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Parent thread: Flesh & Blood - A CyberPunk Game
GM for this game: Bromern Sal
Players for this game: TannTalas, Keeper of Dragons, Nomad D2, Hammer, Mischief, Espatier, dragon-soul92, CameToPlay
    Messages in Flesh & Blood - A Night City Adventure
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Bromern Sal
A Shadow
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Karma: 158/11
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“Charlie, I need your help,” Keith begins. “What do you think the possibility is of getting these items before we head out on our separate tasks?” The solo quickly shows Charlie the list on his absconded agent's ultra HD screen.

"I would love to help you with that. It’s one of the things that I do best... munitions, shoes, and... other things," Charlie gives his infectious smile.

“Seeing as how we are in an Edgerunner enclave and it’s also your home I’m guessing you know it by heart,” Casino requests with a little less weight on his broad shoulders. “Can you get me these things—priority on the five chips—before I have to head out? Also as things stand right now, transportation wise, I was thinking of catching a cab, but will that hinder me from being able to rejoin the rest of the team before coming back here to change from suit to armor. Any suggestions?”

"Well…” Luther thoughtfully considers the list as Casino passes it digitally to him through an airdrop solution. “Best bet is a Johnny Cab. They run a cost per mile but you don’t have to deal with a driver so there’s more privacy. You want these other things before you leave? Looks like I better get started then.”

"You thinking about how to do the impossible?” Ghlahn prods the techie. “Hard enough to break into a corp compound but then to get back out is double tough. Seems we have to find a way to at least get in without drawing attention to ourselves to have any chance. Think there is any chance we can get in posing as delivery or service folks?"

"Hhhhh, that could be an option,” Fixer replies without looking up from his agent. “The best bet for that would be some sort of security footage—to see what is going into and out of the compound. It would also give us an up-to-date image of things that might be wrong and in need of fixing. Raiding a system like that and stealing access to their data is something Blossom is better at. Check with her because that could be a good idea. Right now I'm digging to try and identify what sort of security they have. But while I'm at it I will keep an eye out for deliveries.  Plus whatever systems they might utilize—those systems might need maintenance provided by a very special team. It would be kinda interesting if we went in to repair the security system, although I suspect that brings with it as many problems as it solves." So far, the only thing Fixer has found is the Temecula Heights website and it appears to be the usual corporate propaganda for better living. 

Temecula Heights, where you get an above-average daily water ration, walking paths, prompt and timely garbage services, and top of the line company security. The community comes with its own fire department, medical facility, schools for all grades, green spaces, company vetted drone delivery, and more!

As Ghlahn begins to move away, Fixer looks up at him and adds, "And we don't have to use the compound’s security. If there are cameras elsewhere in the surrounding streets they may give

Posted on 2020-08-20 at 23:40:14.

Bromern Sal
A Shadow
RDI Staff
Karma: 158/11
4402 Posts

us info on what goes into and out of our target without actually having to risk tripping their own systems and alerting them."

Overhearing Fixer and Ghlahn’s short conversation, Casino offers his help.

“Well we know that the sec company working for Daltdom—which is a subsidiary of Petrochem’s—are the assholes that have Vegas, so I’d suggest starting there and seeing if there is anything special; any hints they have tie’s in with Mafia, Triad, Yakuza, or other powerful corp relations. Like you said, best to work together with Blossom as she might catch something hiding in the shadows that you might miss. I’ll be sure to ask this Akagi guy I’m meeting with if they know something about Daltdom and Petrochem.”

Having given what blind strategy considering the information they had on hand, the blond solo moves over to stand by Echo and take in the rainfall. Taking her hand he asks, “You okay, Echo? You’ve been awful quiet so far. E-buck for your thoughts?”

"Hey Blossom, you have a moment?” Ghlahn turns to the netrunner. “I figure trying to fight our way in and out of that corp compound is not gonna happen. Any chance you can find us a sneaky or peaceful way in? Maybe posing as a delivery or repair team? They must have cameras that show who comes and goes. Maybe we can have some of Charlie's friends make us uniforms that match and get in that way."

Frustrated with the lack of information available to her on the standard Net, Blossom declares out loud, “I’m going to have to jack in. Someone keep an eye on my meat suit, monitor my vitals… you know, all that stuff Bloodbank would be doing if we hadn’t driven him off, or Guardian would be doing if he were here.”

Huffing, the platinum blonde netrunner activates the panel on her NuCybe bracer that engages the NetChip. Within moments, she’s inside the Net, her body lying limp on the couch.

Charlie shifts in his place on the stool and reviews the list Casino and Ghlahn have given him. Some of these items aren’t available for cash… at least, not cheap. It’s a good thing Casino is a member of the alt-cult. 

With additional work now on his plate, Charlie sets about his tasks. First, he arranges a Johnny Cab for Casino. That’s not difficult at all. Red Cab is ready to go, their site app even giving Charlie the best time for a pick up from outside the enclave so that Casino arrives at The Eastern Courtyard a good ten minutes early (18:50 or 6:50 PM). The bad news is that it is already 16:58 or 4:58 PM and the travel time is an hour and a half, which means Casino is going to need to leave in 20-minutes. That doesn’t leave much time at all to work his magic and get Casino any of the items on his shopping list.

"Anyone else need anything?” Charlie asks aloud to the group. “Bandages? Slap trauma patches? Drugs, legal or illegal? Yes, no, maybe?"

Posted on 2020-08-20 at 23:40:55.

Bromern Sal
A Shadow
RDI Staff
Karma: 158/11
4402 Posts

Receiving negatives from everyone else either by shaking of the head or simple verbal responses, Charlie calls the dragon lady, hoping that she is in a better mood. 

“Ni hao.”

"Miss Mo Yimu, this is Mr. Charlie. I humbly come before you and ask for you to enlighten this Westerner in the true path and way of life in this enclave. Perhaps you might know someone that could assist me with a grocery list of items?”

“You want me to work out more deals for you? After you bring so many more people into the enclave? We do not have unlimited resources.” 

“I see, I'm sorry to bother you. I simply thought that I could spend some credits in the community, but I have bothered you enough, thank—”

“Paying customers are a different matter, Mr. Charlie.”

“Oh, you don't say. You might know someone? Yes, you wouldn't mind me spending a few credits in the enclave? Oh, Miss Mo Yimu, I wish to thank you for your vast knowledge and connections in this enclave.”

“Do not blow smoke up my skirt, Mr. Charlie. I help you find what you need and I get paid. You understand? You pay me and you pay the vendor.”

“But of course, yes, I understand and I'll make sure that you get your cut before mine. Yes, Miss Mo Yimu." Charlie passes on the requested items list and hopes for the best prices that he can bargain within the enclave, minus Miss Mo Yimu fees connecting a few possible good, honest people to Charlie for her cut. Geezz, she is a bigger snake than me... maybe I'll learn something from her later.

“I will see what I can do and call you back, Mr. Charlie.”

The call ends abruptly.

"Miss Mo Yimu is assisting me with the shopping list, Casino, Ghlan... we are going to buy local this time, maybe save some cred—well… Miss Mo Yimu is taking a cut so Mr. Charlie will have to make some profit down the line in another area.” Luther says referring to himself in the third person. “Anyhow… Casino, I also added a Johnny Cab to get you to your location, and after your meeting, get you to meet up with everyone else. It’ll be here in twenty. You can handle the fare, right?" Charlie explains to Casino and the others.

After the others acknowledge his comments, Cred Stick Charlie excuses himself to make more calls in the privacy of his bedroom. Closing the door, he begins his personal business waiting for Miss Mo Yimu to get back to him.

Posted on 2020-08-21 at 15:17:57.

Bromern Sal
A Shadow
RDI Staff
Karma: 158/11
4402 Posts

The contact that Starlight had sent him was named Mugsy Devil and Charlie has his agent number in speed dial now. Pressing the button, he waits for the call to be answered.


"This is Mr. Charlie, is the meeting still on?" 

"O! Cred Stick chali! We have hours still until your appointment," An accented voice says on the other end. Luther imagines an evil chuckle but one never comes.

"I have the location and I'll be bringing some friends along, is that okay?"

"Ni dai lai ni de pengyou, wo dai lai wo de. Women jiang yiqi zai diyu zhong yongcan. Mr. Charlie, I am a gracious host and would never refuse you your safety blanket. The more the merrier as you Bai zhong ren say.”

Luther couldn't speak for a second. "Yes sir, it is... I hope that I have not—” The line goes dead.

Was that a clue? Should I run like a rabbit, hide like an ostrich? Damn it. These guys aren't playing. It’s going to take more than charm, that's for sure.

Moving past his fears, he focuses on what he knows. Charlie makes his next call. 

The ringing on the other end eventually plays out and Luther gets Patriot’s virtual mailbox.

"Hey Patriot, Charlie here, remember me? Well I hope that you do ‘Fam.’ Perhaps I got a hot tip. A story is brewing in one of those corpo developments, yes siree. A corp compound absconding people and hiding them away—like a solo type against his will. I'm going to… well, let’s just say it’s exclusive time, baby! I'll even possibly have a direct feed, that would be cool, wouldn't it? If you want to be the first to cover this story, hit me back, player. Charlie, peace out!"

Sighing at the difficulty he’s been having getting in touch with his network, Charlie sits on the edge of the bed and searches for identity printers on his agent, looking for anything cheaper than the Gearlogix 24B290 Thermal Printer with a Hologenics Modular Printbox attachment which Blackbird2500 had listed for 900 credits on Sunday. Seeing none, he shakes his head in resignation and shoots her a message.

I’m a go, my little blackbird. Gearlogix 24B290 Thermal Printer with a Hologenics Modular Printbox attachment for 900 creds. Give me a Cred Stick Reader Code and I’ll send you the dough. Do you do drone delivery?

While waiting for a response, he switches gears and calls his friend Hound only to receive voicemail once again.

Posted on 2020-08-21 at 15:20:19.

Bromern Sal
A Shadow
RDI Staff
Karma: 158/11
4402 Posts

"Hound! Baby-boy, I got you. You didn't think that I would leave you hanging? Hell no! I'll set you up with ten pairs of generic shoes. Let me know if they move or not and, ‘Let’s make a deal!’ Call me.”

Luther then attempts to get "Feather" moving as well with yet another call and once again receives voicemail. 

"Hey, Little Mama! Come on baby girl, you know I got what you need in some shoes so you can make some money. I'll drop some off to you, let's meet up soon!"

A notification pops up on his agent from Blackbird2500: Here’s the transfer code. I can send the package by drone for an additional 25cr.

Considering the extra time-saving cost, Charlie once again turns his attention to the Net. Looking for another gig for Lightning Rascals, since the other has already expired for Kelsy Dawn. With another quick search and a quick inquiry, Luther finds a new gig at the Watering Hole, a club in Mid-City, and sets up a "flexible" tentative try-out date for the group with the online scheduling AI at the club.

Ringing KD's agent, he’s almost surprised when she picks up.

“Talk to me,” Kelsey’s sweet tenor flows into his right ear.

"Hey KD, Charlie here,” Luther begins but is interrupted by the rockergirl’s comeback.

“I got you on Identity, man. I know you. What’s up? You got something for us?” 

“Let's make a ‘date’ where I share the info that I got for you and the band, and yes... I know, it's not a date but a meeting. It will be good to see you and the band again. Tell me when you’re available and let’s sit down face-to-face and talk. It's been years.”

“Yeah, it has. We thought you were ghostin’ us, choomba. We can get the band together and meet you tomorrow for lunch if you’re available. Just tell me where and we’ll be there.”

(OOC: Continue the conversation… )

Miss Mo Yimu’s call comes in at just the right time—Guess I’m that lucky—and Charlie quickly answers. 

“I’ve been looking forward to this call, Miss Mo Yimu,” the fixer jives. “Give me the lowdown.”

“I’m sure you have, Mr. Charlie,” the dragon lady’s purr practically tickles his ear. “This is what the enclave has readily available. The Japanese language chip, the handgun skill chip, the weapon customizations, the ammunition, and the trenchcoat. The rest is not possible at this time.”

“Okay, so what’s the price tag and delivery estimates?”

“Nine hundred and ninety credits for the language chip, same for the handgun chip. Six hundred and forty for the weapons customizations. Two sixty for the ammo. Three-thirty for the armored coat. Total of thirty-two ten.”

“And the delivery estimates?”

“Two hours for the language chip, six for the handgun chip, one hour for the weapon customizations—we have a very skilled weaponsmith in-house—five hours for the ammo, and five hours for the coat.”

Charlie begins pacing as he runs the numbers through his head. He’s disappointed that the entire list couldn’t be fulfilled but even more at the delivery times and costs. Mo Yimu is skilled at her craft, that’s something he’s very certain of. Time to see what he can do to counter her and set her off balance.

“Oh, Miss Mo Yimu, you honor me with your service,” Cred Stick Charlie begins after a sharp sniff and a brush under his nose with his left index finger. “We are both Edgerunners and the majority of the shipping list is for a fellow tag-holding Edgerunner. I’m not planning on going anywhere and aim to continue to help this enclave and the community pouring more credits in every chance I can get, my team and I serving in what capacities we can, doing general good. Check the tags—I’ll get you the ID—I’m sure my guy has some giri.”

“If—If your man has the giri, the chips will go for nine each. But those are the only items that can be procured on giri.”

“You are as fair as you are beautiful, Miss Mo Yimu,” Charlie compliments. “You are also very wise in the way of your community. With all that me and my team offers in the future, perhaps you’d accept…” The negotiations heat up with plenty of back and forth. Charlie soon realizes his fear; Mo Yimu is in a better position than him but he is able to gain some ground and finally settles on what small victories he’s able to win.

“So we have a deal?” he confirms. “The language chip for nine giri and my guy can swing by the booth on his way out the door in a few minutes to pick it up. The handgun chip for eight giri and we’ll collect it sometime after an hour from now. My guy will drop off his weapons for the customization as soon as possible with a price tag of six forty and a turn around time of one hour. The ammo—all of it—for two fifty and we can pick it up in three hours. And the armored trench coat for three-thirty and we can pick it up in five hours. Total credits, one thousand two hundred and twenty. Total giri, eighteen.”

“Correct, Mr. Charlie.”

Posted on 2020-08-21 at 15:21:59.
Edited on 2020-08-21 at 15:22:55 by Bromern Sal

Bromern Sal
A Shadow
RDI Staff
Karma: 158/11
4402 Posts

“Then, we have a deal. Pass me your cred chip reader URL and I’ll get the tags ID to you. I’ll transfer you the credits and you can bill the tags for the giri.”

“It is a pleasure doing business with you, Mr. Charlie,” Mo Yimu trills.

I bet it is, Luther thinks sourly but says, “Oh, Miss Mo Yimu, you are a masterful business tycoon at whose feet I am but a student eager to learn.”

“The flatterer makes you climb up a tree then takes the ladder away, Mr. Charlie,” the dragon lady chides. “He that is not eager to be pawed in cash is not a businessman. I’ll watch for the tag IDs. The transfer code is already being sent for the credits. Have a good day, Mr. Charlie.”

Having done all he can do, the call ended, and the time being that Casino needs to leave the conapt to make his pickup and meet his taxi, Charlie exits his room.

“Okay, listen up,” Luther steps forward and holds his agent up. “Casino, you’ve got a chip to pick up and a cab to catch, like now. I need your dogtags ID before you go. I’ll send directions to that agent—” Charlie points towards the device in the solo’s hand with his own expensive agent. “—where you can grab your language chip. The rest of the items will have to wait until later.”

Charlie shares the details of the rest of the deal-making with everyone as Casino, who had changed into his suit in the bathroom while the fixer was in the bedroom, makes his final preparations to leave. Casino thanks Charlie for his efforts, allows the fixer to scan his dog tags, and then heads out the door to collect his latest purchase. As he leaves, Charlie makes sure that the big man has the fixer’s agent’s number so he can reach out once he’s finished with his Yakuza meeting and they can reconnect.

Almost as if on cue, just as the door clicks shut, Blossom draws in a sharp breath, arches her back, jerks once and then abruptly sits up. “Damn it! It’s a no go. I couldn’t get through the firewalls for the compound from here. If we were right there and I had a jack to plug into on sight it would be a different story but…” she shakes her head causing her shiny hair to dance about her shoulders. Breathing deeply, she pursed her lips and looks over at Charlie out of the corner of her eye—an expression that sets the fixer’s heart beating faster. “Maybe your friend Cipher would have better luck? Without some data on the place, we’re operating blind.”

Relieved a little that Blossom wasn’t brainwiped, Luther nods, “I’ll let her know you’re calling.” Passing the frustrated netrunner Cipher’s agent information via Airdrop®, the Native American dealmaker quickly thumbs a message to their new teammate. 

“Pick up the call - Charlie.”

Watching the interaction, Fixer sighs and admits his own defeat having found nothing but the image and information Daltdom wants the public to see. No mention of particular security systems in use, and the only two pieces of information that are even remotely useful are that Temecula Heights resides just off a major freeway and train tracks with maglev access to the rest of Night City’s rail system.

(OOC: March 10th, Day 4 - Monday, Time is 04:58 PM PST - Mid-City, Edgerunner Enclave (China Town), Charlie’s Apartment X00050:2.Y00310:08.Z00410:15, South Night City Integrate.)


March 10th, Day 4 - Monday, Time is 04:40 PM PST - High-City, Temecula Heights Corporate Compound, Jeanette’s House X00550:35.Y00110:89.Z98310:08, West Night City Integrate.

Weather Conditions: High City (Very Windy, 25 mph winds from the West.) | Midcity (Windy, 13mph winds from the West.) | Undercity (Slight Wind, 5mph gusts from the West.)

Air Quality Index: High City = 0 | Midcity = 35 | Undercity = 65 (masks required)


Vegas decides to further his search for clues as to the reason behind Jeanette’s murder by first thoroughly searching the bedroom he had occupied, which also served as Jeanette’s home office. Expecting a corporate cleaning team at any second, he works fast but cautiously, not worrying about keeping things in order or in their place, humming and singing the whole time, as is his habit. Finishing empty-handed, he moves to Jeanette’s bedroom. 

He learns a bit more about his departed hostess in the privacy of her chambers. She was a loner judging by the rather large collection of sex toys. She enjoyed alternative rock music according to the GoPlay® Integrated Media System records. She was a sharp dresser, crisp, businesslike. Finding her corporate badge, he learns that she was a chemist. Aside from those things though, he comes up with a zero. 

Next, he thoroughly searches the bathroom, being extra careful to leave her dead body undisturbed. Her medicine cabinet reveals that she fought depression and may have been addicted to pain pills. A lack of toothpaste and toothbrush told the crooner clone that she likely had cybernetic hygiene kits. But nothing in the bathroom revealed her secrets. 

The kitchen is just as bereft of answers as is the rest of the rooms. It’s obvious that the killer had also performed a pretty invasive search. Maybe he found what he was looking for? Leaning against the kitchen counter, the solo rubs at the stubble on his chin and considers his next move. After a number of minutes in silence—even his habitual music quieted under the circumstances—and an increasing feeling of anxiety over the potential of a cleaning crew, Luke has an idea and returns to the bathroom.

Crouching next to her head, careful not to step in the blood drying about her upper body, caking in her hair, and staining her clothing, Vegas begins his visual inspection trying to ignore the pain his position is inciting from his beatings. As he searches, Vegas softly sings to both himself and the corpse. When the visual search produces nothing, he resorts to moving the head, opening the mouth, etcetera until his investigation proved fruitful. 

Jeanette’s lack of exterior hygienic tools was the first clue. She had cyberware, not that this is an unusual thing but Vegas had bet on two things. First, she had been killed because she had something of value and second, that she’d have the means capable of hiding and securing whatever it was that she had of value on her person and in a way that wouldn’t be easily detectable. When no sign of cyberarm or leg compartments was apparent, he moved on to other possibilities eventually triggering a surprise.

As he is searching her face for signs of surgery, his thumb (with a few layers of toilet paper between his fingerprints and any surface he touches) triggers a manual release for an optic aperture compartment that extends her right eyeball a good three inches out of its socket. Raising his eyebrows, Vegas whistles in appreciation. This is some Old Cybe and wouldn’t be something anyone would expect in a young chemist who, according to all other appearances, was into modern tech. 

Finding the release button on the inside portion of the glistening wet synthetic eyeball, he activates the eject option. The aperture complies, spitting out a microdisk from the bottom of the eyeball. Gently separating the disk from its port, the solo holds it up at eye level and scrutinizes it further. He’s just old enough to know what it is. More old technology.

Gingerly rising from his crouch, Vegas steadies himself against the wall, again making certain that the toilet paper is between him and the potential for fingerprints. As he stands there he replays his previous searches through his mind. The microdisk requires a very particular kind of player to read it, so specific that he’s positive no modern technologies can do it. He’s not even sure he can remember what the player is called and nowhere in his recollection does he remember seeing a player in his searches.

(OOC: March 10th, Day 4 - Monday, Time is 05:20 PM PST - High-City, Temecula Heights Corporate Compound, Jeanette’s House X00550:35.Y00110:89.Z98310:08, West Night City Integrate.)


March 10th, Day 4 - Monday, Time is 03:50 PM PST - High-City, Desnai Enclave Park, de Costa’s Conapt X00230:76.Y00100:03.Z97240:52, Central Night City Integrate.

Weather Conditions: High City (Very Windy, 25 mph winds from the West.) | Midcity (Windy, 13mph winds from the West.) | Undercity (Slight Wind, 5mph gusts from the West.)

Air Quality Index: High City = 0 | Midcity = 35 | Undercity = 65 (masks required)


Guardian shrugged and replied, 'I got a message from my old mate, Blossom offering me this gig. Seemed like a good opportunity, you know. Maybe a chance to move on up. To be honest, she didn't tell me much. She was a little sketchy on the details. So, mind filling me in? What exactly are you guys doin'?'

"You signed up for this without details?" Cipher raises a fractured eyebrow at that, though she drops it a moment later; she didn't exactly sign up for the eddies alone on this one. "Then it's a good thing you met up with me before the rest of the group." She glances about, shuffling a bit closer to Guardian as she says in a low tone, "Apparently we're hitting a corp compound to rescue a solo. I'm not naming names while we're in the open, but this one is either a shot at glory or a shot through the head. So you'd do well to watch your rear, choombatta."

At her side, the mid-sized griffon mecha sits patiently with small animated quirks that almost make it seem alive. Out of place from the hardline-look of its owner, the size of a Doberman and fluffy. An eagle’s head is dominated by large, brown eyes, with a small yellow beak standing stark against its white feathers. The body is that of a lion, though with oversized paws and a pair of folded wings blending in with the tawny fur. A tail swishes happily like that of a dog, causing the oversized heart charm on its collar to shake. The charm reads Roosevelt.

Cipher’s conversation with Guardian is interrupted by a simple message in the lower right corner of her optics. It simply states, “Pick up the call - Charlie.” Almost immediately following, another notification appears in her subview screen letting her know she has a call coming in. The number is not Charlie’s and it isn’t one she’s familiar with.

(OOC: March 10th, Day 4 - Monday, Time is 04:58 PM PST - High-City, Desnai Enclave Park, Entrance X00233:76.Y00095:03.Z97240:52, Central Night City Integrate.)

Posted on 2020-08-21 at 15:22:34.

Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts

Keep On Smiling

March 10th, Day 4 - Monday, Time is 05:20 PM PST - High-City, Temecula Heights Corporate Compound, Jeanette’s House X00550:35.Y00110:89.Z98310:08, West Night City Integrate.

Jeanette’s lack of exterior hygienic tools was the first clue. She had cyberware, not that this is an unusual thing but Vegas had bet on two things. First, she had been killed because she had something of value and second, that she’d have the means capable of hiding and securing whatever it was that she had of value on her person and in a way that wouldn’t be easily detectable. When no sign of cyberarm or leg compartments was apparent, he moved on to other possibilities eventually triggering a surprise.

As he is searching her face for signs of surgery, his thumb (with a few layers of toilet paper between his fingerprints and any surface he touches) triggers a manual release for an optic aperture compartment that extends her right eyeball a good three inches out of its socket. Raising his eyebrows, Vegas whistles in appreciation. This is some Old Cybe and wouldn’t be something anyone would expect in a young chemist who, according to all other appearances, was into modern tech. 

Finding the release button on the inside portion of the glistening wet synthetic eyeball, he activates the eject option. The aperture complies, spitting out a microdisk from the bottom of the eyeball. Gently separating the disk from its port, the solo holds it up at eye level and scrutinizes it further. He’s just old enough to know what it is. More old technology.

Gingerly rising from his crouch, Vegas steadies himself against the wall, again making certain that the toilet paper is between him and the potential for fingerprints. As he stands there he replays his previous searches through his mind. The microdisk requires a very particular kind of player to read it, so specific that he’s positive no modern technologies can do it. He’s not even sure he can remember what the player is called and nowhere in his recollection does he remember seeing a player in his searches.

Once the Crooner has secured the microdisk in the best possible hiding place on his person, Vegas realizes that the clock is ticking, so the first thing he does is to make sure that the right eyeball of the deceased chemist is properly returned into Jeanette’s socket. Then with toilet paper tissue in hand, the Solo tenderly lays her head back to its former ‘death rest’ to make sure that what he discovered remains a secret, as he sadly sings a song sweet and low to help him remain focused on the task at hand:

Failing to remember where a microdisk player may have been secreted on the premises, the dapper solo focuses on remembering the culprit who had brutally slain Jeannette. He recalled that the man was missing a glove, so he quickly but efficiently searches for the glove, while also trying to locate the disk player … fully aware that he must ‘get out of Dodge’ as soon as possible!

Using his Combat Sense to detect the missing items, the Charismatic Crooner also expands his search for any ‘hidden rooms’ or perhaps a secluded tunnel that he may use for an escape route. Afterall, the Crooner reasoned that since Jeannette was a chemist, perhaps she had a hidden lab connected to her home that would provide the Dapper Solo with more clues and answers to his present dilemma!

Vegas searches for the best escape route: including maps, photos or blueprints of the community compound, which seems to be nothing more than a fashionable prison compound; checks his weapons and since Jeannette was a ‘pill popper’ the Frank Sinatra look-alike also seeks any pain killers that he could periodically pop without impairing the Dapper Solo’s senses or combat abilities.

Because he has seen many unexpected and grisly deaths over the course of his life, both inside and outside of Edge-running, the Crooner has focused his emotions to rise above the melancholy state of his previous song, in favor of a lighter and happier tune, as he focuses on his best plan of escape, in preparation for a rendezvous with the ‘extraction team’ that Casino had promised would be on their way … if Vegas was able to remain frosty and keep his cool deep within the enemy enclave.


Posted on 2020-08-23 at 21:14:53.

Karma: 7/0
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Team run

March 10th, Day 4 - Monday, Time is 04:58 PM PST - Mid-City, Edgerunner Enclave (China Town), Charlie’s Apartment X00050:2.Y00310:08.Z00410:15, South Night City Integrate.)

" Alright, everyone... The van is what we are going to use for tonight, everyone has what they need, correct?" Charile scans the room to see if all is well. 

if so....

" I've got a hot date with some upset people... who is coming?" Charlie asks the rest of the group. " If your not coming then please stay put in the apartment and leave the native alone for now. But if you feel the need to wander... use caution in the enclave here, we are all guest here. Remember that and I thank you all for your patience. oh another thing.... stay out of MY room.. PERIOD". 

Charlie with those that are willing... go to the van and make our way to the tong meeting and to scout out the compound... hopefully. 





Posted on 2020-08-26 at 01:14:44.
Edited on 2020-08-29 at 21:48:11 by Espatier

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Here we go again

March 10th, Day 4 – Monday, Time is 04:40 PM PST – Mid-City, Edgerunner Enclave (China Town), Charlie’s Apartment X00050:2.Y00310:08.Z00410:15, South Night City Integrate.
Weather Conditions: High City (Very Windy, 25 mph winds from the West.) | Midcity (Windy, 13mph winds from the West.) | Undercity (Slight Wind, 5mph gusts from the West.)
Air Quality Index: High City = 0 | Midcity = 35 | Undercity = 65 (masks required)

The list is given to Charlie the big solo moved over to sit by Echo, taking her hand

You ok Echo you’ve been awful quiet so far, E buck for your thoughts?”

(ECHO) “I don’t know what’s wrong I just have this feeling like meeting with the Yakuza might be a trap, now just when you’ve found Vegas and will be leaving right behind you to go pick him up. Plus the team’s going to be split up again and we know what happened the last time”

Don’t worry I think it will be ok I have a gut feeling that things will fall in the team’s lap in a good way”

(ECHO)“Ok then you go and have your meet and the rest of us will go get Vegas.”

Promise me one thing”

(ECHO) “What?”

You work with Ghlahn as a team member, not as a Cee-Metal. Can you do that for me? I’ve already trusted him with my SMG and that gun means a lot to me. If I’m willing to trust him so can you”

(ECHO) Her gaze moving to look over at the cyborg she catches his eye and at least for her, something passes between them. A nod to him then back to Casino.

I’ll try, I give you my word.”

And that’s good enough for me.”

Okay, listen up,” Luther steps forward and holds his agent up. “Casino, you’ve got a chip to pick up and a cab to catch, like now. I need your dog tags ID before you go. I’ll send directions to that agent—” Charlie points towards the device in the solo’s hand with his own expensive agent. “—where you can grab your language chip. The rest of the items will have to wait until later.”


Moving to Charlie’s side he gave the fixer his tag number then grabbed the suit and moved into Charlie's bedroom to change. In only a matter of minutes, the big solo was dressed and ready to go, his Gibson combat gear packed in his large tote and he was moving towards the door. For once having shaved and showered he actually found himself blushing at a received a whistle from Echo as he moved back into the dining room. Smiling at everyone he moved to the door.

(OOC: Ok just a small co-op to let everyone know Mischief is still in the game, and she will not be going with Charlie, she has told me over the phone)

Posted on 2020-08-26 at 04:26:29.
Edited on 2020-08-26 at 12:28:35 by Bromern Sal

Keeper of Dragons
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"So Charlie, you are off to your meeting and Casino is off to his meeting.  How about the rest of us take a trip over to the area around the corp compound and do a bit of looking around?  Maybe get lucky and ID a way in.  If nothing else it gives us a chance to see the ground first hand."

Posted on 2020-08-29 at 05:17:28.

Karma: 7/0
287 Posts

"Excellent idea!... take the group or whomever is willing and scout it out with the van, I still have my car or taxi, so I'll be fine. just

be careful and wary. Security might.... record the van's ID signal if you get close". Charile looks worried " You could....*ahem* borrow a random car and make a few passes and might see where these wage slave hangout in town and maybe chat a cute one up Mr Handsome. charlie smiles his signature smile. 

" If you do get a good look at an id, call me.... I'll tell you if I can get my friend to help us maybe copy one of those old ID and make a new one or two"... 

charlie smiles again


Posted on 2020-08-29 at 21:59:38.

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Overhearing Ghlahn’s idea to take what was left the team in the apartment, herself and Fixer, to the Temecula Heights, Echo realized that would leave Charlie to go alone to this meeting with these mystry people as he had not, as far as the nomad could remember, told anyone on the team who they were. With two new members to be picked up on the way to the Temecula Heights that would leave four team on site.

Charlie you need back-up at this meet of yours?”

Posted on 2020-08-29 at 23:24:22.

Karma: 7/0
287 Posts

“Charlie you need back-up at this meet of yours?”

"Feel like driving?" Charlie answers with a smile. with aNomad at the vehicle of any vehicle that Charile would be in good hands, beside... if the majority came along with him, he could get everyone back as a group, then they could all help figure out HOW to get Vegas out of that compound. Time was ticking... and not on Charile's side either. 

Charile smiled after his comment. "Yeah.. the more the merrier, besides we can all gather back as a group once Casino's and my meeting are done. Hopefully one of us will be able to gain either a ally or something beneficial to the table". 


Posted on 2020-08-30 at 00:17:28.

Keeper of Dragons
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Karma: 59/18
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  Ghalan packed is sniper rifle into its carry bag and holstered his pistols before pulling on a long coat.  "I'm gonna take a look at that compound.  Not a close look as I don't want to have them recognise me as I am pretty sure they haven't forgotten but from an overlook so I can get an idea of who comes and goes by what gate at what time.  Maybe ID a supply or services vehicle we can hijack and use to get in.  I'll keep in touch by agent and let you know if I find anything or need assistance."  

Posted on 2020-09-01 at 14:23:06.

Nomad D2
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on site

Fixer heard Ghalan say he was going to the compound and spoke up.

"Unless Charlie wants some accompaniment for the meeting, Ghalan, I'd join you if your up for it.  The best thing I can do is to get a look at the security.  As you said, nothing too close, but as least I can give it a try."  He looked at the rest of the group as he grabbed his stuff to go.  "Could someone let the two new runners know we are coming.  It would make sense to meet up with them."

Posted on 2020-09-01 at 21:14:15.


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