit nervous and I can't stall much longer." 

As he thinks about what he has seen when he peeked around the corner, he also closely scans the picture he has taken. "If you were hiding a rich kid in one of those shelters, you'd have some sort of communication system, right? How do you contact the outside world? I can't believe the entire brains of this outfit are all still squatting down this alley. So how do they reach 'em? I'm trying to see if there are any wires or any kind of tech connected to those structures in any way from where we stand. Do you think Blossom has a way to check for wireless signals? Anything like that might tell us about any security they might have. Plus," and here he looks up from his picture to glance at the others, "if one of those is wired and the other isn't I know which one I'd put my money on."

He goes back to scanning his picture and he adds in a mumble, "But time... time... we don't have much time."

As he complains about time, Fixer continues his investigation of the end of the alley. Using his extended audio abilities, he listens in on both of the structures to see if anything useful can be heard. In the near shack he hears two older voices discussing... food it seems. That seems pretty straight up. Moving on to the larger structure at the back he hears... pfshhhhhhhhhhhh... what the heck was that?! It sounds like gas being released. Then there is a slight clanking of metal on metal. Like... it is hard to place, but maybe a piece of cutlery striking the side of a tin can? Dinner time all over the place it seems.

That done, he uses his telescopic amp to allow him a close-up look at the two structures. He is looking for any sign of technology—wires or antennas are his first thought, but anything that doesn’t scream, “down and out in an alley” will work. He even looks at the rubbish around the structures for anything questionable or even footprints in the muck. Finishing his surveillance, he looks up at the rest of the group and describes what he has seen and heard.

“Both are occupied. From what little I can tell, the front one seems the most normal. The back one—I wonder about that gas-like sound. Was it gas? For what? Cooking something? Knocking someone out? Setting a trap? Or nothing at all? I don’t know, just a sound. So far, I haven’t seen anything tech-wise out of the ordinary. I’d love to know if Blossom can pinpoint anything wireless down here. We know there is stuff, but what, and coming from where? As for those buildings—I doubt there is a door in that mess anywhere, but we can’t count it out for that last tent.”

With that said, he shrugs and looks to the others. “Ok, boss, that’s what I got. I can try to keep the audio feed going as we move up—it might let us know if they have been alerted somehow that we are approaching. No guarantees. What’s the plan?”

Casino is quiet, lost in thought, his gut telling him something is not right, warring with his need to go balls to the wall and get this done and move to rescue Vegas fast. Yet the clues to this point have led them here, to this one place, to this one moment in time, and with a second team on their ass, it is now or never.

“There’s just too much unknown here to call it off. We know we have watchers, so this could very well be a well-laid trap, but we need to get this over with.” A slight pause. “Fixer, you and Echo, together, take the closet hut. Bloodbank, watch the ally behind us if you see anything out of place, like anything that looks like members of that second team, don’t think about it, just light them up. You think about the right or wrong of taking them down, it could cost all of us our lives. I’m trusting you to keep our exfil route open with or without the kid in hand. I’ll take the far hut and hope we call this right. Everyone keep alert, keep on mission, don’t hesitate if you need to kill but still beware something is not right.”

A last check of his MPK and the broad-shouldered solo radios Ghlahn. “Okay, we are up and moving. If our ‘homeless’ go active, you know what to do.”

Placing the radio back into his pocket, Casino quietly moves to the far hut. Seeing everyone in position, he gives the signal to commence.

(OOC: March 9th, Day 3 - Sunday, Time is 09:28 AM PST)


Echo leads the way, padding quietly across the eight meters to the only visible entrance. Her submachine gun isn’t raised, but it is ready. Fixer is hot on her heels as Casino makes his way even further down the alley to the last ramshackle structure. In position, they wait with an eye on the big solo. When he gives the go-ahead, Echo uses the barrel of her weapon to push aside the loosely hanging wooden door and duck to step inside. 

Crates are stacked at the entrance reminiscent of tables. The one on the right has pictures in dull silver frames; pictures of family. Parents and two children, just the parents, just the kids, individuals, and none of them looking like the picture of Jace they’d seen a day ago. The one on the left holds a chipped vase with an arrangement of fake flowers. Echo moves past these towards where low voices can be heard.

Stepping into the main area, the two Edgers are met by an unexpected domestic scene. Directly in front of them a few meters into the bowels of the structure, are two elderly people seated at a makeshift table covered by a soiled tablecloth with lace hemming. The woman sits to the left of the man, and the man is facing the Edgers. His hand darts towards the sawed-off shotgun sitting on the table but hovers above it as Echo’s submachine gun levels on him.

“Be smart,” the nomad says in a low volume. “There’s no reason anyone has to get hurt.”

“What do you want?” asks the old man as he anxiously glances at his wife.

Sitting still, the woman appears resigned. She’s almost regal, like a queen who has been sentenced to the guillotine. 

(OOC: March 9th, Day 3 - Sunday, Time is 09:28 AM PST)


Sending the others into action, Casino ducks through the canvas entrance just inside the wood structure. The entry is clear with nothing to block his way and as he rounds the corner, the big solo is met by a surprised Rya Mendez who has spun about from the foot of a cot. Past her, just beginning a meal of kibble warmed on a camping burner, is Jace, his innocent face a little grimy and shocked.

“Jace!” Rya makes to spin towards the boy…

(OOC: March 9th, Day 3 - Sunday, Time is 09:28 AM PST)


X00032:8.Y00001:12.Z00054:5, 13th Street | Night City Integrate | Undercity | UrbanZone - March 9th, Day 3 (Sunday), 9:21 AM PST

Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15 mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)

Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)

Looking ahead and down the avenue, Luther assesses the street, searching for a place to park the Airjeep. There are two cars parked on the right side of the road near the church but beyond that, the curbside is clear. Of course, there’s the group hanging out around the church and the other group at the next corner. 

Having now been around the block a couple of times, the fixer can easily recall the areas where the groups are gathered and potential problems could exist. Processing some quick math in his head, Charlie figures that if he were to park a few meters in front of the black sedan, he would still be able to “burn rubber” around the corner and arrive at the mouth of the alley in just a few seconds. The position would also place him between the two major groups on the street, reducing the risk of provoking any interaction with either. 

Acting on his decision, Cred Stick Charlie pulls the Airjeep over and into the position he’d postulated the best, and settles her onto the ground. The notification alert on his agent sounds and the message displays across his optical splice as soon as he mentally allows it. 

I’m being watched. - Blossom


Cyberspace is a black void with streaming data highways crisscrossing like a chaotic array of light pulses. This is a visual representation that is designed to give the netrunner some comfort in the alien landscape—a means by which the data packets can be visualized by the brain. This barren and stark landscape is Blossom’s domain. She thrives here as much as she thrives in any VR landscape. The biggest difference between the highways and VR is that there’s a lot of unknowns in the highways. Where VR is themed and the little wardriver can predict the uses of particular programs, the wild highways of the Net are as unpredictable as the wilds between the city integrates. Here, wardrivers are forced to write code on the fly in most cases, making guesses as to what data packs they are infiltrating, and do so on the move. Here, to protect the interests of the group she’s aligned with, Blossom is looking for anything that might seem out of place and that could mean anything.

A command window hovers before her and within it, the beautiful netrunner is rapidly typing out code that pokes at packets but doesn’t waste time by penetrating. Agent data packs flow past her, the tendril of code she’s produced licking their glowing surfaces. As quickly as the taste of data is recognized, Blossom has moved on to the next, the results of her search displaying in rapid succession beneath her command lines.

A mental nudge draws her attention to the massive digital representation of her Doberman, her Watchdog program. What is it Maru? she asks. Following the glowing eyes of the program, Blossom spots a spider avatar in the distance, and near to that grotesque eight-legged freak, is a wasp avatar. Hello there, Blossom muses, Who might you be?

A new line of code appears on her command line and the Doberman shifts and ripples, turning into a massive Hellhound. Let’s see what you want, the netrunner moves to the other side of the data highway and floats up above it, her program protector following with long, powerful strides in the digital nothingness. The arachnid and it’s hovering companion remain still.

Bringing up another window, Blossom activates her communication app and sends a message to Charlie, I’m being watched.

(OOC: March 9th, Day 3 - Sunday, Time is 09:28 AM PST - 19th Street)

Posted on 2019-12-23 at 09:44:08.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3141 Posts

Time to move on

Fixer took in the domestic scene in front of him and swore silently.  This was not the right tent.  But at least the guy had been smart and kept his hand away from the shotgun.  

He looks towards Echo, "Nobody needs to get hurt here.  Nice little domestic.  See if they know anything.  If this one is cold, I'm popping out to move on."  With that he quickly moved out listening carefully at his earpiece to see if he caught any hint of anything from the other tent.  He moved forward watching the tent from the outside to see if anyone came out and to see if he could get any information - visual or auditory.  He put his back to the tent he had just been in.  He didn't like doing it knowing the sawed off was in there, but he was pretty sure it wouldn't be aimed at him.  If need be he could slice an entry in the other end of the tent and go in that way.  

Posted on 2020-01-01 at 12:30:51.
Edited on 2020-01-05 at 14:31:44 by Nomad D2

Trilogy Master
RDI Staff
Karma: 181/119
6817 Posts

oookkk 1 sob story coming up

Sending the others into action, Casino ducks through the canvas entrance just inside the wood structure. The entry is clear with nothing to block his way and as he rounds the corner, the big solo is met by a surprised Rya Mendez who has spun about from the foot of a cot. Past her, just beginning a meal of kibble warmed on a camping burner, is Jace, his innocent face a little grimy and shocked.

“Jace!” Rya makes to spin towards the boy…

“Don’t” With the HK clearly pointed on her face, the laser red dot linking his smart link with the SMG/grenade launcher in his hand clearly seen behind his eyes, Mendez stopped her spin.

Turning to the boy he wasted no time.

“Get up and move over to me, we are leaving here and taking you home to your parents”

Reaching into his pocket, his eyes still on the both of them, finger caressing the trigger, Casino radioed his find.

“Got the kid, second tent, Mendez here also, Fixer, Echo on me, Bloodbank continue cover watch. Ghlahn if this other team is here they'll make a move within minutes of us moving with him, stay on your feet, watch your six and ours" 

Looking at the scene before him as he waited for the rest of the team to join him he knew his gut was right. In no way was this a rich kid kidnapped scenario as Starlight and the clients before her, the big solo assumed, had made it out to be. Kinda sad really, Casino thought to himself, unrequited love, bad parents, running away because he hates school, any number of sob stories could be behind the kid trying to disappear but in the end Casino did not care. He and Vegas had been hired to get this kid back for the client that had hired Starlight and that's what he planned on doing. With Vegas being held, hopefully still alive, and a second team on their ass over this kid no matter the story the boy was going back.

Most, a good 95%, would say that Casino was a coldhearted bastard and they would be right most of the time, though he could be very much the softie. F*** me, the big solo thought, look at my feelings for Echo and her effect on me. However forcing those thoughts out of his head in this moment that's all he could be, a stone coldhearted bastard. He only hoped he’d have no problem with the rest of the team when and if the kids sob story gripped them. No matter what, who, or even his current team, the boy was headed Starlight’s way..........

Posted on 2020-01-03 at 20:08:45.
Edited on 2020-01-03 at 23:23:02 by TannTalas

Karma: 7/0
287 Posts


X00032:8.Y00001:12.Z00054:5, 12th Alley | Night City Integrate | Undercity | UrbanZone - March 9th, Day 3 (Sunday), 9:10 AM PST

Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15 mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)

Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)


Acting on his decision, Cred Stick Charlie pulls the Airjeep over and into the position he’d postulated the best, and settles her onto the ground. The notification alert on his agent sounds and the message displays across his optical splice as soon as he mentally allows it. 

I’m being watched. - Blossom


Mr Charlie read the message and frowned. 

** Gosh Darn it ** He thought to himself. 

Charlie messaged back  with a song title form time long past.... 

“ somebody’s watching me - Rockwell 1984”... I get it. Lets just hope that it’s not the elves to picking up any packages.... Or simply just cancel Christmas “.

**Jack... what are you up to? ** Thoughts flew as charlie was tempted to throw up his drone but stayed in the Airjeep. 

* Now if I was Jack... what would I be doing to these idiots that can’t even “snatch up “ a kid.....

Charlie nodded in silence to himself

“ Yup... kill them all and if so take an L “ (L= Loss)

Charlie followed up a message to blossom... 

“ You know that we still might be able to run for it....*insert’s smiley face” 

** But not take everyone....Charlie's thought rationalized... could this old bucket carry the package and get us to safety?. But on the other hand... Jack was still I threat. I need to figure this out before he hurt’s Starlight’s work.

** Deals or no deals.... Meh.. ** charlie's thought just raced as fast as his heart.

Another message to Blossom  

“ Think that you can create some distractions... just in case another group shows up?... like sending a description of said possible group to the PO PO as armed and dangerou in this area. That would buy us some time... hopefully”.


Casino squelched the mike. 

"“Got the kid, second tent, Mendez here also, Fixer, Echo on me, Bloodbank continue cover watch. Ghlahn if this other team is here they'll make a move within minutes of us moving with him, stay on your feet, watch your six and ours" 

Charlie messages Blosson with the update. 

The blowing fan begin to whir to life yet again....

" Copy, clear, Over" Charile signals

Posted on 2020-01-07 at 03:08:40.
Edited on 2020-01-07 at 23:42:20 by Espatier

Bromern Sal
A Shadow
RDI Staff
Karma: 158/11
4402 Posts

X00032:8.Y00001:12.Z00054:5, Frontline Apparel | Night City Integrate | Undercity | UrbanZone - March 9th, Day 3 (Sunday), 9:28 AM PST

Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15 mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)

Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)

Casino’s dour voice comes back over the radio. “Okay, we are up and moving. If our ‘homeless’ go active, you know what to do.”

“I have notified the police of your presence and uncooperative nature,” the AI hologram pleasantly explains. “Have a nice day.”

In his experience, Ghlahn estimates that cops may or may not show up in the Undercity and if they do, it will likely be upwards of ten minutes before they do. Shaking his head, the CEE-Metal sniper retrieves his rifle and adjusts his bag so that he can use it as a rest if he needs to shoot. There’s still foot traffic, so he must keep his rifle out of sight and, he always has to consider that whatever quarry he’s keeping an eye on has optics on him as well, so it’s best to look as harmless as possible. 

~“Got the kid, second tent, Mendez is here. Fixer, Echo on me, Bloodbank continue cover watch. Ghlahn if this other team is here, they'll make a move within minutes of us moving with him. Stay on your feet, watch your six and ours."~

Casino’s voice in his pocket is a welcome report. Eyeballing the two figures across the way, the red-headed cyborg assesses the situation. Still no movement. Still nothing to indicate any interest whatsoever in their operation. Fanning his gaze out to the rest of the street, he narrows his eyes. Nothing. Nada. No unusual activity. Was this second team even on their heels or were they so far behind the game that they hadn’t even discovered where the object of their mission was?

(OOC: March 9th, Day 3 - Sunday, Time is 09:30 AM PST)


X00032:8.Y00001:12.Z00054:5, 12th Alley | Night City Integrate | Undercity | UrbanZone - March 9th, Day 3 (Sunday), 9:25 AM PST

Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15 mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)

Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)

Standing nervously in the dank alley, his nostrils assaulted by the varying odors that drift by, Bloodbank keeps his back to the wall and his eyes shifting from potential to potential. It isn’t that he has a problem being alone or that he’s afraid; the medtech is keenly aware that there’s a second team in the wings. It’s all professional, sure. He may have even run with some of the edgers on that team at one point or another. Previous relationships matter not in this life. He can’t help but wonder if he’ll soon be in a firefight with an old acquaintance and the more he thinks about it, the more he personalizes it. 

~ Casino has the package. Keep your head on a swivel. He wants Echo and Fixer to join him but for you to stay put. ~

As the words play across his optic HUD, Bloodbank feels a momentary heady emotion. Moving to better see the structure that Fixer and Echo have entered, Bloodbank awaits their appearance.

(OOC: March 9th, Day 3 - Sunday, Time is 09:29 AM PST)


Stepping into the main area, the two Edgers are met by an unexpected domestic scene. Directly in front of them a few meters into the bowels of the structure, are two elderly people seated at a makeshift table covered by a soiled tablecloth with lace hemming. The woman sits to the left of the man, and the man is facing the Edgers. His hand darts towards the sawed-off shotgun sitting on the table but hovers above it as Echo’s submachine gun levels on him.

“Be smart,” the nomad says in a low volume. “There’s no reason anyone has to get hurt.”

“What do you want?” asks the old man as he anxiously glances at his wife.

Sitting still, the woman appears resigned. She’s almost regal, like a queen who has been sentenced to the guillotine. 

Fixer takes in the domestic scene in front of him and silently swears. This is not the right tent, but at least the guy is being smart and keeping his hand away from the shotgun. He looks towards Echo. 

"Nobody needs to get hurt here. Nice little domestic. See if they know anything. If this one is cold, I'm popping out to move on." With that, he quickly moves back outside, listening carefully through his audio splice to see if he can catch a hint of anything from the other tent. He moves forward watching the shack to see if he can get any additional information—visual or auditory.  He places his back to the structure he’d just been in. He doesn’t like doing it, knowing the sawed-off is in there, but he is pretty sure it won’t be aimed at him if something does happen. If need be, he can slice an entry into the canvas and go in that way. 

Echo shakes her head as the techie quickly exits leaving her alone with the old couple. There had once been a hermit living in the Rockies right off the migration path that had a habit of stealing from Nomad camps. Three scouts from her tribe had gone to retrieve what was theirs. One came back. The hermit kept what he’d taken and the Elders decided the cost was way too great already to commit anyone further to retrieve the items. Since then, the beautiful young woman had never taken anyone for granted or assumed them docile. Fixer leaving her to fend for herself when he was supposed to be her wingman does not sit well with her.

“You seen a boy around here?” she hisses. “About nine years old, red hair?”

The couple share a look and the man turns back to the Nomad and shakes his head, “No ma’am, we have not.”

Clenching her jaw, Echo huffs through her nose and motions at them with the barrel of her submachine gun. “You both stay put.”

Backing up, she makes it to the short corridor exit and pauses, “I’ll give you a piece of unsolicited advice. Don’t do anything stupid. You don’t have much, but you’ve got more than some. I’d hate to see you lose it.”

Ducking down the entry, she breezes outside, cold mist striking the upper portion of her face. Looking down the alley, she spots Bloodbank still in position. Shaking her head, she hopes he understands her message. The medtech points towards the shake in front of him and jabs at it. 

Jace is in that shack? Echo squints and shrugs, pointing towards him and the ramshackle abode they had already passed. 

Frowning behind his battle mask, Bloodbank shakes his head in exasperation. We need to do something about this communication issue. Shooting a cautious glare towards the street, the edger mentally clears his range and then darts deeper into the alley so that he can easily line up with the shack Casino went into. Pointing emphatically at the last structure, he attempts to relay the message that had come up on his HUD. 

“Casino has Jace,” he whispers, as though it will help.

Nodding, Echo hesitantly turns away from her teammate. Playin’ frackin’ charades, she grumbles to herself as she raises her precious weapon and advance. 

(OOC: March 9th, Day 3 - Sunday, Time is 09:30 AM PST)


Standing outside of the tent, Fixer visually scans the end of the alleyway, his audio splice working overtime. 

~ “Jace!” ~

~ “Don’t!” ~

~ “Get up and move over to me. We are leaving here and taking you home to your parents.” ~

~ “They aren’t his parents… I’m his mother.” ~

~ “Got the kid, second tent, Mendez is here. Fixer, Echo on me, Bloodbank continue ooverwatch. Ghlahn, if this other team is here, they'll make a move within minutes of us moving with him. Stay on your feet, watch your six and ours." ~

~ “Please, don’t take my son.” ~

Fixer can recognize Casino's voice with ease and the other must be Rya Mendez. Movement to his left catches the techie's eye and he swivels, ready to fire, but holds his action as Echo steps around the shack.

"I think Bloodbank wants us to go after Casino," she states in a hushed voice as she draws near. Then she remembers their previous discussion with Blossom about communications. "He's got an optic splice so maybe Blossom has sent him some intel."

(OOC: March 9th, Day 3 - Sunday, Time is 09:30 AM PST)


Sending the others into action, Casino ducks through the canvas entrance just inside the wood structure. The entry is clear with nothing to block his way and as he rounds the corner, the big solo is met by a surprised Rya Mendez who has spun about from the foot of a cot. Past her, just beginning a meal of kibble warmed on a camping burner, is Jace, his innocent face a little grimy and shocked.

“Jace!” Rya makes to spin towards the boy…

“Don’t!” With the HK clearly pointing at her face, he lines the red dot of the laser, smart linked with the SMG/grenade launcher in his hand on her forehead. 

Mendez doesn’t stop. She practically flies to Jace’s side and any shooting at this point runs the risk of striking the boy. Casino likely could have shot her on the fly, but there’s always the risk of a misfire, no matter how skilled a man is. (OOC: I made the call here, but you’re free to correct the big man’s actions if you want, Tann.)

With Mendez wrapping herself around Jace, and the boy returning the hug, Casino coldly motions to the boy with the barrel of his weapon, wasting no time.

“Get up and move over to me. We are leaving here and taking you home to your parents.” Reaching into his pocket, his eyes still on the both of them, his finger caressing the trigger, Casino retrieves the radio.

“They aren’t his parents,” Rya fires back, spittle flying from her lips, the look of a cornered wild animal in her wide eyes. “I’m his mother.”

“Got the kid, second tent, Mendez is here. Fixer, Echo on me, Bloodbank continue overwatch. Ghlahn, if this other team is here, they'll make a move within minutes of us moving with him. Stay on your feet, watch your six and ours." 

“Please,” Mendez tries again, “don’t take my son.”

Looking at the scene before him as he waits for the rest of the team, he knows his gut was right. In no way was this a rich kid kidnapping scenario as Starlight had shared with them and Santa—the big solo assumes—had made it out to be. Kinda sad really, Casino muses to himself. Unrequited love, bad parents, running away because he hates school, any number of sob stories could be behind the kid trying to disappear but in the end, Casino does not care. He and Vegas had been hired to get this kid back for the client and that's what he plans on doing. With Vegas being held—hopefully still alive—and a second-team on their ass over this kid, no matter the story, the boy is going back.

Most, a good 95% of people who know him, would say that Casino is a coldhearted bastard and they would be right most of the time. He could be very much the softie, though. F*** me, the big solo thinks, look at my feelings for Echo and her effect on me. Forcing those thoughts out of his head, in this moment that's all he can be, a stone, a coldhearted bastard. He only hopes he’d have no problem with the rest of the team when and if the kid’s sob story comes to light. No matter what, who, or even his current team, the boy is headed Starlight’s way.

(OOC: March 9th, Day 3 - Sunday, Time is 09:30 AM PST)


X00032:8.Y00001:12.Z00054:5, 13th Street | Night City Integrate | Undercity | UrbanZone - March 9th, Day 3 (Sunday), 9:21 AM PST

Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15 mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)

Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)

Acting on his decision, Cred Stick Charlie pulls the Airjeep over and into the position he’d postulated the best, and settles her onto the ground. The notification alert on his agent sounds and the message displays across his optical splice as soon as he mentally allows it. 

~ I’m being watched. - Blossom ~ 

Mr. Charlie reads the message and frowns. Gosh Darn it, he curses to himself and then messages back a song title from a time long past. ~ Somebody’s Watching Me - Rockwell, 1984... I get it. Let’s just hope that it’s not the elves looking to pick up any packages… or simply just cancel Christmas. ~

Jack... what are you up to? Thoughts fly as Charlie is tempted to throw up his drone but stays in the Airjeep. Now if I was Jack... what would I be doing to these idiots that can’t even “snatch up” a kid… Charlie nods in silence. 

“Yup... kill them all and if so take an L.” Charlie follows up with another message to Blossom. ~ You know that we still might be able to run for it.... ~ But not take everyone, Charlie's thoughts rationalize. Can this old bucket carry the package and get us to safety? But on the other hand... Jack is still a threat. I need to figure this out before he hurt’s Starlight’s work.

Deals or no deals... Meh, Charlie's thoughts are racing as fast as his heart. Sending another message to Blossom that reads, ~ Think that you can create some distractions... just in case another group shows up? Like sending a description of said possible group to the PO PO as armed and dangerous in this area. That would buy us some time... hopefully. ~

~ The PO PO ain’t too concerned with Undercity, my fellow. I’m gonna shoot some false data past the Watcher. See what it kicks up. ~ Blossom’s message flows across his HUD. 

Casino squelches the mic. ~ “Got the kid, second tent, Mendez here also, Fixer, Echo on me, Bloodbank continue cover watch. Ghlahn if this other team is here they'll make a move within minutes of us moving with him, stay on your feet, watch your six and ours." ~ 

Charlie messages Blossom with the update and then flares the AirJeep’s engine. The blowing fan begins to whir to life yet again and the fixer snatches up the radio, “Copy, clear. Over," Charlie signals.


A command window hovers before her and within it, the beautiful netrunner is rapidly typing out code that pokes at packets but doesn’t waste time by penetrating. Agent datapacks flow past her, the tendril of code she’s produced licking their glowing surfaces. As quickly as the taste of data is recognized, Blossom has moved on to the next, the results of her search displaying in rapid succession beneath her command lines.

A mental nudge draws her attention to the massive digital representation of her Doberman, her Watchdog program. What is it Maru? she asks. Following the glowing eyes of the program, Blossom spots a spider avatar in the distance, and near to that grotesque eight-legged freak, is a wasp avatar. Hello there, Blossom muses, Who might you be?

A new line of code appears on her command line and the Doberman shifts and ripples, turning into a massive Hellhound. Let’s see what you want, the netrunner moves to the other side of the data highway and floats up above it, her program protector following with long, powerful strides in the digital nothingness. The arachnid and it’s hovering companion remain still.

Bringing up another window, Blossom activates her communication app and sends a message to Charlie, I’m being watched.

~ Somebody’s Watching Me - Rockwell, 1984... I get it. Let’s just hope that it’s not the elves looking to pick up any packages… or simply just cancel Christmas. ~

And what are the chances of that? The netrunner muses. 

~ You know that we still might be able to run for it.... ~

You gotta be kidding me, Blossom bats the message away with the back of her hand sending it flying into degrading oblivion.

~ Think that you can create some distractions... just in case another group shows up? Like sending a description of the said possible group to the PO PO as armed and dangerous in this area. That would buy us some time... hopefully. ~

~ The PO PO ain’t too concerned with Undercity, my fellow. I’m gonna shoot some false data past the Watcher. See what it kicks up. ~ Blossom shoots back. The Watchers haven’t moved. 

~ Casino’s got the kid. He wants Echo and Fixer on him, Bloodbank to stay put. ~

Quickly relaying the message to those with optic splices, Blossom focuses more intently on the icons. Let’s see if this kicks up your skirts. Typing up a simple fake message reading, “Package on the move. Regroup at the airport,” she shoots it to a temp message server.

Nothing, huh? Frowning, Blossom eyes the potential threat. What’s your purpose, my pretties?

(OOC: March 9th, Day 3 - Sunday, Time is 09:30 AM PST - 19th Street)

Posted on 2020-01-13 at 10:20:45.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3141 Posts

To save a kid. To save a mother. To save a crew mate.

"I think Bloodbank wants us to join Casino,” Echo said as she rejoined Fixer outside the tent. Fixer was tempted to glance back at the tent they had just left but didn’t bother. Echo knew her business. At least he had to assume she did. And Bloodbank might have some intel?

“Casino has the kid.   Rya claims she is his Mom. That isn’t our issue, and Casino won’t care. But a Mom will fight like hell. Likely, we need to take both.” He glanced at the other to gauge her reaction. The Mom comment had been a surprise, but not really. Something was odd about this mess. But right now, they just needed to get the package and get the hell out this alley. If they didn’t, that other team would be up their backside before you could say “mother’s day.” And every second that passed dropped Vegas’ chances. And he knew Casino had that mental clock ticking away. He felt bad for the kid in a way, but whatever game he was playing was going to get people killed. It already had. And on this he sided with Casino – he didn’t want Vegas’ name added to that list if possible. And that trumped Jace. Well, it trumped Jace’s sob story. Getting the kid the X#&*! Out of dodge came first.

He listened carefully to his audio – trying to pick up anything from behind them in the tent he had recently vacated. The last thing they needed was for some feisty grandparents to suddenly try coming to the rescue. Hearing nothing of significance (Assumption, tell me if I’m wrong) and getting no negative feedback from Echo he dimply said, “lets go.”

Approaching the other tent he spoke up. “Casino, it’s backup.” And he entered the tent. Seeing Rya almost on top of the kid she claimed to be her kid he glanced at Casino. “Let’s take them both. Easier than one.”

(The following is dependent on Casino – he is the mouth of the group here so Fixer would let him talk if he wants to. If there is a pause when he enters he will add the following.)

“Your kid or not, you have put a lot of lives in danger. We have a pal in danger and that means we move now. Sob stories wait until we are out of here.” The comment about Vegas was as much for Casino as anyone. He wanted the big guy to know that he hadn’t forgotten. That the plan was to get to Vegas as quickly as possible. But if by some small chance their story was true and they really were the ‘good guys’ in this story, then that knowing lives were at risk might push them in the right direction.   He could hear the clock ticking. Damn, they needed to move.

He waited for Casino to organize the move. In the meantime he used his audio feed to listen as carefully as he could to any action outside.

Posted on 2020-01-15 at 20:09:43.

Trilogy Master
RDI Staff
Karma: 181/119
6817 Posts

Bastard be I may

“Get up and move over to me. We are leaving here and taking you home to your parents.” Reaching into his pocket, his eyes still on the both of them, his finger caressing the trigger, Casino retrieves the radio.
“They aren’t his parents,” Rya fires back, spittle flying from her lips, the look of a cornered wild animal in her wide eyes. “I’m his mother.”
“Got the kid, second tent, Mendez is here. Fixer, Echo on me, Bloodbank continue over watch. Ghlahn, if this other team is here, they'll make a move within minutes of us moving with him. Stay on your feet, watch your six and ours."
“Please,” Mendez tries again, “don’t take my son.”

Yep he’d been right something was off about this run and this was it, did he care… Nope. Vegas’s situation trumped this mommy/son reunion like a royal flush over a pair of 2’s

“Look you got two choices Mendez, stay here and try getting him out again at another time, or coming with us. We were hired to bring him back, alive, but nothing was said about you. I have a friend in deep s***, his life on the line, so I won’t have any problem tying you up and just leaving you behind. On top of all that there’s a second team out to get Jace back and they might not be as nice as us. So Jace think fast its up to you, come with us peacefully, or I zip tie you and do this the hard way. Your call kid.”

As he waited for an answer he was joined by Fixer and Echo. With them covering him he did as needed to move the package/packages out of the tent.

“Ghlahn, we’re bringing the kid out now any second team movement or anything catching your eye as bad news?”

Waiting for the snipers answer he shook his head in agreement when it came. Moving to Bloodbanks side he indicated for the man to lead the way. Not taking chances on a safe withdrawal the big solo loaded an H.E. grenade into the MPK’s launcher. If they had to fight there way out with the prize in hand, it would not be without a big f***ing bang.

“Charlie, you and Blossom are up, we’re going to need transport in 5mins”

On full alert, all human and cyber systems on high alert, the group made there way of of the ally………………..

(Ok depending on what he and mommy decide we will either have them both zipped tied or hands free. If they come along peacefully no zip’s if one of them says no or fights, zips on both it is)


Posted on 2020-01-17 at 19:19:41.


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