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Topic: Realms of Twilight - A Journey Begins / Q&A
Subject: Spells

Ok, I haven't spent a lot of time with clerical spells - so a quick question. Given that Heironymus is climbing a cliff (my impression was that it wasn't easy, but also wasn't terribly hard either - just a long climb, it seems a bit doubtful that the cleric could cast a spell while climbing? Is it possible?

The spell I am thinking of is "obscuring mist" - it might make climbing a touch harder - but we could still see the cliff in front of us, but the birds or whatever they are could not see us to attack. At least not until we climb to the ledge where their nest is located. (a guess) I won't do it yet, but I am curious about the answer. I am also assuming a mist would not make climbing any harder given the recent weather.

Do we have an idea of size for these things?

Posted on 2011-04-06 at 00:52:13.

Topic: Weird War II
Subject: Time to clean up

"McGuinness, you and Brutal move those Germans from the road and out of sight."

Corban nodded and got to work. It needed to be done. While doing so he kept a close eye out in case anything seemed to be coming from the castle or the town. He usually left the bodies where they dropped, but sometimes that was dangerous. So he carefully searched the two bodies for anything valuable and began hauling them to the bridge. Before dumping the first body over he tried to get a look at where the water would take the remains. He'd hate to be sending the wrong people a message wrapped in a corpse. He made sure that no blood or any other sign was left on the bridge or elsewhere to indicate what had happened to the missing men.

Before hauling the second body to the bridge he stopped briefly to speak with Doc as he worked on Sarge. "I'm glad your here Doc. We have a couple of more uniforms here, do you want to get out of the Red Cross outfit?"

(If Doc doesn't want the uniform) he will continue to haul it towards the bridge where Brutal intercepts him and relieves him of the burden. He appreciated the compliment on his shooting, but couldn't get past the incredible arrogance of the man. The guy was good to have in a pinch, but from the point of view of a guy used to working quitely and secretly, he was a bit like a bull in a china shop. His only response to Brutal was a silent nod.

Moving past Brutal, McGuiness took up a position sheltered by the guardhouse where he could watch the road in both directions. With the others focusing on the Sarge, the car or the radio, standing guard seemed to be his task. And it was something he was good at. He used his scope to try and spot any action towards the castle. (Can he actually see the castle?)

Moving towards the guard house also allowed him to drop a small playing card in the area of the guardhe had shot. It fell into some bushes a bit and he didn't bother to pull it out. He'd leave his calling card, but it wouldn't bother him any if nobody saw it until he was a long ways away.

Corban leaned back into the shelter of the building and watched.

Posted on 2011-03-30 at 02:29:43.

Topic: Realms of Twilight - A Journey Begins
Subject: How to become a puppet in 3 easy steps

"How did I end up here? Honestly, I wish I knew." Heironymus looked around at the others in the group. He had no reason to hide anything from them.

"I am not from around here. In fact, I know little of the area - Vorlance gave me abookwith some basic local information in it because I know so little about the place I have found myself in," he added,holding up the little book.

"I just disappeared from my part of this world and reappeared here. I needed work, so after looking around for a while trying to figure out where I was, I hired on with a merchant as a gaurd. We were ambushed. It was some form of an inside job, although I am not sure how. The merchant daughter was captured by our attackers, although she went willingly. Two of us went to search for her and attempt a rescue. We failed, but did bring the father a sealed message from the kidnapper, who seemed to desire war between two local nations - the war you heard Vorlance comment on as a distraction."

"We were imprisoned on the claim that we were a part of the conspiracy. What game was being played, I do not know. Perhaps in the minds of those who wanted war we simply knew too much? Who knows. Gronz helped us to escape." With a nod to the half-orc he added, "which I still appreciate."

"And now I find myself here. I know little of why I am here, only that I keep getting buffeted from one situation beyond my control to another. And how do you find yourself in our group?"

Posted on 2011-03-28 at 11:54:27.

Topic: Weird War II Q n A
Subject: Where o' where to hide the bodies?

Two quick questions:
1. Does it look like there is room under the bridge (I think I am remembering a small bridge)for the bodies?
2. The guardhouse seems like a bad place for bodies. How far back is the village if we wanted to hide the bodies in an abandoned building?

Posted on 2011-03-28 at 11:43:31.

Topic: Weird War II Q n A
Subject: Looks good

All four guards down and no more wounds, I don't think you will hear any complaints!

And I like to hear the sound of a roaring waterfall - such a thing might easily cover the subtle sounds of gunfire from anyone who might be listening.

Posted on 2011-03-26 at 20:06:47.

Topic: Weird War II Q n A
Subject: Map or no map

A map may not be necessary, just a basic description of what side of the care things are on. Things being buildings and various people.

Posted on 2011-03-24 at 01:10:56.

Topic: Weird War II Q n A
Subject: Missed again?!

Hey! Corban didn't miss the first time! And he has no intention of missing the second time!

Posted on 2011-03-23 at 18:39:25.

Topic: Realms of Twilight - A Journey Begins
Subject: Marching through the woods

Heironymus was willing to take a lead postion if that was what the others wanted. He wasn't really a weaponsmith, but he did have better armor than the others, for whatever that was worth. But he wasn't sure about marching in a T formation through a forest.

As they marched he attempted to ignore the details of the trip. There wasn't much to think about anyway. At this point they simply needed to put some miles behind them and see what they found. He did attempt to seek out the other book worm in the group to see what information could be gleaned from the book. He was so new to this world, he doubted if most of it would make much sense to him. He didn't try to share the book for now, as his companion seemed engrossed and anxious to read, but he did ask to be allowed to see the book whenever he had finished with it.

Information was one form of power, but it was a form they were very short on at the moment. Come to that, they were a bit short on all forms of power at the moment. Best not think about that right now. Keep marching.

Posted on 2011-03-22 at 02:34:48.

Topic: Weird War II
Subject: Covering Brutal

As the guard fell to the ground, Corban felt a touch of satisfaction at a job well done. But he also hoped that his fellows had done their job as well.

At a glance he sized up the action - two down and two to go. The Bigmouth had headed around the building to get the missing guard. Corban took it as his job to cover him. He lined up his sights on the corner of the building where the guard had sought cover, prepared to shoot as soon as he had a target that was clearly not one of his allies. As the guard was shooting at the car, he had his target and fired off a couple of shots. Take that Brutal he thought, you'll just find a corpse when you circle the building. As he lined up his shot he backed slowly around the car (if needed,unless the car is already providing cover, in which case he simply goes down on one knee to leave less of himself exposed, but to still allow a good target) for a little cover.

Posted on 2011-03-22 at 02:27:56.

Topic: Weird War II Q n A
Subject: Positions?

Sorry about the delay. I posted some questions above requesting information on the positions. I was waiting for a response before I post. Guess I'll post now.

Posted on 2011-03-22 at 02:20:00.

Topic: Weird War II Q n A
Subject: Position clarification

Ok, the sniper needs some clarification. He is standing next to the car - on which side? The prone guard is on the right side of the car - the same side as Corban or the opposite? The guardhouse - it would be off to the side of the road I assume. Is it on the same side of the road as Corban or the opposite? (In other words, would the car provide some cover from the guardhouse, or will Corban have to circle around the vehicle to get cover from the guardhouse. Same question about the prone guard.)

Posted on 2011-03-14 at 23:34:03.

Topic: Realms of Twilight - A Journey Begins / Q&A
Subject: And so the group is ready to go.

Ok, for clarification - who exactly is in this group at this point? I'm honestly not quite sure how many people we picked up. 4 in the jail. Plus Gronz. Plus the lady whose name I can't remember at the moment. 6 total? What do we (Or Heironymus) know about them?

Heironymus is more than willing to share info with others. He was very irritated with Vorlance (and still is) but that is not his normal personality.

We also need a marching order, and I really don't know enough about everyone in the group to make a suggestion.

Posted on 2011-03-14 at 23:28:38.

Topic: Weird War II Q n A
Subject: Cover and ageneral question

If the sniper can pull his rifle up and fire without having to step out of the car, he would do so and take advantage of the partial cover.

Also, What is usual timing of postings for this game? People are posting so I am not complaining, but I have had quite a few games disappear on me in my time at the Inn so I get nervous. I don't see any reason to be nervous here, but knowing that "every week or so" or something like that was typical would let me know what to expect.

FYI - beginning Thursday afternoon I probably won't have computer access until Monday evening. If it mattered within that time frame, Corban would shoot at the guy runnng away, then turn on which ever of the remaining guards was still standing.

Posted on 2011-03-10 at 02:01:48.

Topic: Realms of Twilight - A Journey Begins
Subject: And they are off

***It had been previously noted that Heironymus would ask for any materials that were available. he is asking again here in case that was missed. If there was simply nothing else to offer, and he would have had a response - ignore that part of the conversation.***

Every time their host opened his mouth he dropped further in Hieronymus' opinion. The latest foolishness was to offer only slightly veiled insults when the cleric had started to ask questions. Heironymus had assumed that once they had decided to join this mysterious adventure that the next step would be to sit down and discuss options. If Vorlance truly did not know the best way to approach the cult that was fine (Although it was a bit strange that he would have nothing to say on the matter - he seemed to be an expert at saying nothing.) - but to rudly suggest that it was up to them to figure it out was less than unhelpful. Would not such questions be natural at the planning stage of any expedition? But no, questions were apparently not allowed.

At this point it appeared that their host and employer was either manipulating them for some reason beyond his stated purposes, or he simply had no skill at organization and management. Money and power did not mean a person had the skills to get the most out of people and situations. And Vorlance certainly was offering nothing.

The cleric desired to simply ignore their host, but regardless of however foolishly Vorlance might react to them, some questions needed to be asked. "You mentioned some reading material? I would appreciate the chance to read anything you think might be of assistance."

Heironymus will gladly accept whatever is offered. (Are these books meant to be read here or taken with?) Once the group is alone he notes that "Once whatever material we have to read here has been consumed, we might as well hit the road."

Posted on 2011-03-07 at 03:36:42.

Topic: Weird War II
Subject: A sniper'sjob is the distance shot.

(I'm assuming to get a shot with a rifle requires stepping out of the car. If not, Corban would take the fastest two shots he can get on the fleeing guard, hoping his comrades can do their bit on the close ones.)

"Amerikaners! Amerikaners!"

And with that quick shout all hell broke lose, as was typical in combat. Corban had been keeping his eyes on the guards and picking his target before anything happened, so he already knew that as the best shot it would be his duty to take down the fleeing guard.

Before the guard had finished the first verse of "Amerikaners!" the private was stepping out of the car and pulling his rifle up to site on the fleeing guard. With practiced ease he pulled the trigger . . .

Posted on 2011-03-03 at 02:27:59.

Topic: Realms of Twilight - A Journey Begins
Subject: Cults and the actions to take in their presence.

"Well, tthe academics can define the word 'cult' however they wish, but when most people use the word they do not mean positive things. Probably that is because these groups are, by definition even, not their church. Still, it doesn't require an organized faith to make the label bad - it is the word most people use for a faith they view in a negative light."

"But I think we are wasting time with the meaning of the word - I don't think that is really an issue for any of us. For however we label them, our goal is apparently to get information from these groups. Since we obviously lack much information at this point, do you have any suggestions how this is to be done?"

Posted on 2011-03-02 at 04:23:33.

Topic: Weird War II Q n A
Subject: Not?

I'll assume for the moment that the last post was supposed to say "would NOT." Assuming then that the rifle is in his hands or right there he will make use of the sniper rifle. I am assuming that he will aim at the fleeing guard. Speak up folks if you want a different plan!

Posted on 2011-03-02 at 01:40:04.

Topic: Realms of Twilight - A Journey Begins
Subject: Begrudgingly agreeing to something

"It is true, there is little that you could do to earn our complete trust. And yet, there are many things that could be offered that might at least give us a reason to lean one way or the other." After a moments pause, the cleric continued, "But even so, I will join and see if you prove worthy of our trust."

After the mans's speech about the quest for the cult Heironymus will again sit back and let others ask questions first if they have any. At some point if the conversation lags he will ask about the cult.

"The word 'cult' carries a lot of negative weight. What do we know about these worshippers of the Twilight Dragon? My question stems from the variable nature of the Dragon itself - if the dragon is such a chaotic creature, yet also lawful at the same time, what does that say about it's servants? Do you have in mind that we go to this cult and politely ask questions? Or are we to go in and let the blood flow? Shedding blood is never my first choice, and only acceptable against certain foes under certain circumstances. From your description, the worshippers of this beast seem at least as likely to be good as evil. Who or what are they?"

**At some point he will ask about further sources of information. I assume at this point the various books will be made available to them. Heironymus will certainly read anything given to him - taking time to look closely at the author of each piece.

Posted on 2011-03-02 at 01:36:46.

Topic: Realms of Twilight - A Journey Begins / Q&A
Subject: On trust, information and fervor.

#$$$%%^%!!!! Computers!!! I just typed a lengthy note, and it disappeared on me. Sorry for the editorial, but it was rather annoying.

Anyway, that was much more fervor than Heironymus showed at lunch. When I am roleplaying him I really don’t see him as mistrustful at all. If this were real life with a complete and total lack of any evidence and a complete and total lack of any information about what was being asked of them – there is no chance that I would go. Given that, asking a second time doesn’t seem odd. Because honestly, I would walk away. It isn’t mistrustful – there is nothing here to trust or not trust.

As for lunch, the cleric was waiting until the very end of lunch to speak. He wanted to be the last to speak. He did have a bit of fervor at breakfast and is now going to sit back and let others speak. Only at the end was he going to ask one last time – very calmly –for some hint of information upon which to base his decision. Presumably he will join anyway, despite his better judgement - because he feels he has no choice. Not because there is a world to save. He would save the world if he thought that were at issue, but how would he know?

Posted on 2011-02-28 at 03:21:28.
Edited on 2011-02-28 at 03:22:10 by Nomad D2

Topic: Weird War II Q n A
Subject: See, this is why you shoot from afar!

I was also thinking Corban might go for the fleeing guy. But I think an earlier post had him holding a pistol on the Doc. If not, he would certainly prefer his sniper rifle.

Posted on 2011-02-28 at 02:57:26.

Topic: Realms of Twilight - A Journey Begins
Subject: A cleric ponders his options

As the group reassembled for lunch, Heironymus was not much happier than he had been when he left breakfast. The situation he found himself in was ridiculous. He was expected to commit himself to a mission about which he knew almost nothing. He didn’t even have anything but the admittedly untrustworthy word of one man that there was even a problem. And yet, if he committed he would almost assuredly not be allowed to leave later once he had learned the plan. But if he refused and walked out now, he had been warned that there would be punishment if he talked to the wrong person – and he didn’t even know what would be the wrong thing to say or who might be the wrong people to say it to.

So the cleric felt trapped. He wanted to just walk away, but he doubted he would really be allowed to do so. So he as he sat down to eat he was fairly resigned to this new campaign, whatever it might be.

Did he think the world was truly in danger? Who knew? Possibly. Such things were actually pretty unlikely, but if history and myth were to be believed at all it was possible. But who really knew? For all he knew they were going to be used to overthrow a ruler somewhere.

So as he sat down to eat the cleric resolved to sit back and listen. He would hear if anyone else had anything to say. He would enjoy the good food. But he would simply listen. In the end if a decision was demanded he assumed he would probably agree, not because he believed in this mission, but because he felt he had little choice. But before doing so, he would some very basic questions: “Can you give us any reason to believe you? Is there any shred of evidence that this tale of global destruction is true? I’m not asking for all of your secret plans, but simply a reason, any reason, to believe any of this.”

Presumably, whatever the answer, he would feel compelled to answer. But he remained in a foul mood.

**I will be away from a computer until Sunday night, so no further posts are likely until then.

Posted on 2011-02-24 at 21:54:34.

Topic: Weird War II Q n A
Subject: Post up

Ok, the kid is now up to date with his posts. He needs others to lead the action at this point.

And of course we can trust our Doc . . . but mcGuiness still doesn't want to get shot, no matter who the medic is!

And a question - as we head INTO Castle Rautenberg - anyone else notice that the title of the game is "ESCAPE FROM Castle Rautenberg?" We seem to be going the wrong direction! Perhaps a bit of foreshadowing?

Posted on 2011-02-20 at 03:51:20.

Topic: Weird War II
Subject: From the eagles nest to right in the thick of it.

As the car rapidly approached the Nazi checkpoint, young Corban McGuiness couldn't help but notice that this was not the sniper way. He would have preferred to hang out in one of the buildings in the town and pick these fool guards off one-by-one. But Pop had always said that in the marines, sometimes you had to fly by the seat of your pants. Or drive by them. Something like that. At any rate it was too late to worry about other options.

The seargant told him to hold his gun on the "captive" Doc. What, he didn't know the plan?

But he did as asked and prepared to give the guards his best steely gaze. As they approached he noted where each of the four guards were stationing themselves. He also kept an eye on the guard house in case any additional enemies revealed themselves. Always know your enemy if you can, he thought.

As he sized up the enemy he waited for events to play themselves out. He was just along for the ride until the shooting started. IF the shooting started, he reminded himself.

Posted on 2011-02-20 at 03:48:11.

Topic: Realms of Twilight - A Journey Begins
Subject: Ethics, books and a wait

The other members of the group spoke in their turn. It seemed likely that most would sign up for this mystery mission. The cleric admitted to himself he probably would as well, but more because he felt he was being given little choice than out of any real sense that it was the right thing to do. At this point he had no evidence that his host was the "good guy."

"If our host is to be believed, it would seem that this Twilight Dragon will be an ethical wildcard. I am more curious about the alignment of those trying to release this beast - and of those whould have us stop this plan. Destroying the world is a motivation that works well in old tales, but few would actually wish to do it. Even those who are evil would not wish to destroy everything, for what then would they rule? No, while the beast may be a wildcard who could destroy the world, those who would release him have a goal for this world. They must think they can control it."

"And all of that assumes there was some truth in what our dear host has said. But as his words are what we have to go on, I believe Quarlin has the correct idea. We need information. I would wish it to be information free of our host, but as all we have to draw on at the moment is his own library, I guess we should make due with that we have."

Feeling as though he had made more than enough speeches for the day, the cleric grabbed a piece of fruit and headed for the door. "I think I shall also head to the library and see if there is anything of use to be learned."

(As stated, Heironymus will head to the library. In particular he will be looking for ancient stories that might link to the tale told by their host. He will also keep his eye out for some link between the stuff he read the previous night and any stories about this new/old threat.)

Posted on 2011-02-20 at 03:33:46.

Topic: Weird War II Q n A
Subject: Backpost was easy

Well, the backpost was easy. Mix a little honorable son in with sniper mentality and there you go. I'll get something up for the current situation soon. I was hoping to wait for another post or two to have something to play off of as I ease into the game.

And thanks for the welcome everyone.

Odyson - it does stink that it looks like the Crusader game is dead. Hopefully Nazi's can take the place of orcs. Kind of similar anyway, arent't they?

Posted on 2011-02-19 at 21:52:30.


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