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You are here: Home --> Forum Home --> Rules-based RPGs --> Cyberpunk --> Flesh & Blood - A Night City Adventure
Parent thread: Flesh & Blood - A CyberPunk Game
GM for this game: Bromern Sal
Players for this game: TannTalas, Keeper of Dragons, Nomad D2, Hammer, Mischief, Espatier, dragon-soul92, CameToPlay
    Messages in Flesh & Blood - A Night City Adventure
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I'm not giving up on the kid that easy, so Funk you techno hair gel guy

“You have the child?” He asks in a flat, practiced way. “Produce him and bring him to me. Once we have the child in secure custody and have left the site, my employer will wire the credit to your employer.”

"I have an even better idea.... how about you pay half now, and then I have the child sent over here... " 

Luther Washington - Fixer: To Persuade17

Luther Washington - Fixer: To Perceive18


" you do have the credits right?, I mean.. 

Luther waves his arms free to point out the others

" Where am I going to go?.... unless you don't have the money, then you are wasting my time, my friend. I hope that you don't mind me calling you my friend, for you are the money man right?. 

I'm willing to wait but then again and I'll add that on as a small but nominal fee, so... I do a have a small be nominal fees to charge, I mean don't you work for free?. Maybe the question that I should be asking is.. whom do you work for." 

" I have what you want, you have what I want but we really don't trust watch others here, do we".  ** Luther flashes that infectious smile here**  and that hurts my feelings, so...., lets cut the chase... if you don't have the credit stick, that I can and will verify, or your employer isn't in that vehicle. I will need to leave, so that I may add... my small but yet nominal fee to this fiasco. 

Posted on 2020-05-14 at 17:58:40.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 7/1
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sorry so short

For the moment with one foot out of the van placed firmly on the ground and her other one pressed firmly within the van all Echo could was wait and hope this meet went as drama free as possible. They had left the status of Vegas up in the air far too long to hope that Casino’s partner was still alive.

Scanning the sedans and limo she wondered who was inside the fancy aerodyne vehicle. As she listened to Charlie begin negotiations she kept her sense up ready to drive the group out of here.

Posted on 2020-05-14 at 23:36:45.

Bromern Sal
A Shadow
RDI Staff
Karma: 158/11
4402 Posts

X00054:8.Y00030:12.Z00032:25, Undercity, Waterside | South Night City Integrate | Midcity | UrbanZone - March 10th, Day 4 (Monday), 09:02 AM PST

Weather Conditions: High City (Very Windy, 25 mph winds from the West.) | Midcity (Windy, 13mph winds from the West.) | Undercity (Slight Wind, 5mph gusts from the West.)

Air Quality Index: High City = 0 | Midcity = 35 | Undercity = 65 (masks required)


As Charlie and Ghlahn approach the midway point, so too does the Hairtech and two of his goons. Arriving together in the middle at the same time, Hairtech crosses his arms in front of his double-breasted SpiderSilk suit and grips his left hand in his right. 

“You have the child?” He asks in a flat, practiced way. “Produce him and bring him to me. Once we have the child in secure custody and have left the site, my employer will wire the credit to your employer.”

Ghlahn hides an annoyed smile at Hairtech's words. Why was it always "give us stuff now and we give you stuff later?" If we give up the package we might or might not get paid later. The buyer does appear to be a person of influence so it isn’t likely they don’t have the credits. But then again, he also had the means to hire a well-armed group and once the kid is out of the picture there isn’t much to stop the buyer from having this sec team save him some credits. Of course, that could ruin his reputation so there is at least that going for us. Hopefully, Charlie can talk them into a more suitable arrangement. If not, then there really isn’t much choice but to do as they ask. A shootout here might see him make it out alive if he got really lucky and didn't bother to even try to protect the team. But, he knows he would do his best to get them out alive and that would likely end up badly for everyone. For now, he simply stands quietly and evaluates the sec team. ( OOC: Human Perception roll: 1d10+3=14 / Combat Sense roll: 1d10+12=21 )

As the CEE-metal scans the hot zone he can see that there’s very little by way of readily available cover. The closest position is behind him at the van and that’s an unarmored vehicle. These goons in front of him are likely all driving armored vehicles not to mention the armored overcoats, suits, and nuCybe they’re likely sporting. Looking, as a sniper does, at the higher ground—the second floor of the warehouses on either side and above.

While it would take him about six or seven seconds to make it across the open space to the nearest warehouse door, a bullet moves much faster and there are plenty of positions a sniper could take… plenty. At least five on the left and four on the right. Overhead is difficult to tell, but with his telescopic vision, Ghlahn can make out at least five possible perches in front of them and who knows how many behind; probably the same or more. Years of experience behind the scope of a rifle tells the cyborg that should things go south, there’s no way any of them are surviving barring a miracle.

In the shadow infested interior of the rental van, Fixer dislikes every moment of this event. He is used to stress and even enjoys it a bit. Sometimes, it makes you feel alive. Right now, it’s just making him feel very, very close to dead. And the truly damnable thing is, there is almost nothing he can do about it. His life, Jace's future, Vegas' fate—right now all of it is in the hands of those out there doing the talking. He just doesn’t want anything stupid to happen.

Since he can’t change what happens out there, he ignores it to the best of his ability. Instead, he watches Jace and Rya. This is his self-appointed task for the moment. If she moves, he will stop her. They need to stay calm. He keeps all of his senses and sensors trained on the pair of them.  Let the quarry not cause the hunter's problems now. ( OOC: Awareness/Notice check: 1d10+12=19 / Human Perception check: 1d10+0=6 )

Despite his efforts, James cannot read any more into the prisoners’ demeanor than what their elevated heart rates are telling him, and that’s just plain obvious as far as he can tell. He does notice something curious though. Rya’s right arm is really still. Jace is on her left side, but her right arm hasn’t moved in a bit since Charlie and the others left the vehicle.

Casino’s fist clenches about the grip of his weapon at Santa’s representative’s words. This is the part he hates; when he has to trust that those who had hired the fixer—in this case, Starlight—will honor the contract and give the credits to her so she can the team. Then comes the trust in Starlight to actually give them the credits when she has them. After all, someone had to have hired that second-team right, what was to say it was not her.

Knowing Echo is seated right behind him ready to hit the gas and get them out of there is helping to calm the nerves, but if things go wrong and the shooting starts, Casino gives Charlie no chance of reaching the van before being shot to s*** and killed. The cyborg can easily take a wave of bullets and make the van, but he too will be seriously hurt in a firefight like that. Not a good outlook at all. He hates giving Rya over to possible death despite his cavalier presentation back at the motel, but he had given her a chance to walk away and she had refused. It all now comes down to Charlie’s ability to get them paid. ( OOC: Awareness/Notice check: 1d10+8=12 / Combat Sense: 1d10+10=12 )

Surprising even himself, Casino can sense and see nothing that would suggest things are going to go poorly. After all, if the shooting starts before they have the kid then they run the risk of shooting Jace. If Charlie accepts the deal as it stands, which seems pretty straightforward for someone who isn’t the original fixer and an unknown to Santa’s elves, then he’s back to the trust he’s placed in Starlight as his employer to see that he’s paid. Unless Charlie really screws up, things should be fine and then he can get on with rescuing Vegas.

With one foot out of the van placed firmly on the ground and her other one solidly within the van, all Echo can do is wait and hope this meet ends as drama-free as possible. They have left the status of Vegas up in the air far too long to hope that Casino’s partner is still alive. She had liked the crooner skin job while he was around and feels a little sadness at the thought that he’s likely dead already.

Scanning the sedans and limo she wonders who is inside the fancy aerodyne vehicle. As she listens to Charlie begin negotiations she keeps her senses engaged, ready to drive the group out of here at the slightest sign of everything exploding. Of course… the van is unarmored and even small arms can penetrate the plastics surrounding the frame. ( OOC: Awareness/Notice check: 1d10+13=23 (exploding 10), 1d10+23=33 (another exploding 10), 1d10+33=39 / Combat Sense: 1d10+16=1 Absolute Fail )

Using her position to assess the area around them, Echo finds herself drawn to a small variation in the shadows overhead tucked within the underside of the towers. Narrowing her eyes, she pulls her Balaclava up a little higher on her nose to conceal her true intentions of really studying that area. Whether because of her time spent in the wastelands outside of the city conglomerates or just because she’s so used to hunting small animals for fresh food when on the road. Whatever the reason, she knows for certain that she’s spotted a sniper.

"I have an even better idea,” Cred Stick Charlie smiles warmly, “how about you pay half now, and then I have the child sent over here?" (OOC: Persuade/Fast-Talk: 1d10+10=17 / Human Perception: 1d10+10=1

The effort is a good one, but Techhair is cool as ice. He remains unphased. His opening statement wasn’t a request up for negotiation.

Charlie tries another route, "You do have the credits right? I mean,” Luther waves his arms free to point out the others with Santa’s voice. 

"Where am I going to go? Unless you don't have the money, then you are wasting my time, my friend. I hope that you don't mind me calling you my friend, for you are the money man right?

“I'm willing to wait but then again I'll add that time on for a nominal fee, so... I do have a small fee to charge for my time. I mean you don’t work for free. Maybe the question that I should be asking is.. For whom do you work? 

"I have what you want, you have what I want, but we really don't trust each other here, do we?" Luther flashes his infectious smile. “And that hurts my feelings, so... let's cut to the chase... if you don't have the credit stick that I can and will verify, or your employer isn't in that vehicle. I will need to leave, and add my fee to this fiasco.” 

Techhair remains unblinking, standing still as can be, his hands crossed in front of his very expensive suit coat. “I hate to repeat myself and while that was a very nice speech, the contract states that the only one to be paid is a Starlight. You, I am presuming from your attire and the fact that you appear to be male, are not Starlight. Therefore, you are not entitled to the credits.

“Now,” Hairtech still hasn’t blinked. “Do be a good hound and fetch the boy. We are on a schedule.”

Of course, Starlight would have set everything up to go through her and with her injury taking her out of direct access, she’s still the only one who can receive the funds. This makes sense to Charlie. It is likely the way any fixer worth their salt would set things up. Thinking back on other runs that he’s made under her contract he cannot recall a single one where he’s been the recipient of the payment.

(OOC: March 10th, Day 4 - Monday, Time is 09:04 AM PST - Undercity, Waterside X00054:8.Y00030:12.Z00032:25, South Night City Integrate.)

Posted on 2020-05-15 at 21:05:07.
Edited on 2020-05-15 at 22:44:34 by Bromern Sal

Karma: 7/0
287 Posts

Techhair remains unblinking, standing still as can be, his hands crossed in front of his very expensive suit coat. “I hate to repeat myself and while that was a very nice speech, the contract states that the only one to be paid is a Starlight. You, I am presuming from your attire and the fact that you appear to be male, are not Starlight. Therefore, you are not entitled to the credits.

“Now,” Hairtech still hasn’t blinked. “Do be a good hound and fetch the boy. We are on a schedule.”

Of course, Starlight would have set everything up to go through her and with her injury taking her out of direct access, she’s still the only one who can receive the funds. This makes sense to Charlie. It is likely the way any fixer worth their salt would set things up. Thinking back on other runs that he’s made under her contract he cannot recall a single one where he’s been the recipient of the payment.

The smile of a cat with the canary in its mouth.... 

" You can't blame a guy for trying, can you?" Luther plays it off with a smile. " Okay... a win for your team ". without turning around Luther asks calmly  " Can you bring the package up, please". Luther begins to play with the Zippo lighter again..... 


**waits and watches**


Posted on 2020-05-15 at 22:14:41.

Keeper of Dragons
Devil's Advocate
Karma: 59/18
2581 Posts

Ghalahn took in his surroundings; everything was just as he expected.  There was no real cover available, plenty of places to hide ovewatch teams and the sec team was packing serious heat.  As such he wasn't surprised that Hairtec did not change his demands.  It looked likethey wold be doing a sinple drop and waiting to get paid late.  He just hoped that professionalism won out in the end and the sec team simply left oncec they had the kid.  

Posted on 2020-05-16 at 05:24:33.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 7/1
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Her eyes and awareness at it’s highest level so far this contract she finds herself drawn to a small variation in the shadows overhead tucked within the underside of the towers. Narrowing her eyes, she pulls her Balaclava up a little higher on her nose to conceal her true intentions of really studying that area. Within a matter of seconds she knows for certain that she’s spotted a sniper. Now how the hell do I pass it on to Casino, Bloodbank and Fixer as for damn sure these guys have super hearing?.

A thoughtful pause for a moment and then she knew how, hoping the sniper was just a high cover watchman and not an enemy of sides. Keeping her voice normal she relays her findings to Casino and the rest within the van.

“We’ve got a sniper approximately 150 feet away and 30 to 40 feet behind the aerodynamic limo and straight up.”

Now all she could do was wait and be ready if the sniper was not part of the pick-up team for Jase or instead some other third party, once again as they had so already faced..

Posted on 2020-05-25 at 22:06:47.

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Karma: 19/2
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Sweating Buckets

“We’ve got a sniper approximately 150 feet away and 30 to 40 feet behind the aerodynamic limo and straight up.”

Echo's words send a chill down Bloodbank's spine. As if he wasn't stressed enough, his tongue is now strangely dry and he's having a hard time swallowing. He glances from Fixer to Jase and Rya, looking for fellow panic or concern. The boys outside look all the more like bullet sponges that will need more than just some stitches if this deal goes south.

Checking his pistol for the third time, Bloodbank does a quick mental checklist to ensure he's got everything on his person that he will need. Satisfied as can be in this situation, he settles back in his seat, takes a deep breath, and waits for the other shoe to drop.

Posted on 2020-05-26 at 19:16:14.

Keeper of Dragons
Devil's Advocate
Karma: 59/18
2581 Posts

Ghlahn heard Blossum's warning.  A subtle move ofhis head allowed him to bring his advanced optics to bear on the location.  He was interested in what exactly was up there.

Posted on 2020-05-26 at 20:20:13.

Trilogy Master
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Karma: 181/119
6817 Posts

As Casino stood quietly watching Charle and Ghlahn talk to Hairtech he knew this whole thing could go to s*** in a heartbeat…...

“Can you bring the package up please?”

And then it did…….

“We’ve got a sniper, approximately 150 feet away, and 30 to 40 feet behind the aerodynamic limo and straight up”

This from Echo behind him, how and the hell she had spotted the shooter was beyond the big solo at the moment.
Holding his arm up slowly to stop Bloodbank and Fixer from removing Jase and his mom from the van, Casino called over to Hairtech.

“Sniper, up and behind the limo, one of yours?”…….

Posted on 2020-05-26 at 23:43:16.
Edited on 2020-05-28 at 16:15:17 by TannTalas

Bromern Sal
A Shadow
RDI Staff
Karma: 158/11
4402 Posts

Hairtech looks past Charlie and Ghlahn with a stone-faced gaze. Then, in a matter-of-fact tone, he addresses the answer directly to Cred Stick Charlie. "A precautionary measure. I'm sure you understand. Now... let's put this contract to bed, shall we? The boy, please."

Posted on 2020-05-28 at 18:58:13.

Trilogy Master
RDI Staff
Karma: 181/119
6817 Posts

Here we go

Hairtech looks past Charlie and Ghlahn with a stone-faced gaze. Then, in a matter-of-fact tone, he addresses the answer directly to Cred Stick Charlie. "A precautionary measure. I'm sure you understand. Now... let's put this contract to bed, shall we? The boy, please."

A quick look behind him, catching Bloodbanks eye, "Ok bring them out"

Posted on 2020-05-29 at 04:47:05.

Keeper of Dragons
Devil's Advocate
Karma: 59/18
2581 Posts

As Ghalan stood watching he hoped that they would indeed "put the exhange to bed" quickly before emotions got involved.  He was never really good at judging them but experience told him that on many occasions they turned a simple task into a complex one.  The next few moments would likely decide who lived or died and he was hoping that the entire team fellinto the later category.  As for the package, what happened to the boy and the lady were not his concern but he hoped Hairtec was smart enough to at least wait until the meet was over and the teams went their separate ways before doing anything harmful.    

Posted on 2020-05-29 at 15:45:07.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 19/2
193 Posts

At Casion's beckoning, Bloodbank nods at Jase and Rya, "Time to go." He exits first, offering a hand to the woman and boy as they get out. He puts himself to the side and in front of Rya, hoping that a body blocking their sights will discourage any shots, and also that she won't take her chances on any of Bloodbank's teammates. Though it is holstered now, Bloodbank keeps a hand steady and at the ready as near his pistol as he can without being overt about it.

Posted on 2020-05-29 at 16:38:22.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3141 Posts

Something up?

Fixer watched Rya's arm not move and not move and not move and not move.  It was odd.  The only reason he could see for it was if she was holding something.  What could it be?  He did not want to start anything.  But he really didn't want her to start anything. 

He tried to get a look at her hand.  He tried to get a sense of what she might have.  Could he see? 

Posted on 2020-05-29 at 20:22:36.

Karma: 7/0
287 Posts

 "A precautionary measure. I'm sure you understand. Now... let's put this contract to bed, shall we? The boy, please."

"Yes, apologies to you and your staff, I wish no ill to you or to disrespect your corporation with any delay, As her subordinate, I will honor your wishes and not waste your credits nor time, we are not looking for a conflict of any type even thou others actions might be construed in a different fashion. "Its just business" and I understand this "suit" life. I hope that you will take these words into consideration if our paths ever are to cross again".

No smile this time... Luther understood that the suit was being very nice, we cut a deal and we are not honoring it and his patience was wearing thin with these games.

"Its just business", those words wasn't the first time that he has heard that, Luther was hoping to say " "Its good business" but that didn't happen. They came for the boy, whatever happens next depended on how this mess was going to be put to bed. For some, emotions were very high and wanted to make a mark in this "shadowy world" that the team would run under the radar, all present were some form of criminals even if they had no marks. This is why people come together to make a stand like in those old-time westerns, Cowboy up. 

It was now or never, and the latter was the bad part. 

Suit types always had deep pockets, the best tools, toys, and tech. But to Luther they were colder than any Metal fee, "it's just business"... This is the part when the calvary comes in under a charge, but no cavalry here, no silver or gold spurs here. Just the cold biting wind. 


Posted on 2020-05-30 at 02:12:05.


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