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Parent thread: Flesh & Blood - A CyberPunk Game
GM for this game: Bromern Sal
Players for this game: TannTalas, Keeper of Dragons, Nomad D2, Hammer, Mischief, Espatier, dragon-soul92, CameToPlay
    Messages in Flesh & Blood - A Night City Adventure
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Trilogy Master
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Asking for some help

Night City Hightower's BBQ | Night City Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - Day 2 (Saturday), 1:15 PM PST Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.) Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)

"There's an app that allows direct communication with any others who sign onto that group. Just download the CircleMic app to your agents and I'll set up the group. Give me your agent IDs and I'll shoot you an invite," Blossom rolls the diminishing sucker around in her mouth and holds up her own agent to show a screen with a baby blue background marred by white spots displaying a group she's already set up. "Problem with this app is that it relies on the network, and it isn't exactly the most secure method of chewing the fat. It'll do in the short and short though."

"Vegas and I are well versed in code talk so I'm sure he can give you all a quick walkthrough and set something up. So when are we looking at heading out?"

(Assuming a small discussion as to time frame)

With a time set to head out Casino moved to catch Blossom before she got too ingrossed in getting the needed info from the net.

"Blossom, can I talk to you privately a moment?" Letting her pass him he moved back to the same area he had talked to Vegas. Pulling out the 2 ‘aqquired' Agents he handed both to her.

"Hoping you could be me a favor. I don't have a an agent of my own but I grabbed these two off a pair of dead guys from the fight at the ER. The expansive one I took off a dead asian bodyguard, the other from the leader of the people who attacked the ER. They were after the old man the bodyguard died trying to protect."

(Again assuming she asks if old guy is alive)

"Yeah he's alive, the leader of the attackers wanted me to kill him. When I refused all hell broke loose and I had no choice but to fight it out. But I was lucky and saved the old guy and got out before I was caught by the cops. I was hopping you could crack their security codes and tell me who the old guy was and who the attackers leaders was and why they wanted the old man dead. I don't want us caught by surprise because of what happened at the ER and if anyones going to come looking for me, other then the police of course, before this run is over. Once all that's done I'm hopping you could scrub both clean and set one up for my future use. I know its a lot to ask with everything else going on, but I have no one else to turn too."

Standing looking at the Netrunner he hopped she would help.

Posted on 2017-11-16 at 19:46:16.
Edited on 2017-11-16 at 19:48:03 by TannTalas

Keeper of Dragons
Devil's Advocate
Karma: 59/18
2581 Posts


"Of course I'd love to set up and watch but I probably fit in better than most of you in that area. I can hold my own close-in if need be and Bloodbank will be there if thing get hairy. Not looking to get involved, just a recon."

Posted on 2017-11-16 at 20:34:25.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 2/0
147 Posts

And we have a plan ...

******* "Problem with this app is that it relies on the network, and it isn't exactly the most secure method of chewing the fat. It'll do in the short and short though." *******

Echo nods in agreement with the Netrunner, grateful she's clever and so very good at what she does, and that they have her on the team. She goes forward to tell Blossom her ID, then steps back to her previous spot.

******* "Vegas and I are well versed in code talk so I'm sure he can give you all a quick walkthrough and set something up. So when are we looking at heading out?" *******

"I would be okay to go now," Echo says with more confidence than she felt, "But I know some of us are hurtin' in the sleep department and could use a few hours of shuteye." She then turns to Fixer. "Would it make any difference to go at nighttime," she asks, "or are all the critters just as active during downtime?"

***waits for an answer one way or the other, then movement by Blossom catches her eye***

Echo sees Casino going over to the little Asian. He says a few words, then they leave the room to presumably speak in private. Echo couldn't blame him, she is a pretty little thing, but if he's interested he's got some serious competition from a certain crooner ...

Posted on 2017-11-16 at 21:46:46.

Bromern Sal
A Shadow
RDI Staff
Karma: 158/11
4402 Posts

Hightower’s BBQ | Night City Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - March 8th, Day 2 (Saturday),

Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)
Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)

"With Fixer here, we might not need to get Blossom inside the Mallplex," Vegas smiles softly at the Asian woman. "Can't see us needing to break through any security intense enough to require someone of this doll's expertise.

"So, I say we do some eyes-on recon while this angel works her heavenly magic," he continues. "Casino, Echo, and I could go in with Ghlahn taking up a point of advantage to cover a hasty retreat if we need to dance our way out. Fixer can go along with us and Bloodbank, of course. No reason to go in hot, but if Fixer really can resolve our comms issue on the way then we'll be better set to act on any data Blossom mines."

"Of course," Ghlahn remarks. "I'd love to set up and watch but I probably fit in better than most of you in that area. I can hold my own close-in if need be and Bloodbank will be there if things get hairy. Not looking to get involved, just a recon."

"There's an app that allows direct communication with any others who sign onto that group. Just download the CircleMic app to your agents and I'll set up the group. Give me your agent IDs and I'll shoot you an invite," Blossom rolls the diminishing sucker around in her mouth and holds up her own agent to show a screen with a baby blue background marred by white spots displaying a group she's already set up. "Problem with this app is that it relies on the network, and it isn't exactly the most secure method of chewing the fat. It'll do in the short and short though."

"Yeah sounds good, get me to a electronics store and I'll see what I can do about comms." Getting his gear ready, Fixer sets about downloading the CircleMic app to his agent and waits for the others to head out.

Echo nods in agreement with the Netrunner, grateful she's clever and so very good at what she does, and that they have her on the team. Following the wardriver's advice, the nomad chica navigates through her Agent to send the AI in search of the app.

"Vegas and I are well versed in code talk," Casino offers, "so I'm sure he can give you all a quick walkthrough and set something up. So when are we looking at heading out?"

Completing the download, Echo steps forward and shows Blossom her new CircleMic ID, then steps back to her previous spot. Fixer offers his up verbally followed by Bloodbank showing his Agent to the laid back coder. Vegas takes the opportunity to lean down and whisper in Blossom's ear. Whatever he whispers causes her to briefly smile and lift her shoulders a bit as though his breath tickles her ear.

"I would be okay to go now," Echo says with more confidence than she feels, "But I know some of us are hurtin' in the sleep department and could use a few hours of shuteye." She then turns to Fixer. "Would it make any difference to go at night time," she asks, "or are all the critters just as active during downtime?"

"Probably moreso," Fixer shrugs. Neighborhood activity doesn't seem to bother him too much. "I like the idea of sleep ‘s'much as the next fella, but I don't know how much time this kid's got so I'm voting we pull up our big boy pants and push through."

"Trust me," Bloodbank adds, "I'd like to support the idea, Echo, but I'm going to have to vote we forego anymore downtime as well."

"It would seem to me that now is as good a time as any to continue this little jaunt," Vegas slips his hands into the pockets of his designer slacks and tilts his head to the side while raising his eyebrows. The crooner starts singing softly...

"Fly me to the moon
"Let me play among the stars
"Let me see what spring is like
"On a, Jupiter and Mars,"

With a time set to head out and the crew gathering their gear together, Casino moves to catch Blossom before she gets too engrossed in getting the needed info from the Net. "Blossom, can I talk to you privately a moment?"

"Kinda busy," the Asian glances up from behind her heart-shaped, girlish sunglasses and sighs. "Fine, but the delay's on you, Choomba."

Letting her pass him as they head out the door, Casino moves the two of them back to the same area he had previously used to talk with Vegas. Pulling out the two ‘acquired' Agents, he hands both over to her. Echo watches Casino approach the little Asian. When they leave the room to presumably speak in private, Echo couldn't blame him. Blossom is a pretty little thing, but if he's interested, he's got some serious competition from a certain crooner.

"Hoping you could be me a favor. I don't have an agent of my own but I grabbed these two off a pair of dead guys from the fight at the ER. The expensive one I took off a dead Asian bodyguard, the other from the leader of the people who attacked the ER. They were after the old man the bodyguard died trying to protect."

Blossom raises her well-manicured eyebrows and stares at the devices like they're about to explode.

"Yeah he's alive," Casino informs her, "the leader of the attackers wanted me to kill him. When I refused all hell broke loose and I had no choice but to fight it out. But I was lucky and saved the old guy and got out before I was caught by the cops. I was hoping you could crack their security codes and tell me who the old guy was and who the attacker's leader was, and why they wanted the old man dead. I don't want us caught by surprise because of what happened at the ER and if anyones going to come looking for me—other then the police of course—before this run is over. Once all that's done I'm hoping you could scrub both clean and set one up for my future use. I know it's a lot to ask with everything else going on, but I have no one else to turn too."

Standing looking at the Netrunner, he hopes she will help, but Blossom isn't one to do anything for charity and thinks about the request for a few seconds while clicking her teeth on the small, round ball of candy still attached to the white paper stick protruding from her lips.

"Sure," she nods slowly and allows her eyes to drift up and peer over the rims of her pink sunglasses at the gruff-looking man. "I can attempt it, but I'm not doing it for a song and a dance, go-boy. Seeing how we're running together right now, I'll discount the price tag to a serious blue light special. One hundred NCD's apiece to break ‘em and wipe ‘em. I'll give ya whatever data I crack as a bonus. ‘Course, this'll come secondary to the run. We kosher?"

(OOC: Casino's answer,)

"You save some ancient from being whacked, shoot up an ER, kill some sardines bent on icing the ancient, and steal a couple of agents?" Walking casually past the bruiser, the small Asian takes the sucker from her mouth and waves it at Casino. "And you're wondering if anyone is gunnin' for you?"

Blossom's laugh is touched, perhaps, by a bit of sympathy as she makes her way back into the office. Before Casino can return to the team his attention is caught by Granger. The tall Swede has apparently been waiting for his friend's conversation to end before motioning the solo to join him near the lobby door.

"How long are your friends going to be interfering with my business, Keith?" he asks quietly so as not to draw attention from his staff.

(OOC: Casino's answer, assuming it contains something about Blossom sticking around.)

Frowning, Hightower's proprietor clenches his jaw and considers his options while he stares at the open door to his small office space and the crowd gearing up inside. Finally, turning back to the injured man he nods, "It is good. She can stay until the dinner rush. Then I must insist that my business is unobstructed.

"I do what I can for you, Keith," Granger sighs. "But it is not always easy."

"Hey!" Vegas calls out as he saunters into the kitchen. "You ready, or do you need some more time to hug and kiss out your good-byes?" The smile on the Frank Sinatra look-alike's rugged face softens the inferred insult. "We're ready to dance." True to his word, the others follow the well-dressed solo into the kitchen.

"Five-thirty, Keith," Granger mumbles in a very low voice. "Then, your friend must leave."

(OOC: Time is 2:25 PM)

Wind whips coats about and sends stinging, ice cold rain into the party's exposed skin. With the air quality warning in effect, combat masks and air filters are affixed the moment the edgerunners exit Hightower's and make their way down the stairs to the street level.

Pushing through the door, Vegas leads, confident and full of his usual attitude. Carried upon the winds and accenting the biting rain are angry voices just off to the right. Vegas glances that way but then tugs his long coat about him and turns to the left, striding towards the nearest bus stop.

Casino is next through the door and his attention is also drawn by the noise. Crowds are not uncommon, especially in the business sectors of the City, but this one is not moving. This crowd is gathered and seem to centralize their attention on whatever or whomever is in the center. Fists shoot into the air and foul language is draped across the mob like Holiday ornaments on a tree, but for the life of him, the rugged solo cannot see what has their attention.

"If we take the Five, we'll go straight past a iQuality Outlet," Fixer almost runs into the solo's back as he follows the pair of gunmen through the door with his eyes glued to his agent. Stepping to Casino's left, he narrowly avoids the collision and looks up a bit irritatedly to find out what all the ruckus is about. Peering through the slivers between his lashes and the dark lenses of his mirrorshades, the techie surveys the crowd and shakes his head in disgust. "Seen this sh*t before," he mutters. "Nothing good comes of it."

"What's going on?" Bloodbank asks innocently while staring at the frothing gathering.

(OOC : Time is 2:29 PM)

Posted on 2017-11-28 at 14:02:25.

Trilogy Master
RDI Staff
Karma: 181/119
6817 Posts

Catching up

Night City Hightower's BBQ | Night City Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - Day 2 (Saturday), 1:15 PM PST Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.) Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)

Standing looking at the Netrunner, he hopes she will help, but Blossom isn't one to do anything for charity and thinks about the request for a few seconds while clicking her teeth on the small, round ball of candy still attached to the white paper stick protruding from her lips.

"Sure," she nods slowly and allows her eyes to drift up and peer over the rims of her pink sunglasses at the gruff-looking man. "I can attempt it, but I'm not doing it for a song and a dance, go-boy. Seeing how we're running together right now, I'll discount the price tag to a serious blue light special. One hundred NCD's apiece to break ‘em and wipe ‘em. I'll give ya whatever data I crack as a bonus. ‘Course, this'll come secondary to the run. We kosher?"

"Yeah seems fair, got no choice really now do I. Need an agent and need the info on them, so your terms."

"You save some ancient from being whacked, shoot up an ER, kill some sardines bent on icing the ancient, and steal a couple of agents?" Walking casually past the bruiser, the small Asian takes the sucker from her mouth and waves it at Casino. "And you're wondering if anyone is gunnin' for you?"

"Oh no I know someone's gunning for me now, one way or another besides the cops. I just want to know who that is. I couldn't let them kill the old guy cause that‘s not my style. Plus true be told I'da been next so saving my ass took presdence. Look Blossom after this run I'm on my own, no Vegas thanks to his lack of common sense, so might be nice if I can make some new friends, maybe with the old guys people."

Blossom's laugh is touched, perhaps, by a bit of sympathy as she makes her way back into the office. Before Casino can return to the team his attention is caught by Granger. The tall Swede has apparently been waiting for his friend's conversation to end before motioning the solo to join him near the lobby door.

"How long are your friends going to be interfering with my business, Keith?" he asks quietly so as not to draw attention from his staff.

"Not long sir, we are all taking off but Blossom. She needs a place to do some info digging and then she too is gone. I know bringing them here was tight and I thank you and owe you. After this run things will be different as my partnership with Vegas is over."

Frowning, Hightower's proprietor clenches his jaw and considers his options while he stares at the open door to his small office space and the crowd gearing up inside. Finally, turning back to the injured man he nods,

"It is good. She can stay until the dinner rush. Then I must insist that my business is unobstructed.

"I do what I can for you, Keith," Granger sighs. "But it is not always easy."

"Yeah I know and for that I'm gratefull and will always be in your debt"

"Hey!" Vegas calls out as he saunters into the kitchen. "You ready, or do you need some more time to hug and kiss out your good-byes?" The smile on the Frank Sinatra look-alike's rugged face softens the inferred insult. "We're ready to dance." True to his word, the others follow the well-dressed solo into the kitchen.

"Five-thirty, Keith," Granger mumbles in a very low voice. "Then, your friend must leave."

Shaking Hightower's hand then moving in to hug the old man the big solo smiles at him showing a wealth of love. Releasing Hightower Casino gives him a last smile then moves into the office to gather his own gear. Checking once more to make sure everything still works he glances at Fixer nods his head in thanks once more. Pushing through the door, Vegas leads, confident and full of his usual attitude. Carried upon the winds and accenting the biting rain are angry voices just off to the right. Vegas glances that way but then tugs his long coat about him and turns to the left, striding towards the nearest bus stop.

Casino is next through the door and his attention is also drawn by the noise. Crowds are not uncommon, especially in the business sectors of the City, but this one is not moving. This crowd is gathered and seem to centralize their attention on whatever or whomever is in the center. Fists shoot into the air and foul language is draped across the mob like Holiday ornaments on a tree, but for the life of him, the rugged solo cannot see what has their attention.

"If we take the Five, we'll go straight past a iQuality Outlet," Fixer almost runs into the solo's back as he follows the pair of gunmen through the door with his eyes glued to his agent. Stepping to Casino's left, he narrowly avoids the collision and looks up a bit irritatedly to find out what all the ruckus is about. Peering through the slivers between his lashes and the dark lenses of his mirrorshades, the techie surveys the crowd and shakes his head in disgust. "Seen this sh*t before," he mutters. "Nothing good comes of it."

"What's going on?" Bloodbank asks innocently while staring at the frothing gathering.

With a quick glance at Vegas, Casino turned to the rest.

"Whatever it is, its none of our concern, so lets just keep walking....."

Posted on 2017-12-03 at 16:14:06.
Edited on 2017-12-03 at 16:18:33 by TannTalas

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 2/0
147 Posts

Gettin’ the hell outta Dodge ...

{{{{{{{{{ Casino is next through the door and his attention is also drawn by the noise. Crowds are not uncommon, especially in the business sectors of the City, but this one is not moving. This crowd is gathered and seem to centralize their attention on whatever or whomever is in the center. Fists shoot into the air and foul language is draped across the mob like Holiday ornaments on a tree, but for the life of him, the rugged solo cannot see what has their attention.

"If we take the Five, we'll go straight past a iQuality Outlet," Fixer almost runs into the solo's back as he follows the pair of gunmen through the door with his eyes glued to his agent. Stepping to Casino's left, he narrowly avoids the collision and looks up a bit irritatedly to find out what all the ruckus is about. Peering through the slivers between his lashes and the dark lenses of his mirrorshades, the techie surveys the crowd and shakes his head in disgust. "Seen this sh*t before," he mutters. "Nothing good comes of it."

"What's going on?" Bloodbank asks innocently while staring at the frothing gathering. }}}}}

Echo follows Bloodbank out of the door, stops and looks at the angry crowd, and gives an involuntary shudder she hopes no one has seen. She doesn't like crowds much, much less angry ones. She adjusts her coat to protect against the stinging rain and hopes they're headed opposite of the crowd. She exhales a sigh of relief when Casino turns to them.

"Whatever it is, its none of our concern, so lets just keep walking....."

Nodding agreement, Echo follows Casino quickly putting as much distance between her and the crowd as possible. She silently hoped this stakeout would give some information as to the whereabouts of the kid. The city may have been her life once, but it is no longer. All she wants is to find the kid, preferably alive, get paid, and clear her name. Everything else was gravy. The less time she spent in the city, the better.

Posted on 2017-12-17 at 16:50:40.

Karma: 7/0
287 Posts

Luther Washington aka Credit stick charlie - New beginnings and new friends

Cr Stick Charile started to recheck his messages in Dark Net's fixer community site needing a surrogate.

This is my chance to make it big..... He murmered to himself for a bit.

With a blink on his "eye" he accepted the contract on his nycube.

" Im no longer just a sleaze, shrinking, shoe man.... I'm a real edge runner now" he smiled and chuckled to himself.

Cr stick charile was of course not his real name but this was his start in the Nightcity edgerunners

From the airport cred stick "Charlie" sat in the terminal, waiting for a AV-4 Taxi to take him to a upscale secure location as Night City wasn't too fond of outsiders, but then again... most cities are the same.

Luther Washington was credit stick charlie, up until now he was a small time operator just trying to make a few credits like the rest of the wage slaves. Times were changing for old luther and he needed to find his new niche in this city if he was going to survive and this is where he began to learn how to dance in the shadows of the Mega corps. Working as what some people called " Edgerunners". Those that lived by a different code that the city as well as the shakers and movers understand all too well. Because they were the puppet masters needing for edgerunner to do their dirty work and illicit bidding. Luther was ready to dive into the waters of edge running after a boring life of teaching minor subjects that most kids didn't even want to learn now days. Teachers were a credit deficit... or as they would say back in the day, " a dime a dozen".

It wouldn't be long before Luther Washington aka "charlie" would soon be meeting his new team and running with the edgerunners....

Posted on 2017-12-22 at 13:46:08.

Bromern Sal
A Shadow
RDI Staff
Karma: 158/11
4402 Posts

The Streets | Night City Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - March 8th, Day 2 (Saturday), 2:30 PM PST

Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)
Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)

Wind whips coats about and sends stinging, ice cold rain into the party's exposed skin. With the air quality warning in effect, combat masks and air filters are affixed the moment the edgerunners exit Hightower's and make their way down the stairs to the street level.

Pushing through the door, Vegas leads, confident and full of his usual attitude. Carried upon the winds and accenting the biting rain are angry voices just off to the right. Vegas glances that way but then tugs his long coat about him and turns to the left, striding towards the nearest bus stop.

Casino is next through the door and his attention is also drawn by the noise. Crowds are not uncommon, especially in the business sectors of the City, but this one is not moving. This crowd is gathered and seem to centralize their attention on whatever or whomever is in the center. Fists shoot into the air and foul language is draped across the mob like Holiday ornaments on a tree, but for the life of him, the rugged solo cannot see what has their attention.

"If we take the Five, we'll go straight past a iQuality Outlet," Fixer almost runs into the solo's back as he follows the pair of gunmen through the door with his eyes glued to his agent. Stepping to Casino's left, he narrowly avoids the collision and looks up a bit irritatedly to find out what all the ruckus is about. Peering through the slivers between his lashes and the dark lenses of his mirrorshades, the techie surveys the crowd and shakes his head in disgust. "Seen this sh*t before," he mutters. "Nothing good comes of it."

"What's going on?" Bloodbank asks innocently while staring at the frothing gathering.

Echo follows Bloodbank out of the door, stops and looks at the angry crowd, and gives an involuntary shudder she hopes no one has seen. She doesn't like crowds much, much less angry ones. She adjusts her coat to protect against the stinging rain and hopes they're headed opposite of the crowd. She exhales a sigh of relief when Casino turns to them.

With a quick glance at Vegas' back, Casino turns to the rest, "Whatever it is, it's none of our concern, so let's just keep walking."

Nodding agreement, Echo follows Casino quickly putting as much distance between her and the crowd as possible. She silently hoped this stakeout would give some information as to the whereabouts of the kid. The city may have been her life once, but it is no longer. All she wants is to find the kid, preferably alive, get paid, and clear her name. Everything else is gravy. The less time she spends in the city, the better.

Though Ghlahn sees the commotion, he can care less about the cause of it. So long as it isn't a member of his Altcult in the center of it, and the angry mob isn't angry with them, he's just as content to move along as the rest of the party seem to be.

"There's a bus stop just around the corner," Vegas glances back over his shoulder. "We'll catch the Five there. We've got about twenty-minutes until it arrives."

For a moment the rain lessens. Overhead, an advertising dirigible blares it's message as the holographic image of celebrity Evan Poole holds up a new bracer mod. I've found myself in many situations where I could have used this. Trust me when I say, you'll not regret adding this sweet mod by Trauma Team, Inc. to your toolkit. Another voice takes over, The Constant Life Stream splice connects directly to your neural net and sends a perpetual feed of your vitals straight to your agent. From there, the Trauma Team app receives the data and as soon as your vitals elevate, your Trauma Team specialists are notified and placed at the ready. The splice is smart enough to learn your exercise rhythms so as not to mistake your everyday routine for danger eliminating 78.5% of all false alarms! Smiling, Evan Poole tilts his head and looks admonishingly at the carbon based life forms below. Trust me. It's worth the money.
Durable and made of clear strengthened plex-glass, the bus stop consists of a covered waiting area that allows the occupants relief from the weather. Open only on the front face, the construct plays a constant stream of advertising across the lower panels while presenting bus delays and schedules in the clear upper panels with a live feed of the city map and small green blips representing the location of each bus.

Currently full, waiting travelers pill out from the protected confines of the three sided den and mill about in the rain. Various designer styles stand out amongst those who are less thrifty, but most people wear Wall-to-Wall Mart or On Target brands. No matter the attire, all wear their protective air filtration masks, and only a few of these aren't designer colors, fitted with LED lighting of various colors, or sculpted in geometric shapes and masks depicting cartoon characters of popular imagery. Air and more traditional umbrellas fight to keep their owners dry in an exhausting battle against the elements, some with more LED lights spilling down over the user and casting them in dramatic hues.

Gathering up near the back of the crowd, the edgerunners stuff hands in pockets and hunch shoulders in a futile attempt to keep the acidic rains from pouring down their collars and seeping through their clothing. Five minutes into the wait and Vegas motions everyone close.

"I've just heard from Starlight," he says in a low tone barely perceptible above the roaring engines of passing traffic, coughing human beings, and rainfall. Those with the enhanced audio cybernetics are grateful for the enhancement as he looks up from his phone and meets their eyes. "Starlight is about to undergo surgery. She's opted for a proxy to join us on this run. A vetted chap by the name of Cred Stick Charlie, it would seem. Her message states that he'll be contacting us to meet up and that he's her eyes and ears on this gig. I don't think she's too happy with this performance, gatos."

(OOC: Responses as you feel the need.)

Just then, Vegas' agent bleeps and draws his attention back to the screen. "That's this Cred Stick Charlie," he confirms. "Wants to know where to meet up."

"Can he meet us at the iQuality Outlet?" Bloodbank asks from behind the cracked skull combat mask he wears.

"I'll find out," Vegas replies through his skinmask. Typing a reply, he waits. Shortly thereafter, he looks up. "If the bus stays on schedule we'd have to wait for about a half-hour at the outlet for him to meet us. Any reason we shouldn't? Seeing we don't have the lay of the land at the mallplex yet, it'll be the easiest place to team up."

(OOC: Thoughts?)

With the plan in hand, the time comes to purchase tickets. The cost is $8 NCDs per person (OOC: Please update your character sheets) and with tickets in hand the group crowds onto the bus once it arrives.

Warm, odorous, crammed in like sardines, this is certainly not the most glamorous way to travel. People are careful not to meet the eyes of the obviously armed Edgers. There's no hiding the long Nomad .44s and when pressed up against, handguns and submachine guns have a recognizable feel. Long past are the times when people report every weapon carrying Edgerunner to the police. It usually takes a firefight breaking out to do so these days. All the same, the layman remains uncomfortable around armed individuals and their level of anxiety adds to the tension of the trip.

iQuality resides in a two level storefront location with two separate street level entrances; one at each end of the wide windows displaying digital, projected ads of store specials. Security consists of a Samurai construct at each door, just inside but readily visible. These spectacular silver warriors mean that iQuality has employed at least one wardriver to watch out against thieves and vandals. Additional security is likely present, but hidden from immediate view.

"I've told Cred Stick Charlie to meet us at the communications department," Vegas states dryly as he adjusts his coat against the weather's onslaught as the group departs the bus. Glancing over his shoulder to make sure no one is paying too close attention to them from the city transport, he motions towards the store with a sweeping gesture. "Shall we?"

Bright white LED lights illuminate the interior with ferocious unforgiving detail. Aisle height is only five feet leaving plenty of room for the security cameras (both visible and hidden) to see down each row with a watchful eye. Autofacs line the outermost walls allowing individuals to purchase customized materials and goods, but the pre packed, generic items are all available down the aisles. In the middle of the store, a pair of escalators take people up to and down from the second floor. Payment is made through scanning items with your agent, or utilizing the credchip readers at the head of each aisle.

Arriving at the communications aisle, the team waits for Fixer to gather the components he needs to resolve their communications issues, and the arrival of Cred Stick Charlie.

(OOC: I'm leaving the introduction of Luther open so Espatier can write out his descriptions, etc Cred Stick Charlie will arrive at roughly 4:10 PM. Nomad, I'll send you a PM with options for the communications solution and you can play out how you want to handle it in your post.)

(OOC : Time is 3:40 PM)

Posted on 2017-12-28 at 17:22:58.

Trilogy Master
RDI Staff
Karma: 181/119
6817 Posts

A new year a new post

Night City Hightower's BBQ | Night City Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - Day 2 (Saturday), 1:15 PM PST Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.) Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)

"I've just heard from Starlight," he says in a low tone barely perceptible above the roaring engines of passing traffic, coughing human beings, and rainfall. Those with the enhanced audio cybernetics are grateful for the enhancement as he looks up from his phone and meets their eyes. "Starlight is about to undergo surgery. She's opted for a proxy to join us on this run. A vetted chap by the name of Cred Stick Charlie, it would seem. Her message states that he'll be contacting us to meet up and that he's her eyes and ears on this gig. I don't think she's too happy with this performance, gatos."

Hearing Vegas of anyone saying that causes Casino to look Vegas straight in the eye.

"Well hopefully she'll come out of it ok, right Vegas?"

Casino's anger at his soon to be former partner held easily in check for the moment, yet by the dead tone of his voice easily noticed.

Looking away in disgust angry for the way this run was shaping up and the mistakes already made, Vegas' agent bleeps and draws his and the others attention back to Vegas's agent and the the screen.

"That's this Cred Stick Charlie," he confirms. "Wants to know where to meet up."

"Can he meet us at the iQuality Outlet?" Bloodbank asks from behind the cracked skull combat mask he wears.

"I'll find out," Vegas replies through his skinmask. Typing a reply, he waits. Shortly thereafter, he looks up. "If the bus stays on schedule we'd have to wait for about a half-hour at the outlet for him to meet us. Any reason we shouldn't? Seeing we don't have the lay of the land at the mallplex yet, it'll be the easiest place to team up."

"Half an hour is good, I need to find a mask to cover my face seeing as its all over the goddamn news. That's unless any of you have a spare one?"

With the plan agreed to somewhat, and with tickets in hand the group crowds onto the bus once it arrives.

Warm, odorous, crammed in like sardines, this is certainly not the most glamorous way to travel. People are careful not to meet the eyes of the obviously armed Edgers. There's no hiding the long Nomad .44s and when pressed up against, handguns and submachine guns have a recognizable feel. Long past are the times when people report every weapon carrying Edgerunner to the police. It usually takes a firefight breaking out to do so these days. All the same, the layman remains uncomfortable around armed individuals and their level of anxiety adds to the tension of the trip.

iQuality resides in a two level storefront location with two separate street level entrances; one at each end of the wide windows displaying digital, projected ads of store specials. Security consists of a Samurai construct at each door, just inside but readily visible. These spectacular silver warriors mean that iQuality has employed at least one wardriver to watch out against thieves and vandals. Additional security is likely present, but hidden from immediate view.

"I've told Cred Stick Charlie to meet us at the communications department," Vegas states dryly as he adjusts his coat against the weather's onslaught as the group departs the bus. Glancing over his shoulder to make sure no one is paying too close attention to them from the city transport, he motions towards the store with a sweeping gesture. "Shall we?"

(Only if no one has a spare mask)

"I'll meet you all there in a few" With that Casino headed off to find a mask selling store. Making sure, or at least trying to, not show his face too much, he made his way quickly yet relaxed.

(Gonna stop here to let Brom fill in the rest if I find shop or run into more trouble lol)

Posted on 2018-01-06 at 23:04:42.
Edited on 2018-01-06 at 23:13:20 by TannTalas

Karma: 7/0
287 Posts

IQuality meeting

" Driver..... Change of plans please... can you reroute me to iQuality Outlet mid town" asked Luther to his armored av-4 taxi driver. Before getting an answer verbally he then felt the slightest change in vector for his reply. " ETA will be 1608 local time, Sir" a mechanical voice boomed a replied over a small intercom. " Thank you" Luther replied back the the bodiless mechanical voice as he resettled back into the seat after peering through the vision port.

Within a few minutes the armored av-4 taxi flew a lazy eight over the landing site, then receiving a green light for a touch and go at a nearby taxi pad close to the mall. The paying patron then quickly exited the Vtol craft and turned his back to the AV-4 lifting off to make it's next fare as his held his fedora tightly as the gust of vectored air.

Luther exited the craft blast area and briskly walked down from the rooftop to enter the IQuality shop. He checked in his Megatechnix suitcase with security before entering inside the IQuality store. When Luther finally did entered the shop he was wearing his navy peacoat styled top coat that covered his Navy color Takanaka Cotton/Arachni-silk smart cloth three piece suit (orange interior & vest). Removing the topcoat and placing it over his non firing arm as he lightly brushed his brown Burnished Leather Chelsea Boots that covered his feet.

Glancing at his Sam-Moto Luxury Agent and noted it was 1608... " I hope that they aren't late" he told himself aloud as he peered down each isle looking for the new group of edgerunners. Spying the communication department he walked down the aisle to introduce himself to the group with a nod and a smile. Whenever Luther gets his chance to meet the others... he introduces himself as " Cred stick charile or " Charlie for short" with his infectious smile.

Posted on 2018-01-08 at 04:48:36.

Keeper of Dragons
Devil's Advocate
Karma: 59/18
2581 Posts


"Shouldn't take all of to to just meet this Charlie guy. We don't exactly blend in and the more of us in a group the more likely we get reported. Maybe a couple of us set up an overwatch just in case things get dicey. It was certainly a good idea last time."

Posted on 2018-01-09 at 06:26:50.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3140 Posts

iQuality Parts

Fixer didn't particularly enjoy the ride to the mall. Public transportation wasn't very comfortable and was filled with far too much public. Plus, it smelled. But it got you around.

When they finally arrived at the mall he went with the rest of the group to the iQuality store. Nervous habit had him always checking out his surroundings and always thinking about how tech could help him cover his movements. That was part of the idea for being here now. Cover and communications. So once inside the store he quickly moved to the communications department and came up with three options.
1. Store bought walkies
2. Home made walkies
3. Store bought cubes.

He liked the cube idea, but was always more comfortable with something home made, so he preferred to make his own. he quickly and quietly gave the group the options and asked how many they wanted. "One a-piece" seemed to be the answer, and he got no argument over his plan to make his own equipment. With that he stuck out his hand and said, "Ok, pony up then. $65 NCU each. If there is any extra I'll split it back."

Cash in hand he quickly made his way up and down the roads and grabbed the pieces he needed. This was followed by the purchase. Now he just needed a good place to work. He didn't like the idea of sitting in the middle of the store and working. The last thing he needed was for someone to question if he had purchased all of the pieces he was using. There were times when it was best to not attract attention. Actually, that was almost all the time. But right-now certainly qualified.

(OOC: Assuming this is a "mall" as I know them - and thus that there are some places outside of the stores in the halls between stores. I'm also assuming that in the mall there will be benches or some sort of place to sit, the more out of the way the better, but likely in the middle of the mall. If I'm wrong I'll need a bit more detail.)

He returned to the group with his gear. "Ok, I've got what I need. I don't want sit here and work on it, but we need to be here for the meet-and-greet. I'm going to go out into the mall to play with these parts. It'll only take an hour. one or two of you should come with me. Nobodies alone, and we stand out a bit less when not all clumped together like a little army." He looked around, "who's coming with me?"

(Assuming someone comes with . . . )

Fixer moved out into the mall and looked for the most out-of-the-way spot to sit and work that he could find. Quickly finding a seat he set to work, letting the others with him keep a look out. He couldn't ignore his surroundings, too much history made him always aware of what was happening, but he kept his focus on the task at hand. It wasn't a task that taxed his skills at all. He could have done this in junior high, in fact, he had. The memory caused a small smile to cross his face as he worked. But easy or not, he wanted it done quickly and correctly. And since part of the reason for working with parts was to make these things untraceable, he did his best to make sure that any identifying marks on any of the bits and pieces going into his creations was removed.

An hour later he had a pile of wiped-clean little communication devices. It was now time to rejoin the rest of the group, meet the new guy, and continue this little project.

Posted on 2018-01-10 at 20:47:06.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 2/0
147 Posts

Masks R Us?

Echo listened as the two (former now?) partners spoke about Starlight's condition, the barely disguised undertones of anger apparent. She worried about the boss lady's welfare concerned her greatly, as it was her who contacted Echo for this job in the first place. She hoped all would be well with her, and also the two friends who were at odds with each other over the cause of her injuries. Echo didn't know exactly what happened, but she hoped it wouldn't effect the job. The whole team had already succumbed to too many distractions and needed to be on the job if they were going to save the kid. And this "Cred Stick Charlie" character - who was he? Are they being babysat now since they screwed up? Echo wasn't sure about the new arrangement, but if he was there to help, it couldn't be all bad, right?

Echo was brought back from her thoughts by Casino's statement.

{{{{{"Half an hour is good, I need to find a mask to cover my face seeing as its all over the goddamn news. That's unless any of you have a spare one?"}}}}}

She turned to the solo, "I don't have a spare, but I'm willing to help you search for one, if you want company?" she asked with a small smile.

(OOC - Assuming the answer is yes)

"We'll meet you all there in a few." With that, Casino and Echo headed off to find a mask selling store. Making sure, or at least trying to, not show his face too much, the solo made his way quickly yet relaxed, Echo following his lead.

Posted on 2018-01-11 at 02:45:17.
Edited on 2018-01-11 at 02:49:38 by Aletheia

Bromern Sal
A Shadow
RDI Staff
Karma: 158/11
4402 Posts

The Streets | Night City Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - March 8th, Day 2 (Saturday), 2:30 PM PST

Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)
Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)

"I've just heard from Starlight," Vegas says in a low tone barely perceptible above the roaring engines of passing traffic, coughing human beings, and rainfall. Those with the enhanced audio cybernetics are grateful for the enhancement as he looks up from his phone and meets their eyes. "Starlight is about to undergo surgery. She's opted for a proxy to join us on this run. A vetted chap by the name of Cred Stick Charlie, it would seem. Her message states that he'll be contacting us to meet up and that he's her eyes and ears on this gig. I don't think she's too happy with this performance, gatos."

Hearing Vegas, out of everyone, saying that causes Casino to look his partner straight in the eye and say sardonically, "Well, hopefully she'll come out of it OK, right Vegas?" Casino's anger at his soon to be former partner held easily in check for the moment, yet by the dead tone of his voice easily noticed.

Flat gray-blue eyes meet the large solo's gaze from beneath the dripping brim of his fedora, "Fourteen years, we've been pulling each others' asses out of one hot mess after another. I've helped you get petty revenge on people, when you got shot in the head I dragged your heavy ass to a hospital and made sure your medical and recovery expenses were paid, when you were accused of rape I not only stood by you but lost work because of it and continued to find ways to help in your defense—which I might add, eventually led to the freedom you enjoy today. When you were accused of murder, I stood by your side and helped with your legal fees and defense. You being pissed at me over a miscalculation on one run is rich, sport. How many times have I helped you through your own troubles when your jealousy issues, hot temper, impulses, and injuries could have been enough for me to walk?

"Get over yourself."

Casino looks away from his long time friend and partner in disgust and anger for the way this run is shaping up and the mistakes already made just as Vegas' agent bleeps and draws his and the others attention back to the matter at hand.

Bloodbank raises his eyebrows at the fanboy's acidic response and the reveal of so much of the pair's history. Mentions of past romantic trouble faced by the craggy blond solo brought back memories of Lucy and Tina to the young medtech and he felt the frustration and sorrow welling up inside of him once again. Fresh wounds not yet healed are easily agitated.

"That's this Cred Stick Charlie," Vegas moves on from the confrontation and confirms after reviewing the message. "Wants to know where to meet up."

"Can he meet us at the iQuality Outlet?" Bloodbank asks from behind the cracked skull combat mask he wears. He's grateful to the concealment the mask provides his features as he can tell that his emotions are showing on his face.

"I'll find out," Vegas replies through his clear Skinmask. Typing a reply, he waits. Shortly thereafter, he looks up. "If the bus stays on schedule we'd have to wait for about a half-hour at the outlet for him to meet us. Any reason we shouldn't? Seeing we don't have the lay of the land at the mallplex yet, it'll be the easiest place to team up."

Echo listened as the two (former now?) partners speak about Starlight's condition, the barely disguised undertones of anger apparent in their words. She worries about the boss lady's welfare greatly as it was her who contacted Echo for this job in the first place. She hopes all will be well with her, and also the two friends who are at odds with each other over the cause of her injuries. Echo doesn't know exactly what happened but she hopes it won't affect the job. The whole team has already succumbed to too many distractions and need to be on the job if they are going to save the kid. And this "Cred Stick Charlie" character—who is he? Are they being babysat now since they screwed up? Echo isn't sure about the new arrangement, but if he is there to help, it can't be all bad, right? Echo is brought back from her thoughts by Casino's next statement.

"Half an hour is good," Casino growls. "I need to find a mask to cover my face seeing as its all over the goddamn news. That's unless any of you have a spare one?"

She turns to the solo, "I don't have a spare, but I'm willing to help you search for one, if you want company?" she asks with a small smile.

Happy with the offer from the nomad, with a plan made, and with tickets in hand (The cost is $8 NCDs per person) Casino joins the group as they crowd onto the bus once it arrives. Warm, odorous, crammed in like sardines, this is certainly not the most glamorous way to travel. People are careful not to meet the eyes of the obviously armed Edgers. There's no hiding the long Nomad .44s and when pressed up against, handguns and submachine guns have a recognizable feel. Long past are the times when people report every weapon carrying Edgerunner to the police. It usually takes a firefight breaking out to do so these days. All the same, the layman remains uncomfortable around armed individuals and their level of anxiety adds to the tension of the trip.

iQuality resides in a two level storefront location with two separate street level entrances; one at each end of the wide windows displaying digital, projected ads of store specials. Security consists of a Samurai construct at each door, just inside but readily visible. These spectacular silver warriors mean that iQuality has employed at least one wardriver to watch out against thieves and vandals. Additional security is likely present, but hidden from immediate view.

"I've told Cred Stick Charlie to meet us at the communications department," Vegas states dryly as he adjusts his coat against the weather's onslaught once the group departs the bus. Glancing over his shoulder to make sure no one is paying too close attention to them from the city transport, he motions towards the store with a sweeping gesture. "Shall we?"

"Shouldn't take all of to to just meet this Charlie guy," Ghlah asserts. "We don't exactly blend in and the more of us in a group the more likely we get reported. Maybe a couple of us set up an overwatch just in case things get dicey. It was certainly a good idea last time."

"Not a bad idea," Bloodbank acknowledges.

Vegas looks about the street and then through the large glass panes of the iQuality storefront. "If you can find a position that'll give you line of sight, sport, then have at it, I say. I can't, for the life of me, see any such vantage."

(OOC: Ghlahn isn't going to be able to pick out anything that looks decent either with a Combat Sense roll of a 14, FYI.)

"I'll meet you all at the comm department in a few," Casino notifies them. Making sure, or at least trying to, not show his face too much, he and Echo make their way quickly and yet in a casual, relaxed manner away from the group to the other door. After all, if iQuality doesn't have masks, they'll be searching for some other outfitter either up, down, or further along one of the streets. Best to try this location first.

(OOC : Time is 3:37 PM)

"Driver... Change of plans, please... can you reroute me to iQuality Outlet, Midcity, one four point three five five by twenty-three hundred x?" asks Luther to his armored AV-4 taxi driver, a black fellow with a shaved head wearing an armored Icon Americana brown leather jacket and a faded tan newsies cap. Before getting an answer verbally he then felt the slightest change in vector for his reply. "ETA will be 1608 local time, Sir," a mechanical voice with a French accent booms a reply over a small intercom.

"Thank you," Luther replies back to the bodiless mechanical voice as he settles back into the seat after peering through the vision porthole to the front seat.


Bright white LED lights illuminate the interior with ferocious unforgiving detail. Aisle height is only five feet leaving plenty of room for the security cameras (both visible and hidden) to see down each row with a watchful eye. Autofacs line the outermost walls allowing individuals to purchase customized materials and goods, but the pre packed, generic items are all available down the aisles. In the middle of the store, a pair of escalators take people up to and down from the second floor. Payment is made through scanning items with your agent, or utilizing the credchip readers at the head of each aisle.

Arriving at the communications aisle, the team waits for Fixer to gather the components he needs to resolve their communications issues and the arrival of Cred Stick Charlie.

Looking a lot like vending machines and slot machines had babies, most of the autofacs are 3D printers with the capability of inserting pre-manufactured technology into the programmed plans at the right moment allowing the purchaser full customization and individualization of the product while still providing them with the desired functionality. Large pieces of equipment, furniture, and other items are manufactured onsite through much larger autofacs than those at the iQuality Outlet, but finding an autofac for filtration masks is very easy.

Megatechnix, ZetaTech, Raven Microcyb, and Kiroshii neocorps are all represented whether through subsidiaries or straight out of the box autofacs with their logos plastered all over them. Standing in front of the machine starts the sales pitch.

"Welcome to the fashion center of masks," a beautiful woman's bust with Pacific Islander bloodlines hovers just in front of the autofac for Megatechnix. "Whether you're looking for a simple air filtration mask or you're interested in putting an exclamation mark on your face, you'll find the full selection from our option catalog. When you're ready to begin browsing, just say so and we'll start your shopping experience."

Smiling, the holographic head and shoulders waits patiently for Casino's orders. Glancing down the line of autofacs, their pricing is comparable. Deciding what style one is interested in sporting is really the only deciding factor at this point. Megatechnix offers celebrity face masks, American cartoon masks, sports teams, and historically themed characters all focused on the American brand. ZetaTech's options really take a page out of Time and provide masks the likes of which Vegas would approve of, ex-Presidents, prominent cultural heroes such as Johnny Silverhand and Rache Bartmoss, collegiate sports teams, and Edgerunner specific montage masks. Raven Microcyb's offering ranges from utilitarian (flat-faced, no featured masks) to highly artistic (like Bloodbank's combat mask). Meanwhile Kiroshii's brand focuses on the European and Asian cultures featuring grimacing samurai faces, demonic representations of ancient deity, and the more flamboyant manga and anime character masks. Each of these machines will output clear skinmasks, air filters, and even regular industrial respirator masks.

(OOC: Casino makes his selection and he and Echo seek out the rest of the party,)

(OOC: Time is 3:40 PM)

Fixer didn't particularly enjoy the ride to the mall. Public transportation wasn't very comfortable and was filled with far too much Public. Plus, it smells. But it gets you around and that's important no matter how you looked at it.

Even in the iQuality store, nervous habit has him always checking out his surroundings and always thinking about how tech can help him cover his movements. That is part of the idea for being here now; cover and communications. So, once inside the store he quickly moves to the communications department and comes up with three options.

  • Store bought walkies
  • Homemade walkies
  • Store bought NuCybe

  • He likes the NuCybe idea, but is always more comfortable with something homemade, so he prefers this route. Quickly and quietly relaying the options to the remaining group, he asks how many they wanted made. "One a-piece" seems to be the answer, and he receives no argument to making his own equipment plan. With the decision made, he sticks out his hand and says, "Ok, pony up then. $65 NCD each. If there is any extra I'll split it back."

    "What?" Bloodbank turns his masked face back towards the techie with incredulity dripping from the soundwaves. "Are you charging us for your time too?"

    "Money is money, Bloodbank," Vegas defends. "We need an untraceable way to communicate and this is it. Consider it an investment.

    "Get the parts you need, Fixer, and we'll pony-up at the register."

    Fixer quickly makes his way up and down the rows grabbing the pieces he needs. This is followed by the purchase, with each paying their fair share using either their agents paying apps or credchips. Now he just needs a good place to work.

    He doesn't like the idea of sitting in the middle of the store, working. The last thing he needs is for someone to question whether he had purchased all of the pieces he was using or to ask after what he's making, let alone the scene of it all. There are times when it is best to not attract attention—actually, that's almost all the time—but right-now certainly qualified.
    Turning to the group just as Casino and Echo rejoins them, Fixer expounds, "Ok, I've got what I need. I don't want to sit here and work on it, but we need to be here for the meet-and-greet. I'm going to go out into the lobby to play with these parts. It'll only take an hour. One or two of you should come with me just in case there's trouble. Nobody's alone, and we stand out a bit less when not all clumped together like a little army." He looks around at his teammates,
    "who's coming with me?"

    "I'll go," Vegas chimes almost musically before sparing a look for the rest of the group. "Once this Cred Stick Charlie arrives, send notice to my agent."

    "Roger that," Bloodbank affably confirms.

    Fixer and Vegas move through the store to the main floor interior door, past security, and out into the building's lobby. Gazing about searching for the most out-of-the-way spot to sit and work that he could find, Fixer is glad when his companion places a hand on his shoulder and points down the hall. Trusting the other man's sense of field command, the techie and solo make their way to a corner bench behind the escalator block with a fake fern plant in an oversized red Greek vase providing some cover from prying eyes.

    Quickly finding a seat, Fixer sets to work letting the clone of Ol' Blue Eyes keep vigilance. James Mathis can't ignore his surroundings entirely—too much history makes him always aware of what was happening, so he keeps his focus on the task at hand with one eye open for trouble. It isn't a task that taxes his skills at all; he could have done this in junior high, in fact, he had. The memory causes a small smile to cross his face as he works. Easy or not, he wants the task done quickly and correctly and since part of the reason for making these devices instead of buying them is to build untraceability into them, he does his best to make sure that any identifying marks on any of the bits and pieces going into his creations are removed.

    (OOC: Time is 4:00 PM)


    Within a few minutes the armored AV-4 taxi flies a lazy eight over the landing site, then, receiving a green light for a touch and go at a nearby taxi pad above the iQuality location, the pilot gently lowers the boxy vehicle to the protruding platform.

    Flashing a pale blue, the screen in front of Luther lights up, changing from the map display showing their progress to a representation of his bill. Totalling $150.00 NCD, this was not a cheap leg of the trip. Riding in style has its cost. Withdrawing his luxury agent, Cred Stick Charlie activates the payment app and holds the device close to the screen authorizing payment in full plus a 20% gratuity, totalling $180.00 Night City Dollars. The paying patron quickly exits the VTOL craft and turns his back to the AV-4 as he strides out of range of it's buffeting engines allowing it to lift off to make it's next fare. Fedora held tightly against his head as the gust of vectored air slams into his back, Luther steps through the sliding Plex-Glass2 doors and exits the craft blast area to briskly walk down the hall to the security station.

    Drab gray prefab-cement walls surround the podium booth within which sits a building security detail consisting of four men in black and gray uniforms bearing the symbol of their security company on their left shoulder, heavy handguns on their right hips, and a visible stock of submachine guns on the wall. Secure in their booth, new arrivals are ushered through a high-tech scanning arbor and stopped from proceeding by another Plex-Glass2 door while the sec-team reviews the scans.

    "Do you have any questions about the building's rules?" the Japanese man at the microphone queries tiredly after registering the weapons and cyberware on Luther's person.

    (OOC: Assuming something to the negative,)

    "Have a good day and enjoy the amenities of the Pallmack Building." Plex-Glass2 doors slide open allowing Luther to continue his journey.

    From the rooftop Luther takes the escalator block to the second story and steps off to enter the iQuality Outlet with its gawdy blue and white neon sign casting ghostly lighting across the polished brown tile floor of the lobby. Stopping at the iQuality security station just inside the interior door, he checks in his Megatechnix suitcase with security before continuing on his way once they confirm that it contains no explosives or other items harmful to the store and its occupants. Here, too, a security construct stands awaiting instructions from the wardriver controller.

    Finally succeeding in entering the store, Luther looks every part the stylish businessman in his navy peacoat styled top coat over his navy color Takanaka Cotton/Arachni-silk smart cloth three piece suit with its orange interior lining and vest. Removing the topcoat and placing it over his non firing arm as he lightly brushes the persistent droplets of rain from his brown burnished leather Chelsea Boots, the fixer glances at his Sam-Moto Luxury Agent and notes the time as 16:08.

    "I hope that they aren't late," he says aloud as he peers down each aisle looking for the new group of edgerunners. Spying the communications department, he walks casually down the aisle to introduce himself to the group with a nod and a smile.

    Loitering about at the end of one row, Luther spots at least some who match the descriptions he's been given by Starlight. A woman standing about one point six to one point seven meters in height wearing leather clothing that appears to have seen a lot of wear with a dark brick red balaclava covering her head and face leaving only her brown eyes to define her personality while the rifle bag slung over her shoulder next to the campbag and daypack presents a little more character. Echo is here name, Then there's the large, masked fellow wearing Gibson Battlegear leathers underneath a black duster standing next to her who must be Casino, one of the guns hired in the tandem solo team. Cred Stick Charlie doesn't see the one who looks like Frank Sinatra, but the team dossier definitely points to this fellow as the brute force.
    Peering at a prepackaged NuCybe splice through its Plastik case is the one called Bloodbank. Luther immediately recognizes the design of the combat mask from the description Starlight provided, and last, but not least, is another long rifle-toting, mask-wearing individual of smaller stature but certainly a combat veteran: M'harú Ghlahn. That leaves the techie, Fixer, and the crooner, Vegas, out of the picture for the time-being.

    "Hello," comes with a slight dip of his head, which in turn drizzles a little water from the brim of his fedora, "Cred Stick Charlie or Charlie for short." An infectious smile spreads across his face.

    Bloodbank allows the Plastik box to fall back into its hold and turns to urbanely step towards the fixer and extend his right hand, "Bloodbank, Charlie. I'm here to keep you from leakin' out and drawing the Ace of Spades."

    (OOC: Introductions all around,)

    "Fixer and Vegas are out putting together a means of untraceable communications," the medtech offers after everyone has extended their greetings and welcomes. He tilts his head towards the lobby. "I sent a message to Vegas' agent while introductions were taking place. He replied and said that Fixer still has a ways to go. Seeing how we might not get the chance again any time soon, I suggest we find a place to eat and kick up our feet a little while we bring you up-to-speed and those two rejoin us."

    (OOC: Assuming no complaints,)

    (OOC : Time is 4:13 PM)

    Across the street from the Pallmack Building, another modular starscraper continues its towering existence from the bowels of Under City to the wind-blasted balconies of the skies above. Easily noticeable through the large plate glass windows is a Green Gene's Cafe. Food here consists of soylent, or enhanced PrePak based meals, but it's something more than Kibble so there's not much to complain about. For the low, low price of $8 NCDs you can get yourself a soylent burger with PrePak fries and a soda (Wendy's type options but none of it with real meat).

    Here, Cred Stick Charlie is filled in, (OOC: If one, or more, of you wishes to recap, we'll use that as the basis for what Luther will know about the run so far).


    At 5:00 PM on the nose, Fixer has a pile of wiped-clean little communication devices. It is now time to rejoin the rest of the group, meet the new guy, and continue this run.

    "Done?" Vegas asks as the techie begins his clean-up process.

    (OOC: Assuming a positive answer,)

    "Good," the crooner stands up and straightens his trench coat. Readjusting his hat, he looks back the way of the iQuality and its glaring signage. "The others are all at the Green Gene's across the street. We'll meet them there."

    Traffic has picked up with various lines and models of cars, trucks, vans, and motorcycles easing up at the crosswalk to allow the stream of pedestrians in their varied costuming to pass by unmolested. Fixer and Vegas are among the crowd with the rain spraying against the exposed portions of their flesh like tiny ice darts taking apart their skin molecule by molecule. Once the interior of Green Gene's is achieved, Vegas shakes off his coat by grabbing the collar and snapping it to send a shower of water all over the white with black speckled tile floor.

    "There they are," he acknowledges and walks over to the area in the dining room where the team has gathered by pushing two tables together.

    Remnants of foodstuffs and wrappers adorn the surfaces and once Vegas and Fixer seat themselves the tabletop in front of them detects a new customer and presents the touchscreen menu.

    "So," the Frank Sinatra fan declares while making his selection of a cheeseburger, fries, and a drink, "You must be Cred Stick Charlie. You can call me Vegas. Have the others brought you up-to-date on our run?"

    (OOC: Assuming something in the affirmative,)

    "Fantastic!" Order complete, Vegas leans back in his chair and looks around at the team. "So, we had a plan. Me, Fixer, and Bloodbank were to going to go in and see if Dr. Carey is home and there's any sign of the mark. The rest are to take up positions outside West Park where exits and entrances can be watched to make sure he doesn't rabbit. At least, that was the plan.

    "Unless there's been some kind of enlightening and the plan has changed—Charlie, I think it is probably a good idea for you to join us inside the mallplex. What do you think?"

    (OOC: Now's the time for any alterations to be made. The next post takes you into the mallplex or puts you in position around it.)

    Posted on 2018-01-12 at 17:14:00.
    Edited on 2018-01-12 at 17:28:34 by Bromern Sal

    Karma: 7/0
    287 Posts

    becoming part of the COG

    Remnants of foodstuffs and wrappers adorn the surfaces and once Vegas and Fixer seat themselves the tabletop in front of them detects a new customer and presents the touchscreen menu.

    "So," the Frank Sinatra fan declares while making his selection of a cheeseburger, fries, and a drink, "You must be Cred Stick Charlie. You can call me Vegas. Have the others brought you up-to-date on our run?"

    " Yes Mr Vegas, I believe that my brief is complete " replies Charlie.

    "Fantastic!" Order complete, Vegas leans back in his chair and looks around at the team. "So, we had a plan. Me, Fixer, and Bloodbank were to going to go in and see if Dr. Carey is home and there's any sign of the mark. The rest are to take up positions outside West Park where exits and entrances can be watched to make sure he doesn't rabbit. At least, that was the plan.

    "Unless there's been some kind of enlightening and the plan has changed—Charlie, I think it is probably a good idea for you to join us inside the mallplex. What do you think?"

    Charlie lifts up his briefcase and explains what is inside. " This is a Class C Aerial Drone Remote Operator's case. The Delta Cross XLT "Sky Master" has a range of plus or minus 20 miles.I'll have limited video and still capability from a plus or minus 11K feet cap. I would like to suggest you guys letting me this vehicle to provide a over watch capability". It's probably a bit to late but did anyone think to bringing a vehicle just encase your rabbit runs?. Because mine is back in it's garage."

    Posted on 2018-01-21 at 18:27:49.
    Edited on 2018-01-21 at 18:28:29 by Espatier


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