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You are here: Home --> Forum Home --> Rules-based RPGs --> Cyberpunk --> Flesh & Blood - A Night City Adventure
Parent thread: Flesh & Blood - A CyberPunk Game
GM for this game: Bromern Sal
Players for this game: TannTalas, Keeper of Dragons, Nomad D2, Hammer, Mischief, Espatier, dragon-soul92, CameToPlay
    Messages in Flesh & Blood - A Night City Adventure
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Still a bit flustered . . .

Echo shook her head as they hurried down the hallway after Blossom, the netrunner's words about needing to get to the security office yet ringing in her ears. When did she let herself get so flustered, so off her game? Was allowing herself to have feelings for these new friends making her a liability? Was her protective instincts going to get one or more of them hurt, or killed? She mentally scolded herself fiercely, hoping that her fears would not become reality.

When they arrived at the door, Fixer went to work getting a card for the reader, while "Monsieur Love" came close to Echo.

"Guard Blossom when Fixer gains access to this office!" he whispers, "I will stand guard out here and cover your backs!"

Nodding affirmative, Echo simply says, "Copy that," and moves over to the door by Blossom, determined to do her job properly, perhaps a bit quieter this time.

Posted on 2017-07-10 at 01:27:57.

Bromern Sal
A Shadow
RDI Staff
Karma: 158/11
4402 Posts

Moving right along...

West 43875 St. 52 High -- The Bartholomew School Grounds and Sewage/Runoff Drainage System | Night City Integrate | High City | UrbanZone - Day 2 (Saturday), 4:07 AM PST
Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)
Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)


Ghlahn feels a moment of remorse as the dog tumbles, dead, but he has no time to dwell on it. The remaining sec-team member from the first team yells for help while trying to reach the safety of the building. Meanwhile, the second sec-team seems content to assess the situation. That yelling has got to stop. The sniper's scope stops on the wounded man's heart and milliseconds later a bullet flies. Ghlahn hopes the others are near their objective as it is becoming quite a party out here in the courtyard and Ghlahn does not like parties.

Discharging the shell, the round flies true and strikes the target exactly where the red-headed sniper's crosshairs align. A ghost of a tendril of smoke floats from the still open chamber indicating that the magazine of the Nomad .44 rifle he's using is empty and it is time to reload. Still checking through the rain-swept night to make sure his target is dead, M'haru Ghlahn frowns as the body (which had been thrown onto its back from the impact) rolls over again and the black clad, injured man continues to crawl away again.

Turf and water splash up as bullets from the other sec team dart about Ghlahn's position. A couple smash into the cement foundation of the mouth sending splinters and chips across his battle mask with small clinks echoing in his ears. They've located his shooting perch and have unwisely opened up on full auto with their Militech assault rifles.

* * * * *

Echo shakes her head as they hurry down the hallway after Blossom, the netrunner's words about needing to get to the security office yet ringing in her ears. When did she let herself get so flustered, so off her game? Was allowing herself to have feelings for these new friends making her a liability? Was her protective instincts going to get one or more of them hurt, or killed? She mentally and fiercely scolds herself hoping that her fears would not become reality.

Vegas is more focused on getting the advantage in the unexpected firefight with the private school's security forces than he in being aware of which office Blossom needs to access and, especially where such an office would be located. The Frank Sinatra look-alike holds back taking a defensive rear position while Blossom leads the charge to the security office. He does not lag too far behind the group, but holds a position of vanguard in case any security forces come charging down the hall behind them with guns blazing.

He takes note when Blossom slides past a particular door and points to it, silently mouthing the words, "This is it."

When they arrived at the door, Fixer immediate going to work getting out his tool for the card reader, the young nomad catches "Monsieur Love" moving towards her with an eye over his shoulder. Vegas cautiously approaches Echo, being very aware of their surroundings, making sure that no security forces are approaching, before whispering to her, "Guard Blossom when Fixer gains access to this office. I will stand guard out here and cover your backs!"

Nodding affirmative, Echo simply says, "Copy that," and moves over to the door by Blossom, determined to do her job properly, perhaps a bit quieter this time.

The Chairman of the Board has realized that Echo has an interest in protecting Blossom—maybe not a romantic interest—but an interest that he feels reveals Echo at least considers Blossom to be a friend. Friends are important in this business. Vegas thinks momentarily about his friend, Casino. They have pulled each other out of the fire numerous times. The Crooner has a momentary regret that the present circumstances have separated the two partners, but in the heat of the moment, with guns blazing and bullets flying, one does not always have the opportunity to make the choices that one would prefer to make in hindsight.

Vegas refocuses on the task at hand, dismissing any regrets or second guesses of being separated from his partner, Casino, as he searches for the best location in the hallway near the security office door to provide cover fire for the others in the group. Settling for pressing against the wall with his handgun down range, as it were, to deal with any approaching combatants.

The Dapper Solo will use everything in his arsenal to protect Blossom and ensure that she and the others would have the best odds of making it out of this predicament with the info they need to locate the missing boy! Vegas will not sacrifice his life needlessly, but he will do what is necessary to protect Blossom and give them all the best chance of making it out of this school alive and free!

He searches for any security cameras and does his best to avoid being seen, becoming one with the wall, then settles in to wait for Blossom to do her thing so they can get the info and 'Get Out of Dodge' as quickly as possible!

As everyone steps aside to let him through, Fixer un-slings the small backpack he has been carrying and starts rummaging through it, humming softly to himself. He extracts a cellphone like device with a card reader attached to some wires for the second time tonight. Pushing a button marked READ, he patiently waits for the device to do its thing, imagining murmurings of "come on," and "hurry up," from the others.

A few seconds later, a message lights up the screen INSERT BLANK. Pulling a blank card from a pocket in the rear of the device, Fixer places it in the appropriate slot and pushes the CREATE button on the device. It takes about 15 seconds and then the DONE button lights up.

Fixer removes the card and hands it to Blossom. "This will get you in," he says and then fades back down the hall near Vegas and as much into the shadows as he can manage.

Echo stands on the right of the door, card in her left hand, newly reloaded H&K MP2020 in her right, the feeling of oneness between her and her adaptive nano weapon a comfort despite this adrenalized situation. Blossom shifts the weight of her bag and scoots further to the left of the door. Her position ending up approximately two meters from the entrance and hopefully well outside of an errant bullet's blood circle. Bloodbank stands behind Echo, ready to assist if necessary, his as yet unfired Armalite 44 at ready. Fixer is next down the hall by another meter and Vegas is another meter beyond Fixer. Time is of the essence, yet haphazardly rushing into a room where a security team likely awaits is suicide. The data they have been pursuing is there on the other side of the door, waiting.

Posted on 2017-07-10 at 11:52:09.

Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts

Hugging The Wall

The Dapper Solo cautiously made his way down the corridor, away from the office, seeking a better defensive vantage point.

Slowly inhaling and quietly exhaling, the Frank Sinatra look-alike focused both his eyes and his ears, as he made his way down the hall.

Hugging the wall with both reloaded guns drawn, Vegas chose his sentry post; close enough to aid his companions, in case they were ambushed once they entered the office, but far enough away from the office door to engage a security team: which would hopefully buy Blossom enough time to access the information the group needed to continue their search for the missing boy.

Posted on 2017-07-13 at 23:56:25.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 3/1
121 Posts

The Wait

Although not much time has actually passed, it feels like forever he has handed the card over and yet Fixer knew what was on everyone's mind. They were coiled as tight as springs.

What would they find behind the door? Bullets? A flash-bang that would blind them all so the bullets could rip into them? Or something equally as devastating? Best not to dwell on that.

And on top of all that, where the hell was Casino? Holding his stuff wasn't exactly holding Fixer down, but it would be nice if he could unload back to it's rightful owner.

So he waited.

Posted on 2017-07-17 at 00:02:18.

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Karma: 2/0
147 Posts

Are we ready?

As Echo accepts the card from Fixer, she looks at Blossom waiting for her to back away. Seeing her in as safe of a position as possible, she looks over to Bloodbank and nods, whispering with a small grin, "Here's where the fun begins."

Inserting the newly-made keycard into the slot, Echo silently asked the Fates for fortune on this part of their mission. She really didn't want to kill anyone, but would do so if her companions were in danger. Also, she'd like to have a long, serious three-way talk with those that took the boy and her rather large survival knife.

(OOC - if all is well with the keycard she'll do what follows)

Echo hears a small click and the door open just enough to not relock itself. She puts her arm up to signal the others down the hall that she's going in, and ever so slowly opens the door just enough to see in a little.

(OOC - if empty she'll move in slowly, checking about for anyone inside and clear the area, then bring in the others. If there is folks in there, she will whisper to Bloodbank, "Signal the others, security is in the house! Now cover me!" and advance into the room, weapon trained on those inside saying in a rather arrogant tone, "Good morning! I'm sorry to disturb your morning coffee and vittles, but we need a few things from your tech here, and if you behave, we'll get out of your hair damn quick without having to make you go to a med center for new kneecaps. Savvy?")

Posted on 2017-07-17 at 03:38:55.
Edited on 2017-07-17 at 03:39:44 by Aletheia

Keeper of Dragons
Devil's Advocate
Karma: 59/18
2581 Posts

a quick pause

Cursing himself for forgetting about body armor, Ghlahn watches as the wounded sec team member still struggles along. Pulling a fresh mag from his pouch, Ghlahn reloads while watching the actions of the sec team. If they are brave enough to rush him, retreat is the only option. Otherwise he can stay and fight.

OOC: If they are rushing him, he moves into the tunnel. If not he targets the head of the nearest sec-team member.

Posted on 2017-07-17 at 18:05:33.

Bromern Sal
A Shadow
RDI Staff
Karma: 158/11
4402 Posts

One Task Done... Escape?

West 43875 St. 52 High -- The Bartholomew School Grounds and Sewage/Runoff Drainage System | Night City Integrate | High City | UrbanZone - Day 2 (Saturday), 4:08 AM PST
Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)
Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)


Hugging the wall with both reloaded guns drawn, Vegas chooses his sentry post; close enough to aid his companions in case they are ambushed once they entered the office, but far enough away from the office door to engage a security team which would hopefully buy Blossom enough time to access the information the group needs to continue their search for the missing boy.

Although not much time actually passes, it feels like forever since he has handed the card over to the pretty nomad and yet Fixer feels that he knows what's on everyone's mind. They are coiled as tight as springs. What would they find behind the door? Bullets? A flash-bang that blinds them all so the bullets can rip into them? Or something equally as devastating? Best not to dwell on that, he decides. And on top of all that, where the hell is Casino? Holding the large solo's stuff isn't exactly slowing Fixer down, but it would be nice if he could unload back to it's rightful owner. So he waits, slightly removed from the pending results of his most recent work.

As Echo accepts the card from Fixer, she looks at Blossom waiting for her to back away. Seeing the netrunner in as safe of a position as possible, she looks over to Bloodbank and nods, whispering with a small grin, "Here's where the fun begins." She cannot see the medtech's expression behind his cracked, grinning skull combat mask but he does hold his handgun up and shifts his grip in preparation.

Inserting the newly-made keycard into the slot, Echo silently asks the Fates for fortune on this part of their mission. She really doesn't want to kill anyone, but will do so if her companions lives are put in danger. Also, she will like to have a long, serious three-way talk with those that took the boy and her rather large survival knife.

Echo hears a small click and the door opens just enough to not relock itself. She puts her arm up to signal the others down the hall that she's going in, and ever so slowly opens the door just enough to see in a little. Behind her, the silvery samurai summoned by Blossom stands at the ready, katana before him.

Silence greets her audaciousness at first. The visible chamber beyond the door lit by yellow fluorescent lights, a faux wood desk up against the wall to the immediate right of the door. Judging by the amount of space left between the doorframe and the corner of the room, Echo can estimate that either the security office is small (maybe 3x5 meters), or the door sits on the far side of one of the walls expanding the room deep beyond her immediate vision. The wall running parallel to her line of sight against which rests the desk, is also home to a series of monitors. Flat screens hung three tall and an unknown number wide, each depicting various scenes in full color, high definition, of the school grounds and halls. And that's as far as she gets before hell breaks loose.

Rapid fire automatics blare on the other side of the door, jarring the barrier with force enough to kick it from the leather-clad nomad's loose grip and push it against her left shoulder, but none of the rounds penetrate the metal of the door. The number of rounds pelting the reinforced door is enough to give the smart young woman pause. Her gut tenses up and her blue eyes flash towards the masked visage of the medic across from her as a really bad feeling rapidly spreads throughout her body at the thought of rushing in.

"Let me do it," Blossom suggests from behind the nomad and the samurai presses forward.

Bloodbank dips his head in agreement and acting on her better judgment, Echo steps back away from the door and towards the crouching wardriver. Pausing before the slightly opened door, the shimmering samurai warrior construct brings the sword up over its right shoulder and then leaps forward, crashing into the door with a bang that echoes down the hall. It is fast but the distance it has to clear is formidable when facing automatic weapons fire. However, the one thing that the sacrifice of the construct does provide is cover for additional support fire and that's when Echo turns the corner and enters the room.

Warm excitement courses through her adaptive nano connections as she raises the H&K MP2020 over the left shoulder of Blossom's attacking construct and pulls the trigger. Now, on burst mode, the submachine gun kicks in her hand sending three armor-piercing rounds into the man standing at the back of the room. His right leg jerks, then dust or blood spray, or something kicks up from his lower ribs area, and finally, his helmeted head snaps back and yet he somehow remains on his feet!

Seeing that Echo has been preceded into the room by the samurai construct, Vegas turns his attention back down the hall towards the receptionist area, heart thumping in his chest, both handguns trained on the mouth of the corridor as he guards against reinforcements. In fact, he returns fire with his Arasaka Minami, spraying the doorway and his assailants with twenty rounds of hot lead that has Echo ducking behind the bulk of the samurai as it is shredded. Miraculously, not a single round penetrates the construct enough to threaten the nomad and the samurai presses forward.

Taking a deep breath, Bloodbank rounds the corner amidst the rat-a-tat-tat of submachine gun fire immediately fired up from his reflex booster and lining up the crosshairs from his optic splice and smart weapon on the bogey over the right shoulder. Perhaps out of pure luck, perhaps out of reflexive training, the target drops lower into a crouch and the medtech's shot buries itself into the wall where he had been.

Adjusting his bag so that the weight is more evenly distributed, Fixer considers how much assistance he could offer with the rapid intelligence of a genius. With his Uzi, he'd be as likely to hit his allies as not and with his Avenger he might be of some use, if he could unlock his joints and swallow the block of ice weighing down his innards. There was a very hot firefight taking place in that room and the techie just can't bring himself to press after the medtech!

Slashing at the security officer on the left side of him, the samurai's sword scrapes through the drywall and wood studs of the wall as the man ducks under the strike, right into the oncoming burst from the attacking nomad. This time, the three rounds of armor-piercing 11mm burn him and he falls against the wall, dropping his Minami and sliding to the ground.

Glancing over his shoulder, Vegas can see both Fixer and Blossom still crouched in the hall but there's no telling what's going on in the room; just more gunfire. Returning his attention to the area he's guarding, the dapper solo presses his lips together and maintains position.

This time, Bloodbank calculates the flow of the target's movements and puts a round right into the forehead of the helmet, snapping the man's head back with the impact and drilling a hole into the armor. Staggering, the soldier barely manages to avoid another slashing attack from the badly damaged samurai with the glowing eyes but such a move puts him right in Echo's line of fire.

Another pull of the trigger and three rounds bury themselves into the black-garbed soldier's body. One to the gun that convulses him as the second tears out his throat and the third drives his left shoulder into the wall. He spills forward and tumbles over the legs of his companion's body.

"Clear!" Bloodbank calls and Blossom slips into the room with a rustle of leather and flash of thigh.

Taking but a moment to locate the computer array, the diminutive netrunner immediately sets about connecting while Bloodbank cautiously moves to check the vitals on their victims and Echo stands guard.

In the hall, Vegas hears the call of clear and recognizes the medtech's voice despite it's strained sound. Restraining himself in his desire to look after the beautiful netrunner's position, the Chairman of the Board remains vigilant in his guard.

"I'm in," Blossom informs the room. "Gonna just, OK! I've found the security footage for the past month. I'll load it to the cloud and set a program to oversee the command, done. One last, fun time is over! Let's get the hell outta here."

Disconnecting herself from the machine (the whole event took less than a minute) the pretty little Asian practically dances out the door followed immediately by Bloodbank and Echo.

"She's got it," the medtech calls out. "Let's go!"

Outside, Ghlahn snaps his magazine in place and frowns as one of the standing team members rushes towards him, assault rifle at ready, firing a three round burst. The end of the fired rounds' trajectory is unknown to the red-headed sniper, but the fact that the man is rushing his position is grounds enough to back off, or is it? There's just one running his way. The other is running towards the injured team member's position. Reloaded, Ghlahn has a decision to make.

Posted on 2017-07-17 at 19:19:16.

Keeper of Dragons
Devil's Advocate
Karma: 59/18
2581 Posts

only one?

With one sec team member moving to help his wounded partner and only one moving towards his position, Ghlahn raised his now reloaded rifle and scanned. Ignoring the two who were out of the fight for the moment, the sniper focused on taking out the man moving towards him. As long as they came one at a time he knew he held the upper hand. He just hoped the others would return sooner rather than later.

Posted on 2017-07-17 at 19:54:37.

Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts

Reload Your Weapons

"Reload Your Weapons!"

Vegas barked out the command more from his years spent with partnering with Casino, than he was trying to direct traffic with a group of people he barely knew, who were making this run together in the midst of a sticky situation!

The Dapper Solo was relieved that Blossom had acquired the video footage without any of the group being compromised or eliminated from the equation.

The Chairman of the Board took charge as he reloaded his guns, plus he made sure his other weapons were at the ready!

"I will cover our backs as we retrace our steps to the door we entered to gain access to this building," explained Vegas as the others attended to their various weapons, "just in case reinforcements try to attack us from behind, or from another office!"

As the group slowly made their way back out of the building, the Frank Sinatra look-alike called out to Fixer as quietly as possible:

"Have those grenades ready that Casino gave you! Authorities are probably on their way to investigate the disturbance here!"

Vegas thought about his partner and how they parted ways on a negative note when Starlight was caught in the crossfire from the Boosters, who tried to rub Vegas out for dancing with Dimples, plus Santa was still waiting on a letter in regards to their progress in locating the missing boy, but he quickly pushed those thoughts aside, focusing upon the task at hand.

"We may have to toss a grenade to disperse any security patrols blocking our way to where Ghlahn is covering our tracks and waiting for us!"

Vegas was referring to the extra arsenal that Casino had ordered from Starlight, before this already twisted caper had begun!

"If there is no opposition by the time we reach the door," Vegas further explained, "then I will take the lead and immobilize any threats with my gas weapons, if at all possible!"

Vegas listened intently for any response from the group, or any tell-tale signs of unwanted guests trying to ambush them by surprise, before proceeding with a final explanation of his plan:

"If I have to, then I will use those grenades that Casino ordered to clear a path for us!"

(OOC: Vegas will use his reloaded hand guns in case of combat inside the building.

If another Character is wounded or dropped, then he will assist them as best he can, but will be alert both defensively and offensively and will respond accordingly in battle.

If forced to retreat, then Vegas will take the lead from his former position at the rear, where he was guarding the group from a rear attack.

He will utilize any of the explosives available from his arsenal, or Casino's order of weapons, to blast a hole in the wall to make a way of escape, or to blast an escape route through the surrounding school grounds wall/fence, if their situation becomes desperate!

However, in the light of trying to escape the school grounds without blowing anything up, it is understood that The Chairman of the Board is open to other suggestions!)

As they make their way slowly and cautiously down the hallway, the Dapper Solo asks in a low voice:

"Any better suggestions for reuniting with Ghlahn and getting us out of this mess?"

Posted on 2017-07-21 at 00:21:40.
Edited on 2017-07-21 at 00:25:58 by Hammer

Regular Visitor
Karma: 3/0
57 Posts

Check up...

Bloodbank checks his clip to reload if needed. He also glances at his medical bracer to ensure nothing has been damaged.

"Loaded and ready" He mutters through his skull combat mask. Awaiting the rest of the team to give the signal he looks toward Vegas sentry point for clearance.

(OOC: If anyone goes down Bloodbank will use an inject package to dull the pain and keep them moving if injury is minor.
He will stay next to everyone and in the event of retreat he will use his flamer shoulder mount if the area is close quarters, being mindful of his teammates not to inflict damage on them.)

Posted on 2017-07-21 at 10:08:38.
Edited on 2017-07-21 at 10:16:34 by Elious

Bromern Sal
A Shadow
RDI Staff
Karma: 158/11
4402 Posts

What's next?

West 43875 St. 52 High -- The Bartholomew School Grounds and Sewage/Runoff Drainage System | Night City Integrate | High City | UrbanZone - Day 2 (Saturday), 4:12 AM PST
Weather Conditions: High City (Thunderstorms, 15mph winds from the NE.) | Midcity (Rain, 10mph winds from the NE.) | Undercity (Fog and Rain, no winds.)
Air Quality Index: High City = 25 | Midcity = 42 | Undercity = 75 (masks required)


With one sec-team member moving to help his wounded partner and one moving towards his position, Ghlahn raises his now reloaded rifle and scans the field. Ignoring the two who are out of the fight for the moment, the sniper focuses on taking out the man rushing his position. As long as they come one at a time he knows he holds the upper hand. He hopes the others will return sooner rather than later as he takes his shot.

The retort of the rifle rings through the tunnel system behind the sniper and the round flies true striking the armored chest of the advancing assailant. Though it jars him and twists his body to the left causing the spray of his machinegun to vanish into the night, the man manages to remain in forward motion and, crazily enough, eating up the distance between them.

"Reload Your Weapons!" Vegas barks out the command more from his years spent in partnering with Casino than trying to direct traffic with a group of people he barely knows making this run together in the midst of a sticky situation.

Bloodbank checks his clip to reload if needed. He's two rounds down in an eight round clip. Two rounds can mean the difference between life and death so he expels the metal container into his left hand and drops it in his jacket pocket, fishing out his backup clip as he draws his hand back out. Slamming the fresh ammo into his weapon, the medtech chambers a round with a practiced move. He also glances at his medical bracer to ensure nothing has been damaged.

"Loaded and ready," he mutters through his skull combat mask. Awaiting the rest of the team to give the signal he looks toward Vegas' sentry point for clearance.

The Dapper Solo is relieved that Blossom has acquired the video footage without any of the group being compromised or eliminated from the equation. The Chairman of the Board takes charge as he reloaded his guns, plus he makes sure his other weapons are at the ready.

"I will cover our backs as we retrace our steps to the door we entered to gain access to this building," explains Vegas as the others attend to their various weapons, "just in case reinforcements try to attack us from behind, or from another office."

"Sounds good to me, sugarlips," Blossom quips and brushes by him with the ragged samurai in tow.

As the group slowly makes their way back out of the building, the Frank Sinatra look-alike calls out to Fixer as quietly as possible: "Have those grenades ready that Casino gave you. Authorities are probably on their way to investigate the disturbance here."

Vegas thinks about his partner and how they parted ways on a negative note when Starlight was caught in the crossfire from the Boosters who tried to rub him out for dancing with Dimples. Plus Santa is still waiting on a letter in regards to their progress locating the missing boy. But he quickly pushes those thoughts aside, focusing upon the task at hand.

"We may have to toss a grenade to disperse any security patrols blocking our way to where Ghlahn is covering our tracks and waiting for us," he explains. Vegas is referring to the extra arsenal that Casino bought from Starlight before this already twisted caper had begun!

"If there is no opposition by the time we reach the door," Vegas further explains, "then I will take the lead and immobilize any threats with my gas weapons, if at all possible!" Vegas listens intently for any response from the group, or any tell-tale signs of unwanted guests trying to ambush them by surprise, before proceeding with a final explanation of his plan: "If I have to, I will use those grenades that Casino ordered to clear a path for us."

As they make their way slowly and cautiously down the hallway, the Dapper Solo asks in a low voice, "Any better suggestions for reuniting with Ghlahn and getting us out of this mess?"

Just in front of him, the petite Asian wardriver turns a quick glance his way and smiles brilliantly. "Call an AV for pickup? What? Price prohibitive?" Shrugging, she turns her attention back to the fast-approaching doors.

One more try, maybe two, before the contract cop becomes dangerous so Ghlahn squeezes off another shot. This time the bullet strikes the target in the right arm as he jukes to the left a little. Despite having his arm jerked violently backward he still manages to not only keep running forward, but maintain a grip on his weapon enough to discharge the spent magazine. While he's jamming a new mag into his machinegun, M'harú Ghlahn lines up and fires again. Staggering a little from the impact, the sec-team Rambo remains upright much to the sniper's dismay.

Lining up his final shot before truly becoming threatened, Ghlahn witnesses the soldier putting his newly reloaded Militech Assault Rifle to his shoulder and firing at his hole in the ground. Still running, the rounds strike the watery ground before the sewer runoff entrance spraying muddy liquid back into the rain. Last chance, Ghlahn pulls the trigger.

Head snapping back, arms flailing, knees buckling, the terrifying soldier slides into a convulsing mass of black cloth and mud a mere five meters from where M'harú Ghlahn stands on the ladder, elbows resting in the runoff.

Approaching the glass door with caution only slightly diluted due to urgency, Echo swears she can hear the familiar sounds of a Nomad .44 rifle followed by a three-round burst. Holding up her hand to slow the group, the masked and leather clad woman peers through the glass into the night, heart racing to find two members of a security team some meters away near the corner of the adjacent building. One appears to be severely injured and the other just reaching his position.

Assessing the situation with a practiced eye she quickly determines that the damage done is Ghlahn's work. "Ghlahn's been busy," she reports grimly. "At least one member of a two man team is seriously--no. Wait, make that one member of a three man team is seriously wounded, another is down, and the third is providing aid trying to move the injured one out of Ghlahn's line of fire." Pausing, she turns back to the others reluctant to move any closer to the door for fear of positioning herself within the dim light spilling through the glass from outside. "What's the plan?"

Posted on 2017-07-27 at 23:47:50.

Keeper of Dragons
Devil's Advocate
Karma: 59/18
2581 Posts

Too close

"What the h*ll are they feeding these guys?" Ghlahn wonders as the rushing sec team member finally drops. Refocusing his attention on the remaining two team members he has a choice. Target the injured sec team member and ensure he cannot fight or target the uninjured one in attempt to make him a lesser threat. In this case, killing the injured man would simply put the uninjured one back into the fight with a vengeance. Taking aim once more, the sniper placed the cross-hairs on the uninjured sec team members left ear and slowly squeezed the trigger.

Posted on 2017-07-28 at 06:37:22.

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Karma: 3/1
121 Posts

The Handoff

As the group slowly makes their way back out of the building, the Frank Sinatra look-alike calls out to Fixer as quietly as possible: "Have those grenades ready that Casino gave you. Authorities are probably on their way to investigate the disturbance here."

Fixer, usually unencumbered, except for his "Gadget Bag" is now wearing a bag with Casino's weapons and all the other stuff Casino has burdened him with.

He stops and unslings the bag with Casinos stuff in it rummaging around in the semi-darkness until he feels the grenades. pulling four from the bag, he stumbles after Vegas catching up as the group slows.

Holding out the grenades Fixer whispers to Vegas "I got four to start the show."

Posted on 2017-07-31 at 19:07:44.

Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts

Go For Broke

"The Plan Is We Go For Broke!"

Vegas was staring at the four grenades that Fixer had pulled from Casino's bag and the words out of his own mouth in response to Echo's question did not surprise the Dapper Solo one bit.

He motioned to Fixer to put the grenades back into Casino's bag.

"I will lay down some cover fire," explained the Chairman of the Board, "while the rest of you make a run for it where Ghlahn is waiting for us!"

Checking his guns to make sure they were fully loaded, the Frank Sinatra look-alike made his way to the door, easing his way past Echo, before smiling at the Asian beauty who had captured his heart during the course of this bizarre caper.

"Save Me Your Best Kiss Blossom!"

Then without further ado, Vegas pushed through the door and began running at an angle that would draw any fire from the Sec Team away from the rest of the group, before opening fire on the unfortunate members of the security team, who were just trying to do their job!

(OOC: Vegas is gambling that his 'Combat Sense' will enable him to Dodge and React Fast to Any Danger that the Sec Team may pose, while he endeavors to eliminate their threat while the rest of the group makes a run to where Ghlahn is waiting!)

Posted on 2017-08-02 at 00:13:09.

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Karma: 3/0
57 Posts

Outta Here!

Bloodbank feels a heightened sense of adrenaline as they prepare to move.

Listening to the words of Vegas "I will lay down some cover fire," explained the Chairman of the Board, "while the rest of you make a run for it where Ghlahn is waiting for us!"
he grips his gun a little tighter, pulls his arms in closer in hopes of increasing his speed.

Bloodbank speaks up. "I'm sticking close and tight Blossom, Don't stop moving unless we do."

(OOC: Bloodbank with keep his gaze on Vegas for as long as he can to make sure his distraction doesn't result in injury. Once he sees Vegas is in the clear he will focus on sticking close to the team to provide any cover fire or protection for Blossom.)

Posted on 2017-08-02 at 09:58:27.


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